Fremont's Schools, Churches and Hospitals Are Modern and Efficient .ai .iiU'V"" . ' i i i i .5WHw""- m " -i I II MHMOTBBHi M liraTlllllllll SMIiS) I f J Nil -a-.- I ' ' ' fW : - . I ' ' i a! - Dodge County Court House 1 f. aV V . i: , Mr A'- Fremont Hospital YHC.A. Building 6 v.:Vv . ... " 'vmw..ini 5 BtTif rr ... .. . vl v ?i I ' . - -: ; 3 w.v, ' ' ... .. . .'.--; ; ;:i ET8 taka a, walk out through the city of Fremont. It la lata afternoon. Tha aun la declining In tha waat and the "cool of ttb ovanlnc" U at hand. Wa will leavo Main atrmt with Ita many automobltaa and walk out on of Uicm broad, atralirht, ahaded atreota, leadlna off to tha right and tha loft. Aa you look down Ita length you look beneath aa archway of great treea, grow Ing on althar aide, their green branohea lnUrlocklng In tno middle. 8idewalka are nearly all of cement, of vuUform width Street oroaalnga are aleo of cement. Between curb and aldewalk U a park ing apaoa of treea graaa about thirty feet wide. From the aldewalk back to the building line la a amooth. level atretoh of green graae about fifty feet wide. Each home la placed In ample apaoa with lawn atretohing all around. Oreat treea and little treea, spread their cool, protecting ahade. There are roae buahea and chruoa. Thar are many flower beda. Some realdeota have placed borders of flower along tha publlo aldewalk and there they bloom In their unplucked glory without need of any protootlng algna to warn agalnat picking tha flow era or not stepping on them. In tha back yards are fruit trees and , grape arbors. On tha front porchea are comfortable) rocking chairs. Inviting hammock and porch swings. Children are playing In some yarda, prim tittle girls In starchy whit frocks, white atocklnge, whit slippers. The click of lawn mowers la heard. 'Here la a splendid reeldenoe aet In the midst of a lawn a block broad. It great portico In the southern style Is supported by six massive pillars. The garag sets back, and is also arobttaotunJly beau tiful. The ground show ertdenoea of careful landscape gardening. This la the residence of Ray Nye. Another treat, rambling, whit house with deep, cool-looking porch I not tar away, surrounded by It perfectly kept green lawns and flower beds, the home of R. 11. Schneider. Here on Military avenue la a big. In viting h rnie In perfect taste with hand a .me, spacious grounds, the home of George K. Woli. ex-mayor, wholesale baker and president of the Commercial Club. These are but typical of the scores of elenant homes to which could be added the Teijtelrr, Morehouse, Fowler, Drown, Fried, 1 .arson and many others. Those homos which are not so preten tious are svt also In spat'lous lawna and amid flowers ami trws. Nature ahowera her smiles upon th rich and the merely , " fixri" alike In Fremont. And all the time the automohllea pun up and down these streets. At many homes the cars are standing at the curb, big cars and little cars, and a goodly cumber of the art toc ratio etectrloa. Why, that everybody tiaa auto- It aeema mobile. - The aun has reached the horlaon and there iemi to pause a moment for a lingering glimpse at this happy and prosperous community. Then It sinks to rest, leaving a golden glow at the west ern sky, typical of the golden grain that oomes perennially from tha "fat, black" aoll of Dodge county and pours a golden treasure every year Into the lap of these fortunate people. And on can't help comparing thla oity with cities of equal else In the east. Ther the brick houee are huddled to gether, on flat agalnat the other, and all oloa agalnat the aldewalk In front. Llttl alleyways, thirty inohes wide lead to the , little back yarda. Almost no greenery, no treea, no flowers. Is Fremont 4 good place to live? Fine Field for Cupid "' . - r If v 1 11 :-liii-:r:r i ' "W,.)OWfcef : Fremont fbst office Fremont's Cultural Life G T ULTURK and the arts and re finements of education are plentiful In Fremont. An extraordinary number of churohee are her, and the best of publlo schools on of the best and most practical colleges and musical conservatories a splendid Young Men's Christian association building and on of tha beat organisations In the state; Woman's club, publlo library, Turn ball. j Th Cathollo church ha only recently JJ 1 oompleted a fin parochial school bulld- nine nunier with ing. xn uerman Lutherans have a th old-fashioned weapon. Pan parochial school and an orphans' noma wupia, reports splendid suc cess from Fremont and says the gam is mora abundant than ever. ' In 1014 Cupid drove bis arrows through 101 hearts and 908 marriage licenses were Issued In Fremont. That's nearly on a day. In 1911 only J67 wer laaued. In this connection It might be well to mention that In ltlt the automobile salsa In Fremont amounted to KO machines, which, you will observe. Is Just on for each pair of newtyweda and ft couple of soore over. Of course, more than aSO automobile wer bought by th people of this rloh community, for many did their buying Omaha and other places. An Imposing and commodious high school building has been built by th city at a cost of $121,000. It 1 beautifully located and of pleasing architecture. Th number of school tihlldran In 1914 waa 1,103. distributed as follows i Publlo schools, 1,013 1 German parochial school, Ml Cathollo parochial school. 104. This was an tnoreaa of 121 pupils over the number In Ills. Departments of manual training and domestlo scleno have recently been added to th high school courses, with equipment than whloh ther Is no bet- in ler In Nebraska. department of business, Including oouraea In sMrthanrl. typewrtt'ntt and bookkeeping, has been greatly extended. Th physical training courses have been greatly bettered by means of the ex cellent gymnasium in the new high sohool building. Besides tha high school ther are eight grade buildings, well distributed over the city. In five of these ti er are kinder gartena All books and supplies are pro vided fr. In addition to thee splendid publlo schools. Fremont has a oolleg famed tar and wide for th excellence of Its work, especially In Its normal depart ment. Her student who do not wish to attend for tha full course of th high sohool may oomplet any one or a num ber of courses In a short time, per mitting them to enter upon various lines of work. Its normal department Is recognised by th fitate Board of Edu cation as satisfying all conditions for th issuance of state certificates. The library la an Important part of the educational and cultural life of the city. It was built by the Laird of Bklbo, the Iron master' and library builder, Andrew Carnegie at a coat of tlB.OOu, the city providing the aito and tha money for maintenance, Ita circulation la Increasing from al ready large figures, lu lull it circulated M.1M books and In 114 th circulation figures war 17, 966, Fremont ft i$h School 33 : Ss. V 'sW . . . y"""v-.....-, ---"Jsv r-rw Iffl m m "Iff :i "'"i iiH i' m A lU-l Wi fir Y' Ml h cl -.Ji'ili: I ' TL..' e - 'l ' i' ' s t l ' 1 V"1 i . aa mmm wiwi ma umm mm m naiisi 'n i A .V:Cea:-Wi WWBBaWBBBWBWBMSggS II L THE STORE OF QUALITY Equipped With Everything for the Convenience cf Our Customers We invite you to come and take advantage of our store service. For Men and Bays p CLOTHES and FURNISHINGS ! I i i i 17. C. Jones & Company j j i 'II 517 Main Street, Fremont, Neb. 1 1 empress theatre j 1 v 1 9 Paramount Pictures Special Feature Programs Afternoon and Evening during Tractor Week Splendid Orchestra Pipe-Organ : High-Class Vaudeville Sc-lOc We. are now showing our new Fall Suits, rang ing from $12.50 to $45.00. We show you the best values that money will buy, and guar antee every gar ment for two seasons. tea lm p Our Millinery department has no equal The newest at the lowest prices. You can af ford to come for miles to buy Carpets at our store. OUR DRESS GOODS, SILKS, HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR ARE LINES YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY ANYWHERE ELSE. TOE mm l ana Ik Attention of Visitors to Tractor Meet Make this store your headquarters while visiting the city during the meet We carry the most complete stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings in the city. ; We WW. OStr Seme Special Redactions During the Meet "Whan m Bay Cm Bj at CWy eg r ELuT A. ZLOTU, Fnprkfer Nye ScSieeid Fowler C.Oc er CenerW OZTeas Fremont, Nebraska Dealers In Grain, Lumber, Coal and Hogs Elevators and Yards Located in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota . v- Nye Schneider Fowler Go. Cj a? CtfWsai Fremont, Nebraska !