THE UMAUV SUNDAY W-'.K: AlUlST 1, 1SH. V Big Pierce Arrow Truck Travels Across Country 13 A' OMAHA AUTOMOBILE CLUB !Preiident George Had Twelve Teams Working Drawing the Roads Around Omaha Thursday. TOUBISTS HAVE HARD TIME "Many of the TvoiiHhy pntrrn motorist tourinir overlaml aic lrnvlnu ihrlr x pwrmlve $G.OO nnd W crrx in the ttrn. nnd buying cln np i .ir for We trip to t li coast, with t hp intention of;nu as dorm reaching P .n l'i nnc-lsi o for vh;u they enn Kt," pmIU J I,. UkM-r of N( York City, ho I.- on hi? wav ! k to tho latter place. "The August isvrr of the Omaha Auto mobile club Motor N f Mill contain very valuable net'.:- t:.l trip with mrn 1 anrt log," rvmarkert Strritary t'lnrke Powoll In Kpcak.nir f the mutter of end trlf. "Tie i.itp ll rhow yiu es ac.tly how to n't there nnd the loa !'! tell you where to eat your noor.d.iy Imvh and where to look for the prctth-al sp"t alonpr the trip." toll chnrse. In licve me'" r marked X. I.. Jik.r of Iloston, n fi riini? to the $.".60 toll fee cl.niM.d by the :mt;i ! for all aiitoinotMles crns?;nn their r .- 1 1 -mad brldire at Yuma. Ariz. "Wby. thtiv are about thirty or foity michineo a (biy rroaaing that IvIiIkc nnd eu inn just "oo the profit, l,;.r prolit. it In lirinj; lnK In." "Teg, the old doctor wonted me to i limb the Himalaya with .Mm," renin i ked John ft. Brmlley, the famous New York big Rnme hunter and Antic explorer, who hlprxd hl car to Ie:ivrr Inst wiek; "hut I'm Keltinir ovet most of niy dnrln atiint all but plowing thrcr.iuli mu.lriy roads, and this overland toiirimt is cer tainly gome sporting chance." Stroud Offrrn MticMii. Chairman T. K. Stroud or the nood rola committee, donated the ime of nil trading machinery for the proper flxinif of the road on the approach to SjuIiik' park. South Omaha. Mr. Cheek of the club directorate, will raioe a hnlf-dozen teams In South Omaha and supervise the work. "Talk about an.swerlow ciuistlons." lalifrhed Secretary Clarke Powell, "well, we certainly have them fired at lis over the telephone. A woman called up last week and eald she wan point over into Iowa on a trip and wouldn't lie back for two days, but she wanted to know If It would rain before sho got back." "Thlrty-threo new members in one week," smiled Gould Dietr, treasurer. "I think I can gee that cherished l.oni membership pretty goon. Kvery motorist In the city who is at all Interested In fcood rouds should drop around to tho club room and sign an application blank for membership In the fastest urowlnK club In the city that's us." "Every little detour has a nieunlnjf all lis own," laughed 'William Borxln, who stopped off In funaha Inst week on his way back to Boston. "Kain has put dirt roods strictly on tho p-u double unk. Hut Nebraska roads on the average are tandinK It unusually well. Why, gomo of tho far western roads and far eastern roads are so rotten that your p.iads look like boulevards In comparison. The little old detour Is having Its day, and some day it will be a real grown-up road, just like the main highways." "Please use your Influence with tho weather man," someone wrote on the bulletin board at the club room. Colonel Welsh seems to be an unreasonable man, or else he has a grudge against automo biles. "Gumbo, gumbo, what Is this gumbo," asked an eastern visitor. "Why," smiled a native, "it's something like chewinff cum." Our registrations have fallen off during the last two weeks on account of old J. Pluvlus and his water wagon occupy ing the highways. "A handsome Automobile club cur pen nant will be given to every member bringing In a new member, and also, the new member will get a pennant during the month of August," remarked Secre tary Powell. "Tho pennants are In Ak-Sar-Ben colors and vill be about the (handsomest thing In a rhih line In the -t;.'. We have orders already for at least two dozen." ! : l I 'I VI f THE HOME CFfAlSTAfF BEER. '?V iillH HENRY ROHIPF ilr iiai DISTRIBUTOR i ill :f 4 it A beautifully Illuminated auto truck t are illuminated by T.2 Tungsten tampe of , kcIch a short time mo he immediately ft rto. ,.B rw.u u An. K fl.., ..lltM-.,t,f ' .... . W... has been seen Hround the streets or -. , . . I Ih-Iiik Kiipplied from a fifty-cell storage Omaha for the last two weeks showing ... . , , . ... battery which is chaixed every night mi embossed re,.rod.ictlon of Irop s Tne ,.ar a r,,,rt. Arrow ,rllrk an nrewivy on either side with the famous I...- ..II .....h . ... ...... IVlw-a. Lemp's shield on the rear. These pictures Henry Ilohlff saw the csr in. Los An- set about to have it brought to Omana for either the Siiengerfcst or for the tall ffstlMil. It arrived for the former and caused considerable comment, ns It was driven through the streets. Saxon Dealers Make Remarkable Records in Economy Drives Keports of records made by 105 Saxon "Siva" in n tuition-wide economy driv ing Indicate that new records In economy will be established by tho ears that entered. Complete records of the performances and announcement of the winner will be made within a week by the iH-troit newspaper men who are act Ing as judges. lespltc- the fact that the runs started over roads mode muddy hv almost two1 days' steady ruin, the general average made by the ltiu coniKting dealers was better than twenty miles per gallon of gasoline. Oil consumption was corre spondii'gly low. Reports reci lved thus far tell of un usual records made by C. V. Seward of Kokoino, Ind., and K. 11. June of Illng hamton, X. Y., both of whom drove through from Detroit to their home towns anil averaged better than twenty six miles to the gallon of gasoline all tho way. It is announced that II. Ross Marldocks of Boston has been awarded the special prize riven to the dealer covering the longest distance In his drive. Mr. Mad- docks drove to Boston, making Ml miles. and averaging twenty miles per gallon of gnsoKne all the v. ay. He made a nonstop run from Buffalo to Boston. NEW ASSISTANT MANAGER OF LOCAL FORD BRANCH. Rent rooms quick wltri a Bee Want Ad. VU 1 x . ' V'f I i i - : I I V . rv f) 11 Big Demand for New Models of the Paige Chicago's demand on the Pnlge-IVtrolt Motor Csr comiwny for July deliveries ot the ism edition of the Paige big six totals 1X1 cars. That many buyers are now clamoring in the office of the Chicago distributor for Immediate delivery and , there is every Indication that this eoll j lug pace will be treatly Increased before j the season Is much further advanced. I "The Chicago situation Is only one In cident In the selling rush that set In Im mediately folowing our recent announce ments." said Henry Krohn. sales man ager of the Palge-Petrolt Motor Car com pany. "We have been absolutely over whelmed with orders, telegrams, tele phone calls and visits from eager deal ers. H Is the biggest demand, the keen est and most insistent, In our history. The orders are for both our seven ps Fenger big six nnd our new model, the five passenger light six. till: l&tiiiL& ANNOUNCEMENT, The? following prices f.o.b. Detroit, effective Aug. 2, 1915 : Ford Runabout $390.00 Ford Touring Car 440.00 Ford Town Car . 640.00 No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise car fully equipped. There can be no assurance given against an advance in these prices at any time. We guarantee, however, that there will be no reduction in these prices prior to Aug. 1, 1916. Profit-Sharing with Retail Buyers On August 1, 1914 we made the announcement that if we could make and Bell at retail 300,000 Ford cart between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915 we would share profits with the retail pur. chasers, to the extent of from $40 to $60 on each car. We have sold over 300,000 Ford cars in the time specified, and profit-sharing checks of $50 each will be distributed as rapidly as possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed us their profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed, should do so without delay. Our plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars during 1914-15 has been most successful. We thoroughly believe in it, but, realizing the uncertainty of conditions generally makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future profit-sharing until a later date. We are, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for several months, and therefore can offer no profit-sharing for cars 'delivered during August. September and October, 1915. . DETROIT V .C. Stubba Big Per Cent of All Cars to Be Made Next Year Are 4-Cylinder "Notwithstanding the great hue and cry which la being raised by the expo nents of multiple cylinder cars, the fact remains that S3 per cent of the auto mobiles to be produced in 1116 will be of the four-cylinder type," say a local dealer. Of this large majority 75 per cent will be of the L-head type that la to say, aa opposed to the so-called con trasting type. The four-cylinder motor, for many reasons, la Mill the taost efficient and simple for all the practical purposes ot motor propulsion. It is a fact well known to engineers that the flexibility apparent in cars with six, eight and twelve cylin ders is not entirely due to the motor. Inquiry will show that the gear ratios play a very important role in the perfect torqua obtained at slow speeds. A high speed multiple cylinder engine in con nection with low gear ratios is a com bination that will cause the average mo torist many anxious moments. Every cylinder that is added must, of necessity, increase tho weight of tho car and add to the consumption of oil and gasoline. Extra cylinders also add to the complication of the motor and by doing so shorten Its life. Kxperts in me chunical construction will invariably choose a simple design in preference to a complicated one, for they know from long experience that the greater the number of parts the greater the ten dency toward wear and short life. t The New Allen We have cars on hand for immediate delivery Standard Motor Car Co. CARL CHANGSTROM, Mgr. Douglas 1705. 2010 Farnam St. SOME HONOR TO CARE FOR THE GOODYEAR GOAT. Leading the districts of the Goodyear Tire and Rubher company in amount of business for the month carries with it the honor of entertaining the Unodycnr Coat. To receive It as a prize Is the ambition uf each district manager. The fioodyeur Coat 14 neither fiction nor allegorical figure, it is a really, truly, sure-enoush go:it. with whiskers, horns andyes, fragrance In token of lta chief characteristic, the radiance of sweet-smelling savors, it hss hcen de nominated "Violet." although it is not that kind of a goat. It has been jug-. Rested that "Sweet William'' would be an appropriate name, as It ould then le as-; soclated with flowers. It needs the af sociation. A ttammer (navh Harts the I. anus. Tr. Hell's l'lne-Tar-Money stops the Cough and prevents your cold getting worse. Its guaranteed, (inly IV. All ajruggista Advertiseme" ' is." V"-. f 1'. ' 1 t " v l PNEUMATIC NON.SKID PUNCTURE 'PROOF Even if you yourself haven't used Ie Puncture-Proof Pneumatic Tires, you will have no trouble in finding plenty of your motoring; friends who have- Ask them what satisfaction they have had. These tires are guaranteed , Pneumatic Yet Puncture-Proof Write "P. P. us for descriptive booklet, ah Jiwx In " . . . - .. . lOAri r. i . j ., ui ui'i iu bi uui niuie l"M T71. . ...-.!-. . I ....... .1 I rmnaiiii, eiaiuiue iiir-ae nuiiuruui mcs and let us show you records tbey have made during the past four years. POWELL SUPPLY COMPANY OMAHA HUDS0N IS r $1350jF ! NEW MODEL HUDSON SALES First Two Days, 1041 Sold First Ten Days. 3480 Sold tlL jHlllti See How Hudson Sixes Are Selling It Breaks All Sales Records on Class Cars The deluge of demand for this new-model HUD SON has amazed every man concerned. The Opening Days June 14th and 15th packed every HUDSON showroom. In those two days men paid for HUDSONS over $1,400,000. During the first ten days 3480 cars were sold There has never been anything known to compare with it in the records of high-grade cars. Records of 21 Months - This new-type HUDSON, bear In mind, Is only 21 months old. Before that, men who bought high grade Sixes paid $2250 up. And their cars weighed up to 4500 pounds. The first model of this new-type HUDSON sold for $1750, and weighed under 3000 pounds. It cut fuel and tire cost in two. Never once on that model could we catch up with orders. Next season we doubled production and brought the price to $1550. That model last summer was 4000 cars oversold. Now again we have doubled production, and brought the price to $1350. And again the demand exceeds output Now Everybody's Choice Now this new HUDSON, among high class Sixes, is nearly everybody's choice. No real rival is in sight And this type of car the Light Six type dominates the quality field. There was a time when many a car claimed to be "much like the HUDSON." But the HUDSON kept adding refinements Within 20 months it brought out 51 distinct improvements. In the same time it dropped $100 in price, because of the multi plied output Now no car is like HUDSON, and nobody think so. There is not today. In the whole field of Sixes, a comparable value, That's the reason for this HUDSON flood. Three More Innovations This new model brings out three more big at tractions: The Yacht -Line Body Lustrous Finish More Room and Luxury One means the handsomest bodv lines ever shown in a car. One means a finish Dri'tnt and enduring. In the finish, exclusive to HLJSONS, every coat is baked on in enormous ovens. The equipment for it cost us $100,000. The tonneau Is roomier, the rear seat Is wider. There are two seats which disappear. The cushions are deep and comfortable. The upholstery Is enam eled leather. A leather-bound top-piece surrounds the whole body. These complete 51 refinements made since this car came out And they place this new HUDSON among the finest cars buift Pick Your Car Now The time Is surely coming, if this sale continues, when men who want HUDSONS can't get them. It has come again and again in the past 21 months. And this season, in this class you will find no second choice. You will find nothing to satisfy after seeing this HUDSON. If you want early delivery on a new car, now is the time to decide on it. 7-Passertger Phaeton or S-Passenger Roadster, $1350, Lab. Detroit. New Cabriolet, $1630 HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY DETROIT. MICHIGAN Best of all HUDSON features Is th match Uss HUDSON aervka. Ws'll explain it when you come. GUY L. SMITH "SERVICE FIRST " 2563 Farnam Street Corner of 26th Street Omaha, Nebraska Mi . 4 ft i