THE OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: AUGUST 1, 1!H5. 10-A -wumc Ti " 'r r . . r " l: j -v i ii wit nn t , ' M " "aX V ASS i-.-. w rr a - il I ! 1 H J I ft. I 7V"- "k I aW 7 J. i -. . n Gossip Along the Automobile Bow Bert Murphy of the Murphy-O'Brion Auto company returned Thursday from a very aucceuful and pleasant business tour throughout the western territory Mr. Murphy and T. J. CBrlen left Omaha a week ago last Wedneadajr with a TalKe 6-4fl and drove to Cheyenne, where they witnessed the Frontier Days and returned by way of Sidney and North Platte, Mr. O'Brien remained at his ranch at North Platte for a few days. Mr. Murphy reports that the roads were almost Impassable in several places, bill the bis Paige brought them through safely, and they also had the pleasure of meeting other Paige cars en route to the . roast nnd none of them reported any trouble In getting through the bad mudholes. For the first time this season the Murphy-O'Brlen Auto company has sue l needed In getting a few Dodge Bros." cars on the floor. This Is due to the heavy rains In the last few days. Dug Bowie says that this is the first oppor tunity he has had to decorate the show room, and many of the customers pass ing by generally take the room for a dance hall. The factory promises larger Fhtpments from now on. W. P. Coghlan, special western repre sentative of Lovell-McConnell Manufac turing company, was a caller at Powell Supply company's last Thursday. He advised that the factory was very nearly caught up on Its orders for Klaxons and was In position to make quantity de liveries. There lias recently been formed the Iowa Itetail Auto Dealers' association with headquarters In Des Moines. Its object Is set forth In letters rcKurdiog the association, sent to Powell Supply company of this city. It has started a monthly publication to be known as "The Iowa Auto Dealer." The association ex presses itself as strongly In favor of bringing out new models the first of the year rather than In mid-season. Clarke O. Powell made an extensive rOund-up of this state last week in the interest of Powell Supply company. He reports a warm welcome from the auto mobjle men in Grand Island, Hastings, Beatrice and Lincoln. The dealers are confident of a tremendous business this fall both on cars and accessories. Thomas Noone has taken over the city sales for Powell Supply company and keeps in close touch with the dealers in this vicinity. - Biggest Month in History Eecorded By Overland Firm Never before In the history of the auto mobile Industry has any manufacturer of medium or high-priced cars equaled the record made in June by the WinyB Overland company. Over 9,000 Overlands were shipped during the month. The June shipments, amounting to 9,010 cars, show an increase of 13 per cent over those of June, 1914, when 8,298 cars left the Toledo factory. In the first six months of the calendar year the com pany has shipped almost as many cars as they did during the entire twelve months of 1914, or practically doubled their last year's output. The previous high water mark In Over land production was in the month of March, when 7,005 cars were shipped. The record hliment for June exceeds these figures by about 30 per cent. This Jump in production la In proportion to the ever increasing demand for the Over land product. English Will Give Out Plans for Park Public Dancing Soon Within a few days Superintendent Kng lish or' the public recreation department will be ready to announce a policy in connection with dancing in the pavilion rf Hauscom park. Tho dancing will be held on the second floor, which has a large covereC porch. Several organizations already have ap plied for evenings. The general plan Is to issue permits to organizations which will be held rtsponslblo far their respec tive evenings. Under this plan, Mr. Fngllah contends, each organization will be zealous to main tain It good name. The members of the recreation board believe it would be advlwable to try out the plan of holding municipal dances twice a week at this pavilion. Theso dances would be supervised and a small admission charge would be made enough to defray actual expenses. KUGEL RETURNS, MUCH IMPROVED IN HEALTH City Commissioner Trnget has returned from Lake Okobojl, much improved in health. His back still bothers him. He Is. however, at his desk again. While at the Iowa lake the commis sioner was buying some chewing gum at the grocery store, when the proprietor remarked: "I see some of your boys from Omaha had their uniforms taken away from them. They were in here buying overalls and staw hats." Mr. Huge learned the storekeeper re ferred to a drill company of Woodmen of the World in camp at Arnold's park. A government officer required the members of this drill team to remove Nebraska National Guard uniforms they were wear ing against federal regulations. A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cast WELL KNOWN DEALER TAKES OVER THE VELIE. 1 k ' . -X Heyn Phot L.E.Doty I K. Doly has been appointed dis tributer for the Velle Motor Vehicle company of Mollne, 111., and will be in charge of all territory In western Iowa ' and Nebraska. Until recently Mr. Ioty j lias been devoting his efforts to tho sale of Uie Chevrolet. Owing to the steady ' growth of tho implement business tho John Deere Plow company has dlscon- , tinued its automobile department and ' will limit Its endeavors to the implement end of the business. A full line of Velle pnrts will be car ried in the Omaha stock at all times and should greatly facilitate the handling of ull such orders from this territory. Fail to Fine Man for Carrying Whisky CLARKSBUIIG, YV. Va July 31.-On the ground that it "would bo cruel and unusual punishment" In the meaning of the national constitution to fine a man $100 and pnt him In Jail for two months for carrying whisky In his pockets, a Jury in a magistrate's court here ac quitted Andrew Tillman of the charge. The charge was made by the prosecuting attorney to test the law, and this was the third Jury which had considered tha case and expressed that opinion. Under the provisions of the Btate prohibition law, the act la made an offense and in curs the same penalties that other liquor law violations do. Tillman, on tiie stand. admitted having the whisky. THE WESTERN DEMURRAGE GOES OUT OF EXISTENCE The Western Pemwrage bureau is now out of existence. The railroads have maintained this bureau for many years for the purpose of adjusting demurrage charges. It la done away with, as a measure of economy and the railroads will take over tho work which it has done. TT.e bureaus at Chicago, Duluth, Minneapolis, Kansas City and many other polnta have been discontinued also. Final action look Inn to this end was taken Friday at a meeting at which all tho railroads wcro represented by the fol lowing men: O. V. Covert, W. L. Ierr, E. Ii Uetts, W. I. Kline. W. D. IJncoln, W. H. Uonn, V. II. Shellburg and H. Kicke. I. R. Van Tuyl was manager of the bureau for eitfht years and has been con nected with It for twenty-three years. Its offices are In tho Nebraska National bank building. Twelfth and Farnam streets. FUNERAL OF MRS. BLAKELEY IS TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY Tho funeral of Mrs. Arthur Plskeley, ri'Cfi Burt street, will be held this afternoon at C o'clock. The pallbcarera will be as follows: John A. Munroe, Wil liam Jeffery and I.oius Helndorff of the I'nlon Pacific railroad, and Itaymond O. Young, exalted ruler, Colonel Thomas Pwohe and I. W. Miner, secretary of the Klks. We are Proud of Our New Home- We are Proud of Our Record-- But what causes us the most pride la the hundreds of successful stu dents of this school. Those students secured thorough training In our old quarters. Dut as the automobile business has grown, and as our students have progressed -so we have been improving until now we are getting settled Into the finest, best equipped building In the entire west used exclusively for teaching the automobile business. We are now in an abtolutely fireproof building modern In every way sanitary handy and NEW. The work shop is large and Just as light as the middle of the street. Each department of this school Is presided over by a specialist Here you get the benefit of the experience of these men and at the tain time you get practical experience of your own In DRIVING. RKPAIU1NC. VULCANIZING, OXY-ACKTYI.KNE WELDING, MACHINE WORK, TINNING and VALVE SETTXNQ. BATTERY and MAG NETO REPAIRING. ELECTRIC STARTING and LIGHTING and very thing that can help you succeed. Our employment and service bureau Is free to our students. Inveutigate this institution, ( all and bee us. If you can't call, write to secretary Nebraska Auto School 2100 Leavenworth. ASK BIDS ON NEW HOSPITALjJHORTLY Board of Regents of State Uni versity Approves Plans for State Hospital to Be Built. BUILDING OF FOUR STORIES Within throe or four weeks bids will lip Invited for the Job of con structing the new state hospital In connection with the University of Nebraska College of Medicine at Forty-second and Harney streets. At a meeting of the Board .of Re pents at Lincoln Friday the plans, as finally prepared by John l.atenser, architect, were approved, and tfte architect was Instructed to proceed with the working plans. This structure is to be located on the present campus at Forty-second and Har ney streets. It will face east on Forty second street, it will stand midway be tween the north and south boundary of the campus and will conform in general stylo of architecture to the present med ical college building, known as the laboi ntory building. Four-Story landing. The plans adopted provide for four stories besides the ground floor. Six wards of sixteen beds each are contem plated. There are to be three receiving rooms on the floor with the operating room. There are to be six groups of isola tion rooms of three beds each. The ground floor Is to be occupied with kitchen, dining rooms, supply rooms, etc. The top floor is to contain the operating suite, consisting of two operating rooms and one operating amphitheater, where students will be instructed In the clinical operating cases. So much interest Is felt over the state in this new state hospital, where the beBt of surgical talent will be employed, largely without cost to the patient, in order that tho state medical students may get the benefit of the lecture accompanying the surgical work, that Inquiries are already reaching the medical school concerning details of how to get into the hospital as a patient. Rome prospective patients are writing in asking for Immediate ad mittance to the hospital, as they have somewhere acquired tho notion that the hospital is already completed. CASE AGAINST M. P. SENT BACK TO THE STATE COURT Federal Judge Walter I. Smith re manded tho case of Nellia O'Donnell, ad ministratrix of tho estate of William M. larrani, against the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railway o the state court in Holt county. It was brought up from that court to the fednrai court on the ground that one of the parties to the suit is a non-restdent of Nebraska. It was remanded on the ground that both parties are non-residents, the plaintiff living in Wyoming and the defendant be ing incorporated under the laws of Ar kansas Under these circumstances, It Is pointed out, a state court Is fitted to rendnr as unpredjudlced a verdict as a federal court. ASK LUTHERA.N LAND CO. BE DECLARED BANKRUPT An echo of an Impracticable scheme for land colonization in California is heard In a bankruptcy petition filed against the Lutheran Colonization company, a con cern with Omaha supporters that tried to establish a large farming community on the Pacific coast several years ago. The company has a suit pending against the Sunset syndicate of California, which "unloaded" the worthless land upon the company for 1334,00. In the present suit John K. Ilclgren claims J18.9T3; ii. M. Southmayd, 13,332; J. A. Lynn, 37.1; H. A. Wahl, 1,37, and Christine Schnitz, SMART BURGLAR MAKES BIG HAUL OF GROCERIES Packet store No. 2fl, located at 41' North Twenty-fourth street, was entered Friday night and considerable merchan dise was stolen. The thief cut out a screen, pried off some bars that were across a window and removed twenty pounds of pork sausage, ten sacks of flour and three sacks of sugar. DISTRICT MANAGER OF VELIE MOTOR VEHICLE CO. i-i: .:. ,! TO i Chas. B. Q ardnep. Owing to the recent change in the ar .ingements of the John leere Plow company, which call for a discontinu ance of the automobile department, Charles R. Cardner has accepted a position as district manager of tho Velle Motor Vehicle company of Mollne, 111. Mr. Gardner was formerly manager of the Omaha automobile department of the John Ieere Plow company. Mr. Gardner will market cars through distributer In the central west, which Includes a por tion of Iowa, .South !akota, Nebraska and Wyoming. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mier fT I. K. I,ln, oln of Lawson Is visiting here. m county ,i;-..lLv?u'.W:.!:hL" ;:! '".e n,r.u in take a vacation trip, week. throuKh v Mtrtlu next Montuna iini C'olorado, Model 32 Wl HE Car The The ECONOMY -- SER VICE BEAUTY at $795 was the slogan of the h'pinitiff onineors, ami you may now buy your first real full-sized six-eylinlT car at less than $1000. All we want you to do is look it over. When you have done that we won't have to use any laudatory terms. Model 38 Large Roomy Four at $1050 I The Lininger Implement Co., Omaha Distributers City Sales Room 2200 Farnam Street Phone Dovglas 109 MRS. RORER TO CALL AGAIN So:ietv .c Arrange for Ifetam E vt t:'i ,rt of Culinary Expert Noxt Year. GIVE SEVERAL LECTURES So greatly did Mrs. Sarah Tyson Ttorer win her Ouutha audience that a band of Wi'ini n, some of Ho m 1 lent II O il with St. Mary's Avenue 'onurei;n1 luiul church, have asm red her return for a eok lu xt May. "V arc not so much interested In her recipes ami enokerv as we aie in her phllosopy of life and her helpful Ideas en tlHitclles." said one of the women In strumental In securing the return en pneement of Mrs. Korcr. The plan is to have Mrs. Korcr give some free lectures and some for which an admission charge will be made, the proceeds to be turned over to a local charity. Among the women who arranged for Mrs. Horer's return are Mesdaines O. H. Payne. Kdward Smith, A. V. Jefferis, J. II. Osborne, II. II. Paldrlgj and K. P. Peck nnd Miss Ada Alexander. An earlier date was sought by the local women, but tho popular culinary expert has engagements until then. Arrange ments for her return were completed FVl day afternoon. SPECIAL TRAIN TUESDAY FOR THE EASTERN PRINTERS The Chicago Typographical union spe cial will arrive in Omaha next Tuesday morning at 11:30 and leave at 13:15. This train will go over the I'nlon Pacific to Colorado Springs, then through the Hoyal Gorge to Fait Ijjko City, then on the Salt I,ako Line 'llrect to Ixa A nudes. Tills train will be tho largest making the trip, and will carry the north and mlddln west delegates' and visitors to tho con vention city. A number of printers known to the craft in Omaha will be on this train. Apartments, Jiats, nounos and cottages can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent." Which Has Given 0 New Oakland 70 Motordom a Real Sensation.... Wc do not claim to have the best car on the market that would be impossible at the price. Doubtless some of the high priced cars are more elaborate, but this is an age of service and economy. New Oakland Six Shouts Defiance at All Moderate Priced Cars W - ":.- EXINGTON THE THOROUGHBRED SIX A Car Which Not Only Had But HAS a Reputation Every car has a sales policy and a sales campaign which des ignates the class of buyers to which It will cater. So hare we. We want tho iimn who has owned a car1 who has driven a car who has paid for Its upkeep who has kept an accurate check upon adantace and disadvantages To this man we can offer something which will appeal to his Judgment. This is simply fol lowing the easier course. The merit of the car will sell It, and why should we senrch for a more fertile or appreciative field than the man who knows? THE OMAHA LEXINGTON CO. OMAHA Phone Douglas 3142 2205 Farnam Street. BULLETIN 7"w."fT 1 1 i ..... .. 1 r1 g),,,,,, , It's Here Now The New Oakland Six This is the Car We Have Uarged Yoa to Wait For Model 32, $795 Condensed Specifications Body -Five-passenger tour ing cur, two-passenger roadster. Motor Oakland-Nortbway, six-cylinder. , Frame Pressed steel. Front Axlo I-beam, drop forged. Hear Axle Full-floating, one bearing. Spring Front, Seml-elllp-tlc. Rear, Three-quarters elliptic, underslung. Coollnv Circulating,, cen trifugal pump and fan. Oiling Circulating splash system, sight feed on dunh. "rhnrtor Marvel. Outcli Cone type, ball brining release shoe. Transmission Sliding gear, selective type. i nirwm " ' ' -s 1 ' -ty 3 She 1 BOARD (Starting, Lighting and Igni tion Remy. Storage Battery WUlard. Drive Hotchklss. Brake Service, external contracting; emergency, Internal expanding. Kteerinu Gear Irreversible) type, 17-inch steering wheel. Control Center, ball type, left-hand drive. Wheels Artillery type, de mountable rim. Tires 32x3 H, non-skid on rear. Whelbsjte 110 Inches. Gasoline System Oakland Stewart Vacuum System, gasoline tank in rear. Tank Capacity Gasoline, 12 gallons; Oil, 1 gallon. 11 ii