Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BUT: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 30, l!)15
Vnitti BUtti Attorney Say Number
of Other Boat May Be Taken
Off the Lake.
CHICAGO. July J. EwmloAtlon
ot witnesses 1b the Inquiry of the
United 8tr Department ot Com
merce, under tho pergonal upervis
lon of Secretary Redfleld, Into the
cnune of the Eastland disaster, began
here today. '
Witnesses,' Including the officers
ti.d crew of the ateamer and a long
list of aurrlvors, were aammoned to
the federal building to tell their ver
sions of the catastrophe.
While this inquiry was progreeslng.
United States District Attorney
Clyne prepared to empanel a grand
Jury to investigate the question of
criminal responsibility for the acci
dent In the etate's attorney'a of
fice effort were directed to de
termine the extent of the jurisdiction
cf the state grand Jury over the per
sons held by the coroner's jury for
grand Jury action. Doubt waa ex
pressed over the Jurisdiction of the
state over federal officials.
Boat! Mar Be Takes Off l.efce.
District Attorney Cijme visited tha
KasUand and Inspected the hulk for tha
first time, lie hinted that a number of
well known excursion steamers "might
have to come off tha lake.'
(peaking of poaaiblo action by the
state grand Jury Pietrtct Attorney Clyne
"If any action against those respon
aibla ia ordered by the state grand Jury
will demand tha right to enter pro
ceedings against the lw area m boat In
spectors and tha boat captain named by
the coroner's Jury, in advance of. any
action which may be taken by tha state's
attorney following Indictments by tha
grand Jury. These men are government
officers, tha captain holding a govern
ment license and being under government
. Jurisdiction and we must demand the
right to deal with them. In all pre
ceedlnga, however, the atata will have
the- fullest co-operation from tha govern
ment.". Coaarll Abaadona Ita laqalry,
Tha Independent investigation ordered
by tha city council was virtually aban
doned today on the advice of the cor
poration counsel, who held the opinion
that the Jurisdiction of the city did not
extend over the docks.
The council's investigating committee
decided, however, to petition President
- Wilson to appoint an Investigating conv
mtaalon to act Independently of federal
authorities and to have the government
make a stability test of every excursion
vessel running out of Chloaga. The
council committee appointed a sub-corn-mlttee
which, in connection with the
city engineering bureau and the city
harbor master, will make a thorough
Inapaotlon of every exouralon boat tn and
about Chicago. t t ;
Coroner Hoffman today issued mltU
niuaea for the arrest of the six parsons
whom the coroner's Jury tn Its verdict
held to the state grand Jury. All the men
either are In custody or under surveil
lance and it waa said that the papers
would not be served by Sheriff Tragar
until later. t
tat Will Held rear Mea.
Aaalatant State's Attorney Raber said
today he believed Indictments on charges
of manalaughter, conspiracy or criminal
carelessness could be sustained against
four of the six persons ordered held by
the coroner's Jury. He Is investigating
the jurisdiction ot the grand Jury over
the federal inspectors ordered held by the
coroner's Jury. ' !
Those ever whom the state grand Jury
have Jurisdiction, In the opinion of Mr.
Itaber. are:
Wllllam It. Hull, vice president and
general manager of the., fit Joeeph-CM-
ago Steamship company, which owned
the Eastland.
Walter K.Ureenebaum, ganeral manager
of the Indiana Transportation company,
which chartered the boat.
Harry redersen, captain Of the East
land. Joseph M. Eilckaon, chief engineer of
the F.aatland.
Robert field and Charles C. Eckllff. the
inspectors ordered held, arrived hare to
day from Grand Haven, Mich.
Derrick Plaat la ttwsdosta,
The plan to raise the Kastland by the
uae of derricks was abandoned today be
cause of the Immense weight of the water
within the hull. Work waa begun to seal
the openings in tha boat, so that tha
water mfuht be pumped out and the bull
Tha Kasdand disaster, which brought
death to probably ISM) persons and spread
sorrow over the city,' brought a bride to,
Joe Yota. who, with his sweetheart, Miae
.A I vine Ktubenrauch, stood on tha upper
devk when the ahlp went over. Together
they Jumped Into tha river and Joe swam
with the girt to safety. Thalr frlenda
today learned that Alrlna and Joe were
man led last night. -
B4r Fob ad la laaal.
Tha body of a man supposed to be
William Oerewtta. a victim of the
aUamer KaaUaiul disaster was taken
from the Chicago drainage canal at West
ern avenue today, nearly four miles from
the s.ena of tha accldeat. The body was
aught la a net stretched across the
funeral services for the last of tha
unidentified dead cf tha Eastland ware
held. All but tour of the 831 bodele re
covered up to noon have been Identified.
Caaty 1111 Pay (a BUI.
ROCKWKLL. ClTT, la., July .-8pe.
lat Telegram.) Tha board ot auper
vlsors today ordered the county auditor
o draw a warrant In favor of Newton at
Holt company of Chicago for 5 , with
In ts rest and costs. In accordance with a
Judgment rendered In federal court In
June. A warrant waa formerly drawn
for the amount and paid to an employe
of the company, and tha courts decided
that tha rouuty was still hid for the
amount of the oompany'a claim.
The board also directed suit to be
brought against the ex-county treasurer
ho cashed the warnuit and his bonds
Jien to reimburse the county for the loa.
1'i.a amount litxolved was due for furni
ture Installed in the new court house.
H"d (inniiiiiir a ii.
K.KjNK, la.. Ju!y .-i.e.-lal -Bi ua
h,r Hie cMion of new court hot.ev
in fur i..iin ut t...'w. althrt ueie ..l
1 !;- f-.oard i,f iur to i. t ,it l
Captain Henry Pederson,
held by grand jury as cul
pable for drowning of over
1,000 excursion passengers
on ill-fated boat.
V J-H.'ie,
I It ...... .'.
I t - jj !
Co. of Davenport, la., at a premium
of f7,14u, were sold on condition that an
action on a petition for rehearing now
tn supreme court as to the validity of
the election voting said bonds proves to
be favorable, '
U. S. Marines Guard
French Consulate
at Cape Haitien
WASHINGTON, July .-The French
consulate at Cape Haitlcn. Haiti, Is
menaced by revolutionists and a guard
from the United Htateg auxiliary cruiser
Kxgle has been landed to protect it. This
Information was cabled early today to
the State department by American Conaul
Livingston. . ... ,
Rear Admiral Caperton, In a cablegram
sent last night from Tort au Prince and
received at the Navy department today,
saldl . k - - t
. "Landing force entered Port ai Prince
and bivouacked for the night. A guard
was placed at the French legation. No
serious dlaturbanoea. This action was de
cided on after consultation with American
charge d'affaires and the French and
British charge d'affaires. The French
warship. Descartea Is expected tonight.
''Two companies of marines and two
eompanlea of eeamen were landed. Have
Information from commander of the
United Rtates cruiser Eagle, reporting
eondltions at Cape Halt ten quiet, but Eagle
landed twenty men at Cape Haitien to
protect French consulate for fear of at
tack on refugees there. They were landed
at request of French conaul."
f" "" ej
Johnston tt Mur
phy's t&DOtanBus
sia and gun metal
Oxfords, b e n o h-
MacDonald So El
ley's $8.00 and
$5.60 tan Russia
and sun
now. .
SlaUr & tlccTiil'g
$5.00 tan Russia
and c&lf cloth top
Oxfords, gq nr
now $0el d
Howard is Foster's
$5.00 tan Russia,
per pair
E&e Our Window
X r imv Y ' a
'Continued from Page One.)
said he would ask tha governor to meet
Mrs. Becker at Flahkill. where the gov
ernor expects to be early thla afternoon
As a result of worry over the Becker
case, the governor la aald to bo nearly
exhausted, lie has followed every move
aa cloiely aa any of the attorneys and his
appearance showe plainly the effects of
his hours of study and worry.
Mole Hope I. lea la Oereraer.
NBW TORK. July .-The sole hope of
saving Charles Becker from dying In the
electric chair at Ring Ping prison to
morrow mernlng lies In Governor Whit
man. Counsel for the condemned man
announced today that they had aban
doned the Idea of appealing to Judge
Hogan of the court ot appeals at Syra
cuse for a stay of execution.
The attorneys added that the only
course remaining open for them to pur
sue was to appeal to the governor to re
prleve Becker until October, when the
court of appeals reconvenes. Rhould the
governor grant such a stay of execution,
counsel us Id they would enter an appeal
from the decision of Supreme Court
Justice Ford, who last olght declined to
grant a new trial on the ground of newly
discovered evidence.
Derision of J as t Ice Ford;.
Justice Ford announced his decision at
10 o'clock last night In his chamber where
he had labored for several days and
nights on the briefa submitted for and
agalnat tha application for a new trial.
He called the waiting newapaper men into
, hie chamfers and. as his secretary handed
them copies of his typewritten decision,
the Justice mid:
"I have denied the motion for a new
trial, end thla la my birthday. I'm 53
today. It'a a pretty tough way to spend
vour birthday. Isn't ItT"
"1 virtually arrived at my derision Tues
day night," said Justice Ford, ''but spent
many hour alnce then phrasing and ar
ranging the opinion."
Then the Justice chatted for several
mlnutea on the law Involved In the case
he had Just decided. . Mrs Becker was
said at thst very moment to be visiting
her doomed husband in Ring Sing.
Justice Ford's decision covered five full
pages of legal rap paper and contained
about 1.600 words. It goes Into tha de
tails of the affidavits filed by the at
torney for Becker and declares that the
evidence proffered "Is for the most part
cumulative and hence Insufficient."
Has Sack) Power.
Referrmg to tha plea of W. Bourke
Cock ran, chief counsel for Becker, that
the right to grsnt a new trial Is Inherent
in the court, the decision says: .
I cannot find anywhere In the au
thorities even a suggestion that this court
possesses any such (inherent) power. On
the contrary as has been pointed out.
the power Is granted by statute and must
be exercised iri strict compliance with it"
In conclusion the 'court says:
. "As I studied the authorities and ea
mined the affidavits, tha conviction baa
grown upon me that tt (a new trial)
could, not be granted without disregard
ing the law and attempting to usurp
the functions of another department of
"The motion therefor is dan led."
Brussels is Fined : '
r -y'" Another Million
PAIHS. July .-5; a. m.)-Another
flno of 11,000,000 has been Imposed on the
city of Brussels by the German authori
ties in consequencs of the destruction of
a Zoppelln dirigible balloon at Ever by
aviators of the allies, according to the
correspondent at . Havre of the Pwtlt
t'ssiktd for Tkroe Years,
A grateful sufferer jvritee: "Tour medi
cine, Dr. King's New Discovery, cured
my cough of three years standing."., 60c.
All druggists. Advertisement.
For Men and WcmcnMYell-Knovn Shoes at Nearly Hall Price!
' W do not need to go into the merit of this (Teat Eboe fi&le. The well-known mikes and low
prices will convince yoa that this U a s&la worth while. . ' . . ,
Our annual sale eeoh year has been by far the greatest Shoe Sale in the city, and this year will
be a greater event in shoe seUlnr than erer before. You all know that our advertising' means just
what we say. Honest values at lowest prioes.
Sale atarts promptly at Eirht O'clock Tomorrow, Friday. Be sure to ome and come early.
Sale Prices lor Ken
Reynolds, Drake St
Oabel's M &0 tan
Russia and black
rubber sole Ox-
Howard A Foster's
HBO tan Russia
and gun metal Ox.
metal Ox-
pair. .
. ,
Ten lines $100 Ox
fords, tan Russia,
calf and patents,
Mullen Shoe 0o.'s
$3.50 tan Russia
and calf, English
and high toe lasts,
rubber sole
Extra Special lor Men
283 pairs $3.00 and $4.00 tan and
black Oxfords, broken lines, t
and large siies, your choicer 4 f r
'or 0LU5
New York police officer,
to pay death penalty for
instigating Rosenthal mur
der, which was the sensa
tion of the day at the time.
' . .
-. -
(Continued from Page One.)
could come aboard at a time. I counted
Off twenty, one at a tlnu an r-
pec tor Lobdnll to let on five more. Four
women and a babe In arms came aboard
and I counted the balm u the Iwn thni.
sand five hundreth person to Come
aboard the F.asUand."
The witness explained that hh w.a
counted ag a ransons-er the um
adult under orders received from General
"You are ' Dersonellv sura h thm
were only 2,500 persona on board the East
land, exclusive of the crew?" asked Sec
retary Itedfield. "
I am positive," replied the wKneos.
Mr. MoCrearv aald that he hsi ureibeil
abo-X the Eastland while it was being
loaded and noted that Ita life preservers
were properly distributed.. He donled thero
was any panlo among the passengers or
that they rushed to the dock side rail
'when the boat listed sharply, but seemed
likely to regain "an even keel. ' '
Water Main Blown
Out with Dynamite
t Msawaaai
"BELUNOHAM. Wash.." July" .-The
water main leading from tha reservoir
which supplies the town of. Blaine on the
International border waa dynamited last
night The town Is without water supply
A placard on a fence near the scene of
the explosion read: ;
"Put out the Japs or there will be some
thing worse than this happen."
There has been discontent at Blaine
over the employment ot Japanese In fish
Tomorrow (Friday) Is
The Shoe Sale That's
Sale Prices for Women
Laird it Schober's
$8.50 . band made
Delta pumps, pat
ent and dull, turn
H. H. Cray's $4.50
patent Oxfords and
pumps, gray, fawn
and white quarters,
extra spe-) nr
clil, at.....0e)
Ziegler Bros.' $4.00
patent and dull kid
straps and pumps,
Ten linos, all good
makes, straps,
pumps and button
Oxfords, patents,
dull and kids, $4.00
and $3.50 values,
Eight lines $3.50
Oxfords, p u m p s
and straps, dull and
patent, Jj-now
Laird & 3chober's
$5.50 patent, dull
and tan Russia
Wrifhf & Peter's
$5,00 patent, dull
and whit oalf top,
Louis and Cuban
S75 pair broken
lines Oxfords and
straps, kid and pat
ents, your Mr
choice for.$X lij
Extra Special In Whites
We have included in this big Clear
lng Sale every pair Wright & Peters'
$3.00 and $3.60 imported Q nr
buck and linen shoes, for. el D
(Continued from Tage One.)
prisoners taken during the recent en
gagement July ST and July 2t, Is 901."
German Official Resiort.
BERLIN (Via London). July 29. Ger
man army headquarters todsy gave out
a statement on the progress of hostilities
as follows:
"In Flanders our artillery- destroyed a
pontoon over the Furues canal on which
a heavy gun had been mounted.
"To the west of Soucheg a French" at
tack waa repulsed.
"Near Glvenchy. in the Argonne, and
near Va quels we successfully blew up
mines. French mine . explosions In the
Champagne district were without result.
"In the eastern theater of r-e war the
situation north of tha River Nlemen re
mains unchanged. To the northeast of
fiuwelkl. along both sides of the railroad
to Ollta, our troops have occupied a por
tion of the enemy position, capturing 2.J10
prisoners and two machine guns.
'Last night the Russians delivered re
peated attacks agalnat our front south of
Nasilcsk. All these endeavors failed with
heavy loaa to the enemy. To the west of
Novogeorgiavsk on the south bank of
the Vistula we captured 128 Russians.
"In the district to the southwest of
Gorakslwarja Russian forces on the night
of July 27 attempted to advance In a
westerly direction. Yesterday we attacked
them and strove them back.
"In the southeastern theater of the war
the situation with regard to the German
troops is generally unchanged."
A Iberia Evans.
STELLA. Neb.. July . (8peclal.)-The
body of Miss Alberta Evans, who died
In an Omaha hospital, was brought to
Stella yesterday and taken the
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John O.
Evans, east of town. Rev. 8. Miller, her
former Castor, now nf the r.i..:n.
church, near Geneva, will preach the
lunerai at the home Friday morning, at
10 o'clock. Burial will be In Prairie Union
gaatael lon.
NEW TORK. July 2.-8amuel Long,
president Of the Kalem eomnanv elnr.
1007, and for many years one of the moet
wiaeiy Known motion, picture operators
In , the-country.- died-here todav n hi.
forty-first year. Mr. Long came here from
baitimore in 1897 and became associated
In the development of several of the
most Important motion picture camps of
ine country.
Tha Central-TMiltiire Store
Will Put oa Special Vale Hundreds of
- rioor Bamplea and Odd Meoee
of raxnttnre.
Every, odd pair of Lace Cur Ulna, Por
tlerea and Couch Covers 1
and everything where there remains but
two ana in many cases three of an arti
clewill b redm-m .to aboor oes-half
of the former sailing Brlce. vera
hava returned from tha great furniture
manufacturing centers, whera extenslvs
purchases were made for our fail bust.
neas, big shipments of general home
furnishings will soon be here, and in
order to display the new fall lines, we
must have every foot of floor amse nnw
occupied by all theee odd pleoes and dis
continued rpatterna. . If you have a place
In your home for an extra piece of fur
niture, an excellent rug or a beautiful
pair of lace curtains or draperies, you
should by all means take advantage of
the extremely low nricea that win .
vail throughout thla Bala Ae usual, you
make your own term.
the First Day
Worth While
See Our Window
NKW TOR IV, July 29.Paaeenrra sr
nvlns; hera todajr on the liner Koordam
from Rotterdam said the eteamer was
detained three hours off PeeJ by a Brit
ish rtro4 boat, while three Austrian
paaeeneers were taken ashore and ques
tioned. The three were later returned to
tha steamer. Amonar the paasenserw waa
Thompson-Belden ?Co
215 White Summer Dresses
at Reduced Prices Friday,
$12.50 and $14.50
Fashionable for
and Dressey
A complete variety of late summer styles in cotton
crepes, embroidered voiles and novel warm weather,
, Because of the low prices
Alterations will be charged for.
Advance Notice of Silk r
Remnant Sale
, A sale that will appeal
and beauty of fabric. . ' '...,'-t
Everything from n waist length to a full dress,
pattern in this final clearance sale.
At About Half the Uiual
Remnant Prices
Displayed in Howard Street Window.
Details of Sale in Friday's Papers.
Thiny-fiJVi Ttvr
For liquor and
Rsmorea permanently the craving
for Liquor and DrufS.
Always lmprores tha general health.
Surroundlnas pleasant system hu
mane, nothlna "harolc."
Dm- are withdrawn rradually. and
with tha aid of our tonic remedies
patients suffer no collapse.
Do not be purauaded that all treat
ments are aliks. Oura la the onl
effective ons. as time and expert
ence prove.
Come to us without delay. These con
ditions are aerious and there should
be no experiments.
Send for llluetrated booklet. Corre
spondence atrlctly confluentlsJ.
The Keeley Institute
Coraar itll sad Caae tteet.
Glen Morris Inn
Christmas Laks, Minnetdnka
Popular Rendvezous
of Omaha People
Owned and Operated by
Minneapolis, Mina.
Bathlnr. BoaUax. Oaaolas;
aad Otaav Attraetloaa.
-Tb C14 Oaaaalat. Sepaty-a
Caaaoe Taat Waa," -"ataae fatty
aa ta law.'
M. A. W. M. TJarda Van Starkenoorfh
Stachouwer, atUrhe of the Dutch lea
tion at Washlngrton.
Drsartmrat Orders. "
WASHINOTON. July S9 pelal Tel
esranO FdwaM Pnyder aaa arpolnten
rural letter carrier at Brunlns. Neb.
8. Jl. Rlrhartlfon was orrxlnted Boat
master at IVass. Cherry county. Neb.,
vlre Tx)tte Emery, reslened.
Kuaene E. rV'oman waa appointed post
master at Mound City. Campbell county,
South Dakota.
Country Club
Summer Wear
to you, in quality, variety
J I ST . -
Axrmxs rAicn.T
A matt oa a nejaUh Taoht."
Doyle si Blaine Bofarl aj Mlooll
The DaffyeU CUrla Todelers
ifbree's Ios;s, C aulas Wonders
A Feature Prodnotloa
"slam, tha Btatna"
. "Hearst-Bella- Vswa"
"BUbia's Ousauu"
6C Kes'd tteata, loe Bstra
Thlrtleta aad raraaza Btraets,
BB-OrXsT2I v
velya Veshlt Thaw and aar
son, Busssll WUUam Thaw, la a
a-reat Tire-real drama Of osia
"Threads of Destiny"
Saturday Mi Kaaloa Bros.
I-aatasma la five reels.
Clan Gordon
No. 63
Annual Picnic
(rug Park, July 31
, Admission 10 Cents
awn i
Edward Lynch AZ??2U
afatiaeee. 15a Se n. t5a ta-sOa