Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Till: r.KK: OMAHA. TITS DAY, .Ifl.V
1 !..
Editor-Candidate for V. S. Marshal
Seclarei that He Will Make
Fight to End with Bryan.
(Trom a. Ptaff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, July r8.-Bpcall.)-Cecll
Mathews, editor of the Rlverton Re
view, la satisfied, perfectly o. He
oandl3o.te for the appointment of United
States marshal, and while given plenty
of encouragement, so It 1 said, for the
Job, was finally turned down and another
mu appointed.
Mr. Mathews Is a democrat who has
spent more than a score of years fight
ing the battles of the democratic party.
Ever since Wlllam Jennings Bryan In
jected himself into the democratic lime
light Mr. Mathews has been his booster
and has burned many gallons of the
midnight oil backing the ex-secretary
Of state and fighting his battles. With
bis bright little paper at Rlverton he
has constantly advocated the many vary
ing paramount Issues put out by the
great commoner and has gone down to
defeat with Mr. Bryan without a mur
mur and has come up smiling and has
continued to boost.
Aaraln Takes to Trowel.
This summer the heavy rains played
sad havoc with the bright prospects of
Mr. Mathews. His nice little home,
whloh. by his frugal Industry he hsd
built In the little town of Rlverton, was
flooded. The Thompson river, (not the
little giant) backed up and flowed through
the town flooding his home, destroying
his furniture. His print shop was also
flooded and the loss to the fighting
editor was so much that he was forced
again to take up the mason's trowel and
go back to his trade, while his daughter.
who has Inherited many of the sterling
Qualities of her ather, has taken charge
o the Review and Is making It blossom
with good things.
Under these circumstances It would
have seemed the "psychological moment'
or Mr. Bryan to have rewarded his con
stant booster with the desire of his heart
and given him the Job of United Btates
marshal and the magnificent salary which
would have enabled Editor Mathews to
have restored the home, which the floods
destroyed, and not have been compelled
to go back to the hard but honest toll
. of a brick mason.
However, Mr. Mathews Is not kicking,
or at least appears to be satisfied. He
was at the state house this rooming and
discussed the political situation and said
that he was perfectly well satisfied with
the appointments for the federal jobs in
Nebraska. "When I discovered that Tom
.Allen was to get the Job of district at
torney I knew that I was out of the
running for the marshalshlp," said Mr.
Mathews. "I shall continue to boost for
Mr. Bryan and shall take delight, as 1
always have. In putting all the political
broken i bottles and carpet tacks In the
jth of Senator Hitchcock's political au
tomobile I can. : l
Vs Against Hitchcock.
'Should Benator Hitchcock get the re
ROml nation for tte senatorehlp," said
Mr. Mathews, "he will lose the Fifth
congressional district by .over 1,000 votes.
Should Governor Morehead be a candi
date he will carry the district by over
t.000 votes. That la the way the demo
crats of my district feel toward Benator
Hitchcock and Governor Morehead."
"It was published that I had been
pushed one side and was a candidate for
printing commissioner," said Rlverton,
editor-mason, "but that Is a mistake. 1
was after the marshalshlp and no other.,
I am not an office seeker, and when the
marshalshlp wen against me that settled
the proposition."
Mr. Mathews called upon Governor
Morehead while at the state house and
assured the executive that as between
the Omaha senator and the governor for
the senatorehlp It would not be hard
Beatrice Creamery
Compromise Old Suit
BEATRICE, Neb., July 25.-(Spcc!al.)-
The case of V. J. Townsend of Glenn
Falls. N. T., sgslnst the Beatrice Cream
ery association, which haa been pending
In the courts since 1SSR, has been settled
by the creamery association agreeing to
pay Townsend $5,000. The total amount
claimed to be due la 111,000. This Is
the finishing touch to a purchase of
land by the creamery association In 1SSS.
A note was given to pay off a mortgage
on the property, and for some years
the association paid the Interest on the
note. During the panic years the asso
ciation couldn't keep up the Interest and
Townsend sued snd got a Judgment.
For fifteen yeara his attorneys have
been trying to collect on the Judgment,
and a few days ago a settlement was
agreed upon whereby the v association
pays Townsend $3,000 cash. ,
Martin Engler, a pioneer of Beatrice,
died Saturday at hia home In West Be
atrice, aged 7 yesrs. He is survived
by his widow and seven children.
Dr. A. J. Nlelson and Miss Mandellne
Smith, both of this city, were married
Saturday evening at St. Joseph's Cath
olic parsonsge. Father Bohl officiating.
The young couple left in a touring car
for a brief wedding trip to Uncoln and
Omaha, and upon their return they will
make their home In this city.
The deed conveying the Paddock hotel
property to the State Investment company
was liberally"- plastered with United
States revenue stamps, $90 being the re
quired amount.
No Trace is Found
Of Escaped Convict
(From1 a tSnff t'orernioudenO
LINCOLN, July W.-tSpectnU-lp to
noon todsy no trine had been dixooverod
of Sam Story, the prisoner at the pen
itentiary who yesterday climbed the wall
of the prison.
He was not missed until the count was
made at 4 o'clock and ashe was Inst
seen an hour before. It Is probable he
had a good start before his absence was
Considerable excitement was added to
the first affair by the circulation of a
report that the Lincoln companies of the
National Guard had been called out, but
General Hall denied any tall had been
made or that a request had been made
for a'titance.
The guar who was supposed to have
rhargo ' of the part of Us wall over
which Story escaped, would not talk this
mornlntr, but simply handed In Ills reslK-
nation to the warden.
Story was a life prisoner, sent up from
Cherry county five yeara ao for the
murder of a fellow harvest hand. He
was considered trustworthy, having twice
refused to earapo when an apportunlty
was offered, but later developments had
convinced him, it would seem, that he
had no chance to get out legally and so
he took tlie first opportunity to decamp.
Fire Wakes l p Adams.
TH tMSBH, Neb., July ). (Special. )
One day last month the town of Adams
voted a bonding proposition down for a
water works system. Following the elec
tion a few days, the town hnd a flro In
the buMness section, two stores, buildings
and contents, being lost Now another
election la going- to be held sgraln to voto
on the water works proposition. The elec
tion will be on August 10, and the pro
posed bonds will be $14,000.
Three Starters in Final Number Go
Fire Gruelling- Roundi to
a Decision.
Governor Returns
From Cheyenne Trip
(From Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, July 36. (Special. )-Oov
ernor Morehead returned this morning
from his trip wih he tOmaha boosters
to the western part of the state, and as
far out as Cheyenne. He is much pleased j valuation of the plant of the York Ons
and Electric Light company. The engineer
will receive $700 for his work.
Umahan. Urtn Job.
TORK, Neb.. July 2S.-(Speclal.)-Mayor
Cotton announced Saturday morning that
he had engaged George P. Prince, an en
gineer of Omaha, to make a physical
with the trip and the associations con
nected with it
On the way back the party stopped at
several places and the crops along the
way - are looking fine, according .to the
Nebraska executive.
At Cheyenne he was the guest of Gov
ernor Kendrick of Wyoming and en
Joyed a visit with Governor Carlson of
Colorado, who was also a guest of ts
Wyoming executive.
"We had a fine time and a most aja
Joyable visit." said Governor Morehead.
The governor would not say whether any
political medicine was mixed or not, but
while all three executives were demo
crats, he was willing to admit that noth
ing stronger than the present papular i
democratic, beverage, grape Juice, was
enjoyed by the trio of state executives.
Birdie Lutz Leads
the Pop-Pop Racers
Six Young People
Dumped Into Creek
a f 1 -
HARTINGTCN. Neb., July .-(Special.)
While returning from a dance Sat
urday night about S o'clock, a car driven
by Joe McFadden of Coleridge and carry
ing a number of . other Coleridge young
people, collided with the support of the
bridge near the John' Miller farm and
William Engaton, tl years old, and liv
ing near Etna In the southwest part of
Custer eountv. killed himself Sunday
work to discover where the man from' sendhing a charge of shot Ipto
Rlverton would be found.
Former Admirer
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July (Special.) Felix
Newton, once admirer of W. J. Bryan
and his chief lieutenant In "Little Rus-
Approxlmately 1,000 fans of a combina
tion variety were presont Sunday after
noon at the Douglas county fair grounds
to witness the ball games, motorcycle and
bicycle races. Although only opened to
the publlo a few weeks ago, these grounds
are proving a popular " and attractive
place to apend a few hours of recreation
i on any Saturday or Sunday. The big ser-
prlse yesterday afternoon Was the down
fall of the much touted Ramer. A young
gent, tagged Birdie Luts, who only lately
Jumped into the limellRht as a speed
agent, was the main obstacle that bumped'
Into the path of.the mighty Ramer. Truo
to his front handle, Luts proved a bird
manipulating the two-wheeled flying ma
chine, landing first plaou In three of the
four events that he participated in. Sal
eno Ralner, an experienced pedal pusher,
won the bicycle raoe by approximately
800 feet. The boys' bicycle race was won
by Russell Holloway.
The program for1 next Saturday and
Sunday will be a real combination affair.
turned a complete somersault Into the In all probability there will be a mlio
creek. Remarkable as It seems, no one j horse race, a couple of automobile races,
was seriously hurt, and the car Itself three motorcycle races, one bicycle race.
one game of auto polo between the Chi
cago and New York teams and two base
ball games. The complete program will
be announced during the latter part of
this week.
Ten miles, motorcycle, free-for-all:
Birdie Luts first, Otto Hanker seonnd.
Pete Peterson third. Winner's tlms i.
13 49 1-6.
Three miles, motorcycle, with ride car
attachment: Otto Ramer first Mike
Boord second. Birdie Luts third. Win
ner's time: 4:19.
Bicycle, ahlf mile, for boys: Russell
Holloway first. Time: LSI 4-6.
Bicycle, mile, for experienced riders:
Saleno Ralner first, Cajiillo Caldero sec
ond, Frits Krueger third. Winner's time:
Five miles, motorcycle race for ama
teurs: Birdie Luts first, Vsn Avery seo
ong, Schaffer third. Winner's time: 7:K.
HI teen miles, motorcycle, rree-ror-au:
Birdie Luta llrst, Ed Polton second, otto
Ramer third. Winner's timet 21:19 4-6.
Murphy Cinch Second Place.
The Murphys triumphed over the Mot
leys In the tenth inning Sunday when
Koller stole home with two out. Score:
K.M L,
Murphys 0000130000 15 8 1
Moneys ...1 vovvuuou u I 4 s
Batteries: Murpnys. uurneti ana unieias:
Holleys, 'Sullivan and Tollman.
DKTROIT, July IS. After the first
three races on today's Orand Circuit pro
gram had been disposed of I nstralght
bents, three starters In the final numlwr
Muncd one of the prettiest battles seen
here' In several years, going five gruel
ling rounds to a decision.
The track was heavy at the start as a
reault of recent heavy rains, but dried
out later In the day.
Only three horses wen tto the post for
the l:0 pace, Marsot Hal acted badly In
the first two heats. wh(ch The Climax
won In hard drives. In the third heat,
McDonald kept Ms mare on her feet,
taking the lead at the half mile aiui hold
ing it to the wire. Fred .Russell led all
the way In the fourth, Margot Hal break.
In Jut as she came alongside nearlng
the finish. The Climax led to the half In
the final mile, but tired badly, and Margot
Hal went to the front and showed the
way to the wire. The Climax took a hard
flogging to finish In front of Fred Rus
sell, who had broken badly, but wa
coming fast. '
Hatel Ijilng won the 1:0ft trot, abc&t
as ahe pleased and Al Mack never was
in danger of losing the I IS trot. Msjor
Ong tried bravely to head Aoonlte In the
2:10 pace, but Cox drove hia horse to an
easy victory In each heat.
The horses today were plsoed according
to "point system." so that Duchess, In
the t:0R trot, although finishing seonnd
in one hest, was outside the money, while
Dago, with two thirds, was given third
prize. Summaries.
2:0S trot, three In five, purse, $1,000:
Hanoi llng, oh. m., by John A. Mc-
Kerron (Andrews) 1
Bright Axworthy, b. g. (Murphy)..! t i
Ino. b. g. (Orady) S S I
Also started: Grand Marshal (Bnow),
Diwhaso McDonald , Baby poll (Qulnn).
Time: l:0H. 1:K. 1:11.
Trot 2:18 class, three in five, purse
Al Mack. b. h.. bv MoLlntook
(Murrav 11
Saint Frlscn, b. s. (Oeera) i 2 I
Aliens, ch. ni. (HnedecKert ..... 5 S
Also started: Colonel Riser (BcennanV
Wlllow Mark (Ruff), Banker Blngen
(Pempsey), Maggie Bond (Barrett), Prin
cess Margrave (Hall), Emma Dillon (No-
, W .WT . UAf4--ul 1 I . I
(Marvin) Sarah . Douglas (Floyd), Mc-
ftinnon (MCMsnonl. .
Divide fourth money.
Time. i:lli. 2:11. !:.
Paco, 2:10 class, three In five. Hotel
Oriawold atake, $2,000:
Aconite, h. h., by Agulllla (Cox).. Ill
nnjor ong, d. g. iiuitrpnyi i i
Alta Wood. gr. m. (Valentine)... . S I
Alio started: Svmbol Meath (McDon
aid). Hal Connor (Oeeral, Relia E. (Me
eMMKtcr) kupv k. M'empsey).
Tim. 2:. 1:07V4. 2:0Mi.
Pace, 2M class, three In five, purs
ii, oki:
Mrtrcnt Hal. b. m . hv'Arsnt
Hal (McDonald) Hill
The ("llnwv hi, h. (fir nnunl. 1 I 1 .1 2
I ! liii.M-ll. Ii g. illiTvii .112 11
Time, 'M1V 2 10.. 2 :W ,, i .11',, S .15.
Noted Omahans to
Strive for Honors
With Racing Mules
Ths first Omaha "Tranamulean,' an
annual event destined to become rlassio
In the racing animals of the middle west,
will be held the afternoon of Thursday.
August 6, at the speedway dirt track In
East Omaha. It will be a part of the
opening program of the Omaha Driving
tilth's first harness race meeting.
The "Transmulean" wll Ihe contested
by six long-eared mules, hitched to carts
belonging to rare horses and driven by lnurrtber of prominent oltlxens
of Omaha and Counrtl Bluffs. The driv
ers, who were carefully selected by Secre
tary O. M. Smith of the Driving club.
will be as fololws.
Everett Buckingham, president of the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. and general man
ager of the l:nlon Stock Yards company;
Kd Peek, vice president and manager
or the umana Klevator company.
would not have been damaged had aome
one not struck a match, which Ignited
some gasoline which had been spilled,
and burned the automobile quite badly.
The car was hauled out of the creek
today. The young people who were in
the car were Joe McFadden, K. Clsney,
John Lukkens and the Misses A Ills and
Irene McFadden. '
Insane Man Ends
Life with Shotgun
his "head. Engstrom wss being brought
to Browen Bow to appear before the in
sanity commission, bit escaped from the
car and ran back to the home of his aunt,
Mrs. Peterson, with whom he had been,
staying. He procured a shotgun and re
volver and took possession of the house.
Sheriff Wilson was sent for, but owing
to the distance did not reach the seen
until after I o'clock In the morning.
When he entered the. house . he found
els," a part of Lincoln, haa revolted. Ho ' Engstrom lying across a oea wun me
Is now agin" the ex-secretary and goes . 'ore part of his head blown away. Thera
to the Bible for evidence to support his will be no Inquest . .
contention that Mr. Bryan, who himself
quotes much scripture. Is not a good roan
for democrats to follow. He writes a
long statement to this effect, rapping
his former leader for taking care of his
relatives before remembering the faith
ful In the ranks.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 2.-(Speclal Telegram.)
The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street
Railway company haa appealed to the
supreme court from a Judgment of $12,OX)
secured by Alva H. Jackson, who was In
jured In July, 1113, while tiding on a
street car In Omaha. Damages for $25,009
was asked for by the plaintiff In the ault
In the Douglas county district court.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 2& (Special
Telegram.) In the mandamus ault by
M. L. Rawlings to compel the city coun
cil of Wymore to call a special election
to submit the question of billiard and
pool ball licences. Judge Pemberton today
ruled In favor of the city, holding: that
Rawlings' petition was addressed to the
city clerk and not ths council.
Old Settlers Picnic.
UNION. Neb., July M (Special.) The
twenty-seventh annual old settlers' re
ulon will be held at Union Friday and
Saturday, August 13 and 14. Band music,
orators and amusement In plenty are
promised. The Merchants' band of Ne
braska City haa been engaged for the
two days. A. L. Anderson is secretary
and G. Ward Cheney U president. The
executive committee Is composed of
John B. Roddy, D. Rsy Frsns and J. T.
ValaVatified Hot Font4.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 31
(Special Telegram.) The body of a
floater was found near ths water works
here this afternoon which had evidently
been In ths water soma time. It wss
that of aa aged man, with dark gray
strtped suit and flannel shirt There was
nothing alse to show the dentlty.
I t
Ktaetern Tkonsand for Omartcts
TORK. Neh, July W. -(Special. )-A deed
filed with Reglater Davis Saturday shows
that Fred Brans sold a quarter section
of land seven miles southeast of Wage)
to Charles Be hark tar Sll.Ott
Chadron News Notes.
CHADRON, Neb., July So. (Special.)
The city council has provided a swimming
pop) for the boys. The old reservoir at
the top of the hlil south of the city will
be put In ths proper condition and under
proper regulations the bys will be al
lowed to baths there.
J. M. Cain topped the market one day
last week at Omaha with eighty-five head
of hogs. Dawes county la coming Into
Its own as the home of the healthy hog.
We have yet to find a case of cholera In
this count?.
The base ball organisation known as
tba Chadron Bears Is sweeping everything
before It this year. It has played eight
een games snd haa lost only two.
Misses Ethel Hyeer, Naomi Good and
Jessie Washburn of Chadron have been
elected to positions In ths public sobods
of Kearney.
P. A. Keltx and Miss Edith Cope land.
teacher of anisic in the normal, gars a
little surprise to their friends Thursday
by getting married. They slipped away In
a oar far Crawford after ths ceremony,
but were captured after a wild chase and
brought back to town for the, proper
deooratlona, Thay will be at home In
Chadron after a short stay in ths Black
Mayor Jam-s I'ahlman, head of the
Omaha c:tr government.
N. It. CiHlIke, president of the Vpdlk
Ornln company.
Mayor M. l. Snvdcr, bead of the city
government of Council Bluffs.
Kd Peterson, president of the Flwnrd
Peterson company, railroad rontrartors.
Sorretary Smith declared yeeterday that
he was positive that "Transmulean"
would bo one of the most desperately
contested races of the entire program.
Edh contestant has been placed In th
proper frame of mind to "drive for his
life" by giving hi ma private tip that
"Mayor Dahlman saya you don't know
how to team a mule." On the other hand,
the mayor haa been assured that his rep
utation aa a former cowboy depends on
his winning the mule race.
Then there la another Incentive to vic
tory. All Omaha society Is going to at
tend the racer. ,aa Indicated by a big de
mand for box seats In ths grandstand,
and whichever prominent cltlsen brings
his Jackrabbll under the wire first Is
certain to be rewarded by the applause
of Omaha's fair ones snd their escorts.
A second mule race will be held the
following Saturdsy afternoon. with
prominent railway officials as drivers.
On the Friday Intervening, a relay run
ning race, In which three riders will par
ticipate, will bs a special feature. Each
rider will use three horses and each horse
will run half a mile.
HARVARD. Neb., July (Special.)
Maria, the lt-year-old daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Henry J. Sinner, died yester
day afternoon at about o'clock, at their
farm home In Ixomla precinct, five and
one-hslf miles southeast of ths city.
She had been 111 since April 18 with
Hodgkin's dlaeaae, and though every
thing (hat medical skill could suggest
was done, nothing appeared to oheck
the dlsesse. She Is the grand-daughter
of Hon. O. C. Flshback, county super
visor of Clay county.
Blair Wins and Loses.
BLAIR, Neb., July 2R (Special Tele
gram ) Owing to a mlxup In dates, Blair
had two teams on hand today, so played
two seven-tnnlng gsmea, losing the first,
to the Ducky Holmes, 6 to 2, snd winning
from Fremont, t to 0. Score, first game:
R H E.
Ducky Holmes 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 I
Blair 0 A 0 I 0 0-1 4 4
Batteries: Ducky Holmes, Baker and.
Coe; Blatr. Pitch and Krauee.
Score, second game: R H E.
Fremont 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 I
Blair 0 0 0 0 M l t
Batterlea: Fremont, Fk and Bronaon;
Blslr. Wolff and Krause.
QjGon cr Dairy aid
Ambition the Sams
In the expectant mother's mind there
Is no limit to what the future has In store.
and ret during ins ps
11 rlod of expectancy
ft much depends upon
ths physical comfort of
ths mother. One of ths
best aids Is a remedy
known as "Mother's
Friend." Applied over
the muscles, it pene
trates to tbe net work
of nerves, relieves ths
WA ISTXfrr.i pains Incident to
f VA' "1 stretching of cords and
I Vi I ligaments, makes them
I f lyi pliant. Induces dally
sjinmi.ii , ii. p comfort, restful nights.
o calm mind and pleasant anticipation. You
use it with your own bsnd, apply it as need
ed, and at ones feel a sense of relief.
Mothers who have learned all this from
rxperlence tell of the blessed relief from
morning sickness, the absence of strain snd
the undoubted healthful Influence Imparted to :
the coming baby. '
One very Important thing to remember j
nbout ''Mother's Friend," It can not exercise
Atiy other Influence than to simply lubrlcsta i
the parts, make them more Arm to naturally ;
wltlistand the constantly Increasing pressure.
And ss the muscles continue to expand, the
nerves become accustomed to this new con. :
ditlon and adjust themselves without undue '
pain. "Mother's Friend" is entirely rres or
any drug influence whatsoever and may bs
used freely at all times.
Get a bottle of this splendid help today.
Fhone your nearest druggist or send for It.
Then write Bradfleld Regulator Co.. T04 La
mar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga for a valuable book
Of Instruction for expectant mothers.
"Mother's Friend" Is recommended every
where by women who hsve used it. And you
csn read some very Interesting letters. U jroii
write for this book.
Sowr Stomach ladlsreatloa Cm rod.
Tour stomach and bowels need cleaning
out Dr. King's Now Life PI Us give
quirk relief. Ouly Kc. All dr ux slats.
The Green Label
with the Red
Triangular Corner
;ssjs-s--v- - . jD-t-p. - V -iJe- "-' -
Has that
snappy flavor"
one gets in
If in doubt
Try it out
f COrtl 9- HAM ciajrvt Wimiesafa
u.iiwi i - vroii unnuit Ducruwtors
311 South Uth Street. OMAHA. NEB.
y s
Phone DoUfilas2IS5
ConfUmted; byrSvtpQri&r Jury
For"ExcQlloncG of :its Product"
For wlts KdacationaKVklac."
GOLD MEDAL For Tbe nxlkywid
Wido Rang of it Addinnd'Slilotini4Tfcp
writeri" Whl Mecbtnistn.
ban aqd Carbon Paper
COLD' MEDAL To ReocTnw:Eib
ban ai
fights t.fxusibU AvtarxZ ' Isx ' EshKjriDepetrisnenS
of oar Business.
I" made: in
"Omaha People Are
A prominent Omaha man made this
remark the other day relative to the idea
back of this series of advertisements.
He meant that Omaha people are of
the "show me" kind. Yet he was rather
proud of the fact. It shows that a man must
"deliver the goods" if he seeks Omaha ap
proval. With that quality in mind and busi
ness, the manufacturers of Omaha the real
producers of much of our wealth have
caused Omaha to' be known as a producing
center of quality goods at lower prices
If you are willing to be "shown," next
time do more than. ask for just "starch" ask
for "Omaha-Made Starch."