B (i THE P.KK: OMAHA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 5, 1915. Other Things than Business to Attradt Attention at the Show ' .. . , . y.r.f ,t;-i;i?, KA Scene on f ! ' Afdin Sired its r1 j . v v . " ... 1 - : - - - ; m S ; - .-. a-' 4 ,...: ..w..i- ... - ; S r ' ,v ' ' , . - - . - - ,i . . . ' '.- . r ., - " ' ' v; - , . ,,. . - - fl , rr-iT-i i . . ...T r mi! i in niiitmnirmfsi" i nirii - i ni' : itmr,, rr vm rv v.y..n A. & T I ill. ' LftT t fZ A IX the watermelon roia ran at and a delicious alio of bar becued ox are aoma of the attraction that Fremont la Jrjl offering Ita c)a during tha mi , I week of tha National Power Vtormlng temonatratlon, Augimt to 14. Don't let anyone tell you that Juat ha. cauae tha watermelon crop of Nebraska puffared from lata froala and an over auppljr of molctura there won't ba any milona on hand at Fremont, for tha de flrtenrr will ba made up by oarloada Im portad from tJeorala, ao that tha ai ctuit vueata, who have enjoyed tha luclone Netiraaka watermelon of former ean, will not be completely disap pointed. The tarbeou will be furnlnheil by the South Omaha Union Stork Tarda. Their eata have been nmong the moat popular thing on the ground heretofore and there la reaaon to auppoea that the will live up to their reputation thla year. And to addition to the watermelon and the beat there will ba coffee aenrad free by tha German-American Coffee company all week. ; Of oourse, tha moat Important and ln taraatlns thing at tha demonatraiion will pa the traetora. Evan to tha man who doeen't know whether a DuirxvJeraey la a oow ar a aheep and whoea only ex pert en c on a farm haa been to atop and bag a drink from tha well, tha oooaaton will b a memortable one. Thar will ba forty-two different flrma preaent, with over 100 complete tractor autflta. Thla tramenae group of traetora, ail working at owe in the field, make a apeotacle never to ba forgotten. When each firm plcka one representative tractor, and the forty-two line up and all atart to work at onoa at a given atgnal. It la aa impree alva and asolUng aa tha line-up at a horaa raoe, and It la real fun to wateh for your favorite to pull out ahead of the others. But tha traetora do not work all day, although they ootne pretty near doing It, and there la plenty to do while yott are resting or are tired of watching tha tnachlnea. Kor Inatanoe, every morning from t to XX there la a tractor abort , uourae, Thla ta a aummer achool, where 'you can go and rest and listen to a lec turer, who will explain tha vital parte of the big machine, lie will tell you why a tractor gooa and ahow you Juat bow iu ' "Innards'' are made and what make them work as they do. He will have a tripped engine to demonstrate, tha polnte of his lecture, Juat aa tha Instructor oa , anatomy haa a skeleton at hand when he tails hla class of budding hyBiclaiui about tba human bonea. lie will tell you exactly bow to operate a tractor, and when you have learned you can go and do it under hla direction. You can ask him all the questions you want to about tha ma chines, and ha will be able and willing to answer them. In thla way tboee who go to the demonstration with a real de sire ta learn something about traetora aud tractor farming are enabled to secure the Information they dnalra. From 10 to 11 a. m. each day there wtll be dynamite exhtbtttona. It la really wonderful what constructive work la now being dona with thla descendant of gun powder, which waa designed la tha ba-K-innlBg for destructive purposes only. . When a man haa some old atumpa on his plsoe, occupying valuable acres or dis figuring the landscape, ail ha haa to do la to bore a little hole In tha proper place la tha stump, put In a email stick of dynamite and blow the stump to a thou sand atoms. When ha wants to dig a ditch for drainage purposes he laye a train of dynamite In tha approved man Tver, sets tt off and, presto, there Is his ditch complete! ' They are even using dynamite for planting trees. They find that If yon blast a hole for your fruit trees, the earth ia broken up and pulverised all about the bole, while If tha hole Is dug. tha dlgirtnc packs the dirt about the sides, so thit there la a bard wail fur the Umder rootlets to break through. And these are only a few cf tha usea that tha up-ta-dnte farmer haa found for dynamite. What caa be done with thia w form of farm power and how to do it are to to demonstrated daily at tha demonstration grounds at Fremont. Monday. Aucust . ta to ba lowa-Kan- aas duy, when the show is opened by a grand psrade of the t rat tors, led by the band. All the mechanical animal will be present, and if you think It will be a dull aad monjtonoMk affair, get over tha Idea at once, for the various tractors ara ss different from each other as the animals that went ta by ta In Noah's procea- ton. There ta aa muss, differ nee be tween the Dull and tha C&terplllAr as there Is betwen the living creatures for which they are named, and you will fUid that the Jroa I lore sad the ft eel Mule differ more than their prototype In the animal kingdom. In the evening of this day the regular Oet-Togther banqUft ta bald, which la tha good-follow-aiilp meeting held annually, wheie the Kt'!nont buniners nu n. the ni g ad'ement uf the alvow and the representatives of tl. e tractor manufacturing companies m acquainted T leaday Is Fn-itiont and Dodge county da. This I the day when local patriot ism U La at its hot if hi and all the " ..: V - ra-- ii '4 : i mm l - - -irHil' i !s) 1 . 'r i'l .. .stMminnis sin utmfjt G. H. HODGES L. W. BALDWIN HODGES it BALDWIN Fremont Granite Works Est. 1886 See Them at Their New Location 320-326 North Main Street LARGE STOCK OF FINISHED MONUMENTS SET UP IN OUR YARD TO SELECT FROM M H 5 1 HellCaHJaHeHelKI neighboring cities and farms will turn out Immense orowds tt watch tba ma chines and Join In tha merrymaking. In, thla connection, It la not to be forgotten' that tha champion wrestler. Joe Btecher, la at home In DodT county and haa been Invited to ba present at the demonstra tion. Wednesday ia dadloatad to the imple ment dealers. In tha afternoon the traotor men will give a demonstration of what their machines can do besides plowing, tha Job for which they were originally Intended. Tou wtll be able to one these well trained machine running grinders and grindstones, shelling corn, operating elevators and washing ma chines, and In fact behaving themscivea with all the docility and usefulness of the domesticated elephant of India Thursday Is Nebraska and South Dsy kota day, when the owners of big stretches of prairie wheat land and tha inroprletors of the smaller and more diversified corn-belt farms will meet on oommon ground to see what science and progress have dona to make tha life of tha farmer on of comparative ease. On thla day there will be a "Three Oenera tlona" parade. It will be led by Oov- Duay af the Barbaeut amor Morehead and hla staff, who have promised to be present In honor of that day. Following them will come the representatives of the "Fast." the votprans of the civil war. Then will come the "ITcaent, as exemplified by the Fourth Nebraska regiment Follow ing them the. school children will repre sent the "Future." The achool children are being trained In a beauttful ohorua of 1,000 voice, which will bo heard that day. On Friday th Knights of Ak-6ar-Bn and the live stock men will Join In mak ing things hum. This is the day when tha South Omaha Union Stock yards wtll put on the big barbecue. Omaha and South Omaha will send big delegations and there will be something Suing every minute. Besides there special days, with their special attractions, there will be many oubdde amuaementa to help visitors oc cupy their time. During tha week of the demon xtratlon there will be an encamp ment of the Fourth regiment of Nebraska national guards Juat outside tha city, and the maneuvers of tha khaki-olad boya will add to the possibilities of entertainment. Besides this, the Redpath Chautauqua, with Its many excellent rpeakers, beau tiful mualo and crowd of campers, will ba In session near Fremont all week. It waa feared for a time that there would not be watermelons available for the annual watermelon feed, ao a fish bake waa arranged to take Its place. Watermelons were secured, however, ao now there will be watermelons and fish, too, Tha fleh bake will be held at Morse park one evening during the week. Tht boating and bathing facilities at Mori park are unusually fine and will no doubt ba taken advantage of by the fish eaters. Fremont ta a good town In which to entertain these crowds. Its beautiful drives, artistic and comfortable homes and enterprising and hospitable cltlsen are a combination that few towna in Nebraska or any other state can offer. Fremont Is amply able to entertain the multitude of gueata that will be present during the week of the demonstration, and attendance at this ahow will toe one of tha very most profitable and enter taining methods of spending a week's vacation that can ba offered In tha wast thla summer. Fremont's Lights and Streets T eam of Profits POWER Will . . . , There are a score or more of labor-saving uses that power machinery may be put 5 to on your farm tin tits that either you have performed yourself or left to horse power. ?J Practical farmers appreciate increasingly that the power way is the practical way. i Tractor Show at Fremont, Neb., August 9 to 14 will show you how to make your farm turn in the profits to which you are entitled. You will there gain many practical hints on agriculture from the thousands of other hi Hi farmers that will attend. Demonstrations of power farming held each day of the show. i;S t i ..1 1 J 1 1 , t .Arrange 10 aucnu, ana wnen you go, rcmemDer mat UMION IPACI1FIC will tako vou there ouicklv and comfortHblv. Soloiulid trnin Rorvir into TTWrnr c a y - m L - - .a u v a. a v iij v 1 1 jl from each way every day. Ask local agent for particulars. LO ST. S z rwlhllTisgiri-slsgillslili-sil.irsl.liilsiil.si-sl I ii.! ! a What? Millions of bushels of one dollar wheat and seventy-five cent corn. . ...... . Where? Right here in Nebraska. Why? Just because some of the owners of low land did not pre pare for so much moisture. WOM! Who? The land owners that took advantage of the dry years and prepared for the wet ones. How? By having their land Tile Drained. We can tell you the rest if you will meet us in Fremont at the National Power Farming Demonstration. Platte Valley Cement Tile Mfg. Co. FREMONT, NEORAGKA REMONT has tha best lighted SI main atresia In the atata I with the possible exception of . .'.W, www admit, because the brilliancy of Main street, Fremont, at night ia really astonishing. On either side of tha street are pillar of splendidly sculptured maaalve iron. bearing aloft five, slectrto lights in globes. The topmost of these la of 10. caadlepower. The four grouped around It are of slxty-candlepower each. There are at of theee electroliers to each block, three on each aide of the atreet, making a total publics Illumination of over I.oim candlepower to the block. In addition to theae are nuraeroua eleo trto buatneaa signs of various colors and some of them mechanical regular met ropolitan style You'll go far before you see a more Impressive night scene than Main street. reraont, with the Unes of electrto lights stretching away until they nearly come together ia the distance. , Nor are these lights confined to ths prtwipel atreet. Tbey are also on several of the adjoining business streets. Tba paving la also of first quality. Eight ml lea of broad atreets are paved with brick. And the "job" haa been welt dona. There's not a whole or de pression in It. And It Is a'l kept very clean by the street cleaning department of the rtty. Ths many stores are up to date, many of them with elegant store fronts and with most artistically dressed windows. And the private electric business sigua as stated, are numerous. Two big nw business blocks are In course of eonatructioa on Mala atreet. A' splendid theater, the Empreaa.. waa recently completed. Ita front looks very much like the Omaha Empreaa, after which It was largely modeled. A unique thing about Fremont Is that here a public and private electric light plant abide aide by aide and do busi ness and proeper. The Fremont Gas, Electric Light and Peaer company la one of a i'haia ef plants In L4ncoln. Denver, Bpekana and elsewhere belonging te New Turk capi talist. Thla company baa within the laat few ytere made enlargement and Improveuienta at Us Fremont plant cost ing I'.&o.ouo. The Fremont municipal power, 11,-ht and water works plant Is owned by tha city. It has a large and Imposing build ing near ths center of tha city and sup pile electrto light and power and ths water for tha city. This plant repre sents an Investment by the city of fao0, 000, and la under the management of ths Board of Public Works. Ths Fremont fire department had ths first firs auto truck In Nebraska, It new haa two auto trucks of the latest type, composing a firs fighting apparatus of really exceptional value. la parka the city le rich, though one wondera what la the need of parks when each oosy home has its own private park right around it, and every wide, trae-eheded atreet ia a park In itself. Klverslde and Morse parks are great play places, where there is good bathing and all the things that go to make de sirable parka. Besides these, there are various public squares, provided with benches, band stands and other park equipment. Another feature on which the city la right at ths front of municipalities la the absence of overhead wires from Its business streets. Not a wire 1 ta be seen, all being carried in subterranean conduit Such are tha attractions prwtdsd for the inhabitants. The natural attractions of ths surrounding country Invito to en joyment. There are many picturesque walka and drives rivers, bluffs, wooded Islands, lakes, good fishing resorts; de lightful picnic and camping grounds. There Is an inexhaustible supply of the purest water, wholly free from all taint and pollution. Perfect drainage and sewerage add to the fine natural health condltlona Sample of Song for Fremont P at ths club rooms one even- Ul ing George Wol. who Is &1 I ways of thinking of ways . , v... v m M . entirely hnppy unless he Is devising some new scheme for sounding the glories of his city or making thoae glories greater, remarked: 'I have a atanding offer of IX to any one who will write and set to music a song about Fremont. It must be some thing catchy and Inspiring like 'Old Ken tucky home' la for Kentucky and 'Mary land. My Maryland' is for that state. There's a chance for the song writers to get a little extra money." Then up spoke "Doc" and said: "A g9od Idea, and I'll put U on top of that." Oood saaipla of el vie spirit and "sprit da corps" So we sat down and trlod a haad at It and produced the following beautiful bal lad. To aave the extra work tn this age of "flheacy" we Juat wrote It ts ths metre of "America" and tt should be aung to that tune in order to get Ita full beauty. Here It ia: "My Fremont, tl of thee. 1 oh tl or piMept-rlly, I thank the blessed fate That placed me in thla atata. And ever will relate Fair Fremont'a fame." If this proves satisfactory to the "-en tlemen putting up the fifty bonea we will engage to write four mora verses, even more beautiful than this one. Five verses for $00, gsntlemea. It's a bargain. City at a Glance FREMONT STATE BANK T. L. UATHEWS, Praident. D. D. EOWB, Cwhlar. Capital and Surplus $55,000.00 ALL DEPOSITS PROTECTED BY THE DEPOSITORS GUARANTEE FUND OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, W Handle Checking and Sarlsft Aoooonta and Would Appreciate Your Btulna, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: H. J. LEE 0. O. MARSHALL J. H. HOEBENER A. J. EDDY J. A. MURRELL O. O. MARTIN D. V. STEPHENS L. E. MAY T. A, YAGER W. T. 00URTRIGHT I I m s OONCKETE Idea of the slse and growth of Fremont Is ob tained, front comparative fig ure of two years, com piled by the Fremont Tnbuue, as follows: Wli. Wl tJD.171.ftV U7,--o no. am Si .7 Ti.41i M M Jl". Met t.tT 7at.4 :.( r.v&.j Bank otaerinas I'ostoffu-e rei-elnts Ooneral Improvements. K-1 lenee tiuprovatn'ts Total imDrovwnenl 'Ita II road tMintnrsa ..... j btiliool enrollment Library rtrcuiatan .... 'Mew reeidauooe Nebraska State Bu lding & Loan Association HOME OFFICE: Fremont, Nebraska Assets - - - $1,611,488.24 Of ficert and Directors: T. L. MATHEWS, Pres. and Manager. HO S3 L. HAMMOND, Vice President. D. D. ROWE, Secretary. J. T MAY, Treasurer. PAULCOLSON E. R. OURlfEY, D. V. STEPHENS W. J. COURTRIOHT, CHARLES H. HAWLEY ' We Have Agencies in 150 Nebraska Towns. Writ Us If You Want a Loan.