Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY ft EE: .7 TIT A' 2 1915.
. . . 1
Sengrfet Parade Travel Coarse
Through Streets While Om
ham Line Sidewalks.
A beautiful and Inspiring Bight
"was the German Baengerfest parade
yecterday, with Sta bands and ban
ner! and scores of automobiles filled
with fair women.
It started from Seventeenth and
Cass streets, where the Omaha Muslk
Vereta building Is located, and
marched through the principal busi
ness streets, disbanding finally at
Thirteenth and Leavenworth streets,
from where street cars took all those
marching, and their automobiles
took those riding, to the Oerman
home and park, 4406 South Thir
teenth street, where a picnic wlh
continue over today.
A platoon of police led the parade and
then cam the officers and other dlcnl
tarle of the saencerfest in numerous au
tomobile and on horseback.
In one automobile waa born the great
saencerfest banner, lta etaff surmounted
by a golden lyre. Thla banner is kept
by the sasncrerfest city until the next
following feat, when it la delivered '-a
the next city.
Carry Banner aaal Flans.
Then followed a company of seventy-
two men. each bearing a big flag or a
banner. Bona of theea flaga and bannera
were magnificent allken things, others
showed age and were veated with hlatorlo
Interest, There were forty-four splendid
banners and twenty-eight flaga, most of
the latter being the Stars and Stripes,
but several being the ensign of the Fath
erland. Delegations from the various rlaltlng
singing societies marched next, many
of them In distinctive costumes. The
Milwaukee XJederkrens had hired a
wagon and a Utile Oerman band to
supply Its own music.
Four men marching within a float
with little Oerman lags at the cor
ners and a big American flag in ths
middle and a lyre on each aide, con
stituted the contribution of the Oer
man U singing society of Stanton. Neb.,
to the parade. The Lincoln man maruhed
under red, white and blue umbrellas.
Haad Rides la Jlteey Car.
One of the bands had hired a big
jitney car, but all the other unflinch
ingly made the long march ever the
parade rout.
The best was saved till the last. The
end of the parade consisted of mora
than IfO automobiles fUled with the
ladle dressed In whits and carrying
white parasols. Some of these cars
were garlanded In flowers and wreaths
and streamer. The occupants were
members of various Oerman "damen
erelns' or woman's organisation the
Damen Muslk Vereln, the Deutsche
.Damen Vereln and others. ,
Sheep Herder Who
Kidnaped Kancher
' is Lodged in Jail
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, July K-JUm
i Dean, a sheep herder, who admits that
'he kidnaped E. A, Bmpey, wee lodged
' In the Bonneville county Jail early today
by cowboys after a hard ride to save
their captive from would-be lynchers.
Dean was captured on Sheen mountain
last nlwht, after Empey escaped.
The K.OOO ransom demanded for the
safe return of Ernest A. Entpey, wealthy
rancher, whe wtfh his young son. were
kidnaped from their ranch last Satur
day, will not be paid. Bmpey Is now In
safe hands In Montpuller.
ISmpey' arrived late yesterday at a lum
ber camp In the woods near Montpeller.
He told of having escaped while his cap
tor slept. Soon afterwards, a posse of
cowboys reported ths capture of the ab
ductor, whose location waa given by
Kmpey and his young son were
marched five miles from their ranch at
the point of a gun, to the mountain last
Saturday. The boy was returned with
a demand for H.OJ0 ransom, which was
te be left In the road at a command
from the mountain aide. The money,
which was enrouts, waa to have been de
livered today.
W. W. Wwoa.
ALLIAVCE, Neb., July M. (Special.)
W. w. Wood, who for the Uat several
yars snd up until last May, was the
register of the United State land office
In ATI lane, died at his Stoma here today
after an Illness of several weeks. Shortly
after his retirement from the land offtae
he was taken sick, and went to Excelsior
ftprtnrs. Mo., snd returned about two
weeks ago slUfhtly Improved. A turn
for the worse came yesterday. He was
yer of are and well known In west
ern Nebraskv Hs leaves a widow and
one daughter. The funeral was held In
Alliance today. .
TORE. Neb.. July tt. -Married at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Ovialt, Wednesday evening,
their deushtar, Alt, to Frank Wnnaa,
both of this city. Rev. A. T. Ultchey
TOHK. Neb.. July K-Oeorg R Miller
end Mies Oertruds E. Goodbred. both of
Vtlca, Wire married Thursday evening.
twnty Judge Harry O. Hopkins offi
ciated. .Mr. and Mrs. Miller left for
Buffalo. Wyo., wrier they will make
their home.
(hntiiw at aillaaee.
AIXJANCB. Neb., July M. (Special.)
Alliance will have a Chautauqua, begin
ning July M and lasting six day. The
protfiani lnsudea several aroarf Mm
snd musical numbers and those te charge
era aallctpatlng a larger crowd thsn
Ent rooms quick with a Bee Went Ad.
ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a
ie " r"or Kent."
Ta (Vleaaaja Gaaaes PetlaeatS.
rMICAOO. July X -.New Tork-rhloao
Ait.crl &u ltau aud laltlmire-Cfcirao
,''i"i leasn games poatpotkMl. account
i ..u4 ujLor. DuuUe-beadera to-
Magnificent Parade P art of Saengerfest Festivities
' ' . . u I
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Next Session of Congress Probably
Will Be Demoted to Lisouiiion of
Military Preparedness.
(Trora a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July S4. (Special.)
The coming session of oongress promisee
to be larval y engaged In the considera
tion and discussion of naval and mili
tary preparedness; and doubUsae there
will be hundrede of schemes presented
providing for all sorts of more or lea
wis military project. Speaker Clark
has a plan of hi own, which seem
to meet with very goneral approval. The
speaker woold have military training
la every eollege and university In the
country. He I of the opinion that by
thla means thousands of men would re
ceive a military education of euch char,
aoter as to make them Invaluable in
handling; troops In time of war.
There la at the present time a very
marked shortage to the number of of
ficers, both naval and military, holding
commissions from the president. Mr.
Clark propose that ths capacity of the
two great military training schools, An
napolis and West Point, be doubled,
thereby assuring not only a sufficient
number of officer to command the naval
and military foroe of the country, but
also enough to supply every eollege and
every university, which will muater at
least two hundred students for drill,
with aa officer competent to not a
drlllmaater and to other wlws train the
youth of the country in military and
naval tactics,
The proposition of Speaker Clark will
probably receive the Indorsement of ths
authorities of the army and navy and
It la almost certain In advance that the
two committees of the house having
these matter la charge will give care
ful and prompt consideration to the sua,
geatlone of the speaker and ' will, al
most without Question, report te the
house bill to carry out, the plan.
Naval TCalverally Proposed.
In this conneotloa there ws some
dlsousason last year of a plan of a
number of gentlemen whe proposed to
sstabllah a great naval university In
the vicinity of Hampton Roads. They
proposed to us the grounds and build
ings, formerly occupied by the James
town exposition for this purpose and te
follow implicitly ths courses of the An
napolis academy and to open up the
oiasaea to young men having naval anv
bltlons. not only those of American ckt
senshlp, but for all the republic of the
American continent. The plan was so
complete that It received the Indorsement
and approval of many of the South
American diplomats and It la likely to
result In ths establishment of this school
which might well be termed a Pan-
lAtoertcan naval academy. It is be
lieved that such an Institution would
not only supply volunteer naval offlcere
In rase of need, who would have Just
exactly the aame training as those grad
uated from the Annapolis Institution, but
Uuu It would also create a body ol
trained seamen, who would be available
to help upbuUd the American merchant
marine. If that one-time powerful ad
junct to American commerce Is 'ever
to be rehabilitated. It la said that It
Uis t'nlted States will turn over to ths
Incorporators of this institution a couple
of uaeleaa battleships or cruisers that
the project wJl be set on foot within the
next year.
' Naval Advteei Baare Plavas.
Although Secretary Daniels' new cjvtt
advisory board, from whom much Is
expected, ha not yet been fully er
ganlzed. the secretary has received score
of suggestions, many of which will be
placed before this board as soon as
Mr. Edison, prince of Inventors, calls
the first meeting.
Among thee propositions which the
advisory board will consider la an la
ventlon of a gentleman of this city of
what might be designated as a oom-
1 ;.ft..V
V '41
j xvr
'aaa ana sjav.v4
hlnstlon between a Zeppelin and a hydro
aeroplane. This gentleman haa outlined
this plans to Secretary Peniels, who
pSeems to be very much taken with the
iproposUlon, and as he ask absolutely
nothing for the use of hi Idea, but
offer to turn over all of hi data to
the government without charge, and to
permit the United States to patent his
device, should it see fit, that Is to say,
hs would take out the papers and as
sign to the United States all his right,
It Is quite likely that this will be one
of the first matter considered.
BIsT Inventions Rejected.
The wisdom of Secretary Daniel plan
for gathering together the best scien
tific minds in the country for ' the de
velopment of aids to the navy la fully
realised by those who have ever had
dealings with ths government and es
pecially with the army and navy. Of
ficers of those two branches of the
military service are prone to be very
Jealous of their knowledge of military
affair and very skeptical a to the
ability of any. civilian to suggest Im
provements In arms, projectiles, am
munition or other methods of propulsion
of either vessels or torpedoes. Cases In
point are the Ilotchklss gun, Invented by
an American, spurned by the officers
of the American navy, subsequently
adopted by France and ISngland and
then eagerly sought by the United State
When the Italy affair thresjtened to.
rupture friendly relations between this
country and ChllL Also there was the
submarine. When Mr. Holland first ob
tained capital enough to build his first
boat that vessel wan brought to Wash
ington together with two yachts which
were placed at the disposal of members
of oongress and officials, newspaper
men and others desirous of seeing the
new craft, and Immediately there wee a
cry of "lobbying and all sorts of ac
cusations were made against these men
who were attempting to Increase the
efficiency or the American navy. It
was only by the moot strenuous effort
of a few member of the house that aa
appropriation was finally secured to
purchase the first rub marine. In the
meantime, however, France. England.
Japan and Germany saw the possibilities
of the acttvenoea of this American In
vention and they all started wth great
activity to build up flotillas of sub
marine torpedo boats. How well Ger
many, at least, appreciated the American
invention Is testified by the number ol
British vessels which have been sent
to the bottom by its subs. ...1 yet ths
United State. In whioh the first wheel
self-propelled under-sea vessel was built.
Prominent Figures
To talk on Autunwiui Kngines at
, Traotwr Short Couree.
i , - - f;
ii T i
y '
I) ! .
ij V t , ' e-jL.i k ....... i
- . t. a
- a.
.... ' V..;x u
has scarcely enough of these ships In
her naval list today to match the HtUe
Insignificant navy which the republic
of Swltxerland maintains on I.Ake Con
Undoubtedly the board to which Secre
tary Daniels proposes to refer all such
matters will be guided by common sense
and scientific knowledge rather than by
professional Jealousy, which has here
tofore existed In military and naval
Food Speculators
And Counterfeiters
Executed by Villa
KL PASO. Tex.. July K-Two Spaniards
and three Mexicans were executed Wed
nesday at Tosseon by order of General
Francisco Villa, according to Information
regarded at authentic received here to
Jr. The Spaniards, Manuel pinero and
Juan Fernandex. were uniW
charged with counterfeiting Villa's
money. The Mexicans had been arrested
on the charge of speculating In food
stuffs. Germans Land Army
Corps Near Libau
LONDON, July 24.-A Petrograd dis
patch to the Telegraph says:
"Private mesae-ea from Ttlo-n
that the Germans have landed an entire
army oorpa on the coast near Llbau.
The Germans seemed st first to be aiming-
at Riga, but a sudden swing toward the
south on this flank confirm the bullef
that their real ebler.Hv la In ,h.
communlcatlona of the Russian Warsaw
army, which are protected by cavalry and
otner light troops."
Germans Take Forts
Of Eozan and Pultusk
BERLIN (Vie London), July 24. The
Oerman army under command of Gen
eral von Beulow haa defeated th Rus
sians In a battle near Shavll, accordlr
to the official statement Issued, today by
the war office.
The Oermans fighting toward Warsaw
also have stormed the fortresses of
Kosan and Pultuak and have forced a
crossing of the Narew river, the state
ment adds.
at Traction Show
Prof. L.F. Beaton
Head of Short Courw lecture (
Tractor bhow.
Few Coi. end w. Sh- b" B'
r.f South
SOUTH OMAHA. July !i 1915.
Herelnta ere
Vafe. Hrr fhep
.. h, 7.JT7 H.fl
.. 4 1 .-' 14
,. .-V eon 41.1"1
.. 2,Vfi ,T lo.'Ml
. t-'li 4.r.4
7H 6.745
Offirll Mindxy ...
Offlrlel Tuea.lnr ...
, viiirmi inunwiay...
OfflrlM Kri'lny
!ttlmite 8kturday..
I Hlx dne thin week. .ln.7Hi
Pamo rlavs lnat week. .1,170
flame ilnv ! week eo
Pme dnya weeka nn 14.??
Bnmc daya 4 weeks a no lM.ns7
K m Huv. 1 . .. , .kn.
4- r,:
70, 4W
4S 7
l he rnllowlnir iaie tii reee'pts
of cattle hova nnd eh ep t tlie south
Omaha live stock -narvt for the vear to
date, as compared w'h laal vear:
1"1'.. 19U. fne.
sheep :S5.?3i 2 :
The following table thowi thi i.verne
prire for hogs at the hoith Omnha live
stock market for the Hat f.w J-vs, with
lw. ) ;!i5 'iiM.'wiVijqi? "in li!in.'ine.
f"ly t . S (Hl S!l S 7R 7 1SI I S S2: 7 T7
t" ' Ji-l . H Kll 711 T J01 ri S 441
J'lJV 11.1 aJVfrl I (Kl I 7 16i 30l S n' 7 7
t ' y Sr1 Ml W l Ml S Ml 7 71
Jlllv IK I S aj; i i ui s .! t i-.l a oc: a act a aa
I VA I T'l S 7l 7 151 I 8 281 7 83
Jul, 17. 7 fHI S 7SJ 8 K 7 15 6 I 7 74
,T,,lv ja.r I 731 I Rl 7 171 6 Ml S Kt
i . ix- 7 881 T SOI l s ar. 7 78
July 20
6 8 r.l I 7 231 22, i 38, 7 7
Jllll- ?1.
July 22.
Julv 23.
July 24.
6 87 M 8 711 8 871 IS 37' 8 31 1 7 7"
S 77 I 8 671 8 8X1 7 251 8 S3' t 431 7 69
8H 8 63l 8 831 7 24l I 8 118 7 67
S 8"4' 8 541 8 77 7 38' 8 XII 7 67
Receipt and dlaposttlon of live stock
nt the I'nlon Stock yards. South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at S o'clock
p. m.:
, ,. Hofrs.irr's.
i niun racinc
r. & N. W., eaat ,
C. a N. W.. west
C, St. P., M. & O
C, B. A Q.t east
C, H. & Q., west
C. It. I. ft p., pn(rt
Chicago Great Western...
C. R. I. & p.. west
.. 14
Total receipts 68
Morris & Co
Swlit and Company I!"!""
fudahv Packing Co
Armour & Co
Be h wart I & Co
J. 'IV. Murphy
... Srt4
... 114
... 443
Tolal B 773
a9Tl,1,'.iKeceipU tnl" week" have beun
- ---- - .v. -" i 1 1 io ui Lilts far,
tno fclx days supply amounting approxi
mately tO It! 7iW hn.H . t...
than last week and mnm ih.n tn
the correapondlng week in July a year
ago. Quality continues to run to ex
tremes that is, there are a few strictly
1m choice dry lot cattle coming,
while the big majority of the offerings
COllAlsta nt irmur- A -.
hS? IZiA 5 reoon tn range In prices
-i-unauieraDi v. in sym
pathy with lower markets east, however,
the trend of values has been lower from
start to finish, and imrtlcularly during
the latter half of the week. Strictly good
t ) ChOlCe ItMAVAJl Kvtl. V .... . , , v .
"h..w "Jeillnes ranging from 15c to 2fc.
...... .,. K.rmy nair-rat granea are
anywhere from S6o to 6oo lower than a
week ivn a i ... . . . . .
--- jr iiimvcn mo uncer
tain sale at that. Prima yearlirura and
handy weights have stood
rteel.fMl!1", Week' Vh"9 brUnt of e
S n-,Klll?.(,n heavr BJld half-fat
stuff., Tl,o break In prlcee this week has
"n 1B01nabl'. e sellers are looking
for llhArnl l i i,i n .
wnnoni graaa Bnd tno ho'-t fed
7V... i- Z imnves are bound to
suffer In conaey uence. . ,
Trade in stock cattle and feeding steers
.vTIk Vcry lrrlt throughout
Marly in the week some choice Wyoming
steers sold at S.35ihJ,.4S. whlch looked
.jr i.iifn. Aieaium and common kinds,
however were slow sale throuxhout, and1
at the closo of the week show declines
ranslns fmm lr. tn .
is rather quiet at present, nnd the un
dertone to the market Is rather weak
than otherwise. The volume of business
lively l." daV' h" bcen onwr
uStaUoni 0B attle: , Good to choice
W.?' : Sood to ohoice heavy
beeves. S9.fi0'.f.8o: fair to good cornfed
beeves. SJi.S.firt; common to fair corn-
t av-'?-"'.00 10 choice fed eows,
a? Fi ; aood to choice grass heifers
'Z'1.: ROO' to chotoj grass cows. 16 00
OC.76; fair to good cows. lf..w.00; com
mon to fair cows. 4.jri6.M; ifood to
choice feelers. I7.60&3.20: flr to good
feeders. M.M37.!iO; common to fair
stockers. tS.SOCtC.tO; etock hoii'ers. $6.75-3
roo; stock cows. $3.50iW.60: etnek calves
".00X17. SO; veal ca!ve. $8.0024 75 fat
hulls, stags, etc.. I3.50Uv7.60. .
iceprcsentatlve sales:
At. 8b. Pr.
At. 8h. Pr.
....!" M 7 OS
... 7 06
....16 ... T It
....r. too t Jo
Mt ... t
....tH 10 IN
...,tl IS) T U
...." 40 T 40
....171 ... T 4.1
14 SU
M ..
..121 120 4(
..9U lta t to
..IM 40 M
.! ... t M
H ... 4 70
.SI ... Tt
.1 M o
.las ... a u
.111 MOW
....114 ... 7 10
HOGS-Rhlppers got the Idea In their
naiAfla till. mnMlni. !.- . U i . .
. iiv tuny naa oeen ,
paying too much of a premium for their I
kind of late, and Insisted on a reduo-1
tlnn that amounted to. In most esses
fritiOe. Some shippers were quoted a
nearly steady, but moat of the sales 1
showed the decline noted. They bought
quite a sprinkling of good butchers around i
- j. vmu u, w aj.w iur i lie tesi
Packers were slow In getting under
way, but finally put up their droves on
a generally steady baala, narrow bulk
of the killer hogs selling at W.0j;.7i.
Trade, while far from active at any time
waa more lively after the first few eales
were made, and a pretty decent clearance
had been made, before 11 o'clock.
Today'a slump leaves shipper hogs any
where from a dime, in the case of top,
to l(Kfr20c lower than a week ago. Even
this decline does not equal the break In
packers, which amounta lo fully 2b$j"jftc,
and poaeitily aa much as 40c In spots. Ths
wide ranKe In values noted of late Is
largely due to the heavy marketing of
old sows. Packers Inaiat on buying them
well under the prices paid for desirable
grades, snd as shipping orders are large,
good litchts are, owing to their comiwra
tive scarcity, able to command a healthy
premium. Spreads of $1.00 per hundred or
more have been a regular feature of
this week's markets. The week's decline
In packer hogs has been caused largely
by a slJmpy and overstocked provision
Receipts were estimated st 105 cars, or
(.746 head, bringing the week's total up
to 47.275 hend. This la 16" head larger
than last week's run, which was the
lightest of the year, and a gain of J.T'O
head over two weeks sgo, but is mors
than 1 head short of last year.
S1IEXP When lamb values dropped to
18 on laat week's doee, sellers Ihouxht
they had lust about reached the low t .int.
hut Monday found rankers at ill in a bear
ish mood and prtcea dropped to 17 75.
which was. on paper, anuther Hoc de
cline. Quality waa not nearly so good
ss last week, hvwvcr, and avert the
inoKt peasliniirtic called the trade only
li4J'c lower, while packers claimed that
the dreaeed coal of at leant part of M,i
day's purcliaaaa was his her than at the
wwo . wu. . . uaiiir re '
nialned ouly fair throughout the flrat i
i.i. ii illt, tiii lime
valuee held Just about steady. On Thurs
day, with better bun b a oliered, the trade
began to firm up, bulk selling at $7.ttT,
and Friday a lie advance was ecoredj
which put piicea hack to where they
ware a wevk ego. (mlv a moderate run
la anlic!ated for the first part of next
week, and seller a lixik for a continuance
of the atrensth that featured this week's!
Quotations on sheen and lamba: Ijuuba, I
good to chot-. $7.tWi.'l: lambs, fair to
ol IT.jfj'.KS. UniU, feeler VJvTiH;'
yeaillmra, fair to choice f-bVi 26; weth
era fair In rood. Kk.Xrft.u0: ewea m.mA I
to ehoice, $; ewes, fair to good.
Dsr U4a slaraat.
- ' - - UWUD-.
I-fbena were firmer today, and couoa
goods steadier. Yams wre quiet
War Shares Active Again and They
Advance Materially.
NEW TORlv, July 24.-Var stock were
at live axatn today and advanced ma
terially, so that several made new lutTb
records. At the cluae Baldwin Locomo
tive. American Can, Bethlhem Steel and
other Issues, which are reaping a harveat
of war orders, were near their beat.
Bethlehem Pieel gained seven points for
the day and twenty-one points for the
week. American Can sold at a new high
figure of lit. The demand for all claeeee
of war iasues overshadowed all other
Bethlehem Steel waa saln a feature of
efremrth and sold st which la the
highest price at which a nondivldend
paying atock has ever sold on the New
Tork Stock eschenge.
J,,I?.th? ol"la market, another non
dividend mercurial aoecialtv. nirio
rh'the "- iumd pom
to 26.
Total sale of stocks today were jnoftifl
shares. Chsnges In the bank statement
were close to the estimate made from
tno known movements In money. The
only feature waa an Increase of UC70 42O
In the surplus reserve, and an Increase
In loans of $li,K4.0nr..
Trading In bunds was of moderate
volume, without muoh change In value.
r-.Mo?"'. pa!! valu'' e-sxrea-ated $726,0(10
fo" the " 5v"nce1 H o"
Number of sale nnd leading quotations
on stock were as fol'ows:
Amalaamatpi Copper .
Amerlraa fleet Sucar,
American fan
Amerlraa g. ft R
American fj. R. CM
4(1. cno
7114 71.
(1 H 11
77 7T14
M a
Amerf-an nar Rerinlnc . ..
Amerlran Tel. Tel ,'.
Ameriren Tnbanco
Anacfmiia Mlnlna
Kaltlmnra a Ohio.
Bronalra Rapti Tranilt
Callfn-nla Petroleum ...
Canadian Paclfle
Central Tether
ChaMpeake 4 Ohio
Chlraco. Great Weatern.
200 CS
KM in
1 7na
ii 1I9V4
24 V,
19 H
I nieaen. Mil St. Paul itoo
7'4 71
iiiro Nonnweatern.
I'hlno tapper
C'oiorndn Fuel Iroe..
Colorado a Southern ....
Dener A R. ri
Denver a R. O. nfl
n'atlllera' Bmiitlaa ....
Frte .;.."!!
General Electrlo '.
Great Northern pfd
1rat Northern Ore rtfa
Ouaaetfbetm Exploration.
Illlnole Central
Interborouih-Met. pfd....
Inaplratton Copper
International Hirreater. ..
Kanaaa City, Southern...
4. mo
2, 700
1.200 te
Surpassing Values
in Women's Blouses
EXTRA BIG BUSINESS in our Waist Dept. has
broken our stock so that the assortment of $2.50,
$2.95 and $3.50 waists longer complete. On Mon
day they are to be sold regardless, at
'piLE STALES in Jap silk are plain shirt models, many
X having hand embroidery, some with the new fancy
frills, others with plain tucking; the new flat collar is
Quite a feature. In organdie they come with dainty pin tucks, all
over embroidery. lce Insertions and lace edgings to flat collars.
They make a beautifully fresh and attractive display and the most
exceptional value Is very apparent.
rTrsrr -4.
1516-18-20 PABNAM STREET.
Buy It Mow
President Wilson
In his address at Indianapolis expressed hia ap
proval of the Slogan, "If you are going to buy
anything, buy it now."
Such a slogan, if applied by the people of this country,
will keep the wheels of progress running smoothly.
Statistics show Omaha to be situated in the
most prosperous part of the world today. Isn't
that convincing enough that Omaha Real
Estate is the best investment obtainable and
that the rapid increase in value is an absolute
The shrewd investor plaw real estate at the top of hU
list of Class A investment. Your neighbor invests his
money m real estate, why not you. Real estate is tan
gible and safe and at th same time brings the largest
lossible net return on the capital invested. If you havo
money to invert, invest it now. The paraphrase i. a
true aa the slogan itself. Invest now and invest in
Omaha ral estate; your money will make money.
Lehlah Valley l.Tr 141 141 741
lonl'Tllle S Naahrllle Vh
Mm Ice a Petroleum " 7 71 71
Miami Copper ! 1 HI
Mlaaonrl. Kaneaa A Tel. I I 4
Mlaeouii Tavirle 1,000 1 I t
National plocult Jr
National lad t St If 41
Nerada Copper ln 14 14 14
New Tork Central 400 M t M
N. T . N. H. H 17
Norfolk 4 Weatera Ie 104 104 1"4
Norther Pacific 14
Parlfip Wail 400 M M t
I'aetlle Tel. a Tel M
PennevlTanta 400 104 lot
Pnllmaa Pelaee car l'
Umr Consolidated Copper re M 11
Readlns ' 1' V
Republic Iroa 4 Steel ... I.10 14
i. u a 8. r. id, pid
southern Paclfle l.O0 M M 4
S-uihern Hallway 1.0.M is 1 lr
Tenneaeee Copper 0 l 1H
Teia company NO 1st 111 131
tnlon Pacific 4.0 121 1M 12
rnloa Pan f lo ptd en
t'nlted matee fteel W.7H0 44 4 4
4 nlted Htatea Bleel pfd.. l.tno 111 II1" 110
t tah Coprer l.loo 64 a 44
Wahaek pfd
Weetern In tea to
Weatlnahouaa Rlartrts .. M 100 10 107 107
Total aalea tor the day. mS.OOO aharee.
Cattle Weak Hogs Weak Sheep
CHICAGO. July 24. CATTL.E-R-celpts,
200 head; market weak; netlw
beef steers, $o.40tfflO.J6; western steers.
r.0OdJ.; rows and heifers, $3.X9.26;
calves, $7.C(iiiiin.C0,
HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head: market
weak st a shade advance; bulk. .Tf1?
7.36; light, $7.tf7.86: mixed, $.7&3-7.7o;
heavy, $S.45S7.40; rough, $.4og6.6; pigs,
hesd; market steady; sheep, $5.70.75;
lambs, tt.0ivas.20.
t I
Kansas City Live Stock "Market.
Receipts 300 head; market, atesdy; prime
fed steers. $9. 7510. 10; dressed beef
steers, $.60K.70; western steers, VlUiH
.60; cows, KWW.ffi; heifers, $7.0009.80;
atnekera snd feeders. $650rg8.76; bulla
eo.7Hr.75; calves. $.0010.a.
HOQrt Receipts, head: market,
steady; bulk, $7.257.60: heavy, $7.10JI
7.35; packers and butchers, $7.307.50;
light. $7.2o37.Po: plK. r.0rvr7 25. '
8HEEP AND LA MBB Receipts. 2.0M
head; market, steady; lambs, l,.3fVfjr7.7';
yearllnes. M.4otT7.00; wethers, $.08i.7b;
ewes, $G.6Ou.0O.
Turks Make New
Attack in Gallipoli
And Are Repulsed
LONDON, July M. Official announce
ment waa made here today that the
Turkish foroe at the Dardanelles havn a new attack on the allies and
have been repulsed.
lJ . -s. a v t-vrvTT. Tk