Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    .'''I (111 .(
Tin 'usual
( ' i 1 . A
Resolutions Allege Favoritism to
England and Neglect of Ameri
can Intercits in Mexico.
I'rotest8 against "unmoral traffic
in arms and ammunition" with Rng-
. land, the English viewpoint In public
. pinion on the Kvropoan war and
rltlclsm of the fcoverijiuetit'a atti
tude toward Genua;;)' arm expressed
.today In roi.utlOTi:- iirja.nliiioiiftly
adopted by th! iWman
Amerlcan Alliance, B'sraHnl iiero in
.Ua eighth annual convention.
The resolutions wcto r-'oriiiiif ndod
for adoption by the re.'Ji.itlons rom-
mlttee after the refuial to report
'favorably "an opeu If Iter" a(Ulre3Pod
'.to President WITcon, which -.vas car
' rled to the floor of the cnuvcni !on by
,i minority report of the opmiittee.
President's roller Criticised.
The resolutions Crrlored tiir l.yaily of
' German-Amci lean ieirsnlei at the
?. convention to li stcarHnat, hut may. "vVe
deplore that our fe-nvrrnm-'nt him on the
i Tart f England practically permitted
violations of internntlonnl law ar.d I t r -'
fcrenoi v tth commerce, to t!ia drttin'.cnt
vi'f Aincnr an interest ami him n 'ho pnrt
of another country. Mexlrn. supinely suf
'tered the 1etnictl"n of Amec-li .n life ond
'property, while In the caw of (jcrmnny
1t qtlckly asumd n 1 1. 11 .ntening unci un
. " mpromUin etUtirV" '
MEXICAN SITUATION GROWING MORE ACUTE The labor unions recently held a
parade in Vera Cnia, Mexico, protesting- a?ainst the free distribution of food to the poor
cf the- city by American Consul Canada and the American Red Cross society. Photo
shows Canranza addressing the crowd from the balcony of the federal building, telling
them "to keep up the good work."
fContlnucd rr.n race One.)
vii begun by
-Tsons reported misstn!
Pthe police at noon.
i,. Erie eltlxene responded generously to
J the. call igr fund for the suffering and
'homeless loaned by Mayor Btern. Mayor
8tern announced that 'a thorough In
vestigation of the disaster will be made,
calling attention to the fact that wern
" Infcs of danger from Mill creek had been
J".iven In 1RM when It overflowed Its bank
snd caused 10ml loss of life.
J.- Maror Asks tor Militia.
Mayor Stern rss mnde a reauett for a
iuniany ui me Mxvcentn rogiraoni 01 1110
'mnsylvanla National guard to ptrol
-the ruined aectlon of the city,
p The entire police and fire f.trcca of the
J;ctty worked throughout the nlahl on thn
trulna, recoverintr tbe fourtcea hodlea from
mMti area, that Included approximately ono-
half of the devastated district. The men
worked under the direction of Mayor W.
-.I. Btern and the four member of the
I city council.
JJ The dlatrlct awept by the flood extendi
hi i V ju ah' f . . i jt mhlh i f
It -s 1 ! fN f ;; Hr IN' i Ml1
vJiintm tJi J ill WTmni fTi '.'"r " ir .jmrsmrtm
London Paperi Say Great Britain
Modified Rulea Became Germany
Had Broken Them.
atieet and French
Knuthweatem Ppeclal, leaving New York I
at 4 n. m. i
The rain atorm which culminated In
the cloudbtiret at Erie, covered all of
northern Pennsylvania, and weatcrn New
York. It began with a terrific downrour
ycaterday afternoon and continued prac
tically without cessation all through the
night and wrll Into the day. In no place
except in the Immediate vicinity of Erie,
however, did It al proach the cloudburat
TJew York City Flooded.
KflW YORK. Aug. .-Btret in New
York City and ltn auburba were turned
Into yellow rlvera, surface anil elevated
trafflo waa badly crippled, wlrea were
blown Into a tangled network, trees were
, uprooted and hundreda of cellara were
I flooded. In a torrential downpour thnt
broke over the metropolitan section this
forenoon to the accompaniment of a
alxty-mlle gala.
j In the height of the gale amall
. schooner went to the oottom. Its captain
and a aallor were drowned In a small
Along the northern court of New Jer
sey the gale wreaked damage difficult to
estimate- Bcabrlght, swept Dy me ocean
VHtraat, in thi , uptown otanaaM aecupr., ':thr), tliw. wllhln eighteen monM.a. was
i "u mx-... - f- haitere asmln.
.about a mllo. The release or tne water , of New yorlt atr an,,
-held back by the nam arm a nut. w. . der mfcUr
-tlve feet high toward the- ally and thrM fMt deep.
on Twcntyslxth tret. It w crested!
Germany and Austria Give Up
Hope of Getting Aid from Roumania
BERLIN. Aug. 4. (Via Iondon.)-A
warning that nothing can be expected
from Iloumanla, la conveyed to the
renders of the Tagea Zeltung, In an edi
torial this morning by Count Erneat Re
ventlow. His article, which la headed
Roumanla'a Falling Quotatlona," sum
marises the mtuatlon In tne following
Those frledly relations with Roumania
made sacred by tradition and on the
German aide, by firm confidence can
hardly longer be considered as existing."
nount lleventlow Points out rtnu-
mania'a refusal to permit exports of
grain or to permit ammunition for the
Turks to pasa through Its territory, al
though Russia waa permitted to trans
ship muntUona to Serbia. He says It
had been hoped Roumania. would fulfill
LONDON. Aug. 4. The comment
of the London afternoon papers on
the correspondence between Walter
II. Patro, the American ambassador,
and Sir Edward Grey, the British
foreign secretary, admit" generally
that America and other neutrala have
a grievance, but they insist, to use ,
the words of the Westminster Ga- j
lette "that Great Britain has been I
compelled to modify aome of the ox- j
repted rules because Germany has
deliberately broken these rules." (
Continuing the Westminster Gazette j
"For the moment we would do well to
recognlre that on a strict Interpretation
of International law, neutrals have a
j grievance upon which they are entitled
to Insist, but thl s grievance arises In the
i main from the peruliar use Germany has
chosen to niako of the submarine In Its
war upon merchantmen, both enemy and
neutral." ,
This same newspaper In reference to the
sinking of the Drltlsn steamer Iberian,
In which an American lost his life, notes
the alienee of the American pr.-ss on this
Incident. Then It says:
"The German answer to tho American
note has been most llrect. It has taken
the practical form of the killing without
warning of American seamen. Apparently,
If the American press has Its way. no
notice Is to be taken of this fact. This
Impression of the real feeling of the
lilted States In this matter will bo no
I ore lost upon Germany than upon this
The Evening Standard, In an editorial,
"The notes exchanged show that the
difference between Great Britain and the
United States, although they are by no
means Irrecomiliable."
It pointa out that Sir Edward Grey un
reservedly accepted the main American
contention that International law must
prevail over national law. Continuing, It
argues that the order in council makes
were to direct us to do any act emtrary
to the rights of free citizens, or the wel
fare of society, we would be bound to
The report declared that Catholics up
hold and support the public school sys
tem, but feel that rellirlous Instruction Is
necessery, and therefore bear an extra
burden for private schools. An ep nlon
was expressed that In time all general
forms of religion will be taught in free
The report condemns the action of poli
ticians in raising religious issues In cam
paigns, as well as the activities of quusl
pol:tical societies In discriminating
against persons of any faith. It was
recommended that the commission b
made permanent.
The report of the secretary stated
1,fCI.43.0t was collected during the last
year, and that the assets of the order
exclusive of speclale funds are nearly
KOC'.tOi). There are now nearly JsO.ftW
A For Sale-' ad wilt turn second-hand
furniture into cash.
Three Revolutions
Start in Portugal
LISBON, Portugal. July . (Via Tarl.
Aug. 4.) Delayed in Transmission.) Sett
satlonal and alarming reports are curren;
In the capital of no less than three
separate revolutions In Portugal. Riots
and assaults are of dally occurrence.
Political feeling has completely disor
ganised the army and claehes between the
royal and tho republican supporters ami
other factions are frequent.
"Yesterday a quartermaster from the
engineers' barracks shot and killed three
sergeants of his regiment and then com
mitted suicide. The sergeants were mem
bers of a secret society known as the
"White Ants," and had denounced the
quartermaster as belonging to the repub
lican faction, which Is accused of con
spiring agaliiM the present government.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottR
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
Its treaty obligations or preserve, at
least, an uurluht and well wishing neu
tral lty, but that the contrary came to national law conform fully to interna.
pass. Roumanla'a neutrality became I tional requirements, but if the United
"malevolent," he asserts, with a ten
dency to enter the conflict on the side
of Germany's enemies.
The Importance ot Roumanla'a aid to
Germany and Turkey has been greatly
lessened, however. Count Reventlow In
sists. Before Russia's Gallclan defeat,
Roumania would have been a military
factor In co-operation with the Musco
vites, he says, but that time is paat and
her military and political value as an
opponent of Germany is vanishing. The
period when Roumania could be con
sidered a leading factor In the develop
ment of the Balkan states haa gone by,
the article declares.
with a mass of debris that acted Ilka a ,
hu,;e battering rani on everything In It a
1 Four blocks rtn either side of the
J stream. Including State street, the main
business artery of th city, were covered
to a depth of from six Inches to five
feet of water. . . , i
I Omm lr Cat
Early today gas mains all over the
Z city were cut off, and telephone, street
Scar and alecUlo lighting service were
. The charitable societies, the Armory,
hotels and haatlly organised aheltera gave
? refuge to those who savod only their
J lives and a few meager belongings.
v The darkness, the danger of broken
electric wires, and the twenty-five mile
current of the flood made the work of
rescue extremely perilous, and details ot
Jihe drowning of twenty-five, thought
lost In the flood, were obscure. The life
- ving crew from the Lake Erie shore
front and the members ot the naval
"mllltla have already atarted the search
for bodies. ,
. The narrow escape of Fire Chief Mo
iMahon. with four firemen In a succese-
ful attempt to rescue three women led to
i the report of their death, but they Jumped
J to safety from second story windows as
the house was washed away from under
I rasaeaft-es- Trains tails.
V" The washing out of the main line of
the New Toik Central and the Penn
.' syivania railroads stalled a doxen or more
passenger tralna here, with no pros
pect af Ihelr departure for a Couple of
t days.
For mora than forty -eight hours New
York had been water-soaked, when the
heavy rain began about a. r today.
Within four hours thereafter the rain
fall totalled one md one-half Inches In
the city. At Bandy Hook the total wm
n irrhM. tihortlr after a. m. the
atorm tapored off. the heavy rainfall , fct th- ,how room, of the Cadillac com
ceased and In its atead there came s
steady drixala.
. .. .... K
New Eight-Cylinder Cadillao Ariivei
and is on Exhibition Today
at Local Branch. '
The new Cadillac eight arrived last
night at midnight and will he on display
only , six- cities throughout the United
States were allotted more than one
States does not accept this view, then Sir
Edward Grey concedes that Great Britain
will make no objection to an appeal to
an International tribunal. This latter Is
a very strong point, the Standard sets
forth. Insomuch as the United States has
elected to stand on International prin
Authority of Church
Spiritual Only, Say
Knights of Columbus
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4. The supreme
eouncil ot the Knights of Columbua
in convention here, received vetterday
demonstrator. Omaha waa toward tho tjhe report of the commission on religious
head ot this list and ranks with towns prejudices, which expressed the belief
such as New York, Chicago, Boston, j that "American fair play will prevail
Philadelphia and San Francisco .
Thompson-Belden ?C
Clearing Sale of 30RQSLS SHOES
Oxfords, Pumps and Colonials
$6.50 to $9.00
Values, Thursday
$5.00 to $6.00
Values, Thursday
Many beautiful styles in
broken sizes; values up
to $7.00 a pair - - - -
(Continued from Page One.)
over religious bigotry." 1
The report, presented by Colonel P. U.
Callahan, chairman, expressed satisfac
tion for aid by the general public, and
special mention was made of the fairness
shown by the Associated Press and news
papers In general regarding religious
Seven recommendations were attached
to the report. The first of these declared
a principal cause tor prejudice against
of Omaha, 20CO Farnam street
which hava been decorated lor mo oc- the js,arBW the OJe is making Catholics arose from an erroneous belief
caalon. j great .efforts to advance In a northeast- among non-Catholirs "that we owe such
There has been no reduction In thft erIy 0re, ti,jn behind Ostrolenka. i allegiance to the pope as Is Incompatible
Cadillao price this year and the follow-j "During three, days' ot fighting, the with proper allegiance to our country.
W. C, Leland, general manager or ine cnty two or three vcrsts ti-s nuusj. cnurcn on mis maer, nameiy, inai
Cadillao company of Detroit. j -cn August S our troops, during a par- while Catholics acknowledge the pope to
To Iacreaae Trice.
-nnr.rf.lnB! the Increase In price ofiwc repulsed.
(106 on the open body styles,
fare of the general tendency
tlcularly desperate German attack, which , be supreme In spiritual matters, they do
Deadlock Ensues
Over Booze Seizure
Case at Mason City;
lower prices on the part ot most mak
ers, General Manager W. C. Leland
said: '
"We simply could not continue to pro
duce a car of the Cadillao type and qual
tty at the old price without doing so at
a loss; and I don't think anyone expeota
us to do that.
"The general tendency of other mak
ers toward reductions doea not particu
larly Interest us.
"Wej shall continue to use the best
materials we can obtain, which are best
adapted for their respective uses. Taken , he Bus8tan armies welch aro Impeding
as a whole, those do not cost any less ; pXi Marshal von Meokensen'e offensive
than they have been costing. On the j m th, yieura valley."
not hold that be haa any authority In
civil matters. If any spiritual authority
Craft 'WrecUed.
BALTIMOKK. Md.. Aug. 4.-One of the
m. . ht ever visi.ea xium
section swept Chesapeake bay laat night, I ng facU wera brought forth In an Inter- ennmy repeatedly hurled large masses of "We should lose no proper occasion to
causing damage which will run Into the I vlow between George F. Kelm. prealdent ,nfantry against our trenches, but, while declare the position of Catholics." stated
a. f .tnUari. Heavy damags ! ... the Cadillao company of Omaha, ana .suffering severe losses, they aavanceu the report, "and the teachings or the
t. iiuuaaviiu s wa - i - ... ....... . .
waa reported to the corn and fruit
crops In Baltimore and Howard counties.
Along the bay and river shores hundreds
of small, craft, mainly pleasure boats,
were torn from their mooring and eest
ashore. Ho far as learned there was
no loss of life.
The Hamburg-Amevlran liner Bulgaria,
which haa been tied up at this port ever
since the European war began, broke
her Unea and waa carried into a Penn
sylvania railroad pier adjoining Its dock,
demolishing about alxfy feet of the con
crete retaining walL The Bulgaria ap
parently was not damaged.
Houses In low lying streets In Klkton
were flooded and the occupanta driven
to the upper fioora. from which they
were taken In row boats.
of mic reuulsed. saw the enemy a cavalry
In te make an onslaught on their own inianiry.
I . . A A
toward 1 which had been thrown nacg in oruer w
force them to attack us again. Tiui uer
man losses here were very great.
. "In the southern sector of the battle,
near tho village of Pollahtvnltaa. the
enemy concentrated a large mass of in
fantry In order to pasa across the valley
of the OJe, but our artillery smothered
his stuck at the end of the valley,
forcing the Qermana In this region to
"Our losses were very heavy, but our
troops are making a valiant resistance
to the enemy'a plan to deal a severe
blow Iroin tne narew line on n cr vi j
Autumn Plaids
The Newest for Misses
and Children's Dresses
59c a Yard
A double-width fabric, fine quality a line com
prising all of the bright, new color combinations.
Dreas Goods Main Floor.
Buy Your Linens
During the August Sale
Damask by the, Yard .
$1.25 Bleached Table
' Damask, - $1.00 a yard
$1.50 Bleached Table
Damask, - $1.10 a yard
$1.75 Bleached Table
Damask, - $1.25 a yard
$2.00 Bleached Table
Damask, - $1.50 a yard
Huck Towels
15c JIuck Towels, - 10c'
25o Iluck Towels, - 19c
o5c Iluck Towels, - 25c
45c Huck Towels, - 29c
75c Huck Towels - 50c
$1.50 Huck Towels, $1.00
Bleached Table Cloths
', $2.50 Bleached Table
. Cloths, - - $1.89 each
$3.50 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $2.38 each
$5.00 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $3.75 each
$0.75 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $4.75 each
$7.50 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $5.00 each
$8.75 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $6.75 each
$10.00 Bleached Table
Cloths, - - $7.50 each
contrary, we are paying more ior
tain materials now than In the past.
"JOverrbody In the manuiacturlwj
Rnye Warsaw la EvaeaateeL
BKRU.V, Aug. . (By Wireless to Bay-
!vll!e.)-The Overseas News agency today
f Ou crowded train, bound for
Yort wss brought to a stand on the I MAtON CITY. la.. Aug. 4.8peolaU
'vuduct. forty feet over the path of Mill The spectaclo of a Jury being called to
cleew, and those on board for hours hear a case and then refuse to return a
t watched houses and household goods , verdict, is not coiniii.m. but It comes
swept down the torrent. ionoe In a wnlle. Yesterday a Jury was
The rush of the water down 8tate . called In a Justice court to listen to the
--. t.AA nrr1v evarv store on the ' vilenr In the beer selsure case, which
business knows that skilled mechanics ' naya the uueelan legation at The Hague
cannot be had (or less money today than j haa officially announced the evacuation
a year ago. In fact, conditions are;of Warsaw on account of the lack of
rather the reverse. And the lest skilled ammunition. The bridges over the Vis
workmen are the kind we use. tula river, the same advices say, have
Price Waa Tea Li. itcen mown up.
The nrice of our Eight was set too' Reports prepared
low In the beginning. As it waa neces
has attracted stHte-wlde uttenium. n
proved to be a spurring niati h let ween
sis attorneys representing the defend
ants, and the county attorney.
Justice Kimball a-ked the defendants
to Introduce evidence to. show reason
why the property should not be conflsca-
thoroughfare and floating wreckage added
te the damage by smashing hundreds ot
display windows.
Throughout the night the torrent of
rain oontlnued. with enly brief Intervals.
Only the wide mouth of the creek at the
i.k .imr. prevented a much more seri
ous devastation. Piles of debris on the ted. They rotusea to miroow-e rv,un.-
slreets Intersecting the path of the flood until the state had offered what It had.
were heaped up fifteen feet high In aome The atate held back and had nothing to
offwr. Attorneys for the defendants ad-
A doseo of the largest plants In ths
city will be closed down for ten days or
two weeks, until the machinery on the
first floors can be repaired and debris
cleared away.
-Early today, as the details of the dis
aster began to collect, the story of
Firemen Kherry and Bates stood out
among the scores ot heroic acta. Taking
a girl from her home on the creek bank,
they started down the telephone pole
which had enahle them to reach her.
when the houe tell aga nst the pole and
all three were swept Into the swltt cur
rent A block further down, ths tiio were
pulled (rum the stream by other firemen.
dressed the Jury, catling attention to the
spectacle presented by the sUte and
pleaded for the release of the lis barrels
which were seised from the two express
companies' offices and the two isllroad
deiK-ts. The county attorney resisted In
an argument full of ginger.
The luetics looked through . alt the
eee ho
liberations. U finally decided that there
being no evidence it waa Impossible fr (
It it detiae on any question no n
Informed the court.
sary to announce the price at the time
the car waa announced, and as there had
been no manufacturing experience with
a car of this type, the cost of production
i could only be estimated.
' -In view of certain conditions whL-h
arose after the car and the price ha.
been announced. It proved that the esti
mate was too low.
"We might have lessened the cost to
the detriment of the car and the pur
chaser, or we might have Increased the
price. We did neither. And. 13.000 Cadillac
buyers have been the gainers.
"But, of course, we could not continue
on that basis.
laereaer In alae.
"In the face ot the fact that hundreds
of thousands of automobile owners to-
at the front and
given out by the Overseas News agency
say tho Investment of the Kusatan
fortress of Ivangurod la progressing.
Klght of the outer forts have been
stormed, according to these advices, and
the possibility of the Russian forces
within the citadel escaping Is constantly
The actual evacuation of the Polish
capital waa not referred to in the Kus-
lian official communication lasued la
Petrograd today, and no confirmation of
tho report has been received from any
other sourott.
All Traffic to Kaat Delated.
Bl'FFALO, N. T.. Aug. I.-Trffi be
tween the east and the west over the
Lake Bhure and Mckel Plate railroads
was eoiuplt-toly tied up from the time
the clouribui tt I. I go over Erie, last
night, until n' lock this morning.
Wahti.t rit ULlirfi-riienird In depth
ki4 -!. t. ,,! i.k the trains recalled
. txy and n i.t ott-r the Mirhlgan Cen tin to lvlrolt was the
.1, . . Vh. .Lul l not dy r their cars deflated In
. at hi. command. fu. from I10U to li.OM or more-t-
how he was able to InatrUot or en- " , ...... .., ,, ,
en the Jury and It retired for de- "i.ker. "ve felt obliged to
i. ,k. v.- reduce prices on new care toe o".n
red uce prices on
ef an tight-cylinder Os'lllluc, ou the
other hand, sees his car actually en
hanced In value.
Confesses Robbery
Of Bank in Iowa
DETROIT. Mich.. Aug. 4.-H. R. Bmltb,
arrested yesterday, confessed today that
he took part In the robot. ry of the Farm,
ere Havings bank at North Liberty,
la.. July M. Smith confessed that he
received V" as his share of the plunder,
the police said. The prisoner was taken
to Iowa this afternoon.
Six Hundred Cases of
Cholera in Austria
itl.'RIClI. Swltserland. Aug. 1 (Via
London, 4:18 p. m. The number of cases
of Asiatic cholera In the Austrian em
pire on August 1 totaled (29. according
t an official announcement made today
In Vienna.
I Am.'iig those who succumbed to the
' "Even at the advanced price, there will ., vs General Von Klegler, the com
be a smaller percentage of profit that ninnicr of an army corps, who was the
a person pays on his everyday purchaec,. j r.iy officer of the eutlre staff whe re-
And the only reason that even a greater fuicd to be Inoculated against cholera.
advance may not be necessary Is thn
the car has gained such a strong holu
on the public that, from all Indications,
the volume ot business will bn larger
than ever before."
That Omaha la recognised as one ol j Jj,,,
(no S4A iars. iwummwii
Vacation Luggege
4 Til '
t.i'.r..... 'I!':. l! 1.
Ml riiiSliilir ifti
Tor Summer Toura Short
Journeys Week End Tripe
no luggage could be more de
sirable than our Suit Caaea of
Fibre, Matting, or Cane. Light
In weight (eaay to carry) dur
able (wont scuff very easily),
nicely finished Inside and out,
and very reasonably priced.-
Any price you wish to pay
from 11.80 to $10.00. and e
cellent Talues at every price.
"O make's Best Bagvare Bandera
1803 Farnam St.
of the 11,000 in Omaha who are using
help a good thing along by telling
others what you have used It for
and how you like It. Use it yourself
for every purpose for which soaps
or clfcaners are required.
It does all kinds of work better
and with less labor than anything
It la made In Omaha.
old by Crroeera and Drugglsta,
Fhone Xsenglaa 111. W. O. W. Bids:.
! Pay Cash for
your clothes
when you
can sjet
! t h e m on
, easy credit
terms of
a Week
Glen Morris Inn
Christmas Lake, Minnetonka
Popular Rendcezoas
of Omaha People
Owned and Operated) by
Minneapolis, Minn.
1417 Douglas
r H IM
. Fi'i.sicr....
t M. 'S ...
t. T "
a ti i
distributing i HAflJf.i
points m evidenced by the fact that j ?,Rp66i'.
fi.iirsirata of Oeesa Steaeaere.
. hi.u Amsiseoaie.
. H
La Tunties. ,
For Rummer complaints
DuftVs Pure fJalt Whiskey
ia reliable. It will keep your stom
ach and bowele In fine condition to do
all the work called for. thus avoiding
or relieving cramps, dysentery, diar
rhoea, cholera, malaria and stomach
"Get Duffy's
tnd Keep Well"
Hold by moat drug-
lais. s-rocers ant
dealers. 41.00. H
they can't supply
you. write ua.
Medl'-al booklet
free. If yu write
TM Derrr Man Whtak Ok. H oritur. N.V.
"iutsh" OAxurr
"Us 11LV
"In Bosaethtsur Bew."
pbells'i cmoxra
"The Ovesiaad Stum-Up."
Slaglmg sastmmentallsas
A riratloal Bra ma, and an Assorted
of Oosaeay and Bi
Bes'S Beats, loe Zatra
"ffl"' "" " "sshlsj limn ns
The quality printer urftt
kit cnttoner to spend
money for good enrravingt.
txcauie it u money well
rt. The best printer in
ndneu cannot get rc
$ults oat of em tWcrior cat
We make them to suit the
ssk li. ng I
swui a,a.
Edward Lynch VutirTii"
sfstlasse He Ste Bega, S5e ate Soe
Beat Wii Ti Olrl rroa Oat Tanner."
Bathlaur. Beating. aneuc
and Otaer Attraatlons.
A One Big-Be Btnnd,"
and "Is WlnnlnsT
August 4-4-5
Wednesday, Aag. , Ctesaeai first gasas
nsllsg s y. st.
Aag. a. Qesse Called P. Bt