12 TIIK UKE: OMAHA, TUEKPAV, JULY 27, 1915. Curfew Was Ringing, So I Went Home Copyright. 1915, International News Service. Drawn for The Bee by James Swinnerton LITTLE. etx)WER. 0 SUMMER HAY I TAK YOU DOVWG ( CH THE 1-AK.E. y v I nCT- Cecu "T.ajl MtA alkj' FOR. V&U . AINT HE THE SwEU-EST FELUE.Q.7 HE HAD OH A PEAVJTi py W. STR1P45D TIE AN' UW TAM SMOCS HAT AN'PfA,LsilK PUBPUESO, . .. . . r .rfT -..caT-l nOANH AH SAW 5 TO HIM TOUit "--- BOY: AN HE 5H3 t A I MT GOT KOTM IKI UN XDU r-uec wr.c j , 3'; Qua 1 I -i 4 L. I ' m 7 U.l.lllE. RZJWtK. O OUMMfc I fv ' ITS. 7 i i i v -i - i un. r v ' . ' i ' Lj i L i irv I 1 t ct -tuic il. i . vi S m ' I ' I WW -ww V mrrvwii V - I . I lr aVK 1 T I as-" 111 h 1 I I -3-k Re p7Kjpr. V J r TT-N M V I -- - v . I -J l 'VII fcj.er l i rv - --v 'lbK AWFUL NC BOT I TMlNX HARfcYS Sweeter, mes the r-eAResT. uvuesT DOT ; HONEiT DEARIE ME 13 AW S REPINED AM' HES A LOVELY DANCER AM WHEN HE TAKES YOO OOT THE ROOFS. MB L.ivtiT HE', SUCH A SPENDCR M nco QJOT THE XJALtNGESr EYES am the curesr moo&tache an'sjch lCJVCL-J riNK. CMttKa AK AS fER., mis cuiu uKj-uH'nm- I I -WHYVMHEPES I y r - ta. i J f I W I OMAHA CAPTURES ONE FROM BEARS Visitors Excel in Fielding Take Four-to-Three Con-tnt. and RAIN CURTAILS THE COMBAT DENVER, CoJo.. July K PpcUI TU rram.) In th fourth Innlnn of today'! gam betWMn th Brar and t' Rourkca Btmo for thw vlaltora ataricd to atcal arc ond. Bbaatak IMKRvd down to Ke1lhr In an attempt to cut the runner off. but tha throw waa low and the Ronton boy : took tha atata on till throwing arm to I atop It. The next atlckater up waa Foraytha and ; ha rapped tha ball to deep ahort. Kellaher mada a perfect catch, but hla arm waa I atlll numb from Sheatak'a peg and tha J ball full ahort. Foraytha waa tafa and Breen took third. Thereupon Knif rapped ' one Into the Ponton boy'a territory and only a few feet away from aecond, and again ha failed to handle It. Breen cama , home, tha I to I tie waa broken and the Cuba were never able to catch up. Rata ttopa tha Rattle. The gama cama to a cloae at the end of tlfc eighth, when tha rain came just aa Larry Spahr, hitting for Shcatak, fouled out with two on banea and two down. Tha twirling of North of tha Kocrkea waa the chief feature of the contest, which, while- cloae, tended to drag. Fcratrh alnglea of the jumping variety played a prominent part In the acorln and had It not been for theee with torn looea aupport Denver' acore would not have bean aa much aa It waa. North'a pitching waa ateady and heavy aklea did not help tha Beara any when they began to try for hit fast onea In the plnchea, Smith, of tha Rourkea, waa tha only ona to drag down three aafe Mta. Whila McCormtck of the Dear a waa the only Bear who repeated. Raarkea Boor Knrly. Tha Rourkea aoored ftrat m tha firnt atanaa, when tingle by Breen waa fol lowed by an infield out and Knig'a hit Denver knotted It In tha aecond, when Oalloway' alngled, Coffey walked find , Bhlelda came threcgh with a two-aacker. In tha third Smith tripled and Breen clouted out aacrlflca fly. Foraytha walked, atol aecond and went to third on a bad whip by Wella. Krug akled, ' but Welle delivered with a amaahlngt triple and tha eount waa two for tha frame. Tha Beara came right back. McCor mlck, first up In tha fourth, alngled, but waa forced at aecond by Galloway. Gal loway then atole to 'the midway point and Coffey walked. Kelleher's knock brought Packey acroaa. and when Welle made a bad throw to aecond Coffey came home, Urtaallva Fal Iowa. Tha Bears had three good chances to win; once In the aecond. when Coffey ;waa out at the plate, trying to steal home; again In tha sixth, when a rapid fire double play cut off a possible acore; and finally In the aeventh, when tha beaea wera choked with McCormlck up. - alack couldn't get tha ball out of tha 'Infield and the side waa retired. Score. OMAHA. c ' ... AU. R. II. O. A. E. Smith. If i 1 0 0 0 1;m.i lb s S 1 t 0 iJortrOiiT rf 1 1 0 0 0 0 '.?- 4 0 1 1 o 'Varney, ct 4 0 1 0 0 ll'lanrk. ....'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 0 a I i i 4 0 0 10 4) Standing of Teams WESTKItN LKAOITE. Played. Won. Loat. Pet. Pea Molnea 90 67 M .AM Ienver M M M JM Uncoln 7 46 42 .617 Toueka M) VI 44 .611 Omaha 2 4 4 .M0 8loux City K7 40 47 . 40 St. Joseph 88 . 62 .4"2 Wichita 83 64 .31)3 NAT. IjPIAQT'K. 1 AMEH. LKAGITB. W.UPct.1 WUl'ct. Phlla 49 M .6741 Boston M 31 Mi -Brooklyn ..4 3 .2 1hlco 66 ) .fii9 ' Chicago ...43 43 i0 IHtrolt M 84 .614 St. Iouls... 4K ,47.1 Wanhina:ton.44 44 .' Illtsburgh 4:t 44 .mi ft. Louis ... S 63 . Iloeton ....4-1 44 .4.4'New York.. .4 3 44 'l New York. 41 41 .4 H i leeland ..?. 64 .St Cincinnati 85 4 .417) Phlla 30 6 .141 KEU LRAOlB. AMKR. ABS'N. w.iic.t. w.urw. Chicago ...63 IH ,67 St. Paul.... M 88 jm Kan. City. .60 87 .67(M Indlanaplla 63 41 .6o St. Ixuis...4 40 .6lMlnneapila 60 43.688 Ptttatmrgh 40 .6S5j Kan. City.. .40 46 .621 Newark ...46 43 .61 It Louisville ..44 47 . 44 Brooklyn . 41 61 .440Cleveland ..41 47 .40 Buffalo ...41 61 .4S, Milwaukee 4161.440 Baltimore .33 66 .37oColumbu4 ..M 67 .987 Yesterday's Resnlla. WESTERN LEAGUE. Ht. Joseph. 3; Wichita, 0. !' Molnra, 8; Tope k a. 6. Sioux City-Lincoln; wet grounds. Omaha, 4; iJenver, 3. NATIONAL LRAQUEX Chicago. 0; Boston, 1. Ht. loiiis. 8: Brooklyn. 11. Pittsburgh, 3, 0; New York, 1. 3. U'llladelphla, ; Cincinnati. 3. AMEHiCA.N LE1AGUE. No gamea played. KEOKHAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn, 6; St. Louie, 6. jxewarK, a; i-ittamirgh, 1. Baltimore. 3. 6; Chicago, 11, 1. AMERICAN AHHOCIATION. St. Paul. 11; Milwaukee, . lndlanajwlle. ; Louisville, 1 Columbus, 8; Cleveland, 3. Oaaaea Today, i Western Lesgue-Bt. Joseph at Wichita, Des Moines at Topeka', Bloux City at Lin coln. Omaha at Denver. National League Boston at Brooklyn, New York at Pittsburgh. Amerkan eLagua 8t. Louis at Phila delphia. Cleveland at Waahlngton, Detroit at New York. Chicago at Boaton. Federal League-Brooklyn at Kanaaa City, Buffalo at Chicago, Newark at St. Louis. Baltimore at IPttsburgh. ....34 4 3 34 .NorlU, p Totals . IlEVVrik Soenoeh, ct 4 0 0 3 0 t Miller, rf 8 0 0 0 0 0 I JioCormtck. If 4 ) 9 0 OsJloway, 3b 4 3 11 1 1 Cuffev, aa 1 118 0 0 fehu-lila, il k 1 7 0 0 lielieher, aa 4 110 8 Shratak. C 8 0 1 t 0 I Siwhr. a 1 0 i 0 0 0 Harrington, p 3 0 10 10 Totale 31 "3 "l St T "i x Butted for Shestak In eighth. Omaha 1 0 8 0 10 0 04 tVnvM- Ml 01 000 0 3 Game called eighth; rain. blot en baaea: Oalloway, Forsyte, hHwwi. Two-base hits: tthMris, Cofiey, V'lia. tt hialtjuer. ThrMi-basa hue: fcnuth. Wells. Struc k out: by North, 4: by Har rtngtun. 4. Uaaea on blla: Otf North. 4, off llarrlnguin, 1 Sacrifice fly: Brtwu. loul4e piny; bien to e-liletlmer. Time ut game; 1;45. L'mutra: O'Brtcn. LAKAFP Wl. FOR TOPKK48 Oatpltrkes Mart4gr, aad Dee Molaea 3a Defeated. TOPEKA, July Sl-Lakaff outpltohed 'M.jtlids and Topeka defeated Dea Moines. Laksffs to errors gsva the vis. toi-a two of tlw.tr three runs In the fifth. In tr horn hajf of the aame Inning, with the butt filled. Moarldge hit Usher nd valked Lattltnora. Cuthran's triple and lean ateai of home In the sixth featured, did a great stop aud throw by (lawyer, tsenre: DES MOINES. AM. M. H. O. A.' E. e 3 .... 4 . t 4 1 13 llahn. rf .... Iiunter. cf. t ills. If vons, lb... licit ford, aa r-swycar. 2b Isnwhill. 2b 8 ttrren. c I aiogitdge, p 8 Totals - 87 8 I 24 11 1 TOPKKA. AB. R. H. O. A. B. r oohran. So 3 2 18 10 a'ilon. as 4 0 0 2 8 0 kuq, cf 3 1 ! i 0 0 ri.K.11, If 8 0 13 10 ilr. lb....: 3 117 3 0 iluiioff, 2b 3 0 1 t 1 1 uiinr, tt.-.. 4 0 2 1 0 0 Monroe, 0 3 1 0 3 2 0 Lakaff, p ..4 0 0 0 8 3 Totala 20 "s T 27 14 1 Des Moines 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 08 Topeka 0 1,0 0 2 1 0 0 4 Thre-base hits: Cochran, Klsher. Two base hit: Trainer. Sacrifice fly: Breen. Ootible plays: Tallinn to Lattlmore to PlHhnr, Jones (unassisted); Stolen baaes: Cochran, Monroe. Bases on . balls: Off T .M L f f 1- nff & n..i. . it 0 1 1 1 . . 1. . a. ly Lakaff. 2; by Mogiidge. 4. Hit by Pitched ball: By MogrlUge, L Time: l:tti. Umpire: cuaavk. WICHITA TAKE) FIX A l CONTEST Cochran Kaerkrel from Box anal Re vralt Klalahea Uaaae. WICHITA, Kan., July W.-Wlchlta I'layers won ma last game of the series from St. Joseph when they collected four runs on five hits la th first Inning. Cochran for Wichita waa knocked from tha box In tha fourth, and Vandeventer, a recruit, finished tha game, allowing Bt. Joseph but three hits. Score; WICHITA. AB. H. H. O. A. B. Hoap? aa 4 0 3 8 4 1 Bennett? cf 3 ,00100 Paterson. lb 8 1 I 11 0 1 1 hlosmg. If 4 1 0 3 0 0 Brltton, lb 4 8 8 8 0 1 Orlffith, o i '11 0 0 Ijunb, 3h 4 0 1 u 10 OleatT rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Ooohran, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 Vandeventer, p I 1 I 0 ' 3 ' 0 Totala 83 6 11 27 IS 8 ST. JOSEPH. , , . AB. H. H. O. A. E. Watson? rf 6 0 0 1 0 0 JKoehler, lb 4 0 1 0 0 0 Helmer, of ( O 0 3 0 0 Oroltck, 3b 8 11110 WUllajita, If 1 8 4 0 0 Rapp, ro 3 0 0 1 ' 8 0 Orovllng, 8b ........8 1 1 1 0 0 !". o 3 0 0 T 4 0 Yallandlngham, p ..8 0 1 8 1 Totala 8 34 "t St Joseph 0 00 8000 00 8 Wichita 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 x-4 Left on baaes: Bt. Joseph, 10; Wichita, 1 Sacrifice hlta: Bennett. Two-bas hlta: Lamb, UrlffUh. Threelbase hits: Brltton. StoUn bases: llosp. Hits: tff Cochran, 8 In 8 and three and one-third Innings. Btrtuk oott By VaJlandinghaiu. 6; Cucrhan. 3: Vandeventer, 3. Bases on balls: tff Vailandinvhaiii. i; Oochran 4; Vandeventer, 1. Hit by pitched ball:By Cochran (Uroellna); by VaJlandliiKham (Patterson). C mi ire: Van Byckle. Time: 2:10. Can Attached to Two Federal League Umps CHICAGO, July 36 Umpires Harry II o wall and William Fife were released by tha Federal league today. It waa an argument with Howell which led to tha resignation of Manager Jonea of tha Bt. Loula tsam a few weks ago. Jonaa waa Induced to withdraw hla resignation. How ell formerly waa a well knon American league pitcher Assertraa Assaelatlea. At Cleveland: R.H.E. Columbus 8 10 3 Cleveland .3 Batteries: Ferry and Coleman, Carter and leVogt. At Louisville: RU E Indianapolis , ( f j Louisville , 8 ij 1 Battel lea: Willis. Mar and Blackburn; North rup and Grlbbin. At Milwaukee: RHE Paul u it 0 Milwaukee 0 11 3 Batteries: Williams, k'arger, Usfleld and Johnson; Young, Rhodes and Hughes. Mlnnvapoila-Kanuia City; poatpofted, wet ground. , I . tbera iMsrlsllss. BCFKAI. N. Y.. July hi -The le troit Americana defeated tha Buffalo Internationale la avMbltlon Cama, SHPERBAS CHASE TWO CARDHURLERS Brooklyn! Take Twenty-Two Out of Twenty-Eight Gamei Since Last of Jane. THIRD . PITCHER HAMMERED BROOKLYN, July 2B.-Tho Brooklyno finished tip the sortee against tha west ern Invaders today with a 1 8(0 8 victory over St. - Louis. This waa Brooklyn's twenty-second victory In twcnty-etffht gamea played since the Dodgers returned home In last nlsce on Jum un fit. frames were lost and one was a tie. Brooklyn batted Bailee and Terdua out I of the box today and also pounded Ames, I who mado his first appearance on tha mound ror Bt. Loula. Myers hit Sallea'a first offering for a home run to deep center. Score: ST. LOVIH. BROOKLYN. ABHO.AK. ABHOA.E. B.nhcr. If . . . t I 1 1 CMrn. cf I list Mhls 1 ft OO'Mari. n.,.4 11(1 Aoim. p 4 4 1 OPtubert, lb..4 0 11 S 0 Berk t 0Whst. If 4 I 4 0 Husslns. 3b. 4 4 11 COjlihaw, lb. 4 III O'lusr I Oftunsal rt...4 8 3 Millar, lb.. ..I 0 1 1 euati. lb 4 1 1 I ntr c 4 I I 4 1 McCrtr. e...4 1 4 1 0 Oonuln, ....1 4 1 Applon. ...4 0 0 I 1 Butler, M I 4418 rf 4 114 1 ToUl 17 14 tT 14 3 I'JOi. cf 4 10 11 Hul. lb. ,..4 1 I 1 ft fslles. a ... 1 I A 4 Penlus. p....O 0 110 ... r, - DIR. If 3 8 ft 4 0 Totals ....II I 14 14 t Malted for Bescher In the seventh. Hntted for Ames In the ninth. Batted for Hugglna In tha ninth. &t Lpl 0 0081 1028-8 Brooklyn 1 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 13 Two-base hits: Iiong, Snyder. Cut shaw O'Mara, Stengel. Three-base hlta: Hyatt, Stengel. Home, run: Meyers Stolen bases: Hugglns, Beck, O'Mara. Earned runs: St. Louis, 4; Brooklyn, . Double play: Oeti to Dauboit. bases on errors: St. l,oul. i: Brooklyn. S Bases on balls: Off Ssllec, 1; off AmM. 1; off Appleton, 4. Hits: Off Bailee, ft In two and two-thirds Innings: off Per due, 4 In three and jne-thlrd Innlnrs; off Ames, i In two Innings. Struck out: By Halloe, 1; hy Ames, 2. Bv Appleton, 4. Umpires: Rlgler and Hart Divide. Doable.lleader. NEW YORK. July . New York cloaed a successful home stay hero this after noon by dividing a double-header with Pittsburgh. Tha visitors won tha flrat game, I to I, while tha Giants won tha aecond tamo, I to 0 Tho first gam re sulted In a close pitching battlo between Adema and Mathewson, tho former win ning In the eighth Inning when-the vet eran, Wagner, singled, took second on Violin's sacrifice and scored on Balrd's double. In the second game Teasreau shut out Pittsburgh with five acattered hits and struck out seven men. Score first me- " FlTTsBimoH. XIW YORK. . ABH.OAt ABIi.O.AR. Cfcrer. U.....4 I 1 1 OBurni. If 4 114 (Vlllna. cf .4 ltt 1 Robcruoa. rf.4 4110 JnbnMon. lb I 4 10 1 ftnOyl lb 4 4 1 I 0 Hlnrhmtn. HI 13 4ritnkr, s..l I I I I W'ssner. SS...I 1 I I 1 Mark I, lb. ..I 1 11 1 Vloi. lb 3 III Lotwrt. lb... I 111 Balnl. lb... I 114 ICniMtsnn. cf I 8 10 Murphr, (....I I 1 ftltooln. e I 8 I Adaaa. p. ...8 I 0rnt 1 4 Marars. .... 4 1 Totals ....37 4 17 IT I Maihawaoa, p.l IS HralnarO ...I Bchauar. p... .,.. ' , . Totals ....li"l7 li" Batted for Dooln In the eighth Batted for Mathewson In the eighth. Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 03 New York 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Carey, Balrd. Three base hif Hlnchtnan. Stolen base Burns Earned runa: Pittsburgh. !; New York, 1. Double r'aya: Wagner to lox to Johnston, Fletcher to Lobert. Rasa cn balls: Off Schauer, 1. Hits: Off Mathewson. 0 In eight Innings; off rV-hauer, none In one Inning. Struck out: By Mathewson. 2; by Adams. 1. Passed Murphy. L'mplrea: Klein and Cocklll. Boo re, aecond game: PITTMBI'H'IH. NEW YORK. 4lHO.l l AB H O.A C. (VSer. If a 1 I 4 fBtiraa. It... 4 1 Oulllna. cf.. 3 1 Kobartaon. rf I 111 Jnknai.w, Ik 4 1 1 trior la. tb....l III Hltubmaa. rf I t I Inraat. lb....l 14a waster, as. ..t i l sriatrhar, as. .4 8 I vio. IB I 1 Mark Is. lb... 4 I I I 4 Balrd lb. ...4 111 Lobart lb 1 1 s 1 OUwon. C... .I 111 4 BnoOeraaa. cf I 184 vMUlliea, pa s S S afavara. S....8 0 11 Ttsraaa, p...i a I a TsUla ....a IM 1 I r.... . .Total, ...so inn l Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ft 0 New York 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 Two-bssa hits: Merkle, Collins Stolen bases: Robertson, Carev Jdnchmsn. Double plays: Meyers to Fletinier. Bslrd to lox to Johnston. Basea on balls: Off Tearesu, 3. off McQulllcn. t. Struck out: By Teveau. 7; by McOulllen, 2. , Lm-pti-es: Klem and Cockhlll. Phlla Wla Kaally. CINCINNATI. O., July M.-Bancroffs home run In the fifth, with two on bases, stsrted tha leadera to acore and Itilla delphla won easily from Onclnnatl to day, 0 to 2. Bancroft's hit wss a short right field drive which bounded over Griffith's head when ha ran up on It. ncnneiuer waa rorcea to give . way la the seventh and McKenery, who suo oeeded htm. did not allow a hit. Score: PHlLADCLrHIA. CIKCINNATl. ABH.OAB ABHO.AB. Baneroft. kl I I I fOrah. lb 4 I 1 I Bvrna. lb.. ..I I I I l Haraos. aa...4 111 Baakar. II . 4 4 I m.lan. lb. 4 3 1 4 4 Cra.alh. rf . I 1 I I V...1. Kill cf I I I Ntaliotf. lb.. 4 I I I VJlrlllltn. rf..4 I I t Whlttat. rf .4 14 Oarka. c I 111 l-uoama, lb 4 1 II IWilliaiaa. ef .4 I 4 W Kllllfar. c 4 111 4 Moll. .wm. Ik 4 It tleiaaraa. p.. I 4 Srkaalaar pl 1 al. Hanrr p. 4 I Totals ... H I 17 II lVa Kolnlti I s Wasaar ....1 . . . Total .... tJ n li " Batted for Sihnelder in the seventh. Hatted for McKenry In the ninth. Philadelphia 0 0 4 8 2 1 0 0-0 Cincinnati '. . 0 4 0 0 0 I 0 02 Two-base hlta: Orlffith. Clarke. Rodg ers. Three-basa hit: taroh. Home run; Banoroft burned runa: PliUtd.-l.liU, 6: Cincinnati. 1 Sacrifice hits: Clarke. Hersog, ititih. Ilt -n lees: Phila delphia, 6: t'lnrinnatL 0. First base on rrxr: Phlladrlphia. 3 Baaes on balls: Off richnelder. 2. Hltai fiff Rchitatder, 3 In seven Innings; off McKenrv, none In two Innings. Htrurk out: Bv Dem erge. 8; by Schneider, ; by McKenry. 1. L'niplrea: Byron and Eaaoa. Time: 144. Wla Faarth Btralghl. BOelTON July . Tha Boston Na tionals ended their noma aerlsa today by winning the fourth atralieht game from l"lilo)W. 1 to O It waa a pit. hers' duel In which Adams of Ch (.. bat. xt- wiuisianaing pnillanl tmlrllug. Tb Braves' run waa the result of Moran's scratch hit. Ever' sacrifice and Magee'a single). Chicago had three men on basea, due to a single and two pa.aes by Ran an, when Hughes waa called to tha box with none out In tha eighth. Ha fanned the first man and then started a double play which retired tho aide. Score: CHICAGO. BOflTON. ABH.OAB. ABH.OAB Oooa. rf a. II Morait, rf... 4 1 1 Fiaiisr. aa.. 4 0 14 Conanllr. rf I I Murray. It 4 I 0 1 Masaa. cf .. I lift Elrn'maa, lb I 11 IrV-hmldt lb.. I I William, at. I 11 IHmlth. lb... 0 10 Knta.lT. lb. .4 11 IMaranT-le. sa l 111 Anbar. e... I 4 taowdy. I Oil Mrlray. lb I 10 tKasan, p I ft 1 0 Adams, p. ...I OHuahaa. p....l 11 Hrhult 0 Humphrle. p. I Totals....! I 17 II 1 ToUt ....04 T 34 si ' ' Batted for Adama In the eighth. - Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'V-0 Boston 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 Stolen base: McLarey. Double plays: Manranvlllo to Evers to Schmidt, Hughes to Gowdy to Schmidt. Basea on balls: Off Ragan 8; off Adama. 1. Hits: Off Adama, 8 In seven Innings; off Humph ries, i in one Inning: off nagan. ft In seven Innings, none out In tho eighth; off Husrhjs, I In two Innings. Struck ouc By Ragan, 4: by Hughes. 2; by Adrims, 4. Passed ball: Gowdy. Umpires: Quis le y and Emalle. K0H0UTS HAVE EASY TIME WITH THE STROLLER NINE At the Kahotit'a park Sunday the Kohoute defeated tha Strollers by the acore 13 to 4. Score: KOHOUT9 STROLUDRg AB H O A B AB H.O.A E. Crbhausr. rf I I I ORiaUy ta... I 4 1 a Podruaak. lb I 11 A SPollfka ef . a a 1 a a MQuad. lb I 1 I 1 Bullard. lb. I II . Hanaaa. of., I 1 0 Qrad. lb.. 4 T 4 1 p.udo. lb... 1 1 4 . Bird. rf. 4 1 4 t Barry. If I 1 S llaihm ir A a a t a at'JIwaar. as 4 I I 1 ILm. lb I 8 p.wwu, a a i i vjaoo, a IS Aahkurn. p.. 4 1 1 1H. Bird. p.. 4 4 1 1 laasiaa. clllt . Totals ....It 4 14 f 4 Total ....17 13 17 T I Kohouta ... 4 0 0 0 3 0 1 4 17 13 3 btrollers ....2 000200004 4 4 Double play: Laushman to Bullard. Two-base hlu: McQuade, Baudo, Bullard, E. Bird. Struck out: By Ashburn. 18; by Bird, 3. Bases on balls: Off Ashburn. 6; off Bird. i. Nit by pitched ball: By Aahburn. 1; by Bird. 3. Left on baaea: Kohouta. 8; Strollers. 8. CHICAGO AMERICANS BLANK UTICA BUSHERS ' UTICA. N. T., July 36. The Chicago Americana defeated tha local New York State league team today, 7 to 0. Man ager Rowland put eighteen men Into the game. Buck atruok out nlnO men, but -waa given poor aupport. Bcoro: R.H.E. OhlcAgo 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 0-7 11 1 utica o o e o o o o o oo s o inatterlea: Bena, Walah. Clcotto, Faber, Klopfer and Ialy, Schalk and Mayer; Buck ; and McDonough. . Berwrade Defeats Cedar Rapids. BELGRADE, Neb., Juty 28, (Special.) Belgrade won Sunday from Cedar Raolils, 8 to 4. Score: R.H.E. Cedar Rap...O 00101002464 Belgrade ... 0 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 12 q Batteries: Zoucha and Ooseett; Toden hoff and Babbitt Apartmenta, flats, house and cottage can bo rented, quickly and cheaply by a Be "For Rent" WHALES AND TERPS DIVIDE THE HONORS Chicago Captures First Contest of Double-Header and Balfeds the Second. HEUDRIX HURLS IN FINE FORM CHICAGO, July M. -Chicago and Balti more divided honors in double-header today, Chicago winning the first game 11 to t, and losing the aecond, t to 5. Hendrlx pitched In fine form In tho open ing contest. while tha visitor played erratically behind the visiting twlrlera. In tho aecond game McConnell was hit hard and forced to retire, while Qulnn hod little difficulty holding Chicago aafe. Score, first game: R.H.BL , Baltimore ...0 00400800874! Chicago 0 1 0 7 0 0 1 1 -!! 10 1 Batteriea: Bailey. Conley, Leclalre, Bugga and Owens: Hendrlx and demons. Score, second game: R.H.E. Baltimore ..0 08200000680 Chicago 0 00000100140 Batteries: Qulnn and Jacklltsch; Mc Connell, Block, Frenderg&at and Fischer. Newark Wlaa Contest. PITTSBURGH. July 86. The Newark Federal league team won today's gam with Pittsburgh by a score of 3 to 1. The visitors won In the eighth when Camp bell singled. McKechnte doubled and two .'acTlflcea followed, good for two runs. Score: R.H.E. Newark 0 01000020370 Pittsburgh ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 . Batteries: Moran and Rariden; Knet xer and Berry. Terriers Wklp Top. ST. LOUIS, July 38. St. Louis today defeated Brooklyn In a game featured with three home runs, ona three-base hit and four two-base hit. St. Louis used three pitchers and Brooklyn two. but none were able to prevent the batter from hitting freely and hard. In a triule play made by Brooklyn the ball was passed seven times. Score: R.H.& Brooklyn ....1 02000020 6 10 1 Bt. Louis 0 0410010 4 10 0 Batieriea: Wilson, Seaton and Blmon, Chapman. MASHER WINS HAMBURG GRAND PRIX STAKE HAMBURG, Oennany, July 36. (Via London.) Th annual - Hamburg Grand Prix, tho second most Important turf event of the year, waa won yesterday by Baron Alfred Von Oppenhelm'a Masher, ridden by Archibald. Beoond place waa taken by Hanlel's Albula, rid den by Jockey Plueschke. who carried tha same owner's color to victory In the Derby laat Sunday. 'Tha Grand Prix la valued at 100,000 mark (826,000.) Prince Asks for Restraining Order Against Oldfield DES MOINES, la , July 26. -Eddie O'Donnell, an automobile racer; Do Lloyd Thompson, an aviator, and five motorcyclists were In court here today charged with violating the Sunday laws In connection with races at tho new Dea Molnea apeedway yesterday afternoon. Barney Oldfield, arrested yesterday afternoon. Immediately after he tiad fln lahed several exhibition races, waa fined 3i and costs for tha same offense on hi plea of guilty. It waa the first time In year that the Sunday atatute against automobile racing had been Invoked. Oldfield later was served with a motion of Injunction proceedings to prevent him from leaving the city before the 900-mile automobile race, which ta to be run at the new apeedway next Saturday, and In which he 1 one of tho announced con testant. John Prince, one of tho speedway pro moters, told the court that he had reason, to believe Oldfield waa preparing to leavo for Butler, Pa., and asked that he b restrained from racing on any other track on Saturday. July 81. The hearing wa aet for Wednesday. Rain Prevents Play ' In Stat eTourney LINCOLN, July 2. (Special Telegram.) Rain interfered with the state tennl tournament here todny, and the court at' tho Country club were miniature lakes. Drawings were made for both single and doublea this afternoon, and with favorable weather tomorrow, play will start In both event. Northwestern League. . Memohls. 0; Atlanta, t. Little Rock, 13; Mobile, t Chattanooga, 1; New Orleans, 11. Nashville, 2; Birmingham, 4. Tacoma, 0; Spokane, 2. Aberdeen, IS; Victoria, 8. Beattle, 3; Vancouver, 6. B.V.D. Makes Ours "The Land of The Free." N- Loose frlttintr H.V. TV vrm f1 SJB) - w -w J W V J tart fret all over every muscle and sinew has abundant room to stretch -there isn't a pinch anywhere from indoor sports, like shooting pool, to outdoor sports, like playing golf. B.V.D. "lets freedom ring: Firmlv insist upon seeing the B.V. D. Red Woven Label, and firmly refuse to take any Athletic Underwear with out it. Then you'll get properly ciu . correctly made, long-jenrice underwear. On every B.V.D. Undargarmcnt Is sewed Til, RjJ tr,vm UM .. Cl.t.4 eretsk tlala. Utm ra U. . A. 4--a7 -(V-U) At- 3OT.iI'Li BV. O. Cast Crat Oka. aatr a-4 Xaaa Lak Prawan. o a 4 apvaat - Bap. R & MaV 0. aaaf !, The B.V. D. Company, New Tori. Pure Sweetness You get a double sat isfaction out of your chew of Spear Head the delicious fruity sweet flavor and the absolute assurance that it's supremely pure. Spear Hm TOBACCO PLUG is made in one of the most up-to-date plug factories spotlessly clean and rigidly sani tary. That luscious, gold-brown plug of Spear HEAD4from which you bite the tastiest, wholesomest of chews, rep resents the highest form of plug tobacco production. Try SPEAR HEAD- the very best chew that money can buy. Trig AMERICAN TOBAOCO IX. Oxford Prices Slaughtered! Every Pair of $6.50 NETTLET0N OXFORDS, Tan and Black, now Ill This Stvuo.'s Xew gtjloa. Every Pair of $5.00 and $6.00 WHITIIAN OXFORDS, Engliah Luts, now Oak Soles, Bobber Soles rp-to-tUle. Every Pair of $150 MAHOGANY OR GUN METAL OXFORDS, now. ' Blocher, Battoa or Lace. Hew Lines. . Every Una of $4.00 TAN OR BLACK OXFORDS, now Maay Stiles, All Comfortable. BARGAIN TABLE $100 and $4.50 small 'sixes ; BIO CUT PRICE ON BOYS', YOUTHS' GENTS' OXFORDS. FREE FLYING TOP TO EVERY BOY CUSTOMER AT . S. ATKISSOIl'S mesnh3ons?0bpeys' 314 South 15th Stmt $4.65 $3.65 $3.15 $2.85 ....01.45 AND LITTLE SHOE STORE ED. S. THOMPSON, Mgr. wtk I