TIIE BEE: OMAUA, gaoaonoaoaoaoDoaonononoaonononoDOQoaoaoaoaoDonononoDoaonoDODoaoaonoaonoaonononoQoaoaoQononoaoaoDonoaoninonoaonoaonoaonoDonODg g All readers of Bee Want Ads are not possible buyers of your property, but all org g nearly all possible buyers of your property are readers of The Bee Classified Ads 8 (JnononononoaononononootnonononononononononononononononononononononononoaonononononOQononononQnononononoQonononononononononono WANT ADS Went ed lrf at any tims, but to Incur proper rlssslflcetlon must be P" sented before II o'clock noon for evening -lit ion and 7: P. m. for morning end Sunday editions. Want ad received after such hours will be under the heading. ;To Lata to Classify." CASH RATKfl. Seven consecutive times. 1 cant word turn Insertion. ... ,- Two or mora consecutive ttmea 1H cent word. One tlma. t wnli a word. ' CH A ROE RATES. Keren consecutive times. cent a Una earn Ineertlon. Throe consecutive tlroaa. 19 cent una eech lnrtl4S. One time, la aenU a line. Count six average worda to line. Mlrolmum charge, 10 eenta An adverttaement Inserted until discontinued murt be etoppea oy written order. All clalma for errors rnuet be mad within fifteen dare after the taut meer tlon of tha advertisement ' Tou can place roor want ad in Tha Baa by telephone. ,m TELEPHONE TYLER CARD OF TIIAWKS. WE wish to thank tha many friends and neighbors for their kindness and m pathy ihown during the Illness Jeath of Urmon P. Fruyn. sp". ' IxWIge No. a. THE BEHEAVEU. DEATHS AND rUKKHAL JfOTaCES X CTTH Luclnda D., Jul It, at the home of her aon. J. A. Keith. J4 South Thirtieth avenue. In her eightieth year. of peralysla . Mrs. Kalth was formerly a resident of Fairmont and Lincoln, Neb. - Interment at Qakwood emetery, Chicago. Funeral Wednesday at t P, m. from Dodder chapel. Twenty-third and Cuming. Trrwii v rvn-naiiua arad 71 rear Funeral Tuesday morning. July 17 at I SO a. m., from Heefey a wearey tui; , T-antv.ti and Farnam streets. tO Bt. Patrick' church. Interment at St Mary's cemetery. Survived by her husband, one aon aid no daughter. Mra. Mary - daker. William J. Culkln, July 8ft, aged M Funeral from family residence, 8018 North Sixty-third, Tueeday at 1:80 a. jn., to Bt Bernard's ohurch at a. m. In terment Holy Wepulchor cemetery. BIRTHS AMD PEATHI. . Birth a Frank and Jerdj Fagerberg. rW7 Fpra-ue, girl; Oeorge and Mary Oerhard, 1KH South Seventeenth, girl; Joseph and Franoes Ryba, ltot South Twenty-eighth, Bouth Side, boy; William and Annie Ras muaeen. 4&8 Marcy, girl: August and Mildred Virglen, 171$ Bouth Seventeenth, boy; Peter and Helen Polack, l North Twelfth, girl; Oeorce and Mary Johenak. SI 25 South Sixteenth, tioy; O. M. and Christine Dooley, 8720 North Thirty-sixth avenue, boy: Samiiml and Christina Cur. tla. 14ffl South Fourteenth, girl; William and May Mansfield, 2219 Ordrn avenue, i-iri: 1 M. and Marie VnlKht. !& Spencer, hoy: Joeeph anil r Fansjaa. . If North Sixteenth, boy; II. I. and Dora, Cheetnut. MS North Twenty-third, boy; Ludwtff and Hedwlg Kocher. .hofWlfcV, ljy; J.hn T. and Bell Taylor. (M South Thirtieth, girl. . t)eathe-Jna Mattat. r. tal; Hulda A. Laraon. U Vff. Fl'V aeoond and Spnurua; H. P. Hajiaen. M yee-ra, 138 Bouth Twentyoond; Marr K. Newby, K) yeara, 1817 North Twenty-flrat ; Biudofph Rhyn, Ti yeara. hoapttai. Torjay't Movie Programs LANTERN slides for movies. Bend your copy to us. Wa can reproduce photo or will prepare your copy. Wi will color as directed. Bee Photo Dept. 10 Bee Bid. UUWBIOWH. 1STH AND DOUGLAS. EMPRESS. High Class Vaudeville . Hearst Scl.. Wo. u. ih Coitfesslon of Madame liareuloff, S-r. Vita. The Home Treatnent end the 8ure Cure. Kssanay. Eastland Disaster Pictures PRiNCEaS, 1J17-19 DOUGLAS. The Pretender. Thrilling t-reel drama. Picture of Dorian Grey, 1-reel drama. The Run For Mayor. Political comedy. aorta. v 16TH A BINNEY. GRAND. "Theater Beautiful." HOME OF GOOD PlCTUREa Ones. Chaplin In Recreation. The Pride of rorti'iie, i-r. Drama, featuring George Fisher. The Runaways, Kid comedy. The Mutunl Weekly LOTHROP, J4TII AND LOTKROP." After Dark, t reels. Wm. A. Jtrady'a fam ous stage play, with Alee if. Francis, as Old Tom. lusts. APOLLO. tH LEAVENWORTH. A Story of tha Past, Lubln. By the Flip of a Coin. 2-reel Lubln. The Evolution of Cutey, Vltagrwph, ' West. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Vivian Martin. In "Utile Miss Brown," a William A. Brady feature, I reels. loitk Bide. BESSB. 14TH AND N. The Tragedies of the Crystal Globe, S- reel Edison. The Revolt of Mr. Wlggs. Vltagraph. ORPHEUM. ' 1TH AND N. Croaoed Wires. Thanhauser drama, Tha Failure, Dom. drama. Stolen Anthurlum, Fa. comedy. ' A NNOCTf CKMENTS 1,000 Craw Fish Fresh every day. Call Doug. 114. William Singleton. Cool Offices For HOT DAYS He Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent's Office Moom 101. JITNEY TBAKS1T CO. Good cars lowest rate. Phone Doug. 4611. WS HAVE rodded M.Ouu buildings since 110, and never had one etruuk. Ws fuarantee every lob. AMERICAN .IGHTNINO ROD CO.. 1(4 a. loth Ml taveetlgaie I.M.C.A. out g psrfk, siifBiuerT ATTKAOTIOXa COKCfcelJsIy.NM wauted for I days' oela- bretion at Danuehrog, Keb., August ( a no . im i omniiiuw. AUTOMOBILES iO tl'V. NtlXK ALTO CO., iii a). liii kl. r.spert repairing; lrgalos In Usd etera, guiatiUed represouled. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are considering felling or buying a ueed car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no rerrt if you buy or advertlee through the ued car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 100. One li-cylln1er Cole. One four-cylinder Croxton-lCaeton. One four-cylm'ler Chalmere, Prlcee from ttOO to S1.0"t. H. PF.LToN. tii Farnam St. 1100 REWARD for any meuneto we can't wpelr. fVille repd. Be.yednrfr. 210 N. R o 1-TON truck fur aale cheap, en worth. Phone I. 3)l. 1712 Ir- C. ELKA0MK.R, expert radiator and lamp re-pa Ire, Ty. tr.01 leevenworth. Overt on'i for l'"A y radiator. 60c, dealera. Went en auto. P. J Penan. McPague bid. Industrial Garage Co., 2fth A Hemey Sts. NFBRAHK A Bulck Fervtce BtaUon. IBM Farnem St. Phone lougles 7J1. FlREfiTONK Columbus. 4!A. CADILLAC CO. OF OMAHA. Farnem Pt. Doug. J. FOP. SALE Handsome llR Woods elec trlo, almost new. Call Harney 3373. ToriUNQ CAR OR TIUJCK TO TRADE FOR 1IEATINO PLANT. PHON3 TYI.nn 701. radlllao Paige Oakland Ford Ford SMO 0 t;s rr m AIU.H .,, .....,. We buy. sell and exchanara. .. 1W Till; AUTO CLEARING HOt'SF, Wjirinm. Tel. Doug. S310. A wTt 6-pxKM-nirer Ford touring oar fr ale; In flret class condition. Pr1c SAW. noulre Ameiioan AutomotU College, I jo Farnam. Motoreyelee. Bargains In used motorcyclea, tV un. FIjKHCHER MOTORCTCLE CO. OUSINESS CHANCES If your business Chance will stand rigid Investigation and Is Just what 1t Is advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly aatlefled If you usa the Business t hanoa column of Tha Bee. When buy- w. niiij m uiimimn t-nona xyier li. Pri a uat i."v n--.- ' i - . . vih iu imiiL, an cream, par- lor, groceries, fruits, etc.; bargain If Neb" "n' Krnk H- Con"l. Oraftnn, .C!."n'1 f""lhlnB) of tha bet llttla hotol In western Nebraatka are for aaJe. A good paying business and a good op portunity for someone. For term write Mrs. C. W. Wllllama, Grant Neh. POSITION as manager of moving plo-" ture business In Iowa, Nebraska or South Iakota. Would consider tha pur chase, of all or part Interest At present Interested in the mtium.i.t i. . . -1 - , can furnish referencea. J. 714. Be WANTED to buy. hardware atock In small town In Nebraska or Iowa; give full particulars in first letter. No trade atock considered. J. F. MoLene, Florence, Neb. ' LEAVING Norfolk. Neb., must sell my cigar and billiard parlors, known as tha VT ii V" an uP-to-ate place. B. ft. Miller. Prop., Norfolk. Neb, llahed Plant Experience unnecessary. glQNS. show cards. Clark Son. D. lm. TJ OFT In or out of business call on i ad, ui Hee Hldg. Doug. S4T7 REAL estate Business til.-.. mnniLj handled: all states. F. V. Knleat Omaha. THEATERS-Buv. ICM or Mil vnur Ks aurjt maohln and fuppiis throuch Theater ftvohanff Co., 1406 Ftmim fit 0SNSni?.U"t Xour Proierty with W7 VT. Wllllama, tin Neville Big. D. 4407. TO SELL or buy a business, call on Busch, A Borghoff. Frenser Blk. r. SS1S. Mrilrl"r R Neville bk.MlesWalton. FOR SALEw-Cafe In town of .0(W. doing iouq Dusiness. nest railroad town iH. ,h, ytor particulars address Y 29. Bee. FOR SALE Only driis; store, in town In northeastern Nebraska? rieh famine community. A splendid opoortunlty for live young man. Terme. cash or seoared notes. Address T 624, "Hee. FOR SAI.E-Hotel. restaurant and barber shop, iHOI Ave. A, opp. car barn: good location: reason for selling, going out west B. MacDonald. Black IBIS. C. Bluffs. FOR SALR-Interest in first class, new drug- store with Position of msnsa-ert some caah required. Address P. 770. Bee. FOR SALE Or trade, blacksmith ahon sort garage In Co. seat town. Address i o, itee, EDCOATTONAL Boyles College Day School, , Night School, complete business course, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil scrvloe branches and Eng- i.sn Biuaenis anmittqrl at any time, Write, phone or call for 1815 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. K. BOYLES. Pr..ia-., Tel. D m6. Boylea Bldg.. Omaha. Neh. KOK sale, the following scholarships In a ftrat vlnas Omaha Business College: Oue unlimited combination business aim snvrinana course. Ons unlimited sienos-ranhlfl rtne One three months' business or steno graphto course. Will be sold at a discount at the offlee vi g nw urasnt oae. FOR ULG FOR SALS Here Is a claalflca.tlo that readtr, aa thU column uttm aoma axceiA small want ad wlllaell your article at Its -m.w. yniMi iynr i'Wl. roratlerv, Jlsaaekala boas. sxte. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE AND . in. nin. vv in. 1.T )iS KM s:ht and sold. j. C, KeL HeraM lla VislflH. oy ouys a well broke, neck rein saddle noree. gun Harrison St phone bo. m Grocers, Attention! OUR large stock of delivery wagons (Studebaker'a, and our own make), of ferd st low prices o make room for our new Automobile truoke aud Ford truck bodies. JOHN)N-DANFORTH COMPANY. 15il-IU N. 10th St.. near Clark St. FOK aALH-bincell.nt ' A-N'n. 1 e.v. family cowy- prUip fit. Phone South I. or 140. ' ONE fine milch cow. Mil Farnam St. Masloal laatreaioMtsw Slightly usu hlgli arana piano. D. MIT. COIN -Oft. RATED Instruments at glve StiiiO IlKglua rnuslo bog I so il Klwtilu Banjo 36 Sot I'lanola loou Msjeatia Electric llano.... j btundard Klectrlo Piano with (lute and mandolin at tachments 40 Sold dn vaav terms and every Instru ments fully guaranteed. bCHMOLLKR s MUKLLKR PIANO CO. ijiii-ii remain faslirr. tin stsaiiM. STEREOTYPkl matrices liliuka the best snd cheapest llninir fur uoultrv ImiiM They are lixit Inchea, stronger and more auraoie man tarred relt and practically Mreproof. Tio a hundred at The Bee of floe. ..Xi:D grain, luu lbs. ll Ha. Waguer, aui imn. Trrlter. TIPFWHIIc RS eold, rented, rapalrea Central Typewriter Kse. psjt Faruaia. WON A hi H No. I: Wrealn. Bee Bldg. sf laallaaeaa. BIG sal on trunks, bags aad suitcases. r nedtnen. 1711 Douglas BC XT i4-hand inolore, dynamos, lPW magnetos, etc., ttechanical repalra Le Bron tlectric Works.SlS-20 8. Uth Bt . e i MOVIES FEATURES TODAY EMPRESS, 1STH AND DOUGLAS EASTLAND DISASTER PICTURES LOTHROP, 14TH AND LOTHROP. After Dark. I reals, Wm. A. Wmly s fam ous stage play, with Alao B. Kranola, aa Old Tom. MUNROE. J555 FARNAM. Vivian Martin, In "Little Mlea Brown,' a vtiiuam a. lira ay ieaiur in rawa. FOR BALK lllwrllaaMM, FOR SALE AT ONCB. 61 feat suit and oloak cabinet. I feat deep, oak enered with eight French I'evel piata nurrora. una eu-arm jonn ii. umi rug raoa. Three wax flu urea, two of theaa are J. R. Palrnenberg'a 1914 rqakei Jointed arms, with llmha, shoes and stockings. Ona I-root notion case ana live oiner floor show cases; all best quality. S Lamson rapid and two air line cash carrier atatlona. One (-gallon F. p. uasoilna lignung plant having fifteen lights) I yeara old, good as new. Also many oiner nrsr ciaee nor na tures. Reason for selling, have gone out of the retail dry goods, buglneae. WM. wib.uk a uu., Beatrtca, Neb. TOOLS, ahovfls, ploka. laokacraws, win- aow giasa, j car pernor nenones. i ewni 10 match machines, tOo each, l hot water boiler complete, iv; comDioaLion tiwnrw flvtuptts 9Kn vinhi Iron heda flommata. 12: good horae, W0- harness, 1 10; food ex press wagon, 175. J. u. ISH Tel. Harney 148, 70S B. tlst Ave. 'O OA Ooldea West Whiskey, 4 full I quarts bottled n bond, pre- MOTOR boat, l-ft., -h. p.. i-cyl., eleo trlc . lights, dvnamo. storage battery. searchlight, horn, finest equipped boat on caner lKe. Johnson, gut n. ma St. D. S4M. FOR SALF. New snd second-hand carom and Docket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of sil kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick Hal ke-Col lender Co., 4O7-40 8. 10th St. LATEST type IS H. P. Westing-house traction engine; guaranteed; St00. Woodworth, 415 Karbach Bldg.. HELP WANTED FEMALE - Clerical aad Offlee. WE NEED TEMPORARY STENOG RAPHERS. WATTS RKF. CO., MS-40-42 Brandels The. Isviury tnn Iradea. OIBL to learn halrdreaalnc. Oppenhetm. Hswrkeesera aad Uomestlos. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved.' The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. - Bring ad to Tiie ee orrioe or telephone Tyler !). GOOD muld tor genoral housework; small remiiy. m. mw. Sva NTEU a girl for general housework. Must furnish reference. afilO Harney. A COMPETENT girl wanted in a family Af n Q.-JV7 IT..... U v. . n v. wt . an, . . u KJ V . WANTED Girl for genera housework. Call Harnev IM. A YOUNG girl over l to of B children. Walnut 8. o assist with care GX)D home, good wages snd light work lor rensuie gin. leiepnone iiarney iu. WANTED COMPETENT NURSE GIRL, HARNEY 766s. M IkertlBH ran, YOUNG women coming to Omaha as st ran iters are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will bs directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers' guide at Union station. HELP WANTED MALK Clerical mail office. SALESMAN, fruit or grocery experi ence.. ( ft. Apply at once 1S19-20 wood men of World. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST, REFERENCE BOND ASSN. TTJ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location, 540 Paxton Blk. We have several positions open, lingers rter. '-p. A aeats. alesmvs) mmd Solicitor. CITY solicitors wanted. Best of refer ences required. Salary to right man. Call Mencray-Omaha Nursery Co., 4S3 State Bunk Bldg , or Zlst and Avenue A, Council Hlurra. la tlVE agents wanted everywhere: posl lively fastest selling men's specialty on the msrket todsy; patented heat less trousers press. Write immediately for territory and proposition. The Allen Co., Grand Island, Neb., Box M. Very Desirable fipaca for Printing Office" Light, water and janitor service free. cneap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 101. BIG summer seller. Make W a day. Bis season is on, sot wu. bmmi vxucaniraia Soft Drtnka, just add water. Delioioua summer drinks for the home, plonloe, parties, fairs, ball games, etc. Every popular drink, small package;' make s0 glasses, less than 1 cent a glass. Guar anteed under U. 8. Pure Food Laws. Woods mads (16 first day. Quinn took In lit orders two days. Others coining money, selling- to soda, fountalna, soft drink stands, eto. 260 other hot weather sellers. Over 100 per cent profit Territory going fast. Complete outfit furnished, sample case free. Just a Postal today now. Amerloan Products Co., ,tf0t Third frt., Cincinnati. U.. WANTED Salesmen to sell oil to the farmers; must have a car; we pay a good commission twloe a month; goods are guaranteed; experienced men pre ferred; we pay U per cent. Address K T7, Bee. WE have a good place for a live insur a nee man. Mutual 'leneflt Health A Ac oldent Aes'n , 4J City Nat cank Bldg. Boys, OOOD BRIGHT BOY. SALARY S30. THE CANO AGENCY, too BEtD BL.DG. fraetur aad l.aaee. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Free Tuition for a short Urns. WESTERN BARBER v.ji,irvjR. i. loose pt. WE need mem had to turn down twe Jobs par week lately. Gt In. Leara by our method. Get one of these loba Catalogue D. B. tree. Nebraska Auto mcbile School. HIT l?dg St MOLElt" DAUBER COLIQE S ,?i!id1fr summer rates Catalecrss e. 110 So. 14 1 h St. OitMkKa, ana Position Now Opea. AaiKKlCAN AUTO to6S Farnaro St.. Free Cataluaue. eoLLEon OMAHA. NE& LKAHN liAHBEIi TUADE Ny'sgrs paid. Tools given. Pnrltlons fuarkiiieed. Call or write for Information. rl-City College. 1114 Umlu. Oiuaha. -At HELP WANTED MALK Factory aad Tradea. BT'ILDER who want! contract 'to build trail houae and hae the money -or will get building loen on the properly, whlrh I furnlah. Will give share of profits besides paying full contract Addren J Ml, Omaha Bee. M lacellaaeeaa. URN wanted: government Jobs; 190 per tnnnlh- fmahim n.lnBllnn. On... ,e ...... i ib , .n iiiiii'.i ...ii- -' " ; J ... Pltnlt . fllla.llnn. f ... ITr. nblln 1 n.l I tuts IH-pt Kl F. Itochester. N. T. M EN Ablebodled, young, to qualify aa chauffeurs and auto renalrtnen: Ix.". to SlsO monthly. We assist to positions; booklet free. Wm. Crsbh. Dent. A-ia Beaver St., New Tork.-o WANTED Names of men, 1 or over, wishing government Jobs. R month. No pull necessary. Address Y 01, Bee. ARK you satisfied? Would you like to better VOUr Position end enrn mnr money T We can use an energetic young man, ir you are wide awake. Write 8. Hi. care Fee. WANTKT Sober, Industrious man, capa ble of taking charge of farm ywr rund; poetiloti to right man. Address 7M, care Hee. WANTED Man with car to travel with man throucrh Nebraska: m-llllnv tn n.u Dn week and all expenses. Call st once. notei Mome, room a il. SITl'ATIOVs WANTRD EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants posi tion: will do other Work AAArcm A T7i. Bee. X PERI KNCED drauvhtsmsn .llhl-.K. nlcal education, both as mechanical tn l I m tii ensineer. wants nn.it nn ui do surveying, leveling or any engineering n ins nne. ura wings and tracings qpress ; Tha, Hee MIDDLE-AGED Women desires place on a fjtmjam N. 21st St. Mrs. 7.. IlKFINED young lady would like posl- lion rrmio n l s a drelIir,M W Bee0'"' T howkr. A4- COLORED gin wanU position as ho'Jse eepor or chamhenrmld. Call ou. M71 GIRL has been working In first-class hotel In New York wants work aa head Pantry girl; .familiar with all aorta of fancy saladY Address J. 776. Bee. , RHFINKD middle aged lady, competent . '", -aesiros a position as house aeeDer In a nrivat. v. m M . 1 1 - ,.' " i will l.nn care of Invalid, or child's nurse. Highest city references furnished. Address H 780, AN experienced colored man would Ilka t? po"iUD " c"k tn or hotel. ' "mm vv ensrer m. Et.DICUT.V t ll.v r - " ,V"",V' ,wuuu i"e nouseaeep-rh.Sr-Wlm 1eldor' Prty where full Bti 1 U tven- -Address M 707. EXPkatiENCED office man end book-' keeper desires permanent position; A-l reference from lumber, hankand public ncoountlng offices. Address fc 7M Bea ABIhTI.2L8.."nK X want, posltloli dress b7w; Res "Y' A,X- WtedNyTBw7bPwi9n COokins hy colored LOST AND POUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAILWAY COMPANY Persons having lost some article would 7 T"". J? cal1 UP tne office of tho Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the street csrs. rt'oles each day are turned In fi"d f company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, a Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Lot and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertised in The " w.i ana rouno paper M8X IJ!OW: finder return to Chris jTtft, 407 Bancroft St.. or phone Tyler LOST Cameo pin; value to owner. Re- sbTsbI! Ti H"TS IOST One small delivery receipt book nr 4th and Vinton Sts. Finder please T QT 1.: , . .i i t . . 1 - v,, uruui'n, tkd pearls, and one diamond In center, between 15th and 16th streets, on Howard street, or on Hanscom I'ark car line. Liberal reward for return of some. Phone Har ty 4524. PERSON All YOUNG women coming to Omaha as fencers are Invited to visit the Young Women a Christian association bulldlnu at 171 Ii St. and St. Mary's Avo., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnea. We collect. We distribute: Phone Douglas 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. IB' YOU or any of your family, young or old, are troubled with Indigestion or constipation, write the Continental Pro ducta Co., 8707 N. Halstead. St.. Chicago. GORDON, the Magaslne Man. Tel. Voiig. 7113. SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you realu need? It costs you nothing to Join th t-wsppers' Club and you will find it lots of fun swapping things. Write Room lot. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler lOuO. A LARGE Urucker 4-tray trunk, tent fly. t-A 1 Ast man kodak, set 0e Maupas sant (17 vols.), I. C. a Mechanical En gineering IC vols.); want double type writer desk, or what have you? 8. C. 1241. Bee. AUTO Otanlsy steamer, 10 h. p., 4-pass., fully equipped, silk mohair top. Rush more lamps, presto: trade for gas oar; might pay some difference. ThU la In A-l condition. 8. C. 12U, Bee. AUTO 1911 model Mason touring car, and alao truck body; want to swap for cat tle or mules, or what have you? 8. i ie, wee, AUTOMOBlLEii-Fur other automobile bargalus see the "Automobile" classifi cation. AUTO 111 Model Overland; body In fair oondiUon: would make a good truck; engine; Just overhauled. Will trade for anytnmg 1 can use. Address S. C. 1343, Bee, BULLDOG ICng I urn bulldog, about I yvara old. to trad: fine watchdou. v nat nave your Address H C liw, Itoe, CHEST full of automobile tools. Will trad for diamonds, or what have you? Address a C. libit, cate Bee. F) RST-d-AtvS 4-room massage parlor, best down-town location in uity; doing good business; steam heat, elevator serv fes; will take city lot or diamonds. Ad- nress a I. Hee OouD Guitar to trade fur Mandolin, con ceit sue of tii value with case. Want ?. better Mandolin, willing to pay dlf rnce. Addresa 8. C. 1161. B. GOOD tesldenc lot la Cedar Rapid. la., to exchange for late modal roadster or rive-passenger car. Adores 1-t. Me. GENUINE mink furs, kodak, opera a lassos, hsnd-iuada china, cabinet and M brass bed. V. Ill trade for otamonda Address, B p., 156. LOT Have a lot in Casper. W yoiwna: none but Omaha buyers In this addi tion: will trade for Underwood type writer, new or in f lrt-oiass condition, or what have you? Address S. C. liM. Bee. Cumber, blixj. Material w in trade ) worth of new lumlwr or build ing material euoh as you may seleot lor secona-neaa autoinoi lie. fr will ap ply Uiia amouat of credit on lumber illl Sa first pameut on a good lot. Address C. I4ft Bee. 114 MO DEL Carnation auto, t pass: will swap for Ford roadster or will ell cheap for cash. Address 8. C. lit. Be. UARLIN pump gun. Will trade for diamond pla. 8. C.. U45, Bee. BWAPPERS XLl'S!N MoToRC V CLKHar ley-Da vidaon. lall model. 4 ii . p.; equiped wlih horn, car rlr end mirror. This Is good machine in Al condition, slnulo cylinder, belt drive. What have you to trade? PreVr diamond. Adrlress S. C. l:te, Hee. MuTOKCVCI.l'-Harley-I)avitlon motor cycle. 4-h.. p.; eouij'peit with horn, car rier and mirror; tnchlne In Al condition; will swap for diamond or anything I csu use. Add reef S. ! If 9. B--e ONE dresser, 12 rolls of plsyer plnno 1U music, one 6x" camera, 1 ssnltary couch and a lawn mower, In good conllllon. What have you to awnp? Address S. C. 12'2 Bee. ONE 116-inch steel and fibre trunk; one lt-lnch leather lined handbag; will trede. Address 8. C. 1251. Dee. riANO What have you ss Jartial payment on new standard planof Ad dress; 8. C. 1J67. Bee PRINTING outfit, constating of two prerses, motor, plenty of tvpe, impos ing stones. Will trade for land, automo bile, stock merchandise valued at $i, Address 8. C. 1166. t PRINTING PRESS Must trade $1 pencil printing press within I days; complete drying rack, etc., ready to finish advertising pencils. Party with some capital can realize 300 per cent on the Investment In three months. Ad dress, 8. C. 112, rs re Bee. PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros., almost new; first class condition; pre fer diamond or lot. Address S. C. 1:4.. Bee. REFRIG KRATOR In good condition value about S10. What have you to trade? Address 8. C. 1211. Bee. SEWING MACHINE Singer; good condi tion: drop-head. Will exchange. What have you? Address S. C. 1210. Bee. SEPARATOR Automatic cream sepa rator, slightly used, almost new, to trade for cow or Ford chassis. S. C. 1159, care The Bee. TO TRADE. J gslvanlsed Iron feeder, waterer and oilers for ohtokens. Big seller to poultry men snd farmers. Retails at S3 each; all new. Client leaving oity and will trade them for light car of any make; quick action necessary. WE8TERN IX)AN AND INVEST. CO., 41 Paxton Block. P. S601. TOOLS Chest of eecond-hand carpenter tools for trsde. Address. S. C. 1244, Bee. 7-YEAR-OLD mare and diamond valued at fU to swap for motorcycle. Address 8. C. 1242, Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Fx Co.. 14i Farnam Bt. D. 1X87. TYPEWRITER What have you that Is useful for a Hammond typewriter? Address, S. C. 12M. Bee. TYPEWRITER Smith Premier type writer No. 4. In good condition: 115 or trade. Make offer. Address B. C. 12S2, Bee. VIOLIN-Have 30-year-old violin; also how and ense; best of shape; to trado. What havo vou? Addr3 S. C. 116. Bee. 60 VOLUMES law text books, messages of presidents and encyclopedia, for any thing I can use. Address, B. C. 1266. Bee. WILL swan Hupmoblle, 20 horsepower roadster repainted, redesigned, thor oughly overhauled, new tires and fully equipped except top; will take motor cycle. What have you? Address 8. C. 1254, Res. WELL secured motgsjre on Omeha prop erty and difference for diamonds worth up to SXQO. Address S. C. 11fi. care Bee. WANT good Ford runabout; have new Rdison disc or Vlctrolas to trade In. Tvler 2155 W. WANTED TO BUT Yale buys everything End hand. Web. eS"04 OFFFICB furniture bought and sold- t C. Reed. lioT Farnam. Doug. 1U FOB RENT Apartments aad Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one dot-trim to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. SOMETHING new 7-roora duplex dwell ings. 628 Park Ave. S ROOMS. GOOD LOCATION. Nicely papered, mod. ex. heat good plumbing; water paid; reasonable rent. tl2 M and 116 . HASTINGS A TIEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. MODERN steam heated; hot water free, (18 upwards. Q. P. Btebblns. 1610 Chicago. 4 ROOMS-111.50. 1B3U EMMET ST. Kountie Place, all mod., good yard. A-l. See this at ones. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt VERY choice, 4 or S-room. steam-heated apartment on West Farnam street JOHN W. ROBBINB. lsul FARNAM ST. FOR SALE Cadillac touring oar, in ex cellent condition, new tires, also extra fine limousine body. sood aa new. This Is a bargain at 11.200. Writs or telephone W. W. Richardson, 16OT F St., Unooln, Neb. Telephone B-SfitU. FOR HALE Cheap, four 8ttx4 slightly used casings, with almost new inner tubes, also four SGX41 Continental rims; will sell separately or together. Phones i Harney 71; Douglas 11E2. s NEW, up-to-datebiick flat, t rooms, 22S S. 30th St.. SJ5.-' Mads A. Hansen. Mo- Caarue Bid.. ( RMS. 1713 Leavenworth. Phone D. 1M02. Augelus Apt., S snd 4-room spt. H. 204. o Varnished. Apartments. ONE 4-room apartment, nicely furnished; front view, strictly modern. Pries t36 rr month. Hot and cold water. Howard Manul Apts., Zlst and Howard. Phone Douglas 6Uf.4. Board ana Xkoamn. Furnished Rooms that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort in private families or boarding bouses of the high est class will best be found In the Fur nished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler li4. REEDHURST. 106 N. Kth-Beautlf uj lawn; homelike surroundings; meals un excelled; rooms single or en suite. D. 8360. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney D81. If you do not see anything'' that suit you In ths way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104 Bee Bldg., and ask for tbs Fie Furnishod Room bureau and w will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any part of the city. Barns aad Uarsaee.. WHLL eaulpped garage for rent, 1122 8. juth Ave. Phone Iiarney 1281. Faratshesl Rooms. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUfcTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, ltth 4k Farnam. HOTEL HARI.EV. aKh at Farnam. NICELY FURNISHED ROCTM: FINS LOCATION. CALL WEBSTER MS. Famished llonsee. AN ARTISTIC bungalow, finished In ma hogany and fumed oak with piano; nicely situated; nloe yard and flowers ana elegant porch; furnished in rattan furniture and swing, efs; Dodge 8t. TO FAMILY OF GROWN PEOPLE!. WILL MAKE EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD TERMS. DOUGLAS Soil S4SS DOLKJK-Modern llih' housCkeeTui'g; reasonable. 11 eases and Cotiacee. North. A MODERN S-room house, admirably suited for a family with children. Tele phone Wslnut fc0. ALL nitHi.ro S-room house, on oar line, la Florvnoe, large yard. Florence St. 0 Main St eala. EASY to keep houss on ons floor; 1511 Park Ave.; a beautiful home, 4 rooms. laundry, pantry, etc : strictly modern: fx stove; fsclng Hanaeom Psrk, . tare cnance. - (Continued on Col. 7. This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service thai will pleape the most critical: , ABSTRACT! OF TITLE. RFFD ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. S06 Brandes Thea. ADVERTISING KUVKLTIK8. M. F. Shafer Co.. 11th. Farnam. D. 7474. AMATH H !-l.MSHI.Nti. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41A Bee Bldg. Dept. D. ACIOUJVTA TS. E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AUDITED-Bonks .-per.od and closed. Cost kirsteni Instated Ict ine call on vou to explain the advantages cf my eudlt service system. Address 443- 4.r; Ramge Hldg Phone. Dong. 7w. A KOI I TKC'I 9. Everett S. Poddg, 61? Paxton Blk. D. 291. ARTIFICIAL STONE SIDEWALKS FIDE WALKS, drives, floors, walls, steps. copings; anytnine; in cuinnm i...,- k . . T I . 1 1 trin T ' rt f3 Paxton. D.!t31S. G B Grant Mgr. W.6n;S. ATTUACTIil.NS. PICNIC PART! I. DESTKING RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HANSCOM TIC ATTIIHNE1 . C. T. Dlklnson. r,11 Paxton R!k. D. 1S04. AlCTIOMilSRS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-leJ W.O.W. R. 32f5. Nat'l ale Auction Co., 1!g7 W. O. W. AUTO nilRAMK. AtJTOMOBILB MUTUAL INS1TRANCE CO.. Douglas 2819. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., inn Fsr. D 21. BAKERIES. Z. H. REF-DER. 160S N. 18th. Web. S2!T. BEDDING. ') OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1&07 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates festhera and mattresses of all kinds, injkt feather mattresses and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO.. 802 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 823 S. 22d. Douglas 6C20. Leesnrd A Bon, 190 Cap. Ave. T. 1C.12. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL AUJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. V. 4sl. CHIROPODIST. Carrie i. Burford. 20 Pax. Blk. Red 47. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Western representative of VELVKTILB COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 173. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS Academy, classic D. 1STL Summer rates now st Mackle's; private lesson dally. 1S1 Harney. Doug, tltu. DRESSMAKING. Terry Dresemak'g college. 20th & Farnam Exp. dressmaking; home: out. Web. 661V DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. D. 6c7, DETECTIVES. JAMBS ALLAN, S12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In sll cases. Tyler 11S. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, HIT Douglas. D. tlSC. DRUGS. ' DRUQ8 at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; cataloguee free. Sherman & Mo- Co n n e I I II nig u ., "ma n, ne" ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Term. ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRING. C A HILL ELECTRriCCO-. Bee Bldg D.8979 "electrolysis. Uloa Allender, t4 Bee Bldg. Red 8068. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. SuO Douglas Block. U. 114. y NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 208 N. lth St FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH, 4024 Ilsmllton. Wal. 2971. ' v FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1S04 Farnam St D. 8000. L. HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. D. 12f4. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. HESS 4t 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAOHUE. 112 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Harney Bt Est IMS. ' HAT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele. 113 City Nat INSTRUCTION. English, French, instruction. 306 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6911. General Office, ISth and Manderson Sts. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. It. CLAIBORNE, 6 Paxton Blk. R 740L Notary Put., deposition ateuu. C. W. BRITT. 801 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. . CO., Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES. WIRING. nTTn'iTlV Thomas. Douglas 2611. UUIWVI.H uvi Cuming St MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., Hth and Doug. Motion picture machine and lllm bargains. - MOTORCYCLES. HARLF.T-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Men." X7t Leavenworth. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, news, cigars, candy. 1339 Park , ill I LISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay ss you can. Dra MtCsrty. 1111 V. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARM STRONG, CIS Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barnell Paxton Pik. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Fturges. 3 Brsndls Theater Bldf. IAI.TIMJ AMI PAPUR10. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 4ftth. H. 57SJ PLATING. , P. 6277. Acme Tinting Co. ill B. 16th 8t a POSITIONS WANTED. SEE US for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Free service. Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 4911. ' PRINTING. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality Printing. Tel. Doug. 21SHJ. 624 8. 13th Bt. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. I7SI DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dmiglsg 44. RLBHAUI1 COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBUAOE CO This Is the man to call If you havo any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster LM SAFE AND TIME- l ot K EXPERTS. C A T7T7C Opined, repaired, comb. 01.1 IZO rh nKpd- F E- Daven port. 141 T'odge. D. 11. St ALE HEPA1RINU, Om. Standard Scale Co., 61S S. 12th. D.2911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe repair. 211 8. 14. SEWING MACHINES. TT7 rent, repair, sell neediest and VV C I'srts for en sewing rnacnlnes. nr ell sewing rnac 'MICKEL'S,' NEBRASKA CTCLE CO., I5th and Harne'. Douglas 1SS1 SECOND-HAND tXOTHES BOUGHT. Highest prices pHtd for clothes. D. 4714. STKEt. CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 B. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Oo.,vPoug. 4fiil. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2711. TOtVEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 1UH. D. 82S. TAILORS. CKAS. C. LANDER YOU, IPS N. 16th St. I TRUNKS AND SUITCASE!. ERELINQ Sc STEIN LE, ISO Farnam St. I?W TYP RITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 8 mo, for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 190S Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, SIS 8. lath ' St. Au makes for ssle or rent. RENT a Remington," not Just a type! writer. Low rent Call Douglas 12b4 j WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, td fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. exn,i WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptgr. Co. i WINES AND LIQUORS. ALE5f? JETES. 201-8 8. 18th Pt Wines, liquors, cigars. Plats dinners 11 to 8, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunoh. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ONE-HALF section good farm land, two and one-half miles from Insn in I the best county In the state of North Dakota, win trade for good hotel, well located and doing good Dusiness. Must oe priced right i also nave a few fine farms for sale at snap price. Deal di rect ana save commissions. lams Land Co., Cooperstown. IS-ROOM modern house, for land, acres or vacant lota What have your owner, box tob. rniTlTT i fiwAm I i. i i.j v. . . win muwi uuiua in west Farnam district to exohange for late model automobile; full value given. . D. 8P62. IDAHO Want to hesr from Nebraska and Iowa owners open to buy or ex change for Idaho farms and ranches. Box 124. Boise. Idaho. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bldg. PILEH. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TAKK. 840 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Houses aad Cottages, oath. For Rent South half of double brie house T rooms. 4 bedrooms, all modsrn, at 1611 South 2MB St.. near Park school, one block east of Hanscom park Tel. Douglas 3S3. 9-UOOM, modern house, 8407 Jones, d ' per month. J. I. Kemp, Douglas 87. (Continued oa Col. 7, This Pags) T Mlaeellaneoas. FIFTY HOUSr.n fN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. F. Dl WEAD, 1801 FAR NAM 4PT. LAKE, dandy 6-r. modern. Web. 7461 linncm C-elgh Sons 4Y Co.. Has btdg. IlOllSeS lB parts of ths city. gEK the Central Furunur Btorea FBB RENTAL LIST. Al l. sUes. IX wr month up. 107 Paxtoa. Globe Van & Storage "teres, moves, packs ships; 8-hor vaa sno I men. sib per nr.; storage as mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4A3S 4 Tr. KIIJKUT1 Bvi REE Phone DoMglag tl for complete list ef vscant houses aad apartments; also for toiage. moving. Ith and Jackson gis. Gordon Van Co. tl N. 11 (h St Tel. P Wor Web. Iskl Maggard's Vaa and morass Co. Call us far Umatea for xnova Irg. pacing, shipping. 17J Weaabw HU Pcuglss 14. ICONTINUED ON PAQH KQISj . COLUMN ONS.,