Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1915, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
VOL. XLV-NO. 40.
Oa Trains, at Hotel
Haw standi, to., Bo
BIx Countries Atked by Wilson to Be
Bepresented at Meeting to
Flan Restoring Peace
in Mexico.
Tint Step in Pacification of Mexico
Probably Will Be Embargo on
Ami and Ammunition.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. The six
South and Central American nations
which President Wilson has invited
to he represented at the meeting
here Thursday to consider plans for
restoring peace to Mexico have for
msJly signified their willingness to
join with the United States in the
preliminary conferences.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. When
the three South American ambassa
dors and the three ranking Latin
American ministers meet with Secretary-
Lansing Thursday to hear
President Wilson's plan to ask the
co-operation of their countries for
restoring peace to Mexico, a course
of action will be outlined which all
Latin-America will be asked to ap
prove. ,
It contemplates the restoration of
constitutional gqvernment without
the use of force, If possible, but has
In view Joint action of all the Ameri
cas, if necessary.
Although all officials surround
the conference with the greatest se
crecy, It is known that one of the
first elements Is an embargo on
arms from ' alf Latin-America to
The' president la not committed to de
tails of any plan, but will Invito sugges
tions from the Latin-Americans to open
the way to a common ground.
. Carrsmslstae Become Anxious.
Announcement of the conference sur
prised agents of the Mexican factions
here. Carransa's agents, hopeful that his
course within the last few weeks and his
efforts to respond to thf demands of this
.government to relieve Mexico City, would
lead to ultimate reConlUonr-conf5jvfed
their mystification.
They did ' not attempt to conceal some
misgivings, but are hopeful tha.t Car
ranza's showing of strength ' In . Mexico
will force the conviction that hta pro
visional government demands recognition.-
Villa's adherents believe President Wil
son will submit a plan for a provisional
government, talcing up the constitution
alist succession where It was broken by
the death of President Madero. Vaaqucs
Tagle, minister of Justice, Is In line.
Should any faction revolt, they propose
an embargo on munitions of war against
the revolters, and that the American
government support the factions partici
pating In the provisional government.
Such a course, they admitted, might
necessitate armed Intervention.
General Carrama's followers here be
lieve he will yield, but will take the
ground that be Is entitled to recogni
tion. General Carransa's agency announced
that General Hcrnandes. commanding
Villa forces at Coahuila, had sent emis
saries to arrange a surrender of his
forces to the Carranaa army. It was
said he based his surrender on the re
ported wtlhdrawal of the Madero family
from the Villa movement.
life was lost and many thousand dollars
damage done throughout this section last
night, by a series of storms which flooded
streams, washed away bridges, damaged
railroads and lnterurban lines and des
troyed harvests. Ralph Raptnsky, a boy,
was swept from a bridge here and
The Weather
Foreenst till 7 p. m. Wednejway:
Fi r Omaha. Counc 1 Elufia and Vicinity
Partly cloudy; warmer.
Tesaperatare at Umnki Tester -
Hour. Deg.
ft a. m.
a. m.
4 - I
a . .. ft
9 a. m M
ii!!'.!!!!'.!! M
ri a. in
11 a. m
12 m...
1 P. m K
para live Loral lleeor.l.
lKl.i. 111 19l t. n:
Highest yestrrdiy. ...... ; is 101 7
Lowest yestc d v 12 4 'A 01
Vean tnmperat ire fit 77 87
Preilpltatin T -to Mi 'I
Temperature and prtrc. citation . di
partures fro- th normal:
Normal temnerntu-o 7fi
refi'ienev for the day J7
ToUl defh'b ncv st'ic, Match 1 at'
Normal pro t lt"tton 11 Inch
IVflclenr for the dy 11 inch
Total rlnf"ll lnce Wun h 1...1S.7J iiehe
EK' ess sln-e March 1 1.17 Inrl.r-
beflclrncv for c r. pe-iod. 114. S.73 Inches for oor. period, 1S13. Inches
Reports f rum kiullens at T P. M.
Station ard Ktate Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. n. e' tail
Chevcnne clar 7i 7
Pavenport. clondv cn M T
JMnfr pt. rloiuir m to
t)ee Moines, cloudy rjt M .fin
North Pintle, pt. cloudy. T2 " it .'
Omaha, clear M 4 T
Rapid City, cloud)' Sfi in i
Pherldan. clfsr m a '.,i
Hioux City, cleiur 3 an Ou
Vslentine. cl-ar M S 00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
la. A. WELSH, Locsi ForecasUr.
TION of a body of troops in front of the Guild Hall in
Manchester. v
; 77 a i
I f ' Y Sf . Y
ffh &v i
"-j4f Ofl" LTAr
7 WSPm
ff. J2s6te? -M !
I v;'a I
Kearney Building Contract Let to
. Highest Bidder and Member
Gettys Voted Out.
. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
XlNCOLff. 7 Aug. 8. (Special.)
In tha rtamsj arbitrary manner which
has cDaracterlred the work of the
"brutal "maloritv" n th .tat, nor-
mal board for several years the
board proceeded today to vote It- nl8 "Tear-oia -on ana a marnea
self greater In authority than the'woman ,n Endtcott.
people who created It or the gover- About month a th,s woman
nor who appointed the members. husband threatened young Cook with
The work of the board was so ' PrpaecuUon. Thoughts of his son's
openly antagonistic to the interests facln trlal had affected the fathera
of the taxpayers of the state that m,nd- Tne famllr adm'"ed he had
many of the firms which were there , become slightly unbalanced. He bad
for the purpose of bidding on theievea conferred with Sheriff Edward
contract foor the Kearney normal'""6""" l
auditorium left In disgust and one
of the principal bidders, Gould &
Son of Omaha, withdrew its bid.
The fine Italian hand of the "majority"
was first shown when President Vlele,
who was defeated for the presidency .t
ma inn xnucimi;, iwk me euair lusicau
cf President Dan Morris of Kearney, who
had been elected.
gtralgrhtrn Per Record.
This was done In order to make regular
tho corner stone of the Peru normal,
which had Inscribed thereon the name
cf-Vlele as president of the normal board,
the atono having been carved when the
majority thought It had such a lead pipe
cinch on the presidency that It could
re-elect Vlele. That the machine slipped
a cog and Vlele was defeated was no
fault of the machine.
s: ajsr m
brutal majority got In Its work by re. j of ten children, seven girls and three j sofar as It gives power to a belligerent
fusing the call the name of J. R. Gettys. , boys, five of whom were married. They I to cut off the sea-borne exports and Im
member of the board, and substituting j were highly esteemed In Jef rerson county I ports of his enemy. The contentions,
that Of TI. K. Relsche Of Chadron. hn . Hvnri tn nnrifnott for mnnv venri.. I i.iw v . . jt . v. tvilj o ..
,had been appointed by Governor More-
head to fill the terra at the expiration
of Gettys- term. After act Secre-
tary Cavne.s moved that Jlr. Morris be
oecla-ed the unnnlmous choice of the
board for president, notwithstanding he J Sehell of Dlller. Mrs. Charlie Wilson andino rlght to interfere and must restrict
had been elected a month of six weeks j Mrs. Francis Pearson of Endlcott. Mrs. hu measures to blockade In such a man
SO. j Ralph Hughes of Steele City. Mrs. Roy j nep , ,eav, aVenues of com-
BMe Ar M tllkr.
Then the board nrorf.d km.
for the erection of the building at Hear-
!ny. The advertisement called for bids
2 I for the aeneral hulMinir .H f- .u.
.v, li";
neaimg, plumbing and wiring. T
he bid
of W. F. Crosby of Kearney simply called
- - - " J v. .vc, njr viiiiyiy t.llieu 1
f'-r the erection of the hulldins; and the)
furnishing 6t material and work for Its'
rompletlon and was for Ij7.S67. WaJtor
Knutaon of Kearney put in a bid sub- 'dorado supreme court was filed today
4 p. m".!i!!!'.'.'.'.! t '''antlally worded the same for JiiSit'ly attorneys for John R. Lawson, for-
5 p! m 5 Gould 4 Son put In a bid for the building I mer coal strike leader, convicted of the
S "J h Uon w,thout he Plumbing, heating and I murder of John Nimmo, a deputy , sher
i p." in.'.'".."."."..' I htlng for til.760. and two other bid, j iff.
ut,ow u' -Tony figures, were openod.
ii-cre wero more man a doen bids on; and a supersedeas to stay tho execu
slmply ti e heating, ilumblng and Ushtlug. tlon of the sent.-nce to life Imprisonment.
Tlie question then arose as to what the ! pronounced by Ju lg., C.rauby HUlyer In
Crosby bid reaUy covered and Crosby was thw ,Ptl ll.t court vt Animas county.
it covered the whole thing. Treasurer i
Hall did not believe that tho board had
ZnLirl -h. 7 7...rV ..r .
specify what it covered, neither dd l
tliat Una was legal.
lh nt.- t aar Deal.
Superintendent Thomas opposed the
Crosby bid. He said that naturally, be
ing from Kearney, he would like to .tee
. n.vncy iuu, iUc sue n.
did not believe the board had any right
XS . . L - . . ... .
to let the contract on that kind ot a bid.
He said the board should get the work
r:r "j.:: .rr'j:: zz::. rrv::
A .. . .... ., ., - k K...
c ii. i v vwvu ui inner inuu.ii wuv um
bid according to the advertisement a
tCouuiiucd oa Page To Column One.)
v ..
George W. Cook, Wealthy Retired
Farmer, Murders . Wife with a ,
Razor and Kills Himself.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Aug. 3. (Spe
cial Telegram.) George C. Cook,
wko murdered bis wife with a rasor
"d theQ klUed h,m8elf at Endlcott
crl7 tnl8 morning, had been worry-
ia over a BCndal connected with
dal and Mr. Hughes assured him that
there would be no trial at Falrbury
and for him not to worry.
In addition, Mr. Cook was suffering
from ill health. Coroner Dodge's verdict
was the deed had been done during a
of temporllry ,n,anlty.
Da a elite Finds Body.
It is assumed the tragedy occurred at
S o'clock this morning, as the younz
daughter heard the baby crying pltenus!y Lusltanla, to show "how Indispensable
and she went Into the mother's bed room. : It Is that we should leave unused no
She stumbled over the bodies of ner j Jubtltiable method of defending our
pa rents. In a pool of blood, and was' ' selves.".
frightened nearly to death. She gave the . Coming down to the question of the
alarm and Sheriff Hughes and Coroner allied blockade of neutral ports, the note
Dodge were summoned from Fslrbury. ' continues:
The father's body was found lying across I "In the various notes, which I have
the body of his wife, still clutching the
bloody weapon.
Mr. Cook was 65 years of ae and his
Arrangements . have been. made. to. hold
the funeral Thursday and burial of the
bodies will be made In the Falr-ury ceme-
. tcry. .
' The surviving children Include Mrs. Roy
,e funeral Thursday and burial of thelf a belligerent Ik so circumstanced that
" ley or tatcott, Misses uine ana v 101a
' k. and three rons, tins, ivo ana vir-
j ell Uvln at hom''-
. . .
, T.O TTTCin "a flrTAmOTTa
. 1 ii. w 1 n n 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 nun
: .
Appeal His Case
1 DENVER. Aug. I. An appeal to the
j a petition was filed for a wilt of error
lawson was convicted May 1 of first
degree murder, the cac growing out ot
a battle betwen Htriklng con I miners and
deputy sheriffs at Ludlow. October 26.
The appeal makes the same allegations
of error that were made in the applica
tion for a new trial, recently denied by
Judge H I'yt-r. Among the charges Is In
cluded the affidavit of Grover Hall, a
member of the jury, who claims that he
. wai induced t.J consent to a verdict of
ui,. b measures .m4 . h.v.
teen employed by Frank Oooden. bailiff.
The Colorado supreme court already
" petition for
a writ of
prohibition to bar Judge Hlllyer from pre
siding at future trials growing out of
coal strike dlsordsra
. TinliiA An.Avian PrAa fViaf
v wvviwti luuviimu A t.v
Uideri-in-Couucu Aie iiitgal
to Be Unsustainable on
Any Grounds.
. ,i. j rvM iirn.;i:,, Wl1 in
Alleged German Atrocitiei Held to
Justify Move to Cut Off 5a
Trade of Foe.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Great
nritaln" replies to tho latest Amer
ican representations against Inter-
terence with neutral commerce reject
entirely the contention that the or-ders-ln-councll
are Illegal and Jus
tify the British course as being
within International law.
"t'nutalnab!e either In point of law
or upon principles of International
equity." is the British reply to the Amer
ican protest against the blockade of
emitral ports, witn an invuauon 10 uu
mlt to International arbitration any cases
In which the United States la dissatis
fied with action of British prise courts.
Great Britain's reply, embodied In two
notes, ono supplemental, was made pub
lic here tonight and In London simul
taneously by agreement between the two
i governments. With the notes made pub
lic also the correspondence over the
American steamer Neches. seised by the
British while en route from Rotterdam
to the United States with goods of ear
man origin. All the correspondence ag
gregates J.OOo words.
Changed Conditio, gays Briton.
Changed conditions ' of warfare, the
British note contends, require a new
application of the principles of inter
national law. The advent of the sub
marine, the airship and the alleged
atrocities by Germany Troops In Bel
gium are cited as justification for the
exercise of extreme measures. The block
ade is justified on the contention that
the universally recognised fundamental
principle of a blockade is that a bellig
erent is entitled to cut off "by effective
means the sea-borne commerce of his
The note reiterates that Gereat Britain
will continue to apply the orders com
plained of, although not without every
effort to avoid embarrassment to neu
trals, and observes that the American
statlHtlcs show that any loss In trade
with Germany and Austria has been
more than overbalanced fcy the Increase
of. otby (ndUBtrja activities' due to the
war. 1
In the general reply to the American
reprenentatlone against the orders-ln-council,
Blr Edward Grey, the foreign
m,mgU.V( addressing Ambassador Page.
begins by expressing the hope that he
may be able to convince the administra
tion In Washington "that the measures
we nave announced are noi oniy reason-
ame anan ecessary in memseivea, dui
constitute no more than an adoption of
the old principles ot blockade to the
peculiar olrcumstancea with . which we
are confronted.
Mast Do Everything;.
"1 need scarcely dwell," wrote Blr Ed-
ward, "on the obligations Incumbent upon
the allies to take every step in their
power to overcome their common enemy
in view of the shocking violation of the
rocognlzed rules and principles of civi
lised warfare of which he has been
guilty during the present struggle."
Sir Edward then refers to alleged atro
cities In Belgium, poisoning of wells In
German southwest Africa, use of pois
onous gases against the allied troops In
' Flanders, and finally, the sinking of the
received from your excellency, the right
of a belligerent to establish a blockade
mf th enemv nnrt. ! admitted, a rlht
;OVerrmient now Duta forward is that
(f a belligerent U so circumstanced that
! , commerce tan pass through .adjacent
neutral ports as easily as through ports
j , n, own territory, his opponents has
, merce still open to his adversaries. This
Is a content!. m which his majesty's gov
ernment feel unable to accept and which
seems to them unsustainable cither In
point of law or upon principles of In
ternational e-iulty.
Will Not Admit It.
"They unable to admit that a
belligerent vloliti any fundamental prin
ciple of International law by anplylng a
blockade in such a way as to cut off tha
enemy's commerce with foreign countries
through ' neutral ports. If the circum
stances render such an application of the
principles of blockade the only means of
making it effective. The government of
the t'nlted Staten, Indeed. Intimates its
readiness to take Into account 'the great
changes which have occurred In the con-
(Continued on Pane Two, Column Two.)
Omaha' fine fireproof
Auditoruira i$ now the
property of the cityand
i$ at the disposal of any
and all national conven
tions or biff fathering that
may "atop off' here.
Austrian Regiment that Tried to
Retake Position is Wiped Out
VDINK, Italy. Aug. l.-(vla Parls.)-
ltallan officers arriving here from the
front iay that the Austrinn attempia
r retake thn positions occupied by thf
Italians on Carso plateau reached their
climax when the Auatro-Hungarinn com'
tnnilfp atfaliitit Mnnnf Rlhiml
- ' 1 - -
one oi tour Kamerjarger rcRim.-nis.
hlrh had Junt arrived from Vienna.
The Knlserjaegcrs met a reglmetit ot
Hersigllcrl and slioutid to them to sur
render. The next moment the officers
my 4.o0 fixed bnyonrts flushed In a
u,.n.-rnto lian.l-to-han,l ftruggle. anil
when flnnlly the llrrsattelierl occupied
,hc Austrian poaltloiis, the field where
thn KalwirJn0ftpr, ,tood nMvi,
a soeno of Imnwnxa carnage.
the Austrlans hnd esrnped.
llnllni triinnrr In ltnerto.
VKItO.NA. Italy, Aig. S.-(vla Paris)
Although the weather sllll Is unsettled,
the advance of tho Italian forces against
Itoverto, an Austrian town thirteen miles
southwest of Trent. Is progressing along
. v. . i .. . .. n T u . . .n.ii...
th Qwn o bp f uff
Ing under the fire of Italian slego guns.
Sandbags Weighing as Much as En
tire Quota of Passengers to Be
Placed on One Side Ship.
CHICAGO, Aug. 3. A board
named by the city council harbors
committee today began preparations
for tests of the stability ot excursion
steamships sailing out of the port ot
Chicago. Sand bags, weighing as
much as a full quota of passengers,
will be placed on one side of the
steamship Christopher Columbus
next Thursday as a means of ascer
taining the seaworthiness of that
The federal grand Jury today resumed
the taking of evidence regarding the
alleged "cranky" performances of the
steamship Eastland, which capolxcd at Its
dock a week ago Saturday.
It was announced that subscriptions to
aid the families ot Eastland victims are
In excess of $330,000, and that benefits to
be given In the next few days will con
siderably iisTrease that figure.
Judge Lanflls In the United States dis
trict court today ordered the release of
Bteumboat Inspectors Kobert fluid and
Charles C. Kckllff upon tholr own cash
bonds of 12.BO0 each. .. .
They will appear In court a week from
tomorrow, when arguments on an ap
plication for a writ of habeas corpus
filed by their attorneys will be heard.
Nine hundred and eighty-one persons
lost their lives In the steamer Kastland
disaster, according to final figures given
out today by the Western Electric com
pany, which completed the checking of
, ,u ,mpioye, Mends who boarded the
vessel. The Identified dead numlier S3.
unldentlfed dead two. and the Western
Eloctrlo company placed the final list of
missing at 111, making tha total BJ1.
The bottom has dropped out of the lake
excursion business as a result of the dis
aster to the Eastland, according to H. W.
' Thorp, general manager of the Goodrich
j Transit company. Throe big excursion
' steamers have been withdrawn from ser
I vlco and (.hip owners are said to be furo-
most In urging safety tests which will
restore confidence In lake boats.,
Alleged Slayer of
Auburn Man Pleads
Ignorance of Crime
SIOUX FALLS. S. V., Aug. J. (Special.)
Repeatedly declaring that he remembers
nothing of the fight, Joseph Glenn, a
transient, who Is charged with first de
gree murder In connection with - the
) death of Thomas Sarvls, of Auburn,
; Neb ,,, teen lodged In the Lake
1 .... li. r-..
defendsnt waived his preliminary hear
Ing and his bond was fixed at 110.000.
Glenn la something of a man of mys-
t"T . y"ar" .
I . 'T? ,?i ' I , ' !'
I. Tf ,." . 7,
m'"t- Notwithstanding
! onmr he refu,e' to '
; tlon emcern,n' himself
iiuvniuistauuuig g vwca ivu 14 11x7 s
ve any Inform
to the officers,
and nothing ran be learned as to his
home or whether he has relatives living.
Since he was taken Into custody a rela
tive of the murdered man also questioned
him about the fight In which Sarvls lost
his life, but could get nothing from the
prisoner beyond the brief claim that
he "didn't know."
It la said the state at the trial will
produce a witness who will testify that
Immediately before Glenn plunged the
blade of a large jackknlfe Into Sarvls
abdomen, he (Ulenn), made a threat to
"get" Sarvls. Doth men were Intoxicated
at the time of the fight, which resulted
In the fatal wounding of Sarvls, who died
some hours later In a hospital.
Sarvls lay on the ground an hour tnl
a half after receiving the frightful
' wound, when he msnaged to mako his
way to a drug store and call for assist
i nCs. The murdered man was about
M yeais of age. of fine physique, gars
evidence of having been well raised
and spoke of his people being well re.
spected at Auburn, Neb., and vicinity.
Buffalo Express
Hits Landslide
Runnlng at high speed, the Buffalo Ex
press on the Pennsylvania railroad ran
Into a landslide near here early today.
Jesse Williams, engineer of Pittsburgh,
was killed and R. Gelfrlch. fireman of
Pittsburgh, was st rlously scalded. Three
day coaches and a sleeper left the track,
but remained upright
which were transported to platforms pre
pared on the mountains south of Ho
vtreto. HitnnnU Killed with IlocUs.
HUM K, Aug. 8. tvla Pails.) LtUis
receded In Homo from officers at the
front asrec that tlic I'tshtlng on the
Isotim river and on tliu Carso plateau
niav Ih' tHHen as on excellent examle
of tho perfect reullzatinn of the pliuis i
of the Italian commander. j
Nothing In these engagement was left
to chance. Everything was worked out I
with mathematical precision. A lieu-,
tenant of artillery, writing from tlm '
front, snys tli formMahlo
fMUi;, Mollnt IV(,KO
tho formMahlo Austrian de-
o anil Mount i
Mlrhele aro iu longer recognisable, the .
Italian artillery having iline It work woll j
CHIier letter relate that a largo f0
portion of the Austrian hisses wero caused .
Iiv the hurling down of rocks. More than!
lO.tXO men were thu crushed to death j
In their trenches. At fan .varum, no
fewer thsn J.WO Austrian dead were found
In a group of trcm ho
Tlie Italians lost comparatively few
men In this fighting.
Over Score Captured in One Place
and Dozen or So Killed in
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3. Colonel
Rlcardo Agullar, former "red flag
ger" under General Salatar, and a
former captain in Huerta prmy,
and twenty-two Mexican raiders
were captured today on the border
by United States cavalrymen under
Captain Ryan. A quantity of arms,
ammunition and suppllos were taken.
Bandlta Are Killed.
BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Aug. I.-Twelve
to fifteen Mexican bandits are reported
killed In fighting today with the United
States cavalrymen and American posse
men In the low, thick, thorny brush
north of Brownsville. Private McOulre
of the Twelfth Cavalry was reported
killed; Private Curtlss polbly fatally
wounded, and Deputy Sheriff C. A. Mona
han of Brownsville shot In the leg.
Appeals were sent to Governor James
F. Ferguson today asking for more
United States troops to help guard this
section of the border. The outlaws are
believed to be part of the same band
which has been marauding In this section
from twenty to sixty miles Inside the
American border for nearly three weeks.
Ono American was killed by them three
weeks ago. Tho country Is thinly set
tled, the low brush with thick foliage
affording unlimited hiding: places.
Wheat Discovered.
Tula particular body of bandits was
discovered about I o'clock this morning
near San Ilcnlto, Tex., about fifteen miles
from the border, by Sam Robertson,
Prldent of the San Benito & Bio Grande
vaney raiiroan. wnne returning irom
surveying. He reported that they seemed
to have a stockade.
Lieutenant l.euti ordered troop A Im
mediately Into their saddles, twenty-six
cavalrymen galloping out of San Benito
In the moonlight, accompanied by several
local officers.
The Americans unexpectedly ran upon
the Mexicans. A running fight began.
For the remainder of the night and mu
of the morning t ere was continual rifle
firing. In the brush. About 800 farmer
from near San Ilenlto have Joined in the
This afternoon the bandits apparently
were surrounded. The killing of Private
McGtilre was confirmed. Private Cap
saddle was also woundef.
Supreme Council
Knights of Columbus
Meets at Seattle
PKATTLE, Wash.. Aug. .-Tne annual
convention of the supreme council of the
Knlt'hts of Columbus opened here today
with delegates from all parts of the
United States, as welt as Canada, Mexico
and the Philippines In attendance.
The chief matter to be taken up by the
convention will be the report of the com
missioner on religious prejudices, which
has carried on an Investigation for the
last year to determine the causes of
waves of religious prejudice end with a
view to effecting a more friendly feeling
between different religions.
Colonel P. H. Callahan of Louisville.
Ky., chairman of the commission, said:
"The recommendations of the report
will include a declaration of the Catholic
position In regard to civil allegiance, and
will condemn the action of the politicians
who mske religion a campaign issue.
The report will deal with the principal
matters which excite prejudice, the chief
sources from which It springs and the
classes In which It largely exists."
The delegates to the supreme council
attended high mass at St James
cathedral, celebrated by archbishop John
Bonsano, the papal delegate, before open
ing their annual session. Addresses of
welcome were delivered before the coun
cil by Governor Ernest Lister, Supreme
Justice t'hadalck, Mayor Hiram C Gill
and Thomas Burke, president of the
Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Supreme
Knight James A. Flaherty responded.
A second session of the council was held
this afternoon.
Hearts Ordered.
WASHINGTON. Aug. I. (Special Tele
gram.) The Interstate Commerce com
mission has ordered a hearing held at
Sioux Falls, S. IX, on September t In the
matter of rates on coal In carloads from
points in Wyoming and Montana to points
in South Dakota.
Two Elevators Bars.
MASON CI TV, la., Aug-. S.-Speclal
Telegram )T. levators owned by Hugh
Mullln and Charles Raw at Britt, burned
this mornins;. Loss lll.OuO; Insurance,
Teuton Hosti, However, Continue
Their Advance on Warsaw
from Both the North
and South.
French and Belgian Consulates
Turned Over to American
LONDON', Aug. 3. The armies of
Germany and Austria-Hungary are
trlng held by the Russians to the
west of Warsaw, but they are making
progress elsewhere on the eastern
front, according to the official state
ments emanating from Berlin and
Vienna, their most determined attack
tvldently being that directed against
Wytkow, a town thlrty-fle miles
northeast of Warsaw.
Pursuing their policy ot cutting
the communications of Grand Duke
Nicholas, heavy German forces are at
tacking the railroad Unking the mala
Warsaw-Petrograd line with Ostro
lonka. The latest dispatch direct from Warsaw,
coming from a correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press and dated July U, shows
that conditions In the threatened polish
capltol are much better than were In
dicated In the latest direct dispatches to
the London newspapers, which were sent
July 29.
The later Information of thr Associated
Press states that the people are return
ing to their home and that the life of
the capital O resuming a normal aspect,
although the official establishments have
made all preparations for the expected
evacuation, the French and Belgian
consulates being placed in the hands of
the Amerioan consul.
FlKhtlas; Reeaeae4 la West.
In the west, fighting again is in pro
gress on the British section of the battle
front, and there has been a resumption
of Infantry activity, with tha French ad
mitting that the Germans have captured
some trenches In the Argonne and the
Caa Marie Theresa d 1st riot, but claiming
that counter attacks, have rewon a por
tion of the lost ground. ,
In the Vosges mountains. Paris states
that the French troops took several Ger
man trenohea. after lofllitlng heavy losses
on tha defenders. ...
The record of British surmarins activity
given out by British admlrallty last
night, was supplemented today by a
Petrograd official report, which an
nounces that an English sumberslble has
sunk a targe German transport In the
PARIS, Aug. L-Tha French war office
today gave out an official report as fol
lows: "In the Artols, In the vicinity of (tou
ches, there was spirited fighting during
a part of last night, in which hand
grenaders and bombs were largely used.
On the plateau of Quennevlerea and in
the valley of the Alsne yesterday saw
violent artillery exchange. Bolssons was
again bombarded.
"In the Argonne, In the sectors of St.
Hubert, Marie Theresa, Fontaln-Aux-Charmes,
and at Hill No. i the fight
ing continued throughout the night. Toe
Germans endeavored to deliver several
attacks, but were not successful. At
Eparges there was yesterday a rather
severe bombardment
"In the Vosges the enemy yesterday
evening delivered one attack against our
positions on the river Lings and three
attacks against out positions on the
Barrenkopf. These violent attacks were
all repulsed.
' Dims Votes to Proaeeete War.
PETROGRAD. Aug. t-Vla London )
Michael V, Rodslanko of Ekatertnoslav
today was re-elected president o f the
Russian Duma by a vote of 144 to 41. On
the conclusion of tha debate on the war,
the Duma placed itself on record by the
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
All Klsliui Uaaame.
Be fouad a alee
At home h fselai
imsf . .
pitsttir f ; V'T Ii
Bis new landlady
Serves real aloe stasia.
The job he holds
Bring him good pay.
And he a are ta stroaf
Vot the Waa Ad way.
Be looks throng tha Ada
Moat every Blsht,
AM he answers wose
ate UlsJtg aU dgrht.
(Ooatlaued Tomorrow.)
Tea can secure the very beet clan
of "Boarders and Roomers' throuxi
the Claasiried Columns of THE
OMAHA BEK. Placs Board asd
Room Ad In today's paper, teeing
a 1 1 the good points about your
offerings. Telephone Tyler JuSS
now and