Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1915, MID SUMMER School Number, Page 7, Image 11

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    Tim KKE; OMAHA. MONDAY, JULY L'(, 1m:.
fou hale
II.. ae. ..4 IMI.IN.
EH2M 17,7 Leavenworth. Phone
re. ..ft ofrieea.
Nice Cool Office
With Vault
Near the Elevator and Stain
Electric Light Free
The Bee Building
fnptlafndent s Office. Room 103.
room, Address B 773,
l-OR RENT-Orind floor and hi
Masonic brick bMllriin nov.! fi
Kiwnwr front, corner lot, business sec
tion, county seat. Inquire of J. L. Urtmm,
Wither, Neb
Office on 17th St
Double Windows
I'rlrate Office Welting Rwia
180 Sq. Ft. 118.60
The Bee Building
Office Room 103.
Live Oak Colonies, none better.
Smith Co.. SlJ-14 Oily Nut. hi.
W. T.
NORTHWEST 4 Sec. 29, Twp. 13, Range
43, Chejeune Count.v, CoioiaUo. Perfect
title. Make your be..t i ff. r. K. M. Btt
teswortli, Ceaar Rapids, la.
Write a good description of your land
anu aenu it to tne Moux tJiiy. la,. Journal.
"Iowa's Moat Powerful Want Ad Me
dium." Twenty-five words every Friday
evening, Saturday morning and every
.Saturday evening and hunday morning
tor one montn, giving sixteen ads on
twelve different days for Ui or uu words.
, or id worn. IB.
Largest circulation of any Iowa news
paper, 2sO,0OO readers dally la four great
MINNESOTA farms; low price, easy
terms. Minnesota Land Co.. P. O. 317.
iiu Acute u miivs Irom Minneapolis,
one mils Irom town; 10 acres under
cultivation; balance used for pasture;
tau practically all be cultivated; heavy
soli; good set buildings, consisting of 8
room house, large ba-n. granary, corn
cribs, wlndinill. etc.; the land will pro
duce OA bushels of corn per acre; tele
phone In house: country thickly settled;
complete set of machinery; 27 head of
stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance 1
and X years old; six good horses; 26 hogs;
chickens; one-half of this year's crop and
everything on farm goes at Ml per acre;
half cash. Schwab tiros.. 1028 Plymouth
bldg.. Mtnneaoulls. Minn.
BLACK alluvial soil; corn, 90 bu. acre;
wheat. 40 bu. Alfalfa and hogs make
the farmers rich. Notice the price, &
per acre; M acre cosn, Daiance twenty
years. Opportunities like this are rar.
lie Independent. Buy a farm now. Q. 4
ONLY $226.
Buys 480 acre, being state school land,
lease running 26 years, located in Lioup
Bounty, Neb This would be a good place
to run a bunch of cattle and a bargain
for somebody. Write owner, L. C. Cran
dall. 1644 Locust St., Loncoln. Neb.
FOR SALE Choice farm bargains and
ranches; also city property. Write me
your wants. J. C. Murphy. O'Neill, Neb.
New York.
New York Farms
, For Sale -
28 bushels of wheat and tons of al
alia per acre proclaims no longer the land
overlooked but the land of great and
glowing possibilities
ISO-acre homestead, buildings worth
thousand. Price tt,000. 22-acre Syracuse
Trolley farm 12.700. 47-acre summer re
tort, new bungalow house, farm $2,S0O.
87-acre city view homestead no better
land on earth. 100-acre registered hol
steln cow farm- 2800 buys any of these.
Free showing. Railroad fare one way to
El Munson. 242fi 8. Sallna St.. Syracuse,
Boat Uskots.
FOR SALTS A No. 1 stock and corn farm
adjoining good town, southwest corner
Roberts county, 8 D.. good school,
churches and market; 90 a, outtlvatim,
fine pasture and hay. Price $76 per acre,
half cash, balance term Address Y (28,
"FRFR lumber with every sale land near
Spokane raising fruits, grain, vege
tables, stock. Free booklet. Consoli
dated Land Co., Elk, Wash."
TOLA N O ft TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg.
J 100 TO 110.000 made promptly. W. I).
Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Famam Bta.
CITY and farm loans, 6, . 8 per cent
J. H. Dumont ft Co., 416 State Bank..
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Famam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnara St.
WANTED-Oood farm and city loans at
lowest rates.
PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam. '
CITY property. Large loans a specialty.
W, H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg.
MONEY oo hand for city and farm loans.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 1716.
$2,008 to loan on Improved farm. Geo.
B. Relff ft Co.. 6D8 Brandela Bldg.
SEE us first for farm loans in eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co., Omaha.
CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg
iw-is prmnoifn i neater ttldg
WANTED City and farm loans; loweat
rates. W. Q. Templeton. 601 bee. T. 2020.
40 ACRES Grand county, Utah. Irrigable
land as first paynient on 8 or s-iooru.
Phone Hari.ey M7a
NMSt''CE' ' WEAt- FAR"
8-R. cottage. 17U Ontario, large lot, oity
SiS"'."' fru,t tr- Inquire
91 Bo. ltn. After Bun. Red tislJ.
th Ave., $J0 down; $2 0n0. B N Rob
rtjsou. W. O. W. Bldg. Phon. b. 45.
rOR BALE by owner, t acres. 8r. hoTT
chlckrn house, Jarn,all kind fruit 8. ItTOi!
FOR S.4LE Prfwi: nm, t
1.. .,v,i m, " ... souse
wvuvuim V, . n n. L u West lun.m
ir line. A beautiful home vlth ev.rJ
modern convenience. Must be sold
Phone Homey 61u2. i
For Sale By Owner
New modern six-room house on 4i
bt. near Farnam; oak floors and finish
has fireplace, sleeping porch and built
in bookcases and cupboards. Muat he'
sold and will sacrifice. Call Douglas lu.ii i
during business hours.- I
Omaha Man President of Singing
Society Which Complete! Suc
cessful Festival.
Robert C. Strehlow of Omaha
Saturday was elected president of
the Saengerbund of the Northwest,
which has Just completed the week's
particularly successful saengerfest
at the Omaha Auditorium.
The business meeting was held at
the German home in the afternoon.
The next saengerfest Is to be held at
Kansas City two years hence. The
exact dates will be arranged by local
committees at Kansas City.
George Kleck of Mllwnukee was elected
secretary, and Charles Sana of Dubuque
was elected treasurer.
After a brilliantly successful week of the
saengerfest the hundreds of Germans
spent Saturday afternoon after the pa
rade and the entire evening In festivi
ties at the German home, 4tt Routh Thir
teenth street. Feasting and dancing was
the program until the small hours of
the morning.
With the close 6f the saengerfest pro
gram the leading singers departed Sat
turday, together with some of the loading
speakers, who had been prominent In the
program of the week. Marie Rappold
Berger and Henri Scott, the two leading
celebrities of the singing programs, left
for Ban Francisco, where they are to
sing during the exposition.
Financially "arrrssf nl.
Although It cost many thousands of
dollars to stage the saengerfest, officials
say the big project paid out nicely.
"We are already nicely In the clear,"
said Io Hoffman, president and general
manager of the Omaha Baengerfest as
sociation, which is the organisation that
handled the local arrangements of the
big event. "We do not run this to make
lots of money, but we want to come out
In the clear, of course. For Instance, the
mass chorus cost us upwards of $8,000.
Wo paid these singers $2.25 a day. The
stars cost up In the neighborhood of
MOW for the fest."
The singers of the mass chorus were
checked in and out with the precision
and thoroughness characteristic of the
German method. A ticket system was
used so that there was never any mis
take about who appeared for the various
concerts. Unless a singer showed up
for the rehearsals and all the concerts
each day he did not receive his pay.
"Socially and musically It was the
grandest auocess ever," said Mr. Hoff
man. "And financially It was as good
a success as ever. This Is conducted not
for profit, but for the love of music
and singing."
Life Insurance, for Audiences.
Perhaps not one person in 1,000 of the
Notes From Omaha's Busy Suburbs
. Brnaoau
Union church services will be held on
the Baptist lawn this evening. -
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. An
thony last Sunday.
Miss Gertrude Gats has gone for a
month's visit with relatives in Chicago.
Walter Homer has returned home from
the hospital and Is slowly recovering.
Mrs. J. W. Hitch left laa wah . -
few weeks' visit with relatives In Kansas
Mls Bertha Wilson of Raymond, Neb.,
is visiting at the home of Miss Madeline
Miss Emma Walts, who has been visit
ing at the C. M. Burrill home, left Tues
day for her home In Chicago.
Miss Frankln Bullock was operated on
for appendicitis Monday at Wise Me
morial hospital and Is doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lyle visited a few
days at the Dlvllhlas home while on their
way from New Jersey to South America.
Miss Betty Hansen, accompanied by
Miss Agnes Tonder of Omaha, has gone
for a month's trip to the coast
Mrs. J. W. Gamble of Omaha and Mr.
and Mrs. Dean Brown of Springfield
have been recent guests at the D. S. Will
iams home.
Mrs. O. W. (towards Is enloylng a visit
from her sister, Mrs. C. Klever of Su
perior. Neb., and her niece. Miss Ethel
Hinder of Armor City, III.
MrsT G. W. Iradale entertained at
lunch on Monday In honor of her ooueln,
Mrs. W. L. Pervlance, of Nebraska City.
Mrs. A. Hedgecook of Nord, Neb., and
Mrs. Cook of Stanton, Neb., are visiting
at the home of their sister, Mrs. R. C.
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Bwrrlll left laat
Tuesday for a three weeks' slslt with
relatives in Canada.
The wedding of Miss Ella Peterson of
Benson and Frank Talbot nf lnri,e n,
curred last Wednesday.
Miss Margaret Schwalbald entertained
about fifteen young friends. In honor of
her birthday anniversary, on Tuesday.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary so
ciety and Methodist Ladles' Aid society
will meet In Counc'I Bluffs next Wed
nesday, at the home of Mrs. Beasley.
The congregation of the English Luth
eran church will have a lawn social at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Anderson
on Wednesday evening.
The mayor appointed Messrs. H. J.
Kelland. F B. Oliver and C. Hollestelle,
members of the city library board.
The funeral services of Mrs. C. A.
Larson will he held this Sunday after
noon, at the Envllah Lutheran church at
o'clock. Interment to be In Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Mrs. WIMIem Talbot entertained at din
ner on Sunday evening, In honor of
M'ss Ella Peterson and Frank Talbot,
whose marriage took place on Wednes
day. The Woodmen of the World drill team
and hosnltaJ corns, wilt leave on Mon
dav morning for the encampment at Lake
Okobo.ll, la. They will remain a week.
The re department was called Fri
day afternoon to the home of O. W.
Reaeh at 81 MeKlnlev street, to
extlnrulah a f're started hv the use of
cleaning- fluid, which United the rugs
ana ciotn'n in the bedroom, the fire
FOR SALE or rent;
11th and Seward.
Gust St.
trackage building.
86x68. Apply 1424
TOT sOt'S". well Hnrvt wallc.' akaH.
teees etc. P tVft Tni"' ISM
Jaynes St., N. Omaha. Web. 4f74.
SVT B i T T7- nr 1ft W. .11 I-
- , . ' nUi
6-room modern bungalow, close to c-r
end s"hool.
1 1 V 1 1 f CI II of atu.
T'r Parsons.
-r mod etai.
.woiiueriul Minne
Lusa Soon on Sale i
vast audiences that crowded nightly Into
the auditorium for the Saengerfest. knew
that the moment he got Into the door
his life was Insured. The organisation
looked after that. Before even the first
program was rendered a blanket life and
a ident Insurance policy was taken out
covering any possible accident or death
that might occur In any way In the Audi
torium, go unique was this Idea In
Omaha, that the local office of the In
surance rompan) that took the risk had
to wire to the head office In the east
to learn the rate for such a policy. The
policy cost the association $C89 premium
for the week. Not an accident was re
ported. The policy provided that the Insurance
company would be liable to tho aggre
gate extent of lloO.OOt. for any accidents
sustained by Individuals, with a provision
that the maximum amount of liability
the company should be under in the esse
of accident to any one Individual should
be $10,000.
Omaha Hospitality Pleases.
The singers who appeared during the
week said they never had a better re
ception. The women, they declared, were
never more royally entertained anywhere
than In Omaha. Friday 250 of the women
were given an automobile ride about the
city during the forenoon, and entertained
at luncheon at the Commercial club rooms
at noon.
The valuable collection of flags of the
singers and various singing societies,
were also specially Insured during the
week. This aggregation of flsgs. many
of them highly valued for their historic
and sentimental significance, were valued
at $10,000, and were Insured against fire
and accident to that amount white In
What They Think A boat It.
Some of the leading men connected with
the Saengerfest or In attendance, had
much to say In praise of the week's
entertainment. Following are some cas
ual remarks heard:
Arthur Meyer I have attended many
sHengerfests, as far east as New York
City. This one held In Omaha was the
best 1 ever heard. I mean what I say.
Leo A. Hoffman, business manager of
I he fest At first we thought business
conditions In some sections might work
against us, but I am pleased to say It
was a great success. The singers and
Omaha did their parts well. Everybody
seems plesaed with the treatment ac
corded them and I am sure Omaha had a
great musical treat.
John Latenser Of course, to have re
ceived the full benefit of the music one
should have understood the sentiment of
the words, but aside from that the oc
casion was an extraordinary one and
Omaha may feel proud of having held
such an Important saengerfest.
Val J. Peter (Editor of Omaha Tribune)
It was a success In every way.' Musl
caly It was a great occasion. Omaha Is
better for having had the saengerfest and
the singer were pleased for having been
Prof. Theodor Rudolph Reese I was
pretty busy all the time. It was fine, It
was flno.
Theodor Behrens of Chicago Omaha
will not be forgotten for quite a while.
We ail enjoyed ourselves and we won't
forget the German Home and the Music
Home. We hope to come back some day.
was put out beiore turiher damage was
Miss Greta Starrett of Des Moines, ts
atriums iwo weeas at tne nome or her
brother, J. V. Starrett
Rev. J. C. Collins of Lincoln wilt fill
the pulpit at the morning services of the
napusi cnurcn today.
Mrs. J. W. Hitch entertained at a
family reunion last week. The dining
mni was uecoraiea with sweet peas.
Covers were laid for ten guests.
The wedding of Miss Alberta Norfleet
of Fort Smith. Ark., and J. O. Goddard
of Grand Island. Neb., took place at the
Goddard borne last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Tyson entertained
at dinner on Monday, In honor of Mrs.
James Campbell and George Campbell of
Lehigh, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peterson were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson
in Benson Sunday. .
Miss Stella Peterson returned Friday
from a six weeks' trip through the west,
visiting in Denver, Colorado Springs, 8alt
Uike City and other places of interest
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Yoder and son.
Ronald, returned Saturday evenlnar from
an automobile trip through the southern
part or Nebraska and northern part of
Mrs. C. T. Lambert of Palmer. Neb.,
is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fratt
Mrs. H. J. Huntington of Falls City.
Neb., and Miss Inn Huntington oC
Seattle, Wash., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Uus Peterson.
Miss Matilda Herker of Des Moines,
Ia.( was the guest of Miss Therms, Mor
gan the first of the week.
Mrs. S. A. Baker and children left
Monday for Sioux City, where she will
make her future home. Mr. linker left
several weeks ago.
Mrs. Sarah Foster left Sunday for Den
ver, Colo., where she will visit her son,
John Foster, for some time.
Archie Anderson of Blair, spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C ii
Mrs. H. O. Harnett and son of Wichita,
Kan., who have been guests of Mr. and
Mrs. N. R. Fleck, returned home the
first of the week.
Mrs. J. A. Anderson entertained In
honor of her daughter Levllla'e birthday
George Drexel and family are moving
Into their new home in Florence Heights.
Mrs. F. P. Herfert entertained at din
ner Tuesday evening, when her guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs.
O. A. Gatt winkle and Mr. and Mrs. Her
fert of Barahoo, Wis.
Mrs. Victor of Lincoln, Neb., Is the
guest of Mrs. Welly and Mrs. Rlenrar
this week.
Mr. McLane of Lincoln was the guest
of his brother. Prof. McLans and family,
Mrs. John Vitcholson entertained a num
ber of young people Wednesday after
noon in honor of har son.
Mr. and Mrs. Herfert of Bars boo, Wis.,
who have been the guests for some time
?l. l"",r ' rfert and family,
left Thursday morning for their home.
Mrs. Charles Selhelmer will leave Tues
day for Re. ding and Philadelphia, where
she wilt visit with friends and rela
tives. Mrs. W. M. Taylor and daughter, Mrs.
Belle Frost of Blue Springs. Mo., mother
end sister of Mrs Earle Webster, are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Webster.
.MriL. ' - Nelson and Mrs. Palmen
of Chicago ware guests of Mrs. John
Peterson Mondsv.
Mls Anna Nelson and Miss Mary Nel
son nave gone to Pock oounty to visit
w1h their brother. Frank.
Mrs. Emrr.a Pal man of CWeagtj. who
has heen vl-ltln friends In Florence, re
turned to her home Monday.
Visa Jeaale Amia is In in Omaha hos
nll ...fferlng with an attaek of ap
reedlltis. -s O R Stoencer left the fore wart
-.f the week for the lakes of Mrmeaot
to swan aiavt at weeks In an effort to
ie-a1n her health.
ra a,., .lt,hfr returned Man.
fa-. WVaw-r-e f anew a Saw dava
Hh har alters, Mrs A. W Werner and
M-a '-iv vef-re returning to her home
'n rnel:n o
tr u.nn, t f r-'v-nla la ls'-
I. - Via -.h. -a T"'IKH A -
" - -
Thedor Kclhe of Milwaukee-It was
satisfactory. The attendance at the con
certs was fine. And such appreciative
audiences they made me feel like doing
my beat. .
Paul Talbot Would
Have Joe Williams
Defy Chick Evans
At last a championship go'f pros:xct
has been discovered In Omaha. And It
took a Kansas City man to discover
him. And then In 'U s a 'elc.
A short tJme ago Joe WlUluns. trav
eling passenger agent for the llurlln ;lon.
was In Wsterloo. la , and he met there 1
Paul Tnlbot of Kana City. A lltt'e
golf match was anriiii:c. on the nine
hole course at Vatcrl o and Wll lams
took Mr. Talbot Into camp.
Talbot was Impressed with William''
ability, very much Impressed. Ho could
se in the Omaha man a potcntiil na
tional open champion. Immediately he"
dec hlod that Williams should at ast hi .
come amateur western champion. That
Chick Evans would be pic for him was
cinch. Talbot was rure of that.
So he wrote WIIKnnn a letter. In It
he asked Williams If It would he p-naibl
for him to nrisngc to go to Waterloo on
September 24. on which day Evans Is to
r'sy In that city. If he could do so Ts.
bot would arrange to chullenge Chlv
and then prepare to take nil tie credit
lor discovering a new amateur champion.
Williams, who It might le mentioned n
passing, won his first tnpliy of any
kind Just a week or two aito. asked tne
sdvlce of BUI Clark, pro. at the Fli M
club, on the subject. Williams wnan't
quick sure he could Ieat Chick. "Oh,
well," nonchalantly remarked Clark, "o
ahead and accept and If you don't want
to play I'll take your place."
Williams has the letter to prove nil
this, but personal modesty makes him re
ticent on the subject and the only part
of the letter he will divulge to public
gase is the line where a challenge to
Chick Evans Is mentioned.
Omaha Tennis Men
Off to Lincoln for
The State Tourney
Omaha tennis players will Invade IJn
coln Monday with the avowed Intention
of carrying away the state tennis honors '
at the state tourney which will be played
In the capital city this week.
Ckaaaberla la's Colle, Cholera
Diarrhoea .Remedy.
This Is a remedy that every family
should be provided with, and especially
during tne summer months. Think of the
pain and suffering that must be endured
when medicine must be sent for or be-
fore relief can be obtained. This remedy j
Is thoroughly reliable. Ask anyone who '
has used IL Obtainable everywhere.-.
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent"
' I.O llttM U t. . .,
for her home Wednesday.
wlf Jld ' M; La' Learned left
. unf.y fPr Christmas Iake, Minn.,
'. H. Chiles for the last two weeks, left
for a few weeks' outing.
e.Mli; nd Mr' Jr'ns H. Adams and
,miy wre., I of Mr. Courtney.
Sunday,, at dinner.
Little Beatrice Dowell spent a few days
Tll,IlatjLrTtr .f Wvne arrived
Packard. Vtott Mr aLn1 M'
JE- ' ' Friday after a
KauSri WUh Mr nd Mr w
Henry Rus
last w-k iTk "n. uaaeniy III
la ;ij . " apinw irouDle and
is reported In a serious condition.
ra. I. I Haves and ,i.-.' .
mother and
Bert Jenkins of Marahalltown r. i
vuming his brother. Dale Jenkins, "this
vUltlng her sister.' M Skl'niJer "
Mr"- James Parr departed kvi
,h0.r.Uh.oweek'' '-WMS
weSoV6" Mnd"r two
mli, M- Croman and Mr. Ooss-
Neh!V' U ,A T,rIor "d family of Genoa
eb., motored to Omaha Tueariav
h?.'elSanle1 y Mr' ri
biloo!:k- .Parants of Mrs. Tili? T-1?Z
iwo ramuies will fa to Valley naif M
day for twn u.. -.i. v . " nexi Mon
laka. wk fUhing at Frees
Fargo?1 NUD Ur M1'
arin?: CrL"'n'L rtuter, Cath-
fronri.'rl'Klnei?J,irtln Mond
.J"! Sraln of Uncoln was the week
end rueat f Mr 1 "'"k
?r' Mir"r,,'n "tTtained for
er.MIss Isabelle Ostenherg, at an
l kensington Friday afternoon.
her slat
KM w-1. . . w. -
"ooge of Kavenna O
been Ihe irueat r... VTZ . V.-
Slaoaugh "u "r-
" m-v-ww ftwsa, IT.
U- I w .
r. nu mr cnatifw Mots. Jr hm.v
The Ladles' Aid society of file Dundee
A H twl 1 Lr m" "ome of Mrs.
a. a. i-eck, li lJodge streot
Mlas Cora A. 8lm nr u.
naMf;fthcrin".,0onr,u1 ending a
Part of tl vacation at Lake OkoboJI.
Mr. and Mra A u r'n- ... ...
tainlng Mlas Cather'ne Smith of Chicago!
.!',- Ruth n1 Graei tSlsbaUKh n-
Mi.. .L "IL0?" r r,dv In honor of
'' j". .inniian or rv York
vT.)?JW,iVn't,'S M'" Anrui KatheHne
Kuhi and Mr. John H Boetel, eon of Mr
and Mrs (tcorge Boetel, took il-ice !'
wfh at the home of the bride's mother
The Rev E. T. Otto of the German Lu
theran church purformed the ceremony
Wedneedsy evening In honor of Mr. Ml',
ler a birthday
Mr. sad Mrs. F. A. Oiaeaden enter
tained ten meats st dinner Tuesdsy nlht.
Mr. snl Mrs Brownee entertained at
dinner Raturdav nlihi - si. .
club lor Miss Brownies of Washington.
Gladys Goodman entertained the
Bridge club on FrWtnv.
Mrs llanrv Van f:i,a.n
ii-ehe-m ThuradMv Ss t h st I la nnu 1 1 . , 1 1 .
ei' l. when covers wtre laid for ten
I ... f . J
v , V' r
;-V'- - 'V
L: (, . J.w,
To ta'k on Au'.mnt.r I'nglnes at
Tractor Khort Couise.
Prof. L.F. Beaton
Head, of Short Course lectures
Tractor Show. .
Tourney for Women
Golfers Starts at
Field Club Monday
Play In the thlrty-slx-hole medal play
match for women golfers for prizes
presented by Mrs. I. J. Dunn will start
at the Field clu Monday, The women
will be given until August 9 to play their
thirty-ejx holes, either eighteen or nine
holes at a time. Three prises will be
given to the three Women turning In the
lowest scores.
Cnld Ml 'S4 Csnse Selat'en.
Sloan's Liniment will help your sciatica.
Get a 26c bottle now. It penetrates, kills
the p&,n t0P many aches. All druggists.
r -r ? tri .
,r . . ... ,, ..i.
. - k, w . ...... i j
X ' " Dl
Y, '.' f v
v -v k
It seems that moving picture theatre goers have been laying.'There's Craig Kennedy,
oftener than "Fine weather we're having." Everybody seems to be on the anxious
seat I Everybody In the theatres whispers "Oh, there he is. I'm surt that's Kennedy.
See his walk, watch his hands. That's Kennedy as sure as I'm living," And yet along
he comes with some declared to be absolutely un-Craig-like Ides, and smaih goes tho
illusion and another mysterious personage is surely Craig Kennedy in disguise.
N Tjfs Cz This phase of
u we k
4 tsv
niiiar susva
ut 1 k 4
1 us or (u
nsUlf.g ll-f w
tWi-O SV4 C'
J . Ujrel Wff
Crwiiii.a iaftie
itfta ii4 for
aV4 UsrUii
OUM BJ.a, s
llutl islskS fjrwlsl
h'lat bill) sVtsU I g
lam otArvs. A,J
lllw pU.eJ
l .Vsjaak H
Bww4lraasi, tlMtJ
sVrrBBs VsS evssff
ilM," svoa urtJirtjr
la IMi ''-IIsmIJ r
vsvfts g fcrt
m imcM c. s. I
e i i i. v., : . i m ru,a. w
t, : - i r s- ... .... . - I, - -c sf f
a tilXwa. t Mr-i ....S.T, r
Ai Yet None of Four Gentlemen
Who Had Plum Basketi Filled
Look Over New Quarters.
Nrtee of the Tom genWme. irho tuv'
hd Ihrlr plum hiakts 'I'Vd hv te re
cent fippo'itn'cr.t t, f nVrnl poit-ns In
Omlvi. Ins inl'ed ti loik h's new quar
ters i v r
"Csn' '. to k t me hy the fre-
In- V il c i1V,1 iii Turn Flynn from ti.e
ir it tnl o'flie and n ' d M :i M com
over and give them a line on
he Is vVnn'nT to tr-Ve i tinri;
net I tltn' wns no htirrv
n eolrg out In the country with his
hoy. f.r aeverM days and when he'
.sn-e .a.k l-e n.l'.t tal.e t, e to ,lr,.p !n .
F'ym ili.lnt seen to care a pn ;
the Job.
The empires of the v,ro,. ofier.
lave Nen busy mattering the -eleph. nl.-!
Mid ernl qn. sinii ,f their fr.enda ss to
wlirjher thev will he out or a Joh now.
In thf o'flce of the u.t.i.H m a .1
collector of cn-t.i us, all the employe ;
ere nn,l -r tho , vll service and their Joha
aiu m.i'il di.v n and i.llnch '.l. Tin's In- ami 1 f.-ol Ilka a new man," declared
c!u.. tnrf.e dennfes at th s office, two Kdward fiirr, popular fireman of Engine
in Lincoln (in.) ;,!.,, ut thrt-flve laborers. No .1, Omaha tire liept After tryl.ig
" lnily mi Job. Aki.g, the n w California medical min-
Aetlng Collect.. r North Isn't sure Just I he sends the fo lowing letter:,
how iii-iny of the peoplo In that busy! "Akos Is really fine for stomach trou
cfflce are Immune from replacement. I suffered over I years with gas
Meat of them are under civil service and Indigestion. Other rimes, the for
rnlea. And several of tho deputy col- j hiatlon of gua would bo so great that I
lectors, those appointed for collection of I ould have great difficulty In breath
Income taxes at any rats arc of the nJ n t ii g the Akos powder for
democratic persuasion In politics. j 'nklnf m'n 'ul water I got results from
In the Cnlted States marshal's office 11 ,he ,,r' li'a In a week the ef
there Is much unrertalnlty. President I f,ct or wsro so noticeable that I
Itooanvelt by his ukase of March t, 19HS.
placed these positions as well as that of
deputy Internal revenue collector under
the civil service. But congress later
changed them hack to the rid order.
However, there Is a gleam of hope.
President Wilson In connection with his
approval of the act gave out the follow
ing statement:
i un convinced, after a careful ex
amination of the facts, that ihe ofric-i
Iff deputy collector and deputy marshal
I were never Intended to be Included undr
j the ordinary provisions of the civil sorv
'Ice law. The con.rol of the whole method
i and spirit of the administration of the
l proviso In thla b! which concerns the
appointment of these officers Is no less
entirely In my hands now than It was
I before the bill became law; my warm
adocacy and supimrt both of tho prin
ciple and of the bona fide prauico of
civil service reform Is known to the
whole country; and there Is no danger
that the spoils principle will creep In with
my approval or connivance.
Mast tJlve Reasons.
"Deputies whose chief duties are not to
serve process (office deputies) have,
lines March 2. iflno. been appointed under
the rules of the civil service. Hereafter
whenever a change In respect of any such
place is contemplated by a marshal he
must report tho fscta, especially as tu
the qualifications of th proposed ap
pointee, to tihls department and secure Its
express approval before making any per
man an, t appointment thereto."
Glen Morris Inn
Christmas Lake, MInnetonka
Popular Rendvezoas
of Omaha People
Owned and Operated by
Minneapolis, Minn.
the action Is only one of many new
3 " ' ' " 1 asBa"a,"a ' 1J I ar lualaa" alia-
T , ; ill I IJ araU.m.MrT.
-i i A vvv.lU, Irf I Ki i1" lr.'" :.
Some people are yonng at flO-rod
cheeked luddv and vigorous Others are
old at tft-ioint liegiiming to stif.en up
a lilt; step beKlnn rg to lag and lose tta
sprlnglmss; ociiuIoiirI toue-ies of pain
In the hack; feel tired w thnut cause,
and possibly a twinice of rneumatle pain.
In most crises, these are the dnncer
signals to warn you that the k rtneys
are not promptly rio'ng their work of
throwing off the po nuns that are always
feimlfiH In the body. To n gleet these
natural wsrnl ma Is a e Imo sgnlnst
yoirself Jf yoii ha. a ten lymptoms
y v ran find prompt icll.-t In
MFJiAI. Hsnrlem oil i'areules. Foi
mor- than o yeats th's i-.ia l-en the
reeognl-ed remedy for kid. . and blad-ft-
tK1,n M -TAT. tr-.arl.-f. v Cansules
are Impo ted d reet fn.m ti a laborator
at t-.r1e. Hoi a. I I, Ire. se 2rV
lX and $10 ;of tiam at .our d-t.g
gls.s. Po not luke a suoMIt i tv.
qmaha mmm
I! fl Q ( fl P T M T ft I Tl
lMlJl??jl II Fl I til II
WHIVaU lis.liL.ll
I -.
i Edward CaiT cf Engine No 3
) . '-''i"lt' u
I UCtS Quick ReSUlt3
I frCUl AlvOZ
A few Weeks use of Akn mlnernl
- water has rid me of stomach IrouMs
;na'y urrerod any with the old dis
oiders. After using It a few weeks I
am convinced that I am entirely well.
I have not the slightest trouble in di
gesting the heartiest meal and have no
PS1"""1 ill ihi.ii ' 11
- " v .. . -.iv i,
.'t ..v,uv':.
- ' .;. ... ., ; ,"...'
f v.r T-
bad after effects as In ths past. An
other thing, rheumatism that has b th
red me many years, particularly la my
shoulder, is also going aay-
Akos has proven effective in tho
treatment of liver, kidney and bladder
trouble, ecsema, akin diseases and other
ailments. It Is now being Introduced In
Omaha at Sherman ft McConnell's drug
stors. Visit, phone or write for furt ...r
Information regarding this advertise
More lleat
Less Ash No
Smoke Ask
Your Dealers
teasers in
il S) . aa rial,
IftO t i Wtf
koel Urn H
Wjfssssl t fBnr-
g.stavioa II rl itm
rsjw.f itstik r
bobsi' U tmw
Vlftir-aW Mcltt
ka! mp su. k
wm4 resas
ihaVft Saattlorfs.
tW l)fve.
ha-tW fc ,,,
ftia sm14 ass
kyessflsl wwawiesm j
kead in umaha uiicl-ay Bee