Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 13-A, Image 12

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Long Watched For Oakland Appears
f ;'.XHS---;sir-'.
OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: At. Til ST 1, 1!)13.
m .ejt T- V ' 1 TT i f 1 n I P(;. '"1,l"w"''- ' !
Stf J . ..VBw.- & M .-'V- . ' v I sav
HiL : Av. t;?
l'rtdoy afternoon had all the ear muika
of a half holiday at the l.lnlntjer Imle
,ment coniany's mnln office, located at
Sixth and Tarlflc street. Kerly In the
lafternnon word wm received that a car
'containing three 1916 Oakland Six auio
Imohtlea waa being hurni-d through the
arda to the unloading track of the Iin
)nger Implement company. Kvcrjr one
rho could leave hla lek Joined the
throne of anxlotia watchers and lined up
along the track.
After many anxious momenta the car
,cam. into sight, but wlng to the fact
that the unloading track was occupied
the aulo rn could not te al'Sed for
unload'nr, and was I ut -n the adjotntnt
track., Thla was too murh for twenty
three anxious dealern, who had decided
to wait and tee tho new Oakland model.
The "curiosity bug" finally got the bet
ter of W. 11. Haad, secretary of tho
Llnlnger Implement company, and ho
broke the car seal. The door was hardly '
open before i. A. Cullen. who Is in charge
of the retail end of the buslnt.", waa at
the steering wheel of the neaiest car,
convincing hlmelf that there waa plenty
of room for his legs.
The cur was finally spotted and un
loaded. Everyone connected with the
sales end of the business seemed very
much pleased and confident that they had
chosen wiFcly. Fred l lercc of Oakland,
la., and Leo NlapM of Plymouth, Neb.,
who are the oldeat dealers in this terri
tory and have handled the Oakland since
1909, said. "It's the best yet." Mr. Pierce
drove here from Oakland In a forty
horsepower Oakland and the old car
seemed to move alonp nlreiy In spite of
tho fact that It was couted with mud,
due to tbe recent trip over bad roads.
(Thrilling Experiences of Man and
Family Getting Out of
Louis R. Brand, his wife and two
boys, aged t and 7, have arrived In Los
'Angeles from war troubled Bonora after
jmany thrilling experiences and giving
full credit for escaping with their lives
tj the dependency of their King Eight
Mr. Brand hag mining Interest In the
country where the Yaqul Indiana are
tn the warpath. Although his presence
as neoded at the mines, hla Interest In
the Uvea of hla wife end children was
srreater. To have remained looked like
Cure death. Mr. Krand was prevailed
.upon to make a dash for safety In his
(motor car. The country he would be
forced to drive over for California was
Infested with hostile Indians, eager for
Una whlta man's scalp.
Attacked by Indians.
One hundred and fifty miles stretched
from the mine to the border, over roads
eldom used, through deep sand and
Kcross malapal washes. Accident to the
King would have been fatal for the
kartr for the Indiana would not have al
lowed them to escape. Only once were
they attacked. That waa In crossing a
long stretch of sandy desert about fllty
knlles from the mine. A email group of
IVaquis approaching from a side road suw
khe car coming and then began , a race
(to see who would reach the cross-road
first. The Indians had only a little way
to go, and the motorist more than a mile,
ut the eight-cylinder under the hood of
the King responded nobly to the demand
ind the car crossed the distance In little
nore than a minute.
One of the Indians tried a long range
t hot with hla rifle, but the bullet whir
led harmlessly over the heads of the
arty. It was a thrilling ride, wfth ruts
nd chuckholea often disregarded, and
(11 speed possible was made.
Maxwell Now $655;
No Radical Changes
The latest of the 1916 models in auto
mobiles has Just reached Omaha. It Is
the Maxwell, advertised as the "won
der car," because of the unusual good
records for durability and low cost to
The tendency to reduce price among
automobile manufacturers generally the
coming season la emphasised by the new
Maxwell. With complete equipment. In
cluding electric starter and electric
lights, the flve-paasenger touring model
Is priced at fttS. f- o. b. Detroit.
There seems to be no radical change,
mechanically. Maxwell engineers claim
that the success of their product would
not be so marked If each new model
represented a new Idea In construction.
A proven product, they contend, should
not be changed uniess some new feature
Is perfected that will prove beneficial be
yond any doubt
To the ordinary eye the new Maxwell
la more handsome and has the appear
ance equal to that of many higher-priced
automobiles. From the new-shaped rad
iator to the back of the rear seat It Is a
true stream-line design. There la more
room both In the driving compartment
and In the tonneau, three people being
able to sit In the rear acat with com
fort. The upholstery Is really luxurious
and there are many minor features that
add to comfort Included In the equipment
that often are overlooked by many manufacturers.
There's a reason
why a new car
attracts your attention.
You don't ee the motors
from the outside, but still It
looks better and xm want It.
Following a year of marked success
With the Type 61. Its first eight cylinder
tar, the Cadillac Motor Car company an
nounces the second of the eight cllnder
aeries, to be known as Type W. without
radical change tn mechanical design or
Consequently, the second Cadlllao Eight
Is, to all practical Intents, a continuation
Lt the first; and the Cadillac company
iiaai again achieved the unusual In the
tnotor car Industry. Almost invariably,
the automobile manufacturer discovers,
luring the first year's experience with a
type of car new to him that there Is
room for many Improvements in the sec
ond year's production. The opposite Is
(true of the Cadlllao and Its eight-cylinder
car. The company began the manu
facture, s year ago, of a type of car
entirely new to the American Industry.
fThere were no precedents to serve as
brulde posts; no previous experiences to
Uhich to refer. The company was pioneer
ing In a virgin field.
It has frequently been said (hat It Is
(doubtful If any other concern In the
Industry could have scored such a marked
buoceaa on a new car which Introduced
Much a radical departure from prevail
ing practice.
The eight-cylinder car met with In
ptant and continued success. When the
manufacturing year closed a few weeks
(ago, 13.0U0 of the new type had been put
,tnto use. No shortcoming had been de- 1 i
(veloped throughout the year. No reason 3
(for marked change tn mechanical con- mm
tructlon was made manlfeat by con- J3
itlauous everyday use of the car. It watt H
'.all that had been expected of It, and
.more. 1
i ,
A New Auto Top
It must be the new clean, well-kept appearance
don't you think -which pltaset your eye?
That's Just, What It Is
Why do n't you
spruce up your car?
There's a lot of sat
isfaction in a clean,
trim job and we can
do it.
Come In and see us. We will
give you some startllnrlr low
New Slip Covers
Western Auto Top Co.
Phone Douglas 3558
1915-23 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
.rt t-titi ;-iivsy t-ttni tttvfi iisv ,.vsyp,j.,t,t a, it
. EM denes of the prosperity of the auto
mobile Industry In general and of the 4
Paige-Detroit Motor Car company In
particular, la disclosed In the news thai
the Paige directors have made arrange
ments (or the Increase of their capital Zl
Stock August t front $irt.000 to tl.000.OUO,
This action was taken at a recent meet-' 1
log of the directors, when the payment M
of the regular monthly cah dividend 3
tit 10 per cent was ordered.
That a scarcity of flrjt class leather!
tiphoujtery for automobiles exists, la !
emphatically denied by Jumea B. Itellly,
secretary of the Patent and Enamelled :
Leather Manufacturers' association, with
'headquarter in Boston. Mr. Rt lily's as-;
oclatlon comprises thirty of the thirty
Seven firms engaged In the Industry and
the story sent broadcaat recently that
good leather was hard to obtain. Is ridt
exaled In his recent statement
Your Old
Tires . Away
You can get be
tween 2,500 and 7,
000 mile 9 out of
two of your old fire
by u$ing the New
Perry Eureka Double Tread
80x3 a2.7a
80x3 4 a.uo
23H 8.00
Kir Pile
SsxUH tS.M
80(4 S.50
83x4 4.00
Price list on annllcatlnn
Make them Puncture Proof. Oil Proof and Weather Proof.
Ferry's Eureka Double Tread Tire Co.
127 South Main St. Plume llUck 721. Council Bluff, U.
A New
Eight-Cylinder Cadillac
THE new Eight-Cylinder Cadillac is ushered in on tho heels of tho most impressive
success ever recorded in tho motor car industry.
It follows a car which ha? entrenched itself in a positive position of pre-eminence.
Tho wholo country now knows that tho number of cars which are even candidates
for comparison with tho Cadillac, has been narrowed down until they can be counted
on tho fingers of ono hand.
Tho country no longer asks if the Cadillac is as fino a car ns some other; but in
quires, instead, what other cars compare with the Cadillac and how.
If public opinion could bo translated into a few simple words, it would doubtless
result in tho statement that there never has been a motor ear equal to the Cadillao
Eight either in performance or in stability.
It is this kind of n car this one example of V-type efficiency, demonstrated by a
year's experience which the new Cadillac succeeds.
It succeeds a car which many thousands cf people believe to have been the beat
car which the world had yet produced.
The new Cadillac is the fruit of experience, acquired in the building of 13,000 V
typo Eights, and of their service in the hands of 13,000 users.
YTe believe that in this new car the V-typo engine is developed to a point of excel
lence wliich even the most conscientious etfort to equal, cannot reach in many and
many a day.
A yenr ago the Cadillac Company was blazing new paths of progress.
It pioneered new principles and new processes, pushing them to a point of cer
tainty before its first V-type engine was marketed.
Nothing can take the place of that hard and painstaking period of invention, selec
tion, rejection, adjustment and adaptation.
As a result, there is but one V-type standard based on extended experience; that is
the Cadillac standard. ;
Tliero is but one V-type criterion based on a demonstrated certainty; that is tho
Cadillao criterion.
It is obvions, therefore, that the first Cadillac Eight is the source from which V
type development must borrow its inspiration.
And in that fact lies an exceedingly important consideration.
In the pioneering process to which we have referred, the problems solved were pe
culiar to Cadillac construction.
They referred to that intimate relation between all the parts and all the processes
of manufacture which make for a harmonious whole.
The Cadillac transmission and the Cadillac clutch to cite only two of a number
of features were developed with direct reference to the requirmnts of the Cadillao
V-type engino and the Cadillac car.
Their adoption by other makers may or may not be successful.
It is not the V-type engine, merely as a type, which has proven such a triumphant
success, but tho Cadillac Eight-Cylinder V-type engine, built into a Cadillac chassis
according to Cadillac ideals and as Cadillac artisans know how to build it.
That is what ire meant when we said nothing can take the place of Cadillac expe
rience in building 13,000 cars. '
That Is why wo do not believe that the equal of this new Cadillac Eight will exist
for many a long day.
The first Cadillac Eight furnishes, for those who would emulate its excellence, the
one certain source of V-type information based on extended exjerience.
And tho second Cadillac Eight, with that wonuderful experience to build upon,
naturally and logically marks an advance over the initial achievement.
There are no doubts or uncertainties about it.
Its advantages and virtues are all clear and positive and plain.
It has taken tho one safe V-type criterion and carried it to the highest pitch.
It is twelve months away 13,000 cars away from the least or last element of
Its pro-eminence cannot consistently be questioned.
In the face of the widespread adoption of the vory principles which produced that
pre-eminence, its leadership is not even a subject for discussion.
"We believe that the new Eight-Cylinder Cadillac embodies the most practical
oombinatioD of all 'round efficiency.
No really desirable qualities are sacrificed in order that some less essential- -which
provide more spectacular, but empty 'talking points" may be exploited.
We believe that it possesses a maximum of the worth-v. liile characteristics whicu
the most exacting motorist wants in his car power, speed, smoothness, flexibility,
ease of operation, dependability and endurance,
, "We repeat again we do not believe the equal of this now Cadillao exists.
And we do not believe that it can or will exist for a Ions time to come.
Other styles: Five passenger Balon I II SO. Road. ter I21&0 Three passenger Victoria $500 Five passenger Brougham $3050.
Seven passenger Limousine 13560. beven passenger Berlin 11700. Prices Include standard equipment, F. O. B. Omaha.
Cadillac Company of Omaha, Distributers
2060 Farti.m St CEO. F. Reim, Pr. DougUi 4225