Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Wheat Market it Weak and Small
Demand for New or Old Sends
Price Down 7 Centi.
OMAHA. All. 5. ISIS.
Tiie liHt market showed considerable
VfiknrM today mid declined 7c. The re
ceipts of thin cereal were light and there
flM not Mm to be muoh rail for either
the new or the old variety.
font receipts wore fair and there. wi
a Trottjr good demand for the yellow and
mltrd grades. The demand for white
com Improved a little and there were
number of cara sold. The corn market
fold e lower to c higher.
Osts remained firm with llarrit receipts
and i prettv fair demand. They were
quoted lc higher
Clearances were: Wheat and flour
equal to IS.OnO bu.; corn, 11.000 bu.: oata,
l.A bu.
Liverpool cloaed with coot wheat un
changed to 1 VI higher and com un
changed to id higher.
Primary wheat receipt were 7. bu.
and ahlpmenta 73.wn hu., against receipts
of l.gjtl.ono bo. and ahlpmenta of 1,775,000
bu. laat year.
rYlmary corn- receipts were .ono bu.
and ahlpmenta 4M.0U0 bu., sgalnnt re
ceipt of Sfl.( bu, and ahlpmenta of
4Wmo bu. laat year.
Primary oata receipt were Kft.AOt bo.
and ahlpmenta 24000 bu., agalnat re
reipts of l.Kl.OfO bu. and shipments of
PH.IKO bu. laet year.
Wheat. Corn. Oata
Chicago 4J M S
Minneapolis !'
Cniluth II
Omaha II : I
ftt. Louis 33 II
Winnipeg 44 ... ...
Theaa raah aale were reiorted today:
Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, 11.41; 1
car. new, II. 21. No. I hard winter: 1 car,
dark, 11.41; 1 car, ll.4: a cara, new, 11.15.
No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11. HO; 1 car, new,
$!.',. Mample: 1 car, Sic. Corn No. 1
white: 1 car, Vc; No. t white: i cara.
7Ktc: I rare, 7Jc. No. I white: i cars,
7ta. No. 3 yellow: 1 1-4 car, 77c; 1 bulk
head, 77c; t cara, 7Sc; J car, 7GS No.
yellow: 4 cara, itrtic; I car. 74c; 1
cara, T8c. No. 4) yellow: S cara, 76V: 1
car, muaty, 7ic. No. 2 mixed: I cara, 76o.
No. t mixed: 1 car, Ttc; 2 cara, 7c No.
mixed: 1 car. 7Sc; 1 car. 74Ve. Bample:
It cara, 72c; 1 car, 71c; 2 car:, 70?. Oata
Htandard: 11 cara, UV; No. 2 while:
car, iiSo. No. 4 while: 11 car, BlVc.
Omaha C'aah Prlcea Wheat: No. 2 tur
key, tl tV1.42; No. 3 turkey. ll.lS8t.41 ;
No. 2 hard. l.a04j 1.41 ; No. 3 hard, 7.1V(
I. 40; No. 4 hard, ll.ODOl.SO; No. 2 spring.
II. 401.46; No. 2 spring, tl.97Gl.41 Corn:
No. I white. 7BI77Mc: No. I white, 744-9
7; No. 4 white, T4Mfi4c; No. i white.
4'74Lc; No. white, 7374'o; No. t
yellow, 7W77c; No. 2 yellow, WliWkc;,
No, 4 yellow, 76h7(4c; No. I yellow,
74r76o: No. yellow, 76j7&He; No. 4
mixed, K4i76yc; No. I mixed, J4fj7lttc;
No. 4 mixed, 74tt7fic; No. t mixed, 74v4J
No. 4 mixed, m74Ho; aample, mixed,
.Hi7tc. Oata: Standard, eHi&fclc; No. I
while, UrU6lHc; No. 4 white, WKfitUo.
Barley: aiHlilug, Otv&c; No. 1 toed, cwJ
Ilye: No. 2. fcl3c; No. 2, 91IUVJO.
Fralares of the Traalag mm Clewtaa?
Prlcea Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8 Conditions that al
lowed threading to be resumed through
out Important aectioti. especially in Ne
braska, did a good deal today to pull
down the price of wheat. The market
cloaed unsettled. fcUo to 1 under
Isst night. Other leading ataplee, too, alt
offered a net decline corn iUe to o,
oata Ho to ll'c and provisions ZStff 17too.
Better weather had taken the edge off
Die bullish sentiment In wheat long; be
fore trading begun. Clearing aklea over
the entire belt brought a ruah of aelllng
order to nearly uverv firm on 'change.
Not only waa there greatly Improved ao.
tlvlty reported a to threshing and hip
ping the winter crop, but the outlook In
the apring wheat atatea waa preeented In
a much more successful aplrlt than was
O.e caae on the pravloua day. At the
aame time, however, the uncertainty ex
pressed aa to black ruat waa aufriclnnt
to make traders cautious about pressing
the bear aid on extrema break.
Signs of aomewhat enlarged export buy
ing brought about a rally In tha wheat
market after midday, but tba affect failed
to laat.
Corn went lower with wheat. Tha cool
temperature prevailing, though, acted aa
ti check on the bears.
In the oata crowd, country offering!
were mora plentiful. Value tended down
ward almost from the atart.
lllg receipt of hog sent provision
downgrade. Many atop-loaa orders were
brought into play, Support from parkers
Inter caused only an Incomplete rally.
'losing prices on option:
Artlilel Open. I HtKh.l Low. Cloae. ITes'r.
1 I 1
' Corn
v. lPt
. Oct..
. 1.4. rd
.. Bept f C IB
Oct-.l I M)
K ha
v.. e.t.
, 42', f
12 B I
U 40
;. I
.. l
II 60
1 07'.
13 10
U 30
7 75
42 Vt
13 W 13 M
13 47 13
tj lf',if
a no I to
1 K
I ft!.a
t 00
Olcaao Cah Prksea Wheat: No. 2 red,
. 14.144(11. Hi No. 3 hard, 1.21(r1.24. Corn:
.'. 2 yellow, MHfciyo; othera nominal,
oats: No. a whltv, old, blitb2-: new, Ui
'-c; standard, old, 3c. Bye' No. 3 nim
- naJ: No. 1 tl.Olfrl 02. Barley: 7Hl"'A-.
r-eda: Timothy, te.6msi7.00; clover, ''
Kt Pork: til Lrd : 37.67H. Klbs:
' .7.
BCTTER Ixwer; creamery, tOCTStc.
KOO." Higher; receipt. 4H40 cae; at
tuark, case Included. lMUc; ordinary
. flrata, ir.9l4r; (Irsta. 1717Wc
POCLTHY Allvs. lower; fowls, 1SH;
', springs. 1H17c.
I POTATOK8 Higher; receipt. IS rare;
Virginia anJ Jeraey bulk. 4sr5rtc: Vlr
, xlnia Cobbivta. barreled, tl.t0tjl.60.
per lb.; roasted'. Ic per lb.: Jumbo, raw.
c per lb ; roaated, to per id.
,aeatleas of the Iay mm Varloas
NEW TORK. Aug. S.-FLOCR-fHeady,
but quirt.
WHKAT Spot, unnettlcd; No. red.
11.22, c. I. f., New Vork; No. 2 hard,
tl.2H, c. I. f.. New Tork to arrive; No. 1
northern. Imluth. $1.14. and No. 1 north
ern. Wanltoha, tl 12. c. I. f., Kuffalo. Ku
turv. ealr; fVpipmlx-r, tl.171.
tXJlt N 8 pot, steady; No.. 2 yellow, 90c,
like and rail, Anguet 20 ahlpmenta.
OATH Sin tt nlli: Ntanrfarft Ml-JftW.c-
No. 2 whltf, MitfHci fancy clipped,'
white, 7H1Hc.
HAT Wulet; No. 2. tl.30&1.3i; No. I,
$l.:; Khipplng. II. 164i1. 20.
HOPS Btcadv; atate, common to
choice, !!14, Wil4c; i'aclfic Ceaat. 114,
12ii.V; litis, aftllc.
HUK8-8teady; Bogota. 30&31c; Central
America. 23c.
I.KAT1IKK Firm; Hemlock first. 32c;
Seconds, 30r
PROVISIONS Pork, eaay; mesa, tM.M
4T17 00; family, t20.KMf22.OO; short clear,
119 ooweo w. lieef, steady; mess, tm.nrai
llt.V; family, tl5O'i0.j0. I-ard, eay;
middle west, 7.:n nr..
TAI.IXJW Dull: city. 5Uc: country.
BtrHc; epecinl, 4c.
Bl.TTKK Hat el y steady; receipts. 6,3:6
tub; creamery extra. I'liifiCOiic: firsts.
23'i26c; seconds, 12Hq2.1c.
KOOS Irregular: iec-ipt. 11.942 case;
freah gathered extra-a. Kltjiuc; extra flrata,
2K0"Jc; first. l'uSOc: second", lvfjl7c.
CHKEBI'-8teady; lecelpt. 8T boxes;
atate whole milk freh, flata and twins,
colored special, tt'.'a 14V4c: white. 13V(J
14c; white and colored average fancy, jui K
"' . . ... i July n
tUi ll It Alive, rirm weaicrn rnn-
ens, broilers, lDc; fowl, lie; turkeya, !!'(
12c. Ireert, quiet; wearern iroxen roai-
Ing chickens, )Wf(i2c; froh fowl, Iced,
13'jl7Vtc; fresh turkeys, Iced, lixaiec.
Cattle Actire and Steady to a Little
Higher Sheep and Lambi
About Steady.
OMAHA. Aug. i. 1!1B.
Receipt were: Cattle. Hog. Bheep.
Official Monday 4.0X3 2.4.12 17, 1
Official Tuesday t.h 7.0AO 11.2.1
Official Wednesday... 3.K.7 10.M .!Hl
ftimate Thursday ... 2.3UO 7,800 2.000
Pour days this week.LI.WtK .U 4 403
Fame days lsst week..l0.B 4.1. Ml JO.aM
Kame dsys 2 wks. Si.lW
Hame days 2 wks. ago. 12.0X1 17.1W 41, M
8 me days 4 wks. ago. t.llt 24.4X1 34 HU
Hame daye last year. .10,249 .11 63.3
The follnwln tahlj, ahnwa the recemt
of cattle, hoga and eheep at the Houlh
Omaha live atock market for the year
to date aa compared with laat year:
l15. 114. Inc. Dac.
fettle R7S,4dl 4M.632 m2 ....
Hoga 1,M9,41 1.671,14 30V.223 ....
Sheep 1,308,274 l,308,4a ,li3
The followinw tahle show the average
Price for hog at the Mouth Omaha live
ato k market for the last few daya, with
ote. lttiijim iion.iiti? 'iii.Iioio.ii!.
July 21
July 22.
July 23
July 24.
Kaaaaa City Oral a aad Prorlaloaa.
I hard. 11.20-013; No. 2 red. t!.19H.2o;
September. tl4:. Ieremher, 1 ('A.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 7WJ7tiVtc; No. z
white, 77tT;i4c; 8cptemlcr, 72At'8!Hc;
lecember. 61 c. .
OATS-No. 2 white. Kic; No. 2 mixed.
Bl'TTKR Creamery. 27c: firsts, 3M;
aecnnd, Ztc; packing, 1c.
KH1B Firsts, lHc; erconds, lZVfcc.
IoUL,TRY Hens. HV4c; rwsters. c:
broilers, 17419c.
Mlaweapolla flrala Market.
Reutember, tlOWS; lecemher, tl.06; No.
1 hard, $151: No. I northern, S1.41H4f
F1)TTR 1 nlianed.
CORN No. 8 vellow, 77me.
OATB-No. 3 white, 6H&2c.
BUTTER No U Mb. cartons. 26c; No.
1 fcOlh. tuba, 23c.
CHKKPB Imported 8wlss. 3ic; Amer
ican fcwla, 2ic; blo- k 8wiaa, Uc; twins,
Itc; da lair a. lie: trtplcta, lc; Young
America. 1H; blue lnlarl brick. ItiWc;
llmburgar. 31b. 20c; New York white,
IV V, imported French RjMUefurt. 4c.
FlrH-Trout. 16c; white 11c; hali
but. 13c; channel catfiah. 15c: hwrrlna. 7c;
dflli, lout 1 2c; tnackeiel. Uc; aalmon,
VFrTr POTATOES Kan. t2.7 bbl.
liKKF CfT-No. 1 rib, litc; No. 1
l'Ac; No. 3, 17Sc. No. 1 loln. 23S4c: No.
', 3 30c; No. 3. 1M. No. 1 chuck. 12c;
' No. 1'HWc; No. 3, 10',c. No. 1 round.
17c; No. I. 1c: No. 3, 14e. No. 1 platea,
!c; No. 2. "4c; No. 1 e.
Fruit and vegrtahie irl e fumlahed by
"I'llnskl Fruit rvmpany:
FHl'ITB Orana-s. California Valen-
lss. IOijs. la. 324s and 3nus. M.uO pr
Ih.x; Imv, l.oe. 0a, 2ia and 20. t'.o0
ir box. Lemon, extra fancy Golden
,l!uwl, SuOa and ". K 60 per box; extra
incy 8unkit. 3uua and KxM. t-Vue er box;
H' d Ball. 64.61) per box. Peache. Cali
fornia Crawford. 7jc per box; Kltwrtaa,
4-liket cratea, COc per box; 4 basket
r rates. 60-crle lot, 67c; bushel, l '6.
..Vbushel lots, tl H. Plums, tiurbanka,
tl.00 per erate; Wixons and Kelsey, II. at
' -r crate; large blue, tl 40 per crate
l.ox Wlxona, 11.24 per box. Peara. Call
fornla Bartletta, 1100 per box; Waahlng
ton Hsrtietis, fancy, tl.76 per box. Black
l.erries. 24-plnt rases, t: 00 per case.
linnas. medium trult. tiUmlJS par
l.unoh; fruit, Chaugulnala and
port Union, 4o per lb. Cantaloupe,
ponies, 64a, 1226 per crate; Maopa. Na
vaoa atandarda. 1100 per erate, Water-
inHions, i par to.
V r.L. iCTA BL.1--S C abbage. home-arowii
and aouthern. ISo per lb. Lettuce, head,
i u per doa,; leaf, 0o per do. Onioaa,
Waslnogton. 3Vc per 10. Cucumbers,
li ra per basket. Beans, wag and green,
i.n per baeltet. Peaa, green, too per
lskel. fceeta. carrots and turnips, new,
4uo per bmaket, Kadishei. ixki par dua
ivrirs, U- per basket. Tomatoea tl 76
l-r Ihji. Ccleiy, ic per dos. Paraley,
ptr doa. Potatoes, new, 70c per bu.
-,... p..toa, ti jj (.er hamper.
M'iUJNKors-N'o. i aalnuts lc
per it, bras.l. li'c per lb. Almonds,
i-r tb tsllerts, Uc per lb. Pcbjul
' lb t'tarkerjack. t-1 60 per ce;
t um, tl.76. Cornpups, U.A urcuc;
l .1 cm. i 5. pnul,; Kg, i ra
g. I.oals firala Market.
FT. IXl'I. Aug. . WHKAT No. 2
red. tl.164fil.ia;; No. 2 herd, nominal; fep
tember. tl-OGViJ'l.O'lH: iHK-ambar, tl.07.
CORN No. 3. Wfli04c: No. 2 white.
7'4'ifoo; Beptember, 74'Ao; December, tli
oats Nominal.
I.lveraeel Oral a Market.
No. I Manitoba, 11 td; No. 3. 11a 6d:
No. 1 northern Duluthj 11a 6d; No. 2 hard
winter, lis 7d.
CORN Boot. American mixed, new.
U Id.
Drr Oeods Market.
Cotton goods quiet; yarns, dull; raw silk,
active and higher; wool rooms in Deuer
demand; drea good Improving. "
Cattle Steady Hoce Weak- ikeep
CIIICAOO, Aug. 6.-CATTl.Ti-Recelpts.
4.000 head; market steady; native iwef
cattle. t.l&tpl0.25; western steers, tO.76
3.26: cows and heifers, 23.10fr.26; calves,
HOUS Receipts, 29.000 head; market
weak, mostly 16ti30o lower; bulk, ft.wt
7.10; lights, te V7.6: mixed, V.T&&liA
heavy. tO.luOT.06; rough, 16.10iO.26; plga.
BllKiiP AND IAMB8-necelp(s. 11.000
head; market firm; sheep, l6.10V7.00;
lambs. 27 OOifO.40.
t. L.oaia 3.ITO Steele Market.
Recelptax t.fiiio head; market steady; na
tive beef steers, 27.fioi 10.16; yearlings
steers and heifer. tJi.&Mi lO.tiO; cow. tH.'.(
t.00; stokers and feeders, M 0(i8.2f:
southern steers, t.2ffr.!l6; cows and
heifers, t.KNU-60; nstlve calves, Iti.OCKui
HOOK Receipts. (.000 head: market
lower; plKs and lights, S7.1i7.!: mixed
and butchers. Il.3b4t'i.6: good heavy, tu.76
HHKKt' A IN U liAHHB-ltacflPH, O.W
head; market, higher: In nibs, 4.s.XKj..7i;
sheep and awes. tA.oofn.26.
Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 6. CATT7.E-R?-ceipts,
2,600 head: market, strong' prime
feci steers, fi 10.00; dressed beef Hteera,
3800r.S0; western steers, t7.0i.60;
stockers and feeders, 36 IT4i.25; bulls,
t6.3Vti76; calves. OOfflO.60.
HtKJS Receipts. 6,7ia) hesd; market,
Sower; bulk of saleav 3fi.76iri7.40; heavy.
'1.7W(17.00; packera and butdiere, 37.00i
.40: llKht, t7.1ot7.43: plga. W&oOO.
HH fclftP AND IMUH Recelota. 1.700
head; market, stesdy; lambs, Jsiiv
yearling. M.fAiiJ.DO; wethers, 6 2S7.00:
ewes, Ii20.76.
Sloax City l.lve Stock Market.
RIOtTX CITY, la.. Aug. 8.-OATTI.E
Receipts, 700 head; market steady; native
steer. t7.0orrf.2n; atockera and feedera.
36.007.15: bull, atag. etc.. t4.7MM.O0.
1UKV8 Receipt. t.onO head; market Mf
10c lower; heavy, I6.364i7.00: mixed, KliVifi
4 35; light, .).Wni.l0; bulk of aalea, .0Jri(
BHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipt. 1,300
neaa; market ateady; ewes, t4.ootn.2&;
lambs. tO.60Q8.00.
St. Joseph Live Slock Market.
celpts. l.iai) head; market steady to
strong: steers, t70O$t.M: rows and heif
ers. t4 2f4i9.36; calvva, KOOiU'10.26.
IIOGa llecelpta. 7 OuO head: market
lower; top, 17.36; bulk, t6.4rKu1.30.
head; market alow; lambs, in 004rS.85,
Morns 4k Co am gn
Bwlft A Co 4.H 1 MI
C'uclahy Packing Co.... 4K 3,077
Armour A Co 04 l.sl3
Hchwarts A Co LfJ
Lincoln Packing Co.... 28 ....
B. O. Packlna Co 12
. udahy, irom country
w. is. vansant Co.... 4 ....
Kenton, Vanaant A L.. 92 ....
V. B. Lewi ij ....
Huston A Co 16 ....
J. H. Root A Co 103 ....
J. 11. Bulla 3H
Kelloag us
Wertheimer A Iegen.. 23 ....
Bullivan Bros 2i ....
Wo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 7
lltKina W ....
Huifman 4 ....
Jin tl ....
Oiassbcrg i
Tanner Bros. Si ....
John Harvey ion ....
C'llne ,"
Other buyers 373 ....
Live Stock ta Slakt.
Recelnts of live stock at tha five nrln.
clpal wsstern marketa:
fame, tins Sheen.
Pouth Omaha...
fit. Louis
Kanaaa City....
Btoux City
. 1.910 7.H00
4.0K SS.OiiO
3.600 4,0"0
t.rxii 1 700
00 2,000
I 72U
July 27.1 64 t 5
1 71 1 I K71 371 t til 1 70
1 47 1 3 Ml 7 261 S tl 3 43 7 60
t 43i I Hi 7 24 t 3S 7 67
7 l
64i t 77l 7 W !
I 64 I 771 7 471 t Hi I 1
July 21
July 2).
July ;l
July 31.
Aug. l.
Aug. 3
Aug, 3.
Aug. 4.
Aug. S.
1 MU t 6.11 t 63!
i 2 s 67,
.Tfl I 60 I 66.
6 4i'. 41 t W
I 1 2 I 63
0 48
6 00 I 3 041
6 60T4I 7 6X1 1 4.1
t 4?A 7 701 I 23
7 67 46 1 7 7 1
7 66 t 66 I 11 T tf
7 67
7 73
7 74
7 tw
7 031
1 03
S Ml S 23 T 37
e to
7 11 7 27
7 0i 7 43
S 76! 7 i61 7 64
Ml 7 70 7 63
7 041 7 W 7 64
than two weeks ago, and 7,tl head short
of tha corresponding daya laat year.
Old aheep were In rather limited supply,
snd moat of them were cashed fairly
early In the mornlnv at fully stssdr fig
ure, native ewes brlnctng a high aa
36.36, with other on down to tfiO". The
few fat yearling here sold stronger, a
little over a de k of good handy weight
reaching 17.20, the best figure paid for
some time.
The lamb trade was very slow In get
ting started again this morning. Buyers
were willing to give nearly ateady price
right from the outaet, but a they put It,
"sellers were looking for thst dime they
lot yeterdy," snd It ws well slong In
the forenoon before the first salea were
finally made at about the aame prlcea as
I were paid yesterday, a small string of
lamha breaking the Ice by selling at tXto.
I When everything wss said and done, P.
waa, In most Instances, no mors than a
stesdy market on lambs, although one
j four-load airing that brought 10. looked
I m dim htehee Th.M lemhe wee tiettoe
than anything here yesterday, and the
heat on today'a market, but packers
claimed that they would under no con
sideration have brought over I. SO yester
day. Bulk of lamb offerings sold at
tM attain today, with (hlppera taking;
another two loada at M.S6, and the four
loada previously mentioned reaching 1 n,
the top for the day, and with the excep
tion of one load at 19.00 Tuesday, a
high aa haa been paid for something like
three weeks. Eight cars of lambs, about
half of which were fat enough for kill
era, aold to a feeder buyer at H.&O, with
400 head out. Thla can hardly be classed
as a feeder sale, aa killer buyers bid on
half of the consignment.
Quotation on aheep and lamb: Lamb,
good to choice, tH.6TKa8.90; lamba. fair to
good, ta.t0fra.60; lamb, feeder 7.404f 10;
yearlings, fair to choice. I6.00a7.30; weth
ere, fair to choice. t-V75fH.60; ewea, good
to choice, I6.00(g6.60; ewes, fair to good.
Representative sales:
Recelpta and dlapoeltlon of live stock
at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at o'clock
P. m. yeaterday:
Cattle. Hoga Sheep. Hfs.
C, M. A Bt P..
Missouri Paclflo .. 1
Union Pacino 26
a A N. W east... 4
C. A N. W., west.. 26
C, Bt. P., fit. A O. 4
C. B. A Q.. east... 3
C, B. A Q.. west.. 26
C., R. I. A P., east. 1
C, R. I. A P., west ..
Illinois Central
Chi., UC Western.. ..
iUBPOSmo.V-H hi AD.
CaOJ-e. Hoga. Bheep.
To1 X7W ,iOi 10.73
CATTLU Cattle receipts were moderate
for a Thursday, only ninety-seven cars
being reported In. ForLunntolv there was
a good active demand, so that practically
everything In aigbt had changed hands
at an early hour In tlio morning. The
prlcea palu were fully steady to a little
stronger on the mure desirable kinds.
Among the fat cattle was quit a string
of California, tha beat of them selling
up to t.5. There were no very choice
cornfeda In sight, but there were full
loads good enough to bring- 39.60, with a
few scattering head up to
Cows and hulfvrs were very araroa and
strong, so far as good killers wore con
cerned. Canners. which have been high
at thla point, compared with other mar
kets, have beun gradually eaalng off. Only
a few Blockers and foeders were on aale,
but they met with ready taktra at good
firm prlcea.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
yearlings, K 0U&9.86; fair to good year
lings. l7.7Wi9.OUi good to choleo heavy
beeves, t9.2urj4i.8d; fair to good com fed
beeves, IH.C&ruS.Si; common to fair corn
fed beeves, 7.a 86; good to choice fed
heifers. f7.OopN.30; srood to choice fed
cows. tfi.6t!7.:: good to choice grass
heifers. tH 60tf 7.00; good to choice grass
cows, KIiV.i4.75; fslr to good rows, 16.604
6.00; common to fair cows, J3.7fxtfe.60; good
to choice feeders, t7.60t).60; fair to good
feedera, ttl.60tj7.50; common to fair
stockers, fc.60iti.60: stork heifers, 36.7MJ
4.60; stock cows, t6.6O-nv4.00; stock calvea,
0 07. VI; veal calves, 7.0a 10.00; fat
bulls, stags, etc.. 16.2Mf7.2n.
Pr- N. At. Pt.
1 0 M USA St
I no im i it
10 H 13U 9 It
tl 1T
M t IMS t to
4... 1 1 II
A .
. .11X1
.. nu t
. .1 ii
lUt t 10
KTr.KR ANI HtflFErta.
.. Ml 4 14
,.10 4 14
. .117 4 40
.. till 4 to
.. M4 T 4
.. IM It
....... 1 t t
Total receipts 13.000 60.700 31.300
Saturday afternoon of this week Is
going to be a busy time for the members
of Tangier temple, Uystlc Order of
Shrine, for they are going to be called
upon to entertain some 400 Shriners from
the temples of the eastern states.
Between noon and t o'clock Baturday
afternoon three apeclal trains, all rilled
with Phrlners. will arrive from the west
over the Union Pacific. They will remain
here until 6.30 o'clock In the evening,
whon they will leave for the eaat over
the Milwaukee.
Plans for the entertainment of the
visitors, as now outlined. Include auto
mobile drives, luncheon trips to th
parks and through the Masonic buildings
of tha city.
Commissioner Jardlne last Tuesday
morning wanted rejected have beta
passed by the city council. These Im
provement district proceedings are now
ready for selsctioa of material by prop
erty ownera In the usual manner. The
districts Include Military avenue, Ham
ilton street to west city limits. Twenty
fourth street. Cuming to Patrick avenue;
Thirteenth street, Howard to sfarcy
streets; South Twentieth street, And
several smaller distrlcta.
4t m I tk) 13..
14 1071 I Tl
11 4 14 I
101 4 It I
US 4 10
l' 6 it II
I 71 M
Ill IN
Tit I a i
72S 4 0 1.,.,
11 I 10 H...
1411 I M
lot I u I is H
! IM 1 1W Tl
1 14 II 44
BlUtKCIIIt A i 1- tr.UKn,
1 7E.J I 04 It HI g
I ...141 I Tl U) UM ItS
II 4J7 I 14
IIOUS-A fair Thureday run snowed up,
esi.inales calling lor li cara, or 7.M1
iieau. neceipui lor the (our days fool
up 2S,K2 head, which ia 16,Uu0 head short
ot laat week and over louu head ainaiier
than two weeks ago, but la luore than
three times larger than the aupply dur
ing the same period last year.
Other points reported a rather stiff
break, but packera were out after a few
good lights again thla morning, and while
ehippera were not buying; very heavy,
there waa enough competition on tne
lighta to hold prices up pretty well, and
valuea were not over 6c lower in u o
and were nearly ateady in spots, bnlppers
also bought some of the weight Kir hogs
that were In reality packera, and the
range of their purchases waa nearly aa
wide aa packers. Tope reached 37.30, but
aalea were not ao plentiful around that
I is u re thla morning.
Packera Insisted on lower nrlou rlh
from tha start, and It did not take sellers
long to make up their minds to caah their
noiuinge on a Wl loo lower basis. Some
urieen cara or hoga, mostly on the
weigniy oraer. were held over from ve.
terday. and sellers did not care to tak
a cnance on another such cloae like
v. eoneauay a. Bulk or the packing kinds.
whlcn meana mixed butchers and
heavies, moved moetly at to lf.u.K, the
Ions strina aelllna: around Mil k..
been no tlied thax nearly every day thla
week a few aalea of lighta were made
aown in tne packer aula and It might be
well to mention that theaa arm eraue
hoga, which do not attract either ahippars
or pacavr. iriut waa lairiy activa, and
a pretty fair clearange had been made 4r
1 - . . , 1 .. I . .. L.
St. ..
.. 1
, .14
. rl
A, la. IT.
..MT 44 4
I It
4 M
I li St.,
I W 14..
in a..
l li 41.,
I 4 IT. .
I i 41..
I t
A an.
..114 St
. a
4 at
I it
IS let
44 f te
... t 14
... T II
... t M
... f at
... ta
in i
BHKKP Recvlpts were only a little
larger than yaalerday a. which ware the
smallest of the week. Buppllss amounted
to about thirty-two cars of t.Uuu head.
bringing the (our daya' totala up to 46.4!3
bead. I his la moi tnsn twlc as large
aa a week ago, but Is lu,jw head siuallur
44 nstlve lamba
11 native lamba
67 native feeder ewea.
1162 Idaho lambs
103 cull ewea
3M Wyoming lamba ,
14Z Idaho year lines
J21 native feeder yearlings...
m naiivo reeaer ewes...
17 Wyoming feeder lambs..
Av. Price.
.... S3 8 5
. 89
. A3
. 60
. 64
. 91
. 90
. 62
8 M
4 10
8 90
7 75
8 70
6 60
t 00
7 90
Eccentric Artist
Describes Trip to
the Mexican Border
was received by
A mysterious card
Cadet Taylor.
It la addressed to "Joe Bee, 81 Putnam
A Co., Omaha, Neb."
It contains a pictorial story of a trip
from Auburn, Neb., to El Taso. Tex..
dona with no little artistic skill snd
much humor.
It seems to be done in the style of the
Indian sign language.
For example, at the point marked "K.
C." rain Is pouring down.
At the point marked "Joplln, Mo.," Is
tha picture of a baseball glove, three balls
and the legend, "76 cents," Jhls being; In
terpreted after arduous researches by
Archeologlst Taylor aa meaning thai the
glovs waa pawned for the sum of six
bits. A chair and tablo such as are usu
ally found In low drinking places are also
depicted and the before-mentioned scien
tist asserts that this Indicates what im
mediately followed the transaction at the
house of the three balls.
At Howe, Okl., there Is a plcturixatlon
of a stsck of buckwheat cakes, sur
rounded by a halo and close by a cup
of steaming Rio.
The mall carrier first tried The Bee as
s possible addressee. Nothing doing. Un-
baffled, he took It finally to Cadet Taylor,
who la president ot Putnam A Co., real
estate. Probably the Intended recipients
will never receive It and tha skill of the
anonymous artist will be wasted on the
desert air.
Deserter from Army
Gives Self Up Here
Claud M. Hunter walked into the arm-
recruiting; station Wedneaday and remarked:
"I am a deserter from the army and I
want to give myself up."
He explained that he was stationed at
El Paso with Company A. Sixth United
States Infantry, but ha didn't like It
there. While drowning his discontent In
alcohol he conceived the Idea of taking
French leave of Uncle Sam's brave boys
In blue, which hs did just about a month
He drifted to Omaha and repented
(without the aid or consent of "Billy"
Sunday, however).
Hs expressed the ardent hope that he
will not be sent back to El Paso. He pre
fers to ' be stationed farther from the
Sergeant Oeorge F. Johnson took hlin
to Fort Leavenworth today, where h
will havs a trial
Civil War Veteran
Takes His Own Life
Herman Bauman. an old soldier living
In Benson, committed suicide Wednesday
noon by taking; strychnine In his coffee.
He died In a few minutes. Mr. Bauman
waa a retired farmer,' 73 years of age,
and was a union soldier in the civil war.
He haa lived In Benson for a tiumber of
years and Is survived by two sons anl
four daughters, all grown.
vr. and Mrs. Thoma'i A. Thayer of
Mlnneaoolta are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal P Mole.
Mra. Otto Nelson and son. Otto, hava
gone to Spokane. Wash., where they will
apend a few weeka visiting.
H. II. Holcomb, general freight agent
of the Burlington, hwa gone to Roaring
lirook In the northern part or Michigan,
where he will epend his vacation of two
weeka, putting In his time trout fishing.
O. R, Porter, oeputy clerk In the of flea
of Collector of Customs Taylor, has re
turned irom a two weeks' vacation apent
on the paternal farm near Chariton, la..
us viaiiea nut lanuiy ana many
Mrs. J. F. WilheTmy and her daughter,
Mra. R. R. Weller. will leave next week
for Marietta. Ut , to visit Mr. and Mra.
Warren Potter. Mra. Potter la Mra. Wll
helmy's daughter and was formerly an
Omaha school teacher.
Sylvester R. Rush, special aaatatant to
the I'nlted Htatea attorney general, haa
returned from Los Anaelea, where he has
hen since April, conducting the trial of
offlciala of the Los Angeles Investment
company on of fraud. Three of
the pnncsl offender were found aulltv
Great Opportunities for Real Economies Friday
Men s and Women's
Bin assortment of regular fl
values on snle Friday AQk
at, choice 'xiC
Ladies Underwear
Gowns, Combination Suits und
Skirts, prettily trimmed, to
7 Be values, on sale OQ
Friday G7ie
Wash Dress Fabrics and
In Domestic Room.
Amoekeng Apron O Ingham, In all slie checks,
rrd JJ,
81 In. IMIaae Crepes, In neat dress patterns and
large figures for kimonos, yard 12 Vi
Wide Wale Pique and Pretty Check Mulls, per
yrd 15,
New 27 In. Dress Ginghams, yard QH
Kxtra Irge Hath Towels 15
7 He Brown Muslin, 36 In. wide, at, yard . . . .5
Remnants of Wash Goods Lawns, Voiles, Ging
hams, Crepes, etc. Thousands of yards for se
lection, at, yard 3H4
Drugs and Toilet Goods Friday
5 bars Ivory Soap
1 5c can Sweet Heart Talcum ,
50c Imported Rice Face Powder ....
5 10c rolls Crepe Toilet Paper
4 10c bars Peroxide Soap
50c Horlick'a Malted Milk
50c Jar Aubry Sisters' Cream .
11.00 Pinsud s Hair Tonic
60c Jar Daggett t: Ramsdell's Cream .
10c Shlnola Shoe Polish
36c bottle Bay Rum or Witch Hael .
2 dozen f-gr. Aspirin
$1.50 Fountain Sjrlnge
$3.00 Combination Syringe, 5 year
See our full line of Bathing Caps.
.. ..25
....10 c
In the Domestic Room Friday WSffi
500 Pretty Wash Dresses
To Be Closed Regardless of Cost
Wash Dresses that sold at $3.50 and $4.00; big M QC
assortnient of nobby styles ; ... . ,vAvO
Wash Dresses that sold at $2.00 to $3.00, all this f on
season's styles, best colors
Wash Dresses that sold st $1.50 to $2.00, big assortment
of summer fabrics, in all sizes 34 to 44; at, AQs
choice vOXj
75c Lawn Kimonos Pretty floral patterns, pinks,
blues and lavenders, at
V;r A. vl
Children's Rompers in ginghams, cham-
brays and khaki cloth, all sizes to
7 vears: 39e values Jvi
Women's Crepe Kimonos in plain colors
and neat patterns, some satin trim- 7(1,
med, to $1.25 values iJL
Notion Special
P. F. C. Embroidery Cotton;
on sale, per ball .7
16c Hose Supporters. . . .74
15o linen Handkerch'fs 74
6c Pearl Buttons, doien 24?
20c Tooth Brushes 10
60c Pad Supporters ....25c4
35c Pad Supporters' 10c
Men's Summer Shirts
To $1.50 values, in pongees,
piques, satlnettes and other
fine shirtings, best colors, all
styles, on sale at 69t
Men's Silk Neckties
Regular 60c qualities. In all
latest styles and colors, over
50 dozen In the lot, choice,
for 25t
Men's 15c Bow Ties 5
Regular 60c qualities, In shirts
or drawers; mesh, Balbriggan
and rib weave, all sizes 34 to
46; on sale at, garment, 25
25c Paris Garters llr
25c Wash Ties, 2 for. . . .25
12 c Cotton Hose, pair, 8Vfc
Men's 10c Handkerchiefs. .5
Many other specials.
White Enamelware
Another Special Purchase of a Fine Lot of All White Enamel
ware, Triple Coated, Guaranteed Acid Proof,
14-quart Dish Pans ....
Large No. 8 Tea Kettles
2 and 3-quart Rice Boilers
6, 8 and 10-quart Berlin Kettles....
6, 8 and 10-quart Berlin Sauce Pots.
10 and 12-quart Preserving Kettles..
Water Palls , . .
3-quart Copper Pots . .
3 and 4-quart Pitchers
to $1.50,
Small sizes In Mixing Bowels
Any size Cups
Any size Plate
Any size Pie Pans
Any size Dipper
Any size Milk Pans, up to 5-quart.
Any size Pudding Pan
Soap Dishes
Values to
25c, choice
targe white Mixing Bowls
0 2, 3 and 4-quart Berlin Kettles
-', 3 snd 1-quart Berlin Pauce Pots
;i and 4-quart Lipped Sauce Pans.....
Any size Chambers i
targe Wash Basins
Values to
40c, choice
;;j 9c
Now Is the Time to Put Up Your Fruit for Winter
Bushel baskets fancy Elbert a
Peaches S1.3S
4 basket crates fancy Elbert 1
Peachea ; Boo
California Erbarta Peaches, crate, 75o
4 basket cratea California Pluma, 9&0
4 basket orates California Apricoin
for $1.34
Market basket Crabapplea for Jellv
for ase
Goose pluma for Jelly 15e
IS lbs. beat pore Ommm OrasolateJ
nfar $1.00
100-lb. sacks pure Cane Sugar, first
quality $9.25
48-lb. saoka beat hlsh raile Diamond
H Hour, made from aelertenl No. 1
old wheat, per sack $1.75
10 bars Heat 'Km All, Diamond C or
Laundry Queen wh Laundry
Roap SSo
8 bara Electric Spark Koap (apeclal)
for aso
$ lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmeal
for . io
4 lbs. beat hand picked Navy Beans
or Tapioca aso
4 rana Oil or Mustard Sardines ,.lo
Yeast roam, pk ao
E. Corn Flakes or W. O. C, at.
pka. . Se
Grape Nuts, pka lOe
Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo
4 large cans Klkhorn or Mansfield's
Milk 850
Aiivo Jell for dessert, nothing like
It. JK TUo
Hireddeii Cocoanut for plea, cakfH,
etc.. lb 16o
Mb. cans Early June Sifted Peas. T4o
-lb. rana fancy Wax, Htrlns, Green
or Lima Beans 74jO
3-lb. cans (loldon Pumpkin. Hominy,
Sutler Kraut or linked Heann. 7Vtc
The best Domestic Macaroni, Vermi
celli or Ppaghettt, tSklnner a pack
age 710
IdHKe bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
.Toninto Cstsup, Plcklex, nxorteil
kinds, or Prepared Mustard, bot
tle elo
Macl.nren'ti Peanut Butter, lb., 18.0
Hershey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb . . ate
The brst Tea Hlfttnus. lb 12 Ho
Try a pound of our famous Diamond
II Brand, sun dried basket fire. I
Japan Tea, lb 38o
Oolden Santos Coffee, lb aoo
The best Creamery B otter, carton,
lb. 88 o
Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb SSo
Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table Butter. r-r
ID so
It Pays-Try HAYPEE3'S First It Pays J
The best strictly fresh. No. 1 Eire:
dosen 193
The best Eull Cream. Young America,
Wisconsin Cream or New Yorit
White Cheese, lb tOc
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Ches-,
lb 400
Fancy (jueen Olives, bulk, apeclal,
quart 300
thb teoftabiB miuii ros
1o lbs. New 1'otHtoeg to te- peck, 80s
Sweet Corn, per dosen l!o
New Cnhbatce. 2 heads for 6t
4 bunches fresh Ueets, Carrots o-
Turnlps Si
8 hum nrs fivh Itadlslies Co
Fancy Head Lttuce, each ...THo.eo
Fancy Denver Peas. qt. ..
Fancy Ittpe Tomatoes, lb.
il larae Green Peppers . . . .
Iarice Cucumbers, each
1 H-nver Cauliflower, lb.
UiiiKe market banket Fresh Beeta or
Turnips ISo
Sweet Potatoes, per lb . . Bi
Another Special for r rid ay an Sat
SOU and SO slxe. that refill evari
where for 20c and 25c dozen, ea
price, per doxen .....lOe
treet Car Service to the Races
For the accommodation of Speedway patrons attending
the races on Thursday, Friday and Baturday of this week,
through car service from 14th and Howard Streets direct to
the Speedway will be maintained beginning at 12:33 P. M.
each day during; the races. These cars will bear signs read
ing: "TAKE THIS CAR TO SPEEDWAY." In addition,
there will be stub service from 16th and Locust Streets to the
Speedway, beginning at 8:00 A. M.
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.