yj TJIK lmiv OMAHA. AVKDNKSDAV, .JULY , 1013. U : 1 8 - A I KK UK XT MWretlaaeoeia. M T'Ot PK" I.V ALL IMHTK OP TIIR PITT, F. 1), WKAH, ll FA UN AM ST. i- I.A K !'v rt.in.lv Vr modern, Web 74..2 I ") X. Mli. K room. hath 1. .," remain, 8 rooms, mod. brick, fA RINOW ALT. Rrndels Theater P-I.lg. HoUSPM Clfh ons Co., ties LtUg. . In sll parts of the city. F.rr. the Central Furniture Stores. FBKB BrNTAt 1,1 HT. A LL sixes. 13 rr month up. 807 peston. GlobeVan & Storage 'WA vm, pack ships: 8-horse van and t man. H IT par nr.; storage U per rnv Wattafatloti guar. D. 41.11 TV. 1 FIDELITY 6v!'iiKE Pbene tvvjplaa UB for complete Hat et vacant bouse anil apartment; alto for storage, moving, llth and Jackson ts. Gordon Van Co. 33 Htotaee. til N. Uth St T1 T. 4 or Web. mi Ti Jf .Ay Van ant rito.-age Macrsfarcl s c cn " '' UU66U1 0 tlmetes for UH tor, Packing, ghlppins;. 1713 Webster Si Dcaglss 14. lUGO-iSM N, 1ITH ST., 3 rooms, modern except beat. 11800 4K3 N. 25th Ave.. S roomt, modern except heat. 117.00 tw Maple St.. 5 room, modern except heat. tr.00 H-n N. 30th St.. room, all mod. 12.1 00 42:',3 Farnam St., rooms, modern except heret ic. Solfilj fcherman Ave.. rms., all moil. tW.oo 17.16 B. 2ttth Ht.. ft rms.. all modern. IIS.OO Perk Ave. and Harney Ht., 7 rmi., -Just completed, very nifty. PAYNE INFS'TMKNT COMPANY, Suite 637, Omaha National Hank Bid;. Douglas 1781, o FOR COLORBD. S12 .60 8008 Paul rms., gag, "water paid. 115.002323 S. 16th rmi., toilet, gas. wnter. 111.001151 Peelflr 7 rmi., mod. r. heat. . I i. 3uth Ave., 8-r.. modern. I'D. 2nna-0 N. lxth, 10-r., mod., .each 10. 10.13 H. 22(1, 8-r.. $13. W. FARNAM. SMTTI CO.. Phone D. 14. . U30 Fsrnnfn ft I -Koo.M IT vavenwoitli. Phone i J. C RGGQ faVklnJs a?ota"a! tores n-atX, Offices. Nice Cool Office V With Vault Near the Elevatoi- and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building .1 Co. Buprlntendent' Office. Room 103. KOR RENT Ground floor and basement Masonic brick bulldliiR. 3xatt feei, Kawneer front, corner lot. business sec tion, county seat Inquire of J. Jj. tirimm, Wllber, Neb. Office on (17th St: Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM , . AVAILABLE ON THE , STREET. " Private office Wuitingr Room 189 Sa. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. ' KKAIi EHTA'fH PARK A RANCH USDS FOR aALK i;!uvrMak - . Live Oakr Coloiuee, none better. W.'T I Umith Co.. 13-14 City Nat Hr.. T. 2819 Colarado. NORTHWEST H Sec. 29, Twp. li. Ranee 4i, Cheyenne County, Colorado. Perfect title. Make your bent oiler, tt. M. Bvt tuawoilli, Cedar Rapids, in. Florida. FORTY ACRKfl, two rall.-s from Arcadia. Kla.; whut have you to trade, worth :t,(). ' Pox 211, Tecumseh, Neb. 1 lusa, ...I,,., vat. a viqu IPCin JitAT.IC. tl A 1 I, S J ....... - ' Write a good descriirtion of your land rind send, it to the Sioux City, la., Journal. "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Me olum." Twenty-five worda every Friday i veninR, Saturday morning and every Saturday aveniiuf and Hunday . mornUjii or one month, Rivlnc sixteen ads on twelve different days for H; or SO words, it. or 75 words, W. ' Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 2iO,0W readers dally in four great males. . " Mlssriuts. jllNN. farms; low price, easy terms. Minnesota lsnd Co., P. O.'HH, Omaha. ,M Atii-c 4o miiua trom Minneapolis, one mils Irons town: 140 acrtjs under . cultivation; balance usei tor pasture; u uractkcaliy all be cultivated; heavy suU; buod sot buildings, consisting of. -io.nn lioua. iarae barn, aranary. eorn cribs. wiiJiiimlU. etc.; the land will pro life 40 uuahela of corn per acre; tele phone in house; country thickly settled: oniiOetu set of machinery; K7 head of lock, eontlaUnR of 11 cows, halanue 1 1 r.u t years old; six Rood horses; tit hoRS cliickeoc, one-half of this year's crop and vvervthlng on farm Roes at a0 Per acre; half cash. hchab Drue., WJi Plynmuto p.lds.. Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri.. W-ACK ulluviui soil; com,' 90 bu. acre; nlifHi, 40 bu. Alfalfa and lions make the farmers rich. Notice the price, IJA .per aure; 14 acre cash, balance twenty yesrn. Opportunities like this are rar. lie inrit.peiideuu Uuy a farm now. U. P. Stebhtns. MebrsiKs. CENTRAL N t:HHAfKA FARMS. One of the best minroved half, stictlonse) to he found near Kearney, tiood house, barn and olhfr autoujldini's. Kvery foot of it fine hard soil, can make a price of $.'ti per eric f taken now, purchaser to receive landlord's share of this year's vioo PAVNK INVKHTMKNT COM PAW. D. I'M. 5lii 1'i. Oincilia Nat Hunk Bid. o FOR HALE Choice f. no narralns an3 roaches: also city property. Write me your wants. J. C. Murphy. O'Neill. Neb. ' Uashlatftoa. "FRKK lumher with every ssle Isnd near fcri.-kaiio ealBlnR trials, grain, veir. tatJlHS, mock. J. -e liocKlel, c. onsoli- Uated Land Co., Elk, Wash, REAL ESTATE LOA8 FARM l,(JANS, f. Ptilt i.'KNT. TOLAND A TKCMHI I.U 4t Hee BldR. iroiiii)' h and Wend, Wead BldR., lt Karnam 81a, C1TV and term loans, (., bW, per ceat, J. H. immont Co., 41t State Bank. WANTKI) t'lty loans and wananla. y, Karnsni Smith Ik t'o. , 13J0 Kaniam 81. Wa NTEIj Ouod farmVndclty loans"at lowest rates. Pkl'KRrt TRI'eT CO., 121 Famsm. CITY property. LarKs loans a specialty. W. II. Thoinaa. ZJtate Bsnk HldR. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans! H. W. Binder. City JSailonxl Bank BidR. OMAHA homes. Fast Ncbravka farmsT O'KEKi'tJ REAL RUTATU CO., 10H (.'inaha Nailonal. Phone Itoualaa 771S, PKI V ATK ki ON KY'.- " ' IS 000 to loan on lin.rovej farm. Geo. K Rulff & Co., SM Brandeis BldR. fcr.K us first tor farm Iomji in rsstern Neh. United Msles Tnml o., Omaha. .CITY LOANS. C. U. CarlbeTi, SI0-1I BrsndptslTheaier lildtr. WASThf City and 'farm loatis; h.wTt rales. W. O. Tenipleion. 6W bee. T. M. RKAL KSTATK WAXTUJ Ui sales, ivi.iau, loans, instirarnw. care of 1'i-ou. riy Hvti colic. tl.,i, of r-iil sc L'-M.'-AJ 1 Far.n.n. . CR-a Oiand cojnty, 1'iah." Irrigable land a. flrt jsyiiivai 011 or e-iou-n. J'huiK: Harny Ixi.t. ItKAL KSTATK WAMHIl P. have a client who has a clear, vacant lot that he wanli to nut in aa part rayment on a amall, well located cottage. ( you have ortietiing ftood, let tis hear Irrm jo'i. HI ATT-FA1 BF1 EI J CO. tlniaha National IVti!ae . XXKAh KSTATF VitlX KXCHXGB WANT toen'. haivga for Nebraska lenl or city properly, a new 5-rooin furn lhed l.iinuHU.w oil to luta In Coralcana, Tex. Klectrte llBhta, natnrel Ad drcea Foremen. Alvo. Neh.. Ho x. CN'lO-HAl.F section pood farm land. two and one-halt' niilea from town. In the beat county In the state of Nirth Wkoia. Will trade for good hotel, well located and riolntf nood ImMnees. Milet be priced r'.Kht. I also have a few fine farm for sale at snap prices, peal di rect and save commissions. F li, Will lams Irfind Co.. "ooiertown. N. 1 lWKLVh )resaet brick flats, rent i.0i Price $,l, Incmnhrancw S,VX); ectulty for land. ! M't'ww Hldt., ttnaha. U-KOU4I modern lioupr. for land, acres or vacant lots. What fcsva you? Owner, Ho 7116. F.Ol'lTY tn 8-room modern house In West Farnam dlatrlct to axchanire for late model automobile; full value given. I. S9fi2. IDAHO Want to hear from Nebraska and Iowa owners open to buy or e "hanirn fpr Idnho farms and ranches. Box tM. Anise. Idnho. REAL KSTATK VORTn SIDE , A Classy Home of S rooms snd bath, burvalow stvle: 3 rooms flnlfhed In oak: beomcd ceillnirs. imokcases. vindow seat and paneled vhIIk: lieautiful llRhtlnn fixtures, pl'.imb Ina n.l hcatlnf the very best. located jnet north of. Kountan Plaoe, on fine lot. facing two streets, both paved. Terms airangod or lot taken a first payment. Rasp Bros. 10fi McCaio Bid. Dour. KW. $100 Cash RnUnce like rent, buy you a nice -room modern except heat house. Has ce ment walks, shade trees; house tn Rood condition. Is a irood buy at the price asked. Address 2M5 N. 19th PL This is worth seeing. Creigh, Son & Co. ToiirIss 2iW. F6 Bee JWdsr. Wait For Minne Lusa BUAI'TIITITL NORWOOD LOT, fac.lna; Miller park on 84th St.: dandy. biR lot 44xHiK;.only 11.200. with pavlnS and all other improvements , paid. On very eeaty terms. PA YN K JNVKSTMENT COMPANT. Bth Floor Omaha Nat I. Bank Blclg. o REAL KSTATK SOUTH SIDK Wait For Minne Lusa FIVK rooms modern except heat. 241i 8. - 20th Ave., fco down; A0u0. B. N. Rob ertson, W. O. W. BldR. Phone D. 4fv 3-R. cottage, 1715 Ontario, large lot, oity water, gas, stiadeot fruit trees. Inquire 3447 80. Uth. After p. tn. gun. Red 1;1. FOR r-ALh) by owner, I acres, 8-r. house, chicken house, barn, nil kind fruit. 8. s.oi. REAL ESTATtt .WEST BIDE , t Last, Lot for $575 in West Farnam District, $10 caah, ." . U 'Keefe Roal Estate Co., . 101 Omahs. National.- Dour. J7II1. PHTl'IC. lITI.fT,.:'I-k New, modurn, seven rooms, sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, fine buffet nnd bookcases, beam ceiling, pressed brick foundation, close to car, short dis tance out, south front Beat buy In Omaha TKL. OWNER, DOUGLAS H.J. MINNE LUSA The largest addition ever platted here will soon be on sale. For Sale By Owner New modern six-room ' house on 42d et., near varnam; oaK rioors and finlRh; has fireplace, sleeping porch and built in bookcases and cupboards. Must bo gold and will sacrifice. Call Douglas 2074 during business hours. IXRXL KSTATK--8 fJBURB AN Uwadee. Dundee Bungalow at Right Price ' This la a 7-room. modern buniralow lo cated on south Jront lot, (HxUi ft,, only J short blocks from car line, on high, sightly point, affording a fine view, hav ing large living room across entire front, with brick fireplace, built-in book esses: attractive dining room with built-in buf. iei. ooin uniai.es in oak; 2 large bed rooms and complete bath mom rir,l.hi in birch; convenient kitchen with ample pantry room, all on first floor. Tw, exceptionally large bedrooms on second noor. r nil rementeo basement, furnaoo heal, 'laundry connections, stationary tuha, Mick foundation, combination ce ment driveway. House alone cost nearly the prioe asked for whole property which is now 14.500. Lot worth 41,400. A well built house at a very low price. Small payment down, balance monthly like rent. Poaeeasion soon. Do. not fall to Investigate. This is the best vslue we have had the opportunity of offering In Dundee for a long time. George & Company Phone D. 7M 2Cl(y Nat. Rk. Rldg. Dundee Bungalow Owner LeavingCity 4S11 Dodge St., fine rooms, dandy porch on front and sij( of house, large IivIhk rooiu, guarter-sawed oeJf floors uod.;m plumbing, fine heating ' plant, built in tefilKerator. Iced from back poroh.. House Is well built tn every re speel; metal weather strips on njl win dows; tine. laiMe lot. oOkl.TTlt: nevwd tree.i; right on Parmim imr line. This protierty belonHa to Prof. Reed of the fll.lul.M lllllll uxl.n.l 1 .J ... yuMt 1 for ixiusviiln. He baa made a aiM-ciai iow pru e or 4,nii) on this bunga low and will grant eaav terms. Oo out today and look It over. Opportunities like this are few. 1 Payne &'Slater Co. tie 0"aha National Bank Wldg. Wonderful Minne Lusa Soon on Sale B.sus. BOR BALK or trade. 10 lot ail in fruit; e-iooni modern l.uni;aloe. i l,ee to tar and school, phone Benson 2 vr 4ol.' Dr. Parsons. HE.t LES ATE I N VESTMENTS MINNE LUSA The IniRoat addition ever platted here I eld S"Oiilv' on sh!u J r"till kALK-ur rem. traeasae buildins lltn and ticWr.L Ai,..lu 1 i Gust ht. ; 1 GRAIN AfjD PRODUCE MARKET Whett Makes Good Advance, New Selling Three Cent. Higher isd Old Fire Cents. CORN TRADE REMAINS STEADY OMAHA. July 27. 11&. Roth the old and the new wheat made strong advances today. New wheat was quoted i!He to 3c hlKher. whlla the old sold unnhamced to an blRher. Receipts of thla cereal were liRht and were hardlv enouah to lake car ef the s'rona de mand. The corn market remslncd steady and sold dacha need to He hlrher. Oats receipts were light and there wss a fair demand. The oat market was quoted unrhanfled. Rlort on oorn from Illinois and psrfs of Indisna show wonderful Rrowth dur InR the last lew weeks. In esstem In diana some of the crop Is In the earinR stase with two ears to the stslk. and in Texas. Oklahoma, and southern Kan sea it is ivkinR verir Rood pros-raes. Most of the bad reports received so far have cime from the northwest Clearances were: Wheat and floor, efiiial to 1W.O0& bushels; corn, none; oats, 8,0110 bushels. Hverponl snot: Wheat. 1tT!d lower; oorn, unchanped. to 2d liwor, Primary wheat receipts were l.2i,( bushels and shipments V,oi bus'tds. ss-alnst recHpts of 2.43O.O0n bushels and shipments of lSTAAOrt bushels Issl vear. Primary corn recetits were 4.00i bum els and shipments ?.fti0 biMhels. SRiint receipts of 6K.0t0 buphels and shipments of 4,MO burhels Isex vesr. Primary oats receipts wi-re ST.iXW bush els and shipments -iOR.Ono bushels. sRainet receipts of 1,'rtJ.nw bushels and shipments of WCUiOO bushels' last year. CARLOT RRiPPTT!. Wheat. Corn. Oat ChlcaRO Minneapolis ' .... Ouluth :... maha Kansas City.... ft Iuls 213 2J1 ...ISO .k. i ... 5 .... ...112 1H 10 2K S Innlpea These sales were reported today: Wheat: No. y hard winter: 1 car (old ,. 11.15: 1 cie inew), tl.ilH. No. 3 hard winter: 'i car, (nidi. l.t; I car (newi, II. i. No. 4 hard winter: t enra (new), 11.10. No. 4 sprint.: 1 cur, II ii. Corn: No. white: 1 car, 7ft'c. No. i yello'v: I car. 77e. No. I yellow: Sfc car, 7c. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (near white), 76c; 1 car, "ik; 1 car, 7.",c No, .1 mixed: 8 cars. 76c; 1 ear, 7c. No. t mixed: 1 car, 7c. Sample: l car (hot vellow), 71c; I oar, 70c. Oats: No. 8 white: I cars, '4c No. .4 white: 1 car, c. fample: v car, 48c; ISA cat s. 47c. . Omaha Cash Prloee Wheat: No. I tur key, li.22Al.36: No. 8 turkey, II lllti'l.M; No. I hard, l.H1.h: No. 8 hard. ll.lK'-i 0l.: No: 4 hard. ll.0tafM.x7; No. 8 spring, I1.K.-IT1.84: No. 1 durum, l.0m1.07; No. i durum. 11.06. ns. Com: No. I white, 76. 7Hc; No. 8 white, B'1t7b; No. 4 white, 76Vi'8e; No, fc white, 7W7B.i.: No. 1 yellow, 7M'fjT7e; No. 3 yellow. THWTc ; No. 4 yellow. 7fi4MVc; No. & yellow, 75nf( "s4c: No. yellow, TO'tWiic; No. 2 mlxetl, 1Sm&c: No. 8 mixed. 76'4;7;c; No. 4 mixed. 764t7BHe: o. I mixed, 744?F7&Kc.: No. ( mixed, 7341741SC: sample mixed, s7r71c. Oats: No. 2 wliite. 4Wt4lHo: standard, 4Va40c: No. a white.- 4(lii'4c; No. 4 white, 47j4so. Raxley: Mailing. 7iriic; No. 1 feed. 64fx3. Rye: No. i. &ti'.ak-; No. S, Wti'Jfic, IIICAOO OR AIV AND PROV1SIOM4 Pea tares of the Tradlaa; anal Cloalnsr Prices on Board of Trade. CirifAOO. July a7.-Blsek mat be coming more serious in Minnesota and North Dakota gave additional Impetus today to an upturn the wheat market received, owing, to unwelcome rains throughout the west. Prlose dosed strong, o to le above last niRlrf. Corn finished A4o to o ur and oats with a pain of a to lc, Tha outoome in pro visions varied from lOo decline to loo advance. ' Warmer temneratue. whJch wam va- ! Dot-tell mm Slnauallinir In t h. inrliiv . kul states seemed to cause a oulck Increase of oomrlaints of a widenlnjr of the rust area. At tho same time the Injury in - flicted was In some cases asld to be graver in character than had heretofore been noted (his season. For example. stems at Ookato, Minn., were described aa perforated clear up to the hea.3. Crop damage and wet weather tn Kan sag. Nebraska and Missouri wheat fields had a bulllah effect second only to that due to black rust. It wss said much wheat remained uncut In Nebraska Corn sympathised with wheat strength. Besides, country offerings were small and the eastern - Inquiry fairly active. Oats hardened in prioe on -aocount of the firmness of other cereals snd be cause of harvest delays. Harvest ex perienced considerable dlfflcitlty . trying to even up on the July delivery. . Support from packets rallied the pro lsions market after a shsrp break. The temporary weakness was brought about by the liquidating sales In pork and lard and by lower prices for most grades of hogs. Closing prloex on cpOobi: Article! Open.lTllRh.rr.ow. 'i Close I Hat'y Wheat I I i July. 1 H 1 IM 1 11Vs( 1 12 111 Sept 1 07 1 0H4,! 1 06V, 1 OMkl 1 (Wx Corg I 1 1 July. 79 80 1 TsO M 1 7xU Hept. . 74'4 741 74 74. 74 Oats 11 July. , M'4 S34j Rl 8'tW) M'4 Hept. 3S ;! 37 281 ' X Pork I I I I I hept.l 13 3C, 18 SO 13 10 13 W) 1 11 Oct..!l3o0 13 So 13 32 13 85 13 U Lnrd Hept. II! 785 7 47 IK 786 Oct.. ,7 ST. 7K TW Tie 796 Rlhs . I Hept. 47 III IH 4 I M Oi-t. . 9 50 in) I IU t i r Chicago Cash Prices Wheal: No. I red. new, 11.134,1.14; No. 2 hard, new, $1.13' 431.14. Corn: No. 2 yellow. SOtiUlc; No. 4 .enow, TS'owic, Oats: No. I white, ,1'c stannara. M's'e4C. rive: No. 2. II. 112 (HUB. Barley: Trikr. Seed: Timothy, 4.5Ka.iV); rfovwr, l.5H'313.t6. Provisions f Pork. 818.28: lard. l7.Mi7.72Va: ribs. I8.011D BCTT:R--lw'er creamen', tltvUto. EKi&-8teadv; receipts, 12,061 cases; at mark, cases Included. 14H7Hc: ordinary firsts. l,l'h"V; firsts. 17"4tfl7Hc. Pi rt'T.THV Alive, higher; fowls. 14c. POTAlXiKS Iower; receipts, S3 ears; Virginia Cobblers, barreled. ll.Ko: bulk. 50c. Kawsae City I. rata wad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 27.-WHrlATNo. S hard, 1.3&&1.46; No. 2 red, ll.hVgU; ItEAIi ERTATi. VACANT I-OT 40xl!l0. well Improvwj walks; shade trees, etc. Price. W Inquire lau Jayaes 8t.. N. Omaha. Web. 474. REAL lOiTATE MISCELLANEOUS I 'ha) CASH. 1.-2 50 MONTHLY. Almost walklnir diaianc aninrfi.4 R - room cottage, all modern except furnace; naRplfloent shade trees; lot ftixli: pav ing paid. Btuer buy this now and stop your rent. PAYNK NPHTM ENT COMPAWT. Omaha National Bank BIdg. Telephone Iniukt. 71 . o WAKB offr for I new -r. mod. coitsrns: near or r r u.i. .iiiiAr I -j, . T T r f " r . -a m " - I wonaernii Minne Lusa Soon on Sale I.KOAL XOTICES NOTICU TO C'ONTRAOTORa. Heeled proposals wOl be rm-eived at Lincoln, Neiisaka, by the Board ef Edu cation. Nebraska htate Normal aohoo'a, up until ten o'clock a. m. . August 8, uig tor tne erection of a bileg and stone auditorium for the Htate Normal 6W100I at Kearney, Nebraska, in ccordanoe with pi aua and specifications' prepared tiy J. 11. Craddork, Anbl.eut, Room II I ontltiemal Building, Omaha, Nebraska The Board of Ldueatlon, Nebraska fiale Normal Uchoola, will alae twelve lruoaals for tne heating, pluuuhin--elm in.- wiring for - abuve bu4ldin, ao o. r.llng to ,laiis and sfteclflcaLiuas pre pared by the architect, til) until tha ).,.. and dato abovu named. All bids uii.at be accompanied by a cer. Ilfied check tor five (; pur irni of the full mnorfrit of hid, made Payable to li -4. nan, ami. i ri-iinrrr or rutiiruk. The Hoard reserves the rii ht lu accept; sny or r.-ji t any or ail hhls. ' tigned hv the Prenldent sod llis Hcr. I iaiy 01 inc i..ar.l 1,1 1 ;, act I ion, N, bluaka titate Nuniiul b I.o4- J-jldL't II.I7; September. 1.4'; liecomher.' CORN -No. J mixed. TVtjTV: No. 1 a bile. 7c; No. t ellow, 7v. No. I. 7s4j c; July, TV; September, IJ'ic, Decem ber. KIV. DATU-Xo. 2 white, V.'frtilc; No. 2 nilvcd., 4ii4".c RITTKR-O-eamery. S7ci firsts, 3Rc; seconds. EIp; parking, lfc. FtX If Firsts. IKc; eeeorxls, l!r I" 1'LTHV-Hens, U,lV.; roosters, sc; broilers, I7j lc. Ett YORK. tiKNF.RAI. MARKIVI ttaotatioaa ef se Day Yarlona 'msa4lllee. Fl O I' R Firmer; spring palcuts. a . in. HIIRAT Knot, firm; No. 3 red, new, il.l.Vl 1 and No. t bard, new. e. 1. f New York;, No, I northern, Du blin, ll.ll'.e, e. I. f. Kutfalo. Futures, ateadv: septeinter. ll.l."W t)ltN fet. stesdy; No. 1 yellow, l'4e, prompt shipment. HAY KtronR: prime, 11 No. 1. II, k) f 4o: No. 2. l ; No 3. 11.20; shlpplnR. H.UWi1.lf. OATS Spot, steady: slndard. tc; No. 2 while, Met fancy clipped while, 7'Clc. . HAY Firmer: prime, l.4: No. 1. II A1.27H; No. i. ll.M; No. 3. $t.2u; shipping, li.wfi.in, HOP" Quiet; state, common to choice, 1!'14 rnl. kulJc; Paciric coast, 1914 crop, lMi1e, WS crop, (M.lle. HU)K.I-tteady:. Bogota. tlilc; Cen tral America, m. LKATH Fit-Finn; hemlock flrsis, Kc; seconds. SC'jfllc. r RO v I s l ON S Pork , 1 1 n se 1 1 led ; 18.0rtilx., fsmlly, t.Vf: N): clear. ! QOtl-l.fcu. Beet, ipiiet; llS OoiilS W: fsmlly, f l vn 6.1. esav; middle west, r Wffl.1 mess, ahert me as, l-ard, TALI iOV Steed y; city, IHcj country, STtn;y.c; spec-ial, li-Ho. Bl'TTK.R Steady ; receipts, M.H2 tubs; creamery extras, T, V4 ; firsu, 24i(T Zic; seconds. F.OtiK Wak; re'eipts. S8.R7H cases; freah gathered extras, .tli'2S': extra firsts, Sli:Vic; firsts, 194lV'; seconds, i:tfis-c. CHLFSB Steady: receipts. ll.OaT. boxes; state, whole milk, fresh twins and flats, white, colored, specials, 1.1;fl4c; average fancy. U'c. P)riiTKY Alive, not settled; dressed, oulet; western froxen .roast lug hit kens, ISiUSIc: fresh fowls. Iced, 13VSf 17c ; fresh turkeys, iced. lrlSt-. OMAHA fiRslKR.tt. MARKET. Bt TTRft No. 1. Mb. rartons. tic; No, 2, axvih. tuba, 24c. CHEESP1 Imported Swiss, !tv; Amer ican flwisa. (tic: block Swiss, Xlr; twins, 1CV. Ualaioa, lHc: triplets. 10c; Young America, laVec; blue label brick, 17c; llm-biu-ger, 2-lb., 20c; New York white, 18c; imported French Roquefort. 40o. aFlKH-Trout. 15c; whlteflsh. 13c; hail but. iSo; channel catfish, l&c; herrlnR, 7c; codfish, 10Q12c, mackerel, INc; salmon, 1.1 0 14c, JSWKKT POTATOR9 Kansas, 82.78 bW. BKEF CL'TtV-Rlbe: No, 1, l&Vsc; No. X nkc: No. 8, 7"40, Iins: No. 1, iSc. No. 3, lHci No. 8, 1VjC. Chucks: No. V 11; No. 2, llo; No. 8, 10c. itounus: No. 1, lfcVoj No. 2. lSVi; No. 3, He. Plates: No. 1, 8c; No. 2. V4o; No. 3. Fruit and vegetabre prtnea rurnlshed by OIIHnski Fruit compsnr: FRUITS Oranges, California Valencies, 100s l&s. fx, J4. stios, I4.no pr box; California Valanc.las, 16o, per boxj California Valenctas. 17ta. Va. "Ilia. &0. 14. W) per box. Lemons, extra fancy Ool den Bowl, ios, Iwo, tf ,V) per box: extra fancy Kunklst, 3uis, 3n'a, li oo per box; extra fancy Red Ball, fcos. IWis. 14 Ml per box. Peaches, Calif omla ' Crswfords. 7Mi per box; Klnerta. four basket crates. Hog Jer crate; UhcrU, four basket cralea. 00-crate lots, sTVfcc crate; Klbertaa. bush els, 1. per bii. : F.lbertas. K-bushel lots, 8120 per bu.. Pluma, Burbanks, toe. per crate. Peare, California Bartlctts, IJ.M crate. Blackberries. 24 nr. csaes. 00 per crate. Bananaa. medium fruit, 00 to 82.25 per bunch: Jiunho fruit ICh hansulnola. and Port Limon. 4o ner Ih. Cantaloutiea. Ponies, Ms, 8-' DA per crate Maoua Nevadaa Standards, 83.00 per crate VrJOKTABurciioihbaKe, homegrown lllll SOUthem 1W per H ; hd. lettuce, IW Pr "dof-i pepper., 8(k. er basket; lettuce, gun doe. j tomatoes l.Tb per l' onions, wsn.. lr io.; ceiery x: onions. Wssh.. 2W-. per It Plumpers, i.m Dar basket: . r bask. parsley. o per ano per uui wsx and green beans, Ua per basket: - green oeaa. iiOo per oaaget; new Duets, carrots and tur nips, 40a per bssket; radishes, 200 per dos. New potatoes, oc per bu, Hwe.t potatoes, 81.76 per hamper. Nuts, No. 1 walnuts, lsc per lb.: filberts, lfio per Ib; Brasils, 12S4o per lb,; pecana, 12V per lb.; almonds, c per lb. MiscelUneous, Crackerjack, p.60 ier case. Compopa I. 1. 2n per esse. Crackerjack. 1.76 per he If rase. Cornpops, ll.tr, per half case. Peanuts, No. 1 raw, Oo lb.; Jumbo raw, 7e per lb.; No. I roasted, sc. per Hi. I jumbo roasted, to per lb.. Watermelons iic per Jb. N I'm No. 1 walnutg, llo lb.; filberts. ISo lb.: Braxlla, lb.; pecans, 12VW lb.', almonds, sua lb. MISCblLLANEOCS-CraclterJsck, 1.1.50 csse. H case, 11.76; cornpopo, 8S.2& csee; H ram, 81.66. Peanuts:, No. 1 raw, o lb.; No. 1 roaateil, Sc lb.; Jiimho, raw, la lb.; Jumbo, roaalsd, lOo lb.; salted, 81.2a can. Honey, J4.90 case. Limes, 32.09 basket Watermoloni, mc lb. Mlaaeapolls (iralsi Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 27. WHEAT July, li.47; September, l.0: No. 1 hard. II. 61; No. 1 northern. 1.41M l.MSi No. 2 northern. 81.3SSblH. KI)UR Unchanged. BARUiY-6'4i7c, HYri-l.ill.O'i. 1 BRAN-21.60. . CORjN No. 3 yellow, OAT&-N0. white, nAX 81.67',i4(1.6KW. SoViielC- I t. I.obIs Grata Market. ST. laOlTIS, July I7.-WH1CAT No. S red, ll.ia&'Uft; No. 2 hard, tl.U; July, I1.U; Beptember, O.067. SORN-No. 2. HOe; N. J white, 82o; July, sXHic; . September, TUSr. OATS No. 2 nominal; No. 2 white, IThtfit i1e; July, WVfcc; September, Sc, . Liverpool t'raln Market. LIVERPOOL. July 27. WHKAT-Spot. easy; No. Manitoba, lis ttWd; No. 3, lis 7d; No. 1 northern. Duluth, Us 7d, No. 3 hard winter. 111 7d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, la Id, toffee Market. NBW YORK, July 27. CO F"P"KE Mar ket closed 3 to 14 points net lower; shW-h, i,.'i00 bags; July. ti.tiOc; August, .70c; tVp tember, 1.82c; Octolr, .i4c; Novdmlier, IsHo: Deoember, .!: January, 7:!c; Feliruary, .7Sc; March, I &60; April. tt.ao; May, I.Mo; June, S.Wc. r(ot, barely steady; No. 7 Rio, 7Vc; Kajitos, No. 4. 'Jr. Cost and freight offers were rjuoted esier with iSahtni 4s at H.vtc and Bin 7s st 7.15c. Rio exchange on lx'n.lon. 1-1HI lower. Mi!rels prices were unchanged gt both Plo snd Pantos, ' ' (oltou Market. NKW YORK. July -JT. fOTTON Spot. Ulet; mldling uplands, 8.10c; no sales. Futures opened steady: October. 1.00c; December, .32c; January. Mlc; March, l.trH'. Cotton closed one point lower to six points higher. Cotton futures closed sieaJr; October. 'iPc; fietmber. I. Hie; January. 1.47c; March. ,;:: My, I.I.V. ,J,1 Vf Rl'OOl., luly 27 COTTON Bl.ot, unchanged: good mlddlinu, iniil-, dllng. &.IM; low middling, 4.o'..,l, lee. I 0)0 belcs. Oil and Hoala. XAVAN.VAH. Ja . luly r.-TTRPHN-TINU Kii r, 29V ". swies, bhla : i-- t-ipta. 7 so liMs.; shlpniciita, J47 bbls,; st" ka. i.7M bhl. ROelN-Fli-ni: alea, l.t7'i bhla : r (win Ik, !.I'i bhla.: ahinnienm 2.147 bhla : Hi'cki, j').lS3 bhls Quotations: A H. K.: C l t2.!; K, l'.( ,1 or; , K. I'OK,; O. IMiaJtn 12V.; H. I. IV,i8.3; , I.I W, M. 4.ub, N, 44 IK); VU. tiJ; WW, 8i W. Dry (iooda Market. NEW YORK, July 27.-DRY (fM-)n-Cotton goods louikels were nulat todav. Varus nr dull Men's wear for sorinif was ordered inoro freelr in thu lower priced lines. The silk trade Is sIiowIiir some Ininrovemenl. Colored goods mills sre ateadlly decrcuslnur their output be cause of scsrclly nl dyestufN. Sogar Market. NKW YORK. July r.-Ul'OAH-Hs nominal; c.ntrlf uval, 4 Mc: molasses, i.ixi, refined ateadv. Futures were easier to day op continuation of yeateiday a liiul - dstlon and bearish weekly statiatics snd t ..nn .. r, t, ....... .4 ,.. , ...... lower. Ktapnr.lrl Ipplri aal Dried Frails N'KSV YORK. July LT.- K VA IllltATKIi am i r-au iiit linn esav. IM II.ll yH' IT I i urea, rliio, anrl- i col., uii'l M U. hea. ouiei; tul-lna, aiemiy. Julv. II lf:, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Breaking Down Under Large Rum of Weiterns Sheep and Larabi Ten to Fifteen Up. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS LOWER fOl TH OMAHA. July 27, l'.'U.' Recdpis were: -'.ttlls. I'rc thco Offirlsl Mnndav 4 si H'7 I.S'n l'siimste Tuesday .... 3. in,7iW 7. soil Two days this week.., 7,4vx 11. 21; M.m sme days last w eek . . .I-S l,! "0.l0 Same days 2 w eeks ago M l,M3 Mania tiava 8 weeks sho 4 V -MM ltW Same days 4 weeks ago M:t7 it:M Same days last year.. 7,C ll.Ml 1T.I48 The following tan- slows tie totd't of cattle, hORS and sheep av .'. outl( Omsha live slock nsrW.-t for tno ar to date, as oompsred with lM year: WS. 114. Inc. Peo. cttie W7..M .,t lM.yro .... '" l.a.isj i.s.i.7m as4,4ki ... ml"l 1, 240,7s! 1.144 4l I.70S "be following tarie ..hows the 1 erase Prft-e for houa -1 th . nh ilmaM live slock market for the )at f w d,vs, wltit comparisons. fate. I til6.ilK14 lDii.ii1"? i' ih.i.ivio.'i!. iiv 101 kh July H. I . I it. a .W 7 4i tX. I &1 Tt i s T 5 T 67 7 7H 7 t 13 7 74 T 78 H T M Julv li a oil . lit i a", a S'l . i ! I t i! 1 H 1 1 ;mv4 lt4 July 18. July 14. July la. July M. July 17. Julv IX. July 1. July 20 Julv ? I Julv ?. July 2;t July U July r,",. Julv JS. July 27. I M I M I I .- 24! 3 1 re I SO! 7 15 H 8 36 I 71 T If I a2 T l. 8 Sll T 17 7 S 8 7? I t A r, i t-n, 6 1 I TH 8 XT on 1 11 I i-l I 4:1 I g; 8 IM T 2ft HI I I I Ml I It; 7 24! I Ski T f Ml I 77 1 I XV I 83) I 1 57 64! I 771 t 171 I Ml a-SRl 1 1 I a W 7 S7( 4l I 7i T II PI I T M I 111 , 48 Hunday. Bacelpta and disposition ef live stock at the Union Slock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock D. m. yeterVv: MKCEiPTM-OARIXjAOS. Cattle Hoga Sheep. H i g. c.. M. A P ft 2 Wabash Missouri Pclflo ... I nlon pgcirio ..... N. W., east... C. A N. W.. west.. C., St. P. M. O.. C.. B. g.. asst.. C., B. g., west.. C.. R. 1. P.. east C. Jt. J. & P., wst Illinois Crntral ... Vhl.. tit. West M 3 24 8 4 31 ' h 31 10 M 3rt t It 10 1 I 1 1 22 Total receipts.. .136 im 21 i DlSPOSITluN-HhlAD. cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Morrig V Co.... Mi 1.211 1.&17 fwirt & Oo Cudnhy PackinR Co.... Armour A Jo ! Schwartg AV Co J. W. Hurphy Uncoli, Parking Co.... smith O Packing Co... i. iV Co... v. s. 'rs T. W. n. Vatisant Co..;.., .Kenton. V. L. Hill Son '. B. Lewie I Huston AV Co .!. B. Root 4Y. Co .1. II. Bull L F. Huss Rosenatn'k Bros. Kellogg Werthelmer Degan.. H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bios Mo. & Ksn. Calf Co.... HlRRlns a... lluiTinan Roth Meyers ; (llassusrR .'. ,, Tsnner Bros John Harvey Cllne , D. A F Other buyers...' 7b8 1.M0 .' LtttD 2,4 1..W i.m 18 'iio I 11 il M NO 12 17 80 44 174 1 1 22 8 It 20 12 3 5 ir. 4 122 l.lbO TMals ;....... .8,911 1,847 - a.n CA rTI.W Receipts were not e.perlallr heavy at this point, only 1W cara being reported in. The total for the two days tmiounis to i.4s nead, which, though smaller than lsat week's heavy run, is larger than a good many recent wseka and not far from the same as a year ago. The market, from g seller's standpoint r-aa .In very unsatisfactory condition. Houthern markets have been receiving a large Influx of Texas csttle, which sre proving to"be of very good quaMy this year. At the same time the local market has had a good many California. Oregon and Mexican steers, all of which tends lo reduce, the demand for cornfeds. Naturally enough, the market on western leers, which was abnormally high two weeks ago, la breaking under the In fluence of the Increased receipt and Is carrying down the market on cornfeds as well. While strictly choice to fancy rattle hsve not shown so much decline, the general market on the bulk of the cattle coming forward was lofjifo lower again today, or around iln lower for the two days this week. " Very few eornfed cows and heifers are coming, most of the stuff being slippery giassers, which- ire breaking along with the market on niters and laabout the seme proportion. The best Hears, such as are bringing M(1 or better, have not shown so itiucli change, as very few ef that kind are coming, but the general feeder market is around l.vrjntoo lower for the Week. Quotations on csttie': Uood to choice yearlings. 8ioikhv7&; fair to good year lings, mvwt(,u; good to 4-hohie heavy heves. t.2nty.ffi; fair to good curnfsa beeves, pi.ltyatl.2b: common to fslr corn fed beeves, fl SOflg sO; good to choice fed heifers. 37.flnYli.; Rood to choice fed cow., W.ftwT.jl,; Rood to cholcs grsas heifers. 8tl.l1Ot7T.tt: Rood to oholee grass t ows, W.im-'te 60; fair to good cows, lo.S' 471."0; common to fair cow.. 8.l.ntef tb; good to choice feeders, tl.atkiiil.ef); fslr to Kood feeders. M.767.M; common to fair tuckers. I.',.60fri6.j6: stock heifers, In 7Mf 7r; stock rows. lR.o 2Sj stock eslveav iJi.KVtjT.W; xsal rslves. 8a.00fl.i6; fat bulls, stags, etc., 86.6077.26. Representative sales: ' " BltKr' HTUKRB. Ne. Av. fr. Ka. v A. r. I Mil ITS II... '..inii lit I 11 1 T6 S IV I M I 1 'I'll I IS 11 , .1JM M . I 44 41 14l I 4 .41 1070 I l 1 ' wri,:,. 11a ivn uaivraj I 'I I4 7 4 II Ift I I ) Til I 4 Jl Tl li 1 -'!!) I In to n I ii . ( ALV t.R. I I Tl l left I 1 v 1 1 4. lit t ' 1 10 1 I A I Ito T it HTtX'KKHH A.M KKEprKH. ' I" I li I ;") 7 II ' 4 t Ml tne t M IU - ;k I . il I 71 II ,11 Uo HOU8-Thcre was a fairly liberal sup ply on hand, about IK) cms. . r 0.',oi head being received. To'al for tl'i two days amounts to li,317 head, a atu.ttsge of 8,700 head as rompar.td with lait e. iek. cut a 1 moat twice as 1are sa twi woks ago, and a gain of nearly l.uu) head over the corresponding-days of Isst esr. Hhipner buyers wsre fairly scti.o from the alai-t this morning, out they inaiatsd on, and soon gut a reduction in prices that amounted to fully inc. and as mudi as llx' In a good many caaea. They bought butcher weight hogs ss low ss I 8. .'4 snd even less llisn mat for joint. and paid on up as high as 1740 for lights. I'sckrrs, with a generous oiiil'iy to plrk from, used reports of a bearlnu trade st Chicago as a club lo force a full dime decline. Their early bids wsre as much ss I...' lowei In most esses, but very little aolii until well along In the f irema n, snt whci. bulk pf the offerings finally ata-ted to move, prices were In the ma jority cf cases not over 10c lower v'sluee were IU'avii, and while some asJas d.d no; lovM to be more than fwrl lowrr, oth-re couH be pointed out thst slewed a !'; decline, if anything, Che mixed and butcher weight kinds ihowrd the most of the break. Bulk of the packer purchases was mads around 10 4uh.W, with the usual sprink ling on either side of these fiRuiws. Hiippers hvled to swell out this narrow bulk by buying mixed hogs of butcher weights around 8 40. Heat -lights failed to bring over 87. u, which is Ihe lone. I I point the top hsja reached for goi.lv- tline. 1 1 vci.reLuve sat.e No. 1,4... 41... l ., II .. A. 'Si? . -.'SO ,11 ,.1M ..III .1.4 .Ml ..!. . :i . I'4 4I . ill . M.I I I I 28 1 1 ; I t 84! I S, i"m 7 a. 1 1. 7 la ; ii I u t T tH 1 is T ) T I. J t ) 1 M ' 1 ;! I II.. I-' 71 . 4. n 7 i til i r: I-, I' -Veti i.lay s light run ass fo!- Si. Pr ha. Ar. gt fcl 4 4" 6 ....... 1T ... ... i U4 4 4. 7f. nil ZD 1.1 4 I M 1.1 . IS I I in ... I la Ii..,.,.. i. it 1M 4 IS It JIT- ... 4. Ill rJ ... 4 40 .. .... IX ... 44 I 4-1 II )7 . . I U tl Iti i . It m :! ... M 4 ;a an n7 . . ... 4 7 II ts ... 4U I w lowed up with another moderate supply today, only sbout tenty-lght care, or I.X'O heed, being received llecelpta for the week to dale foot up onlv U.xil head, as sxalnat .ti head la"t week. 1K.MJ two weeka ago snd I7;t a vesr a so. Supplies for the last two ds) a are smaller than for any similar period since the third week of June, when the Monday snd Tuesday rung footed up la as loan 8.0X1 heed. Old sheen msdn up a fair share of th receipts again todsv. hut continued tn he in very good demand, and aa a genersl thing scored a tic artvan-e Seversl losds of ewes sold as high as M 18. while vearlltigs touched K.io ninre than once There weie no welhers of ronaemience here. Offeiinga of aged aheap dining the last two dsvs hava oeen the laraeat In some time In sjitie of the fact thst lamb . receipts hsve fsllen off conslderahlv. The lamb trsde, which w ss such a drag I yesterday. 0(vened out alow atalit todav, enl while most aellera thniiRhl lamha ought to show aa much Rain sa ewea and yearllnRa. packers took their time shout mskliiR their selections and very little old until Isle. It was nesrly noon before everything was cleaned tip, but whan sellers flnshy cut loose they had carried their point and aluia were generally quoted aa h"ol.V higher. Bulk pf the offerings moved St 8vi:H.r,, e lambs here selling at the latter figure, which was the top, almost without sorting, while moai or tnoae at u.16 carried a noor end ntn arier teeoera had been sorted out. Quotations on sheep snd lamha: lml good to choice, 8,h,04ix.36; lambs, fslr to frma, gi.tMix.vo; lamhs, feeders, I ITOhtsl 87i.'ii .vrnrnnaa, isir to choice 8.60: there, fslr lo choice. IVl'itiAi'i ewes, good to choice, 8.ar-D.lA, fslr to good. H 7;if1S.3fl. ewes, ttepiewniattve sales; Av. .. SH .. ,.14H .. M .. n Pr. m HI 270 147 74 82 Idaho lambs Idaho feeder lambs Womlng bucks Wyoming bucks native lambs native lambs 4 is HICAt;o II F. ITOI'K MAHKKI Cattle Weg k -lings Weak ghera Rtrnga ni'A'j0, J"'. -CATTLK-necelpts. .., "rf1:. .n'r,,l. weak; native beef "atlle, K HI western steers, 14 X.'ir I? SW?0i) nd M(r"' Vtrdm.lE,; calves, H.KJS-Re.lpla, 12,(110 head- market weak, mostly V to llv loser; bulk of rri'TJif ' 1X; ,i1n,i ' '''4 ": mixed, IHKVttf Kf,; heave, 80. tr7. 10: rough, ln.jvtf 4n; n,ga. 4.7r.1 7,75. MHFKP AND L,t M B5 Receipts. 11 SnO lambs. H2i80,',,',,: "hrrP- St. Loala Lire Hack Market. celpts, sVliOO hesd; market, steady to lower: native beef steers, IJUMeUU: cowe and " M t' kwra and feeders, Sh.ttwttfi.K: soulhein ateera. !K2fVft.tt; cows Innn ' 4'' 'W: "Uv calves, In 00 HOOSWRelptg'. M0 head ; rfi7.l market. 87-riS "" "w"rh.JT.V7.lV.; mixed vy rr.irtji AMBN Kecel MIW.P AND l.AMBN Kecelpla, r.SPO . .-m, iim.n. sieacv to strong: mutton sheep. 84.6.n.3fi; bloating ewes, 15 5rf 7., lambe, le.ootji.ao. Kansas City I.lve Rtock Market. ' KANSAS CITY. Julv 27. CA TT LI lower: prime fed eteere. ID S.kf dressed lieefa steers. 8.vtMXi).;i0; wealem I?,;tr'o,'-"M",?Si rtockars and federa. Jj,.26ifi.iM; bulls, 8.f)t7.0U: calves, l.i.uoir in!iiKr?r,l.,l- hosd; market. iarin-blllk of Mi"'r7.40; heavy. J.r.l ,'! l"ckers and butcliera. r.lOjji '4?i.JJ"M. ..261.4,U;: plga. ii.T.VrT7.2V lIIE.T A.STi LAMllaV-M.rket. blaher; Inmbs, 7.,g.; vearllnva M -on: M: wethers, I.i,i7.wi: ewes, ;v7ntttl.76. I .... -rr- 1: sioa, illy 8,1V. Itnrk Market. "lOtrx OITY. Iowa, July 27.-OATTI.IE. --Receipts .UK). Market 10 to Kk! lowei : butchers. a5.0Ofig.0v; western steers, 3iti()l k.l; cows snd heifers. tfi.Uia.l0; csn. ??Z',Wr'il!y "'" end fseders. A3l.f7.W: calves I7.6l9.00; bulla, stags, etc., V001j6.T6. . ' 81 ltlCP-Receipts, ( 8t. Joseph Live Stack Market. ST. JOSKPH. July 27.-CATTLK-Re-relpts, l.nto head; market, loweri steers, I7.(aj.e.76: rnmn and heifers. 14. at.; rslvea, 6,00r.I6. 1 HO(J-Re.eli,pts. T.Ki head, lower: top, 7 W; bulk. (i.ff7 10. market KIISiKP AND LAM ReV Receipts. 1,600 hesd; market strong; lambs, ;.MXc8.l6. Live Rtork la Blafct. Rstielpis of live stork at the five prlry cipal western markets yeslenlav Cattle. Hogs. Couth Omaha 10.71m Hluux City 1.4110 1 fm "I. Louis J, foil 4.!xs Kansas City K ,., Chlcaao J.ftrti u.ttjb Sheen. 7.SK) :i ll'.tViO . Totals ..' 10,1011 42,3.10 Local Stocks gad Bnada. Quoi.tloa. furnlah.4 hr Burn.. Rriahn 4l I'm.h. National Rant luiiai..: A Co.. PII4. Aakarl.' . 4 a.v . t'4 im) IH) ...... t .m ...... , ll im , 11"!. 1ITH , ! , MVl t(UL at n , 1H4 1 , l ' ?r:i4 . M'4 iaa : . MI4 M 1"4 ini 71 oj . "V ni'i . IU , tv ' I . 1st lai , Til . kit . Ma' mm . 14 M14 . IDil 1IM. , ! W . I It , tl) tal, , M IM AMwle.a Hm.lt. ga,iruiM ptt. a.,., lluraMH-.Vaah T p.r ent pfj hank of r.s-.nra. Daiislaa Hei.l sf4. heaua... lou. HrtM. lf, ar4 f.lrm.nt lVa.in.rr 7 p.r r.nt fd... Fairmont lVsm.-f flo., roo.ati.n. . . , Her.ld flullitlna I per oent S4. ....... T.lm-oln Traction, phi ,,,, larala T.I. I'm. anaimaa O. C. B. gt, Hr-. r , Omaha National rank hufiara-gMtn.a Bliis.. st4 ttt...rtW.rner R., nmts.a. t'edlk. drain, r.iom.o , , I nlon gtauk Yards giMS Bon4si Ra.mar, Nab , Water Is , TniBdM, K.h.. MunlrlDil l'k. Hut,, nenrer Tramway Tar. rr-;--Ti 1M4., Iowa R.llw.r fAldlt Is, IMS Lincoln IA., Hi. a row.r I. Mlnn.apoil. 4V. ISXI. N.a gist T.i.phnn. St., Omaha Wii.r 4v. imi )m.h O. B. St. RV. I. 1421... . liraalia gew.r. g. L P. iv. aa. tia Stout ril)r I T. la. into ..... t nlrarallT Pl.ua. N.k.. 4., llll,, wicsiir i' g. r tM4 Near York Money Market. NKW YORK, July ST.-MKRCANTILE PAplcrt-ltil's per cent. MTKKLIMJ KXCH ANUfT,-Mlxtv-day bills. i.7J7u; demand, J4.78-V), cables, 84.77IO. HILVKR-Rnr, 4;Se; Mexican dollars. lirSc. v BONDi-Oovernmenl, easy; railroad bonds. Irregular. CALL MO.NKY Steady: high cent; low, IV iter cent; rutins- I per rste. l41 oloslna I per rent: last loan. 3 per cent iii'i. i. per rent orrered Time loans, firm; sixty at 3 per cent. dsys. m per isnt; nituxy nays. V4 per cenl tnonms, Ahttfit Pr cent ,f '', l-aidnn Sn-k Market. ' IJSDO.V. July 27.-Most of the bus! ncps In the American section of the at'k market wss In Csnad.an Pacific and fnited Ktsles Hteel at bardenlntr prices. The other aha i as were neRleitexl. Honda were kold In fair iiuinliera end were aie sorhr'd hv American I'ltereal. ILVFl Bar. vtd per ounce. MDN'KV 4jii par esiit. Diacouiit ralea hort bills per cenl; three inontha I tle'i per cent. , Metal Mark!, NKW YORK. Julv ?7.-MKTAt.H-.ead offered at 81. in. Yppwr dull; ele trol tic-' i.u0. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin quiet; IM.lmnM.aO. At l.onriou: upot cop per. 7? is: fiitures. 78 7a dd: els, tro btlc. t7 H's. Hiol tin, a;i ii.; fuMire., lie)) Antltnonv. il:6, 1-ad. U ',. s.i Hpelter. a;W los. . Hank i learlaR., OMAHA. July .-Kank c.,rjnt,, for Omaha toilay were I.MM.OW.77 aurl the cuiresponduil day laat tear. I-' 44V.. .r7 GFORGE STONEY DIES T ct umpunoA piy i Word wsi received ' vcat.rday . of the death of George V. Storev at F.ut Hoechica. Arlx., where he las heen for tl e last four years for his health. He was the son of Mr. snd Mrs. Oeorae .1. "loney ey of Omaha, The elder Mr. t I l-'oyril hi he ougr en.iai- lartipci,t. I'nlie.l ptjta s"- v S'.jn-y -r, i'-iiiiin-iit. i tine. i Elsies a ere. for many years, but went to Pirt Huachu. s two years ago, Inking a pualtiou In the riuerterinsvtvr's .iepartment there In order f be ntsr big ion. Thonias I) Rtoiify, a brother. Is alio eniplosd in the oiiailerii, eater's derertmant here. The body will be brought to Omaha for burial. -J li; s jj. i1.1 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Demand for Sharei Bioadeni Strength it Shown. and WAVE OF OPTIMISM COMES NKW YORK. Julv 27.-Iemsnd for stocks broadened todav and the market gave the beat exhlhttlon of eistelned strength Wltneaaert In ,-nnie time. Of iwrticulsr aiuniflcsni wss the reaw-nk-er.lng of activity. In the railroad shares. The dullneea snd heaviness of . these stocks of Iste. together with rrporta of illmlnli-hliig earnings and Ihe oai blllty of dividend reductions in soma instances, have, constituted on of the most unfavorable saoeeta of tn situa tion. Today, however, a wave of ommi. lain came Into the ead in ' speculation, nallv came in the lead In apeciuallnn. Total sales were x!t4t gharea The nee besen with a further market ing of the war stocks, several of whl"h again nisde hluh reeorda, spread 10 other epedalties and In the afternoon reech, the rsilroad stocks, Ht Tsui wn lifted Onadlan Pec'flc and a large number of others from I In 4 ' points. Among the Industrials, Bethlehem aleel rose ID nlnlat A,0 the l.Ml.rra.1 ! :1 olnls to J IS, crucible ste.l n points ! to Al'j, llnldwln lni om.itlv e 2v to X.V t?aii I It to II 'a and Allls-Chelmera preferred 2 4 edits to '. all new high rw-orda 4,The rise was saalatrd hy s cotisidershle Increase in coinmin.non bouse buying. .011ed impetus to the movement wss given bv the Inference drawn from the conduct ef the market yester day. The sharp recovery from tua break on the torpedoing of the American steamer I.ecln.aw waa Inter- 7 4,!l"'ted ns an indication of underh-lnv 8 75 i strength Buying of railroad stocks I7.li prompted by en evident scarcity ef I i;r tltese shsiea and by rumors of a grant t I of rate Increases to the western mails. 1 n.re was neavy iuiins-ot sreei in anticipation f a favorable quarterlv statement which was reikllitrd fully when the statement apieered after the rloae. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales pat value. li.SHO.11111. Cnlted Mates 4's, coupon, declined on can. Nuailxr f mI tad leading suottilena mi. fh i ag fotlnvs Aiuku (Inld Amaiaaaiaia4 Oippar.... Aimrt.-.n eat Huaar Anirlran Can Aairlian g. g H... Amsrl.-aii s. A H . vM.. 1 ana --. -, .("! in, a 7114 M raw r.--s imi m M't :' t.siD ,; :s .is ..... l"ik l ew urn. is lot Ka) liltf UP, Hi Ia l.toit 11114 1MM4 i.mt io-uj lam, ton, tn nn at ;i, 1 l.nno if ' a as 4IKI II, ' IV, ' U m liv Dv, I tl) 4L". 4H, (I'.. I :-i ). 'l Too 111 it ll'a I.WI0 14 ' 7H' V T01 1;-X tp '. 1 I nfl 4414 4i 4l II, lt II . ' t 1 tl.uxi ! i:4' :4 11. una m n. t, 14. i J74 . 171 1 tia'. )i, in ' l.i TS IT ;14 ;.e o )s a t 40.1 hn im vi in; MCt . 74 14 74 t.mv) M !!', n't ' II-. . 400 4i sa4 !" 1i,.'i lias mi 1 In. 11. ln la' l.t.a) 71U .1 I.4111 aai, ;', Hon i ."V I . . I.aut) l 14 t' . , .. . 1'a xa t4 J ' ...... , . ...... Ill, ; ni . a 'i 1.1'D 1 -M t 1 41KI )n liv.'i lej l,4o. io;n tin', )n7H aim -lit, s '. ii v l.iaJO- 111," .' , II l,:ne '.! n - I:' fp, nun ICi. 141V 1(7 siT.wm i;ai V . ...i ' : Ml , ' ti a r.s ' f-S ' ' in.ri' w, 'S3 rs 4. 7no ii' , n. ,) I'M al' IV, . ...-,. I' u.760 jriv. i:i i"1 ; " n;.ii' 4-.'. 4 -. 7i lli'a Ill's I. inn' 4IS US S ' oa a i 4 M.na) ids 1S l"7S AwiMinan Sitair HettnlnR Am.rieaa t.i a t.i Ainvrlitn Trthare. AaaeeeHa kltnlag A'rhlson Stltlmr. ' 1 hln Kro.4.la 1ul4 Trtnlll.. California t'.iroitum iMn.illaa Pa. 1(1. i-.niral tath.r 1iMaieali. g Ohio,, -ht.. Ornt W I'M., kUI. stxil... (hh'S,i A Narthw.ft.ru. rhtno 1 'neper rot., yii.i a Irfta roloraAe 8 Hoiiih.ra.. . , . fienvar A ftl. Oranrt..... tnv.r R o , .M fiiitlll.ra' M.earltiM .... r.rl. j ln.r.l RlM'trir llr..t North. ra ufit, Ilnait V.rlli.rn Or. rlf. . 41uRB.nh.lm bsplorailfla. Iltmii. C.nlr.1 Inl.rnrniiah Met., pfd.... 1n.plr.iloa t tipa.r ....... Ini.rnatlon.l ll.irv.wer ., h.ns.. 110. Heiuh.rn... Lahiati V.ll.v Lnumvllle A N.Khvlll... M.aiena P.irel.vim : Mt.ml t'oppar Mi,., Kan T. Mlunurl Pa-lhr Nailonal 111, tilt Nallni.l laii N.raD. Vpo.r ...... Near yorX renlr.l N. Y . N. H A II I Norfolk g waira. ...... I Norih.rn 1'a.llle : fact: Is T.I. T.I Paniiaylv.nl. ,. Pillhn.B fal.-e iar It.ir connllnaifii v'os.r. H..nns Itepntillc Iran g HI wl II,. li ll.nS 1 .... Ileal. IHaad ... phi ... Hi. I. a R. F. :d p!4-- South.rn p.elfle eaaihsin ailwa TrninassT. v opoar ........ T.xa. ('.nvpany ,...,.' I man I'aeltlc I nlim ra. KIc, pht fallal Si.'. "'eel I nli.4 Si.im HimI pfl... I'lak Cop par W'siM.h prit Woal.en I'alon .,' Flai-I r I . ... Total t' Ike ia. MI.IXhi ihanA. Stoppage of Train . Injures the Crew " Conductor Walls and Brakrman Ehlets of Northwestern train No, S53, second section, wore painfully-injured lat night In an unusual manner. Conductor Stattg wag go badly hun" that he had to ha taken to Mercy hospital. Council Bluffs. When the tnln arrived gt ths first stopping point In the liluffi yards,, Con ductor Btgtts failed lo appear and after wsliing nearly twsnty mlnutei ysrd em ployes went to the way ear. They found the conductor gnd brakemgn iytn help less on the cushions. They bgt, been threwn egglnst the end of the oar by Una gudden stopping of the train. Wlieu the glrbrgkeg were gppllea -) something happened that thrs on the rmergencr ! brakes at . the seme moment. Thla brought the entire train to a Itop with I almost the force of collision. Both men were pal'ifully bruised, but the coa- ductnr mr.et eerlously hurt. ' j Omaha Man Sees . ' Rescuers at Work I. B. Zlminali. contracting ggent for the e'ectrlc light company, lias Just re turned from flili-ago, .and while there he was able to get by the guard line and to hoard the ICanlland g It lsy on t side in the Chicago rlver' He walked Ihe length, of the top. or side, -.of the boat and saw the work of rescue going I on i t thst time. Mr. Zlmmkn says he the application of the acetylene saw I torches, which . were used to eut holes ! In the side of the bust through the iteel frame to gt-l gt the bodies ef those who were rsught in the traps. "The men worked like Trojans, and the rapidity , with which they were able to make in opening through the aieel sides- wra simply marvelous," he laid. "The application of the' piilnwlor ji really wonderful, and 1 saw them save ths Uvea of many' tn that ) They . called Into service practically every motor In Chicago." pui- Antwerp Celebrates, Fined Fifty Thousand LONDON. J uly -Tc!rg;apMM f'o! Amsterdam, the Morning Post eorra- spondent says: 'The city of, Antwerp wss fined Jf W francs (Ml,)) for popular demonstrwa tloim held there on llie . Belgiea fete day.'' Don't Cut Ouir ASKCEECILCAFPEOI KCCK C.1 EU3SITI$. FOR ' f ?. J -l"- tf,V : tn n i slHT.irTriryiT 1 u will remove tiicin inj leav no llcmwlei. Redurei any puff or iwelljii. Doeg not blister or remove the hair, u:d hone ran be worked. $Z i bottle dcliveed, Cook a K free. ABSORHINF, JR., ta. sariMstk liaisml fx sua. U.-ii. for mnilt. InilK-a. Oil IvRa. Ivl.u VukM Veto, Vark.-ea.uaa. Auapa law. rna. 11 wa V a muj 4iui(iiu or Kiiram. w.u eii bkk U a ai.u. W.FJ0lN6.P.0...104lMia)81,lS.-ln4fl i .U sas.