Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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TS Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
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lan? end Sunday... ' s.u
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Sunday only "
Send notice of chanse of address or complaint of
Irrerularity in delivery to Omaha Be, Circulation
Fmlt hr draft. exprese or postal order. Only two
cnt stamps received tn payment of amall ee
eounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha and eaatarn
exchange, not accepted.
Omaha Tha Be Futlclma.
South Omaha ISli N atreet.
Council Bliiffa14 North Main atreet.
Lincoln M Little Building.
Chlcaro SOI Hearst Hulldln
New York Room lion, Fifth tvenna
Pt Loiila-ofSj New Hank of Commerce.
Washington 7X Fourteenth Bt.. N. W.
'Address communications relating to news and edl
tonal matter to Omaha Baa. MI to rial Department.
State of Nebraska. County of Pouglaa. as:
Pwlcht WlliJaina, circulation manager of The Baa
Publishing- company, being duly (worn, says that tha
average circulation for tba month of June, 1915. waa
DWIOHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Bupacriid In my pre-me and a worn to before
ma, till 2d day of July, 1916.
ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public
Subocrilxre leaving the city temporarily
abould have Tbo flee mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa often m requested.
Ana-net 4
Thought for the Day
am at poor as Job, my Lord, btU net ont
half .o patient. Shaketpeart.
For the next move la Mexico, the A. D. C.
combination will take on the rest of the alpha
bet. Hardly typical outing weather, but, at 111, bet
ter than the kind down east that produces heat
Tea, and Secretary Redfield could retire from
the cabinet, and not be missed any more than
Secretary Bryan.
Now that the office of coroner ts to be abol
ished In thla county at the end of the present
incumbent's term, the job is Just beginning to
get good. ,
Two women have entered the lists In Kan
sas for the United States senatorshlp race to be
run in 1918. That's the early bird In politics
with a. vengeance.
"Not much old corn held over from last year's
crop." What's the use when it can be so easily
coined into the, cash that pays oft mortgages
and buys automobiles? ,
.. The colonel will continue to enroll himself
as a buUmooser, but he wants it distinctly un
derstood that be has no word of blame for those
.who have re-enlisted under the republican ban
ner because it alone promises real results.
The state board of assessment is entitled
to a vote of thanks as well as a leather medal
for taking one mill oft the state levy. Such ex
ceptional conduct at a time when every other
taxing body is adding to the tax burden, should
not go unnoticed.
Our new United States dlatrlct attorney has
a special dispensation to live at Lincoln and
continue his private law practice. What , the
senator wants to know, however, before con
senting to his confirmation, is whether he will
Keep up nia political Enarpanooung.
It is no trick whatever to stop the straw bond
business la the police court, for It is up to tha
Judge to put the burden of the proof upon the
surety beforet approving a bond as good and
fufflclent. Enforcement of a good bond when
forfeited, on the other hand, depends oa the
prosecuting officer.
A reduction in fire rates aa a credit tor
building that second mala from Florence, and
the other extensions and improvements In our
water service, would be very desirable evidence
or good faith oa the part of the underwriters,
who have never overlooked anything that would
penalise Omaha la the rate-making.
Secretary Redfield is provoked because the
people of Chicago, and the people generally, do
not take kindly to his clumsy efforts to protect
his steamboat Inspection subordinates la the
Eastland inquiry. Why abould a cabinet officer
try to cover up anything where the loss of a
thousand innocent uvea is Involved? If the
steamboat inspectors are culpable, let them
have what is coming to them.
mwn eoM a4 i f
General ' George a. McClellan paaeed through
Omaha in a special ear on hla way to Denver,
Tba Grant memorial eervtoes will be held neat Sat
urday at the hi tin school around a. la case of good
u eat her. Instead of the opera house. The program
for a separate meeting of veterans calls for addreseua
by Judas Sevase, General ML O. O'Brien, Simoon
liluom, K M. Bartlett. with benediction by Rev. Mr,
The republican state committee held a nine tine at
ine .Milium ana ordered a call tor the atate convention
to be held at I -In coin, October 11 The meeting" waa
presided over by Chairman C. EL Toat with D. Jt.
Mercer aocretary.
Anions the communication to tha council waa one
from llii. B B. Fatteo, residing Beat to tha city Un
re'iueatlns It removal because It waa a treat anaoy-
tmt to her.
The finder of a gold loop ear ring la requested to
rtt'irn it to Ramuel Bursa, UK Farnarn atreet, and
ret'-ive reaaid.
fieorue alaaaon, a young buatneaa man of Plain
well. uli.. la taking up hie permanent reldeuce In
Oinal.a to engage la bualiieaa here.
i iikii aiKgiug an excavation aear
I rfni,' greenhouse on Hliriuutn avenue cxhunied
ielti. Ita pieacnte there la a myatcry.
Proposed Joint Action on Mexico.
The proposal for a concerted movement of
American governments to restore order in Mexico
Is a renewal of the policy suggptd many months
ao. Before the landing of American forces at
Vera Crux It bad been urged that an expedition
ary force, similar to that which was sent once to
leklng. be dlnpatrhed to Mexico, a proceeding
which undoubtedly would have stabilized condi
tions there long ago. Developments abroad drew
European attention away from Mexican affairs,
while "watchful waiting" hesitated to take the
responsibility of Intervention. If the plan now
can have the support of American powers, It will
very likely be put Into effect. It means that the
president's personal do-nothing attitude Is to be
abandoned for a more vigorous and do some
thing policy, but the step will be In the Interest
of humanity. It has been proved that the ban
dits and outlaws who have ravaged Mexico will
not give over their forays because of moral
suasion, and that something else Is needed.
Blockade of Neutral Porti.
Ore at Britain's latest note In the controversy
over the right to use the seas for carrying on
neutral commerce is no more responsive to the
contention of the United States than has been
either of the Oerman notes on the same topic.
In some ways it breathes the spirit of "Rule
Britannia," and "not a flag but by permission
waves," though the case is not so bluntly put.
Great Britain assumes the right not only to in
terrupt rommerce(of an enemy, either In or out
bound, but to blockade a neutral port to carry
out this policy. That the blockade of enemy
ports is permissible can not be gainsaid, but
the rest of the British contention Is open to the
objection that it Ignores the rights of neutrals
st almost every point.
First of all, a blockade to be legal must be
effective. This means the presence on station at
all times of a sufficient number of ships of war
to prevent effectually commerce being carried on
with that port. It doea not mean a constructive
Llockade, or a paper blockade like the proclama
tion of a "war tone" to include the high seas,
with warning to neutrals to keep out. The United
States has decl'ned to recognize the legality of
any constructive blockade, and has specifically
refused to consider the North Sea closed to neu
tral commerce. Great Britain has not under
taken to establish a de facto blockade of the
Dutch or Scandinavian ports, but has been con
tent to intercept on the high seas vessels ply
ing between such ports and the United States. It
is against this practice the United States gov
ernment most earnestly protests, both for Itself
and for all neutrals.
Special pleading in support of the policy that
is being followed under the order In council is
not likely to change the position of the United
Elates, which rests squarely on accepted princi
ples of International law.
Pretext or Ueceiiityt
Ts the suddenly developed demand that
Omaha expend a large sum of money for in
stalling a "modern" fire alarm system a pretext
to Justify high insurance rates, or a real neces
sity la the general matter of tire protection?
lias it been shown that any serious fire loss
here is traceable to delay in notifying- tha fire
department of its outbreak? For many years
fire Insurance "experts" have pointed out one
deficiency after another in Omaha's equipment
for preventing or combatting flro. Money has
been spent to improve water service, to equip
and maintain a larger fire fighting force, and
for other purposes, and each time one alleged
defect has been remedied, something else has
been demanded. Omaha has patiently tried to
meet all reasonable requirements in hope that
its fire risk would be placed somewhere below
the present basis for charging exorbitant nre-
n lums, but sometimes ,the property-holders are
inclined to wonder if the end will ever be
reached. If we put In the new alarm system, will
we get lower fire rates.
Lire Stock and Quarantine Rules.
The conference of state sanitary officers and
live stock men ia Omaha is one of the most Im
portant la the history of the live stock Industry.
It opens the way for an efficient central control
of sanitary conditions, which will be of untold
alue In preventing as well as combatting disease.
The farmers are the ones most directly con
cerned in this movement, which has the sup
port of the officials of the four greatest cattle
and hog producing states of the union. Hitherto,
the spread of contagious disease among animals
has been unchecked in a very large degree be
cause of lack of properly co-ordinated authority
to meet the situation. Whea the states caa act
Vilh the federal government In concerted effort
to uproot the various plagues that affect the
farm animals aa well as the larger herds or
droves, the effect will be more Immediately felt
and the benefit to the growers will be the more
direct Prevention of the anraad of tha f
mouth disease last winter shows what Intelligent
co-operation between the authorities caa do.
while the prevalence of hog cholera is aa ex
ample of the result of individual or state effort
at checking disease. State rights may well be
subordinate to federal control here.
The Nebraska National Guard.
If, as outlined by the president and his ad
visers, we are to embark on a comprehenaive
scheme of preparatioa for national defense, It 1
essential that our young men be trained in the
routine o'f military aervice. The United States
army offers the best known means for this
training, for it ia admitted that the American
soldier excels any la the world. But we are not
going to maintain a big standing army. As an
alternative to enlistment in the regular army,
the National Guard must be developed, la
Nebraska this branch of the public service haa
languished, becauae of indifference of the legis
lators to its needs, but It has really accomplished
creditable results within its limited resources.
The National Ouard ia more than ever a
school for training young men la the things that
are necessary to know if they have to go to war,
and its work is done so aa to interfere very little
with the usual vocation of its aiembers. Ne
braska haa a war record to be proud of, and
should it ever be railed 'upon, will be found
ready to Justify the words of General Hale,
uttered when he saw the gallant Stotsenburg
lead bla regiment on the charge from which be
bever returned. We do not Bek war, but If we
iuut be prepared for war. In no better way can
this be done than by fotrriu tbe National
Aimed at Omaha
Sidney Telearaph: Greater Cmaha.' a title now
realized aa tha romilt of years of effort hy progreaalve
ciUtena of the state's metropolis, appears to have In
spired a deMre for advancement which If persisted In
cannot fall to have pfood results. There are sound rea
sons why Omaha should msko more rapid progress
then It has In the pnet. There Is a rich asrlouPtural
region tributary to It, Its railroad facilities are ample,
and It la a deslrahlo residence city, having- every re
quirement for the convenience and comfort of Its peo
ple, together with a healthful climate. Greater Omaha
ought to have a steady and subatantlnl growth from
now on and will have If Its people show the rljtht en
terprise. Beatrice Express: A number of the residents of
Omaha have commenced Injunction proceedings to pre
vent the building of the "Billy" funday tabernacle at
Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue, alleging that It
will be a nuisance and a fire menace. This action on
tha part of the aforesaid residents of Jim Dahlmnn'a
town will undoubtedly lead the ex-base player to
change his previous opinion that Omaha Is not tha
wickedest city In the I'nlted States. To brand the
building aa a nuisance la had enough, but to allege
that It will be a fire menace will be taken by the
evangelist aa a direct charge that he Is endeavoring
to send Omahana to a hotter place than Nebraska
rather than to save them from the terrors of that
place supposed to be Inhabited by enemlea of the
money loving evangelist.
Kearney Times: Fallowing the drowning of a
number of people In Chicago and an unfortunate case
of the loss of a boy In Omaha, the whole country Is
up In arms over the lack of adequate means of pro
tecting people at the public bathing pools. City of
riclnls are apt to he lax In matters of this kind, and
It It no less than Indirect murder to allow conditions
which tend to make a public place dangerous. A
coroner's Jury tn Omaha has taken a hot ahot at the
city officials and they got powerfully busy and shut
up some of the places. Unfortunately this actvlty
came after the drowning of a hoy. Others will be
saved, but It ts hard to think of the fact that the
lad who Is gone cannot be restored to his sorrowing
parents, even though the whole commission "fret busy."
Grand Island Independent: An Omaha woman dis
located her shoulrtw swatting a fly. While the dear
ladles never were aood base ball Flayers, we can still
score one in the "sacrifice" column.
Kearney Hub: Rome Omaha people who are buck
ing the proposed Billy Sunday meetings In that city
compare them with a street carnival. Well, even a
street carnival, operated on revlvnlUtlc principles,
might serve to bring a certain class of people to the
mourners' tent.
Kearney Democrat: Omaha Is now a real burg.
Ita gentlemen thugs are now compelling respectable
eltlxens to atrip off their clothing on the principal
thoroughfares In broad daylight to the delight of the
thrifty newsboys who sell "extras."
Franklin News: Omaha bit off a blager bite than
It figured on when It annexed South Omaha and Dun
dee. It seems also that It also contracted Its share
of the debts of these places, and will now have the,
pleasure of helping pay them. The Joke la on Omaha.
Stockvtlle Faber: Certain property owners In
Omaha are Invoking tha aid of the law In restraining
the building of the big tabernacle for tha uaa of Rev.
Billy Sunday, alleging that It would be a serious fire
menace. If they fear the fire hereafter aa much aa
they do the present day conflagrations, all will be well.
Fremont Tribune: The tough elements of Omaha
are showing more and more perturbation aa the date
for the coming of Billy Sunday approaches. They
very properly view the incident with alarm. Other
people may differ aa they please and An about the
efficacy of hie work and the ethlca of his manners,
but the Jolntlsta, both male and female; the grafters,
the gamblers, the liquor Interests, have but one
opinion of him. Their Judgment Is the correct one.
They agree hla campaign for righteousness bodes no
good for them. That la the universal testimony of
their ilk elsewhere. He has reduced their number
and left every city ha haa touched In a better con
dition than ha found It It la by that standard that
we are to Judge him. If thla Is not true of him then
all of tha furor he haa created haa been worae than
' Iinooln Journal: It costs money to hold a big
convention. Nothing less than a guaranty of $100,003
will secure the national convention of the democratic
party for Omaha. The figures loom large to one who
la working for S3 a day and boarding himself. He
will not be asked to contribute. Hla moral aupport
la all that will be expected of him. Every loyal
Nebraskan can make that sacrifice and never feel it
Richard Metcalfe, through hla Weekly Nebraskan, ts
calling upon the faithful to come across with kopeks
and do It now. He printa a blank pledge to be filled
out and mailed to his office, the cash to be sent to
the committee on demand. We bespeak for the en
terprise a generous response. A dime, ten cents,
from every man. woman and child In Nebraska would
yield the amount required and 125,000 surplus.
Twice Told Tales
Frews Prayer (e Publicity.
The amall daughter of a Ldttle Rock family had
been praying each evening at bedtime for a bany
The other morning her mother, reading the paper,
exclaimed: "I aee Mra. Smith haa a little daughter."
"How do you know that?" asked the child.
"I read It In tha paper," answered the mother.
"Read It to me," said the daughter.
The mother read: "Born, on March to Mr, and
Mrs. Smith, a daughter."
Tha child thought a moment, then said: "I know
what I am going to do. I am going to quit praying
and begin advertising." National Monthly.
Net Belf-StartlBST.
John Flndlay of "The Only Girl" fame admlta
that ha la the latest victim of a standing Joke at a
well known motor club.
"Bee that man in tha corner?" asked hla com
panion. "That's White, a new member. He's not very
popular here." '
"Why not?" Mr. 'Flndlay la popular, so he can't
understand why everybody Isn't,
"Oh, he's always trying to start something."
"I see. Quarrelsome disposition, eh?'
"No. not at all. Ho owns a motorcycle." Young's
A Tele Aaabttlea.
George Shlraa, "the potato king," la a Japanese
resident of Lodl. Cal. Mr. Shlma praised the other
day the governmental Department of Agriculture, to
whose help he attributes much of California's succesa.
"The American department la too good." he said,
to be hit by tha story of the ambitious farm boy.
" Pa.' aald a farm boy. 'why can't I rise In the
world like Washington or Franklin? Why, for In
stance, can't I become secretary of agriculture some
'Alas, my son, too late; too late,' the father
sighed. 'You know too much about farming.' "St
Louis Globe-Democrat
A Saaae Btery,
Weeta la a tittle girl who Uvea In that part of
XxiulavUle at once and comprehensively denominated
the West End. IK'r real name, of course, la Rita; but
thla la too much for her playmates and their version
of It haa bean taken by her and their elders until
now they have to stop and think who la meant when
thla appellation la used.
Ordinarily her communication. If not yea, yea,
and nay. nay, la aa acceptable in the sight of good
folk aa that or any e-year-old; but last week aa
Incident occurred which startled her out of her accus
tomed decorum. She had been taken to the country
for a vlalt and accompanied one of the men to the
big barn, where. In the course of hla labors, lie
uncovered a huge blackunake that had hkldea under
a pile of board
' A'ter It had been dispatched and the excitement
j was all uxtr. Weta. t tewing the remains, ejaculated.
' ' (ioli, wnat a worm!"-Lo,taviU Tunes.
S Jfyf T rbJl
The Motoreyrle Rallt for Twi,
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 1-To the Edi
tor of The Bee: If you can give apace
I would like to make a statement In de
fense of the motorcycle rarrylng two per
sona that the Juvenile officers so bitterly
condemn as the reason for the downfall
of working girls.
I've ridden a motor for a number of
years, carrying "tandem." I don't know
of a more enjoyable, stimulating exercise
tn the world than sweeping along the
highways on a two-wheeler, and from
my experience 1 cannot see where the
mode of conveyance has any relation to
the social evil. There were thousands of
wayward girls before the motorcycle was
ever Invented, but our forefathers didn't
see fit to atop horseback riding for two,
or horse and bugglea for two. It Is very
peculiar that reformers are always ready
to declare a nuisance .anything that is In
reach of the working class aa a pleasure
or a convenience.
)13 J Street, South Omaha.
Two Stories Sease aad 'oaaense.
OMAHA. Aug. a-To the Editor of The
Bee: Life must be a humbug, for once
we were told that at the ends of the
rainbow He' boxes of gold. Then we
started to hunt for the gold one day we
believed what they told us; we were
taught that way. Well, we hunted and
hunted for years and years, but never
did find it, so we wept bitter tears and
at last concluded that life waa no use
Now this is the story as told to tha
Life Is all gladness; Just look at tha
birds; they like it and alng It In all
kinda of words; they sing In the rain
and sing In the sun; forver and ever
praise to the one God of Peace, not God
of war; the Prince of Peace shown by
the star, that shines In the east aa we
were told. Now the aong the children
and birds do tell; is God with us and
all ia well. B. R. V.
Brycn's Worst Mistake.
PLAIN VIEW, Neb., Aug. 9.-To the
Editor of The Bee: Allow me to con
gratulate Charles Wooster for hla noble
expression through The Bee of July 31.
The majority of the people of the United
States agree with him. that Mr. Wilson
Is no Impartial statesman and not neutral
in this terrible war. Mr. Wilson don't
consider the danger that an Intervention
would cause the worst mlxup between
the different nationalities in the United
States we have ever aeen. The big ma
jority of the people of the United States
are for peace and very decent In their
arguments concerning the European con
flict. So If we ahould get entangled It
would be the fault of Mr. Wilson and his
Mr. Wilson in his last reply to Germany
showed to the world that he haa not tha
safoty of the traveling public of his coun
try at heart aa much as the desire to help
England to atop the submarine blockade;
tha German government made a noble
proposition, allowing the United States
to fly their flag on any four big ocean
liners, even from England, and they
would guarantee their aafety, providing
these ships were free from contraband
of war.
Mr. Bryan made the worst mistake In
his life by nominating Mr. Wilson at the
Baltimore convention; he himself 1 would
have filled tha bill a whole lot better.
Let ua take the matter In our own hands
o Best for
D Wear
g and
o Weather.
and work for peace
H. S. An Old Democrat)
Tips on Home Topics
Philadelphia Ledger: The atngla terra
Issue may be a live one by the time the
next presidential campaign Is on, but It
Is going to be difficult to get up muoh
Interest In It now.
fit Louis Republic: One class of
American manufacturers who need have
no conscientious scruples about war
orders are the producers of hospital sup
ples and artificial legs.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: In spite of
what we hear about race prejudice on
the western coaat, Japanese exhibits have
been awarded 1,511 prises at the 6an Fran
cisco exposition. Ban sal for the honor
able Callfornlan.
New York World: The Georgia legie
lature has adopted a standing rule pro
viding that no member shall be admitted
In an Intoxicated condition. The necessity
of the rule seema to be due to tha fact
that Georgia la a prohibition atate
Baltimore American: An Iowa man
urgee the selection of old and homely
wlvea. aa young and pretty onea are apt
to be spoiled. With the usual perversity
of human nature, however, those to
whom ha addresses thla wise advice will
keep on preferring them spoiled.
Louisville Courier-Journal: Miss Helen
Moller. society bare-legged dancer, aays
dancing requires no great amount of In
tellect but a great deal of Imagination.
Requires very little Imagination on part
of the audience when the dancer la
stripped for action.
Indianapolis Newa: Commissioner Ca mi
ne tti's notion that there will be no "over
head charges" connected with that nee
farm loan scheme eeema rather Idealistic
The government doesn't ordinarily suo
ceed In getting any additional work dune
without paying a mighty good price
for It
Around the Cities
Philadelphia's eminence aa a city of
homes Is shadowed by an official report
showing a large number of unwholesome
and unsanitary human habltatious. A
eneral overhauling Is coming.
There Is something doing tn Wichita.
Kan., all the time. Just now some of the
people are trying to recall the mayor
while the chief of police has been forci
bly recalled for selling confiscated beer.
A snooping committee going through
the municipal books of Kansas City, Mo.,
are puxiled to find several political
chatrwarmere who managed to get In
elg-ht days a week on the payroll. Eco
nomic, efficiency defies the calendar.
The state census gives New York city
a population of l.ttti.lX a gain of 47X,T
In five years. Tha gain in Manhattan la
trifling, but the annexed boroughs gain
from 19 to 49 per rent Brooklyn now haa
a population of 1.S08.191.
A Des Moines doctor who indulged In
advertising literature and claimed ability
to cur ills the profession consider In
curable has been called down and re
formed by the state board of health.
A local account says the doctor "looks
like W. J. Bryan end haa scut of Ma
j plan that allows some of the women she
dot a " V sfhlntrton Mar.
Old Lady Officer, could you see me
across the street?
Officer OK (Sure, I've got as good eye
sight as any man on the force. Prince
ton Tiger. ,
She (bitterly ) Our me.rrletl life has been
one lonr series of battles, beginning with
our wedding day.
He Yes, and there was an engagement
before that. Boston Transcript.
-Why on earth do you suppose Miss
Aftergold Jilted young Tommie Gotrox
to elope with old Hill Pennypacker's
hoy? "
'I don't know unless she thourht she
needed a change of heir." New York
"So you are going to defend that de
faulter who got away with ll-X,0i?"
"Bad case, Isn't It?"
"Awful! He didn't save enough out of
It to pay a resertable fee." 1-oulsvllle
Ted What do you do when a man trlee
to kiss you?
Marjorle Oh. that's something you'll
have to find out for yourself. Life.
Ptella Does she dissolve In tesrs?
Bella Yes, but -h. watches her hus
band through a nerN.Mpe. Chicago Poat.
"Do you really feel that you have ele
vated the stage, Mr. Uullpate?'1 asked
the critic.
"Well," said the dramatist. "It looks
that way. Every manager who lias pro
duced one or mv plays has gone up. '
New York Times.
"I don't see why men Insist on going
to war," commented the thoughtful
worn an.
"Well," said the querulous one. "It
seems like some men would go nlmost
anywhere rather than stay home."
Washington Star.
"My mother was a wizard with a frying
"But my wife seems to rely more on
a can opener." Louisville Courier-Journal.
J. Hazard Hart sell.
O'er mnny roods of restlesa blades
The sunburnt farmer (foc;
And there till day's refulgence fades)
He plows among the rows.
From purple eve to crimson morn
The furrows smile snd grow:
The moon hangs out her silver horn.
And pours her llrht below.
The wind stirs with the rosy dawn.
And strike the dewy plain:
And. flying swifter than the fawn.
It bends the stalks of grain.
The tassels spread 'neath cheering rays.
And plume the kingly form;
The furrows lift the creamy maize.
And greet the welcome storm. .
When nil the woods are hung with green.
And hllln are strewn with sheaves.
When flowers blush deep where bees have
And ears grow fast like leaves.
The squirrel comes from mantled trees
Which line these fields of wealth;
And, when llftht flows In rippling seas.
He strips the ear by stealth.
When autumn hangs his sumptuous robea
Out In the glowing morn
Which hides the lamps of distant globes
Then gleams, the ripened corn.
"Of course, your wife favors votes for
"Yes," replied Mr. Meekton: "but I sus
pect she'll find It hard to approve of any
The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central
Park. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops.
Your address known the world over while you stop
at The Plaza.
Special Dancing Features
Single Rooms with Bath, $3.50 up Double Rooms with Bath, $5.00 ep
Te mem rooms or to sccars further iafonastloa
address FRKD 8TERKY, Maniis Director
Co-Pa-Co Paints
1812 Far nam Street
Omaha's Lea dbg Paint Store. Phone Douglas 7018
A Wonderful Value
Chalmers Six-48
Seven Passenger Touring Car
Formerly $1925 JVOTV
There is no speculation in the pur
chase of this car. It is exactly the
same car in every particular that has
already established for 10,000 owners
new records for economy of upkeep
and general satisfaction.
In beauty of line and ease of riding, it
surpasses all cars within $500 of its price.
We are giving you the advantage of the
saving made possible by quadrupled produc
tion. That explains the reduction in price.
It will be good judgment to call on us
and investigate this car before deciding to
purchase any car anywhere near its price.
Stewart -Toozer Motor Co.
2048-52 Farnarn St. Phone Doug. 138.
We era rloslnz our territory now, end want good, live
agents. Write ua for particulars.
Lti Your Next Car In m Ckclmtrt"
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
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ly to be really succcessfuL
Service 8
Beauty 0
and S
:Economy. 8