TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915. oaonooonoaononononoaononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononononcooaoniononononooonononcnonono jjj If you have never bought any Real Estate through the Real Estate columns of jj g The Bee it is probably due to the fact that you have never tried to g onoaoasnonoaononoaononoionoaoaoQononoaoooaonoQOQoaoaononoaonononoaoDoaonoaoaononononononoaoa aonoaoaoaoaonoaononoaonoDOaononoaB WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be lre ented before 11 o'clock noon tor evening edition end T: p. m. for morning end ."under edition. Want d received after uch hour will be under tbe heading, I Lat to Classify." Cash rates. . Seven eonaecutlva times, 1 eent word sch Insertion. . Two or more consecutive tinea 1H oetita a, word. One time, I eenU a word. CHARGE RATES. . ... Seven consecutive tlmea, cent a line eat?i tnaerllon. .... Three oonseoutlv time. 10 cento a line earh lnserti4. One time, Jl cento a line. Count ill average worda to line. Mlirtimum charge. 20 cent An advertleement Inserted to be rm until discontinued rnuet be atoppea oy written order. . . . . . All elalme for error. must be mad within fifteen dsvs after the Ut rnaer tlon of tho advertleement Ton en piece your want d In The Bee bv telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. CARD OF THANKS. We wtih to express our alncere grati tude for the klndnee. sympathy and beautiful floral offerlnge ahown toward u by our many kind frtenrfa end rela tlvee during our recent bereavement. MR. AND MRS. J. M. NICHOLS AND FAMILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS JITNEY TRANSIT CO. Good cere loweat rate. Phone Doug. 4611. Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Room 101. Investigate Y.M.CJL out's perk, au turner. 1,000 Craw Fish Freeh every day. Wtlttem Slnsleton. Gail Doug. HO. WE HAVE rodded W.0OO building etnee 1M0, and never had on struck. We guarantee every Job. AMERICAN LIGHTNING ROD CO.. 701 8. Itta St ATTRACTIONS WANTED-Conceaalone and attraction for carnival at Grafton, Neb., Auguet IS. 20. 21. Dr. C. 8. Hubbard, secretary. DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR. WANTED Merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, motordrome, ahowa and conceaalona. Sept 20-26. Addreca Chrla Lyck, upt of coneesMons. Benson. Neb. HAVE contract for concession for M. W, A. picnic at Bellevue, Neb., Aug. 11. Anyone who can furnish merry-go-' round. loll rack, candy rack and popcorn wagon, sddrees Trent uockrell, Ueile vue. inone rteiievu t. AUTOMOBIIJC8 Whenever you are considering eelllng or buying a uaed oar and you want full value for your money or you want people in are willing to pay lor what they are getting you will have no rearet if vou buy or advertlae through the uaed car comma oi i no fee, t none i yier luuu. FOR SALE OR TRADE Five-passenger car. windshield, ton good tire, etc., for lot. or what hav you?. Call Webeter i"r or v. i.'ju. $UO REWARD fur any magneto we can't rei-air. ions rerwi. Haysdorter. xio N. w.- One slx-cyllnder Cole. One four-cylinder Orox t on-Keeton-One four-oyliader Chalmers. Price from I WO to 11,000. H. PELToN. K Kamam St Industrial Gars Co.. loth HarneySts. FOR SALE CHEAP Four sllshilv used cealnae. with almost new lunar tubes; alao four Mx4tt Continental Rime; will eell separately or together. Phone , narney tw. lHiuglM llirj. C. F-IAASKKR, expert radiator and lamp - j. rum. mvi LesTtnwonn. Today'i Movie Programs LANTERN elide for movies. Send your 4wpy t ua, We can reproduoe photo r will pre per e your copy. We will color ag directed. Bee photo Dept. 101 Bee Bid. Owwatoeraw EMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. The Olrt of the Oyrsy Camp, s-heel DIl t T- X h"a Wlf1 b'eepe. Lubto. Dreamy Dud Ooee Bear Hunting. Easauay. )Jeart-sellg No. L "'' FRINCES3. U 17-18 DOUOLia. The Men Who Went Out. -rel drama. i linch.r In hafety Flret, coineuy After the Storm, thrilling drama, aadin extra good Keystone cvmely. Nerta. CIIAXD. . UTH AND BINNBT. ..."Tn,ter Beautiful, ' HOME OF OOOD P1CTTRES. Zaca Ik Mystery. -re drama, feat uring Kdvrard Coxen, Winifred Oreen. wood The Purtralt o'f 10, reel drama, featuring Florenca Labaddli a e i'-ai'.ti.g comedy. IXmiKOP. ItTHAND LOTHkoF Allc Bradv In A T Sow.' a- reel World f.etur r,el APOLO. 28J4LEAVENWOnTH. The Coming Kingdom. Lubln Tl.e riller.t W.. Vitagravh, J ,,,1,. Trepped, kr,y West. MOXRDS 1SRS FARNAM. The Smouldering. B-reel Sell Wally an in The H lghwayinan. Vita com. A t-tory of the Peet and one ohr rwl.e eath Side. BEESE, I4TII AND N The Stralubt and Narrow Pa'h. T-r-I KvlMtn 'i he Honeymoon Baby. Vita lii'oiicl'O JUily ami the Poee, Ka!y. OHPHISUM. 24TH AND N. Wkly The Tide of Fortune, K.-B, rtrama. MnMng a Uvlng, Neworint. Ke cii A Women Scorwed. Am. drvm. a MOVIES a " FEATURES ? TODAY kK l.OTHIiOP. iTIl AND LOTIIHOP. ,. I r.,,iy, At V Bt.w, lUrrtl World f ACTOMOnil.KS PX R 8 ALIO or would exchange for a good touring car. Muat lie of late model. A good S-ton truck, good aa new. Tel. D. 1MO. FOR RALE One 112 6-pass.. 30 II. P. Kverett. In Rood running condition, for quirk eel and cash only, a real bargain. Veteter Trs. '('adlllao $' Kord ti7X Paige "' Ford 2 Oakland S76 Truck 16 We buy, el and exchange. THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, t Fnrnsm. Tel. DougHIO. FONTENEIXE At "TO CO.. lit S. lHh (St. Expert repairing: bargains In uaed Cere, guaranteed aa represented. Ovcrton'e for leaky red la tor. 60i, dealers. NEBRASKA Rulrk Horvlce Mellon. 1U Farnsm St Phone Iouglaf 711 BUSINESS CHANCES If your bualaes Chanc will atand rigid Investigation and la Just what It I advertised, or If tou sre lnokino: to alert In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you use the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or seinng aptiaines inone Tyler loot). FOR ALK Well established bueinesa; only one of lis kind !n Omaha; no vin petlUon; business will pay for Itewlf In six months. Addree . C. Mils, L ramsm rt., or pnone lioiigiaa IM. Vt 1 1-1 buy a cleaning, pressing nd tallorm busineee: rirni rroin tlM to $176 a month; downtown location; let me show you; reason for selling, other busi ness. Annress K nee. WILL sell my drug store doing a big business, located In a live town in Ne braska. Reasons for selling the beet. A tnin for druggist wishing a guod busi ness ana locaiion. tiean stock ana fin fountain end fixtures. Y M, Bee. IONS, show card, Clark Son. D. lm. TO OFT In or out of business call en OANOSTAD, 4a Bee Bldg. Doug. UTt. REAL estate Buelnese jilaiea supplied or hsndled; all atatea. F. v. Kniest Omaha. THEATERS Buy, leaee or sell your the ater. msctilne and eupplle through Theater B?xch. Co., lent Farnam. D. 1KW. OWN ERR LI at your property with W. w. winiame. win isevtno Bik. n. 4407. TCI SELL or buy a bralness, call on M ass psrlor. R.224 Neville bk. MlssWalton. WELL aclected millinery stock, worth aoout ii.ww, and nxturea about V eatabllehed exclusive business, near 11th and Farnam, can be bought for $600. This la a snsp and if interested, you should act promptly. OKRATJO M. DREW. lim W, O, W. Bldg. FOR SALE Or trade, blacksmith ahop and gnrag In Co. seat town. Address T -, Ttee. FOR SALE A cement block factory In a good town with up-to-date machinery and mixer and doing a good business. C. S. Stroud, Boelus. Neb. WANTED to bur hardware stock In small towns In Nebraska or Iowa; give run particulars in nrst letter, no trade stock considered. J, F, McLane. Florenoe, Neh. Reei tear Ileaeee for Sal. UOATUHNQ and rooming house, cheap. D. M47. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete buelnesa our, complete shorthand or tenotype course, complete - telegraphy eourae, civil service branches and. Eng lish. Student admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for IBIS catalogue, BOY LICfl COLLEGE, II. B. BOYLES. President. Tel D IMS. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Na. FOK cal. the following scholarship la first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited atenographlo course. One three month' business or stsno- reuhto course. Win be sold at a discount at the office f The Omaha Bee, POI BALK FOR SALE Here 1 a classification that Is of the utmost lnportanc to every reader, aa this column offer om exoep tlonal opportunltlea every day and a mall want ad will 11 your artlole at It full value. Phone Tyler looo. rwraltare, lloaseheld Uoe.de, Kto. NEW high grade piano. Sacrifice. For quick sal. Any reasonable offer ac- OAK dining table, 4 ohatrs, braea bj-' steaq. reascoaoie rTione Harney 4717. 1-WELL CaJorio ftielees cooker. Harney . YOL'NQ couple leaving city August 1 wilt erl reeeonabla cortHilete Ave room and ttall furniture. Party purchasing furni ture, can also rent fiat V X Mth St. Tel. 11. CfT. BARGAINS IN FURNITUPE AND HAHDWARE. 1W N. 84TH. WED. HOT. TlFlSlrCri bought and sold. J. O. KeeO, 1-C'rioUJ Farnam at D. gist. KITCHKN cabinet. Tel. Web. 1641. OO-CART cheap. D 2117. R lit Savoy hotel. NEW Ideal gas stove, high oven. H. 7O80. HtrM Vesktekee u0 buy a well broke, neck rein saddle horse, wa Harrison St. Phone no. iiia. Grocers, Attention! OUR large stork of delivery wagon (Studebaker1, and our own make), of fered at low price to maka room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck bodies. JOHNN-DANFORTir COMPANY, 1W-S1-M N. Kth St.. near Clark St. T" FRESH COW. . Phon South KKtt. HOKtifc.. wagon, oheap fur quick sale. Houth IS71. STRONG, light wagon tor sale; la good condition; U13 8. 14th; Red Maelral laatrassvitta. fclishiiy tiei hula arad olsae tX Mf. PlANO-VOlCE-VluIANi thorough In atruction by teacher of great experi ence. 11-14-lt Arlington block, lili Dodge tit. Phone Dougla UTU I'eeltrv, Saae aaa lassMei, STEREOTYPE metricee nuike the beat and cheapest lining for pwultry houeee. I my are U4 iuuih, iiuiigar uiu iuw, w durable thnn tarred felt and pievtionliy irrrprtwi. iw e nunarrq v in, rtw w 1 1"- -KOG INCUBATOR, AIJHct NEW. H rUH'KKNrt WFH Vi.vl-.l' grain, lot lbs. tl.efi. Wae-ner, sul M. istn. tf rl im TYPEWRITERS, fit and up. t2t Bea Bldg. TT PKV HI 1 b.HS eold. ruteu repaired, Central TypewrMee tic, uw rsmsa. litrltaMii, BIG el on trunks, ban and uitcaa Friedman, l.'ll Ihi1s SL $3,205; Ooldea Weet WbUkey, 4 Mil quart ootil4 In bond, pre- yld. CurKicv Hroe.. tmaha. FOR SALE lt Hall safe, just a good as new; 140 will take It. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA. 4 Farnam (t. lMug. 4H td b&nd Burroukh adding machine. Escel L,nlj;onditlua. Must evlluui k. J-TA Bee. CAHPKNTER tools, shovels. p! ksTjackl screes, lu-penny mauh vending ma- enmes. bud eacn; good horse, 1; harness, tie. eiprcss wagon, : kltfhen utensila one eiettno piano. 1 sUeboard. I ball tree, t iron veu. J. C. 1SH. yta R tHYi St Hsmey UX FOR BALr.-New and eeoond-hand carom sn.i pxet taillsrd taulvs slid buwlinic aile and accesjries; lar fixtura of ell anna: eay isyniruia Tl'e l'riniw -fc-Ilke-'ll ntli r Co. 4u7-4l 8 10ih ht. KTv i(J-huiid luoTiTa UyT.ane,' lPV nsnelo. te.. uie.-naM.-el t-uiri Le Biuu L.e trl. Work.?:i-o S Uih Et I HELP WATfTFTD "EMALK Clerical and Office. WE NEED TEMPORARY STKNOS. WATTS RKK. CO.. M M1 Brandels The. raetory l Traelee. OIRL to learn halrdrceslnr. Oppenhelm. Moaeekerwere aad Doeeeettrs. THK Servent Girl ITol.lcm Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FKEE until you get the desired results. This appll- to resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blurfs. Bring ad to Tli Bee office or telephone Tyler lf0. (MX)!) girl for general housework. Apply at once to 101 South Wh St. WANTKI) a good reliable girl for gen erel housework. Chicago SL WANTKI) Position as housekeeper, la or near Omaha, ttm Ieavenwnrth St. OIRL for general housework. Hadra, H. Sfith St. WANTED a girl for general housework. Phone Harney IMS. WANTED girl for general housework, good wages, city reference required. Call Florence 44. WANTED white girl for general house work, two In fsmlly. Call Walnut 230. WANTED Cook, white woman, between 2t and X years, to go with party to New Orleans and return on motor ooat trip. State qualification. Address Tho. B. Boyce. Owyhee Hotel. Boise, Ida. OIRL wanted for general housework; no washing; small family; good wage. Harney rX74. Address 1111 8. Md St. A QIKL for housework. 1 Park Ava. A OIRL to assist with housework; refer ence required. Phon Walnut M. 147 N. 41st St. OIRI for general housework In small private family; adult; MOD Davenport. Harney 6!17 - 1 COMPETENT girl for general house work, no waslkins: aood wasea. 1.11a Riir S WILLING woman wants steady poalUon doing janitor wora. tsii tvea itat. WANTEI-NUMSja QIRJU CALL HAR NEY 7bM. W A NTKD-Competent girl In a family of two. Km Harney MlaeellaMowwa. YOUNO woman coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young "Women Christian association building t St. Mary' Av. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MAXJ9 llerioml aaa Office. HIOH-ORADB commercial position. WEST. REFERENCE BOND ASSN. T63 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. I LUMBKRYARD manager, 7& to $100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. l-20 Woodmen of World. NEW location, M0 Paxton Blk. W hav several position open. Roger Ref. Co. A geats, galesssva mmtl Celleltore, WANTED Insurance men; salary and high commission to good Life Insurance man. Address S Ml. Bee. CITY solicitor wanted. Beat of refer ences 1 tqulred. Salary to right man. Call Mi..,uray-Omaha Nursery Co., ill State Bank Bldg., or Slat and Avenue A, Council Bluffs, fa. We have a good place for a live inaur anc man. Mutual Benefit Health ft Ao dldont Ass n , 421 City Nat Bank Bldg. COAL agent wanted In every town; get a trial car. J. M. Co,' No. Platte, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION men. new, 4.00; easy payment plan; proposition for buslnea men; winner: 11.00 Immediate commie on; lead furnished: only clean-cut men able to converse on buelnesa intelligently need aftfly. llfc McCague Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED. A well established, prosperous company, dealing exclusively In nonpertshsble pub Uo necessities for the purpose of further extending It business I offering a lim ited amount of Its stock for sale. An un usual opportunity for salesmen. Writ tha Profit Sharing Coal. Oil and Oss Co., Colllnsvllle, Oklahoma. Very UeBlrable Bpgcw for Printing Office Ugut, water and Janitor terrlcg frwa. Champ power Inquire The Bee Building Co. idtcrtntendent't Offlca. Room 101. WANTED Reliable atat sale manager for high grade coat reducing special ma- onine. iuvery at ore your customer At tractive commissions; address The Buck ley Specialty eV Machine Co., Lima., O. factory 4 traaee. Position Now Open. Fre Catalogoa. AMERICAN AUTO . COLLEOW. KSS rarnam St.. OMAHA. NEB. LEARN BAltBEIt TRABE Wage paid. Tool given. Poritlona guaranteed. Call or write for Information. ' . 1 . . ' 1 1 .1 . . . v unpgw. item iwukiu. umui WE need -men: had to turn down two jobs per wees lately, uei in. Levi by our method. Oet one of the lob. Catalogue B free. Nebraska Auto- mobile School, 1417 Dodge St MOLER BARHER C0LIJ:aE Special cummer rate. ' Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th St. Omeha. Drug store enape; Joba Kneist. Bee Bldg. UEN wanted: government Job; t0 per month; Omaba examinations Sept M. Sample question free. Franklin Inatl '"' lent 121 F. Rochester. N. T. UoVKHNMENT POSITIONS in poet office, railway mall and other branches) ar good. Prepar for "xama" under former U. S. Civil Service Secretary-examiner. Booklet O , free. Writ to day. Pattereon Civil Service School. Ro chester, N. Y. WANTED Name of men, 1 or over, wishing government Jobs. M month. No pull necessary. Ad-Ire sa Y tul. Be. HELP WANTED MALM AMD FCK1LB, STENOGRAPH URS When In need of a position, call on us. NO fllAHOE. Doug. 1214. Remington Typewriter Co.. SITCATIOXg WAXTTCD WAMtu by au elderly lady of re'lne ment. a posltloo as housekeeper In hots or private home. Lxperteiiied la tne .-.e of linen room. Can furnish best of refer ence. No object Inn to leaving city. Ad dress Mrs. Earl. 1m) Chl-ego tot , Omaha. EXPERIENCED young man wants STEADY lob. House man. Jsnttor. gar den, porter or anything of work. Honest, sober and willing to work. Addrea O M'l. Bee. LADY, with two children, would. U housekeeping position. Address Si, 7, Bee. M 1 1DIU aged lsdy wUhea to taka posi tion as houeekeeier in horn of respect- bl and temperate party, in or out of city. Address O 7, Bee. TEAt'H K.R would Ilk to gt In connec tion with schools wishing primary learners: city certiorate; experlen-ed; good recomniendation ; will consider posi tion of gov-rn-a. Box . Tekmuxh. Neb. MAK1I1KK men wants work on farm, ti j.i rli n d furmer. Atldtvas I . W. Babb, It P. D. Nv 1. IMutUc, Nt'J. SITUATIONS WANTED Y'OL'NO lady wishes steady position a I nouseneepcr. u. j'iNi. RKFINKD middle aged lady. comretent and reliable, deslrra a poaillon a house keeper m a private homo, or will take cere of Invalid, or child nurse. li!gli,-t city reference furnished. Address L, 71, ne, or fhone h. Win MARRIED man. aged 2S, employed in re sponsible position, and possessing thorough knowledge of Recounting snd systematic office management, along with unusual executive ability and clean record, eeega connection with progressive firm, where opportunity for advancement is measured by ability shown. Address T 42. Bee. EXPERIENCED housekeeper winh)- po sition aa housekeeper for mialnces cou ple or smell family; references exchanged. Address J SOJ. Bee. TOL'N'I man, 27, married. Oermen. speak ing five lancuages. desires flare. Ad- dres M Bee. WANTKD Position by youTig man, 21 years old, clerical. Including typewrl' Ing, three years' experience, very lest of references, bond If required. Salary no Item. Address L 04, Bee. OOOD hoiinckeoper would like IwiMtion where work la light. Addre; a M. Bee. INSTRUCTOR In draughting and m.-xthe- mauc want position In business col lege. Address B Mfi, Bee. MTDDLE-AOED lady wishes housekeep ing with respectable, refined people or take charge of rooming house, or as com panion for lady; experienced In both. Address M (M. Be. EXPERIENCED utomobile salesman wants position with ome reliable firm; hav had six years' experience in Lo Angeles and two year In Cnlrago; will consider nythlng to how ability. Ad dress F 141 Be. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TRE1CT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost om article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to aacertaln whether they left It In the atreet car. Many article each day are turned In and tha company I anxious to restore them to th rightful owner. Call Doug. 41 Lost or Found ad In Omaha' Lost and Found medium means the Immedlnte re turn of that article If advertised In The Bee, th Lost and Found paper. LOST Angora cat. reward, 481i Farntim. Phone Walnut 2397. - LOST WATCH BRACELET. Monogram B. L. M. Reward. Doug. 4477. LOST English bulldog Friday morning; answer name of "Ike;" btindle and white. Reward. 1907 Douglas. Tel. D. 7U14. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers ar invited to visit the Young Women Christian association buildlnu at 17th St. and St Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union station. THO Salvation Army Industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea. We collect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 4116 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. FITS WELL Artificial Limb Co., 322 S. 15th Ht., omana, jseo., manutacturer of the Fltwell Ankle Leg Truss. Expert fitters. Brace made for all kind of deformities. GORDON, th Magaxlne Man. Tel. Doug. T1U- FKT STOCK FOR BALK Six Boston Bull Terrier. C. T. WUaon. Hebron, Neb. FOUR extra fine Boston Terrier pups, I'M. 1411 N. 20th St SWAPPERS' CX1LTMN Wanted to Swap. Wny not advertise something that you no longer hav any use for and get something you really need? It cost you nothing to join th bwapper' Club and you will find It lota of fun awapping thing. Write Room 104, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler luuo. AUTOS Will exohange painting and paperhanglng for used car, any make. First class workman. Address S. C. 1174, car Bee. AUTO Will swap two-passenger Argo light roadster, lully equipped, in good hap throughout; will trad for larger car that can be worked over. Addrea B. C. 12.S1, Bee. AUTO Will swsp 6-paaeenger Sloddard Dayton, fully equipped and In good running order; new Le puncture proof tire all around. What hav you? Ad drea S. C. 122. Bee. AUTO Model 10 Bulck, 2-paaa. roadster, In good running order; good tire. Will trade for 6-pos. car. Addrea B. C 12a&, Be. AUTO Model 63, 1U Stanley ateamer. 4 passenger, 10 h. p., new copper tub boiler; will trad lot gaa car. Addrea 8. O. 1284, Be AUTO 60-h, p., 12-paasenger bu. Will take Ford or what have you aa part payment? Thl car la an Ideal hotel and jitney bu and In first class shape. Ad drea 8. C. 1277. Bee. AUTO TOO Lb Da nd y chest full of auto mobile tools, will trad. What hav you? H. C. 13B9. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see thtt "Automobile" classifi cation. BICYCLE Man's bicycle, 24-lnch tram. In good condition, to trade for boy bicycle, about 20-lnch frame. Address 8. c, 1271. Bee. OHALMEKS auto to trad a wirt pay ment on acreage property; ten acre or lea, or what hav you? Addrea 8. C. 116. Ba. DIAMOND H karat. U, to trad for piano; must be nearly new and of good make. Address 8. C. 1270, Bee. ENGLISH Bull dog to trade for Bird dog. Setter preferred. Address Y 34, Bee. ENGINEER'S TOOLS Such as pip tools, tapa dies, cutter, wrenches, pip tonga; for motorcycle or old nmoVl Ford. Address B. C. ir.i. Bee. 1 GALLONS of auto Iibpertal Pum-ture proof; worth (It; to swap for o:t'U-e fur niture, or what hav you? Addres 8 C. 117, Bee. OENTS' furnishing store, located In South Omaha: doing good business, wl l trade for real estate up to th value of ll.uoo. Address S. C. 124. Bee. GOOD twin Indian motor cycle for lia mond. Address 8. Q. l .t-7. Bee. GOtD tesidence lot in Cedr Rapid. Ia7 to exchange for late iU'hI.-I rB't"trr ,,r five-passenger car. Addresa Y-t''v B e. HAVE almost new upright Buh A l.nu Piano to trtde for Ford or other guoi! roadster. Box Ifte, Oretna. Neb. HOR.SE AND WAGON Hav good liorsj and wagon; will swap for small tour ing car. Address 8. C. 1JM. care Bee. ICEBOX Used short time; good condi tion. Will swap for chickens value to $10 or any thing else. Addresa S. C. 13u, Bee. LOT About half paid for; mill exchange for lumber to the value of tH. Call Ty ler $oa-W. HORSE. BUOOV. ETC.-N'ice little all around horse, rubber-tired buggy, har ness, gardener's wsson. cxtress Imriirx (low, oultivstor, diHg, feed grindt-r and Ive djion homer pleona and acceseur 1 1 . 1. . . . , . Ira .wa rviu huuj u, uimwui ill uuq condition. Some of my thlncs are new and all In good condition. Address B. C. 14, Bee. LAHT word In inovlng-ploture machine; want auioinobtle; value $.uu. Call Har nev jn MAIL ORDER BUSINEiSA-01d-etb-lislied business In city. This will In volte about I0.O0O. and is doing a good business the year round. A splendid proponliion for anyone. loe not require oxio-rtenie. Was managed by a lady for 10 yrsrs. Very I is lit running expense. Must make a change at on. a, eo will x 1 i ar.ire fut clear land or reiidenca uroD- erty of equal value. Invetiaie tula if KWAITEHS' COLUMN OKUAN Kimbnll, used short time, good condtttin, will snp for ony, shotgun or anything of equal value. What have you? Addree S. C. 120. Be. b.oou OAK osls, worth $ir Want lot or equity in hotiee. Address S. C lKlt, cere Hue. PI l.No, manufa' tured by Booth Bros., almost new. flret clans condition; will swap for good second-hand Ford car. Address 8. C. 1Z7H. Bee. t-ROOM cottage to trade for email siocs. grocery, j ru'e, t.v; moirgage. fi,'--. rtiiurppn, p. i . tvn, re. SINOKR. et0 sewing machine, drop head, t-drswer; good condition. Will ex change for chicken or other poultry, or whut have you to trade? Address S. C. 177. Bee. EPA RA TOR Automatic cream sepa retor. sllahtlv used, almost new. to 1 trade for cow or Ford cl.assi. 8. C. 1171, i caje The Bee. 8ADDLB. stesmer trunk, mandolin and 4x5 plate csmeta. Would like post curd size film kodak or what? Address 3. 179. Bee. WANT to swap for sectional bookcases. nareea, . i.:. uce. . WILL swsp horses for a city lot. Ad ! dress S. C. 1X. Bee, WORKING every day, two good teama, harness and wagon; also single harness, perfect condition; t months old bull pup snd dandvrhlckcn Must fell. Phone Bund.v Hifrney 09. WHAT have you to ivap for a 1 H.-P. Falrhanks-Morse vertical gasoline en gine, air compressor, air tsnk and auto matic sir hafnmer and complete set of 1 drills? Address B. C. 1272. Bee. . WOULD take good auto for or part pay ment on 4-acre tract In Kvtoi park; beautiful building site and fine home for man of mean. Address M 805. Bee. WILL trade lot worth H.060 for first class car. Walnut SSI. FOB RENT Avartsaeats mmd Plata. Th For Rent advertisement appearing in th For Rent column of Tha Be dally cannot be beat for. variety that wtU please aad fill tha needs of any on de- uring to rent, fnone Tyler wo. t-KCHJM apartment, St George, 111 N. list Ave. Phon Tyler IbM; avenlng, Web. 174. o Angelua Apt., 1 and 4-room apt H. 2014. o I AND t ROOM apartment, north, strictly modern, greatly reduced rent 2601 Sher man Ave. ESTA BROOK, 4 rooms, modern, cool close-in. 126. O. P. Stebbln. LOW RENTAL, Fin six-room apartment In Hanaoom park dlstrlcl, near park Una car. Janitor service and heat; only 146. Thl 1 a nap. Ask for appointment to see it SCOTT HILL CO.. Douglas 1109. MODERN new seven-room duplex dwell ings. Mi Park Avenue. DUPLEX flat, strictly up-to-date, ft) Dewey Ave. Tel. Red Iflfla FOUR rooms, second floor, modern apart ments, heated. 122 R0. Phone Wnl. 21. NEW b-iooiii oric-k flat hot water heat, 221 80. 10th St., $25. MADS A. HANSEN. McCague Bldg. LOW RENTAL. Cholca B-room apartment, downtown; stive carfare; see Janitor. Doy. 6236. Famished; Aaartmemta. 4-ROOM upt., nicely furnished; front view, strictly modern; price 136 per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard A Manul Apt., llt and Howard, phone Doug. Oc-t. Board aad T trams. Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private famllie or boarding house of th high est class will best b found In tha Fur nished Room column of Th Bee. Phon Tyler 10U0. REEDH L'RST, 108 N. th-Beautlful laws: homelike surroundings; meals un xcellent; room single or en suit. D. 1360. If. btl, 622 Rooms with horn cooking; vn?lt, .3?Mt doubla, wk; tabla board, tl jft. N. Kth, 224 Palatable family style meal, 26c; meal with modern roo;n, Kom privilege. 16 to 17 week. BOARD A rm., 16 wk.; table bd.. $3.60; walking dla. 2.S62 St. Mary Ave. R. I06S. EXCELLENT board und room, modern home, private family. Phon Her. 1351. Karalshed lioasea. WILL rent furnished eight-room house. West Farnam District, for four month. Harney 14k4. Famished Rooms. PLEASANT front room; modern; pri vate family; newly. fumlhd. Phon H. 689t. LOU AN T,HwB mi Vo; newly fur w " nlshed. new management W. FARNAM dls. ; references. Wal. 220. Sleeping room. $2.50 wk. 2210 Harney St FRONT room In private family, 1st floor, modern, $ to $10. Tel. Web. tHi. COOL leeplng room. 64 8. Itfth, D. 4477. NEWLY furnished and papered room in new house. West Farnam district; board If desired. Phone Harney J70. ALL new furniture; modern; horn privi leges rlose in; $10. Phon Doug. 7851. Mod. $. mo , 241. N. th. Web. toll The Pratt, cool. -lose In. 212 8. 25. D. 1138. LARGK, modern, cool, desirable front rooms, $3.60 to to a week. tU2 S. 19th St. If you do r.ot aeu anything' that suit you In th way of Furnined Room you can call at Room VL bee Bldg., and ak for tha Fte Furnished Room bureau nd we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house in auy part of 1 be city. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SANrORO. lth & Farnam. n'j 1 cl, haiu,ci. .wa t rsrnam. S. front rooms, single or ensulie, modern, r-1 1 a In 'J j. . I .nl... . r. a..- Furnislied large front room to rent, close In. MU 8. 2Ut Ave. Phone Douglas 781. W. FARNAM DISTRICT Large, airy, mod. ; room for 1 106 N. iid. H. 7604. lU L'OIXiE-Modara light houskeping. reasonable. 8. 4TH. lfu S nicely furn. front rooms, Audi Will, lath ci a . t, .l. .. 1 electricity paid; wniklng dt. $4. D. 766a, Fl'KNldHhiO housekeeping rooma Fine cool suites, two and three, shade, piano, $4. S02 S. 2Mh. 3 EI.KUANT LIGHT HOI BKK EEPINO Rtxu-.S. PHONE WEBS TEH 4771. North LI, I. Front room, mod., leas. ci. .uAltlf H AVE., 36o-l room funi. v i-onnplete; modern. Pnone D. 433. WOJiKKN suite of housekeeping rooms; a:se single rooms. 1710 Chicago. D. 7l. Four nlre rooms; new bethilU 8. lTtiT. I rooms and bath. UU S. 11th DAVENPORT. 21 TWO OR THREE J NICELY FURNISHED FRONT HbKG. n m - see aa4 C wltagea. North. m?4 CA'S S-ROOM HOME. STRICTLY MODERN. $i7 bo. TEL. HARNEY SJ75. oath. For Rent outb naif of double erl oh bouse) ? raoRk. 4 bedroom, ad auodero, at UU South bia St.. near Park eehool. aa block east ej Haaaooca pars, 'i'l-l. Harney Hut. t-KooM. modern house, itui Jones, $U nt , per nontii J. Iv Kemp. iHiualas s7. -HiJil coltiMle. H per mouth. tLU S. -t i t IMione liouglaa iwru. Ready Reference- Directory BsseBBBBBxa(aBBaMxaxxaxajBxaKasHMHBBi Tie following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: , ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. M Brsndels Thee. ADVERTISING NO VKLTlIiS. M. F. Shafer Co., 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. AMATF.LR F1XIS111MO. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opor.oil and closed. Cost xystem Installed Let me call on vou to explain the advantages ef my audit service svitem. Address 4.13 437 Ramie Bldg Phone. Doug. 744. ARC II I rise IS. F-erett 8. Dodds. til Paxton Blk. P. WL ARTIFICIAL STO.NB SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS, drive floor, wall, step, roplnxs: anything In guaranteed con crete. Rt. lkM JMin Grant Paving Co.. ' Paxton. I.?11. O B Grant Mgr. W.MCT. AT TBI tlTIO.ll. ?r-Ir partiiTi desikino rf.- FRESH Ml'.NTS PHONE llANSCOilTK. ATTORN EV S. AT. Dlkinson. Ml Paxton Blk. D. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., HlMt W.O.W. R. 2H. Nt'I a1e A Auction Co., 17 W. O. W. AUTO IXSUHANCB. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE! TO., oougias AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omana Radiator Rep eo,. 5t Far, p tWI. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDKR. 1R0t N. 11th. Web. 12PT. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kinds, makts feather mattresses and down ;over. . BLUB PRINTING. Hornby Blue Print Co.. 901 Qm, Nat. Bk. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES Psxton-Mltchell Co.. 17th and Martha Bta. CARPENTBaa AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. rrd. Douglas $620. Lessard A Son. 1908 Cnp. Ave. T. 11 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Bslrd Bldg. D, 8461 Dr. C. E. Brlggw, 2323 Harney. Red T7H1. CHIROPODIST. Carrl 3. Burford. 820 Pa. Blk. Red M7. CONCRBTB CONSTRUCTION. Western representative of VELVKTTLH COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-11 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1671. DANCING ACADEMIES. ' CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1S7L Summer rate now at Mackle'; private leasona dally. 1818 Harney. Doug. 6444. DRESSMAKING. v Tarry Dressmak'g college. XX h A Farnam SBWINO BT DAY HARNET 6077. MIR8 STURDY. J41t CASS. I. 7870. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. lltht O. 8071 DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all case. Tyler 11M. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ml W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Ftckea, 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooma, 1S17 Dougla. D. tilt. DRUGS. DRUG'S at cut prlcea; freight paid on tit order; catalogues tree, isnerman et aao Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. lit N. 18th. Term a ELECTRIC MOTOR. REPAIRING. CAH1LL ELECTRIC CO.. Be Bldg D 1S7) "electrolysis." TJloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red tffGS. EVERYTHING fob women. ACCORDION. lde. knife, aunburat. box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal pleating Co.. 2u0 Iougla Block. D. IKK. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacat. building coming down; cloak, suit and dresres sacrificed. 108 N. 1Mb St FURNACES AND TINWORK. HABERSTROH, 402t Hamilton. Wat 2TL FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam St D. $000. L. HENDERSON. 161$ Farnam. D. 125$. Member Florist Telegraph Del. As n. ilESS 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAOHUE. ltll Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., 1220 Harney St Est 188. It AT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D Fleele. UK City Nat INSTRUCTION. English, French, Instruction. 5f Lyric Bid 1CB. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6T1. General Office, 18th and Manderson Mis. JUSTI4 KB OF THE PEACE. H. IL CLAIBORNE, KU Paxton Big. R T4uL Notary Pubx. dapostiion ateno. C. W. BR ITT. $01 Unker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO., Exchange Bldg. L1UUT1NU FIXTURES, WIRING. T!J Thomas. Douglas "'' 911 Pllmln. Kt 261$. MOVING rllTlUsl MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion pk-tur machine and illin bargalna MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DATIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines Victor Roo, "Th Motorcycle Man." !7) Leavenworth, Ml SIC AND ART. Rest line plauo plsytng positively tsu la ? lessons. 4U, Cuming St. Walnut 3 Kht NOTIONS. NOTIONS, nsws, cigar, candy. 1X9 Park MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. ri A NO-VOICE-VIOLIN; tht rough In atructlon by teacher of great experi ence. 13-14-16 Arlington block. 16U Dodge St. Phone Ionglas 2471. OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay yon csn. Trs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OIL BURNERS. PUT a Sievert or a Johnson A Le oil wuiii.r 111 your nui air i urn&i e, not ater or steam ilant. wa wnin vi 01 r. in , 1 1 1 1 1 . NEBRASKA OIL AND FURNACE CO., 1 1T FL 1 A Ctf XTn, X3 1, DM. -Wn.ha V.k OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOP1TP7TINE ARMSTRONO, 81$ Bea Bldf PATENTS. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. H. A. Pturges, 36 Brandi-1 Theater Bldg. 4AI.Vri.U AMD PAPERINU. HX'QH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. S7M VaINTINO and paperhanglng br flrst- cIhss workman, dsy work or contract; no )ob too large or small. Tel. D. 82S0. PLATING. P. 6277. Acme Plating. Ill S 16th Ft POSITIONS WANTED. SEE US for a Steno. or bookkeeper. . Free aervlce. Co-Op, Ref. Co. Doug. ll. PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., nuallty Printing. Tel. Doug. 21 W. 624 & Uth St CENTRAL PRINTINO CO. IX5UO. ITOt DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dougla 844. RUBBAGB COMPANIES, i NEBRASKA RUBBAOB CO. Thl 1 tha man to rail If you have any ashes or tin can to haul. Phone Webeter 681$. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. O A TMO Opened repaired, comb. f P n changed. F. E. Daven port. 1406 Dodge. P. 182L SCALE REPAIRING. Ota Standard Scale Co., 611 S. 12th. D T1. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BRQ8 , hoe repair, lit S. 14. SEWING MACHINES. , rent, repair, sell needle and )art for all sewing machine. "MICKEL'S," We NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Dougla 1663. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest price paid for clothes. P. 4714. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. Id. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screw Oo.. Doug. 4M STORE AND OFFICB FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scale, showcase, shelv ing, etc W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-lt-18 P. 12th. Doug. 171 1, TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, W7 B. 11th. P. 628. TAILORS. CHA5. C. LANDS RYOU, 10t I. 16Ut St. TRUNKS . AND SUITCASES. FRELINO A STEIN LE. 1M6 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR KENT. RENT sn Oliver typewriter 1 mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, $1$ 8. lttto St All make for sale or rant RENT a "Remington." not Just a typa writer. Low rant. Cal' Dougla 124 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlattansen. Id fl. Paxton Bk., 18 yr. exn. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-t 8. 18th St Wlncg. liquor, cigar. Plata dinner 11 to t, lOo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSH. 16th and Capitol Av. Ten-oent lunoh. MEDIOAJj RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guttranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bea Bldg. FILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R- Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book; on racial dlseaaea with testimonials. DiU B. R. TAKRY. $40 Boa Bldg. BBPTURK cured la few daya without pain. Cal! or writ Dr Wray. $Ut Bea Bldg., Omaha. Eatabllahad 1KH. , FOR RENT ' Saath. Hawses aag Cottages. For Rent Desirable 8 -room modern houaev 821 8. J7th St., near Field cluo. caal Offerman Construction Co.. Houth Omaha. Neb. Phone South I1S7 or $6$. Mlacellaaewaa. BARGAINS IN RENTALS. $27.50 t rooms, entirely modern, t bed room upstairs, corner lot. nice shide and shrubbery, U01 N. Ed St $35.00 "-room, strictly modem, elegant home, practically good as new; osk finish; pavd street. 15J4 Bpruca $40.00 Brand new. 2-tory houw, fin leeplng imrrh. entirely modern, la Held club district. ISIS Paciflo Sc SCOTT HILL COMPANY. DOlT3. low. 7-llOOU house, strictly mod. larg yard; garage; Iirst time renieq. -iier 114. GlobeVan &Storace Str-res. moves, pack aalps; t-hore vsa sn1 1 men. II IS per hr. ; Moras $1 per mo Satisfaction guar, n 4'Cl A Tr. 1J. FIUEL1T FKEE Pbeaa Dojslaa 38 for complete llat of Vacant bousrs and apartments; also for suig. moving, teth and Jscksoa Sts. llnneAU Cralgh Son A Co.. bklg. - - la all te rts of th city. Gordon Van Co. n N. 11 th St Tel. P tier Web. U't CER the Central Furniture Store. IRES BKNTAL IJST. Wr HAVE rodded 84.0U0 buildings slnoa IHiO, and never bad one struck. W fi.arantee every job. AMERICAN .mUTMNG RD Co.. 7S S. leth Ht 7-ROOM bouse strictly modern. Il Mered'th. Cell Florence !S7. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 6YsN COLUMN ONE., v.