Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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aa I9M Prlrt T Wow Kmmi PraM
lctne tans, ST. SO. Purras-Ortad
LlMiit Collections for Jaly Tha city
ifrk reported to the council collections
nf a,?M during July for licenses, per-
mlta and occupation taxes.
Want ew iMrats The Twelfth Ward
Improvement club petitioned the city
council to Install three arc llRlita on
North Thirty-third street.
Tor Season Schools Margaret Lovs
and Clara llrrnioiifcon wero elected hy
Ui Ilenson School board to primary and
high school department, respectively.
Toaay'a Ooanplat atoria rrograjm
elaaaUlea caution today, and appear ta
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
me varloua moving ptcturt theater! offer.
Xt Contract for Sewer The bid of
E. I. Uonahue for construction of a
itorm water aewer from Forty -fifth and,
Jonr streets to Saddle creek were ac
cepted by the council. The consideration
will be 14,41,1.
Sang-er on Popplaton Arena The
dangerous condition of ioppleton avenue,
near Saddle creek, haa been brought to
the attention of the city council hy the
West Ieavenworth Improvement club.
The public Improvement department will
give the matter consideration.
Blgm Question Orec Two Weaka The
city council acceded to a request of the
Omaha Electric Light and Power com
pany for the postponement of action on
the overhead alirh ordinance for two
weeka. The company wants to enter ob
jections against the, proposed restrictions.
pa oial to raolfio Coaat The Chicago
Examiner's special train reached Omaha
At 1:3) o'clock this afternoon over the
Milwaukee, carrying 136 people en route
to the Pacific count. The train was here
three hours, giving the parties aboard an
opporunlty to come up town and get a
look at the city.
Clears Are Stolen Kelly Bros", pool
hall at 1904 Cuming street, was broken
Into Mbnday night and 260 cigars and
a quantity of candy and gum was taken.
The burglars gained entrance through
a window In the rear, which they broke,
and they ransacked the whole place. The
. value of the loot Is about $35.
rinds it Cold at the Lake Ed P. Hen
nessey, commercial agent for the Rock
Island, is back from his annual vacation,
spent at Loach Lake, Minn. He went
there to fish and had reasonably good
luck, making a number of fine catches
of bass and pike. He found the weather
unusually cold and not the usual number
of tourists at the lake.
ladia Tea Store Bobbed The India
Tea and Coffee company, 2719 Leaven
worth street. Is loser to some unknown
person, who pried off a screen at the
back of the store some time Monday
night, broke a window and entered,
taking a large amount of tea and coffee,
as well as several valuable pieces of
cut glas. The total loss Is about $100.
Tool Are Stolen Charles Carey felt
very tired Monday evening, and being In
the vicinity of the park at Sixteenth and
Chicago, he went to sleep. He had with
him a suitcase, In which were numerous
electricians' tools and some working
clothes. While he slept a footpad came
and stole hia tools. Charles awoke and
found that he waa short a suitcase, so
he notified the polioe.
Open Paving1 Bids The city council
opened bids for paving the following
districts: Sahler street Commercial
avenue to Florence boulevard; Franklin-
street,-' Thirty-eighth .. to Fortieth
streets; Page street, Fortieth street to
Forty-first avenue;" Burt afreet Forty
first avenue to Forty-fourth street;
Eighteenth street, Laird to Sahler streets;
Camden avenue, Twenty-fourth street
to Twenty-fifth avenue; Thirtieth street.
Fort street to north city limits; New
port avenue, Florence boulevard to
Twenty-fourth street; Ida and Read
streets, Florence boulevard to Twenty
fourth street The engineering depart
ment Is tabulating the bids.
Crops in Northern
Part of State Are in
Excellent Condition
Through the territory In the eastern
and northern portions' of Nebraska,
traversed by the Northwestern railroad,
where there has been much leas rain than
In other sections, generally crops appear
to be In the beat of condition. This la In
dicated by the Northwestern's weekly
crop report for last week. Just out.
Coin la making fairly good progress,
but everywhere la In need of hot and dry
weather. Even with the rain and con
tinued cold weather. It Is at about the
normal condition for early in August. In
all sections, with the exception of small
areas on extremely low land, Indications
point to a full crop with anything like a
late fall.
Wheat, says the Northwestern report,
is practically all cut and the threshing
Is well under way. Wheat Is turning out
twenty to thirty bushels per acre, whild
oats are running from forty to as hlKh
as sixty bishels. The vegetable and
sugar beet crop was never belter in the
history of the state.
Iowan Says Hog Run
is to Start Earlier
In spite of adverse weather conditions,
corn haa made rapid alrides in growth
during the last fortnight In Iowa, accord
ing to Ulrica Albert, stock feeder and
farmer, of Earllng. Ia., who brought a
consignment of hogs to thu Omsha
market Sunday. The farmers of the
country would feel safer, however, he
said. If a period of dry weather would
The Iowa hog run will start much
earlier than usual this year. Aa soon as
the change in weather conditions conies
and the stock raisers and farmers can
feel safer of their winter feed crop, the
iltuation will be considerably altered.
Coached fur Three Years.
A grateful sufferer wTltes: "Your medi
cine, Pr. King's New Discovery, cured
my cough of three years' standing." 60c.
All druggists. Advertisement
Mary Jane Pumps
In Our Annual
$1 8al of Shoes,
beginning Thurs.
Manufacturer' Association Investi
gates Reasons for Consumption
of Eastern-Made Products.
Some time after November 1, the
Nebraska Manufacturers' association,
through its commissioner. F. I.
Ringer of Lincoln, will make a sys
tematic study of the situation In Ne
braska with regard to the consump
tion of Nebraska made goods. The
association wants to know the point
of view of the dealer and the point
of the consumer, who does not use
Nebraska made goods. This Is to be
the friendliest Investigation in the
world, according to Commissioner
Ringer, who is in Omaha at this time.
"You can't go out with an elm club and
heat a fellow'a head off because he la
not using gooda manufactured In Ne
braska," asld Mr., Ringer. "It Is a
matter of education and habit. It is a
slow process. The state la still new. It
takes people aomo time to get adjusted,
and make up their minds and become
convinced that the things they have long
bought from the east are really being
manufactured Just as good here In their
own state or perhaps in the next yard.
Make !o Araanients.
"I shall go out and talk with dealers
all over the state. I shall go out, not
to argue with them, but to get their point
of view. I want to make a, general and
yet complete survey of the situation In
the state with regard to the use of Nebraska-made
goods. If a man is not
using Nebraska-made goods I want to
have the friendliest talk in the world with
him about it. Just to get his point of
view. Then when 1 have accumulated
this information from all over the state
I will go back to the office and tabulate
it into tangible shape, so that I can gain
some definite ideas from it. We can then
get some working ideas and some prac
tical suggestions.
"If there la a good reason why some
man does not use goods made In Ne
braska, that reason should be known by
the manufacturer of that goods, so that
he can procure a better grade or some
thing that will better fill the needs of
the customer. If there ia no good rea
son except the old habit of sending east
fo- goods, that should be recorded, and
a campaign of education inaugurated to
overoome this condition."
The association has made some changes
in Its working plans. All dues are pay
able in November from now on. That
will do away with the payment of dues
at any and all times, and will get the
secretary Into shape to go out and do
some field work.
Billy Sunday brings with htm ten or
twelve persons of his family and per
sonal helpers. He requires a large fur
bished house for the accommodation of
so large a menage; besides a matron to
run the house, a flrat class cook or two,
a chamber, maid, etc. This must all be
provided through the committee, con
sisting of Rev. E. H. Jenks and F. D.
Wead. The house should be very large,
with ten or twelve bedrooms, as near
down town as possible, and should be par
tially furnished and good.
Any one knowing of such a house and
such help may communicate with Rev. E.
H. Jenks, 2548 Capitol avenue, or F. D.
Wead, Eighteenth and Farnam streets.
Tells How She Was Saved
by Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Louisville, Ky. " I think if more suf
fering women would take Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vegeta
ble Compound they
would enjoy better
health. I suffered
Mfrom a female trou
ble, and the doctors
decided I had a
tumorous growth
and would have to
be operated upon,
but I refused aa I do
not believe in onera-
fainting spells, bloated.
and could hardly stand the pain in my
left side. My husband insisted that 1
try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound, and I am so thankful I did,
for I am now a well woman. I sleep
better, do all my housework and take
long walks. I never fail to praise Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound for
my good health. "Mrs. J. M. Resch,
1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
Since we guarantee that all testimo
nials which we publish are genuine, is it
not fair to suppose that if Lydia E.
Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound has the
virtue to help these women it will help
any other woman who ia suffering in a
like manner?
If you are ill do not drag along until
an operation is necessary, but at once
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Write to Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine CtMconUdentlal) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter wll be oiwned,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
"Bill Booze"
Tick oat twelve aaam yoa kaaw
twelve years aro who were drlmkara ;
caeca op too Ust bow aad a wfcore
tasy axe today."
A onv of this remarkable book from
which we quote, by t'ol. Wm. C. Hunter,
author of "Brass Tacks," with full in
formation regarding the modern "NEAL
WAV ' f overcoming the cause and ef
fects of the use of Utiuur, or drua, at
home, hotel, club or Institute, win b
delivereil free to all who calk or address
the head Neul Institute, 160? So. 10m
Hi . Omaha, Neb., or any of our high
Institutes in 9 Principal Cities
1 ru
I had
Five Millions Are j
Total Resources of ;
Trust Companies!
l From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Avig. S.-(9peclal. The eon-1
solldated report of the twelve trust com- 1
paniea which have reported to the plate ;
auditor show resources amounting to tr,-
010,875.78, according to the following
figures prepared by the auditor:
Collateral loans
Keal entate
Furniture and fixtures
Trust fund fnnn two
Cash In banks
Cash on hand
I r.l.nn
. L7o3.4lK.M
. ;m.M.i
. U7,';0.44
77 P V
v. i; :..;
13.070. Oil
. L'18..V.'5 L'S
li. ;?,. 74
. 47.3!3.W
Total i,010.&75.7!
Capital IM-VOO.OO
Preferred to k X!, W0
Common stock 14jM'2.M
Surplus WtuVin.oO
Pills payable t4,m02
Trust funds) form two 2,210.!NJ.ti3
l'nritvliled profits I32..14S.40
Mtsi-ellnneuus 713,S,Hl.S7
Total fi.010.J7S. 72
Child Driinna In Water Tank.
AUBCRN. Nl., Anv. .1 -i.- l- l -The
little J-year-old child of Henry Schlange.
living five miles southwest oi Iuti waa
drowned in a water tank Sunday. The
men folks were In the harvost field and
Mrs. Bchtange took them lunch, and left
the little tot at the house and when she
returned it was dead. The water tank la
not far from the house and there waa a
low bench near by. The child evidently
climbed onto tills bench and toppled over
Into the tank.
Store Hours
urgess-Wash Company.
Tl'KKlA V, AHilST , 1915.
We've Never Known Prices so
as They Are In Thl. Our
August Sale of
20 to 33 Per Cent Under September Prices
EVERY piece is strictly new tliis season. The styles are authentic for winter of
191546, tho workmanship is of the most ex)rt ortler and the pelts were person
ally chosen for their splendid marking and luxurious quality. This idea of reductions:
Remarkable Clear a way of Art Embroidery Goods
Presenting Unusual Saving Advantages
THIS SALE comes at a time when every woman wants some dninty bit of embroid
ery to pick up during her spare moments on the porch or in the sun room. As au
Peri Lusta Crochet Cotton
In White, Ecru and Colors
Sizes 1 to 10, regularly 10c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 7$
Sizes 10 to 30, regularly 15c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 8p
Sizes 30 to 50, regularly 15c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 9
Sizes 50 to 70, regularly 20c, Wednesday special, at spool, each 10
Sizes 70 to 150, regularly 20c, Wednesday special, at spool, each lie
25c Slipper Cotton 19c
Slipper cotton In all colors nd
hlte and ecru, regularly sold for
26c, Wednesday at, ball t9c
Sl.OO Work Itasket 60c
Gold work baskets., satin lined In
pink and blue, vrere $1.00; Wed
nesday special, at each
ft.OO French nkeU 75c
French paper baskets, all gold
with French rose designs, regu
lar $1.00 values, special Wednes
day 76c
Stamped Table Scarfs 35c
Stamped linen table scarfs,
stamped and tinted on beet-duality
ecru linen In floral and con
ventional designs, with 6 skeine
for working, size 20x54, each, 5c
Wednesday We Will Feature Dining Room
Chairs in Our Second Annual Furniture Sale
AN opportunity to choose from a larpe assortment of slindnrd made chairs at a sav
intr of one-fourth to one-third under refrular price. An idea o the reductions:
2.50 Chairs at 14
Solid oak, saddle seat dining rooui
chairs; regular price $2.60, Wed
nesday $1.85
$2.25 Chairs $1.05
Solid oak. iron braced chairs,
very durable, regular $2.25 val
ues, Wednesday at $1.05
$2.75 Dining Chairs $1.95
Quarter sawed golden oak dining
room chairs, with box "front, were
$2.76: August sale price.. $1.95
$2.65 Clutirt Wednewday $1.85
Golden oak, spindle back dining
room chairs, regular $2.65 values,
$2.50 Chairs, Special $1.05
Solid oak, saddle seat, very sub
stantially built, regularly $2.a0;
special Wednesday at $1415
$2.3 Chairs at $1.85
Solid oak. golden oak finish, box
seat, very durable; regular $3.65
values at $1.85
$2.50 IHniiig Chairs $1.76
Solid oak dining chairs with imi
tation leather seal; were $2.60,
AuntiHt sale price $1.75
Rurgess-Nash Co.
(From a Staff Correapondent )
tJVCt'T.N. Aug. J (Special.) Attorney
(leneral Kctd hat gone to Scott's llluf:
povntv nhcre he will seok to t up fir
I rouble i between the Mrmera tiere over
the soo'!i4 watrrt which t"l ear hive
hern more than ever dnrrnRlng. The soil
there Is so porous that tho Btr will
not Stsy In Its proper place and seeps
through, keeping some portions of tho
lsnd very wet. 11.3 will deliver nn addn a
at ProVen Row on Ms way there, the oc
casion being Old Settlers' picnic.
AI RI RN, Neb.. Aug. S.-(ipe. lal ) The
Auburn Chautauqua opened Saturday
with a good attendance. In the after
noon Henry Clark gave his lecture. "Play
Rail." In the evening Albert Mender
read "Characteis from Popular Fiction."
8umlay Rev. Urneat P. Wiles preached
the morning sermon. In the afternoon
Dr. Oabrlel It. McOuIre lenurt-d on
"With an Irishman Through the Jungles
of Africa." Muli was furnished by the
Clary Concert company and local talent.
The Clerk (iaaraateed It.
"A customer came Into my store the
other day and said to one of my clerks,
Have you anything that will euro
dlarrhooa?' and my clerk went and got
him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and said
to him, "If this does not cure you. I will
not charge you a cent for It.' S he took
It home and came back In a day or two
and said he was cured," writes J. II.
Berry Co., Salt Creek, Va Obtain
able everywhere. All druggists. Advertisement.
8:30 A. M. to 5 P. M. Saturday till 9 P.M.
Hudson Seal Coats $55.00 to $350.00
Persian Lamb Coats $100.00 to $250.00
Russian Pony Coats $25.00 to $45.00
Black Lynx Muffs $20.00 to $45.00
Black Lynx Scarfs $12.00 to $40.00
Hudson Seal Muffs $3.00 to $25.00
Hudson Seal Scarfs $4.00 to $16.50
Genuine Mink Muffs $15.00 to $55.00
Genuine Mink Scarfs $7.50 to $67.50
Hudson Lynx Muffs $4.00 to $15.00
Hudson Lynx Scarfs $2.50 to $10.00
Burgvsa-Kash Co.- fcond moot. .
Royal Society Cotton 7c
The well known Royal Society
cotton, white and ecru, all num
ber (1 to 100), special, spool. 7c
Stamped Pillow Cases 19c
Stamped pillow cases on good
quality casing, sire 36x42 inch,
special at, per pair 19c
PlUow Cares, pair 29c
Hemstitched and scalloped edge
pillow cases, on best quality tub
ing, new designs, per pair... 29c
White Aprons 15c
Stamped white aprons, with floss
for working, each 15
Crochet Floss 8c
Odds and ends of crochet floss, all
colors, spool 5c
urfsaa-Vash Co. TWrd Floor.
$8.0O Dining (tiairs $1.95
Quarter sawed oak with leather
seat, well made, regular $3.00
value, Wednesday at $1.95
$4.BO Dining Chair $tf.OO
Quarter sawed oak, box seat, up
holstered in leather; regularly
$4 60, August sale price. . .$;1.H)
$5.00 IMnlng Chairs $:l.ft
Solid oak dining room chairs with
leather upholstered seat; weru
$5.00, Wednesday at $3.IN
$4.80 Dining CliaJrs $3.50
Golden wax finish, leather uphol
stered seat, colonial design; regu
lar price $4. ho, August sale price,
Wednesday at $3.50
$2.5 Dining Chairs $1.85
Oolden oak finish, box seat dining
room chairs; were $2.66, Wednes
day special at $1.85
$2.65 iHnlng Chair $1.85
Solid oak fumed finish, one panel
bark, well made dining room
chairs; regularly $146, at. .$1.85
$2.75 lining Chairs $1.95
Solid oak dining room chairs,
fumed finish; were $2.76, Wed
nesday in August sale. at. . .$1.95
Barraas-Maak Ca Third nam.
Everybody's StoreCor. 16th
l.(Vt ANfsr.LKS. (-at.. Aug .1 .-Orders
fur all "alai lraeii to arilute the American
flag eriyt;me It pusses them on the
Kreet. went Into effect lure lo.ii', by
direction of Chief , f Police C. K. Snlvelv
A military salute tnl;ea but a second's
time,'1 the order read, 'and does not
deter from tint. It U ;i slKti c. respect
nppreiinted by everyo'i who witnesses
the evidence of lyait.. t the nnn- time
II will set en' X example to the
young Amerliiiiis."
Judge W, A. Itedlck will render a d"
clalon In the Injunction suit to piexent
the construction of the Rllly Sunday tab
ernacle, at 10 o'clock tljls morning.
Women's PatentUather
Avon Ties at $1.00
Our Annual $1.00 Sale of
Shoes starta Thursday. See our
basement now.
rilONK lKHiIi.H 1.17.
Hath Towels
Bath towels, large slse, 60c val
ues, each 85c
Data towels, small slse, 26c val
ues, each l5o
Torch Pillows 49c
Porch pillows, filled, made of best
quality cretonne in attractive de
signs, eat h 49c
Laundry Uafrs, Each 85o
Extra large sice, all colors, plain
and floral designs, best quality
cretonne: special at 85c
Shuttle and Hooka
Tatting shuttles, special, each, 7c
Crochet hooks, Wednes., 8 for 5c
Stamped Pillows 15c
Stamped pillow tops with backs,
floes for working, complete. . 15c
$2.50 Dining Chair $1.85
Solid oak, fumed finish dlnlnt,
room chairs; regular $2.60, $1.85
$9.0 Dining dialrs $5.04
Solid oak, wax finish, with arms,
leather upholstered seat; regular
$9.00 values, at $5.00
$H.OO Ifluljig ( hair $1.50
Solid quarter sawed oak, leather
upholstered seat, with arms; regu
lar $8.00 values, at $1.50
$8.50 IHnlng Chairs $VlM
Solid quarter sawed oak, leather
upholstered seat, with arms, well
made; regularly $9.60, at..$5.0O
and Harney.;
Don't be a washing-machinel
Don't drudge the whole day
over tne
get your wash on the
line by noon. It will do it
with a little help from you.
Use it in cool or lukewarm
water saves fuel works
rl. Co .
The Country Gentleman
. VS a m sb
says: first tnui alter L r
boughtmy place! learned
rift trnnA rA A nnmt-n kkU ti -
of carrying some riPIPER
around with me. While I'm
knocking around out-of-doors
there's something op
propriate about biting oil a
delicious chew of "PIPER."
P1PM ;
i XZ7liX '
Caswbg Tiistcs Ckwasrst
"PIPER" fits ia mighty
everywhere farm sbop
eport. You just set the
venient habit of baring some
"PIPER" tucked away in
your hip pocket and youll
get a sensation of 100 f i
inoacco sausiacuon.
Smack vour lies over
"PIPER'a" famous and unique
Champagne Furor ell
bouquet of the ripest, richest, mel
lowest leares of the best to
bacco. You try PIPER."
SU kr Jsalars
vsrrwkan, la gs
as 10
h" vs. a
a I.
, mmrw, reu m lappa a,
r t Ilia
ML U 1J JlE F.MW. Mj. ""t-LB"
luarxn I
f.. iiliiV firnnl fitiintr Flno-inn
Ashland. Wis $21.78
Bayfield. Wis 2I.7S
IMrcbwood, Wla 1 9. IS
Cable. Wis 20.18
Cbetok. Wla IO.IO
Cisco Lake, Mich.... 28.08
Dulntb. Minn 20.38
Eagle Elver, Wla. .. . 28. 80
Oogoblo Uke. Mich. 24.83
Three trains daily via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Lv.
Omaha 7:45 a. m., 6:45 p.m. and 9:05 p. m.
Numerous fast trains daily to Chicago connecting with the
Fisherman's Special
Lv. Chicago 6:05 p. m. daily for the finest fishing country
in the World.
For full Information call or address
Chicago &
North Western
1401-3 Farnam Street, Omaha,
(TsL Douglas 2740)
The sweetness of the choice barley malt,
combined with the fine flavor of imported
hops, makes its taste most delicious.
Save coupons and get premium. Phone Douglas 1880.
WW v
the VW I
rivili rVbx
dealer's Bams,
and we'll asnd a fuU-alss lOo
cat of "PIPER" and a hand
some leather poach FKEE,
anywhere ia u. S. Also a
folder aboat" PIPES." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost as 20a, which we
will gladly spend because
a trial will snake yon a
steady nsar of "PIPEH."
Low Summer
Ml 1 I
ui uinnosuia una
northern Wisconsin
Ray ward. Wis. $19.80
Ucaurlambaeu.Wls. 24.40
Manltowlsh.Wla 23.QO
Minneapolis, Mian. . , 14.38
Pbelpa. Wla 26.30
SI. rani. Mlaa 14.38
SI. Peter, Minn 1 2.30
Three Lakes. Wis 28.13
Woodruff.Wla,.., 24.8Q