Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    TJ1K lilA:-. OMAHA, Tll'MlAi, Mil A 27, 1113.
How Different U This Daj of Cool
Weather and Bain Compared
with Noted Scorcher.
, Speak not harshly on this day of
the ahowsra and cool weather which
are rlMtlng Omaha. This la the an
nlTereary of the hot wind of July 16,
On that fearful day twenty-one
yeara ago "ahowera and cooler"
' vonld have been greeted with
thanksgivings and tears by residents
of the middle weat and would have
been worth about a million of dollars
to them.
Today low temperatures and ahow
era were general oTer a greater part
of the territory swept In 1894 by the
not wtnd.
Twenty-cms yeara sen ih mercury
food at W drtrsos early In the morning
nnd roaa steadily until at 2:10 o'clock It
reached 1K at the STrrernmot obmrva
tory. A sr-orrhtnsj wind blew iMrcllessly
(or a psrtnd of it hour. burning crops
until they Were worthless even a fodder
for animals. ,
Ths wind wu a record breaker, IU llku
nmr having been sn before or sltw.
It brought mortjriMres and poverty to the
farmer, and In turn to village and city
r'olka. It blew from Texaa north to tho
British line, and from the Rocky moun
tain over Into Iowa. Missouri anl
Because corn wan destroyed, farmer
were compelled to sacrifice hogs and cat
He, for whlih siiarkat prices tumbled
alarmingly. Farmer bacame consumer
instead of producers' of grain and land
rallies fell.
Omaha. Ilka all other cities In the path
sf the wind, suffered greatly from busl
iee atacnatlcn.
The wind was the climax of four days
f hot weather and south breesea, which
naked the around after a period of
(Continued from Page One.)
Frye by the Oerman cruiser Prlns Eltsl
la that communication the United
States vigorously asserted' its position
that even though an American ship ear
tied contraband of war. It was peculiarly
protected from destruction by the stipu
lation of the PruMlan-Amerlcan treaty
of 1K. Klax. which was betas: earrtod by
tlie.Iealanaw, waa declared absolute con
traband by Oerman y on April U as re
tallatlon against the British contraband
declaration. While precedent of Interna
tional law In reoent years, supported par
ticularly by the Declaration of London,
have reeog-nlsed the right of a belligerent
to sink, a neutral Assstfl carry!; contra
band If the ship waa certain of condem
nation by a prise court. th action has
been limited to extreme eaaea of neces
sity when the taking of a prise Into port
would Involve danger to the S-essel mak
ing ths capture. '
Article of Treaty.
Irrespective of the principle of inter
national law noted on that point, how
ever, the United States has In its corre
spondence with Oerman y inalstsd on the
application of the following article it as?
fthe treaty i
In in of one of tho contracting
parties Mng nguuced In war wHh aivv
other power, to prevent all the difficul
ties and mlsiinderMamllnss that, usually
rise reatxUng merchandise of contrsv
Lartd. such as arms. anintuAIUon and
'military store of vary kind, ix suoh
article carried In the vessel or by the
subjects or rtflsens of either party to
, the encmUa of tha other shall be deemed
contraband an a to Induce confksoetlon
nr condemnation end a boss of prouerty
to Individual. Nevertheless, it shall be
Iwwlul to slop such vessxis and articles,
.ind to detain thorn for Meh length or
time as the captors may think neoeaaary
to prevent the Inocnvsnienca or damage
tnst might ensu from their prooeedtn.
ry1njr. howrvtr, reasonable compensat
ion fir the lose suoh, arreata shall oo-
i-eelon to the proprietors, But in tha
supposed of a veasni atoitoed for ar-
'tlolss of contraband, if the meat- of
ine vestal stoppad will Onitvw out tbe
goede supposwd to be of contraband na
ture, he et.all be permitted to da it ml
the vssl stiall not be in that eaae be
mto irio any non. nor rorther da
taliwd, but shall be allowed to proosed
on Its voraara.
Osrmany Imtnediatety admitted Its lia
bility snder the fonegolngr article when
the Fry was sunk and agreed to pay
damages, but took the view that the sink'
ing of the vessel was not a ' "violation'
of the treaty, but a right that had In
ferential! y been granted . by the treaty
Mast Far.
"n the contrary," said Berlin,
tide It expressly reserves to the parry
at war the right to stop tbe carrying pf
contraband and to detain the contraband;
It follow tten that If It cannot be an-
compiiehed In any othsr way toe stop
ping of the supply may, In the extreme
cause, be effected by the destruction of
the ship carrying it. As a matter ot
course, the obligation cf the party at war
to pay compensation to the Interested
persona of the neutral contracting party
ramalns In force whatever be ths man
lier of stopping the supply."
The t'nl ted 0ta.Ua. as Ule as June M,
raptted that "tha government of : rfce
lnlted Btatee cannot concur In tints con
clusion." . The case of the leelanaw. It was tn
I Waled by officials, would e argued
"lung the same Unas aa soon as an of
ficial report was received. Bavin g of the
Uvea of the" crow, they thought could
iut allay the feaUng of tha American
Kovemment that Oermany had not only
violated International law. In the case
Americans traveling on unresisting
merchantmen, but had four times. In tho
lirenvnt war, violated a treaty of nearly
a century's standing. Under that treaty
the American government ronwlees ttvtt
the American ships Oulfllght and Na
braskaa, xthlch were torpodoec without
warning, the William P. Frye and the
Jiulanaw should have been Immune from
violence ot any kind.
Bfesaaa free Corneal.
Messages from American Consul Iiv
. nwlon at Uunde. Scotland, and Consul
.lirneral th Inner at London telling" of the
turpedolug and sinking of the American
steamer Ievlandaw were received today
at the Mete deuartment. Tha messages
'aid ail liie crew ware saved and had
landed at Kirkwall.
Consul I'ennlflon's niage said:
Hirainer Ivlandaw' from Ne York
i Hlf.t nu flax torpd(M-a and sunk
tyiiaan siji.n.arine July 2i. Whole
British Steamship
' Grangewood Sunk
UONDON. July M The British nteamer
Oransewood of 1.422 tn gm, bound
from Archangel, rtussia. for Havre.
Franc, has been torpedoed and sunk In
the North Be, by a Oerman submarine.
The crew landed today at lrwick, Scot
land The Oranrewood was xt fnet Ions..
fort-fet beam and twenty-four feet
doop. It wsj hullt at Sunderland In tC
and u owned by the Gratitude Steam
ship company, limited, of txndon.
crew, landed at Kirkwall In their own
boats; have instructed the consulai
agent to send them to Dundee Immedi
ately." Consul Oeneral Skinner's meessge waa
almost IdsAtlcat.
President U llaoa Kfatlfled.
CORNISH. N. M.. July . Unofficial
word of the sinking of the American
steamship Leelanaw by a Osrman sub
marine waa conveyed to President Wil
son today, but he declined to make any
comment for publication, pending the
receipt jf full official details. The news
that tha crew of the steamer waa aaved,
was received with relief by members
of the presidential party.
President WUaon always has kept his
mind open in cases of attacks by Oer
man ' submarines until he received a
complete' report of . the circumstances
and. k iwias thought probable that he
would pursue tha same course In this
case, although tha preaMent himself
would gfve no Indication of what would
be done. "
.OF LIFE AT 1,080
(Continued from Page One.)
were completed today and the work will
be begun as soon as tns necessary mar
ohlnory has been placed In position. A
wracking dredge which has been brought
from Duluth and several large derricks
IU be used In placing the steamer on
Its koL The hull then will be pumped
out and a careful search made for more
victims. It will take several days to raise
the steamer. Dynamite will then be used
In ths river bed to release those bodies
which may be atuck In the mud.
Work tor Oraad Jary.
State's Attorney Hoyne began hla
preparation of evidence for the Cook
oounty grand Jury on ths theory that the
United States Inspection bureau erred
when It granted a license to the boat
to enfage in the tranalake business. Mr.
Hoyne declared that he was Ignoring the
question of the filling of the water bal
last compartments and declared that the
evidence he had In hand already indi
cated that the lOaatland was aa unsafe
v el. resardleee of ths diligence of the
orew la oomptytng with regulations. Cor
oner Hoffman annonooed that be will not
botd aa Inquest until ths work ot searching-
for tho dead la completed.
Dtokerson N. Hoover, acting- supervisor
Inspector of tha United Mates steamboat
inspection service, and Captain Charles
H. Weatoott of Detroit. Joined Inspector
Mansfield and Nloholas la the examina
tion of the rrew of the Eastland ts determine-
whether there had been negli
gence la operation, and especially whether
the water ballast compartments ware
properly filled at tha time the Eastland
laid over on its side. They expect to have
this question decided today, when every
witness held by tfis city will be exam
ined. The theory that there was a sud
den shift of weight Is not credited by
Three more bodies had been taken from
the boat at noon.
State-Wide Search
Foriattle Chili
Theories that ths Utile Ooldthorpa child
waa drowned or lost have been aband
oned practically and now a state wido
effort wll be made to find the child if
stolen by an automobile party or to find
where it was buried if killed by a reck
less driver. I is prtobabla that a reward
will be offered right aaay for the re
covery ef the child or its body. If dead.
Marrts-A adaraoa.
alias Martha Anderson, daughter of
Carl Anderson, and Mr. George Harris
wsre married by Rev. Charles YV, tavtdge
at hla residence Saturday evening at
o'clock. Their wedding party Included
Mr. and Mrs. J. M Lund. Mrs. A. U
Mitchell and Master Worths and Miss
Helen; also Misa Anna and Miss laullne
' Un, A. C. Kdlaa-er.
H&NDF.RSON. Neb., July X.-tgpeclal.)
Mrs. A. C. Kdlnger died at ths family
home near this village Friday evening,
the was S3 yt-ars plo. Funersl services
were held yesterflsy s ft e moon si t
o'i !o k. ,' -
view of the Second regiment morgue where there were
over 800 dead laid out to be identified.
' I
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(Continued from Page One.)
states he found more than WO errors and
from his experience as an accountant,
would say thess mistakes could not be
regarded as "clerical errors."
Balances Forced.
That there was an Intentional forcing
of balances and transpositions of figures
Is the opinion of Commissioner Butler
and Mr. Htenlea.
Most of the errors were In handling
records of Improvement districts. A rep
resentative "error" Is given ss follows:
An entry shows that of improve
ment district No. 10 was Invested In
warrants 6S8 to V70 and the money thus
paid out was credited to the treasurer
In ths regular way. But on a subsequent
page another entry shows that 1322.60 of
Improvement district No. 40 waa invested
In warrants 6U to 663. which entry could
not be reconciled because thoss warrant
already had been' entered as against
money out of district No. 20, thus leaving
1322.60 not accounted for in the final
K era re la Footina.
On psge 164 of cash book the former
treasurer showed a total of $18,194.6, In
stead of (16,194.13. an error ot 93.000,
which money cannot be accounted for
and, therefore, went Into the shortage re
ported to the council.
Another error is a credit of (49.60 to
himself. Instead of 940. There are many
double credits all through tbe accounts.
Una Las System.
The check disclosed a lax system,
warrants being- signed In blank, no coun
tersigning of checks, no audit by ths
village board and other Irregularities. Ths
records of ths village clerk does not show
that Mr. Wsaterfleld was named as treas
urer of the village last spring, making
him really a "holdover." He waa, how
ever, under bond of 92,600, furnlehed by
tly United mates Fidelity and Ouaranty
company of Baltimore, ana, as a matter
of fact, was ss much treasurer as If ths
board had thougrht last spring to perform
thnln annual formality of naming Mr.
The check by the city was from May
15. 1911, the date of ths last report of
Mr. Westerfleld to the village, whereas
tits law requires that he should report
every six -months.
ending; Company o Fny.
W. A. Yonson, local agent for the)
bonding company, made this at element:
"I will report the finding of ths city to
the company and I expect a representa
tive will be here to make an Independent
Investigation. Ths amount of our bond,
of course, will be forthcoming as soon
as ws determine to our satisfaction that
we are liable. I tiave been told Mr.
Westerfleld can be found any time, but
ot that fact 1 have no absolute knowl
edge." Mr. Westerfleld left Omaha four weeks
ago Sunday and la reported to have been
In Omaha several times sinoe he disap
peared. Hi family stated ha suffered a
"nervous breakdown." He was treasurer
of Dundee for twelve years and enjoyed
the confidence of many Dundee and
Omaha people. lie waa administrator for
several estates, prominent as a church
worker and sn officer ot ths Fcnteoelte
HatUr's talesae-at.
Following Is ths report of ths superin
tendent of account and finance to ths
city council;
This department herewith submits par
tial audit of the treasurer's accounts ot
the village of Dundee, showing a sltort-
ia an amount ut Stt.uta.IU.
in me nature or thluas, and the time
at my ulspueal, this audit Is not complete
end exhaustive. Inasmuch aa we took as
a basis May 19. 1S1L the data of rh.
treasurers last report to the trustees of
the village, the same being, in our Judg
ment, the most dependable starting point.
Frum that date down ths audit la com
plete, but owing to the condition of the
aooounts prior to that time It appeared
and appeare Impossible te make a com
plete eud audit within any rea
sonable period of time, but Inasmuch as
prior to that date Utile money was han
aled by the treasurer, we have assumed
that the chances of a ahortage la rela
tively small. If there should exist any at
fhould you be of the opinion that a
complete and thorcusrh audit f the
I books eimuld be made frvra the organlsa
ition of the village down to May 19. LAI.
jthen this department would must respect
, fuily request such addition help from
itline U- lima as mlg-hl stem proper and
I necessary, inasmuch as It would prnbauly
take sine six months to accomplish this
audit: but owlnsr to the loss of many re
ceipts ano oiner necary documents and
lp-ra. It wvultl aeem that a complete
audit -nav bo lmosethie In any event.
The books and B'-rounts of the trees
urr of that villain- have been very
, txvfjrlv kri't end apiMtrently no rhrrH
lnw'eir lis l eerr-mnde hv either the
rordii-e r .uroiny the villvre truntea.
Mir jt I m-iii "-Vim live only m'a-ht
rent Thl. condition hm tarn larfly
responsible for the delay In submitting
this report. This department has worked
constantly on the task .before It and Is
reporting results st the earliest available
moment. Find herewith attached detail
of the audit herewith submitted.
Charles A. Westerfleld, brother of the
missing treasurer, said: "Ths shortage
will be taken care of. but I do not care
to stats Just how It will be straightened."
County Attorney Magney said yesterday
that he had not yet received official In
formation of the amount of the shortage
In tha Dundee treasury.
"If the matter ia brought to my at
tention I expect to file an Information
against Mr. Westerfleld unless some rea
son to prevent It arises, of wihloh I know
nothing- now," said ths oounty attorney.
(Continued from Page One.)
headquarters of the Italian general staff.
The communication says:
"On ths afternoon of July 93 two of our
seaplanes flew ever Rtva and dropped
eighteen bombs on tha retire ad station
with excellent results. The enemy's ar
tillery fired on 1 the machines without
causing any damagw.
"In Carnia, during tha night of July
94-99, snemy forees attacked our positions
at Bomdorna pesa, but were promptly
'In the Monte Nero region the enemy
tried to arrest our offensive, delivering
three furious attacks on positions con
quered by us on ths crest of Luxlnlca,
but was repulsed by us with great losses.
"On the Car so pleteau ths notion con
tinues to develop favorably for us."
Mission Convention
Goes t9 Des Moines
LOS A NO E UBS, Cal, July 99.-Dele-gates
to the International Missionary
convention of the ' Disciples of Christ,
which closed last nlg-ht with the selection
of Dea Moines, Ia. as ths meeting plane
for laiA, departed today for vurtts at San
Diego and San Francisco sxpoaltlons. W.
T. Richardson of Kansas City, Mo., was
elected president of tbe organisation. The
report of the executive committee reootn
mendtng a budget appropriation of 9630,01
for various missionary departments during-
tho next fiscal year was adopted.
LOS ANOEUW, Cel., July St-Gten
Martin. aeroplane manufacturer. Is
nursing serious Injuries as the reeult of
an accident near here yesterday, when a
sppoaedly harmless hand bomb exploded.
badly burning his head and forearm.
Martin was to use the bomb in a moving
picture ef a mimic battle. Ths employes
of ths moving picture concern also were
Injured by the explosion of a cannon,
whose aim was misdirected.
Rent rooms quick with a Bee Wsnt Ad.
, sV .
Have You a
Vacant Room?
Every vacant
your rent, and lessens your profits.
Place a small "Furnished Room"
for rent ad in "Tho Omaha Bee"
for one week. It will cost you only
a few cents each day.
You will receive inquiries from a
very desirable class of prospects,
from which you can choose a good
We will gl-ully help you writo
yonr.nd, telephone us at
rUstfied IVpartmetit,
104 Bee Bid. , Tyler 1000,
Reserves Decision
And Gives Becker's
Counsel More Timoi
NEW YORK, July Supreme Court
Juetlce Ford, sfter hearing argument
for and agalnxt the nppllr-atlon of For
mer Folle Lieutensnt Charles Becker,
under sentence tn die Wedneeday for
Instigating the murder of Herman Roaen-
thal, gnmblcr, for a new trial, today j
reserved de lulon and gave counsel until '
noon tomorrow to flic briefs. j
Justice Ford announced that he would j
decide the case as quickly as posKible. ;
It Is possible, the decision mav be ren- I
dered toniorow. If the decision la uti-
favorable to Becker he will be executed
Wedneeday morning.
District Attorney Perkins announced
that If the court required a longer period
than tomorrow to go over. the record of
today's proceedings he would Join In a
request that the former police lieutenant's
execution be postponed.
Regarding ths affidavits submitted' by
Becker's attorneys and containing- the
alleged new evidence. Justice Ford said:
"In view of tbe fact that the state
haa contended these afldavlta are not
new evidence, I propose to accept' them
at their face , value, and am not certain
It will be necessary to call further wit
NEW YORK. July 36. -The stock mar.
ket waa shaken up severely today by the
news of the torpedoing of the Leelanaw.
In the early trading the group of Issues
known as war stocks were active and
On the announcement ' that the Lee
lanaw had been torpedoed the , market
broke abruptly and prices fell materially
below Saturday's close.
Heat Fatigue
accompanied by faiotneaa, weak
ness or dirtiness, produced by
working in hot, close places, or by
exposure to tha sun restore the
vitality of the lystem by renewing
the supply of strengthening phos
phates of which it haa been de
pleted. Recovery follows the use of
Acid Phosphate
Cees a kettle ia yew lea
room increases
... x j I
- K
. ...... ' . Hfc A
- t V-'
New Infant Creeping Rompers
1ICYV in White and Colors
Creeping Rompers for In
fants. All white or with
trimmings of pink or blu,
sizes ( months, 1 and -years.
85, $1.00,
$1.25, S1.65 and
Infants Section Third Floor
The July Clearance Sales
Throughout the Store s
Present Most Unusual v
Opportunities to Secure
High Grade Seasonable Goods
At Greatly Reduced Prices
lsA &vM4 t s&i-A 4
See the
Wonderful East This Year
For, variety of attractions the great cities,
. historic places, and mountains, rivers, lakes.;
and ocean resorts of the East afford an un-1
rivaled vacation."- - -
Low fares to a few Eastern .points" follow: ; .
New Vork and return ,$48.8
Boston and return 47.85
Buffalo and return 38.5S
Niagara Falls and return 38.5S
Atlantic City and return 81.35
Portland and return 49.0
Montreal and return 41.3 .
Toronto and return .' 36.20
Tickets' on tale June 1st to September 30th
Milwaukee & St. Paul
'Four trains daily to Chicago, including the famous steel
equipped "Pacific Limited." Direct connections in Chi
cago with trains for all points east
Douhtt Track StrI Equipment
Tickets, ilaepins car rcsenratioos and full Information st
1317 Far nam Street. Omaha
EUGENE DUVAL. Ctntral Agtmt '
-turn stock rzsnBOT."
Edward Lynch AV1ttikU
XUUmees. lSo-SSo slvrs. SSo-Sao-SOs
ri'-sSt lU V VM 4 1 X S
L-j. r . W".
Infants' Colored Creeping
Rompers, plain blue ging
hams, checked ginghams,
(blue and white or pink
and white), also percales
and crepes, sizes (j mos., 1
and 2 years, 50S G5V
75, 85 and $1.00.
Cool Lalie
In the besutiful wooded Lake Park
Region an excellent place to spend
- your summer vacation. Stop at good
hotels or rent a cottage for the sum
mer if you prefer. Good fishing,
boating and camping, and affording
Immediate relief to tho su(Trtti
from Hay Fever. The heart of this delightful
vacation land is located along the
Northern Pacific
and Minnesota & International Ry
Ppbndid train service to ths thousands eflskcs ta this cool,
picturesque vacation spot.
Sssd fsr frss Cepjr ef "MUsessts Lakes" bassist
detailed information regarding' far hour's
isjauuea. etc
K. 1). KOCKWELL, D. I A.,"
212 Century Itldff.,
--Xi Ilea Moines, lowa.
n I AtfC S1SJ ft sa allla
Bathina. Bostlns, Bsadng
and Other Atli acttuas.
Free Moving Pictures. This
.tUac "The SkiuXUat," "Bthel'a
Ueeaij Alarm Clots.," Ths Mo
ment sf akonnoe."
j WW