JULY jm 1915. t nonononcnononononononoaonoaononpnononononononononononononononononononononononononoaouononpnononoDononiononononononcncccncnonn !l n ) " e j til . i . j . . S ij oo not arm into property poverty tnrougn permitting your rent incomes tog ji lapse for the timely use of Bee Want Ads keeps tenantable property tenanted g caonon3noaonoaonoaononoi3QoaonoQonoaoaoaoDoaonoaonoaonoaoaoaonoaoaoaonoaoaoaononoDonoioaoQoaonoaononoaononoaoaononoDonoaonoaoi3 TUT, BEE: OMAHA, WANT ADS Went ad received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mint be pre sented before 1 odork noon tor evening edition and 7; p. m. for morning and Sunday editions, want ede received after such hour will be under the heading, To Late to Classify." CASH RATES. . Peven ro.cuUv Umu, I ent a word Seen Insertion. , , Two or more consecutive time 1H cent a word . Ob time, I eenta a, word. CHARGE RATES. Feven consecutive time. 6 cent a. una Mrh Insertion. . Three consecutive Umea, 10 emtt A line each lnertlf4. One time. IK eenta a Una. Count lx Trag word to line. Mimlmum charwe. 39 ante An advertisement Inserted to be rnn Until dlaoontlnued must be stopped 7 written order. . . All claim for error imnt M within fifteen dv after tbo Ut Inaer Hon of the adTortlaement. ' Too can place yonr want ad In The Be by telephone. . TELEPHONE TTLER 100P. DBATHI AND rCNERAL HOTICKt Bdy of Mrs. Mary rormioa wiii f at the Hefrler chapel, il Farnam. until Saturday. July In state J-(h and Farnem, II. Itli. BIRTHS AND DKTH. Birth Will and Catherine 'Alllaon, Carter Lake, irtrl; Paola and Alfla Bruno, IV) Soutn Thirteenth, boy Frank and May Dlmke, Italston. girl; John A. and , Antone A. Krathkv. Kit North Sixteenth, Bouth Bide, girl; Hem and Beasl Blend, hospital, girl; Clrtno and Bebaetlana li i rert. li Ileree. slrtj 17SS South Ninth, toy; John and Hel Fowler, tail Bur , oett. boy, Fred and Olive Garget, Ull I South Tenth, girl. Dth-Bahy Union, t 1U William; l Xeterlna Pepuran. 16. hospital; CTharle 1 Gardiner. 77, 14J1 North Nineteenth; Car , lie B. Nichols. 84, hoe pi tail BUaa Stria, 66, I hoavltaX HIMUAOI LICENSES. 1 Permit to wed bare been granted to th following! Nam and Residence. Ji JTarry Cohan, fcloux City, la. --. jf Fannie fiherman, Omaha- " Hnlfer lareen, Onklinil,......... ft Lulu Johnson, Oakland. Edwin Cnrlaon, OaKlana Alice Swuntm, Oakland Joun Dan, South Omaha. , Maria Gna, feouth Omaha... Henry C. Vtiem, Omaha.. .... (Sladya M- 1'aylor, Omaha Henry J. Rlha, South Omaha Mary tloudk, Or.taha M 116 1 ..y.... U Bl!ILDIK FKMMITB. Anna 7!ekl. T7t Sottth Twenty-aecond, South Hide, addlUon. ;: O. K. Hubbell, tuZl Webiter, frame flwelllna;, Todaj'f Moyie Program LANTETRN alldea for mwk od your copy to ua. Wa can reproduoe photo or will prepare your copy. will color directed. Be rhoto Dept. lot Bn Bid, IMwiltwa KMPRESS. 15th and Douglas. HIGH CLASS VAUDSVILLE. WHOM TUB 00D WOULD DEBT ROT, iiawL tYi STATTS!. kalrm comedy. SituAhhT-bia-ia no ),8iiuo, MH. blXBY'tt IIU-:.IMA. V1TAORAPH COMKDY, I'KINCKfcS. 1J17-19 DOUQLA8. Taneled Path a, t-rel drama. 'W hen Love Leuda, Heart Interact drama. Getting- th Gardener' Goat, comedy. Aorta. GRAND. 16TU AND BINNKY. "TheAtor Beautiful" Horn of Good Picture. Th Victim, Mutual tnaaUrpiec leatur Inf May Mareh and Robert Harrow, lXmlK(3T. 2TH AN1 LOTHUOP" The Romaitr of Walne, with Lionel liar rymoie, Pea-l White, Cretghlun Hale; ' also Pet he New. AFOLO, 1824 LEAVENWORTH. Mldolsht at Maxima', 4-rl Kalem. a4. WON HOB. ISS5 fARNAM. Ruth Roland and Henry Klnr In "Today and Tomorrow," (-reel baUKM. Ourrent Event and "Bh' a Pippin, " th Sid. 84TH AND N. BESSE. Vearet-Kellg Nw Pictorial No. St, : The Counter Intrtg-u, rel Kveanay, ORPHEUM. I4TH AND N. Th Hammer, K. R. drama. Those Bitter cVweeta, K. comedy. 1 he Lliue Teaoher, t-rwsl Keyatmna. A MOVIES A r FEATURES f ' v TODAY APOLLO. St 14 LEAVENWORTH. Midnight at Maxim, -rl Kalcra. LOlilKOP. S4TU AND LOTUROP. Th Brnnanct of Fflaln. with Uonel i s t-ry mors, Pearl Whita and CrelghuDa ;6T?T " S5 FARNAM. Who Pays, drama. No. L A.VNOrxCEMKVTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Cotrifcrtabla Yoareelf anJ Furclsh Ct)mfort For Your Customers and Patrons ly locating ia The Bee Building sopeMntendnnfa Offlc Hoont 11. J J I N J : V THAN 1 T CO. (, A crrt r,.t rate. Phone Doug. 4f!l 1,000 Craw Fish day. Call Doug. 114a. IliVC '..-. cd 4 w tuttolb ln '. MiJ Urvtr ha-.t on suu. k V', e i IS'G 1 .! t ... 7 ' to. tn bt. -:.,' V 1 CX nut ( 1-eJk, t-iiiuc. ATTIMCTIOX MKRRT-GO-ROT'ND, Ferrl wheel, plde how and other attractions. Oewford Trl-8tste Fair and Rare Meet Crawford, Neb.. Heptember Wh, lth and 11th, 191a. For Information write secretary. o WANTKI ('onceiipion .and attrscMnne for cernlvel at Grafton. Neb., Ancust l. TO. 21. Ur. C. H. H u hbard. aecrefry. IKHJGLAS COI TNT Y FAIR. WANTFJU Merry-ao-round, Ferrl wheel. motordrome, shows and concessions. Sept. trt-a. Address Chrl Lyck, aupt. of concession. Hen son. Neb. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you ar considering selling or buying a used car tttxl you went full value for your moner or you want neonle who are willing to pay for what tney ar gettlna; you will heve no rearet It you Buy or advents through the used car column of Th Be. I'hon Tyler 100. OWN tR will sa-rlfr )m Cailalao tour ing car for quick sale. Tlrea nearly new and enjrln Just overhauled. Address T One six-cylinder Cole. 8na four-cylinder Croxton-Kaeton. n four-o linger Chalmora. Prices from t to $1,. H. PKLTuN, 22"S Famam St. FONTKNtLLK AITO CO., II 8. mh Bt Expert repalrine: bargain In used cars, guaranteed aa represented. 1100 RJbWARD -for anv meaneto we can't repair. Colls reid. Beyddoi fer. 10 N. lg. o l-TON truck for aula cheap. 17U 'enworth. Phone I. if2. Leav- O. ELSA8SKR, expert radiator and lamp repair. Ty. awil Leavenworth. Overton's for lay rsdtstor. M-, deslora. Went sn auto, C. J. Cenan. MK sgue hid- Industrie! Oarsae Co.. th Herney HI s. NEBRASKA Hulca Service Station, 1914 Farnam St. Phon Douglas 721. Cadlllao ." (Ford Paige tvmr4 Oakland ri ITruck ... li'5 .. 145 We buy. el and eKrhsr.se. "THra ADTO CLBA R1N HOUSE. tSV Famam. Tel. Doug, i.110, M otereyetea. RJA-LB-Indlaa glnn. raor. Addrea B 77. Be. BUSINESS CHAKCKS If your business Chanc will aUnd rigid investigation and la Juat what It la advortliied, or If you ar looklna- to atart In bualnesa for youraelf you will be per fectly aatufled If you us th Business (-nance column nf Th. 'v. ...... Ing or aelling a business I lion Tyler liwu. FOR SALl--Retaurant, lc cream, par- lor, groceries, trulls, etc.- . baraaln If Uken aoon. Frank li. Conrad, Urafton, Dvb inanufacturlns! pnnr.rn quarter million doliara lth aplendld eoulpnwnt for lipht msnufacturlna: tie aire to get In touch with party havln merltorloua specialty to mak and aell. hv. '"nu'eoiurlng and selling fa clime, of high order. Aot quick, glvlna! partioulara. Manufacturer, Iloot " Bee, y FOR asj, beat blacksmith ahop, wra rtio'Tx wTY;quippid rM- jim mi my arug store doing a b blns located in a live town In N braska. Reasons for selling th best. t IT t l i . . . . big e- A anap for druggiat wlahlng a rood bual nesa and location, dean Block and fin !in.dfJLLtuIe V Bee. cLfelAN atock hard ware In good Ne braska town. W'll catahllshed bualnesa, et of reasong for Belling. Investigate u i uukw. rto traaeai acceuterf A dres t, car Omaha Me, fWK .ale, Iowa meat market, rei t l, big- bualnesa; prlo. 11,000. JIM WRAT. RIOUX CITY. . . flGNH, ahuw carda. Clark A Soi D. 137S. TO GET In or out or huina .n OANGSTAD. 421 He Bldg. Doug. WT7. Rh.AU estate Business place supplied or handled; all atatea. F, V, Knlest Omaha. THEATERS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machln and supplies through Theater Kxchang Co., I. Farnam Bt, "CWN EFcrt-Llst your property with V. W. Wlillam. Sio Nvl.l Blk. D. ft7. TO BKLL or buy a bcsltiess, call on Busch A Burghoff. Frenaer Hlk. 1. 1819. ! parlor. R.2L'4 Neville bk.MlssWalton. FOR SALVi-Cafe In town of 6,000, doing a good bualnesa. Best railroad town In ,the stale. For particulars address Y ;'.'9. Be. tOH SAI.K-Hotcl. restaurant and barber shop, 201 Ave. A, opp. car barn; good location; reason for selllmr, going out w.-st S. MacUonald, Black IMS. Q. Uluffi OH PALli trade, blacksmith shoo and gHrag Ifl Co. seat town. Address T liS, lice, FOR ALK A cement block factory In a good town with up-to-date machinery and mixer and doing a good bualnesa. C. H. Ht roud, Boelus, Neb. FOR SALE Bakery dolnr aood narvlne bustnes; chanc aelitom offered; aao- rmce on account losing my family, George Uhmmin, Vllllsca, la W FOR aale, only drug Btore,-Neb. toa-n; rent. $!; prtc. ta.CO. JIM WTtAT, BIOUX CITY ' WANTED to buy hardware Itork in enfa.ll town In Nebraska or low; give full particulars In first letter. Nnvtrad atocx considered, j. r . Methane, loreno, Neb. EDCCATIOJIAL Boyles College Day School. Night School, oomplela bualnesa oure, oomplet shorthand or stanotyp course, complete telugraphy course, civil service branche and fc.ng-l'-h. Students admlttl at any tuna. Writ, phone or call for 1911 catalogue. UOYLK4 COLL KG M, ' H. M. ROYLKH, President. Tel. P lWf. lioylee Bldg , Omha. Wb. FOR- sale, th following sthoiaraMp In a first cine Omaha Xiuainess College': One unlimited combination bualuea and shoitliand courae. One unlimited atencgraphle eour. Oct this niontli bualueaa or atno- granhlo course. Nsul b sold at a discount at th of tic of Th Omaha Bea, FOR B.1LB FOR SALB-Here la a claaalfloatloa that Is oC U utmost liipoitahc to averv iwW, aa tliU column olfera aoiue eaovu- tlon&l oitw tunlt!B every day and a email want d win sell your artlcl at It rni vai. r-nwie JT'er l'Mi, Public Sale At Omaha Fireproof Ftortr, got S. lih bi., inn bt. entrano. batui-day, July L, at 10 o'clock a, in. and Lasting all daT. Another clinc lv st houeliold good of any deacription at your own price. You a. n t Know wtiat you will una uiutl you atttnl on of thee sale. Good ruga ararr, ore, bookcases, chairs, labia linen, china, etc., etc. Come and Have a Look. N K '.V liinh gra-e piano, hacrlfu-n. Fur oiili-K sale. Any raaoiiaole (t.rr ae cooled and terms. Phon Douglas 44 IS ron salk Freltare, Ileasrbeld liooila, Etc. TOT'NG couple leaving dry Auguat 1 will Bll reasonable complete five rooms and ball furniture. Party purchasing furni ture can alao rent flat, fc N. 26th t-t Tel. H. M7. BAHGAINS IN FURMTUHK .AND HAKPWARF.. 1W N. 2TH. WEP. 1W7. DKIXICX bought and old. .t. Heed, JJ-ttJiiO, FKTnH rast. TV!. GO-CART cheep. iTlflT? R.2I Pvoy hotel. NKW Ideal gas stove, high oven. H. 7V Iters. . ad Veaisie. ISO buya a well broke, neck rein aaddl horse. K2t llsrrlson St. Phone tk. J. Grocers, Attention! OCR large stock of delivery wagons (Studebaker's, and our own make), of fered at low prices to mak room for ill AataV A ntc. mohl I A nilral ak1 1 rl i truck bodies. ir.ir. " " - """"I Jf)HN')N-DAN FORTH COMPANY, If.tl-M N. Kth St., near Clsrk St. IIOIUSK, wagon, cheap for quick sale. South 371. STRONG, light wagon for aale; In food conntion: JIZ3 H. Hth; Red ,lAUK. bunsy and harnrs. ivl. S. W klaeical Imirllni-ata, ' eilahtly ubmI hlslt arane Bis no. I. MIT. PIANO-VOICB-VIOIJN; thorough In atructlon by teachers of great expe,ri enoe. 13-14-16 Arlington block, JM1 Dodga St. Phone Douglea 471. STEREOTYPK matricee make th beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses ' ' . ,1 .... jr., ..., " . T" Y m i' r, T?1 ln.tiAa .Irnnrnr .ltd more durable thsn "irred felt and practically I fireproof. 70 a nunarea at i ne nee oiiice. THE egga you sell mak th profit In th poultry bnslnefs. Welch' wonder ful Whit lndlsn Runner Duck lay mora lara-a whlte-ahrlled. rood eating eggs than hens. My flock averaged over il") egxslAve.. Council Bluff, la. eacn for l year. Matcnmr eggs n w 'Pr 12; M per 100. J. J. Welch. ITharrycroft, omeha, Nen. nenaon o iKF.l' grain, 100 lb. l.8. Wagnr, KOl N. lth. lvpnrltfr. TYPPJWR1TERS, 10 and tip. V Be Bldg. TYPKWHIIo.lt.- sold, reuieu. repaired Central Typwrltr gap. W Farnam. BIO sal on trunk, para and aultea Friedman. 1211 Doug-la St. TOOLS, hovel. pick, lackcrw, win dow glaaa, 2 carpenter benches. 11 each; 10 match machines. (Wo each, 1 hot water boiler complete, i0;' combination electric flxturea, iio each; Iron beda, complete, 12; good horse, :: harness, $10; good ex preag wagon. 175. Tel. Harney, iij 703 B. 1t Ave. mn rtrv Golden West Whiskey, full K.-S I quart bottud In bond, pr-V,-',wv paid. Cackley Bros.. Omaha. MOTOR boat, M-ft -h. p., t-cyl., elec tric llahta. dvnamo. atorage battery. aearchllght, horn, flneat equipped boat on carter xxe, joiinaon, eu a. um St. D. 14M. New2; ild-hand motors, dynamos, magneto, etc mechanical reualra. La Bron ictrlc Worka'.tlB-SO B. 13th St FOR BALE 1100 Hall af, Juat aa good aa new; iw win tana li. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA." tuM Farnam St. Doug. 42Y FOR SALK New and second-hand carom and Dooket billiard tablea and nowllna alley and accessories; tar flxturea of ail Kinaa; easy payments. Th Brunswick- Ba!ke-Collndir Co., 407-4n 8. 10th St. lent condition. Muat Bell Quick. J-790, Be. HELP WANTED rEMALB Clerical as Office. 8TENO., temporary. :.t7$ stenographer Comp t 0er., executive ability 40 WW WtKO TEMPORARY BTENOJ. WATTS RIOF. CO., sM-eU-U Brand. Thea. factory a trade. GIRL to learn halrdreaalna-. Oppenhelm. lloaeekrrprra and Domeatlea. THE Semant Girl Problem Solved. Th Jiee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad l-lll-.K until you get th desired results. This applh-a to residents of Omaha, South omaiia and Council muffs. Bring ad to Th Be offlc or telephone Tyler lOuO. ' GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, no in. avth Bt." WANTED Coo k , whit woman, between 4.V Bllll OU fVBlii IU au 11111 1VIII to iew urioant ana return on motor onai trip. Stat qualifications. Addreve Thoa. K. Boyce, Owyhee Hotel. Boise, Ida. IJ Kxperlenced alii lor neneral housework. Mra. fed Hadra. Vt A. 16Lh St, A pply morning, WAKTH1 -Girl for housework, email family. German or Bohemian preferred- Call Whir XTva i - " i WANTI-jlkNURlruu GIRL, CALL HAR NEY 76.MI e- Mleellaaiaa. YOUNG wotre.t comlna; to Omaha aa strangers ar InvtUd to visit th Young women a cnnstian association punning at bt. Mary's Av. and 17th St., wher they will t directed to suitable hoarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler guld at Lmon atation. HELP WANTED MALE Clertaal s4 Utflo. 1 lumber yard managera. ...... .ITS to $100 Experienced packer ana ahlpplng- clerk Iu work BLS1NFJSS MKN P REFEJlENCh; AUd N. Hie-a) vooimen of world. &.!JidMAN Al proposition. WATTS Kl-.H. CO., Us-40-4i Rrandola Theater. (WANTED Drug clerk. I to I yeara ex perience. rJcktrniann, I4th and A eta. South bll. H1GH-ORADB couimerciej poHitton. WEST R:FfcRtNCE A BOND ASSN. ThI Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. NEW location, 64 Paxlon Blk. We hav eeveral poeuione open, tuigera Her. Co. A seals, atesaatra i4 Solicitors. CITY ollcltors wanted. .Beat of refer ence reo,uirel. Salary to right man. Call Mencrav-Omaha Nursery Co., MA State Bank Vldg , or Slat and Avenue A, Council Bluff, fa t WK hi a good I'lac for a llvt Inaur- anc man. Mutual rinaflt Health A As Cldent Aea'n , 4J City Nat ftank Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED. A well established, prosperous company. dealing exclusively In nonpe.lshahle pub lic necesaiilea for the purpose of further emending lta ousineaa Is offering a llnv- ued amount of lta stock for sale An un vmirI opportunity for aalesrneii. Writ th Prortt snaring coal, oil and Uas Co.. Colllnsvlile, Oklahoma. Very Desirable 8pac for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor service tree, Cheap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. lawerlDtendent's Office. Room 10S. laclurf aad t.aes. Drug store snaps; loba Knelst, Bee Bldg. Free Tuition lor a short tlm. WESTERN BARBER COM KiK. 14-4 Ikoda St. CARHKR COLIXGE Special aumnier rates riai.rd free. li bo. 14th bt. Catalogv HELP WANTED-eCAIJ? I'srtsrr ad Trade. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wre paid. Toole given, rnrltlina ruaritnteed. Call or writ for Information. Irl-l ity College. 11M Iiouclaa. Omaha. WF1 need men: had to turn down tro lobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Oet on of thee loba Catalogue IJ. p. free. Nebraska Auto mr.bile School, 1417 Dndg St Positions Now Open. rree Cata'ogua COLLEOR OMAHA. NEB. AMtKlC'AN AUTO fOK Famam St., Mlseellaaeeas. HEN wanted: government Job: 190 per month; Omaha exemlnatlon Sept. 15. Samplo quetlon free. Fn.nklln Instl tiite. Icft 2?1 F. Rochester. N. T. si . f jjB wnlt mBn jRnlt.,ri ,t.ady po- n i . w J S emon. i per week and room; refer- enc required. Address A 7W. Boe. WANTED Names of men, 1 or over. wishing government Jobs. fS month. No pull nernss-jry. Ad'lress T all. Bee. WANlEli at once, concrete and ateel bridge foreman; preferably experienced In Iowa bridge and culvert work. Apply Box 108, Tama. Ia. filTUATIOXg WAWTED GIRL has been working In flrt class hotel In New York City; wants work aa head pantry kin; familiar with all aorta of fancy salada. Add rem J "TH, Bee. TOL'NO man with rood hnbita wanta work of any kind; have hud eterlenc ' " .."J n,,..', 1 " ' ' ' ,,, I " I ' . I V. J In tirwik k,iiitiff .n.f lunaHrltlnr Innnir. H. H. AlbriKht, 2oJ7 DoUg tit. or phon j jyier ihii. VuUNi) lady would like position aa clerk or office work:, experienced In grocery and gamite business; can furtilrh refer ences. Miss O. Korenson. Box 47. Grand miMTirn wrlT&D p,7"ltloB a bookkeeper. cashier or office work. Harney 4h. TKACHER would Ilk to get In connec tion with echooi wishing primary teacher; city certificate; experlenoed; good recommendation; will consider post tlon of governesa. Box 6e, Te It amah. Neb. COLOR.BD man deeirea ateady place In housework, cook, or any other class work; reference. Phone Web. 7314. COLORED boy want ateady light work of any kind. Web. S3. COIAIRED couple wish work in hotel a Kitcnen neip; have bad 10 year' hotel experience. Tel. Web. 6687.e POSITION wanted by young woman. 27, a housekeeper; can take full charge. In country. Please state wagta and par ticulars. Writ Mlsa Kxetchmer, 2428 S. 84th St.. Omaha. r WIDOW, with -yiap old boy. wanta position in email town. Address Mr. M. Spencer, care general delivery. YOUNG lady wlshea ateady poaltion a housekeeper. D. S6M. LOST AND POUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraona having lost some article would do well to call up th offlc of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th street car a Many artlolea each day are turned in and the company la anxloua to reatore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4S. STRAYED OR STOLEN-1 bay horse with star In forehead, left hind foot whit, weight 1,100; email aor under halter rub. Reasonable reward will b offered for It return. Harrington Mer cantile Co., Florence, Neb. Phone Flor ence 440. Lost or Found ad In Omaha's Loet and Found medium means th Immediate re turn of that article If advertised In Th Bee, th Loet and Found paper. LOST A buncti of key Wednesday. Re turn to Bee office. , PERSONAL YOCNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangers ar invited to visit the Youn Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Maiy'a Ave., where iney win be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union atation. THE Salvation Army industrial horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga fines. We collect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-11 14 Dodg St. IF YOU or any of your family, young or old, are troubled with indication or constipation, write the Continental Pro duct Co., 1TT07 N. Halntead, St.. Chicago. GORDON, th Magazine Man. Tel. Doug. 713. SWAPPERS' COLT7MN Wanted to Swap. Wny not advert! something that you no longer hav any ua for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join th Swapper' Club and you will find It lots of fun swapping thing. Writ Room 104, Bee Hldg., or phon Tyler low). AUTO eu-h. ' p., 12-peaaenger bu. Will take Ford or what have you aa part payment V This car la an Idual hatel and Jitney bu and In first class shape. Ad dress S. C. 1277. Bee. AUTO TOOLh- Dandy cheat full of -auto, mobile tools, will trade. What have you? M. C. 129. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain thu "Automobil" clasalfi tailon. U1CYCLE Man'a bicycle, 24-lnch frame. In aood condition, to trade for boy bicycle, about 2u-lnch frame. Addresa S. 1778, Bee. CHr ST full of automobile tools. - Will trade for diamonds, or what hv you? Address S. C. 11M. cf Bee. CHALMERS auto to trade a part pay ment on acreage property; ten acre or leas, or what hav yoii? Address S. C. l. IM. DIAMOND karat, tlio, to trad for piano; muat be nearly new and of good make. Addreee 8. C. 1270, Bee. ENGLISH Bull dog to trade for Bird dog. eVUer preferred. Addraa Y tvH. Bee. ENG1N KEill'S TVKlLS Such aa pip tool, tapa diea. cullers, wrenches, pip tongs; for motorcycle or okl model Ford. Address S. C 1274, liee. t GALLONS of auto lni-i!al Punctur proof; worth 316; to swap for offlc fur niture, or what hav your Address S C, 1167, Be. GOOD Guitsr to trade for Mandolin, con cert else of t.A value with case. Want a better Mandolin, willing- to pay dif ference. Addrei S. C. lil. Pee. GOOD residence lot in Cedar Rapids, Ia., to axcliantie for late modnl roaistrr or ftv-paaenaer car Addreaa Y-b.'ti, Ree. fiKNl'lNK mink fura. kodak, ooera Biaaee. hand-mad china, cabinet and .- bras tMi iu ireu lor dlarooaJa Addreea. 8. C. X-J&. HORSE. Hl'iWl, ETC. NIc little all around horse, rubber-tired buggy, har nes. gnrdiK-r wagon, rxpreas narnea plow, cultivator, drag, feed grinder and ilv d-At.)i homer piaeon and accesaor lea for Ford auto or runabout In good condition. Som of my thing ar e and all In good condition. Addrs3 8. C. U4. Bee. ICfc'MOX l's-d short time; good condi tion. Will swap for chicken value to 110 or any thing els. Address S. C. 13&A, H LOT About half 4tid for; will exchange for lumber to th value of XjW. tail Ty rt t"-.-w. MAIL OKFiER bUSINtSA Old-estab- llahed bualnrvs In city. This will In vuli-e about 36. uo. .and 1 doing a good business M year round. A s-.ilendld prpotiinn for anyone. Does not re'iulia n;ririir. Waa managed by a lady for lu year. Very light running expen Muat tii a change at once, so will ex change for clear land or reaidenc prop erty of etjual value. Investigate thin If you wart a paying proposition. Address S. C. l.'.l. be SWAPPEIW COLUMN ONE dresser, 12 rolla of player piano lt music, one 6x7 camera, 1 sanitary couh and a lawn mower, In good condition What have you to awapT Address 8. C. 12f2. Bee. ORGAN Klmbill, tieed abort time, go-Ki comlitkti. will swnp for lony, sholgun or anything of equal vslue.- hat bav you? Address S. C. 12"t. Bee. b.uflu OA K. posts, worth XA. Want lot or eHlty in house. Atldrets $ llu cer Bee. PIANO, mamifatured by Bxth Bros., almost new. first claea condition; will awap. for rood second-hand Ford car. Address S. C. 127. Bee. PRINTING ouifit7con-tln of two presses, motor, plenty of type, Impos ing atonea. Will trade for land, automo bile, atork tnerchnndlee valued at 11200. Address S. C. 120. , 6-ROOM cottages to trade for small lock grocery. Prlee. 2.i; mortga-, $1,010. Address, S. C. 795, Bee. SINGER. I0 sowing machine, drophead, -drawer; rood condition. Will ex- change for chickens or other noultr; y. or what ha 127. Bee. what hav you to trade? Address S. C. 60 VOLUMES law text books, mesearea of presidents and encyclopedia, for any thing I ran use. Address, 8. C. 12M, Bee. WELL eecurei motgare on Omaha prop erty and difference for diamonds worth lip to wk. Address B. C. H8. care Bee. WILL trade I. H. Twin motorcycle. C. truck for good Benson SWt-J. WILL awan Hupmoblle, fO horsepower roadster repainted, redesigned, thor oughly overhauled, "new tires and fully equipped except top; will take motor cvcle. What have you? Addres 8. C. 1264, Re. WANT to swan fr sectional bookoaeea. Address, S. C. 1273, Bee. WHAT have you t- awap for a H.-P. Fairbanks-Morse vertical gasoline en gine, air compressor, air tank and auto matic air hammer and complete at of drill T Addreaa 8. C. 1171. Be. WANTED TO flTJI Tale buya everything ind hand. Web. 4904. OFFFICF1 furniture bought and sold- J. C. Reed. MOT Farnam. Dong. 4 144 WANTED W wish to Install a bowling alley. If you hav a good on that haa been uaed aome for sale, addreaa Sibley te Langevln, Curtis. Neb. FOR RENT Apartments aad Flat. Th For Rent advertisement appearing in the For Rent column of Th Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will picas and fill th need of any on de siring to rent. Phone Tyler lOuO. i AND 6 ROOM apartment, north, strictly modern, greatly reduced rent. 2R01 Sher man Ave. FOR RENT 2409 (-room brick flat. Blnney St.. I27.S0, Tel. Webster 731. ( RMS. 1713 Leavenworth. Phon D. 3MH, Angelu Apt., nd 4-room apt. H. 301.- ESTABROOK, close-In, $26. 4 room, modern, cool, O. P. Btebbln. LOW RENTAL. -Fine six-room apartment. In Hanscom park district, near park line car. Janitor service and heat: only 146. This I a nap. Ask for appointment to sea It. SCOTT 4 HILL CO., Dougla 100 MODERN new seven-room duplex dwell ings, 623 Park Avenue. DUPLEX flat. Btrictly up-to-dat. Dewey Ave. Tel. Red 8038. 24 Faralshe- A part aa eats. FRONT APARTMENT. SPLENDID. NEW, FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent In th NEW Traverton ' FIREPROOF. 14TH AND LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined teste Apartment la completely, equipped for housekeeping; up-to-dat and comfort able. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Douglaa 1153. . 6 Omeha Nat Bank. 4-ROOM a,pt., nicely furniahed; front view, atrictly modern: price 336 per mo. Hot and cola water. Howard A Manul Apt.. 21st and Howard. Phone Doug. 064. Board aad ttimm. Furnished Room that of ,'er every mod ern convenience and comfort in private lamll.es or boarding house of the high est clasa wld best be found In th Fur nished Rooma column of Th B. Phon Tyler lor. N. lSiili. (22 Rooms with home cooking; ainrle. 36 M: double. 36 week: table bourd, 33 iO. . N. 26th, 224 Palatable family atyl meals, 26c: meala with modern room, home ptivllegea, 35 t 37 week. BOARD A rm., 35 wk.; tabl bd., 3.; wlklng dia. 2f3 St. Mary Ave. R. S. EXCELLENT board und room, modern home, private family. Phone Har. asm. Faralahed Hoaaaa. REEDHURST, 103 N. 36th Beautiful lawn; homelike aurrounainga; raeaia un excelled; room single or en suite. D. 8350. Mod. V mo . 24i;. N. 20th. Web. 6513. The Prath, cool, close In, 213 8, 36. D. 813a. LARGE modern, cool, desirable front room, gJ.tat to so a week, m p. wn pi. BEAUTIFUL room, rwith two exoepjdon allv lint closeta In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; food board; young men preferred. Harney 4981. If vou do not ae anything' (bat ault you In th way of Furnished Rooms you can cell at Room 104, Bea Bldg., and ak (or lb Fie Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high clasa rooming or boarding bouae In any part of the city. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, lvth U Farnam. HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th k Farnam. 8. front rooma, alngl or ensult, modern. close In. J4u Uandon Court. Doug. 29a. Furnished large front room to rent, close in. M0 8. 21at Ave. Phone Douglaa 781 . W. FARNAM DISTRICT Large, airy. mod.; room for I. iuo N. 4-'d. H. 7504. Karalaked HniwkMuai Heepa. 3433 DODGE Modern light housekeeping! reaaonable. North iid. 614 Front room, mod., rvas. ST. MARY'S AVE.. 3fS 3 room furn. complete; modern. Phone V. 4431. MODERN ault ot housekeeping: rooma; alao single rooms. I.w Chicago, u. tint. Four nice rooms; new bath. -1112 S. 11th. 2 rooma and bath H12 8 nth 3. 24TH. 15303 east front rooms, new. mod., roimilete. 34: gas. elcc. light: walking distance; on car line. D. T5M. DAVENPORT. MS-TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED FRST libKG RMS. llaese aad Celtaare. Nerla. 1110 N. Kt ST. New 4-r. brick, mod. ex. heat; ateel range, gas plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, (17. RASP BROS.. Mi M'OAGUB BUDO. 3-M modern; flue yard; large barn ault. able for gerage. ts',7 No. lth. Web. 3673. 9L-24 CASS -r., strictly modern, 3-17 5u, Tel. Harney 2573. Sealh. For Rent South half et double brlcx bouae T room. 4 bedrooma. ad ntodern, at IM1 South K1 bt., near Park echooi. one tlock aaat of llaoaooia para Tt Douglaa 3tva, (Coutiuued on Cut.. 7. This Pace.) Ready Reference Directory The followiEg firms offer quality And expert service thai will pleate the most critical: '. , . " . ' ' ; ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldeat abstract office In Nebraska. 20 Brsndeis Thea. ADVERTISING, KOVELTIC8, F. Shafer Co., 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. M. AMATF.tH FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. A CCO t' NT A NTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opened and closed. Cost nyten Installed Let me call on you to explalnajhe advantage cf mv audit service vstem. addreaa 4J3 437 Ramge Rldg Phone. Doug. 740H, ARCIIITEC IS. Everett S. Podda. 612 Paxton Blk. P. Pt ARTIFICIAL ITOSH HDBWiLKI SIDEWALKS, drive, floor, walla, step. copings; anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. 1M John Grant Pavln; Co., 630 Paxton. D.3S18. G.B.Grant Mgr. W.StBS. ATTRACTIONS. HCNTC PARTTI. DF4IRINO RE FRESHMENTS PHON K HANSCOM TK. t ATTORN K VS. T. Plklnaon. Bll Paxton Blk. P. 1904. AUCTIONEERS. Dowi Auction Co., 111B-K W.O.W. R. 82. Nat'l t Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. AUTO 1NSDM.ANCB. . ATJTOMOBILB MUTUAL INSURANCH CO., Douglaa 1. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omena Radiator Rep ee. 202 Far. PlWl. BAKERIES. . H. PEEDER, 1E06 K. 13th. Web. 32W. UEDUING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Dougla 2467. Renovate feather - and maltraaaea nf ell kind. mjktB feather mattresses and down cover. BLVB PRINTING. HORNBT BLUB PRINT CO., 301 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 37th and Martha BU. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 8. Sal Dour'.aa 6620. Leasard Bon. 19 Cap. Av. T. 1K3. , CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrenoe. 1 Baird Bid. D. M6L Dr. C. T5. Brlgrra, 3321 Harney. Red 7TW. CHIROPODIST. Carrie 3. Burford. 630 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. - CONCRETE! CONSTRUCTION. Western representative of VELVFrTTTJO COMPOSITION flooring ' INVESTI GATE. 811-13 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1673. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1371, Summer rate now at Maokle's: private leaons dally. 1K16 Harney. Doug. 6444. dbessmaki.no. Terry' Dreaamak'r college, 20th A Farnam Exp, dre making-; home; out. Web. 6315. DYERS AMD CLEANERS. STATU Dry Cine;. Co.. 120 N. 11th. P. 8071, DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Ntvlll Block. Evi dence aecured In all caaea. Tyler U5. DENTISTS. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. 31 W. O. W. Bids Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank, Taft Dental Rooma, HIT Douglaa P. Oi , DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prlcee; freight paid en 110 order; catalogue rree. onorniau as Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nor. Co.. lit K. Wh. Term. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING.. CAHTLL BLBCTRIC CO.. Be Bldg.D 3S73 ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender. 324 Bee Bldy, Bed 3035. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered button, all else and tyles; hematltchtng, plcot edging, ideal Fleatinr CO.. sw uougiaa siwa, u NEW TORK earn pi tor. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak, suita and dresses sacrificed. 30 N. lbth St FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER9TROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wat 2371. FLORISTS. BATH'S, nortsta. 1804 Farnam Bt D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. D. 1268. Member Florist Telegraph Del. As a. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1613 Harney. Doug. 10W. taOLU AMI SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., 12) Harney Bt Eat latst It AT CLEANING. Panama clned. D. Elsele. 1136 City Nat INSTRUCTION. French, Instruction. 306 Lyrlo Bid English, ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE -'PHONE WEBSTER 691S. General Office, 13th and Manderaon tot. Jl STICKS OK THE PEAClu. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 6!3 Paxton Blk. B. 7ul. Notary rua, aeposiuon iena. C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. CO., Exchang Bldg. LIGHTING niTlHtS, WIRING. S PlTTl? VI V Thomas. Dougla 2613. LUDIV.II tili Cuming bt MOVING ritTtkll MACHINE. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machln and film bargalna . MOTOHC YC LkCS. HARLET-PAVIDSON MOTORCTCLES. Bargalna In used niachlnea. Victor Roos, "Th Motorcycl Man." JTi Leavenworvh. Ml SIC AND ART. RAGTIME piano playing. Positively tautrht In twenty lessons. tiW Cuuiing Pt. Walnut Xr:. PIANO-VOICE-VIOLIN; thx rough In st ruction by teacher of great experi ence, li-14-15 Arlington biock, lull Dodge bt. fhon uougiae xiii. NOTIONS. ' NOTIONS, news, cigara. candy, int Parlr OCULISTS. Eye examined, glae fitted, pay a roti can. Pre McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. BIda. , OIL BURNERS. PUT a Bievert or a Johnaon A Le ell burner In your hot air furnace, hot water or steam plant. NEBRASKA OIL AND FURNACE CO., 1115-16 City Nat. Rk Bldg., Omaba, Neb. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSF.PHINE ARMSTRONG. 63B Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUt, H. A. Sturge. 36 Brandela Theater BVJf. FAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUB. 417 N. 40th. H. rJ, PLATING. P. K277. Acme Plating Co. Ill S. 15th Bt-e POSITION WANTED. SEE US for a Bteno. or bookkeeper. Free ervlce, Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 4glt PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptf. Co., quallte printing. Tel. Doug. 2130. 624 8. 13th Bt CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUCk IT64' DOTJOLAS Printing Co Tel. PourUe t44, i RUHR AGIO COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RTJBBAGE CO. TWs Is the1 man 4.0 call if you have any eehea ot tin can te haul. Phon WbBter 6S!. I SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS.' j CJ A LTLO Openl. renetred, eoinb.! AA P changed. F. B. Pavtv4, SCALE RKPAIRINO. Ow. Standard Scale Co., 813 S. 18th. P.t90T SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 311 S. 1, SEWING MACHINES. TTL rent, 'repair, ell neetfiee and VY C l" for all aewlnr maohiaaa. NEBRASKA CYCLE 00.. 18th and Harney. " DcAigla lfij, SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest price paid for clothe. P. 4T1V TEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Bheet Metal Company, TIP B. 10. ' SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Boreen Co., Pour. 'W2. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. vaoaoi rum, m ama, mv- uw. uu, iii.it Ing, etc We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and supply Co.. 414-16-13 S. lith. Deug. Vil Ttweiva . i .k.laj1 TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 307 H. 11th, P. Htj' TAlLORi. CHAS. C. LANDRRTOU. N. 13th Btj TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FREXJNQ St BTCINLE, 1803 Farnam Bt,1 TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo, for 14, Oliver Typewriter Agenoy, 1306 Farnam., BUTT9 Typewriter Exchange, tit S. 'lSthi. St All make for sale or rent 1 HENT a "Remington," not Juat a type . writer. 'ixw rent. cajt uougia UK4 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlatlanaen, 3d fl, Paxton Bk,, 18 yr. expj WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcomenta Pong, Ptg. Co. WINES AND LI44UORS. ALEX JETE8. 2"l-3 S. 18th St Wine, liquors, cigar. Plate dinner 11 to 3, 10c. IlENHT POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUS. 15th and Capitol Are. Ten-oeot lunoh. trKDIOAIi RHEUMATISM treated uoceaf ully. r- ult guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. V1. ... PTLn8, FISTULA CUREP. I Dr. K. R. Tarrv eurea nllaa ftatula ut other rectal disease without aurrioall operation. Cure .- guaranteed - and ne money paid until cured. Writ for boo; on ractal dlaeaae with testimonial. DR. I E. K. TAHMt, 40 See Bldg. . - .1 RUPTURS cored la tew day wilhovil . paia. Cl or writ Dr. Wray, tut Be ' tMU.. Ontaha. . Establish Ul ... ron rent 1 lioaaea aad Cottagtea. . Seatk. t-HOOM, modern house. 3407 Jonea, pt 01 . per month, j. i. Kemp, Dougia vn. 6-ROOMS for rent at Ull South 3it Sb Inquire upatalr. M tellaaae. 337.60 e room and Bleeping porch, walk ine; oistanoe, new brl X, oak Iln ish, book . case, buffet, kitchen cabinet, gas range, south front..., ....8014 Iewcr 325.00 6-room cottage, atrictly modern.. '4116 N. 17lh SU 330.00 6-rooin bungalow, flnlahed in oak.. ; 4134 N, ISrth St. 130 00 6-room, modern except heat new. 4 ari imnuma 314.004 rooma electric lights,, cement basement, H block to ca.r, new. ..4 W13 Carter Blvd. 326.006 rooms, finished In oak, new. AMKKIIAN Bt-JCURITY CXJlMr'AiMI, 203 S. 17th St. f D. Ml 3. o 3r4 Masrn, t-r., all modern, 340. it b. Id. -r., all naern, ju l !4 Manle. 7-r.. ell modern. 623. 2-11 CalM'orntu. 6-r.. all modern. XSJA. I (14 N. Ud X . 6-r., all modern, 83). I Vint Chloas.0, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, 33 Emmet, 7-r., mod. ex. he.it, 313. Sahler, t-r.. mod. ex heat. 315. 10u8 Pacific. 4-r , mod. ex. heat, 313. BIRKETT 4k COMPANY. 433 Be Bldg. Douglaa S"J BARGAINS IN RENTALS. $U7. 504 room, entirely modern, t bed room upstair, corner lot, nice hade and shrubbery, 2301 N. 22d St 835.00 "-room, strictly modern, elegant home, practically good a newt oak finish; paved atreet. 1514 SprucA 344.00 Brand new, 3-atory house. fin sleeping porch, entirely modern, la Field club district. 3515 Paclflo Pt SCOTT tc HILL COMPANY. POl'ti. IOiW. 7-ROOM hoi ae, atrictly mod. large ) ardj garage; first time rented. Tyler 1143. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TlTU 50 CITY. F D. WFAD. 11 FARNAM ST, Swrt LAKE, dndy 5-r modem, Web 74.1. llnnccu Celh Sona A Co.. r!e bldg. nouses tw ,u prt. nt ,h ritr tCONTlNUED ON" PAOELliVES, COLUMN ONE.)