Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 12

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Help to Mike Things Merry at the
Clubi and All Gatherings of
Youngr Folkt.
trial t alre4er.
Ct'XDAT Wmlillng of Mlas HmH lrn
Samp and Mr. lieor,. f Hilrhart t th
honve of the brl te a mother.
IHONPAT- )rltrtt Monday Hrldg rluh.
TUESDAY nlldnne day at Harry Hol
low club; dlnn-r-danr at Mepy Hl
low. Cartor l.ak" and 8pytnur l.ek
Country clubn; muclral at te home of
Mr A. 8. 1'eck; t'urter IjiKp Swim
ming and Rowling club, luncheon t the
club house.
WKPNhilltA Y Dlnner-dano at th
Field and t'ounlry rluba.
THlRSlAY-Wfd)lnK of Mlas Nellie
Klgutter and Pr. Harold Noll of Ocvr
land at the home of Mr. and Mr. N.
P. Tell; Ldl"e" day luncheon at tha
Field. Haiv Hollow and Seymour lk
Country clulm; Mr. and Mra. Jerk Har
bor, dinner at the Country club; Mr.
Denman Kountse, dinner at the Conn
trv oiub.
rKTPAT-Chllilrena day at the Field
olub, dinner-dunce at Seymour Lk
Country club.
SATURDAY Dinner-dance at Field.
Happy Hollow and Country clube.
Vltor going nr.d visitor coming will
be the ralson d etre of thine aoclally thU
The aohool aet always brings with Ita
retvra charming malda with whom to
whfle away tha aummer hour and the
clube hare been full of their gaiety for
th last month.
Mra. Charlea Harding la entertaining
three attractive gueeta now. Mlsa Qer
trods Mole of Chicago, who arrived tha
first of th week, and the Misses Lois
Loiseaux and Katharine Lolseaug of Dei
Motnea, who arrived Thursday. This trio
will be. gueeta at tha Harding home for
several week
Mis Harriet te Barnes and Miss Har
rietts Dunning, who have been th
guests' of Miss Helen Pearoe and Mis
Ruth Fltsgerald (or th last month, plan
to leave for their home In Paterson, N.
J., tha first of this week and Miss Emily
ftpear, who has been visiting Miss Mary
Fuller, returns to her home In New York
City today.
Summer Plan.
Mr. and Mrs. MUton Barlow and son
left Tuesday for Est Park.
Mra. Lowrl Child left Thursday for
Hudoa-on-Hudson to spend th rast of
t he summer with her mother at her home,
"Mount Msrsno."
Mra. A. J. Beaton and children went to
Oillott, Wyo., Haturday to )oln Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Keellne on their ranch for
th rest of th aummer.
Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Howland, Mia
Marjort Howland and Mr. W. Wood
leav tomorrow for Stead's ranch la
Estea Park for th rest of tha summer.
Mra. Mary Van Oleenn leaves Tuesday
fur Brlercllff Lodge, Scarborough. N. T.,
to visit her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doup leav next
wek for Atlantte City, and with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Cummlnga vUl afterwards
tour Kew England by motor.
Mrs. L. A. Snyder and daughters and
her sister. Mlaa Olive L. HuntUy, left
Wednesday evening for Montana to spend
tha summer. Mlaa Huntley will be on a
rannh near Becket, Mont.
Jo, Ray and Wlllard Millard returned
Wednesday front a fishing trip In Wis
consin anJ left Thursday with their
father. Mr. W. B. Millard, of Chicago,
for California, which atata they wlU
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned, Mra. A.
J. Poppleton and Mra. W. C. Shannon left
Wednesday for Christmas Lake, Minn.,
whore they have, cottages for th month
of August Mr. Learned, aftr short
stay there, will go to Canada for a
month' ftahiag trip.
Mr. and Mra. N. It. Loomla and sons,
Alec and Robert, and Mra. Posa and son,
George, leave Wednesday for Pom Lake,
Wyo., to spend the month of August
Mr. and Mra. Oeddea and family of To
ledo will loin th party her and go up
to lom Lake with them.
August Moths Borglum haa gone to
New Tork CXty. wtser he will join Mrs.
Homlum and George Paul. They will
vUlt Mr. Borglum's brothers, Solon and
Guteon Borglum, and Mra. Borglum's
brother. Lieutenant Pumsl, In Waahlng
ton. and will spend some time at th sea
side, returning early In Septsmber.
Mrs. Oeorge M. Ctwper and Mlaa Mil
dred Cooper hav gons to Estea Park
for th aummer. Like all tourist there
they vlalted rustlo Long PeeJt Inn, at
the foot of th snow-capped. Long Peak,
nd called vpoa Eno Mills, tha natural
1st, whom many Omahan'a kpow through
bis lecture hr on natur and wild Ufa,
Off to Convention.
The special train taking Delta, Uenun
delegates to California for tha national
Delta Gamma convention to ha held at
Berkeley, will reach Omaha Wednesday
morning at T: o'clock and will be enter
tained during their three or four hours'
stay by th local alumna olub. Between
100 and IB of th sorority girl will be
on tha train and thay will be met with
automobile and taken to tha Happy
Hollow club for breakfast and a tour of
th dty.
The officer of th Delta, Gamma Aluro
ne aasoeJatton her hare charge of the
srrejifeeneiU for tue entertainment of
tha visitors. Mrs. rred CUsraden la
president; Mrs. Brace Fonda, vie presi
dent; Mrs. Harry Carpenter, secretary,
and Mies Carol Howard, treasurer.
Miss Ethel Tukey, who Is editor of th
national 1WU Gamma magastne, the An
chor, and her guest. Miss Esther Cromp
too, of Baltimore, together with Miss
Ruth Mills, delcgut from the Lincoln
chapter to the convention, and Mlas Har
riet Wilson of Lincoln will join tha ape
rial train of delegates here and accom
pany fhem to the convention.
Among other Dell Gtirirrui art ft, at .ft..
convention 111 be Mlas Margaret Ruatln
" K"i Curtis of this city, both
. wim are already la California.
Amone the Visitors.
Miss Emily Bpear of New Tork. th
guest or hin Mary Fuller, leaves today.
Mrs. Karah Martin of Chicago, HL. ha
arrived to visit her daughter. Mra. A. T
Sldwell. and family.
Mlas Mary Uuckner and Mr. Alee Buck,
her of New York are s-uata -r n
Mra. Annie E. Robbia and Mia VlvUa
jwooina or KsJamasoo. Mich., are th
guost of Mr. and Mrs. John Newman.
Rrneat Hart In Council Bluffs
Mlas Vivian Robbina nf v.i.....
Mich- I vleltl m her unrU u t
Newman, and Mr. Newman, oa Meredith
Mrs. J. It. Milntoih and Iliu vr.
fsry Molntoeli. who have been visiting
" loraiera inowirr. Mrs. C. B. ftustj
III return U New York Tued
Mrs. M. C. Mitchell has ss her guests
rs. imju and daughter. Miss Loretta.
eon. t isrent ur hhrlevesport La
uid Mlaa Barker of RJaing City. La.
liw Ksther Cromilon of K.lilr,.r.. I
lite tb&U U Mlaa fcUiel Tukey unUI
House Guest
. I y-y
XrX An.immY Afcr
"V ev - - jrs v. wr
Widncmlsy. when she and Miss Tukey
join Cho Delta Gamma npolal train going
through to Berksley, Cel., for the telta
Gamma convention.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Ochiltree of New
York City, formerly of Omaha, spent
several daya with Mra. Ochiltree's par
ents, Mr. and Mr. 1. N. Hammond. Mr.
an I Mrs. Ochiltree were enmute horn
from a western trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Loula Heller of Chicago
are her on a visit r- Mr. Mailers par
en's. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mailer. Mr.
and Mra. Kllet U. Drake am also vlnlllng
Mr. and Mrs. Mailer, preparatory to tak
ing up housoke.plng In their new horn
In Dundee.
Omaha Colony at Okoboji.
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cameron are oc
cupying their aummer home, Camerolla
cottage, at Lake Okoboji.
Mrs. T. F. Kennedy and children left
Saturday morning for Okoboji. wher
they will be with Mrs. Eva Wallace In
her cottage,
Mr. flam. Burn, accompanied by hla
sister, Mrs. Charlea Kountse, motored
to Okoboji to spend th week-end with
hi wife and children. Mr. Kountse re
turn today with her daughter, Eleanor,
who has been spending th week at th
lake with Mrs. Sam Burns.
Mrs. H. H. MoClanahan and Mis
Katherin MoClanahan left Wednesday
In their car for Ok aboil to
ootUg for the rest of th season.
sir. eann woodbrldg a spending two
week at Lake Okoboji.
Mr. W. J. Hunter, her son. Knt
Hunter, and daughter. Mis Baulah
Hunter, and Miss Katharine nv,iii
ar spending th summer near Plllibury
Point" at Lak Okoboji.
At tha Country Club.
Mr. Judson Bqulres we host at th
largest dinner last vnlng at th Coun
try olub. Th party was chaperoned by
Mr. and Mr. Oeorg Squires, Mr. Ernest
Hart of Council Bluff and Mra, F. P.
Kirkendail. Th guests entertained: In
Mlaaea Ul...
Luclle Baoon, Naomi Towle,
Frances HochstUar,Marlon Turner
Clara Uart of Council Bluffs,
of Council Bluffs, Geraldlne Heaa
Mary Uuckner of Council Bluff a,
of New York City .Gertrude Stout.
Clelie Daugnerty, Klorwnc Neville,
Esther Wllhelm. Eleanor Mackay, '
Josephine Congdon, Krna need,
Marion Hamilton, Julia Coburn
Marlon Towle, of Kansas City,
Mnrlun liowe,
Meesr Messrs
Clarence Siulra. of Council Bluff.
Burden K fiaendall, George Upooner
Charles Allison, of Council Bluffs,
reward iMtUKiieny, t larence feura,
Fred Ieusharty. Iiiclaa Peters.
AIo Buckner Philip Iowns,
of New York City J a bin Caldwell,
Henry Hart David Caldwell,
or council BiurrariHmman Kounta,
EM red Hart Charleo Burgess,
of Council Bluffs, lwi KurKnaa.
Robert Howe. Koln-rt Turner
Otber entertaining at dinner last eve
ning war Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess,
who had seven guests; F. Walters, four.
Oeorge Prina, fourj Elmer A. Cope, four;
B. Warren, four; R. L. Huntley, six)
Clement Cha. six; Dr. W. O, Bridges,
sight and L. o. Doup. tour.
Dining with Mr. Herman Kounta last
venlng were:
Senator and Mrs. OMhert M. Hltoheock,
Mr. and Mra. Howard BaMrtg.
Mrs, Ben Gallagher gave a dinner last
evening at the Country olub, complimen
tary to Mrs. Jack Barber. Her s"ueti
Messrs. and Meedemee
Paul Oa Mather. Jred Hamllto.
lr. LeHoy Crummer.
Mr. Harry O'Neill.
At nappy Hollow,
Mis Mary Rial entertained at dinner
last evening at th Happy Hollow club
In honor of Mr. and Mr. I N. AnewaUt
of Allentown, Pa. Cover war placed
Messrs. and Mesdames
Orent henaon, - Anewalt.
Missus Misses
Marjorle Lkhpen- May iUalc,
Messrs Messrs
John Llchpenwallnei Hornberger.
Mm Rial.
rr. and Mr. Uchpenwallner.
Mr. wd Mra. i. H. Rushton gav a
dinner last venln at th Haiw Hollow
club In honor of Mr. Cliariee r, ru o
Aston, la. The other guests wer:
Messrs. and Mesdames-
Frederick l'"her F. O. Vsher.
of PUtsburah. Pa.; ..
Dining with Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Patton
last evening- t th Happy Hollow club
were: .
Dr. snd Mrs. A. B. Homers.
lr. H M. Melansrin.
Mrs. Hsnod Riss.
Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Uggett'B guest at
dinner last evening at tha Happy Hollow
olub were:
Messrs. and Mesdamsa
of Wsedland. ItiL;K. W. Krlts
Oortre narpj H. H "f
Of Cleveland. O.l F. V Umoth.
A. L. WllUaoia of Bunbury, O.i
At the Tield Club.
Mr. and Mra, D. V. Shot entertained
eight guest at dinner last evening at
tha Field olub, Mr. and Mra. P. C Hy sen
had sight and Mr. and Mr. W. M
Taylor, ten.
Mr. and Mra, W. R, Bruo entertained
at dinner last avenlng at th Field club
In honor of Mr. M. T. Nwl of Mar-
shaltown. la., who la their -uest Cov
ers wer ptaoed for:
Dr. and Mr. M. T. Hembach of Coun
cil Blulfs.
Messrs. snd Mesdsmee
Rdward j:1en. J. A. Rus.ll.
F. A. WsMmsn. K M. Lord
Mr. J. M. Uaivtn of Council Bluffs.
Mis Floreno Riley entertained four
teen guest at dinner, followed by danc
ing, at th Field club Is it vnlng.
At Carter Lake.
Mis Ethel Tlerney gaA a ewimmtng
party at Carter Lak club oa Friday af
ternoon in honor of Miss Floreno Mead.
of Mrs. Harding
JZailieriri Zoizeaxix.
Mr. John Filler entertained last evening
at th Carter Lake olub for Mr. James
Peters, Miss Ellen and Mis Florence i
Mr. and Mr. Barton Millard gav a
dinner of fourteen cover last evening
at th Country olub In honor of their
guest Mrs, Charles Turner of Fremont
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Th Ml Marlon Brown and Doris
Clark entertained at a danolng party
Friday evening, having; m their guests:
Mlsso Mlsaee '
Cerntll Leyda, Luetic t.eyde,
Jeannett fee gardes Eda Fehrlng,
Henrietta Dorland, Josephine Burkett,
Marlon Brown, Curls Clarke,
MeHsrm Messrav
Newman Benson, "William Becker.
Theodora, 1 fa 'nl IrW T),i.m,u,
John Hopkins. Forest King,
Edmund Bannltr, fedwln Booth.
Karl Brown.
Mis Ann, MoCormlok entertained tha
following guests: .
Miftse Mlese
Ca pi tola Pare. Ruth Wt.
Myrn Morrison,
Ray Morrison, John Sweeney,
ujen tiegiey. Edward McCarthy.
Mr. riamuel J. Ball entertained at a
dtnner-danc for Mia Iran Saves-a nf
Denver. Thos present we re i
Mis Irene Havage, Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. ldwlch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parratt
Mr. J, B. Jensen rav a danolng party.
His guests wer:
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Newport
Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. ollmer.
Mlsare Misses
Mary Connor, Mnbel Melchar.
Messrs. Messrs.
H. U McWIlltams, James Boyle.
wi. biiu o. 4 winter eniertainea
at dinner for Mr Oreo Nelll of Chi
Mr. and Mr. W. Boyd Smith will have
slv. guests at dinner Sunday evening and
Mr. and Mr. George Jone four.
Mis Dora Heaa of Niobrara, was hnnnr
guest at a dlnnsr liven by Mr. and Mrs.
R. U Reynold.
Mr. Harry Cheek had fourteenth amenta
at dinner Friday owning and Mis Har
riett Cook four.
Mr. Jamas II. Adams and Mm -T
Dan Ringer will be th hostesses at ths
Tuesday vnlng worrem. The entae.
mnt will be composed of nam bar by
Theodore Lehmer. vlollnUt who will be
aooompaniad by hla sister. Mis Olive
Lhmr. Mr. Will Hunt baritone, will
Inc. and th Mlas Gorg1n Davl and
Jsans L wiu give a vocal duet
Prettieit Mile NuTTi.
Mis Irnia Flynn f MlnnewDolia U via.
Itlng Mr. and Mr. B. R. Burke.
Mlaa Beulah Brrd la annndlnar w
week at Sturgeon' Grove. Excelsior.
Mis Baulah Brrd la uunitlKa m
weeks at Bturgwn Oroya in Excalalor.
Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Crene am --hi n-
rainbow trout In Gunnison rlvor. Black
cany co, L'tah.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross M Reeaa nf New
Providence. Ia.. are vlaltlna- at tha home
of II. a Madden.
Mra. R. H. Fttslaft of Harriabura- K.
D.. Is visiting at th horn of Dr. and
Mr. C. C. Morrison,
Mr. R. II. PHxlaea of South Dakota
la spending few day with Dr. and
Mr, v. c. Morrison,
Miss Irma Flynn of Minneapolis is
visiting Mr. and Mr. A. H. Burk and
other relatives In th city.
Mr. and Mr. B, E. Raeaa of Kew
Providence. I a., ar guesta at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Madden.
Mr. and Mrs. David McCafiertv
Saturday In tholr car for Denver, Pike's
rea. Etes Park and other nint. -
Mr. and Mr. Frederick Crane ar
spending their vacation fishing in Gun
nison nver. Black Canyon. CnlnmAn.
They will return In thtlr car In two
Mr. and Mra. D. H, McCafferty left
th first of tu week In their car for
Denver. Pike Peak, Eats Prk and
several other points In Colorado tr
month's stay. They motored out on th
old road and will return by the Lincoln
Oolf Plans.
Th Field olub women golfer will pUy
vary day from July M until August
for Mr. I. j. Dunn trophy, first. s
ond and third prise. Th play Is a medal
; 1
1 - )
,i i VeyTC'
V " i (
' V V -" nwi $
H&zl Irene Lamp
Emily 5per
bandloaA thtrty-lx hole tn ntsa, ' or
eighteen scores. .
Western TrtTelen.
Dr. and Mra, C J3. Smith and deugb-
tsr left last evening for Glacier Park.
Mont, whsr they will b until Septem
ber 1.
Th Mle Dorothea and Bulls,
Abraham left Saturday evening for an
it ended visit to th exposition. Th
young woman will visit In Salt Lak
City and Denver on th return trip;
Mr. and Mr. J. II. McDonald hav
gon to California, to remain until Sep
tember and will mak th TUowton
park In their trip. v
Church Society Surprise.
Mrs. 8. H. etems, president of Division
of th Ladle' Society of th First
Congregational church, was agreeably
surprised Tuesday when th member of
her division, with well filled basket, took
possession of her home In Benson, Thos
present wer:
John Wilson,
R. D, Mason,
O. I Stoller,
James Funk,
Carl V. Martin,
O. O. Olson.
B. Sandberg,
U. I Simpson,
K. Stoddard,
S. E. Kmlth,
l. J. Heaits,
H. J. hurts.
J. H. Adams.
H. A. Snow,
3. H. Sterns.
Ivy Heed,
Lillian Snow.
Ruth Sandberg,
Oene Funk,
Ivy Funk.
Ttussell Stoller,
Rlohard Sandberg.
llllan Bartholo
mew, Mabel Sandberg,
Mattle I. Craig,
Mama oroner,
Henrietta Sterna
Marion Chlpman,
At Council Bluffi Boat Club.
Mis Oaraldln Hess of Council Bluff
gav a pionla supper at th boat olub
at Manawa. Wednesday evening, for Mtss
Mary Buckner and her brother, AIM
Uuckner, of Now Tork. who ar Mis
Clara Hart' guests. Mis Orao Allison
and Mis Clair Daughsrty war among
Thursday Mis Clara Hart wu th
hostess at a plcnlo supper at th boat
olub, followed by a danc at her hoes.
for her guest. Quit a cumber of
Omaha guest wer present, Including.
Misses Misses
Reglna Ccnnell. Claire Daugherty,
Aiarsury aiciniosu r.einer vv uiiejm.
of New York.
Oraoe AUlaon,
Charles Burgess, ,
Lewis Burgess.
Kdward Daugherty.
Judson Squires.
Robert Connell.
Jenuian Kountse,
Oma Club Party.
Th Oma. a new club recently organ
ised by the young peopl of southwest
Omaha, gav th first of a aerie of plo
nlc at Elrawood park on last Sunday
evening. Th officer of the club ar
Messrs. John Long and Bunny Borenson.
Thos present were:
Mlsse Misses
Therma Feller, Kmm Southwlck,
Vvts Luble, lm Jensen,
Elenora Jacobeon, Myrtle Murry.
May Rogers. ' Morgan,
Margaret O Conner, Mildred Long,
May O Conner, Muriel Long,
Manon Dickens, 1 lieriua Hughes,
Messrs. Messrs.
Bunny Surensen. Ray Cole,
Tom Hushes, Alfred Johnson,
Ray Cutler. Jo Rosso.
Arthur Jensen, Kidney Wlig,
Herman Jacobaon, John Long,
Gunner Orent. Clifford long.
George Parker, Walter Baker,
Out-of-Town Weddinf .
Next Saturday afternoon, at Harbor
Point Mich., tha wedding of Mis
Katherin Barker and Mr. Howard
Bpeuldlng of Chicago I to take place
and will doubted less be th big social
event of th season at that resort A
number of Omaha peopl received! cards
for th wedding, both MI Barkar and
Mr. fcpauldlug having been her la Juue
r " , " N -1
I '; 1 !
- j ;
f ' ' ') i
f ' 1
I v . i
i - , ' -1
, . 1
: . ' ' v - , v i
fc - -'...
" '"sasssssssssssssssJsnBnninnn"
Glflgyo Taylor
for th McJeerren-JRtewart wedding, when
ah was given much newspaper notice
as th "thirty million heiress." Mr. and
Mra, MoKerren are to be among tha
wadding attendants and are expected at
Harbor Point In a few days. Mlsa
Barkor lives In Michigan City. Mich., but
preferred to be married at her eummer
horn at Harbor Point. Among th
festivitlo prior to the wedding will be a
platform danc which Mis Barker will
giv and whloh sh will pattern after
th on given In Council Bluffs for Miss
Stewart by Mr. Wlldman.
Recent Affairs.
Mra. J. W. Skoglund entertained th
North Sid Bridge cluh Thursday at a
ntudlo tea, followed by a matins party
at th Branded theator. Th member
present were:
V. D. Benedict,
TI. W. Anderson,
T. L. Travis,
8. Cole.
1.1 w i -
H, C. PalK".
W. J. Morlng,
C. H. Gl:tln.
VV. L. rultmi
C, S. Quale.
Wsa. ciarii,
. J. Knapp.
Fred Johnston, J. "W." tkosiund.
Mis Lilly Downey and Miss Lillian
Passtck gav a Dlonlo Dartv at Rlvarvlew
park Wednesday. Most of th time was
spent In race and games. Th party
wa ohaperoned by Mr. T. Downey and
Mr. G. Nicholas. Those Dreaont warn:
Misses Misses
Isabella Bird, Metha Prlggy,
Jeannette Stout ladys Condon,
Bab Condon, Mildred Kucha,
Mildred Mtvhjlas, Wily Downey,
Ida Knentter. 1 linD. u i nt.
Helen Long,
Mrs. M. Smith entertained tha ladlea nf
Gwrfleld circle at her horn Wednes
day afternoon. Three tables wer
plaod for th card gam. Prise
wr won by Mlsa Flora Snyder, Mra.
Bergwr and Miss Kuntoon, Mrs. Carris
M. Pater, pest depart merit president, wa
presented wlBb. a necklace. Those present
Moadam O. Peter.
Mesdam O. Elliott.
Vroman. p, Elliott,
J. Prlo. F. Snyder.
M. Smith, Hopper.
H. Johnson, Huntoon,
Farewell Party.
A party was given Wednesday evening
at tha hom of Mr. and Mrs. C E.
Comt by th deaf peopl of Omaha tn
honor of Mr. and Mr A, L. Hurt of
Vernal, Utah, who hav been tn Omaha
two year. Mr. and Mrs, Hurt will return
to Utah thl week. Thos present we re l
Messrs. and Mesdames
T. C. Hallowsy, ITellsteln,
Counell Bluff:
Waldo Rothert
J. S. Long.
Counoll Bluffs;
C. Oarbauph.
Council Bluffs;
A, L, Hurt
So well.
Eutrene Fry,
C. aeck.
(Drj Cueoadan,
F, Cooper,
Oinrles Marshall,
Arthur Nelson.
Msvdelen Whrleley, Helen Hurt.
Margaret Mini nan, fJila cowen,
r.nsaoetn owell,
Alio Powell.
Eleanor Hurt
Nancy Hurt.
EvVn Count
M. Roter, St Lcmls,
Lulu Count.
Wedding Announcement.
Mr'. Lester Bridaham of Denver was
married In New Tork, Monday, to Mr,
Thoroa 8. Brown, JrH of Clnolnnatl, a
bit of news that I of Interest to Omaha,
where Mrs. Bridaham haa been a popular
visitor both before and stno her widow
hood. Th last visit was just a fw
weeks ago, on her way to Atlsntlo City
from Denver, where she stopped over a
few day with' Mr. and Mrs. EUwtn
Swoba, Th marriage to Mr. Brown, who
belongs to a well known and wealthy
Clnolnnatl family, 1 th culmination of
a long standing devotion on hi part, dat
ing from Mra Bridaham' school daya.
for ah wa herself a Clnolnnatl girl. Mlaa
Bsasley, and going to th Ohio city to
ttv again Is really for her a going
back bom.
Th wedding was a quiet en and Mr.
and Mr. Brown ar spending their wed
ding trip in th east
Suchaxt-Samp. .
Th wedding of Mlsa Hasel Iron
Samp and Mr. Oeorge F. Suchart. Jr., will
be celebrated thl evening at th hom
of th bride's mother. Th Rev. Oliver
D. Baitsly of tha Kountse Memorial
church will perform th ceremony. Th
brtd will wear her go-away gown of
blue gabardine, with blue hat to match
and whit fog fur.
Mr. and Mra Suchart will leav this
Stronseat wear longest
(jr. i n il i
VTVirn vnn want tn lrtnV vnur Vt. wrar an ral! v
adjusted Carmen the Qualitjr Hair
'r ii tm
Wa skew the Ca
fee yew geiaa e la br bear
IS!rv',n" Kansas City and lstcr will
to to tlie northfin laks. iliey will ne
at home sffr August IS. at ZV1' Lxlgo
Gage-Griffin Nuptials.
Announcement were received in Omaha
this week of the marriage of Miss Kdna
Griffin of Clearwater. Neb., and Mr.
Oitmr I Unse of Punning. Neb., at the
liomd of tlie bride's iwrvnts, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. tlriffin.
The bride lias been teaching in the
rubile schools of Dunning for th last
two years. The groom la engaged In the
lumber and coal dullness at Dunning, and
ia the son of Ocneral James D. Onge.
Mr. and Mrs. Gage left Omaha Friday
morning for the Pacific coaat and north
western states and expert to ! gon
about six weeks. They will b at horn
to their friends In their new home at
Dunning after September 15.
Smith-Ryers Nuptials.
The marriage of I Cay mo nd O. Fmith of
Blair and Miss Carrie Hycrs of Kennartl.
Nob., was celebrated Thursday afternoon
t the home of the bride's par
ents. Rv. Smith of Herman, Neb.,
brother of th groom, offtoiatexl at
the ceremony, attendance at which was
1 1 m I ti d to members of th family. A. V.
Kjelson of Gothenburg, Nob., was an
out-of-town guest.
Mr. and Mr. Pmlth ar both graduate
of this year class at th University of
Stout-Weeks Wedding;.
On Wednesday vary quiet wedding
was celebrated when Rv. Thom.a .t
Maokay united In marriage Mlaa Pearl
Evelyn Week and Mr. J. Frank Stout,
both of Omaha. Th ceremony was per
formed at 11 o'clock noon at tha mr.tnrv
Th oouple wer Attended bv Mr Cnnrlaa
Whit and Mis Ruth Fletcher.
Th guest attsndlns were Men H.l
Gideon of North Piatt. Neb., a cousin
of th brtd. and Mra. Laura Whitehead
of thl city, who I tha brlda'a aunt
Tha bridegroom 1 connected with th
!. F. Adam company a credit man
ger. Pleasures Fast.
Th Mlsse Ion and Adelaide run en
tertained at a beautlfullr
luncheon Saturday at their hom. Th
table was deoorated with a lnraw mnamn
of Klllarney rosea and nink-ah,i-
candle. Cover wer plaoed for eighteen
Mrs. H. Rothkoo entertain at w,i-
Wednesday In honor of Mr. Samuel Dla-
mont of Kansas City, the guest of Mr.
and Mr. Oeorg Wright The prise
wer awarded to Mrs. IL A. Altwrn and
Mr. M. Goldberg. Th guests of honor
received a hand painted plat. Thirty
guests wore entertained.
Mr. and Mx. Paul A. Phemanson m.
tertalned at dinner Friday evening la
honor or th West Fa mam Neighborhood
olub, Thos present wer!
Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Underwood,
Messrs. and Mssdanie
grower E. McCagua H. M. Mattoson,
Kdward 8. DybatT, Richard Allen,
.. ai. rvncT-imn, r . w, Miller.
A, J. Blddlok.
J. Marts.
J. H. DriscoU.
K. J, Carson,
Hugh BOcott
fiev rln a
Busl Barne of
west vinrfnla,
Grand Valley, R D, Jennie Nelson,
. Messrs
Kenneth Holme H. li. Allen.
of Mlnden. Neb,
For the Future.
Mr. and Mra Jack Byhea wm antesw
tain at dinner Thursday ereectsg of nexxt
week at th Country club.
Mis Helen Blxbv win ntrbktm the,
member of tho Mondv Bridsw nrah at
break fas Tuesday at her hom.
Th Carter Lak Swimming and BowV
Ing club wlU hold their regular lunohaoa
Tuesday at th Carter Isvka oiub hous.
Weddinar Plan.
Th wedding of Mis KeDta Elavitt
and Dr. Harold FI1 of Cleveland, (X
(Continued on Pag Three Ooluran Four)
Submitted by XT. E. B. Cram, 1710
S. 86th St., which wUi b sarved July
OS from la to SiSO p. m., in our 7 bo
Ounday dlnn men contest
Cream of Lattuo
CJUeea WaJars
Pickled Onlona
Rip Ollra
Boiled Salmon. Egg Bauc
Roast Spring Lamb, Currant JaUy
Frlnssaaa of Chtaban
Braised filrioin of Beet Horseradish
- Sauc
New Potatoes in Crearn
Soallopod Caullflowr
Dinner Roll
String Bean and Radish Salad
Aprloot lo Bpoog Oak
Ic Ta Coffee Milk Buttermilk
Bach wwak a M book of meal tlok-
will b glvea a way for the beat
mean suhmlhed for to To Ba&day
150810 Howard Street
EARN eykalBf skae)aief Mskaw
vIm to rwyr. runlbMetat
TnMftM( at ImSi 1M
S lawn mn4 aryaa, illwral artot aasW
ewrirn iwilg wchatciwufrvtolplMosyi
Ossrg P, MsglM, A. 6. D., President
AkaalaUir araaia
Bnfar than potooo or druse 1
O (S d at hardware. S'ul"r
iU by saaiL
rwtacda kura Tn, Oa.
14. Sh Uw, She
Net. The extra tight
2 : :.:m a
tvle fur every coiffurea shad
U.. L
ST" J 4
1 V J
for any hair. Ask your dealer fur th
"Cariuen Booklet Latot Stylo In
Ilairdree&lug it'a free. Try Carmen
&tyW ed, "Adjusta" cn-bpd, no
elastic cord or drawstring fits perfectly.
5c each at YOUR deW
A. Hospe Co.'s
Are Selling1 Rapidly.
The Prices Do It
Come to our store and see
the wonderful changes be
ing made. Then you will real
ize why we are almost giving
onr Pianos away. It is up to
us to sell every Piano or
have them ruined by dirt and
Ohickering & Sons (Bos
ton) Upright Rosewood
Case $125.C0
Smith & Barnes, Mahog
any $165.00
Gilbert, Mahogany $150
Bhoninger, Walnut $135.09
Kremlin & Son, Mahogany $175
Kimball, Walnut $175
And 30 Others.
Kimball Upright Piano
in Oak. Walnut and Mahogany,
$265, $295, $345
Refinhhed Piano
Hospe, Mahosrany.- $185
Whitney, Walnut. - $193
Wegman, Oak $225
Cable-Nelson, Mahogany, $225
Bteinway, Ebony. . .$275
And Many Others.
- t
Cable-Nelson Upright Pianos
Walnut. Oak and Mahagaam
$250, $275, $309, $325
CanWlonthl- loataUmenta, Stool
Brambach Grand
Zn Mahogany Onlys,
Price $455
New TJto-4at
We hav brand new, dependable, gvasv
anteed nsw piano marked down fo
thle Remodeling Sal at tlS, $!
aoa, aaiaoa twin of
One Dollar Per Week
Henderson Upright Pianos
$225, $250, $275
Oa 5 Payment. Stool and Scarf.
Full Sis. 88 Not
at 300, $350, $379, 403
Terms. $15 to $15 down; $8 to
$15 per month.
A large variety to aelect from.
Player Rolls. Sc. le, I Ho, 4 9c.
The Art Stock is moving fast; !
off. M off. Vi off. is doing It
Jmn t ; JT,sir" 'Mi"
, n. A rm k .. Jr .
av , . . . -rrzri
I - "' .d
A. Hospe Co.,
1513 Douglas Stver