Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 9-B, Image 19

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J li
Big Finns Start Innovation! by
ProTldinj Their Employes with
Glorious Outings.
r r.lX. M.KISHMA.
Ploknlcking time vacation days
the most gladsome of the year!
Have you noticed bow large busi
ness and Industrial concerns are.
making; It that for their employee?
Just last week there was tho mam
moth picnic of employes of the
Burgesa-Xash company, given at
Naahwood, the country home of
Louis C. Nash.
Most striking of all 1 tho Innovation
of General Manager K. C Howe of tha
Armour Packing company In opening a
free vacation camp for girl employee at
King's lake, near Valley.
Tenta have been pitched, a cottage
fitted with all kitchen necessities, the
larder stored to the brim, and here each
weak relays of twelve girls go for a
week's rest nd fun untroubled by
though of railroad fare, board, room of
other expenses. Tha vacationers are not
the better paid glrla of tha offloo force,
but those to whom the camp la mora of
a treat glrla from tha ham, trtmming
and sausage department at Armour's.
It was a hard time we had getting
there, after tha long siege of rains. The
Bee photographer and I, because we ,
tnade tha trip over well-nigh Impassable '
roads tn an auto of tha vintage of Oil- '
or Wendell Holmes' "One-Hoss Shay." '
Bumpety-hump-bump. we bumped along. '
Drery once In awhile, after we had !
rounded some perfectly vicious corner, j
tha driver would yell back, "Ara yon. !
IV.M .( tmrinm 1 h.i hnimMiA
eut In the Interim.
Drive Through Farmyard.
Ono wa had to drive through some
one' a farmyard to avoid getilng stuck
In the mud. Aa accommodating farmer
boy opened the large white gala, upon
which waa Uttered In bold, black Itnes
tha familiar sign, "Pay as You Enter.'
We had visions of being held up, but
there was no conductor's fare box, so
we Joggled merrily along to tho camp.
The roads are better now.
Whan I got out I felt a If all tho bolt
and screws In me as woll aa the car haa
been loosened from their moorings, but
one glance at the hearty, hurrahing-
bunoh of girls who surrounded us waa
enough to banish ail woes of tha getting
Most of the girls are Bohemian, Polish,
Lithuanian or "Ilorvatsky," Croatian,
with a sprinkling of German. Some of
them had never been on such an outing
before, for lack of funds and time aa
well aa a placa to go. Hera they hava
all the comforts of a vacation camp.
Swimming, rowing, bathing, basket ball,
tennis, croquet, hiking all the summer
sports needing only their inclination for
Were Keeping? Hair Dry
We went down to the river first to
take soma pictures of the girls In bath
ing. Most of them wvei huddled near
the shore only waist brgn in water. Sev
eral of the girls were sans bathing caps,
their hair faultlessly dressed, and one
wore a shiny barretta of brilliants. No
Idea of getting her hair wet heral
"I can't get your pictures there. You'll
have to come farther out into the water,"
sang out Th Bee photographer, who had
gone out farther la a rowboet go thai
ha could snap the braver ones oomlng
down tha elide.
"Aw, nawl I don't want to drown,"
waa the reply.
"Don't mind. I'll pull you out,'; ha
"I'd like to push you In and sea how
you'd like It," was tha quick rejoinder.
' Afraid of h Hilda.
A lithe youngster, bronted the color
of an Indian, but who Informed me he
wasn't black even If he looked It, waa
bribed to ascend the shoot and altda
down, thereby causing tha glrla who
clung to the bottom of tha elide to ba
pushed off Into the water. Tha Idea was
to permit an action photograph to bo
taken without their knowledge sines nono
had courage enough to slide down of
their own accord.
The yoiinsMer did as he was bid and
a Hputtorlng bunoh of girls rose, wbtte
laucd with fvur, from the ducking, and
scrambled to the shore. No more water
pictures for them, not If the water cams
higher than their shoulders.
Tha first day out, tha girls didn't know
what to do with themselves, never hav
ing been to a place like this before. They
were unaccustomed to the water and had
to be shown how to wield a tennis
racquet or a croquet set. That was when
the Vlctrola, considerately provided by
Mr. Howe, did yeoman service In making
tbe girls happy. Then they had to se
lect a name for their camp, which was
with one accord, dubbed "Arnvco."
Girls Sleep Late,
They slept late tha next day and eh,
how good breakfast tasted, and every
other meal after that! Hava you an idea
what healthy young appetites can de
vour? Mrs. Hudson, tha housekeeper,
told me that they had used a bushel of
potatoes in three days! Then there la
plenty of good roast beef, bread and but
ter, vegetables, tea, coffee and milk, be
sides which one of tho K'rU confuted that
"Mrs. Hudson sure did know how to
make cake that melted In your mouth.
"I never ate anything so good In my
life before," aha told me.
"Mrs. Hudson la our mother while we
are out bars. Some mother!" they ax
claimed, aa they encircled Mrs. Hudson's
ample proportions.
The Armour girls are tha original bun
galow apron brigade. Iudeed this Is the
only approved article of apparel, corsets
being entirely taboo.
Ho Mill n Doctor.
"Are you having a good timer' I asked
a square-faced Horvatsky maiden.
"Gee, if I was feeling better I'd have
to call a doctor," waa her expressive
A quantity of chewing gum had been
smuggled Into camp and was In ener
getlo use by tha glrla. When tha photo
grapher told the girls they had to atop
chewing gum long enough to hare their
pictures snapped, they ralaed a howl of
(protest. "Ws're tha chewing gum
bunch." they 1nlsted. "If you let us
chew cur gum. I'll bo a Duch uncle to
you," one of them sang out. Intuitively
having ascertained that his nam was
Herman Bchonfeldt.
Anna, an Interesting Croatian type,
was the ealy on who refused to Join
In all tho sports. She sat alone tn her
tent, reading.
It was a pensive figure 1
she made.
"What r you reading, Anns!" t
Nook In Una Liiif mir,
Hhe held out a (ally Illustrated book,
which she naitl u, "The Arabalaii
NiKht," In hrr own language. Horvataky.
She had purchased It In New York on
hr arrival nine er a to.
"Why don't you Join tha r-at of tha
girls. AnnaT"
"I can't play with tha Slrl." she
sighed. "They ara young. I hava much
trouble. My husband, ha la sick and 1
must work. I taka tare of him and
hopo ha will be butter."
One of tha girls told me that hp had
Josephine la the beauty of thit camp
and the madcap center of aD It actlvl- I
tlea. alio, ton, la a ".vlo type.
A great treat, a fudge and taffy orgy
vii promised for Pri.iuy evening and the '
long avenlnna nre spent In f iTtune-teU-InH
by Wr. Hudson. Wlih n merry
twinkle In her iy. ahe whispered that
she wsa long on te hero st.iff, which
delighted tha girls their henrt s Con
tent. Olrla will be Mils, you know, and ;
limit dream of a hero In the offing.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Orchard, who
came out with the (trie and helped show
them how to hava a good ttme, ara de
cidedly popu'.ar with tho glrla. Mr, Or
chard la head tiinc-kcptr at Armour'.
Then there are tha Mlisea Kim, expert
swimmer from a neighboring farm, who
come out each day to Induce tha g.rla
to enter Into the water aporta.
Tha glrla return to the city Monday
morning, to bo replaced by another aot
of twelve gills. Will they have a good
time, too? Well, I gueas?
At Mummer lllil farm.
Summer Hl!l farm, tho vacation horn
of the Young Woman ChiiKtlun -
rltian. wlitie several hundred tird buul-
nets girls take a new lease of life each
year, Is enjoyl-.g iis usual popularity. All
the Joys of a quiet, restful atmosphere
with a boautltul view over rolling, green
fields are here.
The girls organize early morning hikes
to neighboring farmhouses where wood Is
CithoKd. flfCS bUllt Slid PlCniO Break-
fasts prepared. Then thero are tonnla
matches and croquet ganiee and base ball
and basket ball. In the evening,
muslcaloa are held In tha great, old liv.
lng room and before many minutes tho
ruga are rolled up and a perfectly good
dancing party Is In progress, nans young
men only.
Tho glrla ara In bloomers all day long,
unices there la 'company," and a happy,
healthy bunch of tomuoyj they ara. They
run, Jump, climb fences, awarm over tha
running gear of Incoming Jitneys, hooking
on before and behind and making tha
welkin ring with their glad ehoute. Thwy
make friends with tha cows, tho ohlokena,
the pigs and the aheep, not forgetting
the klttena and "Bobbo," whose canlno
antics throw them Into galea of laughter.
All auree that the soones about tha
rambling old farm house ara stirring
enough, ono tha Young Woman' Chris
tian association girls ara out there.
Ten-Year-Old Lad
Tries to Fish in
Bee Building Pool
Xrery man who delights In fishing- has
a favorite stream or a favorite pond,
where he caught his longest string or
where be landed hie biggest fish, but
heretofore It le not a matter of record
that the big central court of The Bee
building has boon numbered as the fav
orite snot of any fisherman. However, it
waa learned that euoh was th case when
lad about ten years old came Into
the building, armed with a bit of white
string, and a bent pin. He bad no bait.
but ho sat upon tha edge of tho big
gold fish pool and dropped hta line uue
tn . water. He waited for some time.
and the fish did not bite. Ha pulled hi
line slowly to and fro, and etui tne nsn
did not bite. It was then that a cold
hearted reporter came along, and seeing
that the fisherman had had no lues,
stopped to explain that tnaemuch as no
one had ever fished in the plaoe befors
It was likely that the fish did not know
enough to get caught.
Tha boy seemed satisfied wiin tn ex
planation, and oarefuly rolled up his
line, and left the building.
Log Rollers of the
Modern Woodmen to
Battle at Bellevue
The District LosRo!Ung association ot
tha Modem Woodman and Hoyal Neigh
bore of America will hold its annual log
rolling in Pellevue on Augwt . Dele.
expected from Iowa, South Da-
Vumi. MISS ourl and Nebraska
and tha local organisation plans to make
the gathering a highly successful one.
The program for the day will consist
of ball sames, races, tuar-of-war, a prise
drill by Foresters and free dancing from
morning untU midnight on a good eOxflb
rvn.a!r danco floor wtuoh WU1 PS
erected In Washington square.
The orator of tha day will be Judge
Neff of Texas, who in A.ugust will rep
resent the Modern Woodmen ot Amertoa
at the International JVeternal Conjrresa
in Minnesota. He is credited with betng
the most fluent and polished orator In
the south.
Krus nark offers rare opportunities to
crowds seeking outdoor .recreation. Good
f.Mlttlea and the convenience of this
nonular resort make summer sports
real pleasure. Continuing In a light of
unparalleled popularity the ahaded and
rrasa-covered picnic grove Is a mecca
for those that anloy the pleasures of
eating In the open. Dancing In the open
air pavlllton Is one of the polite attrac
tions that has met with pub! la favor, as
evidenced by tha enthuslaatlo number
that are la attendance. Roller skating
la another pleasing attraction, as Is also
the free motion pictures which are dally
shown In the open-air theater.
The children's room In the puWlo
library has added to fta collection of
pictures two that were formerly on tha
third floor of tha library building. One
named "Ijigoon by Sunset" was loaned
to tho library by Alfred Millard and Is
an ofl painting by P. Oabrinl. th ether
Is called "Italian Peasant Home" and
was loaned by Hugh K. MM lard, jr. Tl
painting Is also in oil and is th work
of V. Todoro. They hang on the north
wall and add greatly to tha attractive
appearance of the room.
Barnum &
The Barnum t Bailey circus trains.
comprising elghty-stx extra long car,
will reach Omaha early Sunday morning.
The equipment will be taken to the
show grounds, where the circus will be
established In Its temporary home. Per
formances will be given Monday after
noon and niaht.
Many novelties and features in plenty
are announced In the preliminary In
formation. Much stress Is laid upon the
sensational features which form an Im
portant part of tha performance; the
first apearance In America of Italy's
comlo equestrian, tho rider who made all
Europe laugh. Slgnor BaxonghL the
Apollo Belvldere of the circus arena; the
beautiful spectacular pageant, entitled
Lalla Rookh." and Mile. Adgle's won
derful trained Hons.
Among the arenlc artists are the Dav
enport Family of equestrian celebrities.
the Ten Viennese In an old world nov
elty, tho Flytrur Neapolitans, th fearless
Bllbons, the Bird Millman troupe of high
wire experts, the WeUs troupe in a
novel aorobatto specialty, John Puller's
school of beautiful manage horses, and
tha great European equestrians, tho
Five Hannaforda
Ot riders there win be a snore or mora.
They ara said to be tha ohamplons of
all countries) and ot alt schools ot eu
tiianlsm. Trained animal acta will be a feature
of this season's program. PaUenberra
wonder bears, riding bloyclea skating on
roller skate, walking a tight wire and
many other amusing feats l Madam
Bradna's dog and pony circus. Maroslla's
exhibition of trained birds, and th fa
mo us artillery elephants.
First elase aerial performances possess
the most thrilling1 Interest for everybody,
and In this branch of arenio art the
iyjf ,i ' v' w fc II f TbW'';V, il I Han Ttutler, elty commbuloner. will be
r!ffW:iv zzitsf f... j aciR'cuVr.nSTOMORROW B
Wk3f v ry f -M ) 'csrMWiwk
Mrf " 1 i "Zr i ; i !5 y S Sr oatbmio riioM may nation sfevVl H
I ff , 1 ! fi -1 J&r l v if AAAKRICA NEVER SAW Wl I
Jit s , vj'tfcSr A I I A circus like thisVv. 1
! FIinW I'.-' t I ;yi.l K3 HJ f ONDCRFIL AR ELEPHANTS liBAl IllWi'S FLY1KI BOSSES T!T1..?1
f ' ' J 7-: I I .' 'ffSeJ 1 s f, ; IX. K1 tii"i7l 'AIUNBIR&'S C0NNIN8 I0UCI SMTINf H0 KCTCIEIIDINI lARJ kT'"':'j
1 iJUAnWA " ' J'-i- K v t I ,asj,. ' 'ik jr f Sswsassr' JssajBSesjew. i J m 1 coM,"-Tn KrniNK uuut dihot ivou piikiin Mf f li
I ICrVL''' -.i .'',i-sl' 5 V aa-. , VaV. "t v7sV I Li"'IC K aAtNUa AND SAktri BtAUTlFUt STATTJE AND roSINO IrOWU lrf,-tll
What the Summer Theaters Offer This Week
The production at th Braxvdcls the
ater for the sixth week of the all-summer
season of the Edward Lynch Play
ers, beginning tonight, will be "Tha Only
Bon," a play In which Thomas W. Ross
starrod for two seasons and one entirely
new to Omaha.
T'he principal character In the story
Is Thomas Bralnerd, a man who has ac
quired great wealth and tho consequent
social position which wealth brings when
combined with gentility. H has be
come so engrossed In business that at
tho opening of the play he seems with
out demonstrative feeling of any kind.
His son has become a reprobate, his
wife Is a brilliant society woman, his
daughter Is Just entering the society of
wblah the mother is a leader. During
th Investigation of a recent murder of
an artist of high standing, a detective
has discovered a packet of Utters on the
dead man, wrttttn by Bralnerd'B wife,
and their oontsnta give th millionaire
ground for diveroe. From thia point on
the life of th son is an Impaeaioaed ef
fort to keep his mother from public
shame and worse. He gone to bis father's
offtoe the following day and destroys the
Incriminating tetters and breaks the
father's oVterminatlon to carry the case
to court. Two years later tha youngut
Bralnerd. living with bis mother in Col
orado, has mad a business as well as
a morel auooesa, quit unknown to his
rather, who goes out west to buy tht
plant In which the son Is the chlet
iwuer. The boy's conduct has won him
a fine woman for a wife and also when
ho learns th truth the admiration of
his father, A train of circumstance
necessitates the father staying for din
ner, and th preaenc and sight of bis
wife In th primitive surroundings where
their life had begun calls up something
which had lain almost forgotten for
twenty years. H takes her back.
Tha play is strongly constructed, th
characters are real and the dramatic
movements are many and strong. Th
comedy is well balanead and th pathos
appealing. Th Edward Lynch Players,
with ths asslstanc of Mr. Sams, the
former Ftohman director, and an aug
mented cast, will give a splendid per
formance. Great Luts and company head th bill
at th Empress for th first half of th
weak. Herman Lut is an armless won
der, who performs marvels with his feat.
By th manipulation of Ms too tie Is
able to comb his hair, ths his tta and
many other squally as marvelous faata
Patrons ot the Boipreaa wtll rsroaraber
sesang him tn "Atlantis." a atx-reel pict
ure that ran In this theater early last
falL Scanloa c Press, in tunas and
atepa, feature th 'Texas Tommy."
Neal Abel, comedian, moooiojlst and,
story teller Is an exceptionally good en
tertainer. Hi best efforts are his negro
Baily Circus Here Monday
Aits 'J 1 VBOraoVIlvlSYr
Ul4 1 VPJSkH:ir y'-B B A VAST ARRAY of foreign features Jrwffi
It': 7 fr 1 .A 111 i lrxiRyw iMor.rirr.T Ww
in i . -. 'smt m ii
II jfeaaeKaST llaZsBV f I W
Victoria Davenport
Barnum A Bailey ahowa ara pre-eminently
strong;. They represent an un
paralleled number of the greatest and
mot venturesome and original mala and
female mld-alr trapes, horlsontal bar,
floating rings and Invisible wire experts
In the most startling flights, dives, evo
lutions, catches and combinations.
Tha managerie of the combined shows
la said to ba made up of the largest and
rarest oolleotlon ot wild beasts aver ex
hibited under eanvaa The two sooro
elephants embrace the collection said to
bo the wonder ot tha soologloal world.
Mori Intent for the little ones will be fur
nished by clowns without number, who
wtll bo busy throughout the entire per
formance' There will be many other at
tractions to bewilder and dollght.
Three enormous tents ere neoeasary for
Piano. De-war.
dialect stories, whloh Indicate that ha
haa studied ths southern darky at clone
range. Th vaudvUl 1 otuupUted by
"The Myatlo Bird." presented by Waster
Paul, the boy violinist "The Coneaslon
of Madam Barastoff." a threo-real war
drama In whloh her lover la ahot down
be for bar eyes because bar eonfeaulon
00 me too lata, is th feature photo play.
Aa assorted program la offered and one
of Oeorg Ade's fables In slang; entitled
"Th Horn Treatment and the Bur
For today only, th Hipp theater will
show ths popular comedienne, Clara
Kimball Toung, in a broeay and rfln.1
comedy, "Marrying Money." The play
ST-- A-
TZ t
the accommodation of tho TOO horses with
the Barnum Bailey circus. Th stable
occupied by th heavy l'ercheron and
Clydesdale draft horses Is a model of
equine neatness, whll tho Arabian
thoroughbreds and th ring stock occupy
luxurious quarters tn separate tents.
After all, tha great attraction of the
circus Is tha horse. To glvs a circus
without horses would be like giving an
opera without mtmlo. It Is th life and
animation of tha horao, together with
the beauty and Intelligence of th animal,
that londa aa much charm and pleasure
to the explotu of the aawdust ring, as
ths grace and dash of the rider. This
exhibition of beautiful horses is a feature
of th free street parade which the pres
ent management of th Uamum aV Ballsy
show will give during Monday morntng.
W -WiV ;
PPinC33 Kittm Al V LmpW
Iff -. ft 1 11' i.' A
Is chuck full ot laughabl situations and
On Monday and Tuesday, Betty Nansen,
the royal tragedienne, will bo seen iu
ths virile photo pley, "Should a Mother
Tell" It dtptota tha sacrifice a mother
wtll make for th ko of hr daughtsi s
good nam and future happiness.
Laora Hop Crewa on of th most
distinguished American stars, will sppaar
Wednesday and Thursday la Bslasoo's
famous diamatio hit, "Th Fighting
Hot." A very strong company supports
Mhts Orewa
For ifrtday and Saturday a most fas-
elvMlu and nVHMfol play will be I
kl own. ln re t'lrlch takes the Tart of
"K Itneny" In ii play of the mo
ituiop, and .ow the ndvrnturcs of a
li t whl r "hlid w tvo grows up among
; rovnt day S) rules.
Whhu vmm)
rWORsttKHS KKWfJK. T I aJffllP.H
Tickets Tomorrow at Myers-Eliloa Drug co's sew bocawou, leu tar.iaju,
Baraana aa Bailey will also exhibit at fremont July 87, Norfolk S8. Colambn?
9, Tork UO. Broken Bow ai. Oread lalaaa Aug, a, Xearaay a, Hastings 4, Vats-
bury a, XVlaoala aat Atlaawe, Iowa, Aas", t.
ath D1Q WfZEK
TOUIQIIT ftftjjft
Aaothes Oreas Produetioa
rirst Tim Bare,
By th Author of "Th fot.
tna Kanter."
j '
S Clara Rirr.bil Young
e PHIftll M llAHtu'
11.a11j.u4 lauucj
A delightful comedy.
Monday and Tueoday
Betty Hansen
Wednradny and Tliursday
Laura Hope Crewcs
'Ths FighTing l?cpdw
Krlrtajr and Hal ur day
Lcncre U!ricb
A fasrinailns; love Idyl
i i
irrand tnarihal at the newsboys' plcnle
at Krg park next Wednesday. Other
officers of the day who hare aocrted
Invitations of I'rolxitlon Officer Miller
to participate In the ceremonies are Dave
O'Prlen. starter, and County Comml
Inner Post nn.l Je Caluhrla, Judges of
the athletic evmt. Governor Morehfad
and Msyer rahlman have accopted in
vita Huns to be present.
admits to ah the wonderland
aa via, nmi mtcg
COOKS CP3 U 1 nKO 1 f. II
"fc3 PP ei sJsJPBBesgsjsosBeejsi
k m , v
tLr '
1 1 1 s
Ths Armlees WenAev
Tas Mas With Mobile raoe"
OABT.OW s pauasa
of Vaieeka oratt'e Bkow
A l-Heel War Prama
Aj Assorted Program aadi
Oeo. Ade's abla
Tha Xosa Vrtma and
tn aor Cure"
And f 'any Olhcr Attraction
Dalloon Acensioo
Sunday Evening
(W oalher l'erniiUln)
This Krcnlng i
"From ratches to l'lciuty,"
"Phantom on the) Hearth,"
"Joe HarWIn's Ward."
j u i new
nasar Boo
of ia aM.
Opea AtterBooa aat areata.
So Oa rare.
cakousai raaisTT aoad
oi.ia svistx. sTOWOEm.LA.sro
olastt coastxsv ravouo
tdeU rra
bicjiio oaovvn aajuaaa
nesh Al Mortes Srory
avaaiag Xrea,
A "For Bel" ad wtll turn aooo ad-band
furnltur into oasbr