4 THK HKE; OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 26. 11)15. STUDENTS COME FROM FAR Western Schools Ilave Attractions that Draw the Ambition i and Enterprising. ECONOMY AND HIGH STANDARDS WHUS many wmUid students ro t ths laife easts sducwtlonal Institution It la also true that many eastern student come to tha western educational Institu tions, Tha list of students at all tha Instltu tlona la this part of tha want will ahow a larva percent m a from all owar tha country. olus1va of thoaa who llva In tha west, and alao many from other landr. frm Portu Rlvi t-i Japan. What brtnea tf.eee students here? There are eeveral onsldoatlona that tnalte for thla Ingathering of students from all over the glob. One Important fntor it th ihiapnrm cf education ln-re. And In ti l connection "cheapness" l use-J In U pireiy pecuniary sense, mean ing tha coat cf tfottln It anil not the quality of It. , '"r. v.hlie. :ne :-' la absolutely tlx" lowest, :iic finality tf tlie rdm-allon U 1:,t n uuo!ut''!y of tt.a hlftlir jt. rtiH tttrni'llte- 'mree. When a l.v-.IInK insl.tutloa advertises ilcn-i;d L...u,l at ;.;o to S3 a week" It means soinothitic and la a matter of very Jarre consideration. That aum wouldn't much mora than buy one day1 board at Borne of tha mora "stylish'' tnaUtutlona. Another institution In Nebraska of tha primary class advertises 'forty weeks' board, room and tuition. 1131." In tha language of tha street 'it can't be beat." Tha University of Pennsylvania, for example, charges mora than that for tui tion alone. And board and room In 1'hlladelphla for forty weeka would com to at least 30 additional. Besides, In that staid and somewhat archalo institution Ihera ara only a very few courses open to women at any prlca. It is chiefly a man's Institution. The young woman of Pennsylvania who wants to go to the state's Institution of teaming finds Its doors shut la her faf. Ksperienre of One Cilrl. So you will find In western Institutions tha nsmes of many students from the east. One aucr- young woman Is known to tha writer. Kha finished the high school In Philadelphia and then Inquired at tha university. She found she could gat bo education to speak of there be cause she was a woman. She found, moreover, that she couldn't go to Bryn Mawr. located In a suburb of the city, because the family exchequer wouldn't yield the S1S0 eedod annually for tuition. It was then that she was told of the Vnlverslty of Nebraska, an Institution fully the equal In srholsstlo standing and sltainmrnla of Pennsylvania and a place where tuition was free. Hhr could hardly believe the good news, but sent for a catalogue Immediately, and then dlerovered that It was. Indeed, true. A nonresident fee of JW a year was not sufficient to deter her from these advantages. Hhe and her mother, packed thn family effects and came to Nebraska ln-t full and she Is now attending the VI ver-K.V. Nor did thoy come alono. Two of her !'., school classmates, who hsd alsa fvird their education curtailed by the limitations of the university and the eductions of tha women's colleges, came v i h her under tha chaperunage of her nether. And there the three of them are now purauing the courses of study lit the University of Nebraska. ' Ket a Setlaatal M.-noal. Kxl Ui tha duality of freedom which Ilia Mgher education In Nebraska shows It thai ut coaiiioolltanlsm. There la no lr. n in! ur sectionalism about N l.rH. Us institutions are as opan and f'vv i.u 1 1 cty as tlie west's broud i'.i.n Wlut a man or woman Is oounts r r.j D un where lie is from or how ina.ji 'uai.iio liin father has. 'Pic h slt'ii .lncaa ut Nebraska' e cli l :tt in Mii.tl.cr wnsUIeraltorl ar.tl there nr.- i mi j1 i it.: !. attending the instltutiuna ' this c.'iU in i, iilrjrinir slates who are pt tl o un. lin.e building up tlir health v illi . fjr.c air nud food and water of ' 1'iU imrt of tho country. Nowhere In the world are thero to many rapidly-growing Inntltutlona of learning as here In -the middle western cf.untt j'. It h.' t.i-l the hard pioneer years iic;i icvc-ity u s abiuod. I; i (..c out of the broad plain of jro: eihy. It hue more automobllea Pr.:.ju pollution than any other part of tin utn. 'i'hia i not iiMortant la Itself but In dicates ti e prosperity of Its people. It la now no longer necessary to Strug-r-l- f.r exlteiieii. Now is tho lima when ft ic-.i.ic aie rt: loving the l.igher thlr.ga Jiff und t,rr tu.i.lt.g their att. ntlon ti (il'i.vitiuii tv.r thii coiuinx tei.cratlons. delighted to learn that ha la better than he was a short time ago. Clan Gordon Picnic To Be Held at Knig Park Next Saturday The gathering of the clans will take place on July SI at Krug'e park, when Clan Oordon No. 6S wUl hold Ha twenty seventh annual plonlo. On that day the Scots will be out In all the splendor of the ancient Caledonlana with their kilts and spore ns end bagplpea playing the ancient war' tunes. The day will be spent In making merry, for thla la tha day of all days for the Scots around Omaha. They will be here from all the surrounding country to renew auld ao quattitaucea. The afternoon will be apent lit feast ing nnd Highland dancing and athletic sports when the following program will be carried out and prizes will be awarded fur all events: A game of quoits. Hoys' race under 12 years. 'iris' race under 11 yeais. r'oyV lace under II yenrs. (tils' race under Is years. 1'lnnlng clothes pins on Una, confined to 1 Oils' auxiliary. Hoys race under I yesrs. tilrls' race under S yesrs. nellies' race under S years. Kunnlng broad lump. Putting tha shot. Running, hop, atop and Jump. Young women's race. Twentr-flve-yard mental dash for Clansmen wives. One hundred-yard race for Clansnwn only. Kxhlhltlon Highland dancing. TiiE-'o-war. Clansmen, married aralnst single. Monday to Be Omaha Road Night at Den Monday night la to be M. A O. n!ght at Ak-Bar-Den den. The towna along the Omaha railroad are to come In on a apeclat train from Tekemah. Candidates from the towns further up will reach there In time to take the train down to Omaha. Thus candidates for the Initia tion are to come from Ooakland. Lyons, Herman, Tekamah, Calhoun, and In fact every town along the road clear to Bloux ctr. How many there will be no one will know until Pamson talllea them at the gate. Bamson, or Ills blg-attck man, "Had" Weaver, has been at Cheyenne most of the week busting bronehoes at the Fron tier day celebration with tha Omaha orowd of a couple of hundred fellows. Bamson1 Is due to return to Omaha to day, however. When ha cornea he will have some new Ideas on Inflation con traptions, and may even take It Into his bonnet to bring a new and ferocious horse back with him. PLANS COMMUNITY SITE OFFACTORIES Shields' Idea of Locating: Series of Co-operative Plants Receives Considerable Support COST REDUCTION MADE POSSIBLF A flock of factories In a community somewhere along a strip of good track age In Omaha, I tha goal of a big propo sition to which Kred C. KhlcMs Is now giving a great desl of attention, and on which he la doing a great deal of nego tiating. Mr. Phlelds Is the man who, a week ago, cloned tha numerous deals that procured for the Ford Automobile company Its site for the big assembling j plant at Sixteenth and Cuming streets. No aooner did he complete those negotia tions than he began to attnek the propo sition of acquiring ground for a flock of community factories with renewed vigor. During the last three yesrs Mr. Shields I naa aevoiea conniuornnie unw to me formulation or this pian. :t contem plates acquiring a large tract of ground with good trackage facilities, then bulld- i Ing factories to suit tenants, nnd leasing 1 these to manufacturing concerns. C'o-eperatlve F.cooomy. The plan Is one that contemplates a system of economy that would be bene ficial to all. In the first place, a system of drayairo would be workod out that would make all hauling cheaper for all concerna than It would be for any one concern Isolated far from other factories. Ona water meter would be put In on the main that led to the flock of plants. Thus the water rate of a large consumer New York Elks Make Stopover Visit Here New Tork Elks to the number of 150 were In Omaha last evening on their re turn trip from their annual convention at Jos Angelos and were the guests of the local lodge. They were taken to the Henahaw for dinner, after which they were the guests of the Empress theater to see the moving pictures of tha Klks parade. Later they went to tha Klks' club rooms, where an Informal oance and entertainment kpt them busy until mid night, when they boarded their train to continue their Journey home. Flynn Regrets to Leave City Hall City Clerk Flynn declares It la with re grets that he leaves the city hall, al though he Is elated over his promotion received from Washington. He has re ceived many eoiurratulatlona ever his appointment as U sited States marshal. Manager Tlourke ef the Omaha ball team, sent a telegram from lincoln. Mr. Flynn's telephone was kept busy up to the mldntgnt hour Friday. would be obtainable. Then Individual meters would be Installed In each plnnt so that the water rent might be equitably pro-rated. The electric llKht and gas metera would he bandied the same way so that the flock of companlea might et the benefit of the lower ratea per unit charged tha large consumer. Everything else would be worked out with the same Idea of economy of taking service In targe quantities. Mr. Shields Is negotiating with three or four manufacturing plants of Omaha that are well established here, but are j willing to chance their location If this community ayatcm can be worked out to their satisfaction, besides this he has one or two outside concerns that ara anxious to locate a manufacturing pl int in Omaha, and are negotiating with Shields for one of the sites he proposea to prepare for this purpose. Site to He on Kelt Line. It Is practically assured that tiie site, If It finally develops, will be awrne where along the Kelt line of railway. It must he a slle that combines convenient loca tion, railroad trackago, street car facili ties and all the public Improvement and utility advantages. The prolect contemplates one general plant for furnishing heat while the pro moters will supply gaa, electric light and water, all on a percentage basis. Tentative arrangements have been made with ona of the railways to build spurs and a freight depot on the grounds. Each building erected would be con structed for the specific use to which the factory proposes to put It All buildings would be of fireproof construction, nnd the whole scheme proposes to combine efficiency and economy. In promoting the deal whi. h Already has enlisted the Interest of a number of prospective tenants, as well as of pro spective cspltal, Mr. Shields has asso ciated himself with the real estate and Insurance firm of Ring wait Brothers. Rent rooma quick with a Bee Want Ad KERR ABSTRACT COMPANY IS SOLD TO E. T. PETERSON The business of tho Kerr Title Ouar antee and Abstract company located at 8outh Seventeenth atreet was sold yesterday under order of the county court to E. T. Peterson, who will con tinua the business under the same name and at the same place. Tha late Fred Kerr was the head of the company. Mr. Peterson was chief clerk In the city engineer's office for eighteen years and for ten years prior thereto was in the estate and abstract business in this city ART SCHOOL WS THE TIME ARTS XHSTfe TUTE. Kansas City, Mo., man McUee St. Thorough Irawing. rami Illustration atalogue. OSTEOPATHY CENTRAL COLLEGE OK XABTSAJI citt. mo. No etronger course given anywhere In practical Osteopathy. ooowra Boxoob. roana la isgo. A country school for young ladles Near Philadelphia and New Tork. Jay Cooke estate, 65 acres. Mlsa Abby A. Sutherland. Principal Montgomery Co., Penna. GT. OLAF COLLEGE Maintains standard four-year courses modern group system leading to de gree B. A. Also an academy offering courses preparatory to college entrance. Provides efficient training m usual branches tf music. Faculty of 14 teachera Enrollment past year 665 stu dents. CneducHtlonal. Lutheran. Ex penses low. Heml for ratalog-ue. Xi. A. TZOWE88. sTorthfleld. Minn. College of Saint Thomas SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA VnJer tht Control and Dirtction of Archbishop Inland A CATHOLIC MILITARY COLLEGE CoUtiltlt Ctmmtrtial Aeitmlt Prtpcrttory Cartful Menial, Moral and Rtligiout Training Seven Hundred and Forty Students from Twenty-four States Last Year ' For illustrated catalogue address Vtry Rte. If. MOYNIHAN, D. D., Present 7 Nebraska Central College A Christian College teaching Christian principles without sectarian dogma. Clean: Phically, rnetally spiritually. Guarded Athletics and social function?, with all the liberty needed for a full development of the student. Collegiate, Academic, Domestic Science, Business, Stenographic. Special stress on our Biblical Department, for all classes of bible students. Expenses are much lower than at most institutions. "Write for a catalogue to the President E. H. PARISHO, Central City, Neb. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE AND ACADEMY Conduoted by tha latere of tha Holy Cross Notre I lame, Kt. Jimeph Co., Inl. Oat mil nt of ih Vnlvenltjr of Notre Iwrae. Two hours rlrto from Chicago. Two mile from South Bond, Indian. The School for Your Daughter Those who r intoroateS In tho odum tlos of glrla and rouog womom will find do arhool whoro they could bo nor for tunatalr placed than at St. Mary'i Collrgo sud Acadmr, NMro Ilamo. Ind. Horo are found oaroful training, thorough Instruc tion. Borfret dlarlpllno and aurroundlngi whlrh at ones rata the Ideal toward Ina highoat sod boat In life. Tho practical Ida la not nagltcted and tha puplla of Ht. Marr'a acquire a foundation which la a preparation for life with Its pleaauras and Tlclaattndea. Many feat urea of thla trhool of high Mrala, Ita beaut Iful grounde and edifice, cannot he touched upon or tlluatrated In the limited apace of this announcement. The Dlrectreu therefore, moot cordially Invitee eorreapondence from parenta baring daughter to educate, and will take plea sure In mailing an Illustrated catalogue, whlrh at a a complete outline of work In Preparatory, Academic and tllglat De partment. Mualr, Art, Houeehold Art and Athletics. Oaaeea win be reaumed on September 111th. Addreaa ni szmBoraxss SI. Mary's College end Academy Bos 168. Votrs Dams, It. Jossph Co., Indlaaa. SPALDING ACADEMY SPALDING, NEBRASKA BOARDING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG LADIES In Charge of Sisters of St. Dominic This academy is situated in a beautiful and healthful place Building roomy and with all modern improve ments. The academy is accredited to the University of Nebraska. Curriculum comprises: Primary, Preparatory, Aca demic and Commercial Courses, together with Music and Painting. Every attention given to moral and religious ' culture. For particulars apply to SISTER SUPERIOR, Spalding, Neb, Route of the Circus Parade on Monday Following: la tha ruuta til tha Barnum A- lUiley warn da over the Omaha atraats Aluntay, Ha.til.K at 10 u clmk: TwiUllttll fcllvL aouth to Ouinlna- eliett. UxUenth street, to Doiia-tna to Twelfth street, to Parsam to Kiftefnth street, to Howard tO SimttM-ilth atlvl. tn Pumlni -. - ...... lu Twentieth Street, to tha show at Twenty-first sad Paul street. Street, str-.-t. street. S round a. streets. CONDITION OF REV. HULBERT REPORTED TO BE IMPROVING A letter from Mm. Hulbert announces 'nt tier liuatknd. Itev. O. A. Hulttert of t. Mary Avenuo Oontrecatlonal church 'ii h Wn tl fc soma tlms la New V.irV, it improvliis- Mr. Ilulberfs condi tion viy seiWus, and bis friends are i . .. .... t Rosenblatt Heads Omaha Raish Alif Fol Ftosenblstt maa elected prealdont ot tha Ralah Alif of Omaha: benlamln b'ixln, vlca pieslJint. and Aba CreanbarK. secretary trcsaurer, at tha rocent elec tion. Arthur VYioduian was appointed chairman of tha program commutes. Tha next rueatltia; of tha club will ba held at tha bonw ot Harry Brodkey. Wednes day aveninf. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS AT SWIMMING PARTY AND PICNIC! SAINT GATIlERinE ACADEMY JACKSON. NEB. Conducted by the Bisters of the Order of St. Dominic. Boardlnf school for girls. Accredited to the State University. Normal training course for teachers. Exceptional advantages in Music. Registration September 6th. Classes resumed September 7th, 1916. For partic ulars address: THE DIRECTRESS, SAINT CATHERINE ACADEMY, JACKSON, NEBRASKA. . 1 i 1 -I. :t.l.. j MIks E.lns Alstadt entertalnej at a swimming- party and plcnlo .aunper at Carter Lake club Saturday afternoon, when tha folio win ( youna women par ticipated: Vlsaes- Mlaaea Aurora Peterson Xary Rnutt Anna Nelson Kin ma Horanaon Luclia Larty I' - Nurses Wanted A lrofekloB of Helpfulness ' arSer le ee tke sreateat beta te the Saretciea e aheul4 Save a teroua euurea la Bami. orrcue aaS au.lltal arauaatica, elurtre- aa4 k,Jre-therpr. bate tha fteeet wtulpaieat la the emit.? a4 eaa aee yeu the ao eoartae sua ihoreue ewrea. SMh shretolaa ai4 Mi kt at leo waat ua aura ae tta aretnta theee braachee. We aa aa eeperiailr atrartlTe eoures arraaa4 lor aurera, eemeUilaf entlrel, a. tall am ua aea te eiil tell ' all aeout It or write lur booklet t'laaee wmm lormlus. Penna. Orthopaedic Institutt i;u 11 UUEtN sr.. rhilaalhia. fee. ff.: ..: Trinity College OF SIOUX CITY, IOWA Conducted by the Fathers of the Third Order Regu. lax of Saint Francis. For Boarders and Day Students. Healthfully located two miles beyond the city proper. New buildings with modern conveniences, up-to-date methods. Training, Moral, Mental and Physical. Courses : Commercial, Academic, Collegiate. School Reopens SEPTEMBER EIGHT Writs Far Cataltgua BELLEVUE COLLEGE Seventy-one per cent of the 21,459 names in the 1915 Who's Who in America are college men. In 1900 only forty-six per cent were college men. Eighteen of the twenty-seven presidents of the United States have been stadents in American colleges, and fifteen have been graduates. Do You Want a Four-Year College Course? Bellevue has a faculty of trained instructors, each a specialist in his department and offers courses leading to the degrees of A. B. and B. S. Do You Want to Study Engineering? Bellevue offers you the first two years of your technical course and the. benefit of college training in other branches besides. Bellevue credits accepted everywhere. Do You Want to Study Law? The University of Nebraska Law School requires one year of college , work for entrance. Bellevue can give you this year at a nominal cost and offers you courses in Sociology, Economics, Political Science (in cluding Government and Politics) and history. Do You Want to Study Medicine? The University of Nebraska College of Medicine requires two years of college work for entrance. Bellevue can give you these two years and offers you courses in Chemistry (Inorganic and Organic), Physics, Biology (including Zoology, Anatomy, and Botany), and Bacteriology. Do You Want to Study Physical Training? Bellevue has a fine new $25,000 gym which will be finished by Septem ber, with trained physical directors for men and women. ' Special courses in indoor work. Main floor 64x84 feet. Plunge 20x58 feet. Special woman swimming teacher for women. Do You Want to Study Normal Work? Under the authority of the State Bellevue grants one, two, and four year state certificates to prospective teachers and secures you a posi tion in addition. ' Do You VVionf to Study Domestic Science? Bellevue has a specialist at the head of this department and offers two and four-year courses. Excellent opportunity for girls to learn to teach Domestic Science. Do You Want to Study Music, Art, or Expression? Bellevue has experts at the head of these departments whose reputa tion guarantees the character of their work. Education Spells Success Bellevue College offers you a college edu cation at the cost of $200 a year if you live near enough to go home at the week-end, $250 a year if you live on the campus entirely, and $50 if you live at home. A college education may mean success or failure. Can You Afford to Mis This Opportunity? For further Information address The Registrar. Bellevue College, Bellevue, Nebraska.