JULY 1013. onononoaononoaononoaonononononononononononononononononodononononononononononononononononononononononon:nonononoaonononcnonono a n when the quest, or task, is one that advertising can accomplish for you. Try it. g onononononononononononcnonononononononooononononononononcnonononocjononononononopononononononononononooonooononononononcncnoao TIIK BEE: OMAHA, ea an pa Ii -x art Ju art C ir 'flut atri ft ah we . to I t h "J U rij Wt.t 11 Ctlii wl I a a Lit Wea on j I 1 r- t 4 I'" I t-. Y U a WANT ADS Want ad received at any tltna. but to Insure troier elssr-lflratlon must be pre sented before 13 o'clock noon tor evening edition and 7: p. m. for morning and j punur stainon-'. iant inn re --i 1 eijch hour will be under the heading, To Lata to Claaslfy." CAUFI RATEB. . Seven consecutive timea, 1 cent a worn each Insertion. ... Two or mora eonaeeutlv limes IH cents a word. Ona lima, 2 or-nti a word. CHARGE PATES. Seven eonaeeutlv tlmea, cant a una each Insertion. , ... Tntee consecutive times, 10 cent each lneerU.h. Ona time, 11 cents a Una. Count six tnriH words to a Una. Mlmlmum chant, JO rente. An advertisement Inserted to b run until discontinued must be stopped oy written order. , . All clalma for errora must be ."A, within fifteen dura after the last Ineer Uoo of the advertlaement Toil can place your want ad In The Bee by telephone. TRLEPMOiN IS II CARD Or THANKS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thar-xa to our many frlenda and nelgl.bora for the acta of kindness and sympathy ehown tn the sickness and death of our beloved wife and mother. k. w. fit.d. rKH W. FIELD, - MRS. K A. NF.1LSEN. DEATHS AND KUNF.R!. KOt.CM NICHOLS-Carrle Bertha, aged 84 year; I daya. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr John M. Nichols, July 26. Ml. Funeral Thursday afternoon at I o clock from family rsldnc. 1 Jones Ntneet to Freet Lawn cemeterr. Ftlenda are weloonte. BIRTH! AJCD DBiTHI. Rlrtha-Pwter and EtU Dunn. North ElghUenfh, girl; John C. and Effl Coatamouth, ISM South Twenty-el th, toy; Btuart and Haifa Grail. VOX Dear Park boulerard, ajlrl; .Loula and Ton Hubechinern, 1J17 William, girl (Frank J. and Lena I-andmann, ?A South Mna teonth. alrl; Vaclav and OlMna Moraveo, 11 North NlnHewnth. fauth Side, boy; Mlka and lAta Makara, 12 Pino, girls Clifford and tiuaalo Merrell, 1014 Web tr. alrl; Morrla and Gertrude Ohroan. tlO North Twwnty-flfth avenue, flrl: Ai uet and Stella Perklna, W40 Houth Nine teenth, girl; KUIa find Maud Ponedel, Mil Military avenue, boy: Menard and Jsa'lla Return. 1".J4 North Twenty-eecond. Rlrt; Han y and 1 1 alt la cV-hafer. i fto-ith. Twentieth avenue, girl; Joe and Mirle Htlnar, 2il North Nineteenth, rVmlh BI1. boy; tvld and Heaale Hllvormaa, 211$ Urant, girl. . , Latha-Wllllam Swrhena. I daya, S3 North Twenty-eUth; Bernard D. Courier, t. lioei.llaU i MARRIAOR LICElggEI. rermita to wed have been granted to the following: Nam and Kealdence. Are. William Haker, Bwth Omaha J Florenca Baldwin, Omaha W John H. Qutnn, Omaha, -orar ... Jl Helen U Weleh. Omaha, over.. ....... i 1 yMward F. DavIa, Omaha XI Minerva A. Button, lied Cloud 1 Arthur Nelnon, Cordova - - ?l Oenevtevo Dow, Pow City, la 1 TVnlel W. Bogan. Omaha M HaJen Moaea. Havre, Mont J. Arthur 'Baker, Omaha M Alda Neber. Atklnaon 1 rvmmloo Giordano, Omaha M Maria Ruaao, Omaha 21 John WJhltley, Jr., Omaha K'annle Dunoan. Omaha 30 Ialle Bdenfleld. Omaha JJ Kaye Puraley, Omaha 3 Bt'ILDIXU PERMITI. Mra. M. r. I'ilea. 4M4 Farnara, frama dwelling, $3. WO; FMaard Traver, t-1 Jonea. diivlm dwelllna. V.00O: Klward H. Irawr, ViOl-X Jonea, (lnplex brli'k dwtVIl Inc. IS.OflO; reward B. Traver. WA T Hmittt Tnty-aiKth aenue, duple brick dll Ina. .000: VMward B. Tracer, eW-71 Bouth Twitv-lrth avenue, duplex brick dwell Inir, .(; A. B. Rowa. Chlcyiro frame (Iwellli ir, I1.1M: A. llit. 'M i loiilaa. walra o atrera, fi.oiiO; Chart a Ktor lsni-H- North Twenty-fourth, re l.air ViO. I'nlf'n Depot comnnr. Klaith and Marcy adflltlon to milk dpot. 11,701; art Bwann, 4114 California, frame dwell ing. $.1). Today' Movie Projr&ms LANTEHN alidea for narUm. INnd your copy ta m. We can r produce photos r will prepara your copy. We will color a Cirectad. Be Pboto Dept. 10) Be Bid. Dowtttwi, EMPRESS, 15TH&D0U0. HIGH CLAS3 VAUDEVILLE II caret Belli. No. Eg. The Confeaeton of Madame liaraatoff, t-r. Vita. The Horn Treatment and the Mure Cur. Eaaanay. EASTLAND DISASTER PICTURES MUNROB. 1666 FARNAM. Vivian Martin In "Uttle Mlaa Brown," a Wllltenn A. Hrady feature, t reela 1 1S17-19 lOUQLA8. 'Iteat chapter of "The Uroken CVln tIorothy UUh). The Uttle fittamount, drama Kor Klrat Hponga Cake, coin, liateet war ploturea, current eventa, eta. JrB. GRAND, 1TH AND BINNET. "Theater Beautiful" Horse of Good Tlcturea. The Ullded Fool. In I parti, featuring W. Famam, a Fox feature. LOlHKOr. 4TH AND LOT11ROP, After lark. t-reel Wm. A. Brady'e fa- moua ! play, with Alec b. Fran ct "OM Tom." APOLLO, 2S24 LEAVENWORTH. Near KternltV. The Frameup, t-reel drama 11 intlna a liuehand. Vltaarraph. IB Bide. HESSE. I4TI AND N. A Wld Ride. Kalem. The Retail's Tunin, X-real KAanay. Jrfv a Way, 'ltiMrraph. ORP11ELM. 24TU AND N. The Flying Twins, 4-reel Master picture. 1 teal Id Diamond, Beauty ojiikdy. AKNOnfCKMEJTTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort Tor Your ' Customers and Patron by locating in The Bee Building iui.,i Iniai.dniit a C'ifice ileum IU MOVIES FEATURES TODAY ft EMPRESS, 16TH AND DOUGLAS EASTLAND DISASTER PICTURES GRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. The C.lliled Fool In S part a, featuring W. Kurtia m A box fewture. LOTliROP. 24TH AND LOTHROH. After Park, 8 reel Wm. A. Brady'e fa moua alaira play, with Alea B. Francis aa Md rom. MONROE, 2666 FARNAM, Vivian Martin. In "Little Mine Brown," a William A. Brady feature; in 5 reels. ORPHEL'M. 24TH AND N. The Flylnif Twlna, 4-recl Maaterptctura. PRINCESS. 1217-19 DOUGLAS. Latest chapter of The Broken Coin. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1,000 Craw Fish Freeh every day. Call Doug. 1141 William Plnsl-trn. JJTNEY TRANSIT CO. Good cars lowact rata. Phone Doug. 4611. WE) 1IAVK rodded M.0TA bulldlnga alnce 110, and never had on strucK. We Cjarante every job. AMKHICAN lOHTNINO ROD CO.. 70 B. lh Bt. tnveatlgat T.M.C-A. out g para, ummr7 A TTRACTION8 WANTED Concessions and attraction for carnival at Grafton. Nab.. Aueuat ii, K". it. nr. i:. B. Hunnarq. secretary CONCESSIONS wanted for I daya cele bration at Dannebrog, Neb., August and 1. The Committee. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering selling or buying a used car and you want full value for your money or you want neonle who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no rirret If you Diw or aaveruae tnrougn tna used car column of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler 10a. One alx-cylln!er Cole. One four-cylinder Croxton-Kecton. One four-cylinder Chalmers. Prices from fOu to tl.iKX). H. PKLroN. 2?"4 Kamam Bt. FONTKN K1A.K ALTO CO.. 114 B. lth Bt Expert repairing; bargains In uaed care, guaranteed aa represented. 110a BJCWAlin fni anw n..n. - reralr. Colls repd. Baysdorfer. 210 N. o 1-TON truck for sale cheap. 17U leav- fnwnnn. inone i. sxia. O. KlA8SKR, expert radiator and lamp repairs, Ty. V. arol Leavenworth. Overtoti'a for lry radiator. VK dealara. Want an auto, t J. Canan, McCague bid. Industrial Oarage Co., aoth As Harney Bts. NKBHABKA Hulck Hervtoo Blatlon, 1914 runuiinnii x-none ijoiigias TZ1. FIRESTONK Columbus. 4WV nArm.f.Ai v nir numi ?0M Farnam Ht. Doug. 423. FOR 8AI-E Handaoma WikmIs elao- irio, almost new. call Harney 8373. TOTRINO CAR OR TtlllCK TO TRADH TYLHR 7or,ATINti PUANT- P"0 t adlllao V- Ford I'alga 10' Ford OaMnd rt Truck ... .. 7S .. 225 We huy. sell and exchange. THM AUTO CLKARINO HOI'SBJ. JJ09 Kaniam. Tel. Doug. 10, A 114 &-paenx:r Ford touring car for Bale; In flret olaaa condition, price law. Inquire American Automobile College, ?IZo Farnam. M etorereiva. Barfalna In used motorcycles. 10 up. BUSINESS CHAIfCEa If your buslaesg Chance will atand rljtld Investigation and Is Just what It la advertised, or If you are looking to elart In business) for youraelf you wUl ba per- eaueiiea u you us the Business J. hance column of The Be. When buy- m nr Tiling a pusinasa t'hone Tyer KM), FOR KALJO Hutiuni.l try. ' lor, grooartea, fruits, etc.; bargain If Neb. "wu ran ix. v.onraa, Urarton, BTOtK and furnlshlnga of the best little Uotol In weatarn Nebraska are for aeie. A good paying buslneee and a aood on portunlty for someone. Kor term "c". v. w. Williams. Orant. Nel 118lTIoN aa manager of moving pio- South Dakota. Would consider the pur- or an or part interest. At present Interested In the amusement business and -nn lurniwn reterencea J. tm. Bee." W ANTE D A partner In directory butl- iur ifiufni o., aid. a aura money making proposition. Prefer man with auto, t all and talk It over. J. It Ketly, Jlarlcy hotel, between 10 and !2 a m. WANTED to buy. hardware atntik In email town tn Nehriaka or Iowa; give full perttP-.ilara In first letter. No trade tor a conauierea. j. tr. ucUni, Florenoe, N-b. LKAV1NO Norfolk. Neb., must aell my cigar and bllllatd parlors, known as tha i nvn, mis is an un-to-oate place. K. K. Miller. Prop., Norfolk. Neb. ANTKIV-party with to take eatab llnhed plant. Kxperleuce unnecessary. TouKlae Slf-7. f IQN8. show cards. Clark X Bon. D. 17. r in or out or nuatneaa call en Jr anuwtah. a Bee Bld. Doug. 1477. REAL cstxte Buslneee piaa aupplled e( handled; all atatea. F. v. Knlaat Omaha THKATKRS Buy. Irasa or sell your the aier, mamma and auppiiea through i neater change t-o., ta t arr.am UL L'O'ialaa Jaai. O W N F H List your pmirty with W. W. Williams. 150 Nvt,le Hlk. D. 4107. Tn FKLI. or buy a bi-sliieas, call on no., n nnrenotr, Krenwr Bik. n. il Mais parlor. R ?. Neville bk.MlesWalton FOR BAUl-J4'afe Id town of t.ODO. doing a good business. Rst rallrwad town in ti.e state, fur particulars address Y V. Bee. Fuli BALK Onlv drug atur in town In horthexsurn Nebraaka; rich farming community. A n-lentild op'Jortunity for Hvo younK man, Terms, cash or aeo'ired notes. Adtlnsa Y Dee. FOR HA I K-Hotel, restaurant and barber shop, 2mi Ave. A, opp. car barn; good location; reason for selllnr. grdng out west H. Mst-Dniisld Black IS. C. Bluff. FOR BALK Or trade, blackamlth ahip and T a. and garag lu Co. seat loan. Addreaa Bee. EDCCATIO.ir JL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete buamesa ewurse, complete slioelhsuj or slenotpe rvuise, complete telegraphy course, rlvtl rvioe brandies and a-ng-Hon. Studxnta alinltt1 at any tiiua Write, phone or rail tor l!i catalogue. Bui I.KS CtiLLKOK. H. B. BoYLE:. President. Tel D li. Loylea Bldg, Ou.aba Neb. ft EDUCATIONAL KOR sale, the following scholarships In a first rlaa Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. Ona unlimited stenographic course. One thtee months' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. FOIl BALE FOR SALE Here la a classification hat la of the utmost Inportance to every reader, aa this column offers some excep tional opportunities evrrv day and a small want ad will sell your article at Its full value. Phone Tyler l"00. Ksrallirr, lleasebola buWa, gets, BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND HARDWARE iVtt N. S4TH. WED. 1107. FOR HALB Five gas rangoa, to 10; 82X N. list Bt., or phone Doug-lae CT, T)FJ"s!CS bought and sold. J. C. Reed, 1 ij Farnam at. D. glia. Harare nil Veaiviea. ISO bnya a wll broke, neck rein saddle horse. 3822 Hurrlaon Ft. Phone Ho. i2. Grocers, Attention! OUR large atork of delivery wagona 'Btudabaker's, and our own make), of-fer-d at low prices to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford truck bodies. JOHN.SON-DANFORTH COMPANT, N. l!th Bt., near Clark Ht. BTRONC1, light wsgon for sal;ln good condition; n. i4tn; rco ii Maalral luiranrati, Bllghtly use htgli arrada olano. D. 1017. I'nsllrr, tt-aara a Ml Bavaliea. BTKRfiOTTPH matrices make the best and cheapeet lining for poultry houaes. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7ao a hundred at The Bee off g e. nA.Kt grain, 100 Iba 11.85. Wagner, 01 N. lstn. TTPH7WRITFJIB, 1.0 and up. t Be Bldg. TlftM sold, rauteu. repaired Central Typewriter Exc. 1X1B Farnaw. Mteevllaaeea. BIO aal on trunka bags and auitcasea Friedman. 1211 Iouglaa Bt ' K T Ihi-hand motor dynaraoa, l WIf Yianatoa ate., mechantea. nanlcal Worka,tla-S0 . uth Bt e FOR BALE AT ONCJ1 M feet suit and oloak cabinets, I feet deep, oak aeneered with eight French bevel plate mirrora. One 30-arm John H. Best rug rack. Three wax figures, two of these ar J. It Palmenberg's 1914 make; Jointed arms, with limhs, shoes and Blockings. One 0-foot notion rana and five other floor show cases; all best quality. 1 Lamson rapid and two air ilns cash carrier atatlona. One -gallon F. P, Gasoline lighting plant having fifteen lights. I years eld, good aa new, Alao many other first class store fix tures. Reason for selling, have gone out of the retail dry goods buslnes. WM. WIKBE CO., Beatrl'-e, Neb. TOOLS, shovels, picks, Jackscrews. win dow giaaa, i carpenter oencnee, i eacn; 10 match machines. 50o each, 1 hot water boiler complete, 10; combination electric fixtures, 2bo esnh; Iron beds, complete, tl; good horse, .10; harness, $10; good ex press wagon, $75. J. v.. ion. Tel. Harney 241 ,08 B. list Are. $3.20 Golden Weat Whiskey, lull Quarts bottlsd in bond, pre paid. Cackley Broa.. Omaha. MOTOR boat, IS-ft.. -h. p.. -cyl., eleo trln lixhts, dynamo, storage battery, searchlight, horn, finest equipped boat on Carter Lake. ' Johnson, H . 12th Bt. D. I46S. FOR BALK 4100 Hall aafe, Juat aa good a new: 140 will take It. CADILIAC CO. OF OMAHA. 4 Farnam tit. Doug. 422ft. FOR BALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and acceaaorlea; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 407-40 8. Mkh Bt. Id-hand Burrotigh adding machine. Bxoel- lent connmon. aiust sen quicn. j-rm, nee. LATKHT type II H. P. Weatlnghouse traction engine; guaranteed; 1600. Woodworth, 4l& harbacb Bid. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Offle. COMPT. ODr .lin t ail 8terM-apher Lw WK NKED TilPORARX BTENOQ. WATW RbKcO., Sffl-40-41 Brandels The. XJOAVB) your name with ua. lt'a quicker. BUSLNKfM M K1N"B RBFERKNOB A6SN. !- Woodmen of World. Ageata sad galeswesaea. TWO ladlos with ability to travel for astern conoain: uernianont eniDlov- ineut to proper partlea Call 10-12 o'olook Wednesday Paxion hotel, H A. Fisher. raeisrr aa traits. OI RL to learn halrdreseln. Oppenhslm. HaiMkttyrrfe and Dosaeeti TUB Bervant tllrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Bervant Qlrl Wanted Ad FHLK until vou aot tlia desired result. This appllea to residents of Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to 1 ne Bee ortioe or telephone Tyler two. OOOD maid lor general housework: email family. H. frixl WANTKD a girl for general housework. Must furnish reference. HMO Harney. A CO M PUT K NT girl wanted In a fainUy of two. 3507 Harney ft. WANTK1) tSlrl for general houaework. call tiarnev im. A Yul'Nt girl over II to assist wlta oare of I children. Walnut . WAN TK I IXlM PATENT NURSE GIRL." a I A ar 11 4,1 r eyo-j i n a 1 am, WANTBD A middle aged woman for general housework. Ill S. 10th Bt M laeel laneaa. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as atrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building at bt. Mary's Ave. and Vth Ht . where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaelsted. l.ook for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTHIi- Experienced colored woman cook for country hotel; 126 month; board and room. Hotel LKtwnlng, Deflanoe, la HELP WANTED MALE 1 Clerleal ana Offla. EXP. BTfcNO, gpeedy. 170. Kip. Mgr., gen'l mdse., fie. Uruery cjaleaman. Adv. Hc. balaamaa. bleno end Bokkeeirr, bsnk, ISO. RtHlKRS HKK, t'O. MO Paxton. BAI.KMAN. Nebr. terr. Policy Writer, salary depends, W a tts Ret. Co., fc.vt-40-41 Bra nd. Theater. HKiH-ORAIiH commercial poltlona WitaT. KKKF.Rh.NCel A BOND ASSN. TtiJ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. KtW looatlon. Paxtua Blk. We have several poan Ions open. Rogers Kef. Co. Ainu, ItlMa.i mmm ealleltare. CITY eollcttors wanted. Beat of refer ences required, toaiery to right man. Call Menrray-Omaha Nuiaery Co., all Btale bank Rids , or list and Avenue A, 1 Minim rtiutta. ia f.ivK aaeuts wanted every wliare; Poal- tively fastest selling men's enwialty on the market today; piaU4 ketls trousers press. Write Unmealetely fur terrttory and propoahlon. Tne Allan Co firand Island, Neb, Box at WANTED Waleanien to sell oil t the farmers: must have a car; we pay a good commission twice a month; goods are guaranteed; experienced, men pre ferred ; we pay SI per cent. Address K 7T. Bee. Vt K have good plate for a live insur ance man. Mutual 'teneflt Health A Ac '.. 4.1 t jl l, ktula. HELP WANTED MALR Areata, Salrsmea aa Mollrltora. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor gervlce free. Cbeap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent'a Office. Room 102. BIO aummer seller. Make 110 a day. Big seaaon is on, get busy. Hell Concentrated Soft Drinks, just add water. Delicious aummer drinks for the home, ptcnlce, parties, fairs, ball games, etc. Kvery popular drink, small package; makea NO glaaaea, less than 1 rent a rlnss. Guar anteed under U. R Purs Food lavi. Woods made IK first day, Qulnn took in 111 orders two days. Others coining money, selling to smiIi fountains, sort drink stands, etc. 'M other hot weather sellers. Over 100 per cent profit. Territory going faat. Complete outfit furnished, sample case free. Just a postal today now. American Producta Co., Z703 Third Pt., Cincinnati. P.. Kaeturr mud lixsti, Drug store snapa; Jobs. Knclst. Bee Bldg. Free Tuition for a short time. WESTKRN BARBER COl.LEQK. 1404 Dodao Bt. WANTED At once, one boiler marker, familiar aith work In contract shop. Address, Fremont Foundry and Machine Co., Fremont, Neb. WE need men: had to turn down two , . . , . . . jddi per wfR laieiy. vwv in. i,esrn by our method. Oet one of thaea job Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto, mobile School. 1417 Dodge Bt MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Special aummer rates. Catalogue mailed fro. 110 Bo. 14th Bt. Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO Kfc Farnam St.. Free Catalogue COLLEOB. OMAHA. NHJB. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid. Tool given. Porltlona guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trt-Clty College. 1124 Douglaa. Omaha. BUILDER who wanta contract to build small house and has tha money or will get building loan on the property, which I furnish. Will give share of profits besides paying full contract Addreaa J 631, Omaha Bee. Mlaoellaneoas. MEN wanted: government Jobs; 190 per month; Omaba examinations Sept 15. Bampls quostions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 221 F. Rochester. N. T. MEN Ablebodled, young; to qualify aa chauffeur and auto renatrmen: 1X5 tn HBO monthly. We asslnt to positions; booklet free. Wm. Crabb, Dept. A-ll, Beaver Bt, New York. o WANTED Namea of men. II or over, wishing government Jobs. $8B month. No pull necessary. Address Y 601, Be. ARB you eatlafied? Would you like to better your position and earn more moneyf We can uae an energetlo young man, 1f you ar wide awake. Write 8. 611, car Bee. WANTEIV Sober, Industrious man. capa ble of taking charge of farm year around r portion to right man. Addreaa 8 7SS. care Bee. SITUATIONS WAXTED EXPERIENCED chauffeur wanta posi tion; will -do other work. Addreaa A 771. Bee. MIDDLU-AOBD Woman desires place on a farm. l N. 21st Bt Mra. Z. COLORED girl wants poaitlon as house- aeepor or cnambermald. Call Oouar. W73. OIRL has been working In first-class iniin in caw iorK wanes worn as nran Pantry girl; familiar with all aorta of fancy salar's. Addreaa J. 776. Hee. LADY of education and refinement would Ilk employment of some kind Can cook. References furnished. Ad dress 0-7K9. Bee. REFINED middle aged lady, competent and reliable, desires a position as house keeper In a private home, or will take car of Invalid, or child's nurse. Highest olty references furnished. Addreaa ll 70, Bee, or Phone Web. 61. AN experienced colored man would like a poaitlon aa cook tn a cafe or hotel. Phone Webster 4731. KI.D&HLY LADY would take houackeeD- Ing with elderly party where full marge win p given. Address m Vut, Bee. EXPERIENCED office man and book keeper desire permanent position; A-l referenoe from lumber, bank and public accounting offices. Address C 7X8, Bee. WANTED Position cooking by colored lady. Web. 8319. WANTS D Poaitlon by experienced araugntaman. J. L Ferguson. 24Z Ben ton Bt., Council Bluffs, la., Tel. 8223. KXPKIKiKNCKD farmer with good team and Wagon wanta grain hauling or mow ing, mowing mah Ine to be furnished. Address K 791, Bee. Phone 3223, Council Bluffs. WANTED A steady poaitlon aa house keeper. In or near city. Addreaa 1302 Leavenaortl; St., Omaha, Neb. LADY would Ilka to take rare of child ren afternoons or evenings. Address M 7, Bee. WANTED Steady poaitlon doing cham bermaid work, dusting or cleaning,. r. 4. COLORluD girl U years old wants steady poaiuon 10 assist tn bouaework. Phone Webater 2344. LOST AND FOTJITD OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost aouic article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha X Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the etreot care. Many articles each dav sre turned In and the comiany la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4S Iist or Found ad in Omaha' Lost and Found medium means the immediate re turn of that article if advertised tn The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. !"dT Red cow; finder return to Chrla Taft, vl Bancroft Bt, or phone Tyler jStd, I.OBT Cameo pin; value to owner. Re ward. D. MTI. IX)ST One small delive eav receipt book nr Mlh and Vinton Stf. Finder pi ease mum 10 Biaunara mi 10. LOST--l ady s purse, containing change and lady'a gold watch arid two keya. on strett. between Cuming and Ame Ave. Llbtral reward. Phone Web. I6.M. rERSOXAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as atrangera ar Invited to visit tha Young Woineu'a Christian asaoclatioa building at 17th Bt and Bt. Mary'a Av., where they will be directed to eultable boarding placee or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the t nlon station. THE eaivatlon Armv Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga xinea. We collect. We distribute. Phone Iouglas 4135 and our wagon will call, t all and Inspect our new home, 1110-UU-1)14 iKKlge flu IF YOU or any of your family, young or old, ar troubled with tndiaeailon or constipation ante the Continental Pro ducts Co, grot N. Halstead. bt.. Chicago. GORDON, the Magaxlna Man. Tel. Doug. 7HU- Aparljiients, !iata, boosts and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee ''For Rent" swArrEns culymj Wanted to Swap. Why not advert Ins eomethmg that you no longer have any t:ae for and get something you really need? It costs ou nothing to loin the swappers' Ciub and ton wi l find it lots of fun ewsppma thinus W rite Room lot, Hee Bldg., or phone Tyler PM. AUTO S-tenley steamer, 10 h. p., 4-pass., fully ciulpped, silk mohair top, Ruatv more lamps. Presto; trade for gas car; might pav some difference. This is in A-l condition. B. 12M, Be. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see thu "Automobile" classifi cation. BL'LLlKXl English bulldog, about I yrara old, to trade; fine watchdog. What have you? Addrens B C. 1?TA Bee. CHKST full of automobile toola. Will trade for diamonds, or what have you? Addrena 8. C. 11W. car Bee. l'IRPT-CLA83 4-room masaage parlor, beat down-town location in city; doing good business: steam hent, elevator eerv le; wl 1 take city lot or diamonds. Ad dress (t. C. 124a. Bee. GmiiD Guitar to trade for Mandolin, con cert six of 125 value with case. Want a better Mandolin, willing to pay dif ference. Address 8. C. 121, Bee. GOOD residence lot In Cedar Rapids, la., to exchange for late model roadster or five-passenger car. Address Bee. GENUINE mink furs, kodak, opera glaaaea, hand-made china, cabinet and t'A braea bed. WU trade for diamonds. Addrees. B. C, 1265. HORSK. BUGGY. ETC. Nice little all around horeo. rubber-tired buggy, har nesi, gardener'a wagon, express harnea. plow, cultivator, drag, feed grinder and five d ixon homer pigeons and accessor ies for Ford auto or runabout In good condition. Borne of my thins are new and all in good condition. Addresi e. -. 14, Bee LOT Have a lot in Caspar, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyers In this addi tion; will trad for Underwood type writer, new or In flrat-claaa condition, or what have yonT Address 8. C. liM. Bee. EUMBF.R. BLDG. MATERIAL Will trade ISt0 worth Of new lumber or build ing malarial such as you may select for econd-hand automobile. Or will ap ply this amount of credit on lumber bill as flrtt payment on a good lot. Address B. C. 134, Bee. 1114 MODEL Carnation auto. 4 pass.; will awap for Ford roadster or will sell cheap for cash. Address 6. C. 121, Bee. MARLIN pump gun. Will trade for diamond pin. 8. C, 1245, Bee MOTORCYCLE Harley-Davldaon. 19U model. 4-h. p.; equipped with horn, ear lier and mirror. This Is good machine In Al condition, single cylinder, belt drive. What have you to trade? Prefer diamond. Address B. C. 1249. Bee. ONE dresser, 12 rolls of player piano latt. music, one 6x7 camera, 1 sanitary coucn and a lawn mower. In good condition. What have you to awap? Addreea B. C. 12R2. Bee. ONK M-lnch steel and fibre trunk; one l-lnch leafher lined handbag; will trade. Addreaa B. C. 1261, Bee. PI A NO What have you aa partial Davment on new standard niano? Ad- dreea S. C. 12T.7. Be. PRINTING outfit, constating of two presses, motor, plenty of type, Impos ing atonea. Will trade for land, automo bile, atork merchandise valued al $1,200. Address 8. C. 1260. PRINTING PRESS-MuHt trade IU0 pencil printing presa within 1 days; complete drying rack, etc., ready to llnlrh advertising pencils. Party with some capital nan realise ftnO per cent on the inveatment In three months. Ad dreaa. B. C. 1112. care Bee. 1'IANO Manufactured by Booth Bros., almost new; first class condition; pre fer diamond or lot Address 8. C. L4. Bee. RPrniniTPiTnn In mnA r,nilltl,tn value about CO. What have you to trade? Address B. C. 1211. Bee. BEWINO MACHINE Ringer: good condi tlon; drop-head.' Will exchange. What have you? Address B. C. 1210. Bee. TO TRADE. SO galvanised Iron feeder, waterer and oilera for chickens. Big eeller to poultry men and farmer. Retails at $3 each; all new. Client leaving city aud will trade tnem for light car of any make; quick action necassarr. WESTERN I.OAN AND INVEST. CO.. 4l Paxton Block. D. 1601. TOOLS Chest of aecond-hand carpenter tools for trade. Address, a O. 1244, Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Thester Ex. Co.. ltm Farnam Bt. I). Ir7. TYPEWRITER What have you that la useful for a 125 Hammond typewriter Address, S. C. 1268, Bee TYPEWRITER Smith Premier type- writer No. 4. In good condition: 15 or trade. Make offer. Address 8. C. 12r2. Bee VIOLIN (lave 20-year-old violin; also now ana case; pest or artape; to trado. What have vou? Address S. C. 119. Be. BO VOLUMES law text hooks, messages of presidents and encyclopedia, for any thlng 1 can use. Addreea, 8, C. 1266. Be9. WILL swap Hupmoblle, 20 horsepower roadster repainted, redesigned, thor oughly overhauled, new tires and fully equipped except top; will take motor cycle. What hav you? Address 6. C. 1204. Bea. WELL aecured motgage on Omaha prop erty and difference for diamonds worth up to 100. Addreaa B. C. 1161. care Bee. WANTED TO BUT WANTED To buy drug store In south eastern Nebraska. Bend description and price to T B3S, Bee. - Yale buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4804. OFFFICF1 furniture bought and sold. J, C. Reed. LaI Farnam. Doug. DM FOR RENT ' A part aieats a ad Flats. The For Rent advertlaement appearing In the For Kent column of The Bee daily cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill the needs of any one de siring to rent Phone Tyler 10. THE WAYNH BRAND NEW I ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, I2S TO 127. Just completed, 2&th and Dewey Ave., within walking distance; has built-in bed; refrigerator, gas range, gaa drier in laun dry; ROOF GARDEN; everything com fortable and convenient: no car fare; the choicest apartment In the city. Es pecially arranged for I fa ml Ilea. Open from I to I today. Or call ua for an appointment any time during the week. HA8TIMM A HEY DEN, 1614 Harney Bt. FC)R RE N T 2i Blnney fitT! i-T.SOi l-room brick flat. Tel. Webster 731. SOMETHING new 7-rooru duple dwell ings. t2 Park Ave. I MODERN steam heated; hot water free. 18 upwards, u. p. fcteubins, ltuu cnicago. VERY choice, 4 or l-room, ataam-heated apartment on Weet Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBBl NS, Idol FARNAM ST. Folt SALE Cadillac tounruf car, in ex cellent condition, new tires, also extra fine limousine body, grod aa new. This Is a bargain at 11.200. Write or telephone W. W. Richardson. 1S37 F St. Lincoln, Neb. Telephone B-1. FOR SALE Cheap, four iW4' aligitly used canines, with almost new Inner tubes, also four k4' Continental rims; alii sell separately or together. I bones: Harney Tie.; Iktuglaa 11S2. 6 KMri. 1713 Leavenworth. Phone D. Itol. Angelue Apt. I and 4 room apt. H. 0.4. o Karalea Apartaaeata. ONE 4-room apartment, nicely furnlard; front view, strictly modern. Prl. 3o rr month. Hot and cold water. Howard Manul Apt a., tut and Howard, phone IVmgiae tfc4 Baard aa aXMma. Furnished Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In priat families or boarding bouaea of the bigti eat class will beat be found In the Fur nished Rooma colunia of The Bee. Phone Tyler b iCouiiuued on Col. 7, Tula Page.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Branders xnea. ADVF.RTISI.NO .NOVELTIES. M. F. Bhafer Co.. 12th, Farnam. D. 7474. AMATF.IH FINISHING. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41 Be Bldg. Dept. D. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED Books opened and closed. Cost system Installed I-ct me call on vou to explain the advantage cf mv audit service system. Address 4.B 4S7 Ramge Bid? Phone. Doug. i40ft. ARCHITEC'lS. Everett B. Dodds, 612 Paxton Blk. P. 29it ARTIFICIAL STOJiB SIDEWALKS ST 'TP A T .TT O. Ar-U-mm flnnea. wall, gtepa. oplngs; anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. Iffl. John Orant Pavlna; to.. BS Paxton. D.STIX. tl.H.uran- ac. ATTRACTIONS. PTCNIC PARTTlIs DESDttNO RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HAN4COM TK. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlklnson, 611 Paxton Blk. D. 1904. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-14 W.O. W. R. 22S8, Nat'I al Auction Co., HOT W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILE) MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Dougla Vn. ALTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2021 Far. D 2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1S06 N. 1Mb. Web. 82P7. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1T Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feather v"' and mattresses of all kinds, makis feather mattressea and down covers. BLIK PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. SO! Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDHIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Pts, CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS, STEVEN SON, 823 8. 22d. Douglas ICO. Lesaard A Bon, 1E06 Cap. Ave. T. 10. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8I6L Dr. C. V.. Brlggm, 2323 Harney. Red 7TW. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Pag. Blk. Rad 47. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Western renresentatlve of VELVETTLB COMPOSITION flooring. IN'F.STI OATE. Sll-II City Nat. Bk. Bldk. D. 1672. DANC'INU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. UTL, Summer rates now at Mackle's: private leasona dally. 181 Harney. Doug. 844 DRESSMAKING. Terry Dreasmak'g college, 20th 4 Farnam Kip. dreaemaklng; home; out. Web. E615. DYERS AND CLEANERS. 8TATT5 Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N. th. T. 1072. DETECTIVES. JAMBS ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evl dence secured In all caees. Tyler 11W DENTISTS. Or. Bradbury. No pain. 21 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2I8C. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prtcea: freight paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman X Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. HI N. 18th. Terms. KLECTHIC MOTOR REPAIRING. CAH1LLELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg P.tm "electrolysis. TTloa Allender. 624 Be Bldg. Rd 806S. EVERYTHING KOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglaa Block. D. 114, NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaka, aulta and dresses sacrificed. 6 N. lth St FLRNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam Bt D. MOO. L. HENDERSON, 1B1 Farnam. D. 1251. Member Florist Telegraph DeL Ass n. HESS X SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE, 1612 Hamey. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., TOO Hamey St Eat lsDS. HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele, 1116 City Nat INSTRUCTION. English. French. Instruction. DOS Lyric Bid , . - Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6911. General Office, Uth and Manderaon bta Jl STICKS OK TIIK lKAt. H. H. C LAIBORNE, III Paxton Blk. R. 7'L Notary Futk.. depoallion sieno, C. W. BRITT. mi Baker block. LIV STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING Fl-TIRES, WIRING. nTTT?K"TM Thomas. Dougia UiUVI Turning B as 2611. Bt. MOVING 1-K ltHK MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and tllm bargains. ktOTOHt t ILEI. HARI.FT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES, Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man," re Itavenworth. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, newa clgare. candy. IMS Park Ot I LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, psy as you ran. Dra. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSEriilNE ARMSTRONG, HI Be Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Plk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A Bturges. X. Brndln Theater Bids. 1 TAINTING AND PAPERING. Ht-OH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 5721 PLATING. ' P. E?77. Arm Plating Co. Ill B. 1Mb Pt a POSITIONS WANTED. BEE US for a Bteno. or bookkeeper. Fre ' service. Co-Op. Ref. c o. Doug. 491 U ' PRINTING. WATERS-B ARNHART Pig. Co., quality 1 Printing. Tel. Doug. 2130. 624 8. 13th Bt . CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 3754' DOUOIA.q Printing Co Tel. Douglas 6U. I ni'BB AGE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE OO. Thla Is th man to call If you have anv ashes or j w r nuno wrimirr tvj. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. C A T7T7C "PPnet'. repaired, comb. 0JT cbnngcd. F. E. Daven- port. 1416 Dodge. 1 1. 11. SCALE REPAIRING, Om, Standard Scale Co., BIS B. 12th. D.jnn. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair, til 8. 14. SEWING MACHINES. YTT- rent, repair, sell need1 VV ti part for all sewing mach "MICKEiVs.,' needle and machine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Douglas 1663. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest prices paid for clothes. T. 4714. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 119 B. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Poreen Oo , Doug. 4693. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DEPKS, aafes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 P. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMATTA Towel Supply, ?07 B. 11th. P. 528. TAILORS. CHAS. C LANDERYOU, 108 N. loth Pt. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELING STEIN LE, 1108 Farnam Bt. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for $4.' Oliver Typewriter Agency, ltue Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 818 S. 1Mb St All make for sale or rent IlKNT a "Remington," not Juat a type wrlter. Low rent Call Douglas 12M WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exp. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Pig. Co. WINES AND LIO.UORS. ALEX JETES, 201-8 S. Uth St 'Wines, liquors, cigars. Plat dinner 11 to 8, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSF 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated auooeasfully. re sults gur. ranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Be Bldg. PILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without' surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. FOIl KENT Famished Itoems. REEDHURST. 108 N. 2oUi-Beautlful lawn . Ilmal 1 1 .i,,..,,,!!..., . 1 " ... av. .., .Ulivuiiunig,, lllOtJIla llfl" excelled; rooma single or en suite. D. 160. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exceptlon ally large closet, in a West Farnam nnrnA I. roa . , ,. i. uA Jt ...ul k a . .. . - - - vi, an, j v. , ivui uuaivi ruiMi nren prererreo. narney 4u. If you do net aee anvthliur' that aulta you In the way of Furnished Rooma you can call at Room 104. Bee Bldg., and aak for the Ftee Furnished Room bureau and w wlli gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding ho uae in any part of the olty. Boras aad t.araajea. WHLI. equipped garage for rent, 8. gltth Ave. Phone Harney 1231. 1123 Knrnlahed Rooma. -SPECIAL LOW RATES ..J.Pfc;RMAN'KN'r GUESTS. HOTEL BAN FORD, 19th & Farnam. HOTEL HARLEY. 2Qth ft TirlXm. l-'lral.h.ri t AN ARTISTIC bungalow, finished In ma- noaanv and fnmaJ . L, l.i. I vnn, wiiii piano; nicely aituated: nice yard and flowers ririr.ui ininni lurnisnea in rattan furnltii'e and awing. 4807 Dodge Bt TO FAMILY OF GROWN PEOPLHl" r-W.I-VL-.MAKK EXCEPTIONAjIl OOOD T FIRMS. IM3UOLA8 23. U2 DODGS-Modern light nouaakeepmgi Jleasea aad Cottagee. 1-Terth. 2208 NICHOLAS St. New 4-room brick. modern ex. heat; steel range, ga plate, kitchen cabinet; water paid. $17. RASP BROW., 10G Met -ague B.lg. -ROOM AND IIAI.L. ICi. One block N. 24th line. O'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. lf'16 Omaha Nat. Douglaa 271S. ALL, moo 6-rooin tiouae, oa car line. . . . - - j u w ar lUIOUk, aaja. jno Mam St. oath. For Rent South half of double brick house T rooma. 4 bedrooma, all modern, at 1511 South ftt St.. near Park achool, on block aaat of Hanacom park. Tel. Douglaa iJ Pacific, 7-r., modern. W ill put in best ronamon, n 1UU lark Av.. 7-r. mrat.n, Tm condition. L". ARMSTKUtNO-WAli H COMPANT, Tyler Usi. State Bunk Bid. t-KOOM. niodert. house, I-xtf Jones. Id "4 per month J. I. Kemp, Douglaa 987. (CONTINUED ON PAQfii NINE, COLUMN ONE., i V