Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tim REE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915.
Monday, August 2, 1915.
A. REAL bart throb liu Just come to light In connection with the
recent Saenrerfest concert.
- During the afternoon musical of the performance Madame
Marie Rappold and Madame Claussen were seated back with one
of the most actlre workers In the affair.
The orchestra was intoning an aria from Lohengren, when suddenly
Marie Rappold buret Into tears. They were real tears, ones Ut could un
balance the heart of the most cold. Hoping to appease her, her companions
Inquired the reason of such grief and ahe answered: .
"You know my husband is at the front, and something tells me that
he has been killed. He was an artist of great ability and always sang this
aria with much feeling. It was his farorlte one and his greatest success."
Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mrs. C. P. 8. Tobln entertained, at a
brl'ltre luncheon Saturday. Covers were
U14 for:
J. J McAllister.
C. O. Hoot.
J. J. FltSKMUld,
Michael OH kin.
J. M. I an nor.
T. H. Knanr,
A. H. alurrkck,
Ocorce I'arka,
H 1'! Alllrinfifim
William liaiolmirs, Oootre MaoVnald,
mcnani raovaa, vv. m. !,
Frank A mm.
C M. Mloher,
U. Johnson,
Kr1rlrk Etter,
T). Mliotr,
Oeorno I hi via,
C I Vniimrr,
K. I. IVI.sJinsy,
K. M. Eoriman.
Thnmaa Doha.
O. Knennn.
Vtruda Hartman.
Wilson Iavla,
JUy Ieni'(,
J. II. Itnoh,
Ilyron Clow,
ValtT Nltathe,
U M. Lord.
iSeorif Francla,
1). C. nxlla.
J. W. Wrlilroy.
O. Morrill,
0. R. Maxwsll,
C. P. B. Tobin.
Funtoe Itasor,
)f ATtniin,
Kcllld Walah.
Ir. and Mrs. K. L. PenNiiney anter
tainad Dr. and Mrs. Ilellwlg aV
Sunday evenlns.
Mr. T. J. Phanaban enlartalned at din
tier Sundi y. His ajuesta wcrs:
Mlaaaa . MLsaM
LouIih, Vol Z. M. leZano.
of Dalnvlew, Nb.;
Dr. J. K. fVkllna of PlaJnvlew, Neb.
Other dinner parties Sunday evening1
were entertained by W. B. Cheek, who
htd elirht rueeta; H. C. Fo rater, ten; J.
E. Bednar. three; C. A. Melcher, elaht;
X M. Lord, four.
A portion of Tuesday srenlng will be
devoted to an entertainment by the Sey
mour vaudevUllana. Meadames Orrln
Merrill and Frank E. Ames are dlrectln
tha program, and It promises to be one
of the JolUeat affairs of the season.
At Carter Lake Club.
Carter Lake club proved very popular
the laat week-end. A larsa number of
diners were entertained Sunday evenlns-.
mom them R. Fowler, w ho enter
tained four Bueau: F. Sehall. two; U W.
Johnson, two; H. Ueerns, two; E.
QraJiam. four; A. JeH-a. six; R. Nichols,
six; E. J. Brown, two; U. OUbertaon. two;
T. E. Horan. two; T. Moorea, four; O. J.
Qotherad. four; U. J. Newell, six; J. T,
larr. throe; W. E. Eddy, four; H. K.
Hatch, two; F. Harris, two; S3. V.
Pchlecht. two; E. A. Zlpfel. five; W. I
Hania, six; K. FltigeraM. four; J. E.
Molony, two; Hrriry Keating. elht; O.
C. Nlckuni. to; 8. Goldatrom. seven;
L. W. Swsncutt. six; C. U Dundy, four;
M. V, Moore, two; . H. B. CummlruM,
four, and W.' U Wharton, two. '
Mr. snd Mrs. It. O. tonsnecker enter
ta:ned at dinner Saturday evening at
Carter Lake club. Covers wars placed for:
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kock. Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Longnecker. Mlsa Barbara Bhelbet,
Miss Boas Trather, Mr. Clarencs Bhary
and Mr. Thomas Mom.
Others dining at 'the club Saturday
evening were: A. L. Bloom, who enter
Ulned four gueatat Pr. Grant Williams,
Ssrht; U M. Oarvey. three; F. Oxford,
four; C. 8. Rice, two; M. L. Hayman,
two; A, Rogers, two; E. L. 1'alton. five;
Clauda Oieney. two; J. F. Brown, ana;
K. Welrlch. two; L. Brown, two, and K.
Etdrldge, six.
The Carter Lake Swimming and Howl
ing club wilt meet Tuesday afternoon at
t p. ra., for bowling at the Carter Lake
At Happy, Hollow Club.
The Omaha Woman's Golfers' assorts
tlon hsd luncheon together today at the
Happy Hollow club. The luncheon was
followed by' the monthly tournament
game. - ....
Mr. F. C. Builta entertained six guests
at supper lajit evening at the Happy Hol
low club; C. E. Nlfwormber tours C. U
Belden, two; It. E. I'attaraon. three; K.
H. Booth, four; Joaeph Polcar. four; Dr.
W. 8. Mllroy. two;W. K. Blieppard. two;
Ooorge Carter. ' four; O. T. Eastman,
three; F. E. Warner, two; W. Hlidretn,
two; C. E. Bedwell. two; F. R. Hoag.
land, three; R I Brown, three; JL O.
Loomla, two; M. M. Itobertaon. two;
Goorse Roas. two; Oeorga W. Updlks,
three; C F. Slablilna, two; T. E. Stevens,
four; W. R. Watson, two; E. C. Sadler,
four; C Balbach, two; Charlea If. Mar
Ivy, four; II. W. KUla, two; James Drum
rnond, two: F. H. Garvin, five.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller will enter
tain ton "(Mnta at lnnr Turaday even
ing at U.e Happy Hollow club; M. M.
Lynns will hove four; R. Goodrich, six;
Thomas II. Fell, six; U H. Garxln. ten,
Oa tie Calendar.
Mra. Hrnry Keating will entertain the
mrmbttra of the Carter Ik Ewlmmlng
and Bowling club at a picnic luncheon
IVrdneetiay, at her home, i'lftr gueata
nlil be enlertaiaed.
WedjiEf Guest.
Among the gueata at the Spaulding
Itarker weUJIng or Saturday were aev
erail well known former Oinahans. Mlas
?. iKe Cutlahy. Mtaa Oertrude MrCarthy
tr.J Mr. Daniel McCarthy, all of Chicago;
i!r Ki-lrJ Miller of Ona.ha and Mr.
1 e-r Ko-line of Councn Bluffs also at
i the wedding.
t ritii uab.
If 9. 9. Wliliemnb entertained fifty
'.-.- atvea tf the v tailing fihrtaera at
. 1 !ub Sunday afternoon. They
--i.teg from tne recent eonven-
?- t live coast.
V- f . T. M 'ratfocntrr entertained five
. .. .s i-r at tat Fbtld club Sunday
t; T B Cm. to; W. N. Chara-
-, . W R Air, two; F. C. Vent,
' : ' rnwrt.i. ftJr: C. R. Ivet,
J! frti4. taree; H. O. Hunt.
:'. Muil7, tirtf. R. JL Beau
;' Lm t y:.fl tare; Pul
. , ,.,(. W. K, 0nmU. four; C.
. t-; C ft. Met, four; Alex
i - )v'0 Uiet wf.tog at
w ( rn-&4 Af Mr. and
rvf avi K. C.
City Corrimissioiiert Fear ft Cataa
trophy from Way Twelre of -Them
Fill Up Aisles.
"At least twelve of the moving pic
ture theaters of this city frequently
are crowded In aisles and entrances.
We are going to have a catastrophe
some of these days," declared Chair
man Butler of the city council com
mittee of the whole, during a discis
sion in connection with two proposed
ordinances for the regulation of roov
Ina picture operators. '
This discussion was Incidental to the
main queation.
"I agree with ths chair on this ques
tion. These moving picture men wilt sell
all the tickets they can Just to get ths
money. I have been around these places
and I know what I am talking about.
The conditions are rotten," was a state
ment by Commissioner Hummel.
Keeda Mere PelluemeB.
It was agreed that rt la up to the police
department to regulate these alleged
crowded conditlona. Commlneloner Kugel
aaid he would have to put on fifty mors
policemen to control ths situation.
The cnmrtilaaioner recommended for
paenage an ordinance Introduced by
Commlaaloner Wlthnell creating a board
of examiners, to consist of ths city elec
trician, chief building Inapector and firs
warden for examination of picture ma
chine operators. Ths measure provides
thnt permits shall not be laaued to oper
ators eaa than it years of age nor to ap
plicants who have not bad at least one
year's experience as apprentice under a
competent operator.
Mr. Butler's ordinance, which waa
placed on file, provided that the exam
ining board should comprise two exhib
itors, two operators and the city .elec
trician. - ............
There .are fifty picture sbows now In
operation In Greater Omaha,
Public Library Houjs
in Other Cities
This library Is open dally from
a. m. to 9 p. m., excepting Sundays
and holidays. On these days the li
brary Is open from I p. m. to s p. m..
for reference work only. No chances
! have been made durtnr the aumrner
! months.
; Nee Uiudya M. Taylor.
A rrAr ?-v;f.f f1
Maion-Taylor. .
Ths wedding of Mlas Gladys M. Taylor,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. B. Taylor,
and Mr. Harry C. Mason was celebrated
today at 1 o'clock at the horns of the
bride's parents. Ths Rer. Dr. Baltxly
of the Kountse Memorial church per
formed ths ceremony in the presence of
the family' and 'a fe'w friends.' The
were profusely decorated with aaparsgus
fern, palms and quantities of garden
flowers. Ths bride was attractive In
her go-away gown tof blue taffeta. With
this was worn a small close fitting
black and white hat. She wore a corsage
bouquet of swset f peas. Mr. and Mra
Mason left this afternoon for Hot Springs
snd Denver for 1 a three weeks' trip.
They will he ,nt home after September 1,
at 60S South Twenty-eighth street
At tie Country Club.
Mr. and Mr. E. 8. Westbrook enter-
talned at supper last evening at ths
Country club. Their guests were:
Messrs. and . Meadamre
John It. Kennedy. f(m Carlisle,
8. 8. Caldwell. .-
Judge Duncan M. VInsonh&ler gavs a
supper party of eight covers Sunday
evening at ths Country club; n. C. Hows
had four gueata; Dr. L L. Buahman,
four; Edward , Murphy, four, and Dr.
Bridges,' three.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MoCord will enter
tain at dinner Wednesday evening at ths
Country club. .
ftaturday evening, Mr. and Mrs, C. B.
Keller will give a dinner of twenty covers
at ths Country, club.
With Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hosford at
supper last evening at ths Country club
were Mr. sod .Mrs. Moahler Colpetser and
Mr. and Mra Olsnn Wharton.
Lei Amies Whist Club.
Mias Sophie Rauber entertained the Les
Amies Whist club at her home Saturday
afternoon. Prises for the card game
were won by Mlsa Rheta IUamusaen and
Mrs. John J. Dlnneen. Mra Thomas
Kelly of Merna and Mrs. William J.
Lynch were guests of the club. The next
meeting will bo enlertanel In two weeks
by Mra, Charles Weber.
Personal Kentioa.
MUa Marie Bortenlangor has gone to
viait friends In ' eastern Iowa and at
Bplrlt Lake, From there she leaves for
Ietrolt. where ahe wilt be ths guewt of
Mra. B. C. Burtland tor a month.
Mlaa Cecelia Moore Is at St. Joseph
hospital, eufferlng front an attack of
appendlcltla. ;
Mlaa Qora McDermaad returned yeater
day from a vUlt with Mlaa Ethel Kit
linger of Lincoln.-,
Mr. and Mra. John A. McShans are ex
pected home the latter part of the week
from Atlantic City.' ' ' .
Mrs. A. F, Morgan an M(a Janloe
Morgan of Lewis, la., ere vtalUhg frianda
and relative in Omaha
Mrs. H. Jj Tlmmerman has arrived
from New York City to spend a month
with her aunt, Mrs. T. Lohnea.
Mr. C. B. '.Coon returned Sunday from
two weeka In Bealtle; where he was the
guoat of his son. Mr. Arvhle B. Coon.
Mrs. D. C. Crcedon snd daughter. May,
returned yesterday from a two raontha'
vtalt In western Nebraska and the Blsck
Mrs. V. B. Baloombe and Mlas Zillah
Anderson have gone to Tolland, Colo.,
where they have taken a cottage unUl
September 1.
Mra Q. F. Blevm left last Friday for
Denver, accompanied by her sister, Mias
Catherine Lach, whose guest she will be
for a few week.
Mlaa Effle Copenhanve returned Satur
day from Antra, la., where ahe was the
guest of Dr. and Mra C. O. Cole, for
merly of thla city.
Mra. Duncan M. Vinaonhaier an!
daughter. Mlra Isobel, are at.Kennebeo
Beaob, Me., where they will be for the
rwmalnder of the eummer.
Mra lay Roeenihal. accompanied by
ber small on. Kdward, and Mias Ktta
lUentlial, of Dayton. O.. are sojourning
at Emlvm park. Colorado.
Mrs. Tom JoLnon of Lawrrnrevaie,
Kan., is the xuet ot her slater. Mra
H:i;rt. Mrs. Juhnauo la enroute to her
fcoiar, after i nillr.g aome tlmu with her
j .,.n, Mrs V. F. Kor.1 attJ Mi.a Koae
Gol. Welsh Finally
" Sees Sunshine for.
a Patient People
A reprieve has been granted Colonel
Weleh, local weather maker.
He will not be ahot a sunrise.
Hs has predicted "fair" for tomorrow.
Wet and soggy, muddy, bedraggled and
Indignant cltlsens have decided to let the
man live. Meroy 1, better than ven
geance.. The colonel put on bis eene-shaped bat,
his polka-dotted robe and went through
his mystic Incantationa. Then, for the
first tlms In a month of Sundays, he
came out snd announced that the weather
will be fair.
"Eh what T' said the waiting people,
thinking they bad misunderstood.
"I find." began the colonel, "that the
areas of high pressure have"
"Never mind the details," cried Impa
tient Mr. Common People, "what's ths
"Fair weather," said the Cotonei,
Misses Eleanor Carpenter tnd Mar
faret Wright Return After t
Stay in Switierland.
The last Omahai to return from ths
war sons are Mlaa Eleanor Carpenter,
aauarhur ef Mrs. J. F. Csrpenter. ar4
Mlaa Margaret Wrlirht. daughter of Mr.
and Mra W. a Wright, who returned
Sunday from a fourteen months' u.y in
Swltsefland and Oernwny, They wre
accompanied by Mlsa Hermlnle Hatfield
and Mlaa Iorothy Pettis of Lincoln, who
attended the sum school with them at
All the young Women expressed great
delight at being home once more.
I route home, the young women
toured Oermany, visiting all the large
Oerman elites. "Everywhere we found
the most Intense activity. Every squars
yard of earth was producing a crop of
aomothlng. The government early took
charge of the tilling and the work Is
being carried on with characterlatla Ger
man thoroughnesa Men, women and
children ere working in ths fields," said
Mlas Carpenter.
Fremefc Coadltloaa Bad.
Conditions In France are muoh worse,
according to the young women. Commer
cial life seems paralysed and the grain Is
rotting In the flolda for lack of harvesting.
"We were in Karlsruhs a few days
after the Frenoh aviators had made a
raid and bombarded that city with
bombs from the sky. The only time
during our entire stay In Oermany that
anything dlscourteoue was said to us
was In that city. A nurse in a hospital
raid something about the bomba being
made in America. Other than that In
cident, we were treated with the utmost
respect and consideration."
Ths young women crossed the Atlantic
on the trans-Atlantlo liner Chicago, ar
riving In New.York Friday morning, and
continuing horns the same day. They
sailed from Bordeaux July IS and en
countered no difficulties en route.
Has City Abstracter Look Up Standing;-
But Six of Thirty-Two
Are Good. l
Commissioner Kugel has made an
Investigation which, he claims, shows
a lax system in police court regarding
the approval of appeal bonds,
The rnmmli.lnnor nrnnaMd - I :t
, - - r - u ii. vfc
thirty-two recent appeal bond and re-
quested City Abstracter ITurtlov t in
vestigate the sufficiency of each bond. !
r. Hartley reports that in only six j
cases were the bondamen legally liable
for the amounts of the bonds. Ths law
require that In the case of a bond for
$300, for Inatance, the bondsmen ahall be
responsible for the amount, over and j
above bis legal exemptions. J
In twenty-six out of the thirty-two",
cases In question the cUy abstracter re- i
.... Jt W I- 1 . .. I
kvi vevi tue wnua wrrfl not worm tne
paper on which they were written.
Maay Bonds Worthless.
'Whst I am gettlna after la th iv
manner In which aome offenders escape
through the operation of this farcical
system of police court appeal bonds. A
man told me his name appeared on at
Isast fifteen of these bonds and he ad
mitted he could not be held liable In m
one of the bonds. I was told of a re
cent case of a confidence man being ar
rested In Kansas City. Ha had been .
rested here and sentenced, but got off
on a worthlesa appeal bond. Whan the
case wsa called In district court them
was no principal In the case and the bond
accepted by the police Judge was founu
10 n worthless,'' declared Mr. Kugel.
Mr. Kugel adds he has ' convinced
Justice Brltt, who acta aa police Judge
now and then during the ahaenea ni
Judue Fostsr. that the
should pass upon the liability of all per
sons signing police court appeal bonds.
Mr. Kturel ears ha undenttMuia
are professional bond furnishers who ply
their business In the police court.
A resourceful burglar climbed to the
roof of the Jewelry store of Carl W. Han
son, t830 Leavenworth street, Sunday
evening, let hlmaelf down through a
skylight by means of a rope, stole S400
worth of stock and disappeared without
being apprehended.
The report to the police shows that ths
plunder consisted of twenty-three- rings,
thirteen-watches and a miscellaneous as
sortment of other articles.
Store Closed Tuesday
To Enable a Complete Downward Revision
of Price$Tii$ Entire Establishment Must
Be Gotten In Readiness for The
Enlargement Sale
Commencing Wednesday
See All Papers Tuesday, Surely
His success
is due to
his knowl
edge of
Trade center
here because
apparel prices
here are
No matter HOW MANY Women's and Misses'
Suits, Coats, DretitM, Skirts, Waitts, etc., you may
have now, you are going to have MORE when you
read of "Enlarging Sale" prices, Tuesday's papers,
1510 Doughs Street And about to add ther
Next Building at 1508 Douglas Street.
Beetaty More Tkaa Bkla Deep.
A beautiful woman always has good
digestion. If your digestion Is faulty.
Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good.
Obtainable everywhere. All druggists.
Eecipes for Today
(All measurmente are level.)
Itotamn Pie,
Line the pie dish with an Italian pie
paste. Beat three eggs, without separat
ing, for five minutes, add a half eunful
of powdered sugar, beat again for five :
mlitutea, add a teaapnonful of vanilla, two
tablespoonfuls of cocoa and two-thirds of
a cupful of finely chopped nuts. Then .
sift In carefully, beating all the while, j
a halt cupful of rolled and slftsd gra
ham crackers; turn this Into the lined .
pie dish' and bake In a moderate oven a j
half hour, when done and cool Ice the
the top with chocolate Icing and garnlab
with toasted nuts.
Split Pea affl.
One cupful of split peaa
Two eggs.
A level teaapoonful of eet.
A saltspoonful of pepper. ,
Wash the - peas, put them tnte cold
water, bring to a boll and drain: throw
the water away. Cover again with boil
ing water and cook alowly until tender;
thla may be done in ths large baking dlah
In ths oven, and will requb-e about ons
hour's cooking. Praln. press) through a
sieve, add ths yolks of the eggs, the salt
and pepper, fold In the well beaten
whites, put thla In the round or oblong
baking dish and bake a half hour la a
quick oven. Serve with cream of rtoe
Piscolored or Spotty
Skin Easily Peeled Off
Th freVsf Hrisr 4 (v.-vl.
to whiohTnoTt' Mzrzxmjig?Fz
'V war reedtly be ptun rid of. w""
before retiring and removed In the morn
ing Willi p and atw. eomnL-i.iw L?T
off the dJanuri .at. . o'noTof !
fcxssisie. nerea no
Zt "y or rmnwilng tan.
- - - - - . v. v u lm. Ign
ite mkln rAnlf,lMji ..... .. . .
... ."v. vn VMUJI QKJ, MO
th proceae itlf dousn t tempos
...- in i wiumuon, ana one euon
Wrinkles caused by weather, worry or
illneaa are best treated by a stmMe soiu
tiou of powdered saxolite, 1 oa., dissolve!
In thla products a truly marveious trans-
avj utewiviai Usssjriusanra,
Infants a4 Invalid
77.'- CVSL'lil
Tha Food-Drink for a!! Ar
rUh milk. rnaJ tmi rraia, Ua powder torsa.
lot tof ante, iavelkla sW growing cbUJreo.
rure ButHuoa, upWd.og g whole body.
Invigoratae aurstng mother aat the axed.
More LeaLuM than tea or eUh-a.
Uniasm you may "tnsnttOITS"
you i.ty cat & mubsUtuto
68L0E1EB imiS of theBEH- IfiMSEfl!
Covering in nrnute detail the Austro-Italian border, the Dardanelles, the Bospo
rus and Constantinople regions. These fine Maps cost $2,000, and present a
vivid bird's-eye view of the forts cities, town?, railroads, rivers, mountains, and
passes. With these Maps at hand, the significance of all the armies' movements
becomes as clear as daylight.
A brilliantly written narrative giving all facts and thrilling phases of the first year
of the greatest war-in history. Intensely interesting and instructive, well worthy
of preservation BOTH of these big features in the issue of
Tli literary Digest ffer My $hl
News-dealers have it TODAY, 1Q cents. If a news-dealer is inaccessible, 10 cents
sent to the publishers will bring it.
War-Time Strikes
A Hunt for a New "Grandfather"
Millions and Murder
After Twelve Months of War .
Hopes for Peace
Germany Defends the Use of Gas
Is Canopus our Central Sun?
To Choke German Wireless
Is Jcretilcn to be Delirered by America?
A Good Word for the City Manager
How Loyal Is Ireland? .
The Income Tax Doing Better
British Worry About Food
Italy's Influence in the Balkans
Movies and the Eyes
"Practicable" Wooden Arms
Is England Trying to Force the
Pope's Hand?.
The "War-Babies" Scare
Angelic Intervention at Mons
Edlsqn Makes Important Discovery
"I believe that at the present timo THE LITERARY DIGEST prints the most valuable nnd interesting:
matter of any publication of similar character that I know of." THOMAS A. EDISON.
GET im DI8 JULY 31st KMfi flOVJ
from your news-dealer 10 cents before they are sold out, and obtain the valu
able War Maps and HLtory Features FREE.
FUHX fit WAGNALLS COUPA1IY (PuLtaLers of ths Famous NEW Bttadard Dictionary), NEW YORR