TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUT A" 24, 1915. T IT" CARPENTERS AT Remodeling A. Hospe Co.'s Store and vou should see the people BUYING PIANOS. Never have we had such a successful sale. Every Piano must be sold or ruined by dirt and dust. THE PRICES DO IT. WW SPECIALS GO OVER OHAHA ROADS s7 hi Brambach Grand Piano In Mahotany Only. Price $455 New Up-to-date PIANOS We hare brand new, denendable, guar anteed new piano marked down tor thle Remodelm Sale at tie. fist, tsot, ft IS on ternia of One Dollar Per Week m in tti rr -vv j ..:-,Ul1 - Kimball Upright Piano In Oak. Walnut and Mahogany. $265, $295, $345 Re finished Pianoa Second-Hand. Hospe, Mahogany $185 Whitney, Walnut $198 Wegman, Oak $223 Cable-Nelson, Mahogany, $223 Stcinway, Ebony $275 And Many Others. Calle-NeUon Upright Pianos Walnut. Oak nd Mahocany. Prices $250, $275, $300, $325 On mall Monthly Installments, 'Btool nd Scarf Free. USED PIANOS. Ghickering & Sons (Bos ton) Upright Rosewood Case ......'..$ 08 Weser Bros., Mahogany.... $145 Gilbert, Mahogany.. $150 Hospe, Oak. ....... . . ... .$150 Kremlin & Son, Mahogany $175 Kimball, Walnut $175 And 30 Others. Chartered Trains Carying Conven tion Delegates Fast Through Omaha from Coast. ALL STOP OFF HERE A WHILE 8peclal trains with private par ties to and from California are pass ing through Omaha every day, and many of the tourists are . stopping here for stays that are from a few hours to several days in length: The Shrlners of the east are now return ing from their convention In Cali fornia, and large parties are being taken back In special trains over a number of the lines. The Lu Lu temple of Philadelphia passes through Omaha In a train running In three sections next Friday, there being 411 Shrlners In all with this one delegation. They are returning over the Rock Island, coming from Colorado. The Aladdin Shrlners of Columbua, O., with 140 In their party, pass through Omaha on their return. Tuesday. One hundred and thirty people who are trav eling" under the direction of the Oattls Tourist agency pass through here, so. Ins east, on August 2. They will arrive at I p. m. and Inave at l:4t. Boston et Week. The Aleppo Temple Shrlners of Boston, IV strung, are to so through here next Friday, and over 100 people front Birming ham, Ala., pass Omaha on their return from Uie coast on the same date. A dels tat Ion of New England Elks, returning from Log Angeles, are In Omaha today and four cars of Cook tourists leave Omaha Saturday evening over the Mil waukee for Chicago. The Commercial Law Leaaue of Amer ica, from Chicago to Pasadena, Is due In Omaha at I 30 p. m. next Thursday, with over 128 people. Thsy will atop half an hour at the Burlington station. The Milwaukee, Madison and Rock f or (t delegates to the Bacnrerfest leave Satur day evening over the Milwaukee on their return trip, over too members being In the party. Other delegates to the Baen- gerfest are planning to leave Saturday evening, but a large per cent of those here are planning to wait until later, and many are going to the coast before their return home. New Books a. ... , ' -a ;i slit ..t IhrJirson Upright Pianos $225, $250, $275 On 5 Pajments. Stool and Scarf NEW PLAYER PIAN03. full Else. IS Note - ' at ......SHOO, 9350, $S79, $405 USED PLAYER PIANOS. Terms, f IS to US' down! fS to f IS per month. ... A Urge variety to select from. Flayer Rolls. 8c, 19c, 28c, 1 9c The Art Stock Is moving fast; off, H oft. 4 off. Is doing it. A. Hospe Co., 1513 Duugla$ Street notion. TltH ENEMY. By George Randolph i nesier ana i.iuian uiieoier. i Hearst's International Library com imnv. Whisky is "the enemy" that wracks the life of one of the two principal men characters, threatens to destroy that of the other and brings shame and sorrow to a couple of good and devoted women. There la nothing particularly new or In genious In the story, for there are faw people who have not at least one Billy Lane among their acquaintances and a considerable number who have known a Harrison Stuart. It Is all. Indeed, quite true, and as commonplace as tragedy so often Is. It contains many effective scenes and among the masculine part of the dramatis personae are several well drawn characters. TUB 1ND1HCREET f ETTER By EU - t-anor Hallowell Abbott. (0 cents. The Century company. This story Is concerned with a conver sation on a train from Montreal to Boa ton, and Its chlof characters are a trav eling salesman and a young woman, with a young electrician to make an occasional remark. It Is gay, whimsical and charm ing a delightful hammock book. AN KOTPTIAN IXVJ0 RPKIJ,. By Marls Harrington Billings, to cents. The Cen tral Publishing company. A well told tale having as Its theme the theory of reincarnation. THB TREAT8RK OF HIDDEN VAL l.KT. By Willis George Emerson, tti pp. tl.n. Forbes Co. A novel of western life, laid for the most part In Wyoming. , The plot starts out with a quest for a lost mlns, but this Issue before long becomes of subsidiary Importance to the human story that gradually unfolds Itself. The author has an understanding of men and motives and the characters and In cidents are true to the section of the west of which he writes. THB PECRET SERVICE SUBMARINE. By Guy Thorns. $L Bully bUelntelch. The eoene la the eaat coast of Brig and the story tells of the extraordinary and mysterious plot of a Oerman spy. Its detection by an English schoolmaster. and his attempt to frustrate It. A vivid picture of lite In a submarine. AT THB SIGN OS' THE 8 WORD By William queux. 17 pp. 11. bully A Xlelnteloh. The scene Is Belgium, the time of hap peningduring the present war. The story Is one of vivid human Interest woven Into a background depleting the horrors of the tragedy of Belgium. AUNT SARAH AND THE WAR. Tt cents. U. I . Putnam a Hons. The book Is a fine, patriotic embodi ment of a nation's spirit, as evinced by the people at home, no less than by those who are bearing the brunt of battle. IN HOC VINCE. By Florence- U Bar clay. Tl cents. U. P. Putnam's Hons. This little story of a Bed Cross flag was written for and first published In King Albert's book. Founded, the author tells us, on an episode which occurred aftsr the battle of Mons. It Is. she says, "true In Its mala details." and Is a rather ef fective, brief aooount of how some wounded soldiers, gathered In a municipal building, were without the protection of a Red Cross flag. There was no time to get one, but there waa a way In which one could be made, and though It waa a decidedly unpleasant, even a rather grow some thing to do. a youag English offi cer accomplished the grim task, and pres ently the tragic flag waa waving In the brseae. ALICE AND A FAMILT. By St. John G. Lrvlne. Zl pp. 11.26. The MacmUlan company. Alice Is an engaging little heroine who In spits of her youth displays a most re markable ability in running the house hold of the widowed Mr. Nudds, laborer, and his rhtldren. How she manages not only their affairs but those of the under taker, the Insurance agent, the schuol mcater, the keeper of the newspaper shop, her own oixuher, as well as sev tiel other people, is Mr. Ervlne's theme. IXOni,krf. y K m me C. lmwd. 1. Hougiitun-Mif f tin (u:uMny, iKKMlks livos well up to his title of "The Sunshine Boy." A poor little cripple, he Is endowed with a cheerful temperament, an anrelle character, a voice of surpass ing sweetnese and a genius for music. Moreover, he Is the possessor of a mar velous mockingbird, bought In a dilapi dated condition for the sum of 25 certs, but which turns out to be somebody's lost bird, valued at t. as, Indeed, a bird ought to be which warbles from start to rinlsh "Annie Laurie " and "Auld Lang Syne." All sorts of delightful coin cidences and happenings come to Doodles and his family. P1FXTKS OF THE GAME. By Cmmtese d Chamhrun. 3S pp. UK. O. P. Put nam Hons. The scene of the novel, after its open ing at a New England summer colony favored by the diplomatic circle from Washington, Is laid In the nation's cap ital, and Its two chief characters are a young bride and groom, the latter an Attache of the French embassy. The plot hinges about a bit of mystery In his csreer a few years earlier, and It la with some skill that the author manages the sly gr1p and furtive moves of the womsn whose Ill-will he hss won and who la determined to bring disaster upon him and his young wife. THE MIRACLE OF LOVE. Br Cosmo Hamilton. 325 pp. 11.25. George II. Doran company. The hero Is a duke, young and charm ing, but feeling himself forced to sacii- flee himself for the family whose hAd he hsd become. Longing for a girl In EnKlsnd he raced through New Tork, peered curiously at the Florid keys, all the while trying to be true to his family rather than to himself. A surprising, un expected "miracle of love," not to ! guessed beforehsnd, made a delightful sndlng to this romance. 1 SAENGER Home Folks Know that Brandeis Prestige Commands the Best in the Market for the Least Outlay Wash Dresses Choice of a lot of Dainty Colored Wash Dresses In smart good mod els, daintily trimmed and of pretty wash fabrics; values o no to 15.00, at $Z.UO l:lliHiiEBliEil Hot Weather Dresses Smart lot of Wash and Hot Weath er Dresses In pretty white and col ored effects. The new striped and Dresden pattern effect- a f rr trelymade. Vala. to $10. 300 Fine Dresses From New York at $10.00 Just Purchased at 40c on the Dollar Worth up to $30.00 Fine nets, laeet. voile, create, inert, milhm and nnnw mntmrlaJm im nm, aJ effective atyle shown thia aeaaon. Alao a number of pretty, dainty dancing frocka in ailka and neta. The lot beggara deacription. All are proven good faahiona, but ever ao much leae in nrifm. Wm arm nlnrtna fAm all tr m Ul 7 .. .. L ...... L M f rn I Special offering; of New Ice land Fox Summer Scarfs, the smartest novelty of the sea son, made with the large head, open mouth and full bushy tail, fJjQ QQ at DJ.a70 A Wonderful Oppor tunity in Children's Fine Wash Dresses Choice of several hundred fine dresses for children (2 to 5 and 6 to 14 and girls from 13 to 17) at just half price. This will in clude every child's colored or white dress in our entire stock that has sold at 13.98 and up to $22.50. $5.00 dresses, at. . . . . .$2.50 $7.50 dresses, at $3.75 $10.00 dresses, at $5.00 $12.50 dresses, at $6.25 $15.00 dretses, at $7.50 $20.00 dresses, at $10.00 Specially Selected Lots of Wash Skirts A wonderful lot of pretty skirts In gabardines, cordeline, tf 1 ratine, etc., at. aj) 1 Special lot of smart skirts of good wash fabrics, new girdles and pockets, also new, khaki skirts :r.wu?f..;; $1.50 Specially selected lot of fine skirts, made of fine qualities of imported gabardine, pique, linens, ratine, etc., many in lot worth to 6.50, at $2.98 and $3.98 Silk Jersey Coats Choice of any of the Popular Sport Coats with silk Jerseys In all the good bright and light col ors, values to 110.00, tc nfl while they last, at $O.UU Outdoor Shoes for Outdoor People Bathing Shoes and Slippers In colors, cork soles, og Tango laced, all sizes, at, pair a3C Sport Oxfords and Shoes for Women, white, buck, patent leather or tan calf combinations or all .white. "t do . CkVt All on sale Saturday, at.... V. . . . . .'uOeat0 First Quality Tennis Shoes and Oxfords, all white, with white rubber soles, Lakeside Brand, fi or rj f ff at, pair,. J 1 and ij 1 .UU Children's Slippers and Roman Sandals, patent fQ leather or dull, all sizes; worth to S2.00, at, pr.,. . . . 70U Silk Gloves 59c V Women's Long Gloves worth to 89c, at. These gloves are 22 Inches long, made of a heavy quality pure silk, double tipped, some In black or white. Very special for Saturday. Brandeis Special Guaranteed Silk Gloves Milanese sllkv dou ble tipped, every . pair guaran teed, regular price $1, Saturday 85c Specials in Hair Goods We offer some very attractive specials in Switches and Transformations: s "X 79c 14-Inch Natural Wavy Switch, $2 quality Natural wavy Qrey s g Switch, fS quality iJZ.4y All around Transforms- sq tlons, 3.60 quality epleUo AU around Orey Trans- (fa nn formations, 18 quality. p'feiO Large else Real Hair nr Nets, 2 for LoZ We specialise In children's hair bobbing. Shampooing, Hair Dressing, Massaging and Manicur ing. Appointments, made by phone. Dainty Parasols 69c Ladles' Regular $1 Parasols In all colors, one and two-ribbon In sertions; some have canopy tops, exceptional values, at, each Children's $1 Parasols In all colors and combinations, about H are silk, one and two-ribbon Insertions, very (r special at OjC $3 and $4 All-Silk Ladles' Para sols All colors and shapes, special at . . . $1.79 Some Exceptionally Good Hosiery Items Women's Pure Thread Silk Stockings in odd lots, black, white and some colors, a few are slightly soiled. They are full fashioned with wide lisle garter tops, reinforced soles, heels and toes, good assort ment, mostly all worth $1, on large bargain square at 59 o Women's Pure Thread Silk and Fiber Silk Hose In boot patterns and fiber tD the top, in black and white orly. They are full fashioned and seam less with spliced heels, toes, double soles and wide garter tops, 60c quality at 35c Women's Fiber Silk Hose with fancy boots, In all shoe shades, also plain black and white Hales, seamless with double heels and toea, 26c quality, at 19o Children's Silk Lisle Hose, in black, white and colors with double knees, heels and toes, me dium weight, 25c quality, at 15c Men's Fiber Silk Male Hose, seamless, with spliced heels and toes with double soles, in black, white, tan and gray colors, regular 25c quality, at 15c Knit Underwear Women's Kayser and lisle, with cuff knee style; quality for 59c t Women's Lisle and Cotton Union Suits Cuff and umbrella styles, regular and extra sizes, 40c quality, at 29 o "Cumfy-Cur Union Suits, silk regular and extra sizes; $1.00 Odds and ends of well known brands In Union Suits for boys and girls, odd slses, worth up to EOc at, suit, 19c These Blouses Reduced for Quick Clearance f The best of blouses must part com pany, and these values are nothing abort of wonderful. New Lingerie, Jap Silks and Blouses, values to J 1.50, at :. Dainty Voile and Organdie Linen 89c Blouses, $1.45 1 semi-tail- $1.89 also striped Tub Silk Blouses, at Crepe de Chine, dressy and semi-tail ored Lingerie Blouses, values to $3.oo, at. . . . 1,500 Middy Blouses, values n to $1.25, at ; OVC (Sizes 10 to 20, also 36 to 40.) One group of slightly soiled blouses, values to $3.50, at.. $1.50 The Boys' Store Boys' Wash 8ulta 1-3 to 1-2 off the regular price our stock is still complete with all the new style effects. Billy Boy suits, middy styles, various Oliver Twist styles, Vesta styles, Tommy Tucker suits. 75c and $1.00 Suite at . . . . . 50c $1.50 Suits at . ...... . $1.00 $2.00 Suits at $1.25 $2.50 to $3.50 Suits at $1.75 $4.00 to $5.00 Suits at ... . $2.50 600 Boys' Palm Beaoh Suits Wobby Norfolk styles. In q CA plain colors or fancy strlpea and checks, all ages, at epJ3U A Big Special In Blouse Beautiful aolsette blouses, Cfla. the $1.00 quality, at : OUC Splendid tailored blouses In vary Beat stripe effects, also plain white. Other Specials in Our Boys' Furnishing Section. SI. 50 Palm Beach Knickers at $1 ?6o Boys' Bathing Suits at 39c $1.25 All-linen Knickers at g5c A Big Knee Pant Special. $1 and $1.50 Pants at 75c Blue serges and fancy mixtures, with plenty of them, every slse 6 to 17 year. Drugs and Toilet Needs Peaipelaa Miaaei Cream, II Mm M.lba rase Pewaer. all eaeaae. lea etee Aaerr Sletere Dry Rouse, lee ele , , M.loroee Beeety Create, lie atoe lr Medem lMtolt'a Or.aael.ee Ctmb. tee et. Leatrtll NaU roilaa, tie etae cake : White's Maaloere Oal.se Tab Ute. l mm TwMtl. re ToU.t Water, Tie Mm kettle Maaem laeeeil-a Bath OU. lie mm at Swaa fowl Faee Fewaer. ait eaedee, ea I Black race Pew4.r, all faeaee , araxxaL balk 59c 29c 29c 33c 29c ..He .69c ..59c 33c ..10c 34c KIBUE 4T11 White Keee Olrcerlae Swap, cake Preil4e ef Kjrdrosea, 14-lh. kettle Horllok'e Malted Milk, koe- pltal alee i Wlt.h Haael. full pint battle Sloan I .Intra. Dt. lie alee bottle I.lat.Hae. lee alee battle , Her-e Hair HMVlta, lie etae battle Rubbar SbMtlns. yard Hide. the yard Ledtee Baaitary Deache mj. rtug., epeclal Automobile Chamele. resular II I, at Setdllts Powd.re. II la boa et H t.OODX ITf PRICES. ...He .8c $2.69 :..16c ...29c ...29c ...29c ...29c $1.89 ...79c ...12c I! far Photo Supplies R uter Braent IA Caviare, lekae plotarae Itoalfc; eun pl. te eperete. Macular 1 value, at 25c $2.59 Ulna Qredualea at , Ruby Lantarne et We de.etao rear erdariaa PrtMe. ..5c 24c Candies Som.thins n.w 4'4ceenpt Kuss'te- vanilla, strawberry and C. chocolate flavors Snow Plaka Marehraallowe th. kind you toast Saturday spa- l"t rial, p.r Ik AW. Cocoaout Klesae Aeaorted flavors Pompalao Bltt.r BwMta. assorted; pure fruit and nut enter.; rsu lar ; Beturday On. special aiC Try eur delicious Maple Ooofectlone, aeaorted kmda, rasular OA. a.ww 15c 10c; Maturday Bwlaa Milk Btyla Chocolates, IMl. fruit aad But t.nt.ts; raular lci Saturday kssort- 29c Our Specialty. Our Own Package 1 lb. Mstlnee Clrl 29 O Maraschino Cherries. H lb-25o Maraschino Cherries, 1 lb..fOo 1 lb. Gold Medal Chocolates for GOo 2 lb. Oold Medal Chocolates and California Fruit, also Bon Bons at $1.25 " Wallace Nutting" Hand Colored Platinums Through special arrangements with the publishers we are showing a very large and most carefully selected collec tion of "Wallace Nutting" original hand colored Platinums of the interiors of colonial dwellings, and cool summery nature prints, with all the wealth of detail and soft nature colors so "Nuttingesque." We have arranged a little room in our Pic ture Dept., In true Nutting atyle with an electric fan to cool you, where we are aure you can epend a few pleasant momenta. J v The most comprehensive collection you will see this sea son. Mr. Nutting's own assortment. Third Floor.