4n TUB OMAHA SUNDAY TtrTE: .TITTA 25, 1015. THE OMAHA SUNDAY DEB FOUNDED BY EDWARD KQ3EWATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. The Hee Publishing Company, Proprietor. HEB BUILDING. FARNAM AND SEVENTETENTH. Entered at Omaha postofflce as second-elsss matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Hjr carrier By mall per month. per year. rally and Sunday " Shelly without Sunday....' f-o J J r"Ven1ng and Sunday "" t "frrenJng without Bunday i 4 "0 Bundsy Pee only 2; v.": . Frnd notice of rhsnire of andree or complaints or Irregularity In delivery to Omaha Bee, Circulation Department. REM ITT ANTE. Remit by draft. express o- pntsl order. Only two rent postage stamps received In payment of small ae rnunta. Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building South Omaha ZU8 N street. Tounctl Hluffe 14 North Main street. Lincoln K Little Building. Chicago 1 H"art Building. New York Room llW. JS6 nfth avenue. Pt. Louis S03 New Hank of OommiM. Washington 7 Fourteenth St., N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Address communications relating to new and edi torial matter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. J I -.MO hl'XDAV CUU..TLATIOV 46,724 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, as: 1'wiKht Will Ik ma. rlr ulntlon manasnr, aaya that the average flunday circulation for the month of June, 1M5, WRS 4S.7J4. PWIfJHT WTTJ..IAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my prmenoa and aworn to before me, this 2d dsy of July, Wf. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. Subscribers I raying the city temporarily should bars The IVre mailed to them. Ad dress will be changed a often a requested. fair as Thought for the Day The mind it itt own palace, and in iUelf Can make a heavtn of hell, a hell of heaven. , , Milton. --JJ It's been a late season for all the crops, but more particularly for the political plum crop. The Saengerfest is voted a pronounced sue jCess without a dissenting voice. Zum Wleder-kommen! Like all compromises after the fact, It satis fies nobody, though everybody pretends to be 'tickled to death. Despite the prayers of the devout in Russia, the allied Teutons are making the fur fly on both sides and the middle. Chicago is being exploited as a summer re .sort city. But so far it has had no advantages to offer superior to Omaha, Yes, but isn't there any more pie In the cap board for the other Nebraska democrats Just as deserving, if not more long-waiting? The development ot American submarines .with a cruising radius of e.000 miles disposes of the tears f . invasion being la on direction. In his diplomatic, correspondence. Wood row Wilson may tot use so many long words as did iGrover Cleveland, but he manages to make his meaning Just as unmistakable. ' i . i That was hair-trigger action on, filling those 'city hall vacancies following the transfer of the big boss from the city hall to the federal build ing. Looks as If someone had an Inside tip. John Wanamaker's suggestion of buying tack Belgium will strike real estate men as a risky speculation. A title based on squatter sovereignty is not an attractive investment AutoIsU are again admonished that the law requires them to come to a full stop where street cars are loading and unloading passengers, and not to stsrt again until the car starts. Safety first! One element of every city ' credit on the bond market consists of the amount of securi ties outstanding. When a city like Omaha buys its own bonds with sinking fund money, the bonds should be cancelled and to that extent let the reduction of the debt strengthen the mu nicipal credit Cost of Education. A report Just out' from the Bureau of Edu cation, under the Department of the Interior, gives some interesting figures as to the prog ress made during last year. The cost of educa tion, as estimated by the bureau, for the year was three-quarters of a billion. This statement ia followed in the report by comparisons which show the relation of this sum to other expendi tures public and private, which method may be ffecttve as impressing the public with the rela tive proportions of the money eost of schools, but does not give any basis for arriving at a J-ist appreciation of the actual cost of our schools or the value returned. It is. of course; difficult to place a value on the service of the schools, and yet it Is quite reasonable to expect that the money be so ex pended as to secure a proportionate return in form of benefit to the country. It is not espe cially important to know that the sum Is three times what we paid for admissions to moving picture shows, or one-third less than was spent for alcoholic liquors. What would be of use for critical comparison would be some details as to how the money paid out for school purposes was expended. It is fair to assume that the greater part of it went to support the public schools although the maintenance of normal schools colleges and universities will take a consider able sum. Americans have never been stingy with their schools, but they would like the as surance that these Institutions are accomplish ing what Is expected of them. It is set out In the report that JI.eoO.OOO persons were enrolled in. the educational Institu tions of the United States la 114; of these 19 - 000. 000 were in elementary schools. 1.374.000 in secondary schools. J 1 1.000 n colleges and 1. ulverslties. 100.000 in normal schools and 7. 000 in professional schools. The most signifi cant item of increase reported is an attendance at public hub schools 84,000 greater for I14 than for the previous year, f The Note to Germany. The third American note to Oermany on the subject of safety at sea for neutral travelers Is firm and friendly, and sets out the position of our government with' unmistakable directness. Germany has hitherto evaded the main Amer ican contention, setting up in Justification of its submarine campaign the exigencies of the war. This is squarely met by the presldrpt with this fitatement: I 'f a belligerent cannot retaliate against an ' enemy without Injuring- the live of neutrals a well , r their property, humanity, a well as Justice an! ! a due regard for the dignity of neutral power, i should dictate that the practice be discontinued. Jt Iwrslsted In, It will under such circumstances consti tute an unr.ardonahle offense against the sover eignty of the nrutral nation affected. It is the principle of freedom of the seas, a fundamental and not an adaptable law, that sup ports our contention. It does not matter that modern methods of warfare could not have been considered when, the existing conventions were entered Into; a proper regard for the rights of neutrals and of humanity demands' that these rr.ethods be so adopted that noncombatants will not suffer. Whstever retaliatory steps may be taken against an enemy must have due regard for the safety of those not directly involved In the war. That submarine warfare can be so carried on has been demonstrated by experience since our original protest on the sinking of the Lusltanla. Demand that Oermany disavow its torpedoing or make compensation Is firmly re newed, and the concluding sentence of the note contains a warning that is not likely to go un heeded. A more explicit statement of the American position could hardly have been made. That cur people will support the president in his attitude Is not to be questioned. y Txoros somriTn, Muiio and the Multitude. The crowds that filled the Auditorium dur ing the presentation of the Saengerfest pro grams form something of a sufficient answer to the oft-repeated charge that Americans are lack ing in appreciation of the finer things of life. Music Is really popular in th's community, as it Is in our country. , Our people have the same yearning for the, truly artistic as have those of countries older and, therefore, more completely developed In matters of taste, for the impulse, to music Is universal and not national. . Muslo has been known in all times and among all Taces. The difference Is only in degree. Amer ica has made some notable contributions to tbe wealth of music in the world, and la point of appreciation has shown by its shower of golden dollars that It dyJ not lag behind in recogni tion of musical genius. And this comes from the multitude rather than from the few. Our ai tlstlo ideas may not be thoroughly crystallized, but our Ideals have not suffered through this cause. The success of the Saengerfest Is a tribute to the popularity of music in Omaha as veil as In America. The Chaneine of the Face Everyone knows that the face of every per son Is constantly changing, and that these changes depict not only physical development, but also mental and moral metamorphosis. The innocent look of the child becomes lined over anew repeatedly as it grows older. The face Is a palimpsest a parchment receiving succes sive writings, one upon the other, reflecting the character as it is molded beneath the surface. This thought Is presented in a most graphlo manner In a dialogue "dramatlo sketch" In the current issue ot Berlbner's magazine. A famous Italian painter, executing his masterpiece of "The Last Supper" for the Milan cathedral, lacks Just two flgurea for which he Is seeking subjects. "The two faces which I cannot paint," as he explains, "because, search as I may, I can not find two faces so contrasted that the one shall convey to us the aspect of the divine, the other of the vile. The one a mirror, as it were, of heaven, the other the glass of hell Itself. Ten years have I spent In this' fruitless quest" But before leaving the cathedral after this outburst he discovers a subject in one of the choir boys, a young man eking out his earnings as a worker In bronxe and gold by singing In the choir In order to contribute to the support of his wid owed mother. Ten years later discloses the painter seeking the one still missing face, and as a last resort applying to the governor of the convict prison in Naples for a view of the most hardened crim inals under death sentonce, one ot whom proves to be the long-sought model. The artist works fast at his sketches during the night to beat the hangman due In the morning, only to learn as he Is making the final strokes that he had painted the earns figure twice for the two fig ures. To the suggestion that he can now finish the masterpiece, he cries out: "Never now! It Ood can finish the pictures He begins, my picture shall be left forever unfinished." The poetlo license of the tale does not de tract from the force of Its lesson. The chang ing of the face what different stories it can tell. But If the face divine ean be transformed Into the look of hell, who will deny that Us re verse process Is also possible? Qood and bad traits, worthy and wicked Impulses, struggle constantly for the mastery In the Inner man. There Is no good reason why the picture cannot bocome more angelic with each new painting of It. The changing of he face, or rather the direction of the change, must be as much within the control of Its owner as Is the maeterpleoe within the control of the artist Nebraska Ag-ain to the Fore. Tou can't keep Nebraska down.' In arts ot war or peace, In politics, agriculture, commerce or Industry, In any of the things that go to make up what Is good In our complex civilisation, Nebraska will be found at the front The latest triumph Is Just announced from the Navy de partment to the effect that for the next year the battleship Nebraska, built on the western coast, will carry on Its forward funnel a big letter "E" to denote Its supremacy in battleship engi neering efficiency. Seventeen battleships wore in the test, which extended over a year, and the Nebraska Is so far ahead ot the others as to b out of sight. Kansas Is far behind and the rest are nowhere. This news wtn make glad all hearts from the Missouri to the Colorado Wyoming border, and every Nebraska heart will beat a little stronger because it is so. If you want to find Nebraska's position, look at the head of the procession. Tina HORROR of ths excursion steamer traredy over In Chicago Is, of course, not comparable in lor of life to what haver come to be every-day occurrences In war-stricken EWrope, but the nearness brings It home to ua with much sreater force. Wn-it a sudden fatality means to the friends and families of the victim Is keenly realized In that small circle, but a wholesale drowning like thla multiplies the calamity a thousand-fold. We have had disasters In Omaha, o sffectlns Omaha people, but nothing on thla stupen dous scale. Our tornado two years ago. In numlior of people killed, yet totaling less than l.V. was the worat of these experiences. The Logan wreck, which concluded the plcnlo of tha Union Pacific shopmen and their families almost twenty years ago, In a way closely resembled thla latest mishap except that It came at the close of a gala day Instead of at Its beginning, and the number of casualties was relatively small. I happened to havs been over In Chicago at the time of the picnic, returning on a train that brought me Into Omaha upon that awful Bunday ornlng. The first word of the wreck broke on ua with the newspapers picked up at Council Bluffs, but the full Import of the affair came only when we emerged from tha cars at the station on this aide of tha river. The heartrending scene must have been Indelibly Im pressed upon the mind of every one who witnessed It for the station was crowded with a frenxied mob. Hundreds of disheveled men, women and children had pent a aleeplesa night there vainly waiting for the re turn of their loved ones, and grasping at every scran of news that filtered In from Ixgan. Most depresslna of all, at the aide of the platform waa drawn up the wagons from every undertaking establishment In Omaha, and mattresses and cots had been set tip wait ing for tha arrival of tha Injured. I questioned a few people whom I knew, but they were too dated to talk understandably. Trainmen said that the special would aoon be In, and I waited around a little while, soon discovering that the same hopeful Information had been doled out to the weary waiters every few minutes through the long night, and that it was the suspense of momentary expectation, conatantly disap pointed, from which they were suffering, as much aa from their grtef and anrulah. I have no doubt that the same sad experiences have now Just been repeated In Chicago by the same quick spread of a funeral pall ever a scene of Joyous gayety. Apropos of the coming "Billy" Sunday engagement, I have aynopsla of the report of the finances of the B. Fay Mllla revival meetings that were held here In 1W9, promoted by the combined protestant churches of Omaha. For that enterprise, which waa then re garded as a colossal undertaking, the total amount ot money received and dlaburaed by the treasurer, H. A. Doud, was tJ.ai.ll, of which I2.001.7S came from the pro rat contributions of the church organizations, and the remainder from individual donations, a atreet rail way bonus, sale of books, and rebate on hall rent The advertising committee apent nearly $400, most of which went for billboards, signs, posters hd cards, and none of It for newspaper advertising. The hall rent took $1,000, and the muslo committee spent $27. ol which only $U5 waa paid to musicians. The accounts of tha treasurer were audited by a committee consist Ing of William Fleming. J. If. McCulloch and Warren ewltiler. As there was no Item covering compensation for the evangelist and his helpers, the presumption la that they were taken care of through a thank offer. Ing from the converts and others Interested in the meetings. lt no one hereafter question the veracity of the dally newapaper In anything It aaya appertaining t the weather. Iter Is a scrupulously conscientious parish paper which calls Itself "Church and Home" chronicling last Sunday's hailstorm with the statement that "many of tha stonea were aa large around as base balls," and vouchsafing the additional Informa tion that "our sexton reported that his boys caught quite a number of small fish on the grass near their home, evidently sucked up by the storm from some nearby lake." XV jrou get that t ' tlt may he pertinent to note that the latest on slaught of Colonel Roosevelt upon the song "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Boldler," ramifies back to tha song written by Captain Jack Crawford, the poet scout, one-time traveling correspondent for The Bee. and now doing Chautauqua entertainment work In the east en titled "My Mother Raised Her Boy to Be Soldier." Captain Jack not long ago sent me a copy of hta words and music, together with a newspaper Interview valiantly defending his sentiment against that ex pressed by the author of the answer, which It had elicited from tha suffrage camp under the caption as already stated. "I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Boldler." Captain Jack's song tells how his mothei sent both his father and himself to battte for the Stars snd fitrlpes during the war of tha rebellion. In which the father was first wounded snd then lost his life. Twice Told Tales Alwmrv Safety First. ' 'Ton say that you want some name engrared on this rtngr said the Jeweler to the bashful young man. "Test I want the words Oeom t his m,.' engrared on the Inside of the ring. is im young lady your slsterT ' "No she Is the young lady to whom I am en gaged." "Well, if I ware you I would not have Hfeorge to his dearest Alice engraved on the ring. If AMoe changes her mind you can't use the ling again." "What would you suggest?" "I WOUld llimit tha. vnHa - - - vi- m . and only lore.' Ton sea, with that InecrurUon you oan uii nng nui a aosen time c have ha4 experi ence In such matters myself New Tot Journal ftalza RealsrwaHwa. Reference having tean made to a beautiful resigns tkm. Congressman Joseph J. Ruaaal) recalled an ap propriate story. During a dinner party some time ago, the eonKrees man said, the topto turned to the connubial state. Among the guests was a bachelor person. "Speaking ef nsarrtage, sveatuallr rwmarkad the baehelor, 'It seems that the longer a man is mae tiad "The fcaroler be la. fnrpulslvaly broke ta sptzister party wit a hopeful glance at the other. "I was going to say," resumed the bachelor dls regarJIngty, "that tha longer a man la married, tha Ism he seems to mind It" Philadelphia Telegraph The Hasttrm Orancwa went im v -1 . . w- . 1A1 , w in, union Pacifies and tied the score of the -local team In tha tatnth Inning, and then beat them out by adding an other run In the twelfth Inning. The top price was attained today by Messrs. Wag. nar. (lavage and Saunders for 100 head of prime western beeves weighing aa average of Ma pounds and selling at $6 SO par hundred on the Omaha market A teat of the Eclipse Chemical Fire extinguisher was made on a very severe oil barrel fire opposite the Paaton hotel, the firs being put out with one fourth of a oherge In forty,flve seconds. Mrs. John M. Thurston, 900$ Farnam, wants to em. ploy a first-class cook and laundreaa. Cash wheat. No. t, Is selling on the local market at Ti cents, and corn. No. I it u cents. Bedford Bouer. lit South Fourteenth street, era advertising twenty town lots In South Omaha, "a beautiful tewra. elegantly located," where "several dwellings have been built and twenty or thirty are Mow building. A forthcoming engagement ef Haveriy'g I'nlted Amarican-ICurupean Minstrels, Including CTharlle Read "the great California comedian," and tha "Marvelous Krasgs," la being advertised. Mrs. A. Calderwood, ItilS California, wants to dis pose ef a good piano cboap. SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. New Totk Mail: The preacher who says that home rule for cities woulil mean the downfall of the authority of the state, can't prove his claim by quot ing church history. Churches line to run their own affairs, and cities. Ilka churches, are composed of human being. Houston Tost: A Baptist minister In Pennsylvania told his congregation, com posed almost entirely of women, that he believed he would have to stock the bap tistry with fish In order to get their hVisbnnds to come to church. It seems that the vice of Hunday fishing Is well nigh universal. Brooklyn Kagle: Vnique., so far as we know. Is the joint appeal of Roman Cath olics and Frotestanta In Buffalo against sectarian spirit In American politics. It may seem to some minds an echo of the last gubernatorial struggle in this state, but really the conditions producing It have appeared in local politics, and a desire to make municipal government better Is the chief motive of the clerical and lay algners, who number fifty Cath olics and fifty Protestants. The Cath olic administrator of the diocese, one state regent, the president of the Cham-U-r of l.'unitmnn and three Protestant ministers are on the list. New Tork World: Tho Rev. Dr. AkeJ, who now objects very seriously to tho manufacture and sale by Americans of munitions of war. Is the same Rev. Dr. Aked who only a few years ago, on as suming citizenship In the United States, remarked that the atmosphere of the old world was too oppressive for him. Per haps it may not be amiss to remind the gentleman that one reason why the air of the Western hemisphere Is Invigorating to most people is to be found in the fact that Its Inhabitants forego none of their own rights and do not very often at tempt to deprive other people ot theirs. TABLOIDS OF SCIENCE. A newly-Invented electrical devloa meas ure?, off the ten-mllllonth part of a second with accuracy. Nitrate of sodium crystals as clear aa the best glasa have been made by a Parisian scientist Among the dog-day conveniences Is a tumbler with twin compartments, one for Ice and the other for liquid refreshments. To prevent a kettle from rusting always keep an oyster shell in It The oyster shell should be taken out occasionally and brushed. Inspection of the old walls of the pal ace of the Louvre disclosed that rein forced concrete was known and used In Paris In the sixteenth century. it has been estimated that nearly BOO, ono.000 feet, or more than 68,000 miles, of film are used up yearly to satisfy ths world's demand for moving pictures. To analyze the unburned gasea given off by Industrial plants a French scien tist has invented electrioal apparatus which makes the tests and records the results automatically. Aluminum shapes to fit all parts of the human body, pierced with channels for hot or cold water circulation, have been Invented by a Viennese surgeon for use as surgical compresses. ' The icing of refrigerating oars will bn dispensed with by the Invention of a new system by which the warm air Is pumped out of the cars and replaced with cold. The scheme has Just been, patented. The United States geological survey la studying the lavas of Hawafian volcanoa. The work is particularly pertinent be cause all the Islands of that group have been built up gradually by volcanla dis charges of lavs, from a beginning deep down In the sea. ERRORS OF HISTORY. William Tell was a myth. Cortolanua never allowed his mother to Intercede for Rome. Blondol, the harper, did not discover the prison In which Richard I was con fined. The duke of Wellington never uttered tho famous words, "Up, guards, and at them!" Alfred never allowed the cakes to burn, or ventured Into the Danish camp dis guised as a minstrel. Fair Rosamond was not poisoned by Queen Eleanor, but dded In the odor ot sanotlty in the oonvent of Oodstow. Charles Kingsley gave up his chair of modern history at Oxford because he said he considered history "largely a He." Charles IX did not fire upon the Hugue nots with an arquebus from the window of the Louvre during the massacre of St Bartholomew, Chemists have proven that vinegar will not dissolve pearls nor cleave rooks, In spite of the fabled exploits of Cleopatra and Hannibal. , The siege of Troy is largely a myth, even aocordlng to Homer's own account Helen muat have been 00 years old when Paris fell In love with her. The number of Xerxes' army has been grossly exaggerated, and it was not stopped at Thermopylae by 300 Spartans, but by 7,Ouo, or even, as some authors compute, 12,000. The Abbe Edgeworth frankly acknowl edged to Ixird Holland that he had never made the famous Invocation to Louis XVI on the scaffold: "Son of St Louis, ascend to heaven. "-few Tork World. AR0UXD THE CITIES. Pittsburgh Is building a city hall for which $1,600,000 In bonds was voted In 1910. The state census gives Boston a popu lation ef TB.S23. a gain of $8,823 In five years. Chicago authorities are gathering In various maohanloal gambling devices In stalled la stores near school buildings. Jitney drivers In Philadelphia celebrated ths grant ef a decree of Injunction against a regulation ordinance by issuing X6-cent tickets good for six rides. Los Angeles boasts ef a new school equipped with a olub room for fathers, a laundry and sanitary kitchen for moth ers and a hygtento nursery for baoles. Wheeling, W. Vs.. where stogies and plug abound, has a hotel with, a cigar stand where this sign Is displayed: "If you spit on the floor at home, spit on the floor here. Ws want you to feel at home." Guests read and grin and ex pectorate elsewhere. At attempt of a Salt Lake City con tractor to force the sale of property de linquent on one Installment ot public Im provement taxes Is blocked by ths state aupreme court, which rules that such property cannot be sold until ths last Installment of the tax Is delinquent Up at 81oux City a daughter has in vited her mother Into court to give sa accounting ot her father's estate, valued at $100,, of which the daughter's share was liSMMk. Aocordlng to the daughter, all she has to show for her share la aa unsecured non-negotiable note for $30.tu0 payable In ten yeare without Interest People and Events Smoky city's millionaires are getting wary. Pittsburgh sends out a story that one of Us wealthy elders rebuked a beau tiful woman for trying to flirt with him. Miss Frances Whitney, aged S3, of St. Louis, keeps twenty cats In her home. Friends think she is off In the upper story snd seek to have her purr mental condition Inquired Into. The Matteawan cocktail Is the very lat est New Tork stimulant The nature of the prescription Is not stated on the label, but three doses are sufflcent to carry the bearer to his destination. War promises to bring some grist to the lazy man's mill. Out of the periscope of the trenches snd the submarines a New Torker has produced a pocket device which enables the rubberneck to view the scenery on all sides without the exertion of turning around. Word la passed down the line to the alumni of the Kansas university, with the emphasis of finality, that the state Is not going to foot the bills for the gay and toothsome dinners of the slumnl. With the word goes rejected bills for $67.00. The heartlessness of statehouse Job holders once more plows Irritating fur rows on polished highbrows. The census of the Empire state la ex pected to show a population of about ten and a quarter millions of people, or one-tenth of the country's total. Where fore the New York World fires this salute: "One section of the effete esst Is multiplying In men'and resources at a rate that would make newer communities explode with self-satisfaction." Two Germans who were partners In the restaurant business In Chicago fell out and separated in anger. The retiring Partner started three new feeding shops, one of them next door to the original restaurant. The owner of the old shop got sore all over, but he didn't scream. He took the public. Into his confidence by means of placards on his windows, the principal one being a cartoon entitled: "A German submarine at work In Amer ica," with these explanatory remarks: "The American moral ooda of business principles precludes a former partner from opening up opposition within a rea sonable radius Hera this unnaturalized German renegade has violated all moral codea, and It Is up to ths public to relegate him Into a concentration camp." MUSIKGS of a cmnc. WHITTLED TO A POINT. A lasy man makes much ado about nothing. Men, like pins, are no good If they loss their heads. Any man who knows it all must be an awful bore to himself. Opportunity never troubles a man If there Is nothing In him. It Is asserted that the electrio chair Is a sure antidote for old age. During courtship an ounce of flattery Is equal to a pound of caramels. Yet blockheads are not the kind that produce the burning thoughts. If a man's credit Isn't good he can easily cut down his expenses. At the age of thirty a man begins to unlearn what he doean't know. Those who suffer in silence usually have a lot to say about it later. What would be the result If we all fol lowed the advice we give to others? Women do not like new wrinkles any more than they do old ones. The early bird that monkeys with the early bee la apt to get stung. The man who says he Is glad he Is mar ried Is either an optimist or a liar. But It Is better to quarrel over trifles than over something of real Importance. Poverty is said to be a sure oure for dyspepsia, but the cure may be worse than the disease. Chicago News, The only man who la always sure ef a Job Is the bill collector. A level-headed man Is merely one who always agrees with ua. No man can foree luck by worrylnj over the fact that he hasn't sny. Even the second-story man has no ob jection to getting In on the ground floor. A man, like a fish, can generally avoid being ranght by keeping his mouth shut Perhaps the most lied about thing In all the world Is tbe pie mother used tJ make. Imitation Is the slncereet form of flat tery, but It doesn't go In ths patent office. Some people never seem to realise the difference between their own way and the only mmy. ' There Is plenty of room at the top, but that doesn't Influence a man to be a steeple climber. Many a fellow loses his heart snd says nothing who would put up sn awful roar If he should lose his money. New York, Times. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Here's a news Item says the United States la to turn out a submarine which can travel &,5no miles and cross the ocean on one supply ot fuel. It Is the CM." "I'd call a submarine like that the Oee Whlx!" Baltimore American. "Can you keep a secret?" "Yes'' "But will your' "Oh. that's different I don't knew."- Detroit Free Press. "I always encourage my husbsnd to ex plain public questions to me," said the cheery woman. "Fou have great respect for his opitv tons?" "1 don't try to understand them. Tho less i understand them the more fun he lias explaining them to me." Washington Star. KABiBSLE KABARET VE9C ur-M0NtW ft LtfE! up -flc swneii-hb irrafcu IrVE, Blng Borely Is going to take up rail roading. Bang So many nice girls have told him to make tracks that I don't wonder at it. Town Topics Heltetv-Do you think severe religious training really prevents a person from wrong-dotngV SkeJ'er Well, It doesn't exactly prevent It, but it certainly detracts from trie pleasure one gets from sinning. Life. PEACE! Henry W. tVmgfhTtow. Were hair tha power that fills the world with terror. Were half the wealth bestowed on camps and ooixrts. Given to redeem the human mtad from error There were no need of sxsensls and forts. The warrior's name would be a name abhorred I And every nation thaS should lift again Its hand against a brother, on Its fore head Would wear for evermore ths oorse of Cain. Down the dark future, throosh Ions? gen erations, ' - The echoing sounds grow fainter and then cease; And like a bell, with solemn sweet vibra tions, . . I liear once more tbe volos of Christ say, "FseoeT Peace! and no longer from Its brazen portals . The blast of war's great organ shakes the sklest But beautiful as songs of the Immortals The holy melodies of love sriss. AOATXOBT Txxca XS XCXlXin No matter where or how you spend your Vacation, you will meet old friends and make new acquaintances, and yoj will want to look as well dressed and; as prosperous as thay do. Nothing you can waar will so add to your appearance as a beautiful genuine Diamond. If you arc limited In ready money, you can open a charge account with us and pay la small amounts monthly after your vacation Is over. Besides, NOW. auring our great -avaaaal ummsr VMBt-OffUf gslss" Is the time to buy and mine Diamonds, beautiful sparkling sto save money. Ws are selling genulr stones. and all other lines of fashionable Jewelry at prices that will astonish you. mix nui a,Tui jrouraeii ot ina presnge ana pleasure of wearing nanasome Jewelry while on your vacation? Let the opening of a charge account with us be a part of your vacation plan. Ws are showing an exceptional 1 y large and fine as sortment of Ls VaJller-ja, in exclu sive new designs. 1134 I.k VaUlere. solid gold, blbck enamel, 1 fine dia mond, i real pearl. 16-Inch frie chain I 91M a Month, llgs Scarf Pin. solid gold, fine Diamonds set In PU.tin.om. JJ5 i.S'a Week loftls rrfoctkrs Diamond Ring SS9 Indies' Rlne; 14k solid gold Lof tls "Perfe c 1 1 o n" mount Ing. fin, brilliant Dla- xtn mono, at W a Month. Elgin or W<ham Watch la-gzara rsrjr noon awacAsx. $12 Qr Wo. asa Cases are double stock sold rilled, warranted for 2s years, elthei cuiiBiieu or engTsvea. mj gin or Wai- nun movement. Ouaranteed accurate, mce $12 I flJsO A MOXCTXC ,, Opes DaUy Ttu r. xc Saturdays Till SiSO, Call or write for our beautiful Catalog No. 0i. containing over t.OOS Illustra tions, rnone Douglas liii and our saieenwn will call. OLD RKLIAllLE, OIUOL.VAL AK D WATCH CREDIT HOCSE rXOOXt, CITY liTIOXil TgaxnC WbOCX. I iiona. rnone Douglas 144 POFTSS d,2 I '-we cnAft rv c UsERos&cairj AAA Ba.sw snv. v Opposite Bargees ST asa Oe, itapejrtaaest more. Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL I