11 r REAL K1TATE NORTI1 SIDE RKAL FSTATF NORTH SIDE Rr'.AL ESTATE NORTH HIDK REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE .REAL ESTATE NORTH 811E REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDK TI1K BEK: OMAHA. SATITMUY, JULY 31, 1915. ,x i O r .pile. Lots T 2 dk Prices 04M3)(Q) asy lerms uilding Restrictions lU:ltHM1HtB ---j-:H-H--liOa Ti-Htl-ltl iiNtltu'EpH-q-p iTi.j:n.i..i.i:rh:r.......w: kWM.ummM..UA&M - iiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - m m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif.ii.v : v r 1 HMI-imiH rtto I I' ; . fi1 ...... . - ' i I a t f H - ...... a a a .1 immmZ3&t swa"1 Sggfe' .fjffta !" EH:::::::::::! I 0' z'XIXP . i i5r L i t sajCxja" j a- 1 j r aw w - r u rr----,irr w w w ' ( Prices INCLUDE SEWES MAINS, WATEJR MAINS, STDEWALKS AND GRAMXO. vSmall payment down Bal ance $10 to .$1.5 per month. " . This beautiful tract of 800 lots the largest addition ever platted in Omalia, now offered for tho first time. The hum of industry is out there. The City Engineer has established grades for all streets and we hav brought the lots-and streets 'to perfect grade. Muentefering has surveyed and staked each lot and the Plat of MINNE LUSA has been accepted and is recorded. , " The County and City Treasurer has certified that all taxes are paid. The Reed Abstract Company has made the ab stracts of Title for each Lot. Benedict is putting in 12 miles of sidewalk. The Street Car Company are putting in new rails on jJOth street .The Gas Company have finished a 2,000-foot main in 24th street and are putting in a still longer one in 30th streets in order that the can serve properly this great sub-division. The MetrojMjiitan Water District nre putting in a large main a mile in length on 30th street, making the FOURTH main for this district. Hugh Murphy has the Contract for PAV ING 24th street, and MTU STREET is to be paved from Fort street to Florence AT ONCE. Park. The great storm sewer is being built through Miller Fifteen HOMES ALREADY STARTED and a HUN DRED MORE to start at once, these are FACTS, not "Promises." Minne Lusa has no competition in the Real Estate markets of. Omaha. Look at all the other lots offered, compare our PRICES and IMPROVEMENTS, witli ANY PRICES AND IMPROVE MENTS, and you must admit that re are offering to you tho ONE BEST OPPORTUNITY to MAKE MONEY. , Location MINNE LUSA lies along the north Ride of MILLER PARK, and between two great arteries of travel, 24th and 30th, 8 blocks square. Come Out Saturday or Sunday Salesmen on the ground This will be the greatest sale ever made here and tho early buyers wilj get the profit. CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY, Tyler 187 742 Omaha National Bank Building FOR RENT Homrn . and Coae. M UcellaaeoM. GlobeVan &Stora2e 8Uraa. dotm, pak. hlp; t-tionm nd 1 men. II. tt par nr.; torg U par no. Rtlftctlaa ur. D. 4S3S Ty. 13 u:ntau FREE fidelity: tortrie. mov1n. J(h it4 Jarkaon Bla. t-BtWM. 17l7 Leavenworth, fhona D7 IvvjaTlaa tn for eomplata Hat of vacaDK oouaaa maa .parunanta; aio ror GordonVanCaSt tu K. 11th St Tal. D Mer Wb. Ul. REAL ESTATE FARM t KAMCH LAN US FOR I1LH lavlltorKia. IJva Oak Colonic none better. W. T. Smith Co.. 1-M Ctty Nat. B. T). Kloriaa. FORTY ACRBS. two mllaa from Arcadia, Fla.; what bava you to trade, worttt W.OftJ. Box ai. Tecumaeh. Neb.' Jttlaaeaota. MINN, farm; low price, eaay terms. Mlnneaota Land Co.. P. O. 817, Omaha. 1M N, XHh, roorna and bath. $18. 16 N. KHh, 4 room, tl. SB7 Oiloaf o, room, modern, tUA St. MarT" Ae., rooma . R1NQWALT, Tl Brandela Theater. 6EK tbe Central Furniture Btoraa FBEB BIT NT Ala L1T. AlX alsaa. U per month op. M7 PaxtoiL Maggard'sE?H nr. ttackliiti. auppins. ' Douaia 14M. moraa ea oov 17IJ Webater lib I - Lv. IVPea rackln A siora.a. .at- utm Co- moviBK, m A Btnra a& Varnam. ft. uta aaa Utftawa. Nice Cool Office With Vault ' Near the Elevate and Stain Electric Light Free jTHU BKE BCTLDINQ COMPANY, Supertntmtle&t'ft' Offl, Room 10S. 1 FOR RENT O round floor and baaement Uaaonlo brick bulldlnc, tOxtta feet. , Kawneer front corner lot, bueineaa Mo tion, county aeat. Inquire of J. La. Orlmin. WllDer, NeV Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON TUB STREET. PriTAt Office Wtdttng Room 110 Sq. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Boom 103. , 3 REAL EtiTATH raan a akcm uiidi ron alb Calaraaav. FOR BAIJC Four aectiona Cheyenne . county, Colo., land fur aaw. (jood col ony piupoaiilon. Addrcaa V J7. Bee. lewa. IIAVE VOU A -ARU FOR PAUET ft rite a aood daax-riution of om- lauial and aaa4 U to the loiuun City, la.. Journal. la'a Vtoat Poarerfui Want Ad Ma olum." Twenty-five worda every Frtia.y aveuin(, Saturday ntornuis and every faturaay eventnx and bunday nioruliic for one month, aivlu atTLean ada on twelve different daya for V, or to worda H or 7i worda. M. Lajfeat rircolation of any Iowa newa paprr. JoO.CM reader dally la (our great eiatea. , ta ACREd e mi lea from M Inneapolla. one mlla from town: 10 acrea under cultivation: balance uaart for peat u re; can practically all be cultivated: heavy oil; good aet building;, conatatlnf of It- room oouae. tame barn, aranary, corn crlba, windmills, etc.: the land will pro dure M buthela of corn per acre; tele phone la bouee: country thickly eettled: complete eet of machinery; Xi head oi atock. eomtlatlna: of 11 cowa balance 1 and t year old; alz aood horaea; 36 bora: chlckenfj one-half of thla year' crop and everythlns on farm oea at 160 per acre; naii taan. ocnwao J'roa., UMt nymouta Hide-, allnneapolla. Minn. Wewraalta. BTQ LAND BARGAIN. Section emootii, rich land, northweet of 9alton, Cheyenne county. Neb., only Into an acre. Hlrka Iand Afcy., Omaha. Vr For aale, dandy 480, Improved .Kimball Co., Neb.; price, $15.60. JIM WRAY, BIOITX CITY. Well Improved Central Nebraska Farm Thla farm of 211 acrea Ilea 2 mllee from the county seat In Garfield county. la well rented and every foot of It wl'l ralee alfalfa. It can be bought for $70 per acre now and owner miKht take amaller place In or around Omaha In exchange. " PAY NIC INVESTMENT CO.. 6th Fl. New Om Nat. Bk. lougla 1TW o I HAVE 640 a'ra of land In Garfield county. Nab. Would hue to aelL Will take U per acre for It. Addrcaa W. T. Keavea, Uenton, h ee. HEAL ESTATE LOANS . FARM LAANti, t PfcJR CENT. TOLANU A TRl'MBl'LU 44S Bee Bide-. 1100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. U. Weed, Wead Blrtg . 18th and Farnam 8ta. CITY and iarm loana, , 6S. t per cent. J. H. Dumont Co., 4I State Bank. WANTED Ctty loana and warranU. W, Farnam Smith Co., liM Farnam 8t. WANT tD Good farm and city loan at lowest rates. PUTETRS TRUBT CO., 1S22 Farnam. C1TT property. Lare loana a specialty. W. II. Thoinaa. W Mate Bank Bid. MONEY on hand lor city and farm loana H. W. Binder. City National bank bldg rJFK us flrat for farm loana in eastern Neb. United Biates Truat Co., Omaha. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL, B8TATU CO., I01 Omaha National. Phone L'ougla 1716, PRIVATE MONEY. 12.0110 to loan on Improved farm. Geo, B. Relff A Co., IMi Brandels bl.lg. CITY IXaANs. C. O. Carlberg, 110-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. WANTED-Ctty and farm Icane; loweat rates. W. O. Templeton. 6(4 Bee. T. tutri. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGB WILL, aril or trade uood ruuunnL Trade (or moving picture niauhlne or auto. Aoqrees, a 17. tJravity. la. ' U-P.OOll inodcrn house, fur land, acrea or vacant lota What - cave yeuf Owner, Box TVt. ruuuis yukk vtitn a b A' ant Ad 'W r uH ext Uatige, drug ato. k, build ings, resident, ."; clear: take .laar property. JIM WHAT, BKX. X REAJj ESTATE SUBURBAN RKAL ESTATE BUBURBAH REAL ESTATE CUBURBAK Daadee. "DUNDEE" "WEST FARNAM DISTRICT" Big Sale of Dundee Lots Saturday IStf at 9 o'Clock A. M. to 9 P. M. HOW TO RliACII THE SALE. Take a Dundee car. GET OFF AT 49TH AND DODOE 8TOEETS. Don't miss this sale. Wo will sell your home. Wliy not move to tbe new district, where every thing is being done to secure ideal home -like surroundings. PRICES are low in. this sightly tract of ground. .TERMS can bo arranged to suit purchaser. No discount for cash. CALL DOUGLAS 259fi, wo wiU send a salesman with an automobile after you. Send for plat and price list. . H. H. HARPER & COMPANY 1013-14 City National Bank Building. REAL ESTATEFOR EXCHANGE EQUITY In t-room modern house In West Farnam district to exohange for taie model automobile; full value given. I. (Mi. REAL ESTATE XORTH SIDE $30.00 Cash and $30.00 Per Month Bur thla beautiful all modern, (-room bungalow; located klocka from car line and J' Mocks from school. Don't Pay Rent Another Month Telephone About This Today Call Doug. todav. Call Wal. 682 after 1 o'clock tonight. Fine Kountze Place Home Cheap Splendid up-to-date and comparatively new 7 -room Wjm on Wirt street. Cost around Ib.dO. t en shade this price arv rral hundred dollars and give very easy terms Payne Investment Co., 1 Fifth rioor New Omalia National Bank. REAL ESTATE WORTH7 SIDE. HOUSE FOR SALE. Ul N. fcth St.. T-room modern house. Key at H Beward CI. Bl'Y from oner. 4 rooms and bath, 1571 Evans. HURRY. Phone Web. lt REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDK Wants a House Near Hanscom Park , A client owning an t-room. all modern house, ' worth 13. MO. close in, wants a little better pla-e somewhere near the fiark. Io you want a amaller and better n vestment? Payne Investment Co., rtfth Floor New Omaha National Bank. Douglas 1781. o $300.00 Cash balance like rent, for a fine e-room modern eipt heat houae. Hu perma nent sidewalks, shade trees, paved street. It Is a big bargain at the price aakad. Addreaa 13.3 IS. th Bt. lie sure you see It today. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas is He Hldg. -HoOM nouse and lot ll.-'O, 'iHare ground If wanted; alar, light, fit at block f ri n city I. mil. close to car. Tel. "8. aal". I Mi BURT BT t-room, heat buy In Dun dee. Clyde W. Drew, Owner, Wal. 1M. riereaee. r77W etore bldg.. large lot. located MM Bedford Ave. none Florence avn. REAL ESTATE WEST BIDE Here is the Opportunity You've Been Watching for A Beautifully located 6-Room, New, All Modern Bungalow. M00 Cash Monthly Payments to Suit. This house is only block from car line; is on a beau tiful lot; principal rooms in oak; brick tireplace, ce ment bnsemenf and all mod ern. Thone Doug. SU today and well be plessed to sa-nd an auioninbile to bring yrsu out end Ineiaen ihif house This REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Owner Wants to Sell Beautiful 7-Room House . Thla house la located block from car line. In beautiful section of the city, where everything la modern and up-to-date, and where the surroundings are ex tremely pleasant. Houae Is finished In osk In principal rooms and la well built and very conveniently arranged. Will Take $500 Cash As First Payment and Balance Can Be Arranged in Monthly Payments. Bf. - s.,k.s ft. veMMile, rati sanhnrvg. Tl : today. Calf Wal, e aUr 7 o'clock LEGAL NOTICES. tonight. OOOD HOMB-rao. Nice little t-room cottage. Oea, city waur and lot Xxla Only llK) cash; bal ance 10 per month. location vth and O 8ts., Bouth Omaha. ANOTHER ONB NORTH SIDB. Same price for a S-room houee and large fuil lot In Clalrmont add. Close to car and school. The lots are worth Be tween 1706 and 1800 In this addition. Don't you think you had better Invest In a home even though It la a small one? It will be your own. PAtNB INVESTMENT CO.. (th Floor. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1711. REAL ESATErX VESTMENTS FOR BALK or rent; trackage building, 11th and Seward. Mitt. Apply 124 Oust at. REAL ESTATE WANTED VUh aalea. rentala, loans, Insurance, csre of property end collection of rent gee F. JJ. WKAD. 11 Farnam. REAL ESTAT& VACANT LOT eflxlsd, well Improved walks: shade trees, ete. Price. JC0. Inquire 1M Jeyees Ul.. W. Omaha. Web. 4Ha Apartmeata, fiau. raoosee and cotuge can be rented dulckry ana cheaply by a Bse 'Tor Rent ' LEGAL NOTICES NOT1CB TO CONTRACTOR. Sealed proposals woi be received at Lincoln, Nebraska, by the Board ef Kdu. ration, Nebraska mate Normal Kchoola up until ten o'olock a. m.. August S, Ult, for the erection of a brlik and stone auditorium lor the State Normal ttcheoi at Kearney, Nebraska, In acoordanoe v.Hh pi a us and specilloaUonar preuarel by . H. Craddock, Architect, Room It, ConUnental Building. Omaha, Nebraska. The Board of Education. Nebreeka Btate Normal Bohoola, will also raoelve propoaals (or ths heating, plumbing and eleotrto wiring for above building, ac cording to plana and specifications pre pared by the architect, up until the hour and dale above named. All bids must be accompanied by a cer tified check for five & per rem of the full amount of bid. made payable to Q. E. Hall. State Treaaurer of Nebraska The Board reserves the right to accept guy or rrjatct any or all blda. Blgned by the President and the Secre tary ef the H ard of Education, Ne OFF1CU OF COMMliWART, FOURTH t , . r kt a i m-n riw v -1 inn I Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Sealed propoeale. In duplicate, for fur nishing and delivering on or before Au gust t, 116. at Fremont, Neb,, sub sistence stores aa below. In accordance "With specifications and conditions set forth In Circular No. i. Office of the Commissary General, Washington, D. C, April . 1K10, wtH be received at this of fice until ten o'clock A. M., August, i, Wb, and then opened. Specifications will be furnished upon request. Dell F. Laough. Captain Commlasary. Fourth In fantry. N. N. O. 115 lbs. Beans, tie lbs. Rice, l,rf the. Potatoes, l,io lbs. Onions, KS cane To matoes, 100 lbs. Prunes, 107 cans B. B. Jam, M lbs. Peaohes (dried), tH lbs. Coffee (roasted and ground), get lb. Sugar. 1M cane afilk (family alaa), 10 gels. Vinegar, 10 gals. BVjur Ploklea. let lbs. Salt, 41 cans Pepper (Mackl, 1M lbs. laard, f lbs. Butter (erMinorr), M IbeA Oleomargarine, 4t gals. Syrup, 100 b. Laaundry Boep, SO hot Ilea Vanilla Rx tract ll os ). also l7 the. Freah Beef, a lbs. Bacon, M 1 be. Fresh Bread, lbs. Flour, to be delivered aa epacifled. JywKtH. Ohargo Purchases On the Aocounts of ' Prominent Omahans aire. Anna Taylor and daughter, Bessie, were before Judge Brltt charged with securing goods under false pretense. They were accused of bavins charged goods at Brandels on the accounts ef Dr. Olfford and Gottlieb Eton, at Courtney on other accounts, at Burgeee-Naatt en the account of H. R. Bowea sad F. W. Samp, and on still other aooounts at Hayden's and Thompson-Belden. Altogether the goods secured amounted In value to about 1100. They were ar rested In the Burgeas-Nesh etore and had with them SUM worth of goods. Some few purchases hgd been returned for cash credit, hut only UK was secured In this manner. They were given ninety days each. mufj n rRPifiHTTiN mvrs ear I i w gw yg w i w v sw TWO LOTS TO UNIVERSITY John D. Crelghton hae just deeded two lota as a gift to Crelghton university Tbe two lots front on Casg street, and are Just across the alley from St. John's parish school. The school children ef the parish school have used the lota for some time play ground The lots are now to be specially developed fur play ground purposes. ASSAULTED BY NEGROES IN UNDERWORLD SALOON Hans Meger was the victim of the combined aasaulta of three negroes la the Vnderworld saloon at Ninth and Davenport Thursday night, but did nt know It until morning, when he ivoki eomeahere outside with a headt: h. and an amply pockelbouk. lie aae liid out, but the thugs got or.'.v ' 1 V v '