Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tin: HEE: DMA IT A, TIIUTiSPAY, AUGUST 5. 1915.
TS Pee Publishing Company, Proprietor.
S ntfed at Qmh postoffle a second-class matter.
By csrrier Fy mall
pec month. pr yar.
and Pindar v I '
Patlr without Sunday. 4 0
Fxenlr. and Sunclav r .'
Fn!nir without Sunday ....... ....... 4.00
Sunday Bee only 0u
fend notice of of artdre or eomp'slnta of
Irregularity i delivery to Omihi Bee, CircuJaUoa
Hnilt try draft. express or portal order. Only two
cent stamps received In payment of email ac
count. F-eranel cheeks, except on Omaha and eastern
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha The Bee Buildtng.
South Omaha Sil N street.
Couivll Hluffa 14 North Main street.
VInooln Little Building.
Chk-afo-jeoi Hearst Bunding
New Tork Room 111. - Fifth arenae.
St. Loula-Wg Jsrw Bank of Commerce.
Washington 7 Fourteenth St.. N. V.
yeMresa communication relatlnr to new and edi
torial Mttw to Omaii Bee. Tutorial Department
State of Nebraska, Count v of Douglas, sa. :
Twight Wllllamf, rireulatlon manager of The Bee
ftuhllshlns company. being duly Hroni, says that the
average clieuiatlon for the month or July, 1116. waa
PWfOTfT WirI.TAM. Clreutatlon Manager.
Subscribed In my preaenre and sworn to before
me. this Id dav i.f Aucust. i!)1B
KOHEKT HPNTKR, Notary Publle.
Subscriber leaving the city temporarily
ehoald have The Bee mailed to them. Ad
dree win he rliAngcd aa often m requested.
-p Aagaat S
Thought for the Day
StUettd by Chmritt C. Bmldtn
lit Uvtth long who Umth wtll;
AU le U lift but thrown atomy;
lie Mvtlh ntynt who ean tell
V) trut thin'ji truly dnnt taeh day.
II oral tut Donar,
All right, let it be known then as a carnival
of religion.
Pretty near time to take the management
of Nebraska' state normal schoooli out of poll
tic .
No mention any more of the good ahlp "Pif
fle" In any of the official Nary department bulletins.
Yes, and it is Just as easy for Mayor "Jim"
to autograph a warrant for $150,000 as to sign
on for fl.EO.
Los Angeles is in the throes of a debate over
the double shift plan for Its firemen. For the
exact facts, come to Omaha.
If confusion of street car passengers la to
be avoided, it is not so much a question of
sear side or far tide as the same, aide.
' Although it do not infract the fire limits
requirements, observance of "safety first" rules
in the building will be in the interest of wist
Senator Cummins Is Quoted at saying that
he ia not sure he wants the presidency. A rea
sonable certainty of getting It would doubtless
help him make up his mind.
Omaha has two perfectly good military posts
awaiting the return of the troops from the
Mexican border. So they can't settle things
down there any too fast for us.
Gompers appeals to President WlUoa for
an inquiry into the Eastland disaster by "a com
mission of disinterested and fair minded dtl
sas.N Oh, tea! what a rap at Secretary Red-
T&4 movies sre not the only places that over
crowd past the safety line. While at It, check
up the others, too, where the temptation exists
to ' admit more people than accommodations
warrant. '
Put it down that none of the warring coun
tries of Europe can be starved out. Each ac
cuses the other of trying to cut off Its food
supply and Insists that the deed cannot be done
And they are all equally truthful.
For bb American Merchant Marine.
Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo, who Is
a member of the president's personal family as
well as of his cabinet family, and therefore
very likely in position to speak by the book,
says that the democrats will establish a new
American merchant marine. lie does not say
by what profess of hocus pocus this result will
be brought about, but it is not likely to come
through the administration's shipping bill, de
feated at the last session of congress. That
measure Is no longer championed, even by its
warmest caucus supporters. It was so openly a
makeshift, and Its deficiencies were so appsrent,
that only through the power of the caucus and
by pleading political exigency was the presi
dent able to muster support for it. The objec
tions to it are as potent now as ever.
Democratic leaders are announcing them
selves as opposed to a ship subsidy in any form.
They demand the right to buy ships where they
ran be had the cheapest, to man them with the
cheapest crews obtainable, and to put them into
trade under the American flag. This means
buying ships on the Clyde or in Japan, where
labor Is much cheaper than in the United States,
manning them with Chinese or Lascar crews,
nd calling the mixture "American." This sug
gestion is quite In line with the democratic free
trade policy, exhibited in other directions.
The republicans may not be able to restore
the canal tolls exemption, repealed by the dem
ocrats, but they may be depended on to pro
pose other proper means for fostering and en
couraging American shipping without causing
other American Interests to suffer.
An Answer to an Inquiry.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. S.-To the Kdltor of The
Bee: You Snld something the other rtivy about the
fchool board being fleeted hereafter "at large," and
nominated only "by petition." I do not understand
ust what you mran. Are we not to have any mem
bers of the School board over here at all?
For-the benefit of our Inquirer, and all others
who may be Interested, we may state that the
last legislature enacted a new law governing the
election of members of the Omaha School board,
abolishing ward representation and making the
terms four years, but overlapping so that half
of them expire every two years. To bring this
about, eight new members sre to be chosen in
1916,-of whom the two receiving the lowest
number of votes are to serve for two years only,
so that sfter that only six need be chosen at
one time.
The same legislature, as part of this plan,
amended the primary eloction to exempt from
party nomination candidates for School board
places and to make petition nomination the only
way to put names on the official ballot in a
word, wrote into the law the method which had
been pursued by force of circumstances at the
ast Omaha school board election. Whether
this will, or will not, give School board represen
tation to what was formerly South Omaha, or
to any other particular section of the city, re
mains to be seen. Ordinarily South Omaha can
didates would be at a disadvantage as compared
with Omaha candidates, unless personally known
throughout the whole city, or Included in some
kind of a slate, although presumably the pro-
fosed method of election la intended to prevent
slate-making. Under the conditions now exlst-
ng, there Is only one thing to do, and that is
to wait and see how it works out at the first
trial text year.
Nebraska's last legislature enacted a la
specially to authorize state banks to Join in
the federal reserve system. No one has been
trampled down, however, la the on-rush of the
state banks to make use of thlu permission.
The public debta of the several European
countries at war have been almost doubled in
twelve months. Desire to escape the grinding
taxes will be one of the forcea stimulating the
immigration to this country as soon as peace
I restored.
KollowtDs; up the enthusiasm developing for a new
lr and boulevard System, a meetlna was hold a
bruner's store, at Nineteenth and Cuming streets, anJ
a farther oomirlttM at pointed to push the project, ron
tiling of It. Mercer, N. B. Falconer, Ouy Barton,
JuMpti Redman, . V. Morse, Thomas Dalley, T. C
Lruner, K. W. Patrick and A, R, Sourr,
Robert Thompson, an employe of the Voton Pacific
t.a atop, waa struck by lightning- on his way to work,
aai fell instantly doad. lie waa a member of the
turns' dub, under whose auaplces the funeral will be
P. U Ferine, cashier of the land department of
the Lnloa Pacific, is back from Byracuse. N. T.
wfcere be went on account of the illness of a sister
wbo subsequently died.
Jordoa Olles. father of "Ved R. Giles, arrived from
ljl-ivl)la. to ste his ekk son. whoee condition Is be'
i..d to b Improving.
i.ukb w. outpnen or me l niiea mates nav
who held a Nebraska cadelshlp at the AmutpoU
amy, left tr Ni Jersey to visit a sister, Mr.
lr. hlinnis.
Li. K. lir:lpr will regard the finder of a lost
' netoouk, vebUiaUig ipers valuatla t the owoar,
tut questions It he will but rvturn thtin.
Kedfield's Whitewashing- Effort
Secretary Redfleld's obvious purpose to
shield the steamboat Inspection bureau, through
bis direction of the Eastland inaulrr. has
aroused a tremendous storm of popular Indig
nation, not only In Chicago, but In all parts of
the country. That so shocking an episode should
be followed at once by the efforts of a cabinet
officer to relieve his underlings of blame for a
catastrophe for which they are in any way liable
is profoundly disappointing to people who rely
on their certificate when going aboard a vessel
under its survey.
Disclosures so far made la the Eastland
ease Indicate Incompetence or neglect, or, what
Is worse, collusion with the owners, on part of
the inspectora who allowed a notoriously un
safe vessel to travel under the protection of
government sanction, neither Is popular feeling
allayed by the uncontradicted report that after
being passed by a federal Inspector, his son-ln
law was given the Job of chief engineer of the
ill-fated boat.. The secretary of commerce is him
self a marine engineer, .ad knows without being
told by witnesses whr.t form of craft is sea
worthy and what is not, and this fact makes his
present Inquiry seem all the more Insincere
The federal grand Jury handling the rase may
bring In Indictments, fixing the responsibility in
some measure, but the steamboat inspection
bureau does not shine any brighter for the
whitewash the secretary of commerce Is laying
on it.
Joffre Personally
-Harrison tUsvee la XvetrloSr'a-
JOFKHE resembles the Iste J. P. Morgan some
what. In that he la the same kind of monster.
His head U altogether too big for his body. H.s
none to very large and very Kly. His upper teeth
etlok far out over his under lip, so that his thin
mustache does not hide tiicm. His shoulders are nar
row and rounded over upon his flat chest. His arms
are very long and rather thin for a fat man. His
hands are enormous and bony, like the hands of n
Ions, skinny man. His belly is little and pudgy. Hl
legs and feet are those of an Ill-developed, little fat
He has a way of squinting and grinning which is
very characteristic. He stands badly, dresses ridicul
ously, never rides a hcree any more, and walks about
like Prerfdent Polncare.
The soldierly part of him Is his head, which Is
hard, tough, calm and hideous with the same sort -if
interesting hlceousnres which the late Mr. Morgan
had to such an extraordinary deKree. The prett
photographs which make him look like Mr. Taft do
not resemble htm a Mt Ha Is simply a softer edition
of Mr. Morgan, with more kindliness and humor and
with less conscious fore. Initial ve and pugnacity. He
Is perfectly French looking and strtkea the French
officer as a natural development of the type of Frenc.i
general of plehelan origin. The noble generals have a
different look about them, a superior stature, thinners
and sharpness, with a touch of acorn In their facial
His officers say that none of the three or four say.
Ings attributed to him by Journalists since the opening
of the war was really uttered by him, and that he has
no "ealngs" In him. He gave one Interview, to an
Old school friend turned Journalist, and was hlKhlv
amused because the censor cut It all out of the papers.
He has never made any speeches. He sat silent
through four months of dally socialist discussions of
the three-years' military-service law In the Chamber
of Deputies. He has written only a single brochure
on the expedition to Tlmbuctoo as literary baggage
for his entry to the Academy. He does not write the
brilliant "orders of the day" which are generously at
tributed to him by the censor, and it la said he nevet
writes personal letters or reads newspapers.
At work he la systematic and keeps a large clerical
force overworked. But he is a soft master as regards
hours. Insisting that all his subordinates shall sleen
as long as they can stay abed, which he does himself.
His admirers say that he Is Incapable of worry or
of the sllghest degree of excitement. He has never
shown any emotion about anything and has never
been known to be interested in anything outside his
Immediate Job.
His society never bores anybody, simply because
he uses up all hla time In working fairly steadily and
fairly hard, sleeping a lot, eating slowly and resting
if tor meals, taking little walks for health, and riding
about the country In his family automobile on Inspec
tion tripe. He has the air of being quite as tediously
on the Job and of making an honest living for his
family as If he were a little business man.
He fussed along over the battle of the Marne Just
the way he does about the routine details of arm
administration, and slept a lot every night. The omy
special recommendations which he has ever seen (it
to publish were concerning the necessity of town load
ers getting busy threshing the crops In the war lone
and "small matters" about how to keep the roads up
He received a batch of Journalists in his school-
house office on the front one day, when the minister
Insisted. He sort of yawned at them, mumbled some
thing banal about "saving the country," and got thorn
hustled out. The only map In the room waa a black-
and-white on of Poland, and the general appeared to
be In course of straightening out his cash accounts.
Joffre's manner of attacking the enemy suggests
that he haa no fancy Idea back of the attack, but
merely attacks to accomplish the purpose of war, whlcr
la to defeate the enemy where you find him and tc
Impose your will on him, whether It leads In any par
ticular direction or not.
Above all, Joffre cares nothing for the political
direction of his strategy. Supreme credit must be
given to him, In the early part of the war, for his
utter Indifference to the "rescue" of Paris, which the
government and the people naturally regarded aa th
cardinal point of the campaign. Joffre let Paris take
care of Itself as best It could, while ha fought hla
enemy squaraly en the field till he beat him. He knew
full well that If he didn't beat him Paris would fall In
three days without any siege and the name of Joffre
would be anathema In over-centrallsed France till that
little geographical point was relieved. I
But It Joffre had permitted himself to worry
about Parla, aa von Kluck a whole strategy over
whelmingly Influenced him to do, ha might have savs-1
Paris, but ha would have saved It only to lose all
France and then Paris, too.
What was needed was a purely military steadiness
and courage. Joffre is all purely military steadiness
and courage.
Joffre aad General Cherflls were talking the other
day about a certain aristocratic general who had
heaved a sigh of relief that "Ood was at last on th
aide of France." Cherflls' comment waa: "Blnce 1ST0
Ood has somehow come to dlstlngulsh'between France
and tha government of France."
Joffre la of the people, not of the government. Hie
father was a cooper and bU mother tended the vinos
on their little farm. Out of such work they wrung the
competency which save Joseph Jacques Joffre the In
come for a military career. ,
Pay of Movie "Star.."
How terrible it is to have our Illusions and
delusions unceremoniously punctured! These
fancy stories about fancy pay for fancy movie
actors refers only to the very top-notchers. Mary
Plckford's salary, it is true, is $1,600 a week
Charlie Chaplin gets $1,200; William Farnum,
$1,000; Marguerite Clark, f00; Mary Puller,
$500; Mabel Normand, $500; Maurice Costello,
$500; J. Warren Kerrigan, $100; Earle Will
lams, $300; Blanche Sweet. $250, but most of
the rest are little ones.
These figures, too, are official, having been
developed la sworn testimony in court proceed
lug out in California to compel one of the con
splcuous movie "stars" to quit playing hookey
and go back to work under her contract at $40
a week. Part of the defeuee was that the lady
was not a ' star," btcauie "stars get not less
than $150 a week," and that her aervlcea were
not so essential anyway, becaune the market is
"flooded with actresses and actors of the aame
caliber who receive from 25 to $71 a week."
So there you have it riKht out In the open
that the big money Is pulled down by the mighty
few, the ordinary run of actors getting about
the same whether they pose before films or do
one-night stands across country.
Let those Inveighing against the catalogue
houses remember that the latter would not have
made any headway except through the use of
printers' ink. Systematic advertising will build
up trade for the local merchants in the same
proportion at for the mall order establishment
Twice Told Tales .
Some Voire.
Here Is a little story that was told by Congress
man John E. Baker of California the other night
when the talk topic In the lobby of a hotel took a
musioal turn;
Borne time ago the guests at a reception were dis
cussing the relative merits of several songsters, when
one of the party turned to a man named Brown.
"By the way, Brown," said he, "you are some
thing of a singer, are you not?"
"Not on your life!" waa the emphatic response of
Brown. "I never sang a note that somebody didn't
threaten to send In a riot call. Tou are probably
thinking of my brother."
"Perhape I am." waa the thoughtful rejoinder of
the other. "Has he a heavy bass voice?"
"Yes." smiled Brown; "so dcrned heavy that It
makea htm bow-legged to carry It." Philadelphia
Well (1.1M.
The Kansas story of how the farmers put beer
kegs Instead of wheels on their binders, In order to
harvest In wet weather this year, recalls to the
Lawrence Oasette the old story that was often told
In the days when prohibition was young In Kansas.
There was a law that permitted the sale of liquor
for medicinal, mechanical and scientific purposes.
A farmer came in one day and offered to purchase
a gallon of stuff from the local druggist. Out Came
the druggist's book, in which all sale and the pur
pose for whlen the liquor was to be used must be
recorded. "What are you going to use It for medl
clnal, mechanical or scientific purposes?" asked the
ftj-ug clerk. "Tou might as well put It down as me
chanical." resi-onded the farmer. "I'm ruin' to have
a barn raisin'."
A Matter ef Oplalea.
Father's voice rolled down tbe stairs and Into the
dim and silent parlor.
"Tea, papa, dear?"
''Ask that young man If he haa the time."
A moment of slUnce.
"Tea, Oeorg has his watch with him."
"Then ask him what Is the time."
"He aays It Is 114s, papa."
"Then ask him It he doesn't think R about bed
Unit." Another moment of silence.
He says, papa." the silvery void announced, tin
personally "he aa that he rarely goes to bed before
1. but It seems to Mm that It Is a matter of personal
preference merely, aad that U ho were La your placei
he would go now If he felt sleepy !"-Harpers Baser.
Ills Seallmeata, Tmm.
OMAHA. Aug. 4.TO the Editor of The
I e: t Ia1j to say a few words of praise
In behalf of Jnmes P. Garrett, K1S J
street, who In his letter In The Bee de
fei.ds the motorcycle. As he esys. the re
formers are always ready to knock any
thing that is wllhln the reach of the work
ing class as a pleasure or convenience.
2410 Caldwell Street. J. E. GRANT.
oae Better Thasi Metoreyellata.
OMAHA. Aug. 4.-TO the Editor of The
Hee: Motorcycle riders of Omaha deeply
resent the statement made by a probation
officer that motorcycles lead more girls
t ruin than automobiles.'
I have ridden motorcycles for the iast
five years and I wish to state I have
never met a better or more manly crowd
of young fellows thn Omaha motorcycle
riders. Anyone who casts a slur at motor
cydes casts a slur at the representative
young men of Omaha, for among our
midst are members of some of the best
families In Omaha.
To tate that motorcycles lead more
girls to ruin than autos Is plain humbug.
The average automobile owner la an up
right citizen. But the uses to which auto
mobiles may be put at times are far
lower and more degenerating than they
are with the motorcycles. Take a trip
through the downtown district of an even
ing and notice the texts and autos sta
tioned in front of the chop suey parlors
and on street oomers ready to take
parties of men and girls to resorts and
roadhouses. The rapid growth of the road
houses scattered outside the city limits
Is directly due to the use, or misuse, of
automobiles. Dosens of cars are In the
direct employ of these houses of Ill-repute.
Motorcycles, however, are rarely
seen around these roadhouses. Show me
one Immoral motorcycle rider, Mr. Proba
tion Officer, and I win show you ten
moral perverts riding about In automo
biles. To prove my assertion it Is only
necessary to go out on the public road
and witness the disgraceful antics of Joy
riders In the rear seats of passing cars.
In conclusion, . I will state that the
motorcycle riders of Omaha are willing
to submit to a fair comparison with any
other pleasure vehicle and we feel sure
we will be given a clean bill by our
broad-minded citizens.
Vice President Omaha Motorcycle Club.
Brother Mlckle Come Back.
OMAHA. Aug. 4. To the Editor of The
Bc: What kind of times are we coming
to when children defy their own parents.
My two oldest daughters, 14 and 13 'years,
went to work at the close of school. They
make V and IS. The first few weeks all
went well and they brought home the
money and I put It in tha bank where It
wilt do some good.
But they soon got fool Ideas from the
girls where they work. These girls said
they don't have to give the money to
their parents, all they have to do la pay
board. Now, my daughters got these same
Ideas and last week the oldest said she
wouldn't pay her money to me any more.
1 had to take It away from her and I
warned her not to do It again. Now this
week she came home and handed me 14.
With the other 13 she had bought a fine
silk waist, something the hasn't got ant
use for, and some candy. She refused
to take it back and wouldn't tell me
where she bought It.
It seemed that this stirred up trouble
In the whole family and soon they were
all bawling. I didn't know what to do,
that they should turn on their own father
that haa supported them all these years.
Is It the law that a minor has to give
their earning to their parents, or Isnl
It? If so, she'll give me what she makes
If I have to go to the factory to get it
After I have spent hundreds of dollar
In bringing her up all these years, just
when she would be earning something
and bringing It in she turns around and
says she don't owe me anything. It Is
scandalous that children nowaday don't
have resnect for parents. It was differ
ent when I was a boy, I can tell you.
"All Is Peaee."
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Aug. 4.-To the
Editor of The Bee: W. J. Bryan de
livers his celebrated lecture on "Peace"
before the North Platte Chautauqua
course August 8. Bryan Is great on
"Peace." He has delivered his "peace"
lecture around the world. He Is sup
posed by this time to have th leoture
down "pat," and the people of North
Platte expect to be "muchly" entertained.
Considering Bryan's military career la
the Spanish war, and his efficiency as a
politician in "swallowing the pops,"
Bryan is some on "Peace."
Th only "peace" on this earth Is
the "Peace that passeth unders'.andlng"
that prevails In graveyards. Every
thing outside of graveyards la commo
tion, generating life and action.
The strenuous condition of th publl
mind at the present time demands aom
kind of paregoric. Bryan has got th
"dope." "Peace." Bryan put the "pop"
to Bleep true, the democratic party
flaunts the ghost of the people's Inde
pendent party to the public to catoh
votes, still the "pops" sleep. The all
Important thing to be done now Is to
keep the people asleep.
Notwithstanding Mr. Bryan's peaceful
pose on politics, he 1 wide awake, as
the "dough" comes to himself. Bryan
left his post as secretary of state to
go to Maryland to tell hla peace stories
at a convention of farmers. When he
returned to Washington, he sent a bill
to the Maryland farmers for t30O his
regular price was f&OO, but being as they
were farmers, he would discount It to
I MO. The farmers paid the bill.
Owing to the above satisfactory ac
tivity, the North Platte Chautauqua man
agement (the directing spirit of which
Is democratic, and, like Bryan, religiously
Inclined) decided to put Bryan "on th
boards" that th unsuspecting people ot
North Platte might be' brought peace
fully under the influence cf Bryan'
gent) Inspiration.
The "gentle life" la as old aa human
society. It was, and is now, used by
exploiter to put th people to sleep
while the exploitation goes on. If Bryan
ever made a dollar outside of exploita
tion, let some on show where It cam
from. From tha "crop of gold" to th
whlppoorwlir song, "1 to 1." down to
state ownership of railroads (which ha
professes to carry over) did Bryan evr
stand twelve months by any declara
tion be ever made?
Bryan and Roosevelt stand today a
the twin factors In American politics.
It ia three years sine they put "Joe''
Cannon out of the speakership. t her
have they progressed? What do they
propose to do la to future?
Th "papa" threw their oaadiaete over
board and elected Bryan to congress.
Bryan Ignored them, and during his
"Cross of Gold" campaign refused to
fuse with Tom Watson, thereby betray
ing and destroying the people's Inde
pendent party. Bryan has supported H
the "bunk" legislation passed by the
democratic congress In th last two yesrs.
Now, when the situation become com.
plicated, he resigns and preaches "peace."
Bryan is like a preacher preachnlg In
Latin no on know what ha Is talk
Ing about, and no contention all la
Beware f BsJbHaaaae.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. l.-To the
Editor of The Bee. Eternal spring Is the
climate here, not the spring of the
spring poet, but moderate heat and
cold, with need of medium underwear. Be
ware of light beVbrlggana.
1708 Market Street. ,
Here and There
Providence, R. I., has an election
scandal Involving a number of repub
licans, but owing to their Inexperience In
that line they cannot divert the spotlight
from Indiana.
General Technicality coptlnues tipping
the scales of Justice In the Missouri
supreme court. The conviction ot the
leader of the most brutal assault on a
woman ever perpetrated In Kansas Cltv,
was set aside for the reason that the
trial court's term was a few hours short
of the fifteen days allowed to perfect an
appeal." To offset this shortage the trial
court granted at) extension of the term
for four days, but the high court held
that the trial court was without authority
to extend Its term. Two accessories to
th crime are already In 'the peniten
tiary, but the principal is likely to- gt
unwhlpped of Justice because of th vic
tim' natural dislike for the publicity
of a second trial.
School Mistress Whst la the most de
structive fore of modern times?
Girl (without hesitation The laundrv.
New York Bun.
Deacon (on wav to church, to vnune
fishermen under bride-el "Little beys,
don't you know this is the day of rest?"
we ami ured, mister." Lire.
Mr. Landlubb Ah! they lust drocoed
their anchor.
Mrs. Landlubb Dear me! I was afraid
they would; It's been dangling outside
an tue aitemoon. narper s.
Phe T believe she's In love With Willy!
Phe I saw her kissing him.
He (aapiently) Pooh! That's no proof.
During the fighting a Highlander had
the misfortune to get his head blown
A comrade communicated the sad news
to another gallant Hoot, who asked, anxi
uheres his head? He was smoking
ma pipe." Tit-Bits.
The maid of all work In the service of
a provincial family, the members whereof
are not on the most nmiei' terf. re
cently tendered her resignation much to
the distress of the lady of tue house.
"So you are going to leave us?" asked
the mistress sadly. "What's the mat
ter, Mary? Haven't we always treated
you like on of th family?"
lie, mum. said Alary: -an rve snroou
It as long a Im going to!" Ladies'
Home Journal. .
Save The Baby
Use the reliable
Malted Milk
fJpbuUds rvtry part of the body efficiently.
Endorsed by thousands Of Physicians,
sooth! and Nurse the world over foe
more than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, 'no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolveinwater.
Agree when other foods often fail.
&mpf free, HORLICK'S. r?cm. Wis.
B9Ne Substitute l"JiitaQood"
ss nuKuwa s, in original
Ella Fanning, in New York Time
From Maine to the Gulf and from ocean
to w'fin.
Were studying now what the time
tables say,
Flnce summer la here, and we all have
a notion
From work, from the city, we must
There's talk of expresses, of trolleys, of
Of hem bos. and Inns, lofty mountains
to climb;
There's thumbing of folders and scanning
of pages
Toward Frisco some turn, sine It's
timetable time.
One looks j the steamer to far isles,
for flHhlng,
One's seeking the route to a smart
shore hotel.
And one for a motor-boat outing Is wish
. ing:
. Anotner claims cottage life suits him
right well.
flweet Hetty and Betty and Millie and
I ..I'lle
Are pn king their trunks, and I'll wager
a dime
Their thoughts are of Jack and of Dick
and of Hilly.
Mixed up with the figures of time
table time.
I study the timetable, too. though well
The rath to a farmhouse which stands
by the hore.
I see the quaint well-curb, can hear cattle
Pause under the apple tree shading; the
Glad hand stretch a welcome. A whiff
from the tahlo
Comes, snlcy aa odors in Arabr's ellme.
Oh, burden of work, you're a myth, a
mere rame,
Forrot. 'mid the visions of timetable
iBTJanr 0lJ : Bi warm
Clark and Chimcrn U ,h G
EveryRoomwitha 8
P Bath
SO fa $3 Sinmlm
$150 to S4 Oomblm
Horn of tha
Famous for Its unexcelled service.spnet is
uigdishesandairof gaiety and good cheer.
Dine in the Dutch Grill
The most eonmitmt matting phm Ki th loon,
aa attiaua nmm vtan torn hmttW. an in 1.1
g n
Tha HoUl of JWecf Sendee H
j P7aon a Mmlma- ftf$3t rf
iilRiii ;
i i ii mm 1
iSmsjjqj I . ... ;;
Oeary at Taylor.
10 minute to Ehrwaltlon without
transfer. Built of concrete and steel.
Private bath to every room. First
claaa In every detail. Rate from $1
up. H. Wills, managrer. Member of
Official Exposition Hotel Bureau.
, "ii ni a or tu crrr"
Cvtirr convinicncc snd comot
FREE Anto Bua Meet Train and St-amera
Summer Fares East!
Th Wabash is the short direct tin from Chicago to the
leaaure places of the East. Take advantage of the
ow summer fares via Wabash:
Round trip fares from Chicago
Buff ale
Niagara Fall
Thousand Is. Pk.
SacketU Harbor
Clayton, N. Y.
Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Baldwin, N. Y.
Lake Caorg. N. Y.
(30 day limit)
1S.35 New London, Ct. 28.80
1S.3S St, Johnsbury, Vt. 26.S0
18.35 Concord, N. H. 28.80
19.90 Boston, Mass. 27.7S
18.80 New York City 28.6S
19.40 Fabyan, N. H. 28.SS
23.85 Portland, M. 28.80
25.20 Atlantic City, N. J. 31.15
25.20 Rockland. M. 31.40
Find out abo Jt these and other summer
1 fares East, from Chicago, via Wabash at
H. C Shields, Cal Agent, Passeager Department, Omaha.
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful