THK HKK: OMAHA. SATIMMUY. .U'LY 24. 101.". PARK POOLS CLOSED TO ALLJWIMMERS athen to Be Permitted Only at the Two Places Where Swimming is Supervised. J FORMER OMAHA GIRL WHO Consider Omaha in Race for National Convention of Dems who la at the Pan Frsnrlsco enpreplon. The telogisjn Is dlre ted to .Pxrhead as president of the Ornnha notary club The Nebrankan has been boosting for the democratic national convention for fimalin, snd hft Just received a letter from the secrctnry of the nntinnnl com mittee atntmg that Omnhs. t'hl ago nnl I 'alias aie In the race for te convention. i t-i rr i-t rrr r t vrrt rrwrrrrry n-trrrn r-mrrrt river f ' i , r it VTSITING HER PARENTS. i'4 ' Hememler we wint the democratic national convention her". I'eae boost for Omaha." This Is the telegram J. V. Apartments, flats, houioa and cottager Welih, proprietor of the 'julkaerv Cnfa- i ran be rented rinlckly and cheaply by a terla sent yesterday to Hnrley Moorhea l, I Ute "For Rtnt " i Absolute Clean-Up of All Our Broken Lots of $ CARTER AND SPRING LAKES 16 IS " il J nil ii m i i ii i . . i. F i . i ii ii , i, i . T. . - ' mn.,,. ikLl , "' .' '-Y-f' 'Il " Iff J-l "'l ' ,rj "! t'UMI lip V-1 ''l1' 1 l'S Cl '"I Commissioner Hummel had closed All bodies of water In the public parks except the municipal brach at Carter lake and the swimming pool at Spring Lake park. South Side, both of which are supervised. This drastic action Is the result of the verdict of a coroner's Jury, hold ing the city park department negli Itent In the case of the drowning of a boy at Elmwood park a few days ago. Flaca are lacing- mad" for porting t these ponds and lakes anl h'rsfier r ons wnllng or othfrwiso entrlnn tl'e waters will It rontaroxl tr Fps w-rs. This order refers to ponds or 'ls In Itanirom. Knuni. nilrr. J:vcrlnw and Mmwood parks. CI.IMren have It. n al lowed to wade and In some lnstaii-ea tn wlm In these ponds, pnrtl. ularly mo In IMlllcr and Kountin parks. Ilenmel F.aptalna. Commissioner Hummel explains his po sition in tlds manner: "In the ease of the drowning at Klm ood park, It may be said that the pool trrnrw Is used aa a supply for the pavilion and not Intended to he used otherwise. There la a watihman at this park, hut t la difficult for one man to keep his rye on 210 arrea of ground It might fust aa well be sll that every tree (Thou Id be watrhed leat a boy climb to the branr-hes, fall off and break Ills k-ck. "It would be nice to have Bupervlaora for ea-h of the ponda. We have two life guards now at Uie municipal bearh juid ample protection at the swimming pool at Hprlng Iake park. We are plan ting a public bnthlng plaot for Klver- lew park and that, too, will be super vised when opened next spring." Pterins; on Haft. The boy who waa drowned at Kim wood rsa a member of a Sunday school plc tiln. He waa playing on a raft at the time he fell Into the water. Superintendent Dwells!) of public reo featton conferred with Commissioner Hummel on thla rloelng order and he aequleered In the action taken. .Mr. Prucllsh contends that If a coroners Jury will hold the park department negligent In such cases aa the one In juestlon, then the thing to do la to close these bodies of water until auch a time aa proper protection ran be pro vided. There are about five mile of shore line along Carter lake, on park property owned by the rlty. Mr. Hummel says be would like to aak a coroner's Jury bow many watchmen would be nnrea ary to guard this extensive shore line to Insure that no person enter the water and, perchance, drown. .Woman Puts Out Fire While Husband is 'Phoning for Help When a rasollne stove exploded at the tiome of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hltnpeon, 3TJI fforth Nineteenth avenue, Mrs. Plmpeon Palmly proceeded to extinguish the blase tT applying wet clothes and buckets of rater Mr. Simpson was slightly burned on his bands, lie r-moved his burning clothes and telephoned lor the fire department, but In the meantime his wife had sub 0ued the flames. Mrs. fllmpeon says there Is no use get png excited over a little matter like a gasoline stove explosion and fire. Tom O'Connor is i MadeCity Clerk 1 T. J. O'Connor, clerk of the police court, as been appointed city clerk, to aue e4 Thomas J. Flynn, Cnlted Htatea btarshal -elect Mr 0Oonnor will receive II.OOO a year. !he aaiary of the offtoa having been B,S Ha has been secretary of the Lahlman club and an ardent supporter a the Dahlmaa campaigns J MerceU, former deputy city clerk of pouth Omaha and at present serving as jswmlt clerk and prosecutor on the South pide. will succeed Mr O'Connor as clerk the police court J. T. ritsgerald, former tax assessor In pouth Omaha, will taks Mr Mercell's place In the Scnith Bide city hall Cyclist Injured in Smashup With Auto F. J. Collins. SUM Far nam street, sus- Kned cuts and bruises when a motorcy whlch he was driving collided with a hiachlne driven by lr. Krlti Heuman of Benson at Thirtieth and Hodge streets. Both vehicles were damaged, although the ocupante of the car. Including Karl lleumarnand the doctor's S-year-old son, Deorge, were unhurt. Collins 111 taken to the Nicholas Kenn hospital, where his I nj art as were dreaeed. WOLFE WRITES HE WILL START PEACE MOVEMENT Robert t Wolfe, former city boiler In spector, writes to cltv hall friends from New Tork City, outlining his plana to tart a nation-wide peace movement of uoh a magnitude that the nations of Europe will be Impressed to the ex. tent that wars will cease to shock human ity. According to his lsst letter on the sub t, Mr. Wolfe tntenda to start peace rneetlntre In New York City snd he wants Mayor Dahlman to begin a peace move ment la Greater Omaha. AUTO TRAINING SCHOOL GOES INTO BANKRUPTCY The Nebraska Automobile Training association, SMI North Twentieth street, filed a petition In bankruptcy, shorn Ing jl.KS liabilities snd fl.b-fi assets. J. C. liopp Is Its president. Don't run the risk. Oct a SOc bottle f rr. King's New Discovery now. The Urat done bela. All druggists. Adver aVemenL " MRS 1IFH UKRT FUKNCIf. D ?r llrb(it French of tmlsvllle, Kv., I arrived. Thursday to visit Mrs. J. C. Q French and Mr. and Mrs. lasso V.. B Conx'lun. H Slate Falls from B Roof of Federal I Building to Auto 1 A piece of aisle weighing over three ' B pounils became loosened and fell from H the roof of the poatofflce, striking an H siilotiiohlle belonKlng to I. C, Bradford R and missing the chauffeur try a few H Inches. j H i MMJ il i aaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaj ! M Prices Out Bruised aimed and Slaughtered THE HATTER 109 South 16th Street A Wholesome Food There is more nutrition in a package of MACARONI thaa In 6rty cants' worth of sirloin ataak and it can be cooked into ,a tasty and aalisv ring a dish. CM ' grace. SKlNHtR KAdASOMI sinNNn ura, CO, Oa aererei tmrntmrg laj At aassaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaat Sill; SEakts In the Same Trenches Equal To An Ocean Breeze Let Your Summer Motto Be jyy, ICE CREAM Early and often, that's the way to make the summer seem easy By Stepping Into jt the Shop That Sells rvm ICE CREAM You can rest and cool off as well as if you were enjoying the ocean breezes at the shore. RICH, PURE, DELICIOUS-Every Plate ORDER FROM YOUR DRUGGIST Fairmont Creamery Co. The People Are Competent to Judge where they get the best value for their money is the belief of The BASKET STORES A Few of Our Hundreds of Big Values Are: Lemons, doien lie aad lo These are both good else, thin skin and juicy. New potatoes may be lower Saturday 1 bu. SO lbs . 60 peck. 15 lbs., loo Sticky Kly Paper, 4 double sheets, 5o carton Sao Fly Hwatters. 10c ones 7o (c quality 40 Tip Making Powder, prise winner, 1-lh. asei ran to Tip UaJtlng 8oda, 1 lb. 10o pkg 4o Iure Cream Tartar Haklng Powder, '4 lb. as. can lTo Brooms Iso, gBo, ato, 3 So, 40o (Ttiese are about the prices most dealers pay for similar quality brooms.) Sweet Potatoes, ISo cans 19o and To, I for lo Sweet Corn, per can, Te Be, to, lie Tomatoes, To, , I for aBo, llo, ISo Peas, per can, Te, So, lie, 14a, ISo I ps Tea, blend good, lb B&o Rub-No-More or Pyramid Soap Pow der, real cleaners; 26c pkg Iftoi 6c pkg. 4o, t for loo fXH order we deliver freei under aa.oo we charge So ta limited territory. Bduoate yourself to compere priosa and quality aad you will do most of your trad! at on of THE BA SliET S WE ALWAYS LEAD IN LOW PRICES SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY we will give 25 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 With eaoh ourchaae of I lbe. of our sas roasted fancy Java Coffee which we roast ourselves dally, for 11.00 Ana l id. or our mart areas tiuik or rk. Tea, for aoo We will place on eale this Patunnlay 100 crstes extra fancy freeatons I'eachee. 4 baskets to each crate per basket. Iftoi per crate 6 Bo Just received a blsr load fresh dun home grown Potatoes, bushel. Bbo sex at irzcuxa Remember We don't advertise cheap meat. We cut nothlne; else but corn fed steers and guarsntee 1 oaa. to every pound. We make our o n Hamburser and I'ork Huaa and auaiantee nhaolute etrlctly freiih; Saturday, lb lOo Choice Veal Steak, lb Oo I I'ork I,ofn HosmI, per lb 18,o Choice rork Chops, 1 Ilto Hulled Ham, allied to order, lb...85e Pure Lard, In XtVio I L'omp. Lard, lb ) W fill mall orders st ahnve price. We deliver everywhere; also Hen son, Florence and South Otnaha Tel. D. 1590. 1915 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, 26 PIQ PORK ROAST 10l4C Steer I'ut Hoast l'l( I'ork nulls ... ) cum Veal Hoast , Youna Vest Olu Youn, Veal 8tew . . I.amh l.rsa Mutton Chul'S .1H ISS0 llie MJo . io .llSo tS alt l' 84 Rklnne.) Hams 13 PUDLIC .MARKET YSS.'iSSffJSi mi hI Socln, 414 )hn.. Bo; 25 lbs a Bo Corn, 16c pkg.. So) 3 for flSo 10c pkg 6o Elkhorn or cottage milk, 10c: cans. .7 6c cans 30 Mason Fruit Jars, will probably be higher. Pints, dos.. 34oi quarts, 38o ; i-gullonn, 690! zinc lid. doien 140 Hulihers, extra wide and heavy, dozen for 6o 3 for leo OTJB MEAT Is eHpeclully selected to please care ful buyers. If in well fed, tender. Juicy, full flavored. It helps the fam ily enjoy the meal. Lard, finest open Kettle, lb 13o 3 lbs. for 370 I.srd, pure, lb lflo Com pun n I, lb, 10c, 3 for 880 t Tea 111 Cheese, lb ltfa No. 3S at 31 ST Farnam In now open. The addition, soon to be completed, will enable us to try and serve you well. TORIES jiume srrown rine npe tomatoes, rer sinull basket , 15o 10 tiara l. c. or laundry Queen 8obp Saturday for 93o B-lle heavy Parlor Broom, painted handle. 4fo kind for 890 Why do vou pay more? We aell Ja." ('aim 20c kliul. per dosen lOo Resular 10c kind heavy Jar Rubbers nir price be 300 other Items for leas money than any other store In the city. 8ta and C ami ax ats. Huitar Cured Hams te llr Ihii HrvMkfaat Bacon.. lie butsx Ourt Heron lS,e 6-H). pall Slinun Pur LsvrJ, niular prlre aic: special Too rsciau From to V. M I-Hinb Chops to lom I to 10 P. W. Pork Chops 10s Men s and Young Men's! High Grade Suits Values Ranging From $10 to $25 laHssBBBMSBSssaBispaBni r - Pi mm Wide Roll Lapel Patch Pocket young men s R Nor folks, conservative, staple suits, in grays H newest Ur quart, tartan and shepherd plaids men and men who stay young. Special sizes I1 slim and extra size I Genuine Imported Silk Suits 4f, $1l:0 and $15.00 values; special at Genuine Palm Beach Suits, Norfolk and Ptaple models, all : i, At? We If El, KAVVSZ 3 ivl See our Pant t v windows, it X. St-Sr' i Sk wil1 pay y011- iP 4 Things For Men at a One lot of Men's Pajamas, made of fine quality corded Madras, Satin Striped Madras and Mer rerlied fabrics, worth up to $3. Sale price 81.49 and 7t) One lot of Men's Night Shirts, made of fine quality cambric, mull and muslin, worth $1.00 3 and $1.25. 8ale price G9C S5 dozen Men's Linen, Madras and Nainsook I'nlon Suits; these are wonderful values, worth J I to $1.50 a suit. Sale price, G9t One lot of Men8 Negligee and Golf Shirts, values to 7 6 Sale price 39, Get a Hat - Clearing Sale of Straw Saturday your unrpstrictoil choice of any rami's Straw Hat in our entire stock, incluilini: .hivas, Porta Ricans, StMinits, Split Braids and Rough Straws that have Iwcn selling: at $'2.X), $2.50 and $3.00; your choico Sat urday, at only All the All the All the Clearing Sale of Boys and Chil dren's Headwear All the Boys' and Children's $1, $1.25 and $1.50 Stra Hats, Saturday, 40c All the Hoys' and Children's 35c and 60c headwear in one bit lot Satur day 10e Odd lots of Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's Hats and Caps. Saturday. lc All the j Get into business via the "Business Chances PIG PORK ROAST, 10c 1915 MILK FED SPRING CHICKENS 2GHf Plf Pork Butts Steer Pot Hoast . Young Veal Koast Young Veal Chops Young Veal Stew I-amb Legs Mutton Chops . . . . 10ltO .11 St . 14L.C . . t t I . 1.1 it- lHc THE EMPRESS MARKET Opy. Wool worth 5c and 10c Store. tl3 &ourt 10 th St. Tel. I. 2.107. ( sssaaaasa 1 S d an men, also blue serges in in Norfolk nnd Plain models, sizes; values up to $f.o0 and $10.(X), at, only $5.00 Hirsch-Wickwire Mohair Society Brand, cool doth, at $7.50 to $15.00 bought the surplus stock 1 ouiig: .Men's Pants of Mark lothine; company, St. Louis, de Pant makers; on sale Sat n three lots $2.50 and $3.0T at $3.50 and fc.or at Lot 3 $5.00 and $H.OO values, at New Lots of Mens Summer Wear, included in this Great Clearing Sale, offered at prices that will force each Lot to Sell Quickly. One Big Lot of Men's Bathing Suits, Mostly Samples, Di vided Into Three Lots: Lot 1 All the fine worsted Bathing Suits, both one and two piece, worth to $3.50. Sale Vrtco S1.9S Lot 2 All the Jersey and Wors ted UathlnK Suits, one and two piece, worth $1.50. Sale price, only 05 Lot 3 All the Men"s Wool and Worsted Rathing Suits, also good quality cotton ribbed Jersey, one and two-piece, worth $1.00 per suit. Sale price 49c - Saturday - - at Hats, Panamas, Bangkoks and Leghorn Hats Men's $10.00 Panama Hats nt Men's $7.50 ' Panama Hats at Men's $5.00 and $6.00 Panama Hats at. $5.00 Nantckok and l-eehorn Hats at. Salt Pork HHc Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon 18)tc Sugar Cured Bacon 11 c Skinned Hams 1.1 He Sugar Cured Hams 09sC 3-lb. pall Simon Pure Lard, rex. price C'c, special 45 a 5 models, and blues, for young for stout, this sale. sizes .33 to $7.50 colors and U C5 t I ?' I It i It Ft $1.98 $2.98 Hi $3.98 Prices Small I e t 55 dozen of Men's fine quality Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, also silk and fancy Madras Wash Ties, worth to $1.00. Sale price, :$5r, three for 81.00 125 dozen Men's Summer Shirts both golf and negligee stylos, odd lots of our $1.00 and $1.2. values. Sale price G9 One big lot of Men's Silk and Linen and Satin Striped Madras Shirts, worth to $2.00. Sale Price 81.23 115 dozen Men's Lisle and Fibro Silk Hose, worth 25c pair, all the new shades. Sale price, 1'aJr 15 R u : Brandeis' 75c X? 80.50 S i. OS - S3. 05 Men's 50c Silk Hats 29c About 60 dozen of Men's Silk Hats, Palm Beach Hats, and White Durk Hats, 50c and 75c values. In one big lot Saturday Men's $1 Straw Hats 45c All the Men's Straw Hats that have been Belling- at 75c, $1 and $1.45, in one big lot, Saturday 92.05 S1.SO lUthlug Suits rQ on ssvle OcC $1.00 Hoys' Itathlng OQ Suits on sale sJlvC fl.OO Men's I'nlon OQ Hulls on sale O V C J. IIELPIlAiJD CLOTHING CO. 314-16 North 16lh St.