Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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Treunrer Hall Befntei to Fay Oat
Money on Voucher, Though At
toraty General Orders It
(From fluff Correspondent.) .
" LINCOLN. Aur. l8perlal.) With tbe
Stat Normal board members declaring
themselves to be blfir than th jovtrn ir
h .pointed them and the etat treas
urer rofuHnc to obey the pinion of the
attorney a-treral, th queatlon of "Who la
WhoT" In tha state house I becomtna; a
very strlou cne.
Tha troubla between tha state treasurer
and tha attorney Kenral la cause
Inconvenience. Th attoroy jenrai doea
not believe a fellow democrat ahould o
around with Ma tongue hanglm out be
cause their la no money to buy refresh
mania Several department faca tha
proposition of renin hold of their fee.
Tha law Vlndly provldea a way for them
to turn tham over to the atato trewrurer.
but In tha opinion of Treasurer Hall pr
vt1 1.0 way of tettlnir them out altv
rtra Commissioner Ridirell Is In trouble
baeauae of thta law and tha refusal of
Treaaurer Hall to let him et out by
vouchers tha fee. which ha ha turned
In. Rld.all appealed to Attorney .OeneraJ
need and tha attorney simply aalT that a
eear. well fl it" nl"
S-rapher. h. Promrted ulcuted an
Plnirn which authorised Rldll to ma
out Ma voucher. Auditor Smith to write
Tha warrant- and Treasurer Hall to caaa
Evwthlni- went lovely unUl tha war
ranta reached tha treasurer", office and
that thay atorped and no ro "
Ml. Mr. Hall can ee , n. .aula
ortty anywhara authorlilmt him to pay
erar tha maney and balaa.
(From a fluff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. Au. l.peolal.)-rrank
W. Colaman, bailiff In tha supreme court
'-rhe Uvea in Omaha, habaen
Hi. raoatlon amon. tha wild. In and
round Daulaa county, ffhlnt In tha
turbulent stream, and aallln. m the rsc
ni ukaa. while at tlmea ha haa angled
th. M. fish which ere said to abound
m it. U He U erela at hi. dee
in tha Stat bouaa weerlns; a emlle and a
aun brown complexion.
(Front a Staff Correapondent)
' LINCOLN. At. aMflt-daLWrhe
Enola etate bank cf Enole. MadUon
-county. U a new InaUtuOon ohartared bjr
the Bute Banking board with a capital
e n.oa Th. officer.) are W. R. Matin,
prealdent: H. A. VerMT. Tto. president,
and L. T. Rarucha, caahlar.
Nora fraw Oeeeela.
' OOCVOUK Neb.. Aug. 1-fh. Polk
County Teachare' InaUtuta convenes In
Oaceota on next Monday of next week.
State Superintendent Thomaa will be In
attendance on one day to give two lec
ture.. Tha Institute oomlng at the earn,
time aa doea tha Chautauqua, It will be
eaeler to plan for the entertainment at
all than at any other time.
The aala of a farm today, four mile,
aouth of Oeceola. marks tha tranafer cf
the E. L. Marqule quarter aectlon to O.
M. Neleon. Thla land la considered good
Folk county farm land and la down on
the Dlue river. The conalderatlon we.
JJS.SUO, and, conaidering that It wa not
quite a quarter aectlon. will bring HXS
par acre.'
Whllo tha ralna hare InUrfered aome
what In thla county with tha threahlng
of the wheat, yet generally tha farmer
have not been complaining and not much
haa been Injured by the rain. Tha com
la growing very rapidly and U com
mencing to ear cut .From preaent Indi
cation Polk county will offer better
com crop than for aeverel year.
Seven auto load of tourist who triad
to get wat from Columbu. on th. Lin
coln Highway found the road o very
bad that they were compelled to drive
around ever the Meridian road, paaatng
through Oeceola on their way to tha
touh Monday afternoon.
News Natea mt llartlagtea.
HARTINQTON. Neb., Aug. L-8peclal.)
The annual plcnle of the Cedar County
Old Settler and Pioneer' association
will bo held In Wynot on Auguet IS.
Harvest la on In thla county, but I
being greatly delayed by the wet weather.
Ten inchea of rain fell In Cedar county
In July.
llartlngton will have a aupervleed play
ground In tha future. In charge of Mlaa
bird Morten.
The bualneaa men cf thla city spent
two deya laat week working on the road.
Th farmer will hold their good road
hay after harveat
The Hartlngton Building and Loan as
aooUtlon ha. Just completed Ita twenty
flrat year and la In a very properoua
condition. It he. loan all over Cedar
county. At the preaent time there are
1.XX share of atcck In fore at lioo a
Bare, and tba association declared a
dividend this past year of 10 per cent
State Treasurer Sayt Aiieiiment
Board ii Merely Laying Up
Trouble and Interest to
Be Paid Later.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Au. 1 (Hpeclal.)-State
Treasurer II all la not In sympathy with
(he action of State Hoard of Ameiuu
ment In cutting down the levy from that
of last year. lie bollove It will dftplt
the treasury and glvee the following a
la reasons, toe-ether with an explanation
tegardlng the state tirldnre levy. lie soys:
Keferrtna to the rates of taxation aa
fixed by the State Hoard of Assessment
yeAterdav. In which thev fixed Lhn rate
of one-tenth of a mill for the state aid
brilg fund want to call your attontlon to
Houan Hol No. lt, paewd by the last
ioKWIaturi', which specifically states:
There la herphv atimnrlet-1 USo.flflO
for the state aid Yrldge fund from the
proceeds of the one-fifth of 1 mill Dcr
annum tax levy, on the grand ajment
ivii di in, aisi ior eaici unoae rueio, lor
the blennlum endlna- March 3L 1917. to be
expended according to law."
ny this trie law nxea the levy at two
tenths of a mill, Instead of one-tenth, as
the board endeavored to do.
It Is my opinion ttmt the two-tent h-mlll
as fixed by the legislature must prevail
instead or the one-tenth, as III 6.1 by tho
In the ftvtn- of the four and one-tenth
mllla levy by the board for irenrl fund
levy bv the hoard for the a-.-neral fund
lvy, whli'h they reduced from tha 5-nil 11
lew. ss nrovldod a vear aao. tlwv have
cut the Income of the (rrnoral fund for
the next year oveii ftoo.nuo I don t neri
to take my iencll and figure for several
week to prove to myeelf that this will
deplete and bankrupt the gnnetal fund of
the state one year from todny. There Is
now on bend In our general fnd Mfl.(KiO.
Practically all of the state laxna have
ln collected and sent In by trie county
tressurer for the year an I there will
be very little yet coming until January
1. ism. witn tne reiU?uon or isxea cur
ing the next year to over tiO.OilO, whh;hi
will make the fund that much short, one
year from todny thure will be no Income
to take care of the state's expense frm
the general fund fur the latter part or the
year IhlA
In irr opinion, the lovy should have
been the same a It was a year ago. We
do not spend money ty levy, but we do
snend It by aproprlatlon It mnkes no
difference whether the levy Is lowered
or raised, aa the, expenses of the state are
iut the same, but Ir the levy Is mni too
nw tha nor.nle of our state ere made to
suffer because of the payment of Interest,
and because of the hnd credit of the state,
and th atate officer, emolnvee and
creditors will strain have to suffer a lies
on their salaries and acoremts by rean
of havlnjr to sell their warrant at a .lie-count.
(From a Staff Correapondent )
LINCOLN. Aug. a-Opeclal.) Accord
ing to the monthly report of State Treaa
urer Hall, there was a balance In th
state treasury July SI of ll.6M.8al.6S, aa
against tl.I23,MS.U a month ago.
Receipts for the month were 1,1TS.16.98
and expenditure t739.93L4C Cash on hand
la given at fl.K. with S1.612.611U on deposit.-
University fund warrants held as
cash, $26,669.14. and normal school,
Th fund of th. sUt are Invested aa
follow t
Pmnuirnt achool fund 14.708.1X5 65
Permanent university fund ZH.toaoo
Agricultural college endowment t.a.nw.w
Normal endowment sl.2ac.00
gxwaty Meew Tkas BUim !.
A beautiful woaoaa always haa good
digestion- If your digestion la faulty,
Chamberlain'. Tablets will do you good.
Obtainable everywhere. AD. druggist.
Total .67i.l3.
WT0IQPINO WATER, Neb., Aug. 1-
(BpecUl.) A new use for the alio ha.
been developed In this part of the state by
th. excessive rain. Thla la th eavlng of
alfalfa crop, which would be ruined for
making bay. When a bin cutting la once
mad. and rain turn in and continue for
several nlghu It la Impossible to get the
alfalfa dry enough for hay. EJvon the
real wet alfalfa plants can be run through
the ensilage cutter, though, and thl ha
been done In a number of locailtlee. and
It la thought it will mail first-class
cattl. feed.
Your Systom
an oooaaional corrcctiT. to insura
good health and atrength. Su Ocean
ia almost impossible for th. weak
and ailing. Enjoyment U not
for the eJck. Impaired health
and aeriooa lckncm uauaJlr
begiA ia dermngnd condition, of the
gtomnch, Uveiv kidney, or bowel..
Mete f renal Beatrice.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Aug. . -Special.
W. IL Camaa was elected director cf
the Beatrice Military Band Monday night
to succeed D. C. Jenkins, whs resigned
laat week.
Ora Ranker and Dick Young cf thla
city bav leased the Dabla hotel on
North Third street The house has been
managed by J. A- Davison for Mm time.
lie may conclude te locate at Bab the.
The old plant ef th Rainwater Laun
dry at W 7 more and the Wv U Oamas
property In this city was sold Monday
at th court houae at sheriffs sale. The
lavndry etas sold te satlafy a mortgage
exetuUd by T. W. Collins to It W.
IMnimltt for U.t-B.K. It was taken b
Mr. Llmmitt for that amount
axe reeognJaed all over the world
to be the beat corrective of trouble,
of the digestive organs, They tone
the atomach, atlmolate the liver, reg
ulate the bowels. They cleanse the
aystem, purify the blood aad
act in the best and aafeat way
For Health
and Strongth
Urawt Sale ! Aay M4kM aa the WartJ.
aUaeverywkaxe. 1 Uaaa, 10. ftAe.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOI.N, Aug. .-Hpeclal.) Two re
quisition covering the return of fugitive
from Justice pasned through tha gov
ernor's office today.
The first cornea from Colorado and
ask that Anthony C. Wagner, now under
arrest In Omaha be returned to that
state. Wagner 1 accused of obtaining
land under false pretense In that he
represented that he owned a tract of land
In Cheyenne county, Nebraska, and In a
trad for land In Colorado gave a mort
gage on the Nebraska real estate, the
amount involved being $2,000.
The other requisition la Issued on re
quest of M. M. Nicholson, county attor
ney of Cuming county, who represent
that S. Warahanaky bought a bunch of
horse of Schlnstock Bros., of that county
and gav a check, representing himself
to be a representative of th firm called
the East New Tork Horee company, buy
ing the animals for the allies In Europe.
The check drawn was for tt,T75, and was
discovered te be worthies. 11 is under
arrest In Sioux City.
rrstensrlsa Hart by Fall.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Aug. .-(Special.)
While doing her work around the
house "Qrandma" Graves, mother of
C. L. Graves, editor of the Union Ledger,
and Attorney J. I). Grave of Peru, now
over 100 year of age, living at Rock
Bluffs, some seven mile aouth of Flatta
mouth, fell and broke her wrist.
"Grandma" Graves, a ah la known
vicinity, notwithstanding I
age. Is a lively worker, j
all over this
her advanced
doing her own housework, but thl acci
dent ha compelled her to pas th duties
to her daughter, Mr. We Burnett, for
the time.
Compare the
Cost of this
Dish to an
Meat Dinner
Here is a fair
comparative cost
of a meat and a
Faust Macaroni
dinner for a fam
ily of six. showing a clear saving of 85c
in favor of macaroni for 1 meal only:
S lb., cf alrloln steak at StV. a IK ft na
oreaa ana Duller, aiy .
One pktf. Faust Macaroni
One can of tomatoes
Bread and butter, a. above
.10 IMS
, 10.10
, .10
. .10
tO. S3
Of comparative nutritive values. Dr.
Hutchison, the famous dietitian, says
that meat contains practically 75
"water, macaroni only 10. In other
words, when you pay $1.00 for meat,
you pay 75c of that $1.00 for water.
And it's so easy to digest and so easy
to prepare Faust Macaroni. Besides
serving it as the whole meal, you
should serve it often as a side dish.
MAUIX BROS.. St. Louh. U. S. A.
Aaneyiaa Mairr C'eamh.
Th first due of Ir. Uoll'a piite-Tar-Hooey
will help yen. It kills the cold
germ. Only 5c All drugflsta. Adver
tis meat
Mutes' & Children's
Dress Pumps. $1.00
The treateat 1.00 Bale et
Shoes we bar ever bad start
- T" 11 1 -- i i "Trtr
At a Mammoth
Discount Here Now!
We are now right in the midst of our prerlouel- advertised "Re
modeling." Carpenters are overrunnlnc our .tore; the blcyoles
are stacked everywhere to got them out of the way of the
workers. To prevent the carpenters from playing havoc with
the wheels we will get lid of them (the bicycles) somehow. The
prloe. quoted below will aire you an Idea how urgent the
necessity U.
Tike a Ciseoaat of
Oa lay H!i
In ear gteek
Girls' Wheels
To be sold quickly st
I17.B0 now buy. a Olrt'a Wheel
complete, with coaster brake,
mud guard, stand and roller
chain.; a finely built, handsome
and serviceable wheel that
would ordinarily aeU at $16.
Hurry. Quantity limited.
Men's and Boys'
Bicycles, too
Oo0d Wheels doing; at
Jhlnk of buying a Man's or
Boy's Bloycle for tit. a wheel
that will stand service; a wheel
built upon handsome lines. Who
care, to go along without the
Joya of a bicycle now that
wheels are going at tie.
Bicycle Tire Special
"Thorn Proof" Tire that are worth (3 in
the regTLUr way, fcr going at $1.50 now.
Ear yon erer yet teen a more attractlTe prloe on really
worth wfcile tireeT
2513 50011
25 13 50 on
Lov ss 25
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. OMAHA, NEB.
N 1'JfJl'US on all new r-
and used PIANOtt
nd Player Pianos.
Wc will offer nil Pianos and
Player Pianos at prices that
should sell every piano with
in 10 davs.
Our line comprises famous
makes as follows
Knabe, Fisher, Estey,
Price & Teeple, Meh
lin, Milton, Shoninger
and Smith & Barnes.
Note these values pianos in
It 1 T;
Steinway $300 Weiler , . $125 5
Leroy $150 Swick& Kelso $90 ?
Schmoller & Mueller S100 Anderson $125
Ebersole $150 Cable .....$150 ?
Jacob Doll , S100 Brambach $150 C
eSfaUM OllflbiA M IT VUUVU XW avtd IV e eeeeeeee - - e IXVV
Payments arranged to
suit your convenience.
Hayden Bros.
Satisfaction guaran
teed to every pur.
chaser here.
fTm T - e e r. v tm
m m v m t m
4 lw t -' fe'W ,Jsas. r-
4 r.rMiwE
fcf rwf "? :
1 KW'AiLtV
9 1 aTtfA Alt
fr A-m
r i re
a a-a j
ft aaal mm
ft m
milk m
III MM 'I l IT--
ufl 1 im
s- II . , - . - x u. j a wsaw
y 1 xmw
II I I 1 as
It's Different W
And when you try it you will re- wV 2 IX
alize at once that this is a macaroni 1 V ? H
that tastes better than any you ever tried. tn
But we're ahead of our story.1
Open the package you
never saw higher grade
roacaroni than Skinner's
it can't be made.
Now cook It instead of twenty
minute you find it ie done m
about rentlve minutes.
Poaaibiy the tewing of cm does not
rt, but the saving of time,
hot weather, interests every
The delicious
a . .
lne deuctous ways in which you can combine
left-over meats or cheap cuts of meat will surely
please the breadwinner of the family.
kaiva iom w anoav MMuim ai man eTirril 100
' often. There are over fifty different wava
! to serve it Gire the children all they want
;V it is wholesome and good for them.
For sa at batting grocer a
Skinner Mfg. Co.
OmstlM, Neb.
rmm-tmr? iaj
aJ CLm. aj
I Springs
LI ! i 1 1 M ' H 1 M H m U ! 1 j ! 1 llilllLLi 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 J 1 i J 1 1 1 j 11 1'. i ; ! i ; 11 ! I " I nUHHI
a a
Willow Springs Beer
None better brewed than "Stars
and Stripes" and "Old Time."
Oreder a case for your home.
Order a case for your home.
HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR CO., Retail Distributors.
Telephone Douglas 1306
Lf ' Li
"VamJiBHaSmfSfasyjKA , i aaaBVamvaameaeaaaaaBBaasae
, I , 1