Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Friday, July 30, 1915.
J ttORSE RACING ! attractlBf much, attention these days from Omaha
I J folks mho are fond of harness con test for their own sake, or who
JL JL lsdly welcome any diversion from the monotony of the usual form
of nurnmer entertainment.
Although the races which the Omaha Driving club will hold the last
three days of next week will be In the nature of a novelty In Omaha, equine
speed contests are one of the oldest sports In existence, and have always
claimed the admiration of prominent people of many lands. I can remem
ber when Omaha was all worked up orer the horse shows.
A number of boxes In the grandstand at East Omaha hare already
been reset-red with Mr. O. AT. Smith, secretary of the Omaha Driving club.
Some of the box parties will be as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook will entertain Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Cald
well, Miss Louise White and Mr. Channlng Jordan.
With Mr. and Mrs. George A. Roberts will be Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry
and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Roberts of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters wilt be hosts to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns
and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Teters.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Buckingham will entertain Mr. and Mrs. J,
Foster and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wllklns.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Wright will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. 8
Wilson, Mrs. F. II. Frahm and Mrs. L. E. Doty.
Party at Fort Crook.
Miss Kstherine Km save a swimming
party at hw home In Fort Crook yester
day.. Th guests Included:
Mi wo i Ml
ICllsebeth Crawford, Msrjorl ("a vera.
Florence Rily, Katharine kerlln
Helen. Van lien. ef I'o'innl Hltifrs,
tlnMchen liSpgdnn, AdU Keellne
Immthv Xlrmngrr. rf Council Mluffe,
;nh Brtttr, Porolhy Clark.
. JMiidiwI Cofttng,
Mnr- Mers
jMvld Herver, ' Hevld Crawford,
; Henry rnt lo FY.fth
' of Council Blliffa, of Council Bluffs,
Jmil Klpllnger, J"k Foock
j(u4 , of CVum H Bluffs,
Ixiuia Hoe Jack Se'r.rd,
of Council Bluff. Kelr.h Ufr.
Harold isughrty, Ale Crawford,
'Fleaiorei Past
The members Jolly Ole club
were enterUlned Wednesday afternoon
fry Mra. Mardn Puaarman at her horns.
The rooma wer profuely decorated with
daffodlla and rtsUles. The afternoon waa
spent In gemes, and the prises were
swarded to Mesdsme P- R warts, A.
Jlsrrts and H. C. Had. 'Thoa present
A. Harrla.
8. Raymond,
John I Nleerft,
II. C. Read,
H. Pwsrt.
T.. Hlrrhlietim.
i. Rosenberg,
A. U Traaler,
.V V. Weiss.
Ft. Adler.
Martin Pugarnian.
Oertrude Read,
A large number of the members of tha
t". B. Grant Women'a Relief Corps were
entertained Wedneaday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mra. John Newman In
honor of Mr. Newman's slater, Mrs. Annie
K. Itnbhlna, Mlaa Vivian Itobbins and
Mr. Kmery K. Wllllama of KaJamaaoo,
Mich. Mlaa Vivian Robblns and Mr.
Kmery Wllllama gave a number of In
strumental solos during the afternoon.
At Happy Hollow Club.
A email 1'iwhwn party today at the
Jiapny Hollow Hub was composed of:
Mr. C. F. Hubbard.
Mlsaea Mleses
Helen Cheanav, tllVty Ooodman, .
Joule hnnw-den, Hetty Holnvui.
nrrla Julnn, Olive Ferguson,
Mr. h. Marahatl will have four guest
at rtmer Saturday evening at the Happy
'Jtnl'ow dub; W. C. rraser, two, and T.
T. I'ui'tann, twe.
Parties for Boosters' Day.
Bonnier day at tha ball park Friday,
AuauBt , la Interesting society fans snd
ji'-ar-fun theae days. The game la to be
en I'nuaually Interesting one and will be
T-'ayed with Penver. Mlaa ITreneee Horn
eteiler. reigning queen of Ak-Bar-Ben,
vlil entertain a party of frlanda at tha
ranie and Mlaa Ethan Adams and Mrs.
. Kafherlne Monahan wlil entertain for
eight or ten guest". The women folks
are all anxloua to e Jo Btecher In
hie exhibition.
Tournament Monday.
The Auguat tournament of the Omaha
Woman's Oolf aaaorlatlnn will be held
at the Happy Hollow club Monday,
Auguat I. Luncheon will ba aerved at
11 o'clock and the game will ba a match
play agalnat woman's bogey.
Dinner Thursday.
Mrs. Max Flo how gava a dinner party
at her hom Thvraday evening In honor
of the everiitlva committee of tha Con
cordia Hinging aoplety. A large tiaaket
of eoamoa decorated the table, and cov
ers were placed for:
Mr. snd Mra. M. Flothow.
Mra. Henry flreat.
Meeara Meeara
O. W. lcken, John Boetl.
Mlaaea-. Mleaea
FSmtnn Vllke. lorothea Hlnrtnha.
Margaret Hoekhoff, Hophle Hoekl(-ff.
At the Field ClubT"
Mr. and Mra. K. A. Ralrd will give a
dinner of aeven cover thla evening at
tha Field club.
In"nnera will he given Saturday eve
ning at the, Field club by C. F. Fchwage-r.
who will entertain eight gueata, and
Harry C. Nicholeon, who will also have
eight rueate,
Snrpriied by Friendi.
Mlaa Clara Kngelhardt was aurprlaed
by a number of her friend a Wedneaday
evening. The evening was apent In play
ing gamea snd dancing. Thoae preaent
ware: '
Ninety-Nine-Tear Lease Secured for
Site of the Present World
Herald Building;.
Another ninety-nine year lesse
which means a substantial bualness
block In the business section of
Omaha, has just been negotiated.
This is the property now occupied
and soon to be abandoned by the
.U'orld-Herald, Numbers 1410-12-14
Farnam street. An eastern theatri
cal syndicate, the name of which Is
not. yet divulged, has obtained the
lease through negotiations with
George & Co., and la prepared to
erect a substantial building there to
be occupied principally by a high
class moving picture concern, but to
hare eeveral store rooms also.
Thla property has a M-foot front on
Famam street snd la 1X2 feet deep. The
eyndlcata ha depoaited a sum of ear neat
money and haa given aaaurance that
wrecking operation on the old buildings
preparatory to the conatructlon of the
new are to begin by about March 1, or
aa soon a the present oecupenta of the
building will vacate.
Omaha Coming- My,
One of the membera of the syndicate
la quoted aa aaylng that In hta opinion
Omaha la faal coming to Its own, and la
at preaent one of the beat cltlea In the
While figure on the ground valuation
or the per cent of rental are not mad
public, It is said that the tranaactton
when the ground value and building are
combined repreaente a quarter ef a mlU
Three separate leases are involved In
the traneactlon, as the ground Is the
property of three Individuals and aetata.
The west 22 feet were leased from the
Andrew J. Hansrom eatate. The middle
tl feet were laaaed from Charlea Orue-
nig. and the east 23 feet from William
Morgan of Loa Angela.
Clara Holm,
I.oulae Kempf,
Irene 8chnell,
liOla Clark,
Marlon Kerr,
Frank Pmlth, .
HHMard tlnlbrnnk,
William Jankowpkl,
Fa ul JacohiM.
Ruth Collins,
Kern Pchnell, Johneon,
Clara Kngelhardt, .
l-eura Rtihe.
Clark Noble.
Jiillua Johnaon,
Wllklnaon Arlama.
Arthur Englehardt,
Mr. and Mra. Kngelhardt.
jura, m. t unon. .
Personal Mention.
Mr. Halleck Roae returned Wedneaday
from a two month' nnjoufn In California.
Mra. Charle Frankenberg left Wed
neaday evening for Chicago, Wauaau,
Wis., and the lake for a vlalt of
two or three weejta.
Mr. and Mr. C. II. Mullen. Mr. and
Mra. R. K. Flatter snd Master Robert
Mullen bae. returned from a ten days'
suto trip lo Chicago.
Mra. Alvlu Johnaon. accompanied by
her two chllclren, will leave this evening
for Clear Water I -a lie, Minn. Mr. John
aon, who haa been at Rochester, Minn.,
will Join Mra, Johnaon at the lake for
the remainder of the summer.
Creighton Home for
Working Girls Will,
Bo Ready in October
The Creighton Home for Working Olrla
at Twenty-flrat and Davenport Is to open
In October. That la. If the preaent plan
of the board of truatee go through. Th
management of thla building will prob
ably be In the hand of one or two per
aona under the direct eupervielon of the
board of truatee. John A. MrShane. who
was a truatee of the new building from
the flrat, haa now realgned, since he ha
een it lately through om of the litiga
tion in connection with the Creighton
will that bequeathed it. W. J. Coad ha
been elected member of the board.
Mrs. Rorer Deals Body Blow to Or
dinary White Bread Uf
Table Use.
l.cmon meringue, mock charlotte,
French floating islsnd, Roman pie,
l.'uti h peach pudding and other de
lectable concoctions took form under
the skillful fingers of Mra. Sarah Ty
.n ft orer, culinary expert, who gave
'the ltfit of her series of cookery talks
'and demonstrations at tha Orchard
. liheim store yesterday.
) Jome-md bread, "th kind mother
1M1 to make." received a decided blow
from Mr. Rorer. "Homa-mad bread I
.an abomination." declared Mr. Rorer,
"unlf f It la mad of whole wheat flour
jand i fere from all yeaet-plant fermenta
tion. The white bread that I on every -
,na table haa no relation to God al
rrighly." Mr. Rorer urged lh women
not to etuff their rhililren elth bread
an4 rutfer.
ir-eiiitic'ie she charactrrlxrd aa
deaiiiy, tut tno'k charlotte waa ca
f-clally good for chll.lren, ahe aald.
If you , at green vegetablea, I beg
' juii, M-aaou ihrin. Put salt on all
witrui ira r, h In potash. Pon t alt
rl r or oatmeal," wer som of her In-
Ji.: l ioiii,
IHat far lloaaewivea.
in th rtfrigerator, place all fooda with
o1"r lose to the 1?p. Leav the bottom
aliclf or butter, milk and meat.
The yoika of eaga, dropped In a Jar
of coll water, will keep for aeverai day.
A clans of buttermilk over th beatao
el ite of an eg I excellent for anemic.
Anemic pe;or should eat llltle, but
oiien. Ii meal a day la not too
Mr. Rarer cloflug le.-tut till fter
iiuou wa on "Meat Hub.t li ut."
Tho Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and Ico
Fresh milk to a sufficiency is the
bes summer medicine for the baby,
because it makes otheT medicines
We would rather glre money to
buy the baby milk than to buy
drag wouldn't you I
Contributions from 10 cents to $3
are solicited and will be acknowl
edged in this column.
Too Many Weddings
. for Chief Maloney
Orao and Dennl MoOuIr were before
his honor, Judge Brttt, charged with
having defrauded an Innkeeper. After a
few questions had been asked, It was
discovered that although Oraoe had mar
ried Dennl In New Orleana, Dennis had
married Grace In Seattle. This little prob
lem bothered Captain Maloney, and,
after some deep thought on the subject
he enounced that he didn't ee Juat how
that could be. After more explanations he
came to the oonclualon that they were
not married at all. The bill they skipped
at tne Iter Grand emounted to S3t, and
they drew fiften day each. A Grace
paaaed from th court room ahe threw
cathlng grancea around at everyone, and
continued to do ao until ehe had been
escorted through the door.
Congreeaman Charle H. Sloan ef the
Fourth Nebraska district waa la Omaha
during the day on his way horns from
Avoca, whrre he delivered an address at
the Odd Follows' fraternal picnic.
VreTtoasly aekaswledged,
Thomas 9. Craas ,
a. oo
OMAHA, July fl-To the Editor of The
Bee: I enclose check for S3 as a contribu
tion to The Bee's fund for free milk and
Omaha alnoe ltTt. The funeral will be
held Kunriay afternoon at S o'clock from
the residence, with Rev. T. J. Mackay
officiating. Interment will be at Foreat
Unit cemetery.
Bts ' Tear
I'rwiMt Arttoa Will
Ir. Kine New Discovery will stop
your cough. The llrt does helps. Good
for children. All druggist. 6"c. Advertisement.
Pitches Xo-lllt Game.
Carl Jenkins, a rah rah from United
college-of Glen Fall a, N. Y.. who la to
Join the New York Yankeea later, pi'.hed
a no-hit game In his home town the
other day agalnat a fast tndtpendent
team and struck out sixteen men.
Save Tho Baby
Use tho reliable
Halted nil It
Upbuilds every part of the body efficiently
Endorsed by thousands of Physicians,
Mothers and Nurses the world over foe
taore than a quarter of a century.
Convenient, no cooking nor additional
milk required. Simply dissolve in water.
Agrees when other foods often fail. ; 1
Btwnplu fr, HORUCtCS. Racin. Wm.
f7N Substitute) la"Just as Good
ft HOfiUCK'S, th Original I
Eecipes for Today
fly MR. StRttl TlSO RORI R
Hot Pot.
One pint of diced cold cooked mutton.
Cne cupful of diced raw potatoes.
A good eixed onion, chopped fine.
Two tahlcdtwmf ula of tiiped parxlc.
A teaapnnnful of salt.
Two daahea of pepper.
Put a layer of meat In the bottom of
th large caaaerole. then pntatoea, onion,
paraley, salt and pepper, and ao continue
until the Ingredients are uaed. Cover
the top with two pared potatoes cut
Into slices: sdd one quart of stock or
water, cover, rook one hour, sdd five
Orope of tohaaca, ml snd serve.
Convent Pie.
Boll three ounce of apagnettl or maca
roni. Chop cne red and one green pepp.v.
Butter four alices of bread and rut them
Into dice'. Chop one tahleapoonful each
of parsley and onion. Grate a quarter
of a pound of cheeae. f"ut a layer of
macaroni In the bottom ( of the large
raseerole. duat with pepper, perly.
onim and aalt, ihen a layer of tireed, then
cheese, then again macaroni, the last
layer bread. Rest two ergs, add a cup
ful and a half of milk, pour theae over
the other Ingredient, let them stano.
five minute, bake a half hour In a
quick oven and serve with muehroom
aa uce.
Macaroni Mold.
Roll tao ottnoee of macaroni or apa
hhettl, drain, throw It Into cold water,
dioln in n tr.d cut It nto two piecee
two Inches Ions, -'hop one green and
one red pepper. Chop sufficient parly
lo m-ke. twe tablepoonfu1a. Put a layer
of macaroni In the bread pan. and a
riirloklinx of pepper, alt. areen nnd red
tepper and parslev, and, su on until th
moterliila tre used, having the laat layer litat two ecrga, without sep
arating, until light, add e cupful of milk
the fire until light.
ten whltea, heaj Int
t'-ic ohlng or round baking dlnh end
bake in a q iick oven fifteen or twenty
To give this meat alua, add one cup
ful of grated cheese before ad ling the
whltrs uf the esgn.
end a tablespoon fii of grated onion; pour I two egpa. Teat over
thla over the n.acaronl ami bake In the ' fold In the well bealr
oven until 'Vet" like a custard. Htand
saide to cool A hen cold turn It from
the mold and mrve 11 with a Creole to
mato ervuee.
nal.e, Staffed Tomatoes.
Peel solid round tomatoes, scoop out
the ccnt ra. put one In each cua'erod cup,
fill t'.c centers with nicely seasoned chop
ped meat or a mixture of bread end nuts,
dust with salt and pepper, put on top of
each a bit of butter and bake In a mod
fraloly quick oven about twenty minutes
until tho tomatoes are thoroughly cooked.
Serve in cups.
If preferred theso may be placed on a
pie Oleii, b..Kd carefully and setved with
tomato amice.
Potato Soaffle.
Roll sufficient potatoes to make two
cuprula of mashed potatoes, add a level
ten.poonfi:l of anlt. a level tablcepoonful
of butter, a half cupful of hot milk, a
altspoonful of pepper snd the yolks of
Inspector Pegg of the city weights and
measure department Intercepted a large
shipment of California red raspberries la
unstamped half-pint boxes.
The law requires that boxes contain
ing quantities other than pints snd
quart must be stamped to Indicate th
meaaure of the contents.
Mr. Pegg would like to hear from house
holder who buy for pint and qurt
boxes of berries containing le than
thoe quantities.
Our buyers lcsve Sunday for New
Tork on their fall buying trip, which
promises to be one ef the most in
teresting made In years. The cre
ators of fashion hsve a bewlldersnce
of novel idess for fall wear and every
advantage will be brought, so to speak,
to your doorway.
Our inventory of stock begins Sun
day and Saturday will accordingly
bring many inducements to buyers in
the way of special reductions. Many
people will see the wisdom of buying
Koods now st. low rices for use at
some future time.
Pre-Inventory Out-Clearing of Dresses,
Skirts, Petticoats and Sport Coats
Not an item that doc$ not represent a saving of money, not a garment that isn't good style
Clearing Sale of Wash Skirts, at $1.00
Several hundred wash skirts made to sell
for more, several different styles; all
food wash fabrics.
50c Wash Petticoats, 25c
Fancy and plain ginghams, with full
tiered flounces.'
$4.00 to $6.50 Dresses, $2.50
A special lot of two makes of pretty wash
frocks in white and colored materials, all
sizes and styles. While they last, at
Children's Dresses
at Half Price
Children's dresses, worth a
to J52.00, at...... 5)1. UU
Children's Dresses, worth f
to $3.00, at. tpl.DU
Children's Dresses, worth Asj f
to 5.00,-at . . . pC.DU
Children's Dresses, worth 7C
to $7.50, at sbsJeD
Children's Dresses, worth
to $10.00, at.
"Coverall" Aprons at 49c, worth 79c
This popular garment hss been received
with much spprovsl, as it offers a double serv
ice to slip on over dress or worn ss a house
Sport Coats of Silk Jersey, $5.00
Your choice of 50 of these popular summer
costs, in all the good colors, plsin or striped.
Special Showing
New Street and
Walking Skirts
New autumn models made In the
newest of smart autumn fabrics. The
changes in styles and materials will
be greatly appreciated. Specially
priced at
Drugs and Toilet Articles
rtorln'a Brunctts
I.a Blarh Fac Pow
der, to box
Madsm Tale' Tooth
Pewdsr, ISo ls
Oravee' Tooth Pew.
dr, jte can .......
I.uetrlte Nail Enamel,
special, l(o ck.....
Madam Ie'bll' Cold
Cream, ia !
Aubry Slter' Dry
Rouge, pclal.,
Melorose Beauty
Cream, Ac li....i.
Madonna Rice Pow
der, aperlal, iSc all.
Williams' Talcum
Powder, special, can..
lOllletts Rasor Blade.
It six
M. Q.
Developer, S tubee
Sefdllt Powders, spe- O
clsl. 10 In box 1C
l.lsterine, special Saturday.
lo Im bottle 29c
Dsnderln. special, OQ
Beo l bottle
Photo Supplies
Clean- 11. I
11C f
5c i
C" Soap. OO- II II
Liberty Dry
rr, the elie....
Djer-KIss Toilet
8osp, caks
Peroxide Toilet Soap,
Ida rake
It bare for.
Johnson's Floor Wsx,
llb. caa
l-ot. Fountain By-
rinse, li t value 'C
Rubber Sheeting,
yard wide, the yd.
Buster Brows IA Camere.'Uke picture
IHx44; simple to operate, eo CO
Regular II value, at '
Olaee Graduates
Ruby l.sntems
We develop year film free vrbea er-
flenng sinnte.
.. 5c
Any Hammock in Entire Stock Goes Tomorrow at
This means every Hammock in our entire stock that sold st $6,
15, 4.60 down to $2. Your choice tomorrow at $1.59.
Pre-Inventory Sale of
Framed Pictures
Our picture buyer goes east to buy our fall goods directly after in
ventory. W e have, accordingly, decided to clear out our entire stock of
popular priced framed pictures in one big clearance sale. It is a lot
easier to count money during inventory than it b to count pictures.
and oontinues Monday, Tuesday and Wsdnesday.
' We sre taking every picture from our $1.60, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and '
$4.98 pyramids and marking them down to a uniform price, each
Our picture stock has been known ever since the department
started as the "classiest stock. in town," and this is our method of
keeping it so. Your one opportunity esch yesr to secure a really
good picture at the price one usually pays for the cheapest prints.
This stock includes mahogany framed imported prints, gold
framed band-colored photograveures, excellent copies of the old
classics in band-toned frames, carbons framed in fumed oak, genuine
Chandler pastels in mahogany, masterpiece copies in real hand carved
frames, and In fact just the pictures you would pick aa a present or
for your home
I.oSe T. KUk-ly, ife of Arthur
I o ..!', inm n ft the. t'nlon
I i i . a.. . I Tti .rly sfteir.oun st her
.'. I-, ' i i orl stmt, st the age of
' . Mi t-ni.ricy U urlved by
't . r i. ii-i l eii'i m, W. r". Msu, of
y i.' ,1 :.(". li.n-e "'i and three
. t,i m. !".', end one brother
.- hi i : . i- h'i'e ha U.J in
Salad Days
ii ii. lli lk'.
Thejo suinnier tlays you'll find r
Jicf i'rom rooliiiiR ttt home in a
dainty Falad or a Relation from our
"Hot Weather Specialties". Col.i
dishes that will tempt your jaded
Funday Night "Dinner de IiaxeM
from six to ninft at one-fifty tho
Iereon. Music by Christman'
Fontenelle Orchestra. Phone your
reservations to Douglas 1511!
Hotel pburENELLE
Pretty Group of Blouse Must Leave Quickly
The pre-inoentory prices offer the economical a chance to get two or three
blouses of the best for the original prkeofone.
Dressy Qsorgstte Crepe, Crepe de Chine and
Lace Blouses, all new atyles; all sizes In
the lot, but not in every style. d0 AO
Vslues to $6.98. Specially priced at. ! 70
i Slightly Belled and trtueeed Blousee New
merchandise, soiled from handling; 60
styles to select from. Values to f
$1.50. Special Saturday ODC
Dainty Lingerie and Linen Blouses Broken
lot reduced for quick clearance. on
Values to $3 50. at $l.OJ
For Sport Wesr Garden Smocks Newest
crsxe in New York. Hand smocked. Just
s limited quantity. Values to AO
r: - -
$1.00 Each
. "V wr l i I m "A
91 ,tr
I6.9S, at.
Coming Almost Half Way to Meet
You With Shoe Prices
Saturday we will have on sale every
pair of Men's Oxfords that we have in
Stock all of the $5. $6 and $7 ox
fords, such mskes as Hurley's, Knee
land's and Pels', in both black and
tan imported leathers, g J
Every pair of Oxfords in our "Trust
worthy" snd "Metropole lines, selling
regularly up to $4; tans and
blacks, will be priced...:..
uno Pair of Women's Fine Pumps and
Oxfords, odds and 'ends, two and three
! pair of a style; the kind we
'!have sold up to $8, pslr
umps and
and three
- '. '
The Roys' Store
Eatra-Pant Suit for Your Boy
Come In Saturday and select sn extra pant aultatabig
ssving. Plenty of neat patterns in the best weariug
fab-ics known (or your boy's hard wear. Extra psnt suits
priced ss low as (2.50 nd UD ,0 $0.50.
Summer Furnishings
Beautiful Soliette Blouses in very nest stripe ef
fects, Saturday &Oo
Bathing Suits, spcrlsl at 39c to
Boys' Shirts, new patterns ROo
A splendid assortment ef knee psnts, Palm
Batch pants, khskl psnts, white duck' psnts, llnsn
pant and plenty ef tweed, casslmere snd ssrges
In fine woolen fabrics, SOc to $1.50.
Big Reduction oo All Wash Suits
All the new styles Included in this price re
Choice of Any
Parasol In Our
WgeMMggHsa t eg-gesessssg
Entire Stock
1-3 to Vt off on Every Wash Suit
All .high grade all-silk Parasols in
our entire stork, values from $3 up
to $17X0. will be placed on sale Sat
urday for one price 11.90.
Including the newest,
smartest effects Perslsn
tops, fsncy borders, de
tachable bandies, plain and
fancy shspes. All colors.
Including the poputsr
I green ana me mack and