Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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vT- --' 7- ...
Wednesday, August 4, 1915.
THAT there do exist aesthetic servants la nearby parts la now an
assured fact.
If any of our Omaha housekeepers want a real servant. Just
let them notify Mrs. Fred S. lladra, who In answer to her ad for
a rook received a missive from Miss Maxlme Rmlth, now of North Platte,
formerly of Denver, which reads:
"Dear Mrs. lladra: Saw your ad in The Dee, and will say that I am
a nice, clean, wholesome little person. I use Hudnut'a (spelled Hugenut'i)
product only. I know everything about pots and pans, and also know how
to taste all klnda of victuals. My specialty Is French dressing, with or
without garlic. If you have a nice wine cellar, I can even take care of that
and I can handle your chiTd with strictness in your absence. Notify me, care
of General Delivery, Denver, Colo., about wages paid, evenings off, room,
etc., and if your letter suits me I shall communicate further. Your effi
cient aervant, MAXIME SMITH."
Now, friends, please do not stampede In your rush after Mailme. It
might upset her poise.
W mk J
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac W. Carpenter an
nounce the entoigement of their daughter,
Net, to nalph W. Klewlt. The weddlnir
will take place In September.
Both young people, uttended the Omaha
High school at the same time. Mlaa Car
penter la Wellcxley college graduate
and la president of the local Welleley
Summer Trips.
Mr. Frank A. Kennedy and daugh
ter, Margaret and F.tola. have gone to
California, where they will attend the
International Typographical union and
Woman's Auslllary conventions at 1
Angele. They will visit the expositions
at Kan llego and Kan Franclwo before
returning hmne.
Mr. O. H. Wlrth la leaving today for
Excelsior flprlns. where ehe .lnns to
Join her sisw-r, Mr. Charles Wcrmr, and
later spend about six weeks In and
around Penv.r, returning to Oninha the
mlddln of Kepteniber.
Mr. Pyron Hml h and Mr. AIW.ii Ijil
holm leave thia evening for a fHhlng
trip to the Wisconsin lake.
At Happy Kollow Club.
Mr. W. S. Milivv o a I int-ltemi
today at the lla;ipy Hollow iluu. ller
piK-sts were the mcinhns of her Sunday
school rlax find rovers were In red for
The I-mtien' Rnv 'li;g rluli entertained
t' morniti at the lluipy Hollow club.
Th gain:' ss followed ly luncheon,
vliern rovem wen- jilfvrtl for twenty-
tl'O gUCFt.
At Carter Lake Cub.
The Carter Lake r'wlmmlng and Powl
Ing club mi-t yesterday for luncheon at
the Carter Lake tlub. The aft. -moon
on pwnt In lollns; and tho high acora
.marie by Mrs. Tnnl Johnston team.
Mra. Kdanrd K. Trnlley and Mr. Charle
Myer. who huve Just returned from
two mon In In I'aU'.irnlu, were the gueat
of tiie club,
At the Country Club.
.Mine Maijoilo Mri'ord will glvo a din
ner thla cvt-iiliiH at the Country club.
Covers will bo plnred far twenty.
Ir. and Mrs. C. O Alllaon will enter
tun eight gutl at dinner this evening
at t!ie Country club."'
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters will give
a ... nner of eight covers this evening at
the Country club.
Mr. and Mree. W. J. Foye will enter
tain at dinner this evening at the Coun
try c'.ub for;-
Messrs. and Mcaclsmes-
John Hedlck. Ilnlph Peters,
At Seymour Lake CInb.
flie entertainment given at the club bottle of rarhollc acid, which waa gen
Tuesday evening by home talent waa eroualy rprlikled about the place. In
thoroughly appreciated by a very large spite of all of the artillery there waa very
party of guest. Mesdame Orln Merrill little damage done, and the Injuries re
and K. E. Ames were In charge. celved were about even on both sides.
Mlaa Myrtle Pean was hotes at din- j They were fined II and coats each.
Her laat evening. Her guests were:
Ulnar . Misses
Margaret Wagner, Carrie Lauer,
Mv y Welcka.
leademert Meidamee
K. C. Ciilllaple. C. c. Kvan.
Dining with Hr. and Mra. 11 U Delan
tiey laat evening were:
Mr. and Mm. It. 8. Ledwlch. .
Mr. J. II, Tarratt,
Mlaa Irene Kavage.
Or. M. U King.
Herman B. Fetera had with him Mr.
wnd Mr. Itafferty and daughter, Mrs.
A. tiurbank. and Dan Gaines.
Mr. and -Mra. A..L.. Winter enUrtalaed
five gueata last evening; George Mao
donald. alx; W. B. Cheek, eight; It. I
Iteynolda. two; O. C. Byam. four; Mlaa
Anna McCormlck, two; Qeerge Oeve
land, ten, and Mrs. Charles I. Vollmer.
Fifty dinner reaervatlon have been
made for the stockholders- dinner and
tmalneas meeting thla evening. , (
To Honor Visitor.
Mia. Charle. fclguu,, ave an Engll.h
reakfat. "Ai Krero. w. . w ' "
ot Mr.. Q. Fell nt',"r." """"T
Mate Swimi Aihore for Bread and
Oeti Rolls Stranded, with No
Soap Aboard.
What did Robinson Crusoe do for
Dan Defoe stripped his gears when
he neglected to tell the reader that.
During the last two days there were
two men stranded on tne Missouri
river that wanted to know. Captain
W. B. Stevens, commander of the
"Julia" sat In the barge on a sand
bsr north of Florence, read and re
read Robinson Crusoe In the aober
effort to learn what that stranded
sailor had used as a substitute.
Captain Stevens' noae waa beamudged
with greaae from the gasoline engine.
The engine had balked ever alnce Sunday
morning on tho down cruiae from
Decatur, and the captain and Hill, the
deck hand, had been thumbing every
plug and every screw; a well as thrust
ing their noac in every crevice that was
greaay or not greasy.
h'luim ftbavlaa; og.
Dinner time and no aoap. - The shore
waa far away and farm . house (till
farther. Hill, the deck hand, waa the
"Friday " of the parly. He did not atlca
hi foct upon tee rai d to make a track
in "Froday" did, but ho did stick his
hand Into inn cabin, pull hi .having mug
down and empty from It the laat llttlo
crumb of ahavlng sonp.
Tho two nver nica took orf the wont
of the greaMi and then the (having soap
gave out.
"No difference," aald Hill, "this ain't
no darn banquet, anyway," and they fell
upon the meager tafble.
Thero wa no bread. Why bring a
wagon load of bread? waa what they
had said to themaelve. 'Didn't they
make tho don tream trip in six hours
Swims Ashore.
Hill shook himself Into a life preserver
and made for the shore. At a farm house
he offered a dime for bread, but there
was none. He bought somo rolls and
hurried for the barge and the hungry
The curtain went down on act two.
Teaterday the Julia waddled Into
port at the foot of the Douglaa street
bridge. Captain Ktevens had barely
strength enough to throw a double hitch
around a snubbing poet.
Then the captain straightened up and
gave his belt a hitch that cut him In
two tike a red ant.
"Hay, man," he said, as he spied some
fellows on shore. "We only had rolls to
eat for the last day Or two. Bill bought
a dlme'a worth at a. farm house, and
we've been cutting whang leather off
them ever since.
"It sure' Is dinner time," and he looked
at his watch, which registered 10:45. "Bill
get about eight horseshoes of bologna,
Here is pictured the busiest newspaper woman in the
country. She is Miss Idah Pratt, who recently bought the
Redondo (Cal.) Breeze. She gets out the entire paper
herself, acting as manager, editor, owner, star reporter, ad
vertising manager, pressman, typesetter and copy boy.
Pumey Campbell and Marie Perkins,
both colored residents of tho Third ward.
were In police court charged with die- mni rc 'em ul-"
turblng the peace. They had a fight. In
which one broke down a door with a
brick, and then the fight grew general,
and among other weapons uaed were a
pair of sd.Hiirs. a fork, a knife and a
fnawt?-? ?isumMwjmwi.mmu9ivmw n mini mih h j
I' M 'v Vl :j
1- : " v,-:"4ti k r'v I -:i
' V
xl'.' ; $
1 ..! A . if Wii - - ' til , i-M-nmAiaill.
Mist Jessie Towne Already Plans
for the Beginners at the Cen
tral High School.
Jessie M. Towne, new dean of girls of
Central High school, has started her
work, although the opening of school Is
five week hence.
Mis Towne la communicating with all
grade school principals to ascertain the
names of girls who wT.I enter high school
next month, her particular Interest being
In girl who may need special help or
Kor instance, girls who may be working
their way through school will be aided
In any acceptable manner. Miss Towne
will endeavor to decrease the "moVallty
of the freahmen year," a period hcf
many girl drop out of high school.
Her work In general will be to give glrla
a fair start In their new high school environments.
Dozen Milk Dealers
Called Into Court
Twelve milkmen were before Judge
Rubat on a charge of selling milk below
the standard set by the city. Thirteen
had been Invited to attend the party, but
Peter Peterson failed to arrve, and Ser
geant Wilson announced that a warrant
had been Issued for his arrest The men
all pleaded not pullty, and M. C. Borenbon
waa Cutc.hargeil. Of me others. C. H.
Jensen, Knud Knudson. Peter Jepperaon,
Jacobson Bros.. 11. K. Paulson, B.
Corneer, Carta Taft, 8am Chrtatensen and
Louis Christensen were fined 110 and
ooeta each, but the fine was In each case
uipended. George Vercuysee waa fined
$16 and co.ta.
Milk Inspector Boasle appeared against
them and said that their milk was some
what below tn. standard set by the city,
sllhtiugh most of It would pern the state
Many Applicants
for Managership
of the Auditorium
The' city1 Commissioners are receiving
many applications for the position of
manager of the Auditorium.
Among those making tho most efforts
are W. J. Hunter, Charle Kranke, J. J.
Ryder, Charleg Stevens and J. M." GlUan.
Hlchard Grotte, city purchasing agent, is
The commissioners will take no action
on tills matter until next week when
Commissioner Jardlne will have returned
from Texas.
In the meantime J. M. Glllan is serving
as acting manager and an Inventory Is
being takes.
ore Throat and Cheat.
Quickly relieved by Dr. Bell's rine-
Tar-Honey. ' It ease the throat, soothes
the lungs, loosens phlegm. Only 25c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Members of five Sunday schools of the
northwest part of the city wilt hold a
joint plcnlo Saturday at Fontenelle park.
At the same time the recreation super
visor will conduct the postponed parents'
day. E. W. Slnnet will have charge of
the Sunday school.
E. J. Qulnley,. one of the publishers of
the Springfield . Monitor. .' frprlngfteld,
farpy county, haa been recommended by
Congressman C. O. Lobeck for the posi
tion of deputy United States marshal,
under T.' J. Flynn. It Is a tacit under
standing that each congressman recom
mend a deputy from his district. Sarpy
county has not before had a deputy
United v States marshal.
Qulnley was secretary of the 8arpy
county democratic committee laat year.
He waa agreed upon for thla deputy
marshalshlp recommendation at a demo
cratic caucus a few daya ago. The recom
mendation of Mr. Lobeck . is made to
Marshal Flynn.
Pulmotor Saves
Stranger from Gas
A man registered as A. Marlhetto, but j
giving no addreHS, attempted suicide In I
his room at the Oxford hotel Tuesday j
night. Ho arrived In Omaha Tuesday '
evening and r.ecured room XI at the Ox- !
ford. He locked the windows and the
doors of his room and turned on tho gas.
Blith Sloan, a chambermaid, smclled the
gas at about 10 o'clock In the mornlnu
and raised an alarm. The door was
broken down by Charles Uandow. n
laundryman who waa delivering at th.
hotel at the time, and the police w.-re
notified. The patrol rushed'to the hotel,
with Drs. Boler and Bhook, who used tho
pulmotor on the man and succeeded In '
restoring him to hi senses. He Is now
in no danger.
"That Economy Coffee
Only in
2-ib. Cans
I .
Oaa Routed direct in the flame
quickly not in orena slowly
mtn yon the strength and deli
cate aroma that Is economy.
Then buying in a 2-lb. can at 60c
the quantity price is economy.
A Tried Can Will Convince You
Peaches and Cream
There's nothing more
tempting this. time of the year than
sliced peaches, and they are never
more delicious than when served
StartlUed UnawrectenMKl
Cottage Milk is always ready
for use it is always fresh, pure
and sweet no danger of souring in
any weather or temperature.
It is just the richest milk with
most of the water taken out, per
fectly sterilized-and with nothing
Cottage Milk is made in spot
less condenseries located in the best
dairying districts in the country.
It haa more than twice
the food value o
bottle milk.
Get a supply today and
see how delicious, econom
ical and convenient it is.
TKm Milk WifAoof fA fyZ,
CooAeef ufe
In Two Sizes
5 and lOc
At all Good Dealers
American Milk Co.
Photo Craft Shop
"Film (roeoUUeta."
418 Bee Bid-.
Films Developed Free
When Purchased rrom Vs.
IMnte 3o to Bo. 84-Hoor Berrios,
. w. til or -ivli.n .ml .
..!..... .... . " n
" ir Mowed by ma
wiugc and
thirty g-uesta were enter-
At the Field Club.
Mr. and Wra. O. A. Beabury w eri,er.
e?,,K Jt thU V'n,n Bt th "eld
eluh. Their guesta wUI be:
Vesars. and Mdame
Dancing Party. .
The Racquet club eatart4and the tul.
lowln uest at a danclnf pay at the
Old Country club on Saturday renin.-:
teir. and Meadanie
ll. V. Alllnjthain. U 11 n..i...i.
N. Jainit-eon,
r. i. Inli rs,
Walter Nitartie,
li. H. iXhuyler.
Nell Ullmore of
tMinell rilutls,
Txxsik Hohliiaun,
Mmr ML-Vfueen.
itxry houit.
K. Kiley.
J. Kom-et,
H. Ohill.
1. McQueen.
P. J. Kurrrtt.
iJr. Killey,
T. J. Southard.
n. Murthy.
H 1. 1 at kin.
Mable Melchor,
Jennie Hall,
Kthel Bui ll van.
Loretta hyao.
fr. i'ullntaa.
It. J. J. Humptl,
John Larkln.
O. iefey.
H. Aaheulxrner,
P-t?oi Mention.
Mrs. V. Jf. Doty haa as her curat
tlirie clatera, Mr. Orlffln of. lUbroo.
Mis. Jennings of Ik aver CruaalnaT anC
Wis. Metxser of Kali City.
Ulx Mabel Melbridge and Vila Mary
A noons Wave this evening, for Chicago.
bre they will apend some time at thi
Chicago Bach hotal, They will return
feotae by Bt. Louis.
Mra. Octavu V. Cohen haa returned after a month's stay at Clear La,
la. bhe haa as her guest her mot tier.
&4rs. Belle I'.laAlnti am. and her slater,
ilrs. K. F. ll'J)pe, of Chl-ago.
lorfiMrstltta r tmm't Calf
It. K wig's New life ills stir up your
Our Greatest
Braiideisfl iSALE
An n'u a 1 WS
When we began to prepare for this sale a few months
ago, we determined, first, that it should be the biggest
affair of its kind ever held anywhere, and, second, that
quantity should only be exceeded by; VALUE.
In fulfillment of the first resolution, there are over
25,000 pairs of shoes in this sale, , and they occupy a
space of 11,000 square feet in our store, which we be
lieve is the largest space ever devoted to a shoe sale.
Secondly, these shoes run up to $4.00 values in the
latest styles and well-known makes.
We are going to prove to you again in this sale
that this is one of the ablest store organizations in the
world. People who have already seen these shoos on
display have almost disbelieved the fact that they were
about to be sold for $1.00 a pair. However, we will
let the shoes speak for themselves; the sale begins Thurs
day morning at 8:30 and this is your invitation.
And These Are for Men
Men' Oxfords, worth to $i.5o, in tan and black, button and lace
oxfords, dancing pumps, etc, etc, all sizes in the lot, 01 tt
all at, pair plUU
There Will Be Over a Hundred Salespeople to Give You Good Service
These Are for Women
Women' Fin Pomps and Oxfords; also Koum Slip
per and all kind of footwear. ,
These are samples, regular lots, countermanded orders, etc
Every size and width in these shoes, some styles running as high as
1,300 and 1,400 pair of a particular style. They come in
Black Patent Leather, Bronte Kid, Dull Kid, White Canvas, Tail
Calfskin, Black Suede, Velvet and tatlna; Ribbon Lac Oxfords,
New Purr, pa and Avon Ties; solid col are, or In combinations;
rubber solad Oxfords In tan calfskin, white canvas or tan calfskin
trimmed. New heels, new to, sport aty'ss, all slisa.
The same shoes that have been selling all season up to as high as
4.00 a pair. Displayed on tables that will allow for t rrw
easy selecting. All at, pair,,. J)1UU
Misses, Children and Boys
MisseV and Children' School Shoe, Oxford and Strap Pumps
Excellent shoes, solid leather in every way, made to give service:
nature shaped styles. 3,000 or 4,000 pair of these er
most desirable shoes, pair pl.UU
Boy' Shoe Solid, serviceable school shoes in all
sizes; blucher or button, at, pair plUU
While There Are In Many Cases Over a Thousand Pairs of a Style,
One Will Do Well to Come Early Thursday. Sale Begins at 8;30
Cl-Tk- r: J ct j. n . )
vru wane iuuit.,tu. auu oaiuruaji)aieneill
' And We BeUev
The Greatest )r W
I of Am
1 ---- .-.-.
tlfrr, aid dlinilun; you feel fin
text day. Only c. AU druggiau
I. Ad-
A "Kor Balfl" ad t:i turn second-hand
fujnilure tau Csbiib.