Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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    thk ma;-.
-l. J
It none aad Cottage.
Boat h.
For Rent
Hmth half of doubt ortefc
Souse T rooma, 4 bedroom,
all modern, at 1S11 South ma
HI., Bear Park school, on
block Mat of Hanaoom parks
Tal. Harney 150.
(77.50 4 rooma, entirely modem, I bed
room upstair, corner lot, nice
hade and shrubbery, 2301 N. 32d St.
35.00 7-room, strictly modern, elegant
hom, practically food aa new;
ink finish; paved atreet. 1534 Spruce
$0.00 Brand new. t-atory house, fine
sleeping porch, entirely modern. , In
Field club dial rift. 8ff5 Pacific St
GlobeVan & Storage
Stores, moves, par a ships; 8-hore van
ana I men. 11.15 per nr.; storage a
1 mo Satisfaction guar. D. 4SS4 Tv.
Pboee pqugla !M tor oompleta Hat et
vacant houeee and apartment; also for
Storage, moving. Ith and Jackaun St.
linn u Crelgh Bone At Co.. Ma. bldg
Gordon Van Co.
Ktoi age.
tlf N. 11th t - Tel. D KM or Web. liSS.
GEE the Central Furniture more PR KB
' WE HAVE rodded M,X building since
1810, and never had ona struck. W
fuarantee every- Job. AMERICAN
iKIHTNINO ROD CO.. 703 8. lfith Ft.
7-ROOM house . atrlotly modern, 8762
Meredith. Call Florence
tec. packing, shipping.
Van and teioraa
Co. Call ua for es
timates tor aiov-
aoktiig. shipping. ITU Webster St
6-K. COTTAGE, mod. en ht Ji block
from cr, fith and William. I. 7341.
, aI.L alaea. II per month up. 407 Paxion.
J. C. Reed
2Exp. Co., moving,
packing A storage
1207 Farnam. ft. U44
tores si.4 Uf flues.
., Nice Cool Office
With Vault
Near the Elevato. and Stain
Electric Light Free
Superintendent's Office. Room 103.
LA ROB modern store near postofflce.
Low rent. G. P. Stebbina. 1610 Chicago.
Office on 17th St
Double Windows
Pi-Irate Office Wuitlng Room
180 Sq. Ft. $18.60
The Bee Building
Offle Room 108.
v Tale buys everything aid hand. Web. 4904.
FFFICE furniture bought aad solA J.
C Read. 1W7 Ssrnam. Dong. 414
HIGHEST prloea for old clothing. D.4714.
WANTED We wish to Install a bowling
alley. If you have a good one that haa
been used some for sale, addreaa Sibley
t A , Langavln, Curtis. Neb.
6-KOOM cottage, mod. except heat, cloaa
In preferred. Phone Web. 6799 or D. 714.
-fi-R;- cottage, mod. ex. heat, cloae-ln
' preferred. Phone Web. 6799 or D. 714.
Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T.
Smith Co.. 1?-I4 City Nat Ba. D. SSia
TOR SALE Four sections Cheyenne
county, Colo., land for sale. Good ool
t ny proposition. Address T 637. Bee.
' .FORTY ACRES, two mile from Arcadia,
Fla.; what have you to trade, worth
' 33.0uO. Box 211. Tecumaeh. Neb.
S9-ACRB tract, north of olty, , without
ouiiaings, w truii, iitm, x. auive ui
corn, 33,W0. Day Hess, Sole Agents,
12J Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
Write a good description of your land
nd tend It To the Sioux City, la.. Journal.
"Iowa'a Mojt Powerful Want Ad Me
dium." Twenty-five worda every Friday
evening, ' Saturday morning and every
Saturday evening and Sunday morning
for one month, gUlis alxteen ad on
, twelve different daya for 82; or 60 words,
84. or 76 words, to.
Largest circulation of any Iowa news
pajer, 2jO.0uO reader dally In four great'
si a tea. .
SUNNY uplands In southwestern' Louis
iana; cut-over, .grass-covered pine
.lands; no rock, no aand; rolling, well
drained In two-crop country, settling by
Nebraska, Iowa, Kansaa and Missouri
people: 15 to $3 per acre; sold on terms.
For further particulars, write or phone
South M7. J. li. KopleU, 6US N. ttth St.,
houth Omaha.
.' Mlaaesota.
iHNN. farms; low price, easy terms. Mln
peso la Land Co.. P. O. Box .117. Omaha.
I HAVB 140 acre of land In Garfield
county, Neb. Would like to selL Will
take 4 per acre for It Address W. T.
Reeves. Denton, Neb. '
rOR BALK Beat large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
little muuey required. C Bradlay, Wot
bach. Neb.
M Isretkaaeuaa.
19VACRE farm. $13 per acre; 130 cash and
' 20 ner month; no Interest! rich soil;
fine land; pure water, good title. Write
W. T. Young. Jr.. Kimball. Neb.
lVACRB farm. 613 per acre; 830 caah and
6M per month; no Interest: rlcA soil;
fine land; pur water; good title. Write
W. T. Young. Jr., Kimball. Neb.
iK TO lIO.OuO made promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wend Bldg., 18th and Famam Bus.
CITY and farm loans, 6, 6H. per ceut
J. H. Dumont Co.. 414 Stat Bank.
WANTED Good farur and city loan at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO.. 1K22 Farnam.
CITY property. Large loan a apecialty.
, W. H, Thomas. 22a Mate Bank Bldg.
VONEY on hand for city and firm loan.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
i4EE us first for farm loan la eaatera
Neh. United states Trust Co., Omaha.
CITY LOANa. C. G. Carlberg,
ro-13 Brandels Theater bldg.
WANTED City and farm loan; lowest
rate. W. U. Templeloa. US bee. T. 3UaX
WANTED SECOND-HAN D auto for 8v3t
equlty In choice acre. Wal. fcut
WHAT have you to offer In exchange
. w Kr irrigated, all fenoed. about
4 mile from Fort Morgan. Colo.7 price,
U.W, Inc.. tor about W.). Would take
cheap, clear land for equity or a gen
eral tndse store, or a good hotel, jtd
dress tsll Cuming St.. Omaha. Neb.
" ,1 : . "
i 'f aui or mule ood restaurant.
TraUe for movbig picture maohlno or
auto. Addree. B 127. Uravlty. la.
Prioei Mid Quality of Wheat So Ir
regular Companion with Satur
day'i Quotation! Impossible.
' OMAHA. Aug. X 1915.
The prices and guiUlty of the wheat on
the floor today wore ao Irregular that It
was ImposHihle to make any comparison
with Saturday' quotation. Uum receipts
were good, but the market was very Ir
regular and thsrs were not many aales
rportd. The market sold fea huber to
.Ho loaer, with the yellow commodity l
4l.c premium ever the white.
tats receipts were lluht and the demand
was fair. The oata market was quoted
V" higher.
Theie haa been considerable delay In
the marketing of the new wheat crop,
due to the uncertain weather the last
few weeks, but It Is thought that sun
shine will take the place of clouds and
the movements from the hands of the
farmers will Increase to large proportlona.
Liverpool market closed today on ac
count of holiday.
- Cloarancee were: Wheat and flour
equal to r6,oo bu.j corn, 15,009 bu. oata.
7 .wo bu.
Primary wheat receipt were L 477.000
bu. nnd shipment l.aos.ouv bit, against re
ceipts of ,Mfi, bu. and shipment of
1. EA.0O0 bu. laat year.
Primary corn receipt ware S24.0O0 bu.
,nd shipment 421.000 bu., against re
ceipt of a.0U bu. and shipment of
?71.0ii0 bu. last year.
- Primary oat receipts were RSR.000 bu.
and shipments 812,000 bu., against re
ceipt of XJla.OOO bu. and shipment of
ePMftK) bu. lest year.
Wheat. Corn. Oata.
fhloago no US 96
Minneapolis . . . . .24
Duluth , if,
Omaha IK M U
Kansaa City Jho 10
ft. Loula 4j
iWlrinlpeg 84 ...
These sale were reported today:
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter: car (old),
61.42; car (old), $1.42: H car (new), $1.19.
No. 6 hard winter: 1 car (old). 1 4J;
H car (old) $L42; 1 car (new), 11.14. No.
4 hard winter: 1 car (hew). $1.00. No. 2
durum mixed: 4 car, 61.40. No. 6
durum: car (old), II.U6. Sample: 1 car,
m. Corn: No. I white. I oar, 71Hc: 2 cars,
Be. No. 3 white: 1 car, 74Vo. No. 6 whlto,
H car 73Hc. No. 6 white: 1 car (mustv),
3Sc. No. i yellow: 1 car. 7o: car, 7o.
No. 8 yellow: t cars. 76Vifj 54 cars. 76c,
No. yellow: 1 .car, 7Rc. No. I mixed: 1
car (near yellow), 75c; 6 car. 74. No. 6
rnlxed: 1 car (near white), iVq; 1 car,
74c; 4Vj cars, 74c. No. S mixed: 1 car,
74o. No. mixed: 1 car, 73Hc; 1 car, 7o;
1 car, 72 Ho. Etample: 1 oar 0ot), 6So:
5 car (hot), 7c. Oat: No. i white: 6
car, 4Hc: Par, e; H car, 48c. No. 4
whltei I cars, 47o; H car. 47Hc. Fample:
H car, 45c. Rye: No. 8: 1 car. 02c. Bar
lev: Rejected, 1 car. 2c.
Omaha Oram Exchange Wr-at: No. 1
turkey. 8L20til.8avi nominal; mmS. 3 tur
key. Ll!vtri.42'4 nominal: No. 1 hard, 81.16
tfti.42H; No. 8 hard, 81.14fM.42: No. 4 hard,
9cjjtL.40; No, 8 slring, Jl.4(1.45 nominal;
No. 3 apring, 81.431.44 nominal. Corn: No.
3 white. 7fiS76c; No. 3 white, 74i3W4o;
No, 4 white. M-WYiVto nominal; No. 8
white, Wttfiy,c No. white, 7W8Hcj
No. 3 yellow. 7r76o; No. 3 yellow, 7
7tilic: No. 4 yellow, fuVfPttc nominal; No.
6 yellow, 7riV6Vc loiulnal; No, R yellow,
74Vtf75c; No. 3 mixed. 7V'74 Wc ; No. I
mixed, 74rt?74Hc; No. 4 mUed, 73V74c
nominal: No. & mixed, 73"4r74o; No. I
mixed, 72'M!73Hc Oats: No. 8 white, 49U
tjtHio nominal: standard. 48'5'4!tc nomi
nal; No. 8 white, 4MM(;c.; No. 4 white,
4747X0. Barley: Malting, 85j7o nomi
nal; No. 1 feed,. 63)3o nomlnaL Rye; No,
2, 2(3o nominal; Nov 8, ei&do.
Featares of the Trading; and t'loala
Prices on Board'al Trade,
' CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Frost, Maok rust
and wet weather left no ohanoe today for
the beara In wheat. The market closed
strong at an advance of lo to lc net
advance. Corn wound up with a gain
of Wo to 4o and oat c to He to H Ho.
Provlalon finished unchanged to UHc
higher. Despite occasional moderate re
action, wheat bulls had the advantage
throughout the day. At the start report
of wet weather damage and of delay
to the movement In winter wheat crop
formed the chief Influence that cautod
the market to advance. Subsequently
new of sharp fronts In the Canadian
wheat belt stimulated the buying higher.
Still later a dispatch from a leading
crop expert telling of black mat on every
stalk in and around Fargo, N. D., led
to the strongest advance of the aesnlon.
The close was at the topmost point
Corn was swayed mainly by the
strength of wheat Bearish crop esti
mates, though were effective to some ex-
PRACTICALLY new S-cyUnder car and
one-half ton truck; will exchange either
or both for equity In bungalow, or what
have youT Address B. M., Care Bee.
EQUITY la 8-room modern house In
West Famam district to exchange for
late model automobile; full value given.
D. 89C1.
BEAUTIFUL 7-room bungalow, strictly
mod.; cor. lot; sacrifice for quick sal.
401 Grand Ave. Phone Webster 927.
8337 SPALDING 6-r. ootlage, mod. ex.
heat; large lot; 1260 down. Web. 4631
BUY from owner. 6 rooma and bath,
8678 Evan. HURRY. Phone Web. ion.
Beautiful seven-room bungalow, all
modern; large corner lot; elose to oar,
school and church; built for a home;
must be sold: owner leaving city; oan be
n at 4061 Grand Ave, Call Webster 927.
4,6uO EASY terms, buy 03 Marcy; 6
rooms, modern; near Field club. Large
corner lot: both streets paved. Fine
lawn, good shade, nice flower; a real
home. Apply at premises.
6001 BURT ST 6-room, best buy In Dun
dee, Clyde W. Drew, Owner. Wal. 1234.
NEW store bldg., large lot. located 4438
Bedford Ave. Phone Florence 8L34.
FOR SALE or rent; trackage building,
11th and Seward. MxW. Apply 1U
Oust et
8 room modern, up-to-date bungalow,
newly painted and papered; one block
from car. at 8118 Taylor SU SuOO caah.
balance same as rent.
Two of the best lot In Dundee, corner
Mat and Webster, overlooking Happy
Hollow, paved; 31. Mo each, Una. (.OuO
cash, balance to suit.
6-room modern bungalow la Kounts
Place; hardwood flnlnh, full cement base
ment; almoat new; 11,000 cash, balance of
purchase price. 2.1(i0. same aa rent.
Phone owner, Douglaa , or Walnut
2634. 8u Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Sealed proposala will be received at
Lincoln, Nebraaka, by th Hoard of Edu
caOon, Nebraaka State Normal choola
up until ten o clock a. m., August 3, iiT
for the erection of a brl-k and atone
auditorium for the State Normal School
at Kearney, Nebraska. In accordance
with Pau peel Heat kn prepared
by J. H- Craddock, Architect, Rooio 11
Continental Building. Omaha. Nebis?
Tna board of Education, Nebraska
SUte Normal Schools, wui also receive
rroposals for th heatmg, plumbing and
electric wiring for above buildm. ac
cording to plana and apedficaUoo pre
pared by the architect, up until Uie hour
ami dkt above named.
All bid must be accompanied by a eer
tiried check tor five (5) par cent of the
full amount of bid. made payable to U
E. Hall, raate Treasurer of Nebiaaka.
The Board reserve the right to aucept
any or rnject any or ail bid. -
Signed by the President and the Secre
tary of th Board of Education, Ne
braaka State Normal School. Jy-2ldlit
tent In checking the advance. In the
oat market flrmneaa reeultcl from r
porte of rain Interference with the har
vest. lUlnola, low and Nebraska sent
many complaint of the grain sprouting
In the eh iw an.
Higher prf fr hogs tended to lift
provisions. Figures on con! rent stock
here turned out to be larger than had
been generally expected.
Closing prices on options:
Article! Open. I Hlgh. liow. C1ce.. fUtT"
Wheat, I j I
ept 1 d 1 07HI 1 0H 1 o7v. I
Dec.. 107 1 OHHI 1 tJl , 1 (i
Corn I
rn4. TJI 74 7 74S' 75S
lHc. ." &S' 5Va 3H'
Oats ill
riept. SK .WV V. & SH
Dec.. S9S S SW
Sept. 13 76 13 13 76 IS DO IS TO
Oct. 13 2H MOTH 13 92H 14 00 13 87H
U rd I
fept.f I IS I 80 I 06 I 1IH In
Oct. 8 22H Hi 8 1TH 8 JO 8 17H
R bs
Sfnt. 60 t KtH 4fi 60 47H
Oct.. Hi IH I IK t CH I H
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat i No. 1
red. 31 10HU.UH; No. 8 hard, 31.UHtr
113H. Com: No. 3 yellow, 79S'uHc; No.
4 yellow, 7S79c. Oats: No. 8 white,
old. 4t); new, 47J4Hc; standard, old,
ftlH'g'nSf; new, Mo. llye: Nominal. Barley:
6K4i-77o. Feed': Timothy, Sfi.Smy. 76: clover,
M.2flS85. Provisions: rork, 118.70; lard,
88.30; ribs. 39.87Htf9.87H.
P.UTTBU Masy; creamerr. nWif2Eo.
EOOL Steady; receipt. cases; at
mark, cases Included, lM7o; ordinary
rirsts, iMiitv: nrst. leru'no.
P rt A TO KH Receipt, thirty-five ears:
lower; Virginia cobblers, barrel, jLav1; nuix. 4iirw, .
POt'LTRT liower; fowl. UHc: spring.
Qaotatlona of the Day on Varloae
NEW YORK. Aug. I FtiOirR Pteady.
Spring Patents. winter pat
ents. 8S.SOiu7.76; winter stralghU, 86.30
WHEAT Spot, firm; No, t red, 11.14
and No 3 hard, c. I. r. New Yory;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, $111 o. I. f
Buffalo. Futures, firm. ."oot. 61.1(4.
CORN Spot, flrml No. 1 yellow, 8c.
prompt shipment.
OATS SiKit. steady; standard, 6Hc
No. 3 white, 64c; fancy clipped whit,
HAY Firm: nrlme, $1.46: N. 1. $1.4rff
14r.; No. 3, 81.36; No. 3. itno; shipping.
1 lOfll 16.
HOI'S Fteady. State common to
choice. 1914, 9i'l4o; racino toast. m,
liWrlnc: IMS. Htfrilc.
- HIDES steady; Bogota, 81c; Central
America, 29c.
LEATH Eft Firm; Hemlock flrt 6So;
geconda, Sc.
pnnvisioNft- Pork. steady: mesa
17.Xff17 : family, 8300'it!100; hort
clear, S19.0ifrei.&o. Beer, steaay; mesa.
81R.00igna.6n; ramliy, iiw.ntiwm. lam,
firm:' middle west 88164i.25. ,
TALIX)W-Oulet: city. 6Hc; country.
jT7n'r.' aneclai. 4"c.
BUTTER Weak: receipts, 1,3?r; tuha:
creamery extra. tiQZc; firsts, 25 264c;
seconds, Rtri23Hc.
EGGS Irregular: recetnta, lK.4fill cases;
freeh gathered extras, max; extra firsts,
rpyu.r- flrMs, 18'fi'IOci eeconda, KV8lRo.
CHEESE irretrular: receipt 1.299 case;
state, whole milk, fresh flat and twins,
.nA anwlala 14i1Sc: tate. who'e milk.
' fresh flats and twins, white, 134-14e
Mate, whole milk freh flat and twtna,
I., tmnfv. utWaim c : state, whole
milk, freah flat and twin, avei-age fancy.
white. 1".M . . ... -
POULTRY Alive, prlcea net settled:
dressed weaker western frog"H roasting
chickens, ltf22c; freah fowls, lecd. 1317c;
fresh turkey. Iced. 150160.
Keaaae Clt Grain and ProTtslewa.
-r . -o . a fTfV A, iff 1 WWITAT-No.
J hard. l.m-: No. 3 red, W-",
Beptemoer, n.ircvs;
, . i.. rvu..- 1 whit.
7HHc; September, ni'e; December, BOH
OATS No. I wnue. otc; no. a u.
BUTTr'n"WV"Jr7i "c. " -seconda.
23e; packara, Jflc.
l-XJOS Firsts, lo; second. lJHo.
uotti.try Hen. 11 Ho; rooetera, to:
broiler.. 1719t'. i
BTsnoratVd Apple and Irtd Fnlli
. . Tmr A Tr- A TTtrn
APPLES Staady; fancy, ec; choice.
7fisc; prime. iv,irci7s. ,,
fomlaa. 4VllHc; Oregon. 7l0a Apri
cots, ateady; cnoicn, shwith".
sui&9o- fancy.1 9(H10,c. Peachea, quiet;
fffi; extranolce. MfiMc-. Jancy.
614fMe. Raisin, firm; loo nviaca tela,
6ia7Hc; choh-e to fancyaeeoeo- nwv,
seeuleaa. 6WI London Uyera, 6L
- Minneapolis Grata Market.
a 1 ikCiU . iiwamKaa8 t 08. Nft.
aepieniwcr, a.w7 --" .
1 hard. I1.4XH: No. 1 northern 31.31
1.47; No. 3 northern. 81.ST-aS.
rLLi tt unriiRnmi,
BARLEY 4(ff73c.
CORN No. 8 vetlow, 77Hr78o.
OATS-No. 3 white, WAfi-iSa
g. I.onla Oral a Market,
; ST. LOUTS, Mo., An. J. WHTlAT-NVj.
j red. H.IOffl.lSH; No, 8 hard. 8113: Bep
tember, 31 OvHiJl 04H: December, 31.07H.
CORN-No. 87 78c; No. 3 white, ?H(&79c;
September, 76c; December. o44c
OATfl-No. 8, 43o; No. 8 white. 6fie.
Coffee Market.
ket for ruturea wa again very quiet, ana.
after opening unchanged to 1 point lower.
r.Woa showed nractlcallv no change, with
the close net unchanged to a decline of
I point. Bale were only s,7w cage. Au
gust, 8.6Sc; September, 6.66o; October,
68c: November. 6WC: December. 8.00c;
January, 4.65c; February. .70c: March.
8 75c; Anrll, 6 80e; May, c; June. 6.90c;
July, .9fie. Spot, easy lUo No. T. 7Sio;
Hanlos No 4. fHc Cost and freight offtr
. Mnnrtpd around R.75o for Santo 4s
on the basis of Engllh credit. Rio ex
change on bonann wa i-sia lower ai
12 27-l'd and mtlrels price were un
changed at Santoa, but 76 re la lower at
uio. '
rotten Market.
market steady; middling uplands, 8.30a,
Seles, 1.000 bale. .
Cotton futures opened steady; October.
l.aOc; December, 8.47c; January, 9.64c;
March. 3K3c; miv,
Cotton futures oiosea leaay, tjexoner,
9.83c; I)ecember, 8.63c; January, 9.64o;
u.nh ft ak..- Ms 10 Inc.
Cotton closed steady at a net decline Of
3 to 4 point.
Oil and Rosin.
TINB-rlrm at 8o; sale. 660 bbl.: re-
celpU. M hM.; snipments, i&i bbia;
stocks. 13.301 bbl.
ROSIN Firm: sales, 323 bbl.; receipt,
414 bbl.: shipment. L764 bbl.; stock.
69.140 bbla Quotation: A and B. filnt
2.86; o ana u. fcMw; m ana t , .;.ub; u,
83.10; H. 3313H: I, 83 16: K. 8S.4T.; M, 4fc;
N. 84.80; WG, 85.80; WW. $5.90.
Omaha Hav Mnrket.
PRAIRIE HAY-Upland. 81 3Hrfrl4 00;
No. 1. 313 urqiibo; no. Z, ld .Wtjn.Vt: No,
3. 3K.OOV10.00; midland. 11.1 0Yu 13. W: No. 1,
lit 50rl8.09: No. 8, 310.nMrl2.OD; No. 3. 8(100
,;1(V00: lowland. 8ll.O0ii'12 .00: No. 1. 110. WJ)
li."": no. x, 5uTj,'.w; no. s. seiwrrMia.
STRAW Choice wtieat, SioOmOO.
ALFALFA No. 1 to choice. 8ll.OO913.00;
No. 8. 8.0U3'U.0O; No, t. 87.00.V.OO.
Sagar Market.
dull; centrifugal. 4.64n; mnlaases, S.S7c:
4 A 11, I , ... f a .
0c: mould A,'l.3So; oube. SOfic; XX XX
a tc.i .... A a m .......
iMjwiicifu, w.wv. iwwucw'h . smnu-
lated. 6.90c; diamond A. 6.80c; confection
ers' A. 6.70c; No. 1. 6.50c. Future were
(qutct and teaturele during th forenoon.
Metal Market.
NEW TORtK, Aug. a METALS Lead:
Offered at 86.85. Speltes, not quoted
Copper: Dull: electrolvtlo, 318 60iM9iio
Iron: Firm; No. 1 northern, I14.7UC1S
No. I. 8l4.60fn600; No. 1 aouthem. 614 85
M4.76: Vo. 8, 814.00614.60. Tin: 8tedy:
Holiday at London. .
Drr Good Market.
K's-.ur vnnif in. to ir mw.s
Cotton goods shoae.I a little Improve
ment ioiy. ism quiet, ksw silk firmer.
Wool goods In better demand.
Apartment, flats, bouse and oottagu
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent."
No Very Great Ouuijra ia Cattla Val
ues Sheep aad Lambs Slow
and Weak.
SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. V 1916. I
Reoeipt Wore: Cattle, t'rea. fhcen i
Estimate MondnV 8.7U0 S .Vrt Ht.0" '
Kaine day last week... 4i'it &sol? 4.:w'1 j
fame day 3 wks. airo.. 6 lirt 7.177 K.'Ol
Same day I wka ago.. 4.37J 4S S.m
'Same day 4 wka. ago,
name oav last year... MX -.S3
The following table shows tb receipt
of cattle, hog and sh.-ep at .'. outh
Omaha live stock market for thn year to
date, a compared with last year:
isil. 1914. lno. Deo.
CatUe R.r..77 443.111 la.Wa
Hoga t.ttl xx 1R.a:v!4 1.8M
h.p 1,374.781 1.8HM23 .1W
The following tabte ahow th vra
Price for hog at th hoitli Onana live
tocK market for tb last f-'W Joy, wun
Comparisons: '
Date. 1"16 M4I4 '1"I1 ""1 .1 i9IO ')"". '
T'l 6 2l
J l.M 4 801
T 171 i 341
7 Wt I 361
7 8' tli
t 771 8 911
,' J
I 711 8 fT
7 oti
4 96SI
i ft:.
I 97
6 -TH! S tf! 83
T 35 I ii
7 84l
t W I S?l
T 471 I 3l
M' i I 4X1 8 93
I 8 f.1 8 77
J 8 64) I 77
I T24
7 ftil 4fl
1 I 6ft
at'll star
8 l!2 8 M
8 69 8 M
T ffi 47
7 47!
3 4.M S Ml
7 73 W
7 Wl 4 4
S ll S b 7 V
CATTLE Receipts were smaller than
laat weekr In fact smaller than any re
cent Monday, and smaller than a year
ago by about L7W head. The trade
opened out very alow and dull, partly
because seller were nicllned to force
Price upward on the trength of light
recelpta On 4h other hand buyer
were none too active, being Inclined to
bid if anything a little weaker price on
the medium to common kinds and play
for time until conditions at other market
point were better known. A a result
the afternoon was well advanced before
the market wa fairly under headway.
Quotations on cuttie: Good to choice
yearlltiFa,,; fair to good year
lings,'jMUv; good to i-hobe heavy
beeves, S9.a.'(i.7S: fair to good cornfed
beeves, 8x.6iD.26; common to fair corn
fed beeves, $7..Vi3.65; good to choice fed
heifer. 87.Otwiia.6u; good to choice fed
cows, 30 tj 7 26; good to choice grass
heifer, Srt WH1.0t; good to choice grass
cows, 8fl.2n4rft.76; fair to good cows, S.v6rt8
6.2K; common to fair cow-.;
good to choice feeders, I7.&HOH.60; fair
to good feeders, fVSiiWi.SO; common to
fair stnekers, 65.60uS.&0; stork heifer.
Si.76u.60: stock cows. S6.6OU4 00: slock
calves, Sfi.00(r?.60; veal calves, S8.00lO.00;
fat bulla, stag, etc., 8S.80irf7.?6.
In the end practically everything sold
In the yard at prices that would average
right flloao to ateady. The beat grades
Receipts and diaposttlnn of live stock
at the Union Stock yarda, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hour ending at 8 o'clock
p. m. yesterday:
Cattle. Hogg Sheep. H'r'a.
C, M. A St. P 7 S
Missouri Pacific ... 1 .. 3 1
Union Pacific 43 11 4f 1
C. & N. W.. east... 8 1 1
.'. N. W., west.. 60 33 11 1
C, Ft. P., M. & O.. 3
C B. & Q.. east... 1 ..
C. B. & W.. west.. 44 10 I 1
C, It L P., eaat. 4 ..
Illlnol Central 6 ., 1
Chicago Gt West. 1 ,. .. ..
Total 173 "m 64 8
; Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Morrl tc Co 617 219 1,715
Swift & Co 696 64H 3,470
Cudahy Packing Co.... fj 217 8,079
Armour tc Co 604 666 3,333
Don warts jo 167
Llnooln Packing Co.... 47
IMorrell 8- ....
Cudahy, for K. C .... eul
w. a. vanaant Co 23, .... ....
Benton. Vanaant Y L.. 13
Hill & Son fca
F. B. Lewis 10 ....
Huston 45o 10 .... .....
J. B. Root 4k Co 176
J. It. Bulla 2
L. F. Hus 87 t
Rosenatock Broe. 164 .... ' ....
F. O. Kellogg 200 ....
Werthelmer & Degen.. 817
H. F. Hamilton 110
Sullivan Bros 86 .... ....
Rothschild 6 ' -..
Mo. tc Kan. Calf Co 6
Hlggin 7 "
Huffman 6 ,.
Roth 9 .... ....
Meyer T .... - ....
Glassberg 1
John Harvey 246 ....
D. & F 34
Other buyer 346 .... 6,803
Total 4.3f5 2.8S2 ir,,06
of Cattle may poaalbly have brought a
little more money and th commoner
kind a little leas titan at the close of
last week, - but th change wa laird I v
great enough to be given any aerlou con
sideration. Pretty much everything wa
oloaned up by midday or soon after.
Representative sales:
Ms. , At. IT. Ns. A. Pr.
Wl 90 ' 87 ls)4 99
tl 114 t li 40... 1IM 10
41 444 1 10 U 119 M
1 Ill t M "30 SI
28 1011 I W J42 74
IT Ml 1 Tt M (04 I 4
lo i r,o 1 1TO W
1 m 9 00 4 171 14 94
4. 40 00 tl ,. 47 T 04
11 IH 4 M 14 1 7
1 14T 11 84 1141 I 44
1 144 4 M U U21 IH .
liOuW Kecetpt V..u me huiadusl for
a Monday since the second wk of
March, and war In fact the lightuet for
any on day sine that time. Supplies
amounted to about fifty car, or S.Stx)
head, being 3,3uo head ainaler than last
week and . S.W0 head UghMr than two
week ago, but a gain of mora than 1.00
head aa compared with the corresponding
day a year ago.
With extremely light aupplle and en
couraging advice from other Markets,
the sliiper trade opened atrong and fully
6o higher, and before the close outside
buyer had purchased about half of the
recelpta at price that ware anyway a
nickel higher, and possibly more than
that In some case. Beat lights sold us
high as 87.80, and In comparison to th
lse of the supplies, there waa a better
representation over 87.00 than at laat
week'a dose.
Packer did not seem to tak much In
terest In th trade at any time, shippers
had shortened up whst waa at best a
email supply, until there waa little better
than a good purchase for any one of them
left, and their early bids were no more
than steady. Buyer were so Indifferent
that It looked aa though they could set
their own figure, but seller hung on
until in th end moat of th killing nog
old on about th sam basis a the
shippers, that la around 6o higher. Th
market Continued uneven .and aupplle
were so light that there were hardly
enough sales at any on price to make
a bulk. Nothing much sold below 84.36,
although there was quit a sprinkling
around this price, and from that on up
to 36.40 caught the most of the packing
hogs. Rang of pries paid by killer
buyer was much wider than that, how
ever, aa the packer bought some light
hog, and whenever they did they natur
ally were forced to pay shipper prioes
to get them. Movement wss dreggy all
tnrougn, put supplies were so light luat
a fair clearance
wa man
July IT.
July IS.
July 1.
July 20.
Julv 21.
July S3.
July 23.
July 24.
July 86.
July .
July n.
July 2S.
July tv.
July .
July 31.
Aug. 1..
Aug. 3.
7 74
s 6t( t n
8 31 70
8 41 T 6
8 S4 f 67
I 8J
8 J7I Tl
8 811 t 46
8 23 7 37
l 7 37
in t i4
7 44
7 .
7 ' 7 49
Ho. At. Sh. Pr. No. Ar, th. Pr.
IT 'S ... 4 90 44 141 ... I ;
11 la 4 M , it 1l4 I Tt
44 14 ... 4 11 l HO 1M 4 11
II tn ... 4 ! 1T ... (44
tl II 44 4 M 91 IW ft IS
i ttt4 00 4 ' IS IS ... lav
44 II 140 4 4 lit H Ik
t lot tu 4 14 T4 iu ... Is
44 1 44 4 li 41 1M 4 St
tl 16 40 4 40 4! 1M ... f On
it 4 4 44 44 14 90 f
44 al M IU Tl ID H 111
4ft W4 W IM 111. i-.i 40 T It
4 ft ... to 14. 17 ... f In
T4 lit 4 I 6 41. 14 ... T It
4 t.l ... 4 H. II It ... 1 so
I 14
SHEEJ- The month
large large run, supplies of alsty-tour
ears, or Id to head, being the largest
since March. Today supplies are about
four tunes a large as a weak ago, 3.009
bead larger than two weak ago sold SOU)
head heavier than for the corresponding
Moday of Is Waaainta bare war
llio um a at Chicago, which was the
only other pulat to hae any sort of a
Ait ordlng to early report, there wss
a waaksr trend to lamb values at all
points, and the local market waa no ex
ception, packer making their p)ening
offers on a quarter lower basis. Sellers
had pitfed their offering fully stesdy
snd In some case higher, and as no one
was willing to concede anything It was
late In the ds? before any trading of
t onsequenee was don.
In the end buvera gave In and paid fully
Meady prices for Ihe bulk of the lambs.
Prices on paper ihowM fnnir ad nnce, as
moat of the lamb sold at 8 7h4 v but
quality Was good neel better than last
Friday, and taking this Into consideration
prices could not be quoted a more than
steady. After the trade got under way it
did not take long to clean up practically
all the fat stuff. Today's ton, 8X90, was
as high ss hss been paid lnc July U
Old sheep were In very limited supply,
there lielng hard y on hand to
make a trading lal. but the few here
looked about steady. A little parka of
yearlings brought 17.00, which was quoted
as the nominal top last Friday. Ta'o cars
of ewes brought 84.86, with a tit tl hunch
high aa 84.40. .
(Juolallona on sheep and lambs: lmhg,
good 'to choice, 8s.90il4.90; Ismbs, fair to
good, 8X4fiS'; lambs, feeders. 7.6043
x.l; yearlings, fair to choh-e, 4rt.OOu"7.';
wethers, fair lo choice, li.7Mf60; ewe,
good to choice, 84.ooira.6t); ewea, fair to
good. 8i0ii.U.
Hepreaentatlv aales:
787 11m ho lambs 48 10
Slaw aad
ceipts. &,0t0 head: market firm; native
beef cattle, 8.2oi10.a): western steers,
Sri.S54)U6: cows and heifers, S3.364je.26;
calves 37.60all.aV.
IlOOR-tRecelpt. 30,000 head: msrket
slow at lOo advance; bulk, 36.60j7.2rt;
light. 87.lMtf.96; mixed. 84407.70; heavy.
Kltttf.); rough, 84.1"i4j30; pigs, S4.7W
head: market firm; sheep, 4.I04JT7.00;
lamb. 0.tV)4.36.
St. laal Lira Stock Market.
T. Inuit, Aug. 8.-OATTLJ0 Recelpta.
S.OiiO head: market trong: native beef
eteers, 37. SOjj 10.16; cows an1 heifers. t.M
S'lO.tO; stork era and feeder, 3 a1, tfi ;
southern steer, 8V2M;.W; row and'
heifers, $4.iHi,W; native calves, St.oitt
IK HIS Receipts. S.00O head; market
weak: pigs and lighta, 7.jr4r7M; mixed
and butchers, n.SKp.Ti; good heavy, 8.76
head; market lower; mutton she, p, 84.60
tiftftO; lambs, 1 W.OtJii.76, bleating ewea,
Kansas 4 Mr Lira Stock Market.
ceipts. 11,00 head; market steady, closwi
strong; prime fed steers, 89tMrlO.OO;
dressed beef teers, SS.Sffuti.GO- western
steers, 34.764jt 90; stocker and feeders,
fOariDO; bull, 36.6W.00; calve. 8n.0(Vd)
HOOS-Recelpt. 3,500 head; market
higher; bulk of sale, 84.7Nu7.30; heavy.
8.3frtj7.O0; packer and butchers. tl.WP
7.90; light. $7.0tr7.S2H: r'"- SB.50W4.Mi.
SHEEP AND I.AM1I.S Rocelpts, 2.000
head: market higher; lamb, 6"0og.10;
yearllnga, 84 50411.26; wathera. 86.26W7.00;
ewe. 8.00((j4.76.
loo City I.lve Stork Market.
Receipts, 3,000 head msrket ateady; na
tive steer. M.6ni!.ST: row and heifer.
84.2,Vd.40: can ner, 84O01r4.76; stocker and I
feeder, K.Ouii7.7: ralvea, e.0Ute.uu; bulls,
tags, eta. 34.7Mi3.65.
iUMlH-Recelpts, 1,000 head: ' market
strong to 100 higher: heavy. Sfl.60ti1.00:
mixed, 84 XVI14.60;. light, 8C.40tje4.20; bulk of
sales, 8.i;i.w.
SHEEP AND tAMT-Raoelpt4, 709
head; market steady to 0c lower; ewea,
34.50if;.00; lamb. 87.60.
Lire Stack la Bight.
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
South Omaha 3,700 S.i0 18,000
Bloux City 3.&00 3,0fi0 700
St. Loill 8,000 6,000 6,00
Kansas City H.OOn 8,600 3,000
Chicago 16,000 80.000 18.000
Total .. :.. 40,300 43.800 43.700
Germany After a Year
Holds Vast Territory
of the Enemy Country
BERLIN. Aug. 1 rty Wlreles to Bay
vllle.) Among the paw item given out
today by the Oversea New agency
were the following:
"Reviewing the' first year of the war.
the Berlin newspapers point out that the
territory of th central power le free
from Invader except for smalt strip In
Alaace and Oallcla, while the German
armle In th west occupy (3,000 tquare
kilometer (a kilometer ! two-third of
a mile). Including Belgium and th rnost
valuabl part of France.
"In addition to thl territory the
Auitro-Oerman till occupy 160,000 square
kilometer In th east. Including complete
the government 'of Courland. Kovno,
Suwalkl, Lomaa, Plocak, Kallrt, Plotr
kow, Radom and Klelce, as well aa large
part of the government of Waraaw and
Lublin. The total conquered territory I
twice th .area of the kingdom of Ba
varia." Boom for Angeles
as Villa President
NOG ALES, Honor, Mexico, A of. 1
General Felipe Angeles, until recently
Francleco Villa's chief lieutenant In th
field, arrived her today and waa ac
claimed a. htro by the entire poplattoti
and military garrison of the town. High
official of th staff of Governor Jose
Maytorena, Villa leader In Bonora, greeted
him as the next president of Msxloo.
The enthusiasm permitted but acant at
tention to be paid to a notice said to
hav been sent by Car ran authorities
warning non-oambatant to seek safety,
a th force undsr Oenarai Pallas Call,
now Investing Nog ales, intended to de
stroy the town In a few days.
According to Maytorena official.
Angeles will Uad a revolutionary move
ment, with Villa a generl-ln-chlf. as
sisted by General Obregon and Iturbe,
both of whom ar reported either to have
abandoned C arrange, or to be ready to do
o. Iturbe, whose son of operation I
Slnaloa, frequently hag been reported en
route to assist Call, but never has ap
peared. A "For Sal" ad will turn soond-hand
furnltur Into cash.
LONDON, Aug. 3. Prussian Polish pa
pers received by the Time announce
that the German emperor will make hi
ntranc Into Warsaw th occasion for
a proclamation of a new Independence
for Poland.. Th announcement In ques
tion, which th Time ay ar appar
ently Inspired, declare that Emperor will
lain will Include In the proposals for a
new and Independent stats of Poland,
not only the Polish provinces of Russia,
but also the Gallclan domain of Austria
and certain Germ a territory, Including
the Duchy of Poeen and Danilg as a
free port. I
Hraadrl Wl freaa Klagt-Ik.
Th Brandels team won from th
King-Peck Sunday 4 to 1. Th feature
of th game were the fielding and base
running by the winners, combined wltn
very good pitching by John Sullivan.
wlu tru k out eiavea Clothlars end tl
loaaa but t0 hits.
new york ma market j TEUTONS THRIYE
WAR SHARES MAKE GAINS SecreUry of the Imperial Treasury
" i Says that Bari Dstiosits Are
NEW lORK, Aug. l.-In Mea1 or lliel r,..i.. TV,. r..
eccentrlf performan.s of the market1 Ureaier in?.Jl bVCt.
last week, with It fur Ion speculations (
0" '.h..: in.,.bni,V"v;V-at.;hv,,prT:: starvation pians have failed
to which they were elevated, traders --
were In doubt at the opening to lay w hlcn iii.-riiv , ri t .,.j . ...
way to turn. There was no Inclination' "r-Kl.lN I Vln I.ndOTll, An 4;. 2
to attempt a further stiectaciilnr marking Dr. Karl HcKfrlch, apt rotary of the
up of the war stm-ks. Public buying of . ... , , .
theeo issues fell off and the nnv.unt m Iniprrlal treasury, lia prepnred for
orders accumulating over the week-end the V i ;.cluli-,l Pren n elirnod tute.
was the smallest of several weeks. The ,n A ( " 1 rPMs ft tia "'a'p-
iniiiai tendency was to ink ptofit when nient of German economic and flnurt
npportunlty offered rather than add to ..... .,,. ...,.
the load of speculative holding and the "ff'r 9 " ' them t th.
sni'i1" change OP"'n" W" '""t,1 ,y , nl of ,lie fl"1 TT of war- "I
The net grew strong presently, a It "taiement follows
Iweame apparent that the war share The, acnnnmle and financial
were holding well as there wss no groat 1 " '"'"""'IC Sod ClngnCial
pressure lit any quarter. Trading wa no
longer concentrated In a group of fa-
vorlte. but waa expanded to all clasae
?' i,K'""- , A o"1iirehenlv rise f.-l-
lowed, continuing through lh day with
no severe set li k The war str ks made
good galna, as did copper, fertiliser.
oil shares and other Industrial. In the
by the holder committed to th Ion
side as one of the monl encouraging de.
I!. ll,i,"LnU ' u" Ttl aales were
an. ua) share.
Ftu-ther trad report of fvorhla 1
nature oontrlbuteil to tlie strength of the:
market. These reimrts csme not only
ros.l stocks benefited from Increasing
business as well a from the good show-
Lr-th J,,n" r,l,rb" Pennsylvania .
t&tiZ&?i "V
Tlie copier shares were exceptionally :
rKH" "n1 r"v"- ''br copper metal
producr. y ant'
Speculative bonds moved Irrerularly.
m'7.l'.trU,V ?.,.,b,UnUM dvBr, :
in the coppers and West tug house Klec.
convertible Issues. The market at '
other point showed some sensitiveness
to liquidation from abroad. Total sale, j
ware uncharged W4,r" bon,1
o ;;.7'fo,?,o'w;,!ln quoUtw
A leaks Oslrt
Helm. HIS Lea. 01w
Amarlca, B ,, JJ "
I1" ...! . S "2 t'JJ
Asierlnaji M. a a -a
Amrla Sagmr Ht
AsMrloas Tel. a Tel....
A marina a Tohsw
Anaesnta Slialng
Atchison k
naltlmor a Ohio
m-la lUptd
(Mirnrslt ....
Canastas Paoifla
i ia hih m
u.soo Ta mi ;i
1 52 'Vi
I fm i'w
4 to iMu iu .ilu
i-eniri laaiher
X!?S!Z Ve.,';::::: ;?, V,i S 11,
i hti .so. Mil a. e
t.i n i3
ttikw.o A Nouhweatare,
. in ifi lZJil
nino iopcar
rv.lnr.4o ril a lra... i u
Color do g Haulkars
ranvr ttol llr.nj.
""r e n. a f.
inmiiarr iseearlUm
t'oui i-itI
tlaneral Fllirtrlo
tlu.nhla Htpotatls
S.IV n tie. sji
Vi-'e Y ' tit.
1 m 'its. 155 'u
Sinoe mil iit ill
"i'iai 'iiii "it" ''!?
lion nit' Ms hh
, J 4 J 4
...Ty. .. . . lit
l.i wii tn t
5a im 1,' ,4,iJ
nnnia i'eintrl ,
IntarhoPMsa Mat. eM...
ln.slr.itua rttr
Internatlnn.l llarnatar
Ktnaa Cir. gevtbars.,
LUilsH Vsflar
Uniltvllls a Na.hrilla.
Mailctn Petmlasn
Miami Coapar
Mn., K.s. 4 Teia.,,.,
mihouh arlfle
Natlos.l BIktoII
N.llnaal la.4 ,
NT.da Cop par
Now Tork tDtral
N. Y K. li. a H
Norfolk S Waaiarn Paelfls
Paetrta Mali .,
r.otne Tal. A T.l
.el1 si I14
S.eOO lot imu jtu
00 UH II !!
l.loe lftT 1Mt imtt
rullmas aPl.o. Oar,
TUr Con. Cuppar..,.
e ItlH isrvM, 1114
.:: ,! .PS .!!
Rapubiio ins uteel.... il.teo ., tilt ti 41H
Hoc. InI.s (a
Horn i.iand t-a.. art J
Ht. U A S. r. M (d., 441 . 144 i4 IW
gnutharn rtrlflt l.loo Mt 174 I7u
Southars hallway too u ii 1'
Tvaaauae Oippar ) Mi s;u :i
Tt nomrany I, Ion M iut 117
to ion r.rifio ts,ni 1.10 u in
Union r.rlfte, pf4 too tna sou
Dnllel ta)M Scasl 47 U 4TV
Vnll St.ta. gvsal, M.. 40 11144 111 111V
Vt.h Coppar i,no m eiti grv
WaMsra t'nlsa ........... re tH Ml tt
Wtinho-e Blaotrlt ,., HMD ll Unit lutt
Cruelhl. gtMl Jl.tOO TO M4 V
Total for In ear. sot, 000 soars. . . .
Wew York Money Market.
PAVKR-3(llH per cent.
(TTEKLING fcxCHANOE-J0-d bills.
84.71; demand, 84.7410; caUea. 84.7671.
BONIH Government, steady; railroad
bond. Irregular.
TIME lOANH-nrm: 80 daya. 2H per
oent: 90 day, H1S per cent; six months,
8flSH per cent. '
CALL MONEY -Steady: highest. per
rent; lowest, Ik per cent; ruling rate.
! P,r.,nt; '' Pr cent; closing
bid 1 per cent; offered at 3 per cent.
KIL.VE ItBar, 47Sc; Mexican dollar.
St. Joaenh s'toek Market. '
nE1! 100 t"u,: nnrket. .trotut; steers,
KiaMd he,,n
HOtS Receipt - 1.700 head; market,
hlcher; top, 87. S: bulk of sale. 84 4frff7 ai.
tillEEP AND LAWftS-Recelpt 600
bead; market higher; lambs, 8.0o 90.
Baak Clearlaa. .
flMllll Ana- 1-Bb I a
...... . ...... s. . . . 1 vikui, i,ar
Omaha today were 32,694.947.48, and for
the mirraauondlna daw laat vmm Utii.
696.73; - -
Sondwich Cypress
Grain Elevatoro
Will Otack Your Grain and Gave Labor.
Sandwich r.lfg. Co.
W. st. DAWSON, Mr.
Council DlutT, la. Writ lief f-eaa WW
tureg of the first ar of th" war are,
. , , ,. ,
,n niv opinion, the followlnl:
"First. Th British starvation war ha
f.iid ,,.. ... .n K..
''"'1- n " fr " " "a been
Proved that our domestio ptoductlon of
foodstuffs, bread card system and rmxl-
-" - even to the poo,..,
0,8 "ceeaary supply of fmxl and thnt
at prlres lower than ptevslllng in Great
I'le-aly af Maw Materials.
"Second. Nor cn w be 'starved out'
In raw nmterlels. The dllfloultie caal
,,h- r of ,r,,,mp,r,T
n,r''. n violation of international
law, are unpleasant for um'but are not i
fatal. We have In our own country an '
" ot "xrf "t ra
materials coal and Iron and of other
we have on hand, unmanufactured, or
with the economical employment thereof,
Insured by our method of organisation,
ara virtually Inexhaustible.
. t ... ,
Work Tana WsrVer.
"Third. The a4ctre of unemployment
has been bsnlshed. There Is more -work
I han workers. The war ha proved llelf
to l a greater employer at labor than.
our export trad wa.
"Fourth. So far aa finance are1 con
cerned, Germany will carry the war
through for an unlimited time. We pro
duce In our country practically every
thing needed for war.' Thus expenditure
for war purpose resolve themselves Into
saving. Those again are at the em-
' Pir' disposition. payment on the
1 w"r lon nd deposit a flowing Into
the bank and vlng InstltuUon more
1 tot.i tod.y. attr over iaooq.-
ouo.OOO baive been paid on war loan, la
...... -. ,- Hiilkiakk nf I ha arse
1 ,,,,er w "
The gold reserve of the Relchsbank ha
' almost doubled lnc the war began.
Note and deposit In the Relchabank
Covered by gold r JH Per cent om.
!.-. I a,iih tsi 7 ner dent, in the Bank
: cngisnu.
t People Stand Flrsa.
i ' Fifth.' The confidence of th Oerrnan
' l-0 ,n oUr 'Ih-nf'"' trngth 1 aa un-
I bounded aa their confidence in our mill-'
tArr uP','r,ly- AftM' twelve months of
war. Imperial 3s aro quoted at 70, which
i, g point below the quotation In March,
11: the minimum Irlc of British con-
aoi 85, I 11 per cent below th quot.
tlon In Mareh, 1914; 3 per rent French
Rents, at w. a par cent www
K 10S
J Bll V, W'V (
"Work, Skill, discipline. organUatlou.
economy and, lat but not leat, tlie
categorioal Imperative of patriotism,
hav upheld 0rmany In th flrt yoar
against world enemies, aad will help, us
. .
I further to win the ar.
New Crolser is Hladeabarg.
LONDON.- Aug. t According to dis
patch from Brlln received by Reuter
Telegrm compny. by way of Amster
dam, the battle cruiser which wa to
have been named Ersata llertha- and
which wa launched Saturday at Will
Ismehaven was christened, by order or
th emperor, von Hlndenburg. This new
battle cruiser 1 of .) tons. It wa
laid down In July. 1418. and wa to hav
been completed In 1944. .
Uretna Defeated at Wtltt.
WAHOO, Neb,, Aug. l-"ueclal Tel
gram.) After winning ten atralght game
and claiming championUlp ot th state
Oretna wa defeated by the local team
In a hotly contested gam here today.
The Gretna rooter. 400 strong, were ac
companied by a bra band and came In
on a special train. Score: R.H.E.
Oretna 0 0 0 0 t 0 1-3 4 4
Whoo 1 0 8 I 0 0 0 0- 4 10 1
Reaa'a Slarlal Observed.
DUBLIV, Aug. t Th body of Dono
van Rosa, the Irish patriot who died In
New York Isst month, waa buried In
Glnevln cemetery thl afternoon. In
terment was In thst part of th burial
ground known aa ''Patriot" corner. Ten
thousand person' wei in th funeral
procession. .
Hew yoa mar say H w York Staok aictung
OeraTltle. on tbo Par tl.l P.ym.nt PI... Out
1 1 oad In TH K ODD LOT HUVIkW. Pbll.hi4
every Saturaar. 11,40 a yaar. ttasd lor ra
ti, rnpla. tl Una! a.r. N.w York K