Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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. i i
Grieres Long tot Son Who Had
Changed Ilii Name and Joined
Army in Far East.
"Dear Mother: I want you to
forrtT me for not writing to you.
I am going to come home and sur
prise you iom day," wrote Andrea
Albanese of Company A, Second In
fantry, U. 8. A., Honolulu, to bit
mother at 1909 Dorcas street.
The mother died three years ago
of a broken heart on account of the
unexplained absence of her oldest
child, whose letter recently was re
celred at the motherless home.
' Andrea Albanes left Omaha In 19n
with oreral other boy- to "see the
world." Th other boys returned o their
home town after satiating themselves
with the crest, wide world, but Andres
did not return. He changed his name snd
enlisted In army. II was It or 17 when
he enlisted. After many days and nights
of waiting for her son to return. Mrs.
Albanea dies. It Is said, she scanned the
newspapers for sereral years, thinking
perhaps sh might read the nam of her
boy In som connection. No word ever
cam to the grief-stricken mother. The
recent letter Intended for her arrived too
A letter Just received from th captain
of Andrea's company states ths young
mas now wishes to change bis nam to
what It should b. Th captain added
that Andrea has a good army record
and Is now In Honolulu. Records are now
being sent to meet th requirements of
the army In such a ea
Andrea Albanes wss born tn Omaha
and was baptised on June 4. 120. He Is
th oldest of six children. His father has
worked for th Union Paclflo many years
and own th llttl bom where he re
sides. A Utter Is now on th way to Hono
lulu, advising this Omaha boy of his
mother's death three years ago.
Thrasher Goes to '
Ohio to Testify in
Black Hander's Case
Officer tv Thrasher has goa to
Warren, O., as a wltnees against Feddel
renna, aacueed a month ago In Omaha as
bolng th king of th Black Hand of that
section of th country. Th accusation
wss mads by a young woman who had
fnlio-mA him serosa the country. Officer
A. C. Anderson wss to hsv gon to Ohio
as a witness, but sn Injury received Frl
In a mrtnrcvrl collision sent him
tr Bt. Joseph hospital, where his condi
tion Is still crttloaL Ills wife and three
children, who hsv been visiting In th
stat. havs been summoned to his bed-
slda, .
Fred 8. Khiiman, Wtf Po-Ah Twelfth
street, who was Injured St th NehrseVa
Mnline Plow company offices Friday, Is
said tn be dying at St Joseph's hospital.
He stepped Into sn elevator shaft snd
was atruek In th hesd by th deeoend
Ing elevator. At the time he wss be
lieved t have been only slightly Injured.
Apartments, fists, houevs and cottages
can he rented quickly and cheaply by a
Be "For Rent".
Th city accounting, snd finance depart
ment has completed th check of the ac
count of EHery II. Westerfleld of Dun
dee. Commissioner Butler expects to bav
his report ready to submit to th city
council st the commute the whole
meeting jext Monday morning.
The commissioner declines to Intimate
th condition of th aocounts of th mle
Ingr treasurer, more than to say, "Many
errors were found arid matters do not
look rood."
W. H. Cunningham, wtio has repre
sented th Nickel Flat railroad In th
Wyoming territory for several years, ha
been tranaferred to Omaha, wher h wll
have his offices, with Chlcag as hll
headquarters. Mr. Cunnlnghsm Is corS
trsctlng agent for ths Ijflckel Fist. sn
is delighted with his change.
A "For Pal" ad will turn econd-han
furniture Into oaah.
Five-Tear-Old Lad
Starts for Kansas
City All by Himself
Johnnie Turtle, ' aged I years, was ag
grieved becaua Omaha street cars did
not stop to take him aboard and decided
to go to Kansas City all by himself, hs
told Judg Llle In Juvenile court The
little lad was picked up Friday night
by th police at th Union station, wher
h was waiting to taks a train. He I
was sent to his horn by th Judg-,
Mayor is Too Fast
for Office Seekers
In his appointments Friday of a new
city olerk, clerk of the police court and
. permit clem tor ths South Side, Mayor
Pahlman broks all records.
At U a. m. hs mwlvsd wort that City
Clerk Flynn had been named United I
States marehal and at J p. m. hs an
nounced Mr. Flynn's succeaaor In the city
hall and two other appointments mad
neoessary by th leaving of Mr. Flynn.
It was ths deeire of th mayor to head
off a lot f offica seekers and booster
of political aspirants.
Man Shot in Heel by
Officer is Located
Henry MtoArdle, wfio was shot In th
jsl when ha mad good his snap from
Officer Jackson at Twenty-fifth and
Leavenworth streets several dsys ago.
has been brought back to Omaha from
k Council Bluffs hoapltal. wher he wss
found. UaAjmII will be arTalroed n
poUo court Monday on a chars of
teallng" merchandise from th Haines I
Drug com puny, the Drandels Store and
th Ouarante Clothing company.
Eotarians Boost
Omaha on Coast
Postals from Omaha Itotarlana out at
Baa Frejula.-o trll that they havs been
having th time of their life. FrlJrnt
Uarley O. Moorhead sends this nuieaage:
"Tits RotarUna are giving Omaha som
good advertising. Charlie Young- printed
a flr istsrvlew with Pan Baum In th
Ciainlriw today."
There Can Be No Better Time Than Monday to Obtain a Favorable and Pleasing
, Impression of the Store or to Benefit More Largely by Its Advantages
Parlne Storking Feet, cleee oat at. pair Se
Sorklet Oertera for children, all fancy, at, pair 7e
Iars Ho bo, ef Bone and Wire Hair rina, boa. Be
J. Sj P. Oonta- Thread (Cbala brand), at, spool.. tVt
IT. Claepe at, card '. ...... le
lrse Site Shopping Base, fee value, at, each. is
targe Sice Hair Net, good Qoallty, to grade, at .........I
Fotr. potan Maaaajre Cream, Tie eta Jar. ..................
Molba Face Cream. (Oo else Jar. .. . . . .........
tJr Kim race Powder, all ahadea, box. ..... . . 4
Gravee' Tooth Powder, I So alae can. .................... .....IS
Hudnat'e Cold Cream, I0o alio Jar.... ......... ......ttte
4T11 Toilet Water, 7tn alia bottle ............ ..,...4t
Colgate' Ia Franco Roee Perfume, the .......m... SB
A big assortment of Bathing Cap at eut prloes.
Unrestricted Choice Anv Woman's Summer Garment
In Our
Entire Stock
Here It Is at LastAnd Such alSale It Will Be-Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. the Store Is Yours
as. a. kml r
By autiful Party Dretsss Elegant Afternoon Gowns
Summer Wash Dresses Evening Wra p s- Capes
Tailored SuitsSilk Suit Dress Coats, Auto Coats
"We know from ex
perience how welcome
this sale is. And this
one is going to ' be a
greater surprise than
ever, before. This sea
son has been rich with
marvelous, beautiful
creations and Monday
the women of Omana
will be able to obtain
apparel of the most ex
pensive character at a
price they can easily
afford to pay.
n Our Finest Evening Gowns -v
Many Worth $25 and $30. Many Worth
$40 to $50. A Few Worth $60
'r-'-"iJi--JiTtfflgii-iis"rr n Tir rw Tgiiri-' '-'.J.l'.i..J
m pi '
i l j 1 1
The styles are the
choicest of the season
and in seeming limitless
varietymateriala are
the best and newest
the colors are the most
desired in brief, prac
tically any garment you
may want will be here
Monday at this bargain
price. TVe will start the
day with a choice show
ing in every lje. v
Positively One Day Only-No Mail or Phone Orders-No Alterations-No C O. D.'s-No Exchanges-No Layaways
TheWessLargest Silk Store
Th New Jacquard Strip Shirt
lug Crepe d Chine, 33 Inches
wide, extra food weight. In a
beautiful combination of color
logs; sell everywhere for $2,
our price, per yard $1.25
40-lnch All-Silk Blsjck Chiffon
Cloth, good weight, splendid
wearing quality; well worth
$1.25, extra special for Monday,
per yard 29o
27-Inch Cxtra Heavy Nat. Jap
Hahutal, the kind that will
stand laundering; regular B9o
kind, per yard 39e
86-Inch Swiss Finish Black
Chiffon Taffeta, extra good
weight, soft lustrous finish, a
taffeta of merit; regular. $1.50
kind, per yard 05o
82 Inch Tub Bilks In the new
ahlrtlng stripes, all fast colors;
regular 60c values, yard...lOo
4J-Inch All-SUk Wash Crepe d
Chine, whit ground, new Dres
den effects, an Ideal fabrid for
blouses and . dresses; worth
12.60, per yard $1.25
80-Inch White Sktrtlng Cordu
roy; regular $1.00 kind, per
yard 50 c
A Special Linen Sale-
89e Fancy Linens at 25o
About 1,000 pieces of Fancy
Linens, Scarfs and Squares,
trimmed with lace, embroidered
corners, l$x54-lnca and 20x30
lnch sUee.
$1.00 Fancy Linens at-,..69o
One lot of Embroidered, Scal
loped, Lac Trimmed and Re
naissance Scarfs, Squares and
Center Pieces,
$1.25 Damask at, yard....Q8o
For Monday, IS pieces of an
All-Linen Damask in th bleach
ed and silver bleached, Scotch
and Irish make, 70 Inches wide,
all pretty patterns.
1.60 Napkins at for.. $1.00
On lot of Napkins In the tea
and luncheon else, hemstitched,
plain hemmed, fringed and
60e and 76 Towel at.... 33
Odda and ends of very tine
All-Linen Towels In the huck
and damask kind, wtth hem
stitched or scalloped ends; val
ues up to J6o.
I1.7S A 2 Lunch Cloths, $1.39
For Monday about 100 Fin
Hemstitched and Embroidered,
Lunch or Ta Cloths, all pretty
drawnwork pattern, in th 89
lsch. tS lnch and some 61 Inch
sixes; value tip to $3.00.
're-Inventory Sale
of Fine Blouses
Walt$ of a ttylt and quality that we could readily put out at two or
three time the price.' Up to (Qrandele tlandarJs, and there U no question
now of BranJtis leadmhlp tn tlif values and beautiea. "
1.200 Blousea of Silk, Shadow
LaceH Black or White Crepe de
Chine. Plaid Taffetas, Striped Tub
Silk, all most wanted colors; val
ues to $6.00, at
Slightly Soiled Blouses; values
to $U6. at
3,600 Blouses of Lingerie, Tub
Silk and Jap Silks; values to $3 00,
Middy Blouses, extra quality
Galatea, all white, whit with red ,
or navy collars; values to $1.26, at
88-Inch Penanx Dress Percale.
Neat dots and figures. Cat fold;
16c value, yard 10c
88-Inch Neatly Printed Voile.
Neat black and white dots and
figures; 15c valul, yd....8!gO
82-Inch Pure JVhlte Underwear
Crepe, PUsse Pebble wear,
shorts up to 20 yards; Values
16o an4 19c, yard...... ..9iQ
Cotton JF
Pur Whit Shadow Cloth and
r Princess Lac Cloth, for ladles'
waists, skirts, outing suits; 15o
value, yard. 10O
The Genuine Leader Voll. 27
Inches wide; Monday, Special
8ale, yard only ,10c
The Genuine Lonsdale Bleach
ed Cambria, 86 Inches ' wide;
13o value, Monday, yd. .8!go
Th Genuine "Sterling" Bleached Sheeting, extra heavy linen
finish, round thread quality, every bolt bearing th genuine label,
very serviceable for hotel and domestic use.
10-4, per yard... 22c '
-4 per yard .gOo
8-4, per yard lgc
Clearing bale Wash Fabrics
Sheer Whit Embroidered Nov
elties for dainty blousea and
dresses, sold uprlo $1.60 yard,
88, 40, 45 Inches wide; clearing
sale at, yard 89c
White Novelties, such as Rice
Cloth Corded Effect, Plaid
Klaxon, Kponge, Crepe, for
blouses and dresses, 86 and 40
Inches wide; worth to 89c yard,
clearing sale at yard. .'. . -25c
I Plain Whit Voile, good quallt;
890 value, u vincnes . wide;
clearlngt sale at, yard 23o
Whit Gabardine for outing,
suits," middy . blouses, skirts,
etc, 36 Inches wide; 60c value,
clearing sale at, yard 30c
Good Quality White Gabardine
for suits and skirts, 29c value,
88 inches wide; clearing sale
at, yard............. 190
Imperial Long Cloth, Pointer
brand, pur white, contains no
filling, for fin nndermualina,
86 Inches wide, 13-yard bolts;
? 85c
0 o3 kD Pair . '
ChrUtin Millar, th famous slngrr, ahol
r.M ben Sltendtng th P aengerreat. left
lat night for Pittsburgh over th Hur-
"I am drllghtrd with th war w hav
tB received In Omaha," said Ula
Wt.icr. "Th P"nnerfet ha been a
gitat succeed and I ara verjr (lad that I
able t cum.'
It. funaral t la of the iio Larmoti
r. ITuyn. former Omaha rtaf eetate man,
io aied at i;ictlior fcprlnjfa. mill h
ic; j at the Masoliilc Trinjjle hur.itajr aft
ernoon at i o'olorli umlr the auirvulon
ct Cei.tiol ldg tie- I
Tamil 4 I aif Iraalilra.
Cul-Wly .'ltd ly It. Kjgs New !!-
t-cvery. In ure ovu fi.rty yar. ljr
t uir.e .ou!d kevp a tattle f-r eni.n-
, ---- x
ffe-Iiventofy Sale
f 'Fiie
Our customers who have dealt with us for years will rely upon our statement that this is one
of the greatest value' giving sales of shoes ever held. Stock taking is close at hand and
shots cf the reliable makes mentioned below mutt be gotten out of the way. What man of woman
wantsapair of tiew,up-to date shoes for Ji&lf and less to finish the summer with? Lethimorher be early!
And These for Women
2,500 Women's Pumps and Oxfords Patent leather, dull leather,
vicl kkl, bronze Xivl, white canvas. All the new styles, jtffaps or
plain; also combinations of all kinds, grey, fawn or white. Rub
ber Sole and Sport Oxfords. All sizes. The most exceptional
chance to purchase the best shoes for so little money. Every
pair worth from $2.50 to JI3.30, ill at one price
These Are for Men
1,000 Pr. of Fin Oxford, in tan or black calf or vicl kid, but
ton, blucher or lace. AH the new styles, such makes at Strong
& Carfeld, Reynolds, Drake and Gatel, etc., etc Not a
pair worth less than $4.00, and the majority $5.00 and $6.00,
all size end widths, for - ,
(Q) Pair
Sale Starts Monday at 8:30 A. M.
j on Main Floor Shoe Department
tla. Ail drvgclats. Advertliw-mtut.
s-Tirn-r n r 1 ttt nrnr T"-riT s