THi; BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, .ItTLY vY,, lfllo. BRIEF CITY NEWS Ki?t moot Trim r Ho Pmmi ProM Vlaclrls fs. ST-BO. Rurfas-GrtaBk FntoUo tuutuii Aajnst.t Ooorts Schroedsr. 4ut Ware bloc. Had Today' Complate Mofl Froi-ram" elasaUlad aautlon today, and appears Id The Baa EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha erlona movlne- ptctuaji tKtrt offer. XP Tour monx and TalnabUa in tlia American "Kafe DepoKit Vault. 218 8. 17th 0U, Bee building. Boxes rent tl (or three month. rtlaa a Bankrupt (.Write J. Haller, druggist, K19 Capitol avenue, filed a petition in bankruptcy, Riving liabilities as 12.220 and assets aa $1S9. Hayden Bayers Oo East Four buyers from Hayden Brothers, headed by Joseph Hayden, have (rone to New York or) an extended buying trip. Tot Safety rtrst In Life Insurant- See W. H. lndoe, general agent State Mutual L4fe Assurance Co. of Worcester, Mass., one of the oldest, 71 years, and best companies on earth. ta DiTorca Court Mrs. Grace Ramsay has brought suit for divorce against James D Ramsay, alleging non-surport, Mrs. Mary Ann Wood has secured a de cree In her suit against Harry A. Wood on grounds of cruelty. ' Raid on Worthless Check Charga J Downs has been arrested In Kansas City and will be returned to Omaha to an swer to tho charge of having given W. C. Beebe. to whom he owed Po, a worth lens check for $36 as )aymrnt on account. Makes Away with Twenty Dollars A man who has been hanging around the I'nlted Cigar Store at Sixteenth and Howard streets for the last two months, was given a 20 bill to got changed for the clerk. He disappeared and the pollco arc looking for him. Section of Trolley Wire Stolen Six teen cars on the Benson Peaf Institute line were held up Friday night when some person stole 250 feet of copper feed wire that had become disconnected from the source of supply at Fortieth and Lake streets. A falling branch broken the connection. PRACTICAL TALKS FOR IMS OUTING Specialized Lectures During Fore noons and Speeches Afternoons at Men's Chautauqua. MEETINGS TO START AUGUST 2 instead of the Dixie singers, amf the sleight of hand Jugglers, how would a line of practical business talks suit one for a week of outing at a lake-side Chau tauqua? Well, the business men of Nebraska. Iowa, Dakota, and a lot of other Maces will know between August I and August 9. for those are the dates set for the Nebraska Business Men's Outing associ ation Chautauqua at Carter lake In Omaha. The Business Men's Outing as sociation is an organisation or federation of business organizations of Nebraska. They have federated for the purpose of staging this big business Chautauqua. The associated retailers, the associated hardware men, the associated Jewelers, the associated clothiers, and other busi ness or trades associations of tho state have federated themselves Into this outing association for the purpose of staging the Chautauqua. Big- ( hantanqna Tent. D. F. Dolan with an offloo in The Bee building, Is general manager of the Chau tauqua and outing. He has drawn to gether a nice list of talent for the various business talks during the afternoon of each day at the lake, where a big Chau tauqua tent Is to be pitched for tho pur pose Sectional meetings are to be held in the forenoons when men Interested In the hardware business for example may hear specialised talks on the conducting of a successful hardware business; at the same moment that in another tent, the Jewelers had , wni be hearing a specialized talk on tho economical handling of diamond sales for AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Police Make Arrests in Places Where Liquor is Being Sold After Hours. SOLVES A $100 MYSTERY Captain Prisgs and Sergeant Pheahan raided several alleged "bootlegging" and open house Joints last night. Conf'sca tlon of five cases of bottle beer and the arrest of three Inmates and the proprietor of an alleged bootlegging Joint at 828 North Twenty-fifth street, run by Joe Jasper, resulted. Emergency Officer John Zaloudek and Detective Andrew Lepinskl were ranking the rounds and secured evidence in the case of at least one saloon. No arrests were made, however. MUslaa; Hundred Kossd. Captain John Brlggs yesterday unfolded the mystery of tho missing SI, which his wife wired had been stolen on a Burlington train, while en route to Steam boat Springs, Colo., a week ago. Cap tain Brlggs found the missing money In 1ruir drawer at his residence, 162 yards, apparently In the act of attempt ing to board a Missouri Pacific train for Kansas City. The police were asked to look up the boy. Pritdlera Arrested. Three peddlers, J. Uroksteln. Myet Uroft and Joe Nivolch, were arrested yesterday morning by Inspector ot Weights and Measures John (Irani lYgg on the charge of breaking the law In peddling their products. The case will come up In iollce court Monday morning. Magic City flnssln. II. W. rutlllx and family have returned from a month's vacation spent In -oining. CLEAN I'P wall puper sale. Koutsky 'r )!k Co. Set gcaut Curev arrested I'. Barrett on a charge of assault and battery last evening. Will move August 2 to SIW-TOl North lso ' Twenty-sixth street, across the streot i irom old location, it. l.orig. I William Klenk, veteran stin-k shipper to the local yards from OVffman. Neb, visited with friends here In the city yes terday. Office spare for rent In Bee office. 118 N street. Terms reswonable. Well known locstlon. Tel. South 27. Miss Viola Williams left yesterday afternoon for a week's visit with Mine Patience Kolley, now residing nt Car son, Neb, Ladies' day at the Spring Lake park swimming pool last brought out reioru-breaklng crowd ot lemliilno STATISTICS NOT DEPENDABLE Figures on Exports and Imports of Holland Prior to War Appear to Have Been Badly Kept. MANY STATEMENTS DISCOUNTED - . . . i n rci-oruurvHKmH 1 1 u ui North Twenty-sixth street, where It had fathers, as well aa spectators. Installing Lockers For several days example. The Implement men will be the boys' department of the Young Men s ' hearing discussions' on tho best and most Christian association has sounded more efficient manner of handling self-blnder.i like a boiler factory than a department devoted to the younger members of their organization. They have been Installing a new locker system and the pounding of rivets hns been going on for some time. Bun Oyer by Wagon Frank Vercll, nged 0 years, 121S Chicago street, sus tained a badly smashed right foot when a wagon driven by A. Sesseman, a gar dener of East Omaha, ran over the mem ber at Thirteenth and Dodge streets. Sesseman was arrested by Sergeant Fer ris after a chase of several blocks. He was released on bond. Robbery Is Xetnrn for Drinks Charles nrops, 2W1 Brown street, met a crowd of convivial gentlemen last evening and. after buying numerous rounds of re freshment for the crew, accompanied three of the bunch to Fifteenth and Cali fornia streets. Hera to show their grati tude they held him up and robbed him of a gold watch and $4. , . Books oa Christian Solaaoe The Omaha public library has recently re- or a technical discussion on the latest Implement freight rate controversy. Thus each association that goes to make up the delegation will have the privilege of hearing highly specialized talks each morning on its own line of business; while in the afternoon, United States sen- been mislaid by Mrs. Brlggs before her departure. Last week when Mrs. Brlggs left for Steamboat Spring, she thought she had secreted the money safely among her effects. On the train she missed IWO. She wired her husband In Oman that the money had been stolen. The captain being wrathy took the matter up with tho railroad oficlals and an investigation was under way In a trice. Then came a, letter from Mrs. Brlggs In which ahe explained that the thief had carefully sewed the money back Inside her coat after having abstracted IWO. "I knew right away that the money was not lost." said the captain. A careful search about the house brought the cash to light yes terday. Jerry Fltsaerald Cona-ratnlated. Jerry Fitzgerald, new police court clerk and deputy prosecutor, was receiving congratuatlona and sympathy from his many friends. He has long been In public office and la known for having one of the gentlest dispositions. He is a bache lor, who would rather face a squad of rifles than a couple of weeping females. A tale of woe will bring his hand to his pocket aa quick as lightning. So when the news sot cut that he waa to be ators, congressmen, and big business men 1 pr0Becutor and cierk of the South Side from the east will be on hand at the general sessions to talk on business legis lation In congress, and a dozen other subjects of Interet to the business men of the country. Cadet Taylor Says He Wili Take Year Off for Vacation celved from the trustees under the will j issued a statement, Cadet Taylor, outgoing collector of customs, has already made his plans for the future, and It includes a vacation of a year or two and a trip to California and the Philippine Islands. Mr. Taylor of Mary Baker Eddy the following' books on Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures." This literature has been presented without cost to the library and Is to be placed at the dis posal of the reading public as soon as it has been catalogued. Bald Alleged CranUia Game When Officers Williams, Holden, Cunningham and Barta gained entrance to the base ment at 610 South Sixteenth street they arrested sixteen men whom they assert were gambling. Poker and craps were tha particular implements In use. J. Baryenbruch waa booked at the station as the keeper of the place and will be arraigned as such Monday morning. All of the men were released on bond. rails WTiile ClimblBf rsnoe Jim Downey of Des Moines last evening sought to gain entrance to the Updike Lumber company's yards at Fifteenth and Webster streets and in so doing fell from the fence surrounding the yard and dislocated his right shoulder. He was found by the watchman and taken to police headquarters, where Drs. Foltl and Shook set the unjolnted member. As Downey had been drinking he was locked up for the remainder of the night. . Omaha Furniture Company Bankrupt The Omaha Furniture Manufacturing company of Ralston has filed a petition In voluntary bankruptcy with assets of H,4M and liabilities of 161,932. This action was decided upon at a recent meeting of the stockholders, at which it was decided upon at a recent meeting of the stockholders, at. which tt was decided that the concern was Insolvent. Though the liabilities are given as only about two-thirds of the assets, they are largely made up of Items on which little can be realized. Stock in trade is put In at 121.239; machinery at 117,702; pat ents at 120,338. follows: "I have served four years and four months, the latter an extra allowance on account of political conditions not neces sary to mention. I have ' been treated station, his friends, while pleased, sighed for Jerry's new troubles. Ili-other Not Anions; M Using. "Emll Peschek, not among the missing. Undoubtedly saved." This little message to Joe Peschek of the Scarr Drug com pany yesterday evening brought a bright smile to the faoa of tha popular South Side .pharmacist. Emll Peschek is one of the foremen of the Western Electric company, many of whose employes were drowned yesterday when the steamer Eastland turned over. Joe knew that his brother, a long-time employe of the Western Electric, would probably be on the trip. He wired for Information, but was kept in suspense until late In the afternoon when the good word came that his ' brother was not among the ml suing. Emll Peschek lives at 2325 South Avers avenue. Ke More Pool Hall Saloons. Effective August 1, the joint pool halls Misses Msmle end Mnrle Arkermnn have returned to their homo at Chicago, after vlxiting with ti.elr uncle., John McJntlre, of this city, for three weeks. Want Ads for The Bee may be left at The Bee s branch office, 2318 N St. Hates. 2o a word for one time. ISo a word ea'h day for three days and le a word each day for a week. Prompt and courteous service Miss Mary MLauahlln. daughter of Mrs. J. H. Mclaughlin, 3I1!6 T street. Won the doll contest held at the Columbian club festival lust Wednesday evunlng. The other successful contestants were Misses Margaret tiillln and Muinlo Win dell. The cattle men of the local yards beat the hog mon at their annual base ball game, played at Kourke park Friday afternoon, by a score of 10 to 4. This makes the second consecutive victory for the cattle men over the hog men in the last two years. District Deputy Grand Patriarch A. B. Hess Installed the following officers of Crusader Encampment No. 37, Independ ent Order of Odd Fellows, last Friday evening: T. C. Talbot, chief patriarch; B. W. Loomls, high priest; Frank lllner, senior warden: O. Olson. Junior warden; L. F. Etter, secretary; Henry PurKinan, treasurer: L, C. Monk, first watch: Jesse Sterna, second watch! A. Hess, third watch; 0orge Hausmiind, fourth watch; I j. Auguay, Inside watch; C. Iloos, out side sentinel; Chadwlck, guide: N. Adam son, first guard; Bliss, second guard. Five extra Half-Holidays a month ! Every washday afternoon that s what the r mofct courteously by both Senator Hitch-. ' . J'. . Z.,ZZJ7Z , , ' t k.l. n. I and saloons will be discontinued on the New Yorker Winner Of Three-Mile Swim SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 21.-Burt Goodwin, New York Athletic club, won the three-mile open tidal water swimming race today In the Amateur Athletic Union championships at the Panama-Pacific exposition. The cold, choppy sea caused three competitors to collapse. Time, l:S3:nS. Michael McDermott, Illinois Athletic club, was second, in 1:4233, and Chart's Hoffman. Dolthln club of Sun Francisco, third, with no time known. N'vrman Itcss, Multnomah club of Port land, Ore., collapsed on the return j glassware, which is tempered so that It men with whom I do not agree politically, but for whom I have the highest per sonal regard. It pleases me to know that I am to be succeeded by a newspa per man, and Mr. MoCune will receive the 'glad-hand' with my best wishes. "My official record Is made up, and the books will soon be closed, and I think my friends will find a clean balance sheet. "I leave the good people In the federal building with regret, for our official and personal relations have been most kindly. "I have been hoeing my own row prac tically since a boy 12 years of age, and Mrs. Taylor and I propose to take a va cation for a year or two. W will go to California to visit our son's family soon, and possibly later to the Philippines to see our other son and wife. After that, back to Omaha to again don the harness for good hard work. There is no city with a better future than Omaha, and I have too many friends tried and true in this city to say farewell. 1 hope and ex pect it will only be au revolr." Good Housekeeping ExpertWill Speak Omaha housewives will have an oppor tunity to listen to that good housekeep ing oracle, Sarah Tyson Rorer of Rorer cook book fame, every afternoon this week at the Orchard-Wllhelm company store. Mrs. Rorer, whose word has been law In all culinary affairs for many years, has consented to make a western trip, giving lectures and demonstrations each day, although she admits being 68 years old. A model kitchen with gas stove, re frigerator, kitchen cabinet and all cook ing utensils has been fitted out on the fifth floor of the Orchard-Wllhelm com pany building and at t:30 each afternoon during tha week the lecture demonstra tion will begin. Mrs. Rorer will answer all queries propounded by troubled housewives or Inexperienced brides. Mrs. Rorer, who Is a Quaker woman from Mt Gretna, Pa, Is a pioneer in domestic science research or the scien tific study of cookery. She Is assisted in her demonstrations by Miss Louise Neldhart. A feature of Mrs. Rorer's lectures will be the demonstration of a new kind of Journey from the halfway turning stake in un Francisco bay, and two other competitors were picked out of tha water exhausted It-fore they finished. No one knows what he ran do until bo triVa. Yon say you cannot accumulate money you cannot open an ACCOUNT at this time. Try It. There is not one thing in the world that can be done with out trying-. Which is it going to be with you "I can't do it,M or . "I IU try?" ' i nTi 'iiiiWi if ni'aimetahi T i n I will resist heat. Foodstuffs can be put from the refrigerator Into the hot oven and what will commend the Innovation still more, food may be served at the table in the same utensil In which It Is cooked, so ornamental are the patterns. And housewives won't have nearly so many dishes to wash. He:e Is tha outline of Mrs. Rorer's lec tures: Monday, "Quick Breads." Tuesday. "Meats." Wednesday. "Salads." Thursday, "Vegetables and Egg Cook ery." Friday. "Meat Substitutes." Saturday, "Simple Desserts and Pas try." BURLINGTON MEN OF K. C. TO PLAY OMAHA TEAM HERE Tha Kansas City Burlington employes have organized a base ball team and re due In Omaha Sunday morning to play tha Omaha Burlington team. The game j is scneauiea iot w a. m., ai r-imw ooa park. The Omaha team is being man aged by Charley Living and the Kansas City team by August Blerman. South Side. It Is contended by the po lice authorities that Joint pool halls and saloons are the cause not only of teach ing young boys to drink, but also breed ing places for crime. In several places on the South Side the new law will be felt. Accused of t'slnar Knife. Eva Jones, colored, 318 North Railroad avenue, was arrested last evening at 11:20 o'clock on complaint of having slashed at Retta Johnson, also colored, 367 South Twenty-eighth street wtth In tent to do bodily harm. The woman ad mitted the charge after she had been ar rested by Sergeant James Sheahan, but told the police that the Jones woman had attempted to cut her the week be fore. She will be held for investigation. Youth nana Away. Cloyd Adare, 13-year-old son of Clay Adare, 2626 C street, was reported to have run away from home yesterday morning. The boy had secured a quantity of goods on the credit of his father at a local grocery store snd was seeking to evade the criticism of his parent when the mat ter was found out. At noon yesterday he was seen In com pany with three men near the L. street viaduct In the Missouri Pacific railroad Pegg Finds Some Short Measures on The South Side John Grant Pegg and his crew of weight and measure Inspectors made a raid on the South Side, the result being that Meyer Qrosfelt and Z. Brookstlene, Omaha pedd'ers. and Joe Munsky, grocer at '3221 Q street, were fined 15 and costs each In the South Side police court yes terday morning. Grosfelt, according to the evidence, was caught with a set of short measures. Brookstlene also had short measures, while Munsky sold a bushel of potatoes to a woman, the purchase weighing fifty pounds, whereas the law requires sixty pounds. The South Side police Judge told Mr. Pegg the court will back him up In his campaign to secure honest weights 'and measures on the South Side. More Inspections will be made during the coming week. Restored to co4 Health. "I was sick for four years with stomach trouble," writes Mrs. Otto Gans, Zanesvllle, O. "I lost weight and felt so weak that I almost gave up hope of being cured. A 'rlenrt told me about Chamberlain's Tablets, and since using two bottles of them I have been a wall woman." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement. CHARLEY JOHNSTON PUTS NINE-HOLE COURSE AT 0RP Charley Johnston, professional at the Happy Hollow club, went out to Ord, Neb., last week and laid out a nine-hole golf course for the Country club at that city. Ord is taking to golf and tt waa decided to build a course so the Omaha pro was called upon to fix up the plana ?.. -I .tin. - Tour stomach and bowels need clean ing out. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills give qutck relief. Only 26c. All druggists. Advertisement (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) TMK ll.l( i:. July M.-ln the absence of a detailed statistical system In Ho. land It Is Impossible to say how nearly accurate are the figures given in English and French publications respecting the effect of the war on Imports and ex ports. The truth of the matter, according to the department of foreign commerce In The H ut tic, is that nobody ever know precisely how much or how little Holland lniKrtcd or exported. Holland la a free trading country. A few Items ' like tea pay 4 or 5 per cent duty. Otherwise practically everything can be brought Into the country free of duty. Of the total amount of Imports Holland never consumed more than a tenth part. Most of the trade was of a transitory nature. Frim all parts of the world goods were brought to Dutch ports and were sent on by rail to Germany, Russia, Austria and Swltxerland. Statistics of exports were kept, but sln.n nobody dreamed of a war which would upset the entire fabric of modern life, they were not kept In detail and the total amount of gooda which rroksed the Dutch frontier Into Germany was never specifically mentioned. This caused a curious situation at the outbreak of the war. The government knew in a general way how much it Im ported. It also knew In the same vague fashion the total amount of exports. I'.y subtracting one from the other It ex pected to arrive at the amount of grain and wheat and beer and butter which remained In Holland for tha consumption of the people. Statistics, however, do not seem to obey tha laws of mathe matics, for It was round that the Dutch people consumed much more than the difference which was tha result of this official subtraction. Statisticians are seriously working upon the problem, but the war has upset every established way of living to such sn extent that the problem Is not an easy one. For example, Instead of feed ing an urban population doing chores In offices and living the lives of clerks, the government now has to feed 800.000 soldiers doing hard labor at digging and marching and the entire diet has been upset. Then the Belgian refugees have come into the country by tha hundreds of thousands (nobody knows exactly how many) and they eat different things from what the Hollander does. But In other ways the Dutch statistics as printed in the British and rrenoh papers do not give a clear idea of what actually happens. It la often claimed that the imports from America have in creased by leaps and bounds. This Is quite true. But In the first plaoe tha old Import route by way of Hamburg, Bremen and the other German ports has been entirely stopped. These ports are blockaded and no ships can enter. Although the British and French ports are open, the war regulations of these countries do not allow any exports to foreign countries and all the many ma terials which formerly came from France, England and Germany, now have to come exolustvely from America. The stories of large amounts of food ptuffs being smuggled Into Germany across the Dutch frontier are entirely discounted by the department of com merce. To Brk Potato Onraer. It Is true that potatoes have gone Into Germany, but they were not on the con traband list and they went In small quantities, Just sufficient to break the potato corner which some German specu lators had brought about. According to French newspapers; every sack of pota toes sold to Germany meant tha lives of fifty French soldiers. According to the Germans, It merely meant the breaking up of the corner and a fall In the price of potatoes from S marks a bushel to 2 marks twenty. The accusations of the allied press1 against Holland's refusal to assist In the starvation of Germany and Austria are made possible the faulty system of sta tistics mentioned before, and the first measure of the Dutch government after the war will be the establishment of a most minute statistical bureau, so that every potato, every mustard need and every pot of Jam can be closely traced from the moment it enters the kingdom until It disappears Into a Dutch house hold or finds Its way abroad. lr4HL m rssw av gives you. When used the Fels-Naptha way, in cool or lukewarm water, it does away with hard rubbing and boil ing; saves time, saves strength, saves the clothes. FU Co., Philadelphia. Euilooiateiii ' end . tost loirs Sceoic Colorado Tours Round Trip from Omaha. 17.50 24.50 To PenTer, Colorado Spring, and Tneblo TO F.Htes Park Itorkr Mountain Vatlnnal P.rV Lava Omaha 4iSl) n. m arrlln fmrb i...k" rl'.' IliMrtoa tickets Include the two aoto routes tU Lyon and Lovcland. No other nerrlc like this. This rate In eludes side trip from Denver to Colorado Sprint- and return, Klffht service from Omaha at 12 tU a. m. (sleeper ready at 10 p. m.), arrive Denver 2tft0 p. m, Estee Park or Colorado Springs for supper. Yellowstone Park To Gardiner, C4j ar Tellow.tone Eatranee A4 50 Park tour via Cody or Gardiner or both. Including all Park accommodations from $85.00 to 02 OO Side tour, all Park acoorunxxlaUcma, cost from Livingston 5X50 Wjrlle Camp tour, all Park accommodations, cost from Gardiner or Cody 4. from &J0.OO to SO OO rark tickets are honored either via the direct Nsrth. west main line or without extra cost via Denver. Glacier national Park To Glacier Tark Station . Scenic tours and side trips, including autos, launches, accommodations in hotels, chalets, eta, 1 to 6 days in Park; cost from park station from $5.00 to Black Hills To Hot Springs, S. D To Deadwood and Lead .... To Custer (for Sylvan Lake) The Big Horn Region To Sheridan and Ranchester . Tbermopolls Hot Springs. Owl Creek Mountains. Cody, Wyo, east and scenic entrance to Yellowstone... The Pacific Coast 1 To San Francisco, San Die fro. Log Angeles, Portland or seanie, direct routes, three-months' tickets Same destinations with longer limits, December 31, 1916.' Coast circuit tour, including California and the North west, with Shasta Route or Ocean Coast Voyage (meals ana nerins lnciuaoai, additional 35.00 25.00 15.75 18.75 17.25 25.75 34.50 34.50 50.00 00.00 17.50 Apartnents. flats, hounei. and cottages ran br rented qulckl) and cheaply by a J Ee "For Kent." The Smiles of the Satisfied Are the Smiles that Count In thousands and thousands of homes this morning, and yesterday for years and years there have been, happy smiles over Post Toasties and cream. These crispy; sweet bits of choicest In dian Corn, wonderfully seasoned, cooked and toasted, were never better than they are now. Post Toasties -the Superior Corn Flakes m 1 t a fry BitS : iifaOfe llMklrta Vrrr Tolarado-irtasi Ifaaafcaok." -Katea Park," -MUa Trips la ( -Ulartrr Park Booklet.." " Y Houston. pBrk. "Cody Road Int. Yellnwatane, -t YelLw.toa Tours," "Ulg Hara Itesarts. "Ilnark llookl.t.." .'Tfca Hl.rk Hills," -Sum. arr Teara Mratb.and," "Mart west Tasura." C1TI TICKET OFFICE. Farnam and 16th St. Phonest D. 1238, D. 8580. Wy?!ai',"SBB"23! With cream or fruit, how "The Memory Lingers" v ' Wk, J-ifc SST r There are probably a half dozen Classified ads a w eek in The Bee that you ought loanswer. Sometimes there may be that many in one issue of The Bee. If you've never formed the habit of an swering and investigating Bee Want Ads, then you have still to form what will prove the most profitable habit of your life. Wouldn't you conclude, even if this were half true instead of being quite true, that this is a good time to start in. If . f n I r .... IT mi llllii sf JT7 . V . " .-v-. I'lrtAvU )S-i ittmammr& .oil -