i 4 f : 1 k t r t V" t ' HOME BADBR. hv yon ever haen to PrwmontT Did yon avftr n ft profiler rliy of Ha 1mT Were vr thorn UirM r- i; ; t r HI ;", 1 . parity, flenly. mora optmly prnMit in tiny place tlin thy mrn In FYmont? . , . if yo i bnw(r yr to (ha flrot nuoaUim J you aurrljr miwit Iv a nrgaflve reply in h ather two. . Tha rltir of Ihom, llnrs liaa khiTi nit' J tlr In majiy lantii. (tut nowtiere at riy tlm ha h n n mora cliarmlrii; i)i(v. a Ixinirr city, a dly with iiwra rlvU'. i rlt, i olty with mart bank, a city i-wlth mtrc i ntitomobiloa, a rlty with a JWrhtr rontrt'hutnry nnd nurrouniilna ter litorjr. In t!ic 10,'0 populnttnn clana. " Framrint. ' la nlmly a r otidiH-. J ' AThrn n allshtftj from th train hjhI jafkl ' out' ' ftnto' litu1. ' beautifully 1 Pti-Kl, tr'illlahfty. 1lkhla1 Main, trt ha 2loppr4 "in BfltonlMitwnt, itilmlrlng th tIendld Illumination, tho line of vim t- ful ornamental Iron plllnri, each baarlnK fife light atrt'(c4ilng away and convnrg rlnaT In tha dlitancc. Then uptown he atartatl looking for n . hatai. But It aeemful that all tha gooj Jiornart wr oocuptcd hjr banka. Two national banka Mood on oppoaltfl oornora. lna occupied tha flrat floor of a fine, J :imT, flva-atory building.1 " Ottvrn wcr "attf rod about. 1 ' : Fremont has foilr national banka, thrc 'laving banka, two building and lnn aa- acK-lntinna and a general tnut company. 2 Tan banktnC tnalltuiloni' In a city wit't jjo.ooo population! - Omaha would hava ta hv 3M banking lntlmtlona to keep up lh came proportion. . Jt Add tHa automobllaa. Thay purrod up khd down that amoolhly paTtd atraet In on contbtual prooaaaion Juat aa thick ICftry bit aa on Plftk avenua, New Tort, r on broad atreot, PhlladalphU. ' ' f And thay war linod along tha' curb Tr. either aide. What' that? ' No.' air, not Ford. Soma Fordu, of Aourae, but a grat proportion of thoae big, allant, purring, gliding, high-powered, luxurious v tar that ar bought by tha rich. And , jt a goodly number of "eleetrtoa" driven ky women and marked by every refine "ment of elegance. " And thla la Fremont, the apot where, .M but a few dH4a ago, OenaraJ John C .7 Fremont camped In hi lonely exptona tkin of tha great, unaettled land for tha J L'nlted Ftatea government. Tt Thla la Fremont, where tha hardy ml- Rrant. following tha Overlaad trail to Jth far weatland In March of gold or m home, atoppad In the etlant Bight and alept and kept watch agalnat raid of Tthe red man. m Tht rrn,ont where. It la poeatbla, . Coronado hlmaelf may have arrived In Thij eearch for the fabled wealth of the .Seven Cltlae of Cibola. . Poor Ooronado failed to find the wealth Fremont City of Many Advantages OP MR. FRANK FOWLER IS L,a3 :?s::,r:. of which he had boen1 told. Thwe waa no grain of gold. Coronado hlmaelf re. ported that the otl wa "fat and blai-k' and "better fitted to ralae all tha prod uct of Rpaln' than any other aoll he had aver aeen." Little dkt' the Hpanlaid dream that VO year later a race of man would aettla on that aoll and from It Would take each yoaf more- wealth than he In hit wltdoat fllghta ever imagined he would find In yellow gold in thoea aeven cltle. Mile of brick-paved atreeta, milea and mllea of cement aldewalk, hundred of beautiful reaideticea.'each aet In Ita own little park with velvet lawn, flower bede. treat ahade tree; aevcnty-flve manu facturing, jobbing, ahlpplng and general distributing concerna a city beautifully laid out on perfectly level land and aur rounded with a farming community whoaa wealth fcoth actual and potential la not exceeded anywhere. Aa for actual figure regarding the value of thla farm ing land la the fant that Dodge county land la rated by the state author Hie a second la vahia In Nebraska, being ex ceeded only by that of Dougtaa county and the latter Is largely due to the blg populatton. The figures are 190.10 per acre for Douglaa) county and PQ.U per acre for Podge county. Thera Is a bird' eye view of the wealth, happlneaa and proapeiity of Fre mont and Dodge county. The various a tivttles and Interest ruuet be considered under separata headings. It Is really a wonderful city, an aston ishing community. Tou have to admit that, no matter what la your own homo town. PARADISE AND Are the Highest ASK YO UR GR C THK ItKK: NOT ALONE ONE OF THE SHOW PLACES OF FREMONT, SozephT. ,' Fremont and the Farmer O WE3 went out by automobile s to the grounds where the na tional farm tractor demon stration la held every year, one of the blggeat agricul tural allows In the world. ... Av'J Over the brick paved streets the auto mobile purred and then along the well- kept Uncoln Highway road, only a five minutes' ride from the center of the city. There, aa far aa the ey could reach over the level country, spread wheat and corn fields, the former yellow unto the harvest and the latter green with prom ise. They were at work In one of the big Mold with the binders. So we stopped and want In. "Oh," said the owner, "I guess It'll run thirty bushels to the aore. Not so bad." "How many acre you got in this field." "Well, there's only 1M In this patch," he aald. A little mental arithmetic showed that there would be over 4,000 bushels "In this patch." And, figuring at a dollar a buahel, which Is too low, the Income from "this patch" would be quite con siderable; yea, quite considerable. On the way back to town our guide ordered the chauffeur to atop where sev E AL FLOUR Grade Flours i iseiidate Fremont, Nebraska OMAHA, THUItKDAY, AUGUST 5, 1&15. ' ' . ' . ".-- '.'V-' i- Smiths dung&low fi,r - r' Ma ' :' "t-J eral farmers were talking. We stopped and backed up. "Are you expecting to start cutting wheat tomorrow?" he asked a big young farmer, who was whittling a stick. "Yes, I expect to go' In with six bind ere," said the young farmer: ''five of 'em I'll pull with the tractor and the other with horses." "How many acres of wheat have you got, Raymond?" "Well, we're figuring on 15.000 bush els," said Raymond MiddauKh. "I've got 60 acre." Now, gentle or violent reader, please remember that 15,000 bushel of wheat la just as good as $15,000 In gold in the bank vault. Tet this Fremont farmer talked about it just as nonchalantly as though It was 115. Think of the automobiles and talking machines and trips to Europe and all those things that $15,000 will buy! Then we began to understand why there are ten banking institutions ten. count 'em, ten in Fremont and why they are all strong. Then w understood why the streets are full of automobiles. Then we under stood how dosens of men have made fortunes In retail businesses In Fremont In a few years, and how scores of houses trading out from Fremont among people who are "figuring on so-and-so many bushels of wheat and corn and oats, and EI IOWN on the Market OCER l A I. and Unusual Attractions BUT IS ONE IN WHICH ANY so-and-so many horn and cattle and sheep" had made fortunes. Within the last five years they have added l,?o0 aplendld eighty-acre farms to the area tributary to Fremont added them lust aa surely as though they had hauled them in from somewhere and found a place to set them. A hundred thousand acres of Platte and Elk horn bottom land had been too poorly drained to ralae crops and permit breaking tip Into farms. This land wa Imply bursting with richness; only the water must be removed to make it available. Drainage legislation was enacted; drainage districts were formed, and $500,- mo waa expended within a short distance of Fremont In straightening the Elkhorn liver and reducing Its length by twenty mllea. and cutting waterways across the valleys into that stream, straightening the Logan, eta If Coronado had but seen that the gold of the Seven Cities ot Cibol was metaphorical gold had ha but tuken from Dodge county alone the golden wheat and the golden corn which It produces every year, he would have car ried away such treasures every year as 1 k- . v I f Hi '.i p '-vv il no? (Dlih ' j m-v id ij h ; :- -. !; 1 t I i, I i r h,:' - U. Jt :? . ' I I : ih ; "'' I r ' J mKtti m mimiiiii w , in iii,itaci.rliiyKBni,iiiiii i n n ihk mr wirtiawi 'n antsKHa 'rTj Co ;- COMMUNITY WOULD TAKE CT. Morehouse Home. the court of Spain had never dreamed of. This black loam and the moisture re taining sandy aoll of tho I'latte valley produce unfailing crop, and many are the farmer who "figure on" 13,000 bush el and far more and who get It, too. It la estimated that the farm land of thla county alone, with its Improvement, live stock, etc is worth easily $.'0,000,000. Fremont's It. Fremont postoffice occu T pies a large and well appointed building and does a good busi ness. Its receipts lost year amounting to very near $1,000 a week.. The city is completely covered with the free delivery system. There are three deliveries of mall every dav In aha hui. nesa district and two a day In tho resi dence district. There are nine mail carriers, eight mail The Best Place BOILERS, STEAM ENGINES, OIL ENGINE3, GASOLINE ENGINES, ELEVATOR PANS, ELEVATOR BOOTS, COUPLINGS, SHAFTINGS, BOXES, HANGERS, COLLARS AND ELEVATOR BUCKETS. Leather and Rubber Belting, Packing1 of all kinds, Gas Pipe, . Fittings, Valves, Steam Gauges, Water Gauges, Compression Cocks, Injectors, Oil Cnps, Grease Cups, Lubricators, Babbitt Metals, Spark Coils, Dry Batteries and Belt Dressing. STRUCTURAL IRON Consisting of BEAI3, CHANNELS, ANGLES, TEES, COLUMNS DOOR PLATES, LINTELS and BASE PLATES. Sash Weights, Fire Brick and Fire Clay ELECTROLIER STANDARDS For Street Lighting Purposes. WELDING of Brass, Copper, Ahnnlmna, Cast Iron, V rought Iron, Mailable or Steel. Fremont Foundry and Machine Co. Corner Second and H fits. Wi "' PRIDE Besides Dodre county, Fremont draws directly on large parte of the neighbor ing counties of Douglas, Saunders and Washington. A healthful climate, a plentiful and easily obtained supply ot puro water, plentiful streams and the absence of swamps, ponds and stagnant water, combine to make a most healthful natural condition. Postoffice clerks, a parcel post delivery man, three substitutes, a driver for the mall wagon and a man to superintend the handling of the malls at the Union station. With forty-three pajsernger trains In and out. Fremont has a mall service second to no other city of Its size in the country. The Fremont poetofflca Is of the first claaa. The building was erected at a cost of $50,000 and has been Improved at a cost of $s0,0u0. It stands on ground valued at $20,000. on Earth to Buy FRE2JONT, HUB. UK . 1 JTZ