AUGUST ., 1M5. tfm m A a, a. Ocxoiioc3oaoc3oc3oc3ocxoaoc3ocxoaoaoc3oaoaox3 oaonoaoooaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaonononoaoaoaonoaoaoooaonononoaonoaonooonononioaoaoaooOQoaonoacaonoao n n On the dullest day of the dullest season somebody buys advertised Real Estate. o n o a g For a complete list of Real Estate offerings, read the Real Estate columns of The Bee ibononcoaononononoaoaoQoioaoDoaonoaoaonoaonoaonoaoQoaononoaoaoaoaoaononononoQoaonoDonoaononoa oaoaonoaonoaoaoaoaononononononoao T1IE BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Wut ad received at any Urn, but to Incur proper classification miiat b pre sented bafor 11 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:39 P. m. for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours will be under tba heading. "To Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. . Seven rnnaecuuv Umea, 1 eent a worn each Insertion. ... Two or mora consecutive) Uroaa VA cants a word. Ona tiro. I cent a word. CHARGE RATES. . ... Prven mnseoutlv time. cenU a ark Insertion. . Three censecuttra tlmea. 10 eanU a Jin each Insartloh. Ooa Um. It cent a Una. Count six "averag worda to una, Mtmimum charae, 10 rente. An advertleement Inserted to b run until discontinued must ba stopped oy written order. . . . All claim for error mnt road w(,hm fifteen dura after tha lt rnsr tlon of tba advrtlment. ton place your want ad In Tha Be by telephone. TELEPHONE TTI.ER 100V DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES CONN Andrew, at tile residence at Flor ence. Monday, Auguat 2, aged yrare. Funeral arvtoe from Croaby chapel. Twenty-fourth and Reward treet. Tnur Jay. at 4 p. in. Interment at Foret Uwo cemetery. BIRTH! AND DEATHS. : Blrtba-Samuel and Ethel Berkovlts. 2028 N. mh, girt; Moee and alary O'Brien, in Fowler avenue, boy; Paola and Ltea fecarna, 1450 South Thirteenth, boy; lom Irlclc J. and Catherine Loftue, ftSi South Thlrty-alxth, South Bide. boy. Deeths-Jsne C. Iltimea. 32, 12) South Tenth; George A. Longren. 1. M North Twenty-fifth; Louie Mocagnaro. 1 1411 South Fifth; Stanislaus J. Mowak. t dsys, Thirty-ninth end L, South Hide; Mrs. Mary Formlsa, . 121R Maaon; Edith M. (Sim, 39. 194 Wirt; Anna Saunto, 33, hospital; Baby Krajnovlc, 1. KVi Cap itol avenae; Otis Martin Druca, 4B U23 Park avenue. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Tha following; permits to wed have been Issued: Ralph E. Mora. Haatlnrs. la 23 beulah Springer. Hastings, la H Fred A. Toner, South Omaha 20 Mnry M. Marshall, South Omaha 17 Charles P. Putnlck. Tulsa, Okl M Nclll Thurmm. Fort Crook Out Kot,te. Omaha 23 Francea Van Zandt, Omaha 23 Karl King, Waterloo Piilh Todd, Waterloo Tal'.e Allenaworth, Hastings, la T. Bemlce Mllla. Silver City, la U Roaroe II Oienoweth, Omaha JT Nellie Tonga, Omaha Mrt Ptotta. Florence I lelah Cleminena. Kalton Adam Bloup. Omaha..'. over II Harbara Mllclc, South Omaha over 1 Joerph Berry, Morbome Mo Nora Chtldeja, Barberavllle, Ky rred Miller, Omaha.... ? Ethel Palmer, V Molnea, la Loula F. Wllaon, Llnooln. Uamlca Ruoaell, Aahlana . BUILDING PERMITS. Ouarantea Clothing company. 4l Douglaa. tor front. t.6O0: J. V. CJiiaek. 714 North Nineteenth. South Sidv frame dwelling, I1.W0; Thomaa Tomp, WHh and Polk 1 "ram Tdwelllng. 11.100; CrelgMon vnlvaralty, 1SOS-10 Dougla. repair. M.. Today't Moyie Prorami LANTERN slid tor movie. Band your copy to u Wa oaa re prod uo photo or ariU proper your copy. Wa will color a dlrtxted. BM PkoU DapL VB B Bid. Pewatews. EMF12ESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLB. Tl Glri of the Qypy Camp. -hel Edi son, When Wlfl bleep. Lubln. Dreejny Pud Ooea Bear ituimag. Jlearet-stlig No. SL PrIncess. 1S17-1 1XIUGLA8. Fatty Arbuckl In a howling -r. Kay. com, Fatty a Tin Type Tangle. Fata . take a Hand, -r. dra. lus Ulghty Hold, Heart lntereat drama. Hwrtsi. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNBT. THEATER BEAUTIFUL HOME OF OOOD PICTURES. Chart! Chaplin. In "Caught in tha Rain." The Outcast of Society, 1-r. dr., feat. Mlg non Anderson. "Tha Littl Catamount," feat. Oeorga lah. Tha Mia, alngle-r. dr. LOTllROP. S4TH AND LOTHHOP. "41S," -reel Vltagraph, featuring Anita - btewart. Julia Swayn Gordon, Harry - V. Morey. a jiVleavenworth. APOLLO. K-astlaiid Dlsastar plrture. liearat-Sellg No. (7, The Hand of God. Vita. In King Koo-Koo' Klrgdom. ae)t. MONROE. 1565 FARNAM. Francl X. Bushman In Tha Plum Tree, 1-reet feature, and The Varulerbllt Cup Vac, a run at tha Panama exposition. eat . BESSE. I4TH AND N. Romano of Elalna. The Man from tha Desert, t-reel Vita. A Flaahllght Fllver, Kalem. ORFHEUM. 14TH AND N. Tha Old Hlrh Chair, MaJ. dr.. -reL By Moonlight, Ko. oomedy. Liautond From Ui Bky, No. 11 MOVIES FEATURES TODAY APOLO. SSI 4 LEAVENWORTH. Istland Disaster Picture. OKPHEl.M. J4TH AND N. I'StLrnond From tha Sky, Ko. 12. ANNOUNCEMEXT8 jil'NKY TRANSIT CO. Good car lowest rale. Phone Dog. 4E11. !uvul:ii4t Y.l.C.A. out g iaik, t in nnr 1,000 Craw Fish " rr-xti every day . am htiitt-ti'n. um Joug. ilia i ilA L foudrd, 4.(lu0 buliUmi allies . , end ncr bad on stru. s. Wa i -..irant" every Jub. AMi-KlCAN I.iuiijMNG HOD CO.. Ha H. 1Mb bt- II I T J I Iji.uuV .i.... i - 1 A .- . ' w... ,.rr , m rr nv Win k,i1.r. new loca.tK.iu, 2oll-i. it S. lah M. Ii.'- Host ui-io-i(e, iixKivrn undnrlak Sou vu -ff In to city. Tvl. Wcu. 4;. ANNOrxrKMKVTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent Offlo Koom 10. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conalderlng aeiltng or buying a uaed car and you Wuit full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what thy are getting you will have no rRret If you buy or advertlee through trie used car column of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler loo. AUTOMOBILE; Stoddard-Day ton model. a, rtreamune DiKiy, in inrrect con II tlon; alwaya rarefully handled; a high grade, expensive car cheap for caah. 'all WebMer 7"M. tm RKWARI) for any manneto wa can't reralr. -olla repd, Bayndorfer. ilO N. 1. o 8 no four-cylinder Croiton-Keeton ne four-cylinder Chalmere. Prlcea from -t00 to H.OH). it. fKiroN, j2q Fa mam St. Induetrlal OaraMe Co.. yth Harney 6U. Cadillac IfvVW Ford Ford is Oakland TSj Truck 166 out, ee'i inn exensnre. TUB AUTO CLEARING HOURE, IMP Farnam. Tel. Ooug. gllo. PA Y caati for 1K15 Ford. Addreaa K. S70, Hoe. FOR BALK FORD ROAUSTEJl. 1BU niooni. uaea juat one month. Here la your change to get a new car at a big dim-mint, phone Red 6S1. BLiL'K Mercer Raceahout, In fine ahapeT; Terv inai ana powerrui. rt4 Farnam, or Walnut 7SB after p. m. FONTKN fc.I.LK AUTO CO.. 21 . ltn 8t K i pert repairing; bargalna In uaed care, guaranteed aa repreeented. Overton'a for lky radiator. W dealer. NKBRA8KA Bulck KerMco Htatlon, 19H ramem dl fnona uoug.a 721 BUSINESS CHAKCES If your bualneaa Chance will atand rigid Inveatlgation and la Juat what It I dvertieed, or If you are looking to tart In bualneaa for yourself you will be per fectly satlafled if you ue the Bualneaa t hanoe column of The Bee. When buy. "2'J!!fJJhigjBuJnea'honaTyler 1000. IIW Wll.l. buy a cleaning, preaalng and tailoring bualneaa; earna from (160 to 1175 a month: downtown location; let ma enow you; reaaon for aeiltng, other bual neaa. Addreaa K (&0. Bee. OR BAl.Ii A good paving millinery bual neaa In eaat central rtouth Dakota: only ma In town; rent reasonable; splendid 4itcount for quick cash aal. lk tut, Wolaey, H I). LADY PHYSICIAN' wiehlng to retire wilt acrlflce for aulck aale clean and lu. cratlv ctfloa practice: best location. Deal direct with owner: would consider land. riena srir-addrassed envelop. Box G30, Lincoln, ,fii. o FOR SALK Woll eatnbliahed businnaa; only ona of It kind In Omaha; no vim. petition ; bualneaa will pay for Iteulf In alx montha. Addreaa 11. C. Mils, Kill Farnam St., or 'phone Doiixlaa lfA WILL aell my drug store doing a big bualneaa, located In a Mv town in Ne braska. Koaaona for selling the best. A snsp for druggiat wiehlng a guod bual neaa and location. Clean atock and tm fountain aad -fixturea. Y .. Be. SIONtt. (how rarda, Clark ft Son. D. 1371. TO OFT In or out of bualneaa call on GANOHTAD. 423 BM Bid. Doug. M77. HEAL eatate Bualneaa places supplied or handled; all stales. F. V. Knieel Omaha. THEATERS Buy, lea or aell your the ater, macniue ana auppuca inrougn Theater Kxch. Co., 1404 Farnam. D, 17. OWNERS-Llat your property with W. W, Williams, SiO Nevtile Blk. D. 4407. TO SGLL or buy a btalneaa, call on Bunch & Borghoff, Frenaer Blk. I). ISlft. Mas, parlor. R 224 Neville bk Mlxa Walton. WANTKVD Mechanical end of small light plant by A-l man; A. C. and D. C. gen erators, motor, construction and Inaid wiring. Want ehang ot location. Y 47, Ilea. FOR SALE Or trade, blackamlth ahop and garag in Co. seat town. Address T 626, Bee. FOR HALE A cement block factory In . a good town with up-to-date machinery and mixer and doing a good business. O. 8. Mtroua, noeius. nro. WANTED t buy hardware atock in small town. in Nebraska or Iowa; glv full particular In first letter. No trad atock considered. J. V. McLan. Florence, Neh. ryj Our Nebraska farm mcrt ft gage are not affected by (J European war or panic. ' Amount 1400 to IK 900. Wa I collect all interest and Rrlnclpal frea of charge; M ebraaka farm loan field Without a loss Is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT CO MP A NT. ft Omsha Nat Hank Hide. Omaha. a atawaalaat Maaaaei lov Sal. UOARiMNG and rooming house, oheajk. n. M47. 1 1 - ' ' ' ' EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete business sours, complete ahorthand or stenotyp rouiss, complete telegraphy Course, civil xrvlo branches and Lug. Hah. Students adralttojl at any tuu Write, phone or call for ltll catalogue, BOYLK-S CoLl.rXIK. H. B. BOYLES. President Tel. P 116. Loyles Hid., Omaha. Neb. FOB eale, the following acholarshlp la a Iirsi riasa oinana n isinees College: One unlimited combination Inul u and shorthand course. Ods unlimited stsnographlo eouraa. One tbiee nionlba' bualneaa or ateao. graphic course. Will be sold at a dlsonuat at tha tftoa f Tb Omaha Be. rOR BALK FOR SALlfi Her la a claatflcatlo that Is o( th utmost luportauc to very reader, aa this column offer some excep tional opportunities every day and a email want ad will aell your article at It full value. Phone Tyler M. I'srslisn, Iteasebeld U4a, ta. NEW high grade piano. SacrUloe. For quick sale. Any reasonable offer ao- oet'ieq an t ternia. rnone Douglas 4415. We have the followintr office fixtures to offer at piioes thieh will practically assure their immediate eaJe, all in good condition. ONF TYPEWRITER PFUK. THREE Rol.l,ToF DEUKfl. FIVfcl OFFICE CHAIRS. ONi; tJAT RACK. ONE SAKK. ONE CAMIIER'S PAOK. TWO FlI.IN'vJ CABINETS. TWO CAkI) FTLEd. ints miUNG. TWO TAbUH. Aot q .4.-k as tbtse will not laiit long. CKNTHAL TYPKWJtlTWt KXCIIANGK (Inc.). 1!W Farnani SL FOIt RALE Paraltarr, HaawkaU Oaoda, Kte. Auction Auction Furniture and Household Goods AT Wng DEWEY AVE. THURSDAY, ACQ. S, at I P. M. Dreeaera, beda, eprtnea and mattreaea; eeveral nice ruga; kltrhen cabinet, kitchen table. Ice box. commodes, 4 ana atovee, dining room wet, curtalne, llnena, blah Srade waehlng machine, kitchen utenalls. lehea and hundredn of other artlclre too nu mere u a to mention. All to be aold at your own price, one artl' la at a time, at W Pewey Ave., Thuraday, Aug-- 6 nt 1 p. m. aharp. Dowd Auction Co. Auctioneers, For our tenna and da tea for auction galea OAK illnli.g lublo, 4 chalra braa bel atea. reaaonable Phona Harnoy 4717. VOL NO coiifle leaving city Aug.iat 1 will ell rea unliable complete five room and hall furniture. Party purchaalng furni ture can alao rent flat. V N. 2th St. Tel H. UH. BAROAfNS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE. 1M N. MTH, WETt. 1H07. FllVk" v4 booght and a. Id J. C Heed, lIi"l012flr; Farnam rt. D. SIM, CHILD'S bed. fine condition. Doug, 7247. Iitran mill teaieiva. Grocers, Attention! OUR large tock of delivery wagon Qrnil.h.L.. tttwt our nern maJe. of fered at low prloea to make room for our new AutotnoDii truck ana r ora truck boil lea. JOHNHOM-DANrORTH CX)MPANY, IfJSMtl-M N. lth St.. near Clark St. FRESH COW. US. Phono Bouth SC2. Maateal laatraaavitUi. Sllchtly uaed high arrad clan. P. Wl FOR SALE OR TRADE Ona fine piano, perfect condition; owner never uaea; for aali or for good diamond. Call Wabatar 7064. !'), " aa-aef ea. STEREOTYPE matrlcea make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houaea, They are 1723 Inche. atronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically 'leproof. 70 a hundred at The Bee office. V.AKP fcialn, 109 lb. I1.8S. Warner. ul N. IMh. Trcwit. TTPKJWR1TER8, 10 and up. t Be Bldg. TYPkiM Hi l k.lti eo!u. reiileu. repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. 1M rarnata. Mtarellaaeoaa. ErJ3CTRlC MOTORS MI. P., KO volt. phase, new I IT t-H. P., L'O volt, I nhaae, new 44 t-H. P., 230 volt. I phas. new M -H. P.. i9 volta, t phase, new M I'TNAMUS. I-K. W 110 volts. D. C, new f 71 -K. W., U0 volt. D. C, new 1M IU-K. W., 130-C0 volts, pew JJ 1-Fl. P., gasoline cnglns M I H. P. gaaolln engine, throttling gov- ernor l VB BROS ELECTRICAL WORKS. lit S. 12th St STANDARD concrete mixers for sal or rent. Sunderland Machinery A Supply Co. T0 OA Ooldea Weal Whiakey, full I quart bottled In bond, pre-yyyJ't-tJ pila. cackley Bro.. Omaha. FOR SALR-1100 Hall aafe, Just as good aa new; 140 will take It. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA, K4 Farnam St. Doug. 4Z2A. CARPENTER tools, shovels, picks, jack acraw. 10-penny match vending ma chines, 60o each; good home, J6; harneaa, 110; exprea wagon, 66; kitchen utensils, on eleotrio piano, I sideboard, 1 hall tree, I Iron bed, 3. C. I8H. 1021 B. S9th St. Harney X4I. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alles snd acceeaorlea; bar fixturea of all kinds; easy payment. Tlie Brunswick. Balke-Collcnder Co.. 407 -4' H. 10 th St. SURUICAL Instrument and medical book, suitable for medical student. Address F. 71, Bee. HELP WANTED TTEMALH Clerical as4 Offl. Stenographer Stock Clerk, muat be good 140 Stenographer, xp. in credit work.... 164 P. B. X. Operator, Typist .144 Stenographer-Clerk 140 DO YOU WANT A TEMPORARY PO SITION T IF SO SEE US AT ONCE WESTERN REF. BOND. ASSN., Ina., 76. Omaha Nat Bank Bids. EXPERIENCED UW STENOGRAPH ER, BEC I-OSITION IN OMAHA. t! TO START. APPLY AT ONOB. Business Men's Reference Ass'n 1S10-19 Word man of World. 8TMNV)OR A I "HER, wholeaala $7S tlilirwr.nh., ti rM. ... Stenoffrauhar and tuKikLrMli"""""TiI Comptonteter operator i0 atenograjvher. temporary u STENOS. Watt Ref. Co., IM-40-U Brandet Thee. LAW STENOGRAPHER Prefer red haired elrl. This la -w-i!.H Ki . .m py fo. anqrH x Si, nee. BRIGHT beginner, Steno., P. M. only ""irer, iver. t.o.. psu III Ion. OIRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhelra. THH Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th . win run a worvant um Wanted Ad FRtjfl until you get th desired result. HiO w Oouucll bluffs. BrlB,T &d l - ..w .. m.m vr viigynons 4 jrier 1'iuu. WANTED whit girl for general house work. two In family. Call Walnut IUO. WANTED Oook, while woman, between v, , ai a, 10 go wun party to New Orleans and return on motor boat trip. State quajtrtcatlone. Address Tboa. H. Boyce, Owyhee Hotel. Boise. Ida. COMPETENT gtrl for general housework. " airs, naara. la B tn nx. W'ANTED A competent girl for general WANTED-Oirl for general housework; ..w ...lam, Jtppiy user rara mi va. WANTED A girl for general housework, , who can go homo nlgbta. Apply ) f. rth St. or phon Harney MSI. A OIRL for houaework. 14 Park Ave. WANTED Cook, oolored. lit 6. frth bU WANTElk-NUrOSB GIRL, CALL HAH- GIRL for general housework, to go home nigbta; no cooking; non but good girl peed apply; between 1 aad vanlnga. 1 N. lth. W A N TIC D-Oood girl for general boase- . ' ' swq nome. narnsy nil rplST CLASS white girl for geoeral housework In family of IhrM gruwn peraoiia; referencva required Mr, lien V. Baker, H4 K. ixth Jit. I(im 117 WANTED Girl for general hou vork. ',n pt- Harney 1771. OIRL forhoueeyi.rk. Apply I Park Ave. GIRL wanted for general housework. Apply ?kjo Caldwell st. Aire. Martin, or Phone Webster esTu. UK LP WANTEI FEMALE Haaee keeper and Dnmntlrl. ,1 OOOD white girl for general houework ; 4 In family. Oood wagea. II. MZi Dcxlge St. WANTKD A good cook, reference re quired: al In family, good home. teU Wehater St., Phone Walnut V. Mra. Pie rpon t . WANTE1 A competent gtrl for general houaework; tu waahlng or Ironing. Phon Harney 2. or ir7 K. 42d Ft. OIRL for general roueework; a ma 1 1 fam ily; good noma to right party. 1'B r. loth St. Mlecellaamwm. WANTED Lady Intereated in church or child welfare, for 40 day' work prema nent If aattefactory. Adorea B-8M, Bee. YOU NO won-en coming to Omaha a atranger are Invited to vlalt the Young Women a C'nrlattan aaaoclatlon Lulldlr.g at St. Mary a Ave. and li'th St., where they will be directed to eultable boarding placea or otherwla aaalated. Look for our traveiera' y'a at Uavon station. GIRL wanted at Neumayer for dining room and chamber work. LADY repreaentatlve In Omaha; aalary good; for Interview anawer Immediately. Addreaa A-Sfifi. Hee. W ANTKJi Lady cook for email town reetauranL W, J. Btrohecker, Fair mont. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerlettl e etl office. Gen. Mgr., machinery tXQ Cattle Buyer, must b crackerjack.-t-tno Chief Draftaman, Supt 12.7) Saleaman A-l specialty man 12 8 te no. -Secy (100 Salesman, Implement 1100 Retail Salesman, clothing $ 7J Stenographer, experienced man $ 78 fWEflTERN RET. A BOND ASSN.. Inc., 751 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale.... f.6 to ll PACKER AND SHIPPER iHM,BSCK TART) MUR. (country) $W BTORAOH BATTERY MAN............M Business Men's Reference Ass'n 1-20 WOODMEN OF WORLD. BXP. OFFICE MOR $n0 MOR. GRAIN ELEVATOR A IMP.I 71 KXP. SALESMAN. EAST. TERR 1100 I AUTO SPEC. SALESMEN. ...100 com. 1 ADV. SPEC. SALESMAN. 10 SALESMEN. GOOD PROPOSITION. ROGERS RKF m . KM .t,n Otnlm cleik (railroad) T6 oienograpnar. Dog Inner 45 Stenographer, out of town 60 im t.iANO AftEXCT. 00 Be Bldg Salesman, Neb. terr.: must give bond. Saleaman, city; salary and commission. Saleaman, city $) WATTS REF. CO., KM-40-42 Brandeis Th. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST REFER ENCiS BOND ASSN. ihp nm. ii n k iag. NEW location. 640 Paxton Blk. We hav veral poaltlona open. Roger Ref. Co. CITT olloltor wanted. Best of refer ence required. Salary to right man. Call Maneray-Omaha Nursery Co., 433 Stat Bank Bldg , or list and Avenue A, Oounoll Bluff. la. ASSISTANT MANAGER tN CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT, j Young man of some experience and ability In icady-to-wear departments, wanted by one of the largest department More In th west. Splendid opportunity offered to the rinht man. Apply by let ter, giving- full detail. Adiir? E. 47, car Be. o E hav a good place for a live Insur ance man. Mutual Benefit Health Ac Cldent Aw'n . 4a City Nat tank Bldg. CO A I, agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. J. M. I'ox. No. Platte. Neh. REPRESENTATIVE FOR OMAHA AND SLRROl'NDINO TERR1TOKY AC QUAINTED WITH CEMENT AND CONCRETE CONTRACTORS. TO SELL ON COMMISSION MOST COMPLETE LINE OF SMALL CONCRETE MIXERS. W. H. PETERS. ROME HOTEL Very Desirable 8paci for Printing Office Light, water and janitor aervlca fra Cheap power Inquire The Bee building Co. ai,rintendent'g Office, Room 101. TRAVELING SALESMAN wanted for eetabilshed territory lu Kanaaa, Ne braska and Missouri by manufacturer of well known line of trousers and knicker bockers. Exceptional opportunity. Ap ply In writing only. Box Y4. giving per son inisojrynarernces. WANTED F list-class retail shoe sales man: non but man of long experience and first-class reference need apply. Ad- dre C. KM, Bee. AGENTS Big. uulck profit. Sell our new, patented wrenches. Every me chanic, autolst, garage, factory, shop, farmer or home buy. Unlimited terri tory. Be first to apply. Imperial Tool Co., Bloomlngton, 111. WANTED Several live wire salesmen for oily; new automobile specialty just out; must have little cash to pay for article. Hustlers ran make 4 per dav and better. Call at Ju Harney St., between and 11 30 a. m.. t to 4 30 p. m., Brinkhaua. HERE la a chance for a clean cut honcut aaleaman, a hustler to get In on a good t reposition; automobile specialty; some, thing sell on aaght; for one well ac quainted In city tills I an elegant chance. For particulars address C s. Bee. Km t wry aad ltsats. Position Now Opea. Frs Catalogue, AalSRICAN AUTO COLLEGB. LEaVIiN BAliBER TRADE Wagea paid. Tools given. Port Hon fJaranteed Call or write for Information. li-Clty College. 11S4 Itouclas Omaha. WANTEX) Experienced ateam shovel en gineer to operate Thew shovsl. Give reference. Addrea Frank Craru A Bona, Dea Molnea, la. WB need ansa: bad to turn dowa iws lobs per week lately. Get In. Lear by our method. Oat one of the lobs. Catalogue D. B. frea. Nebraska Auto mobile School. J41T Itodge St MOLER BARBER COUEQE Special summer - rates Catalogue me I led free. 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Drug atore snaps, tufas. Knelst. Bee Bid. at teoe I la , WEN wanted: government )obs; 4 per month; Omaba xair.lnatlona Sept. 14. Sample queiv,.ns free. Franklin InU .,ta ii.rt r.'l F. Rocheeter. N. Y. UOVLRNMENT POSITIONS in post off loe. railway mall and other branch? sr good. Prepare for "exams" under fomiar U. S. Civil Service Secretary-ait-amiurr. Booklet O . frea. Writ to day.' PaUereon Civil Servtc School. Ro chester, N Y. WANTED Namee of men. 1 or over, wishing government Jot. t'V5 month. No pall necessary. Ad.lrtas Y ail. Itaa. .Vpartments, flats, bouars and cottage I can ba rented quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" HELP WANTED MILK 1D rt4lS. FAST Monet for fw hustlers having ood Judgment and abldty to explain. Those having acquaintance in and around own and expeitem-e In agencies pre. 'erred. 1'ntiaual opportunity. No sell ing, no Investment-, no Interfering with regular employment. Ask for revresent ntlve of silver Mirror 'o.. room 2(11. Hotel Harley. Wednesday, Thursday and Frl dar. 4 to I p. m GENTLEMAN or lady to travel and ap point representative. Ex(enaes, salary and commission. For Interview, Address S-W4, Bee. WANTED ITxperler.eed shoe salespeople. Apply suiierlntendent Brandeis Store. SITVATTOXs WANTED VVAii,lJ-ru.iiiin as housekeeper by yound lady with boy I year old. Ad dre J Ml. Bee. WANTED Mechanical end of telephone exchange by A-l man. Reference. Want change of location. Y 4s Bee. MECHANICAL draughtsman want a position. Address O S50. Omaha Bee. RELIABLE colored man wants steady place aa porter or Janitor work. . 37i lake St. Web. 1244. WIDOW lady wishes position hi honse ; keeper. Wishes to go wcsi. Thoroughly : competent snd experienced. References It necea;ry. Addrers K Bee. i EXPERIENCED engineer, micidle-agd, , want "firing" Job. Address F &, Bee. CIVIL snd mechanical erTglneer wTh rk-nce desires a position; hava a new, full set of engineer's surveying Instru ments which I would furnish ubere en gaged; am a good draughtsman. Address K 868, Omaha Be. EXPERIEN'ED stove run want teady position. Phone Wobeter X3n4. LADY, with child, wants place on har vest field or farm a cook. 401. N. lRh St Mr, llov Walker. BARBER want altuation: t yean' -perlence. Can furnish tho beat of refer ence. Phone Bvoy Hotel. WANTED A position as nurse girl. Call Harney 'JH. LOST AND FOUND LOST White a grotU Monday, 4 p. nv, on Harney and loth. Lady with ted dress was seen to Pick it up. Return to Beaton Drug Co., Mower Dept. Liberal reward. Lost or Found ad la Omaha' Lost and Found medium means the Immediate re turn or that article If advertised In Th Bee, tba Lost and Found paper. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost sotie article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street car. . . Many article ch day are turned la and the comiwny la anxious to restore tnem to tn righttui owner. Call Doug. 43 LIBERAL reward fur information leading to recovery or rora roadster; license, Nebr. No. 1221. Central Tin Shop, 12th and Dodge. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a I rangers are Invited to visit th YoUng Women a Christian association building at 17th St. and Su-Nary'a Ave., where they will b dlreotcd to suitable board Ina placee or otnerwis assisted. Look for our travelers' -aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licit your old clothing, fumltur. maga fines. We collect. We distribute, phon Douglas 41B and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn, 11 10-1111-1114 Dodge St. WANTED-To adopt bright, healthy baby boy from 2 to 4 memtha old; good home; have no chlldien. Address Box 282, River ton, Neb. GORDON, -the Magaxlne Man. Tel. Doug. TlaS- STORY manuscripts criticised, personal dtscuraion given, by visiting Now York critic. For terms address L S63, Be. Wanted children to board. Phone Flor. S2. Widow with pleasant homo would Ilka children to board; reasonable. Benson 205. Omaha school toeacher wishes to tutor from Id to th grade. Inclusive. D. K08. Apartment, flat, houaea and oottages SWAPPERS tXJTiVMJf Wanted to Swap. WTiy not advertise tomethlng that you no longer hav any uae for and get something you really need? It cost you nothing to Join th r-wpper' Club and you will find It lot of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Boa Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. APPLES Hava several trees of fine eat Ing apple; hav not time to pick and market seme; will trade for anything useful, such a washing machine, chick ens. etc. Address S. U. 1292. Bee. 1 AUTOS Will exchange painting and peperhanglng for used car, any make. First class workman. Addrea 6. C. 1174, car Bee. AUTO 'Will swap two-passenger- Argo light roauster. tuny equipped, in good shew throughout; will trade for larger car that can ba worked over. Addrea 8. C. 12M. Bee. AUTO Will swap 6-passenger Stoddard Dayton, fully equipped and In good running order; new Le puncture proof tire all around. What bav youT Ad drees S. C. LSXJ. Be. AUTO Model 10 Itulck. 2-pasa roadster. In good running order: good tire. Will trad for 4-paaa. car. Address S. C. 13A, Bee. AUTO Model 63. Stanley steamer, 4 passenger, 10 h. p., new copper tub htiler; will trade for ga oar. Addrea . t:. izm, nee. AUTO 0-h. p., U-passenger bua. Will taae ron or wnai nava juu aa pan isu'invmi inn car la u iwai win ami . . V.. . - I I . ..1 - - - -K.r A A drea 8. C. 1177. Be. AUTOMOBILES For otber automobile bargain see thu "AatouioDU ciassui cailoa. BUSINESS CHANCr.S-A recently pat ented useful artule . for the print ing profession, paying over 1M . par rent profit on each article aold, to gether with, die ready for It manu facture, advert'aing literature, boxea, labela and a number of completed ar tlclea on hand, 1 offered In whole or In part In exenange for a good printing oftce. city property or fertile land, all It be frea Of Incumbrance. Worth tlO.UO to tha man financially able to handle, Ad drea 8 C. 1170. Lee. BICYCLfc Man bicycle, 14-1 nch frame. In good condition, to trade for boy bicycle, about tu-tnch frame. Addrea S r. in. Be. "DIAMOND locket end atud. Trad for shotgun or rifi. Friedman, im pong. DIAMOND- karat. tUB, to trade for piano; muat ba nearly new and of good make. Aaareaa b. v.. uru, ee. DIAMOND A good diamond to trad for a piano. Addren S. C. Bee.- EXION MMloa Picture Outfit Fine con dition. Alao Include reel film. What hav you? Address S. C. !), Bee. FNoLldH Bull dog to trade for Bird dog. Setter preferred. Addree T 4W. Bea. - ENOINE&K d TOOLS Such a ptpa tool a, tape, dlea, cutler, wrenches, pip tongs; for motorcycle or old model Ford. Address S. C. 1!T4. Bee. H.ECTRICAL SUPPUEA-WUl trade electrical supplies for a .23 repeater rifle. C. iax, Be. tljALLONS of auto Imiwrtal Puncture proof; worth $14; to wp for office fur niture. or what bav you? Address 6 C.. lli7, Bee. (Continued oa Cot. T, This Page.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service tha?' will pleaFe tho 1110$ t critical: , ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO. eldest abstract office In Nebraska. 203 Brsndeis Thea. Kerr Title Guarantee snd Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 3i S. 17th St. Phone D. f7. ADVEHT1S1.NO NOVELTIES. M. F. Phafer Co., 12th, Farnsm. P. 7474. AHATiltH Kl.KISHlMG. Fi'LMS developed free If purchased from Pttoto Craft Shop, 414 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOCXTA.NTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Booka cpcr.od Od cloeed. Cost vteni Installed Ixt me call on von to explain the advantage cf mv eudlt service svstem. Address 33 437 Ramge Bldg Phone. Doug. 740ft. A HCIIlTEC'lti Bverett S. Dodda, 612 Paxton Blk. D. 2!L A I TH ACTIONS. MCN1C PARTir DEStrttN-Q RE FRESHMENTS PMO.VE HAN3COM PIC. ATTUlt 12X .. T. Plhlnaon. Ml Paxton B'k. D. IS04. AIC1IONF.ER9. Powd Aurtlon Co.. 1115-1 W.O.W. R. XS At TO OSIH.iMK. AUTOMOBTLF. MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas Til. AUTO HAD1ATOH REPAIRS. Orrrsna Radiator Rep ro?4 Far. P ?flfl1. UAKEHIES. X. Tt. RF.F.PFR. IF N. 18th. Web. ."JW. BEDDING. OMAHA PILIXJW CO.. 19W Cuming. Douglns 24CT. Renovates feather and ma It iv hoc of ell kinds, mikm feather mattresses and down "overs. BRASS AND IttU.N FOCNURIES. P-ton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha fits. CARPF..NTE:tS AND COTIl ACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. TM. Doug'.aa 8620. Leaeard Son, lo Cnp. Ave. T. 10T2. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 BIrd Bldg. D. 84tit Dr. C. Prirra. 2S2S Harncv. Red 77ni. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Bitrford 620 Pal. Blk. f.a-i-!. CONCRETE! CONSTRUCTION. Wealern representative of VEt.VKTlT.B COStPOPITION flooring. INVESTI OATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Rldg. D. V.U. DANCIMU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic! D. 1ST! Summer rate now at Mackla'; privat lessons daUy. 1816 Harney. Doug. 644& DRESSMAKING. Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th Jb Fariiam Mim STURDY, I41 CASS. D. 7870. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. P. 5072. DETECTIVES. JAMEfl ALIiAN, S12 Neville Block. Evl- aence aecured In all cases. Tyler 1134. DEMISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat, Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, I'M Douglas. P. 2180, DRUGS. DRUOS at cut price; freight paid on tlO orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 16th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOM REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bea Bldg.D tS7 " ELECTROLYSIS. . Uloa Allender. 624 Bea Bldg. Red SOSa, B VERY THING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered button, all sixes and style; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., M0 Dougla Blook. D. im. NEW YORK sample atore. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak, aulta and dreares aacrlflced. 204 N. lth St. FURNACES AND TIN WORK, HABER9TROH. 40X4 Hamilton. Wal. 2ST1. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1A04 Farnam SL D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 12.U Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ann. HESS 4k SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUE. 16U Harney. Poug. 100L GOLD AMI SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal Omaha Plating Co., 1?20 Harney St. Eat 18a. HAT CLEANING. Panama cleaned. P. Flsele, US City Nat INSTRUCTION. English, French, Inatructlon. 306 Lyrto Bid ICH. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICB 'PHONE WEB8TER 6913. General Office. ISth and Manderaon St. JISTI4 KS OK THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 313 Paxton Blk. R 7401. Notary Pua. deposition steno. C. W. BR ITT. 301 Baker block. LAI N DRIES, CHICAGO LAUNDRY CO. Pougla 3971 LIVE tlUlK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. St CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIHlNtTT IITTTfrvIV Thome. Pougtai SJli, UUUIVi 2419 Cuming ac MOVING PICTUBmS MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machln and film bargalna. MOTORCYCLES. HARLF. Y-PA VIPSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains la used machines Ictor Rjos, "The Moicrcycle MV 2701 L. avenworth. " Sit SIC AND ARC, Ragtime piano playing positively Uught In lessons. S.V Cuming St. Wslnut 3S79 NOTIONS. NOTION'S, new, cigar, candy. IMS Park MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. PIANO-VOICE-VIOLIN; the rough In atructlon by t tnher of grrat expvri enc. 1V14-1S Arllnaton block. UU Dodg St Phone I nubias 3"i. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glaaaea fitted, pay as yea can. Dra. McCarty. 11U W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. JDStrpHINF ARMSTRONO. 415 Be BMj -I PATENTS. p. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red nil. j H. A. Pturgos. fil Brsndls Theater Bldg. I 4AI.NTIU AND PA PERI. NO. HUGH M'MANUS, 417 N. 40th. K. STM, . VaINTING and PaperhanKlnr b first-' class workman, day work or contract: ' 10 Job too large or small. Tel. D. 30. PLATING. P. 5277. Acme Plating. 111 S ISth St.! PHINTI.NO. WATERS-HARNIIART Ptg. Co., ouallly printing. Tel. Doug. 1190. 621 6. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 37il ' 1 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Pougla 4l. ' RlBBKii; COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAOE CO Thl Is th man to call If you have snv ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster Mli. 1 SAKE AM) TIME LOCK K.XPKRTS. I O A TT,C? Opened, repaired, coinlt. ! M p.JJ chanKcd. F. E. Dsven-1 w- --'' port- Uw tJodge. D. lsvl. , SCALE RKI'AIRI.Nti. Om. Standard Scale Co., 613 S. 12th. P.2S11 SHOK REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS.. hoe repair, m 8. 14. I ITarley Shoe Rcp'r Co., 2004 Farn'm. R.JM41 ' SEW1.NO MACHINES. TT? rent, repair, sell needle VV part for all newing mach "MICKEL'S," needle and I machine. , NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., ' 15th and Harney. Douglas 1661. STEEL, CEILINGS. ,' CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. j SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 432. STORE AND OFFICE! FIXTURES. 1 DESK?, safes, acales. showcases, shelv- j Ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omahn Fixture) snd Supp'.y Co.. 41I-16-1S S. nth. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SLPPL.IES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. Utn P. K. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANPERYOf. 1 N. 1Mb St. I THINKS AMI SUITCASES. FUELING ft STEIN LE, 1806 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter I mo. for 14. ! Oliver Typewriter Agency, 106 Farnam. J BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 316 S. ltU ', St. All makes for alo or rent. RENT a "Remington," not just a tvpe writer. Low rent, Cal' Douglas L1M WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. IS yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Pt. Co. I wir.t.u and LK4VORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St, Wlnoa. liquors, cigar. Piste dinners 11 to I, 10c. HKNRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunoh. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated succeasf ully, re sults gucranted. Dr. Bowser, 814 Be Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid untli cured. Writ for book on rectal dieae with testimonial. DR. E. R, TARRY. 40 Bee Bid. RUPTURE. Ruptur treated successfully by all safe, scisntlflc methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. Wa hava treated many hundreds of men, women and children. Tim cost Is deter mined after examination, and tlm re quired to cure two or three week. Call or write for further particular. Frank H. Wray, Suit So. Be Bid., Omana. Neh. u SWAPPERS' COLUMN GENTS' furnishing store, located in Bouth Omaha: doing good business, will trad for real estate up to the value ot I1.60U. AiiuiTH n. i . jiJM, nee. GOOD twin Indian motor cycle (or dia mond. Address 8. C. 12S7. Bea. HAVE almost new upright Bosh A Lan Piano to trade for Ford or other good roaster. P.ox 164. Oretne, Neb. HORdt-Have large horse to exchange for drivln horse. Address S. C. 1171, care The Be. HORSE AND WAGON Hav good hors and wagon; will swap for small tour Ing car. Address P. C. 1281, rare Bee. MOTOR BOAT Whst hsve you got to swsp for a 18-ff. Michigan steel motor boat? 44 H.-P.; first-class condition; boat Is at Carter Lake club. Addreaa 8. C. 12X1, He. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS Old-established bualnt-sa In city. This will In volve about fO.OuO. and li doing a goo I business the year round. A splendid proposition for anyone. Doe not require experience. Was managed by a lady for 10 years. Very light running expeiian. Must make a change at once, ao will ex. rl.ange lor clear land or residence prop erty of equal value. Investigate this if you want a paying proposition. Address S. C. 1271. Br. b.uOe OAK posit., worth t'0. Want lot or eiuiiy Ui house. Address & C. UOb, care Dee. PHONOGRAPH Will swsp Edison standard phonograph with ISO record for buggy and harness. Address C. law. Bee. . , . PIANO (lood uprinht piano, refinlshed like new. b.autnul tone; will trad for diamond or auto. Addreaa 8. C. 12)7, Bee. PIANO, manufai tuied Ly Booth Broa ,' new. firet clasa condition; will swan for good second-hand Fcrd car. ArtT.refs S (". '27 Hoe. I IA.V A Kood square piano; will trade for something I could uae. Addrasa S C. i:i. Be. ROA'l 8TERTpiactl. aily new hlnh-pow-ered a-cyllnder madaier. fully equipped, starter and ele trlr lighia. For wbat have you? Address 8. C. 12UJ. Be. (CONTINUED ON PAOB ELEVEN. COLUMN ONE.) I