THE HER: OMAHA, JULY 1915. t"s".- WANT ADS Want ads received at iinjr time, but to Insure proper rlssslf (cation muat b pre sented before 1 o i lock noon for evening edition n1 7: f. m. for morning end Sunday editions Went ada received after orb boura will he undrr the heading, To Late to Classify." CASH RATE . Seven consecutive times, 1 cent a, word arh Insertion. Two or mora consecutive timee m rents a, word. One time, t cent a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive times, I cents a line each Insertion. ,. Three consecutive times, 10 centa a Una ra h Inaertlon. me time. 12 centa a line. Count six average worda to a line. Mlmlmum charge. 2" centa An advertisement Inserted to be nin in'l discontinued must I stopped by written order. . . All clahna for errora must be tnaaa within i.itwn oavs aiicr tne lasi Inac tion of tha advertlscnient. ' You can place your ant ad In Tha Ilea hv telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 10n0. DEATH AND Kt'SF.RAt HOTmCEt KEITH Luclnds D.. J-nr 1. of hr eon. J. A. Keith. 13M South ThlrteMh avenue. In her eightieth year. of iwralyala . . , Mra. Keith waa formerly a '"V""?: Fairmont and Lincoln. Neb. In'", at Oslcwood cemetery. Chicago. Funeral Wednesday at 2 P m. from Dodder's chapel. Twenty-third and cumlng. LARSON Hulda A . beloved wtfe C A Larson. July 22. mi, aged W years. 4 nwnlhi, 17 daya. Funersi Sunday afternoon from family reeld-nre. Klfty-eecond and rpr.'i atreela. at o'clock to First En1 Lutheran churWi. Benson, at I n,T: wient. Forest Lawn cemetery. Frlenaa nre welcome. HIHTHAn DKtTIH. piiths' Altoailano and Nsnsltata Ar ris. . !'.! William girl; Hen and Rosa lWatt. 2I l-.ercs. gin ; r rsnolaoo and Oulevppina Careomo. lrfaH South six teenth, ait I John and Florence Doam, North Thirty-tUrd. girl; Joe and Allea Fenr.eree. 21 North "Ixteenth. boy. Vm." Lnd Mary Hanth. riisalo and Ouiaeppa Mandotfo, J?""1 -welfth. girl: A. . and Alto Stevens, ;;j North Eighteenth, boy. nostra: Sarah K. Boouet. . South Fifteenth; Alice i h ronth Slaty-fourth: fcl 4 Norh Nloetenth; Jllnnle Wlahart, n. outh Mneteentn avenue. MRRIAUn . Th f.iilowio couplea have aecnrwd Itcwnaea to ed: . Name an ? I:eeidenca. . , Z ii V. !c:arty. iMm.ep, i ;J Kdha Cramer. Curnlnf. la iMrr fTarria. Omaha Martha Anderaon. umin... Jnna W. Roberta. Omaha v:va Connett. Omaha ...... 24 19 Rt II. PKBMITH. V Taacal. Cumlnir. brick atore, II W Mra. U J. AHetln. tuwi Bpencer "lam. rtwellloK. K.0W; K. -AHJ!?t r-1oren"o boulevard, auto rhed. Matt Wurnhv W Haacall. fraJne dwnlllntf, rt ixv Tl V. nary. 1RI Tark Wild avenue ",m. dwcnimt fs.:j..: N;w Bakery company 2t- rn,I!,irlrtil; Vrlck barn. 13 onu: C. K. Mahn, :.l North Thlrty-aecond. frame dwelllnK. V. Today's Movie Program LAN'j EHN alfdea for movies. Bend your C"Pr to ua. Wa can reproddoa pbotot w.ll prcpure your copy. We will color aa dlrai'U-d Bee Phuto Lopt. 101 Be Bid. Utfwattaaaa). lain ainU DOUGLAS. ISMFUbSb, The Comti-r-lntrluc, -rel Kaaanay. 'i ne iook BiiiHci a, ivaiem. lit iM--oitK Newa I'lcii.nnl. No. Bvllg. W etconiu tu itoht mla, Vitagrapli, 1 KlCLbtf. 1317-18 UOUULA& Mercy on a Crulch, i-r Western drama, 'the I'lrtlilit Attoiiiey's llOJr, 1-r. -Ir. Henry .IcnkpHi i.inl Mara, cotucdy of alar. Airtt. GRAND. HT1I AND BINNET. THKATEU BKAUTIKUL. Home of flood l'lcturea Tlioae I'nlli'Kc Olrla, S-reM Key at one voriit-dy fcatuihiK Charlie Murry; Tha i.ue. i-reei maun, ica.iunug w. n. Hart; Walt and He draiua, featurlnif r-tiwarn t oxen lino v iuirra treenwool LOTHKOP, 24TH AND LOTHROP l.loii.l Lanyiuore nd Pearl White In I he Koiunnce of Klulne. tuata. AfOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Through Turbulent Water a, 4-r. Kdlaon. loiia Hide. 2 4TII AND N, UESSE, Hearat tv-lig New a Pictorial No. 97 Belle. 1li Path of the RhIiiIkw, Lobin, I reel a. OKPHEUM. 24TU AND fi. Hla Mother'a Portrult, K VI. drama, the llealera. lictlance comedy. The Common Hall, 2-r, Keyetone com. WmI. MONROE. 25 SB FARNAM Ruth Roland and Henry King In Blue Hiooa ana xetiow, i reeia. Current New and I'atha Color Bcenlo. ANKOmrCkCMENTS Cool Offices For . HOT DAYS lie Comfortable Yourself ant I Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building' Superintendent' Office Hoom lta. JITNEY TliANSIT CO. Good cars lowest rate. Phone Long. 4SU. WK IIAVL roddtd MM bulldluga since and never bad one atrii.a. We fuaranlee every job. AMEHICAN .liiiiTMsa m i co., to a. i'xn tt. CITY OK ATKINSON. Neb., July It. lli. bpecliiiaiiuu (or bids on the following items: M amxle ilyht electroliers, Sxll globea. with luo-wait kt&ida, lajiipa, wltb neces aary anchor bo4is to be U Inches long, lie to be betrn 11 and 11 feet over all, to wetub Lit vet n JM and 3W pounds, witb I ('outs of paint. l.JiO f-t of steel taie cable. wires. No. 4 condut tola. t awlii 'lUajil and generator of 14 K. W. eaptu-liy, direct current 110 voles pul ley iiiiii. ltitia to cover all or separate itetns ba- alaliad and oiherwlae, . priceB to be K. O. B. A tk lo.. ii. Nab. City council re-ao-rvea the rtei t to leje. I any or all 1.1 j a hiil muat ail be accompanied by a cnrtilied check fur All Uds to be In the hands of the City Clerk not later Huso tha iti of Aua'tal, lU a4 II o'clock p. in. C. W. WICKS. Oily Clerk. Atkineon. Nrh 1,000 Craw Fish h everv tUv. Call Doug. 1141 V i.imiti rttiii let' n. lik ! li.e A on I'rold Hi t lu y li t., out g (elk, iouuiwr. t AlTOMOniLES Whenever you are conaldcrlnf aelllna; or hiivlim a uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing- to pay for v. hat tney are i'tln you will have no rearet If you buy or ailvertlee the uaed car column of The Hee I'hone Tyler I4 SOME tlKAL RAROAIN8 IN LIOHT CAH8. 'ine 1915 demnnatrator. A-l condition, with rare wheel and tire; any reaaon able offer takea It. Two rare, ellhly uacd for demortatrallnt; J7&; will alve uaunl new car cuarantee on thea two cara. one 10-h. p. Stanley ateamer. 4-ta., exeelent condition, at your own price. CASSELL-EDMrNDfl CO.. Aro Motor Cara. 14M Howard fit I'hone Doug. 44.10 Cadillac $) Eord 240 Hupp. Koadater. sro Truck ! i'arry Roadater. 160 Maxwell 126 We buy. aell and exr-hange. THE AL'TO CLKARINU HOt'BE, I2i Famam Pt. Uougtaa 10. One alx-cyllnder Cole. One four-ryllniler 'rox ton-Kee ton One four-oyliri'ler Chalmeia. Prkea from IXf to l.i. H. PELTON. 2 Famam B FONTENELLF. Al TO C O.. M 8. lth fit Expert repair In; larlne in uaed cara. guaranteed aa repreaented. UAKUAIN In 191 alx demonatrator; fruaranterd. run 000 inllei. Thnmpaon, Henehaw hotel. Illo RKWAIU) for any maxneto we can't repair, folia retwl. Fteyedorfer. ZIO N. IV o C. EI9AB.ER, expert radiator and lamp retiaira. Ty. 7. 2M)1 leavanworth. Oerton'a for leayradlator. ton, deajera. W ant an auto, t'. J. t'anan, Mcague hldf Induatrlal Carage Co., yth Harney dta. NEBRABKA Rulck Krrvl. e PlaUon. 1U Famam Bt. Phone Ioigla 721. F1REHTONE Columbua. I4. OADir.LAU CO. OF OMAHA. w4 Farnam St. iKiuar. 42IS ' A M'J llandaomn lfcir, Wooda elec- trirLmmnw new fall ttamer XT! TOI RINO . AR 6r TltCCK TO THAI E FOR IIKATINll PLANT. PHONE TVI.RR 71. Metoreyelea. Baraalna In uaed motoreyclea. I.V) ud. FLkHCHER AIOTORCTCLH3 CO. UrHl.K(4 CHANCES -.L! '.'uf b"'naa Chance will atajid rlfld Investigation aad la Juat what tt la advertlaed, or It you are looking to a tart In bualneaa for vouraelf you, will be per fectly aatlafted if you uae the Bualneaa (hajice uoluma of Tha Bee. When buy. -Ii'lT'Aj'll'ISLiiil Tyler 1000. ALW Compiote plotura ihow out fit. Includra chalra, piano, engine, gen fr"ior: t',?tu, mohina. eta; almoat new; will aland rigid Inveetlgatlon. For price lu?i!?IJi,Iiiji,".r" addreaa T 817. Bee. T.C!a,,a ,u"nlahlnga of the beat little hotol In weatern Nebraska are for Bale. A good paying bualnea. and a Bood op. portunlly for eomeone. For terma "I" Mra. '. VN. Wllllama. Orant, Neh . 'i"? l'lrture theater wanted; will T!l'1,..,'w:lry or gtock. Addreaa T -W7. Itee LEAViNd Norfolk. Neb., muat eell my cigar and billiard parlore, known aa the Sl"i ,?1VJ'n !"'" n ul-to-data place. B. K. Miller. Prop.. Norfolk. Neb. Ot UNO on farm; will aell my grocery ni-i. uueineaa, oiling X.l,i"l per month; cheap rent C. Thoiaon, HV N. 1 t n rt. Blageat bargain aver, Hmld Hill lota. o t ION 14, show carda. Clark A Hon. D. 117a. TO GET In or out of bualneaa call oii nr'inia, in nee mug. Doug. 1477. IEAL eatate Bualneaa oImi aa aunnibui handled; all atatea. F. V. Knleat Omaha. THKATKKB Buy, leaae or Bell your the ater, machine and auppilea through Theater Exchange Co., 14t Farnam 8L L'0'IHIHB ixvf. OWNERB Uat your property with W. iiiiaiiiB. ji ruevme bik, i, 407. Trj BULL or buy a bpalneaa, call on -l"rp'l''' r renaer Hlk. i. xxift MASSAOK parlor. R. K4 Nevllla block. miae v alien. FOR HAI.I'Or trade, blackemith ahop and aariiKC In Co. teat town. Addreaa Y u;., lit. PARTNER with l.'.fcW for half Intereat In mall order bualneaa. Salary 11 W per month. Addreaa J 7MI, Bee. EDL'CATIOjr.L Boyles College Day Bchool. Night School, complete bualneaa courae, complete ehorthanrt or rtenotype oourae. complete taluvranh courae, civil ecrvlce branchea and Kng- iipo. ouiurnii aomiiitgi at any tlma rtriie, pnune or can lor iib catalogue, BOYLKH COLLEOB, II. H. HOYLErt. Preal.l.nt. Tel. D 1W. Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OH aale. the following acholarahla In a first claaa Omaha BuBlneaa Collage: One unlimited combination bualuaaa ou anuriianti courae. One unlimited atenoarabhla eourae. One thiee montha' bualneaa or ateno graphle courae. Will be aold at a discount at the office J nee. KVPHIIT BTENOORA I'll Kit, ATTEN i lui1! i uuna man aeeiraa fa finish atudy of Ureal shorthand and typewrit ing during evening hours. For appoint- mwii aaureaa r auu. Jiee. POIl BALE FOR SA LB Here la a claaairicatlon that la of the lit moat Inportance to eveiy reader, aa thla column otfera aome excep tional opportunities every day and a amull want ad will eell your article at Its mn value, i none lyier vw. Faraltare, lleaaekolu Cweale, fee. Public Auction Sale Ieath)r parlor aet. good oak dreaaer. dining room set. round table, oak writ. lug desk. Hlnger aewlng machine, braaa bed aa gnol as new, wiiole at of dlahea, some carpets and ruga, never uaed, dav enport, bedding, llnena, etc.; good lot of furniture thla time; don't miss this chance, naie beginning 10 a. in., sVatur- aay, Juiy :i.ana lasting all day. Omaha Van & Storage Co. tut Bo. Wth Bt. 17th Btreet Knt ranee. DtiSKkS tK'?ht J,l J- c ed. i-.'f rnroein el. I. Slav 'amain at. MAHUAINH IN FCRNITUKk: AN O nriiiinr. ifs iv. aTll. WKn. lai'7. BI'FFET in ool condition cheap. Call Harney 7:u. for aale QAM atove, coiiiaratlvely new. Wal. Mereea 4 toalnn. Ux buya a well broke, neck rein saddle aorae. a.v narrlaon Ft. Phone Ho. .". Grocers, Attention! Ol K large stok of delivery waons (8tudobakrr s, and our own niakal. of fered at low prices to make room for our new Automobile trucks and Ford JoHNj.N-rANFOHTH COMPANY. l&JS-ai-M N. IQlh Bt.. near Clark HC Mailral laalraaavatte. gastlly uaed klsu rade piaxwa, D, ml Peai'ter, Vaea tM ItiaUM. BTK K EOTY P U matrices make the best and cheapest liiilna for iwoil t m hmi Tliey are i.x-M Im hea. stronger and nims uuraoie man tarred lell and pii-ticlly I Ire or oof. ;bc a hundred at The Bee offn-e. TH E egga you eell make the profit In the K,ultry bueineaa. Welch'a aonlrr rul White Indian Runner Ducks lay more large hlte-ielled. good eating estrs than hrna. My flock averaaed ov r 2ot eava each for I year. Hat. I.lng egga 11 W for U, U per Ksx J. J. Wei. Cherr croft. Omaha. Neb. Benson 403. o "'it. wheat, ltt) Iba.. 12 piWatr, Sol N K If aearrlten. Tr PKW HI'l Kits solo, reined renalrsJL t entrai Tyimairltee Fe v Kn'naie M-i.Al(Cil Nj. 1. liiu. Bcs BUsT MOVIES a FEATURES T TODAY APOLLO 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Through Turbulent Water. 4-r. Edlaim. LOTHKOP, I4TH AND LOTIiROP. Lionel Lnrrymore and Pearl White In The ItoinHiine of Elaine. MONKOii. Who Paya7 No. 7. 2555 FARNAM. FOR HALE Mteeellanenw. FOR SALE New and Becond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleya and acceaaorlea; bar flxturea of all klnda; eaav paymenla. The Brunawlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4o 8. 10th ft. New J-hand raotora, ilyoamoe, magnetoa, etc., mechanical reualra. La Bron fclectrlc Worka.tll-W B Uth Bt a BIO aale on trunk, baga and aultcaaea, Friedman, 1211 louglaa Bt TOOIjH. ahovela, plrks, 'ackacrewa. win dow trlaaa, 2 carpenter benrhee, II each; 10 match mai hlnca, .Vic each, 1 hot waier boiler complete, $i0; combination electric llxturea, 'Ac each; Iron beda, complete, 12; good horae, fe harneaa, 10; guod , preaa wagon, 176. J. O. ISH. Tel. Harney 24 70 S. 11 at At. Cushman Engines If Interested, write Q. A. Uumeraon. Kremlin, ok I. S to Nlce Lote In IVuld HI1L Oolden Went Whtakev, 4 full quarU bottled In bond, pro paid. Ca'.kley Bros.. Omaha, HELP WASTED FEMALE Clerioal aad Offlee. WR NEKI taillDoral-v attmnarranhnra Stene. and bookkeeper 140 watta Ref. Co.. WX-40-4J Brandela The. factory mm Tre. CTRL to learn halrdreaalng. Oppenhelm. Haaaekeraen aad Uomeattoa. THE Bervant OIH Problem Solved. Tha Beo will run a Bwrvant Olri Wanted Ad FlitiE until you get tha dealred raeulta. Thla appllea to rep l lent a of Omaha, South Omaiia and Council Hluff. hrln to Tina Bee office or telephone Tyler 10O. I'UNu girl for general bouaework. Hitrney ;tl, liot B. 86th St. A MAIU fur general ho'iiwork. Apfily aire, i, i. tvorty, lit :v. .a Ave. KXPKIUWNClCly white girl for general housework; no waehlng. Mrs. A. X Bmlth. 8B10 Dewey Ave. Harney WHW. COMPF.TF.N'T cook for private family; no waaltlpg. Tel. Pnuglna 4814. COM I'hfl'ENT girl fur general houae- work, no waahlna. a-ood waaea. .U1S Rurt 8t. EXI'EKl ENCfcjO ateady alrl fir general muiibcwoik. it. yio. io-j) . Ave. i'Ol'Ntl klti to anal wlUi nouawork; w'-iwi ii' ii i e io ngni Hny. pij n. S"th t. WANTED Olil for general houaework. oppiy ia mo, laitn, or piione Harney bW. GIRL for general housework, muat fur- man reierence. an 10 Harney Bt. Heeliaaam. TOITNO IADT piano player to play be tween and i p. m. Apply Eat Cafe, 1II0 Capitol Ave., between:! and p. m. YOHNt4 women coming to Omaha as atransera ara InvtieH in vtu vn.i... Womcn'a Chrlatlan aaaoclatlon bullrtli.c at Bt. Mary's .Ave. and 17th St., where mev win do oirecieq xt suitanie boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at I nion station. HKLP WANTED M ALB Clerteal 4 ulioe. SALESMAN Neb. terr., must glva bond. on ice uos' xjh Watts Ref. Co., 8.1H-4V42 Brandela Thea. OFFICE clerk; bright, huatllng young man. Kood at flauraa. Bond nenman a nil able to use typewriter rapidly. Apply at once. Weatern Ref. and Bond C., Inc.. J42 Omaha National Bank Bldg, B1L14NO clerk, brUht, huatllng young man experienced In liilllna ami other clerical work; muat bo good penmitn, quick at fhiures and rapid on typewriter. Weatern Kef. and Bond Assn. inc., 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. H UIH-UIIA I hl commercial poaitlona. WEST RE KEREN CIS BQND ASSN. ii ima pa wm. tiana tiitig. NEW location, M0 Paxtun Blk. We have several positions open. Rogers Ref. Co. Aaeata, lessaeai ana1 Solloltora. 10 BALEHMEuN and organlxera, or men with Insurance, subscription or adver tising experience, to do national work; not lnaurance; ;o to 1100 per week to men of ability;, muat furnish bond; give reference and exiwrlence In flrat letter to get attention: no advances; exceptional opportunity. Write O. W. O , Sua ob servatory Bldg., Ilea Moines, la. o "1TY solicitors anted. Real of refer ences leaulrel. Balsrv o rich mmn Call Mancray-Omaha Nuraery Co., 4U3 Btata Bank Bldg , or Slat and Avenue A, Council Bluffa. la. WANTED Block and bond salesmen for proosltlon that offers excellent oppor tunity to make good money. Exclusive territory. Addreaa Bug i.000, Buffalo. LIVE agenta wanted everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men a specialty on the msrket today; patented heatleaa trouaera' preaa. Write Immediately for territory and propoaltlon. The Allen Co., t.ranci i sin nil. iseD.. hoi o TR AVEJ.l Ntl salesman, wholesale fruit house. 1,4 to M': must be a live wire. Applv 1WH-W Woodmen of World. hAl.F.SM AN wantetl to aell leal eatate on easy paynunt plan. Will pay I per cent commission. HASTlNii.H A HBYDEN. 114 Harney Pt Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Lieut, water and janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire TheNBee Building Co. Superlntendent'a Office. Room 10S. WANTED A RFPRE8ENTATIVK MAN of some financial reaiMinaiblilty in each city and tovn in Nebraska, Iowa and Kanaaa aa district agent for tha FORD TRACTOR aelllna at tfco. lioa. th. nrb of i to horaes, as well aa providing a a . r. i-ower nuLciune. ramie choice territory still open. Address for particu lars and terms THE FORD TRACTOR COMPANY, Mlnneapolla, Minn. WANTETD To lire avoir, and Insurance as-eiits we can offer a splendid oppor t unity to make good money on excellent proiostlon. i trluivt territory. Address Box l.ttHl, Buffal.K N. Y. WE Siave a good place for a live Insur ance man. Mutual 'leneflt Health Ac- Cioaiu Aas n . H City Nat Hank Bldg. Keelury mmm 1 teaea. Drug store ana pa; foha. Knelat. Bee Bldg. Free Tuition for a short time. WE8TERN BARBER ivi&.rwr. ie LKMjae el. WR need men: had to mra lows twe lobs par week Istsly. Uet In. Lea re cr our nirinoa. ut one or thees Jobs Catalogue D. B free. Nebraska Auto- e . nile srnant 117 Ikvlee SI WANT Vlt Drug cierk ricreinc. niairp-il nr state salary itiale. Aoitlv i ii' e. b. o. c. ltki, Or tiitol. Ui llllc HELP W ANTE IV- M A L B r'aetory aad Tredea. WANTED Two A-l flrat-claas sheet metal workers; muat e able to lay out their own patterns If neceaeary; elan muat be huatlcrs: boor era. don t apply: mint be able to do both In and nutalde work. If you can Ml thla bill will be glad to bear from you. Addreaa T B-e. WANTKD Klret rlaas meat cutter. J. Roller Mercantile Co, Council Bluffa. la. MULER BARHER C0LIJ3QE Special summer ratea Catalogue mailed free. ll Ho. Hth Bt. Omaha. Poaltlona Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO trS Famam HI.. COLLKOK OMAHA, NEB. LEARN BARBER TRADE Wages paid Tools given. Porltlons guerantceti. Call or write for Information. Tri-Clty College. 1124 Douglaa. Omaha. Mlarellaaeoai, MEN wanted: government lota: ISO per month; Omaha elimination" Sept. 15. Sample qunatlons free. Fri nklln Inatl tute Ucpt 2J1 F. Rocheater. N. T. WANTED Experienced laundrynian and lady to run mv launitrv for me: must lie able to do all paita of the work, aa thla la a small Neb. town. Addreaa T 623, Bee. COOK wanted for cafe. Address Bog 111. Wslthlll. Neb. WANTED Names of men, 1 or over, wishing government Jobs. ! month. No pull necessary. Addteee X &1, Bee. HELP WANTED M4.I.K A.ND yiCHALE. W'ANTKD Young man or woman to set straight matter; if competnt steady Jcb; $i and room. Mllford Review. SITUATIONS VA!THn bITU A riON wanted as litniackecir by au American woman in amall family; an elderly nmn'a home prcl erred. Mrs B. F. Weat, Omaha, Neh, gen d"l COiiORED girl wanta work as night InaJd. V cbter B:Kt. UIHL wants position to asaiat In houae ter"r440r Cr '"r cnlldrn- cu EXPEH1ENCKD draughtsman with tech nlcsj education, both as mechanical and civil engineer, wanta a position or will do aurveylug leveling or any engineering work In hla line. Drawings and tracings made. Address C 761, Bee. lOUNti MAN. 18 lit' noon a-iitr. t2,11 EXCELLENT PEN MAN ?.,lnv..PE8,RK8 PLACK AS OFilClfi CLERK. ADDKE88 H 7f.9. BEE It F. LIABLE colored nlrl wanta to assist uvueewora; can Klva references: go home nUhts. Red 60.3. WANTED-Place to cook, by flrat class colored lady. In or nut nf a it drea. E 763. lies. " V A NTHD Position by young married man; good appearance, honest and not arrald of work; aome knowledge Of book keeping and office work; shipping room snd checker; will consider anything. Ad dresa I, 7iVl, Bee. LLDKHLl lady deairea place as houae. keeper for refined party or partlea where full clmrae will be given, or will take practical nursing. Address M 7i-T. Bee. STENOGRAPHER Young man, exiert epced, desires out-of-town poeitlon; good references. 612 H. lth 8t. Red HUH. WANTKII Hv v i w i , r'tjsltlon as houaemaitl; wagea, i.M or Uo per month. I'hone Douglas TJ26. ABLE man of 50 desires position of trust as Janitor or watchman. Best refer ences Addrwas P 7&M. Bee. COMPETENT young man wants wltlon ii a office clerk or bookkeeper: ateady. Industrious, reliable, good penman, eight yeara' experience, first-class city refer ence. Call Douglas 4S34. MIDDLK aged lady desires Position aa nunaeareper. inquire ll t. ?Uth Bt. W'ANTED Bltuatlon to run an elevator in larse oince nunninr. Ariiir..H ii a nwiiRwm. opnprsi i 'envery, uity, ColJUED girl, lo years of ago, wanta place lo aasist with housework or care for children. Call Webster 2?4t COLORED couple wanta work, man will ao anv nino. or work ana wife wants housework. Tel. Douglas IM3. C. M. E Wllllama. ' RELIABLE colored girl wants steady wrk. Webster COMPETENT housekeeper wants posi tion insmaii family. Address K 767, Hee. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants place nouseKeeer. Atiurees F 7ti4, Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COI NCIL BLL'FKB STREET KAIMIAI COMPANY. Persona liavlng loat aome article wool. I do well to call up the office of tho Omaha & Council Bluffa Btreet Railway company to aacertain whether they left It In the Btreet care. Many articles each day are turned In nd the coniimnv Is anxious to rmn them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4i Lost or Found ad in Omaha'a i.iat mnA Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised in The nee, tne i.osi anil round paper. LlKT At FonLanelhj park, July 4, pocket- door containing aeverai personal notes. Notify F. M. Howard. Neola. Ia. Re ward, 4f LOST A. T. O. fraternity pin. shape of nialteae eroaa; blaok pin; garnets and pearla around edge. Name on back. A. .KenJ!eny. Jp-i2" NaU Bank Bldg. Douglas 721 lA 1ST Bed cow; finder return to Chris TaTt. 407 Bancroft St.. or uhone Tvl.o. in COME to tha SaleDruid Hill. TERSOXAX YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranjrers are Invited to vtalt the Young Women a Christian aaaoclatlon bulldinu at 17tn 8t. and St. Mary'a Aw., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plax-es or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' Bid st the Cnlon station THE Salvation Army Industrial home so lirlts your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and lnepect our new home, 1110-1112-11)4 Dodge St. GORDON, the Magaslne Man. Tel. Doug. 716J. SWAPPERS' CULVMN Wanted to Swap. Why not adverttae something that you no longer have any use for and get something you reallv peed? It costs you nothing to toln the C v. a Pliers' Club and you will find It lots or fun swapping things. Write Room lot, Hee Bldg., or phone Tyler louo. A LARGE Drinker 4-tray trunk, tent fly. t L t.' b t b n lrul U I i n sant fl? vols.), I. C 8. Merbsnlcal En gineering tt vole); want double type writer desk, or what have you? 6. C. U'41. Bee. AUTO FOR TRADE-6-passeuger auto; want diamond, motorcycle, side car. Slayer Piano. What have you? Address . C. 124. Bee. AUTO-ftanley aluamer, 10 h. p.. 4-pasa., fully equipped, aUk mohair lop. Rush more lamps. Presto: trade for gas car; might pay some difference. This la In A-l condition. 8. C. IJti, Bed. BRICK to trade for I or 7-pa.saenyer automobile. Addieas 8 C. HS4. Bee. AUTO 1S13 model Mason touring ear, and also truck body; want to awap for cat tle or mules, or what nave yuu? S. C 7A, Bee. Al'TO CASINGS Want to deal for four 84x4 clincher auto caalnga. not uulck ds tachablea. Addresa S. C. ?7. Itee. AUTOMOBILES Fur other automobbe bargains see the "Automobile ' clasaifi tailou AUTO lull Model Overland; body In fair condition: would make a good truck; snslna; Juat overhauled. Will trade for anything 1 can use. Addreaa 8. C. 1-41. Bee. BI'I.LI0;-English bulldog, about I y-ars old, to trade; fine watchdog. !:( have you? Addrees S C. l'JMt, IVee. CAMK1LA ii7 sise, plates, fine leuae and shutter, all In Al condition, with 1! extra plate holders. Ilae many other as in other cammaa. What have you? 1'ivlvr duiiuond. Addresa S. C. LJtO, Bee. HWAPPEiW CXILl'MX CARPKNTKR WORK Good uprlaht pl- ano to aaap for cement work, carpenter work or painting and paperbanglng. Ad drea 8. C. Bee. CARPKNTKR work, painting and deco rating furnished by coniietent workmen for an autnmdbile In perfect condition. Addreaa s. uw. Bee. DIAMONI Tiffany diamond rink, valued at Mo Will awap for, or what have you? Addreaa 8. C. 11X3, Be. FOR THAI K Stock In one of Omaha's lal Dianufaclurlng concerns for auto mohlle. Addreaa H. C l:a. Bee. hfR TRAOK-A good IK) a. 'roe of raw land in western 8. nth Iakota for small houae or something of inal value. t4. M. Kowell, nlparHlai, Neb. KIRST-tTwX SS 4- room maasage parlor, beat down-town location In city; doing Kood bualneaa; ateam hent, elevator aerv l c; wl 1 take cltv lot or diamonds. Ad dreaa 8. C. 124. Bee. ll'"K)I) residence lot In Cedar Rapids, la., to exchange for lato nitidel roadster or flve-paasenxer car. Adtlr-sa Y-V.'1, Bee. HAVK pen of six Blsck Mlnon-aa prlne winnlnv stock, value 3S. What have you? Address, J4. C. Ztl, Bee office. KtiDAKS No. S Eastman kodak for No. 2 Kaatman kodak or email plate camera. Addreaa 8. C. ISIt, Bee. IXJT Have a lot In Casper, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyeia in this addi tion; will trade for Underwood type writer, new or In first-class condition, or what have you? Adi'eas S. C. 1 1M. Bee. I.CMBKR" bTDO jfLVTERIAI-Wlll truue worth r new lumber or bulltl Ir.g material auh as you may select for second-hand automobile. Or will ap ply this s mount f credit on lumber fill as first payment on a good lot. Address B C. U4h. Bee. MARLIN pump gun. Will trade for dlamondpln. B, C, 1845, Bee. MOTOR boat. Pirate 2d, for sale or trade. Addreaa K 743, Bee. MoTt RC V CI iE I i arley -Da vld son, 1811 model. 4-h. P.: equipped with horn, car rier and mirror. This is good machine In Al nonunion, single cylinder, belt drive. What have you to trade? Prefer diamond. Address 8. C. 124. Bee. MOTOKL VCLK Harley-Daviilson motor cycle, 4-h.. p.; equipped with horn, car rier and mirror; machine in Al condition; will swap for diamond or anything 1 tan use. Addreae 8. O. Bee. ONE V-lnch ateel and fibre trunk; one la-Inch leaUier lined handbag: will trade. Addreaa B. C. 1251, Be. PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros., almost new; first claaa condition; pre fer diamond or lot. Address 8. C. Lit:. Bee. PRINTING PRESS Must trade 1110 pencil printing preaa within S days; complete drying rack, etc.. ready to finish advertising pencils. Party with some capital can realize X) per coat on the Investment in three montha. Ad dreaa, B. C. 1162, cara Bee. REFRIGURATOR Would exchange 100 Poiind. almost new refrigerator for roller top desk or Underwood Typewriter. Address, 8. C. l-':. Bee. REFRIGERATOR In good condition value about 110. What have you to trade? Addreaa r. c. 1Z11. Hee, SEWING MACHINE Singer: good contll- a I . J 4. 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 n,.i,.nA tl'l. lion i u royiirau. 111 a t mur r. t? iini U . 1 A . J .4 O 1 '11 Ik fl.. iicavr yuu ; nutiirBti ei. v . isviir, in n, SEPARATOR Auton.atic cream nepa rator, UK.itly unpi, almost nw, lo trHrift tor row or Fonl chftMii. H. C. 1159. TOOl-H Ohat of a(nd-hnmii crpnter i m a, a.i a re. ion loom TOI" irniir, jtuorwii, r. ir, rr-ew. 2-SEATF.D carrlnga, nearly new, will awap for Vlctrola. Address S. C, 1223, care Bee. 7-YEAR-oLD mare and diamond valued at ftf to swap for motorcycle. Address H. C. 124i, Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 14-5 Farnam St. D. 1S97. TYPEWRITER Smith Premier type writer No. 4. In good condition; $15 or trade. Muke offer. Address 8. C. 12r2, Bee. VIOLIN (lave avyear-old violin; also bow and case; beat of ajhape; to trade. What havo you? Address S. C. 116, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of anv ona de siring to rent. Phone Tyler 10ii0. l-ROOM apartment, et. George, US N. 81 st Ave. Phone Tyler 1634; evenings, Wsb. 1474. o SOMETHING new 7-roora duplex dwell InKs. 623 Park Ave. SEE Advertising page Druid HllL 4 S ROOMS. GOOD LOCATION. Nicely papered, mod. ex. heat, good plumbing; water paid; reasonable rent. 12.F-0 and 116 HASTINGS ft HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. MODERN steam heated: hot water free. $18 upwards. G. P. rUebblns, 1610 Chicago. Angelua Apt., 8 and 4-room apt. H. 20,'4.- 4 ROOMS (12.50. 1920 EMMET ST. Kountse Place, all rood., good yard. A-L See this at once. HASTINGS A HETDEN, 1614 Harney St. WAYNE, t ROOMS. Located at 28th and Dewey Ave., the most complete and convenient apartment of Its site In the city, ia to (JO; has ROOF GARDEN. Will rent furnished for to extra, bee us for particulars, or cajl ua for an appointment. Dougiaa lis HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney Bt VERY choice, 4 or a-room, steam-heated aiwrtment on Weat Farnam atreet. JOHN W. ROBBINS, lxoa FARNAM ST. Board and Huoan, Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding houses of tho high est class will best be found In the Fur nished Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler l'a). BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large cloaeta. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 4981. Board aad Rooms. If you do not see anything'- that cults you In the way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104. Bee Bldg., and ask for the Free Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding bouse la any psrt of the city. Faratabed Hooaas. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUE8T8. ' . HOTEL SAN FORD. 19th A Farnam. HOT KL. HAHLKY, ziah Farnam. MODERN furnished rooms fur rent In 1 1 - t. I i 1 1 1 J , O, Q DC. NICELY FURNISHED RlxTM; FINK wt aiioji. acu wr.nai i.n S4&. 1714 DAVENPoRT--rooms. modern, (18 month. 81 N. t;th Ave. 4 rooms, part modern, 810 month rarailakea llaik-kil Sleeaaa. M28 DODO K Modem light housekeeping; reasonable. Hoases a.d Cet laces. Nerth. 11 in N. ED 4-r. flat, ateel range, gas atove. kltohen cabinet, water paid, HI; 935 N. 24lh. e-r. flat. mod. ex. heat, 1 6o; llsal Ohio St., e-r. cot., mod. ex. I eat, 814. HASP BROS Dougias 1663. ALL niourrn (-room bouse, oo car line. In Florence, large yard. Florence 8ut F0 Msln t. Druid Hill sale. Call !" alas I W. o Seatsi. For Rent South half of double brick house T rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail BBodera. at UU Houib 8vth St., near Park school, eras block east of Hsnacom vera. TeL Dwugla ftau. BPIiKHlli ia selling I'ruld Hill. e (Continued oo Col. 7, TUla Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ARPTRACT CO.. oldeat ahatract offl-e In Nebraska. ! Brandela Thea. AMATKtH Fl.NISHIXi. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 41 Bee Bltlg. lept. I. At t Ol SJTA.MT8. E. A. DWORAK ACCOCNTS AI DITED Books opcr.od and closed. Cost nvsteni Instailed Ix-t me call on vou to explain the advantages cf mv audit service svatem. Address 43 4.T7 Ramge Bldg Phone. Doug. 740K. ARCIIITKC'I 9. Everett . Dodds, 611 Paxton Blk. D. EM ARTIFICIAL STO.HE SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS, drives, floors, walla, steps, Copings: anything In guaranteed con crete. Eat. ISM. John Grant Paving Co., CM Paxton. D.33U. G.B. Grant Mgr. W.fitW. ATT R ACTIONS. PICNIC PARTTti DESIRING RE FRESHMENTS PHONE HANftCOM TIC. ATTORSi EVS. C. T. Dlklnaon, Ell Paxton Blk. D. ISM. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co., 1115-M W.O.W. R. S2S6. Nafl ata Auction Co., 1327 VT. O. W. AITO I.NSIRAIVCE. ATTOMOBILB MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Douglas 219. AITO RIDMTOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep Co., 3rC Far. D.Jnfll. BAKERIES. 7.. H. REEDER, 150 N. ISth. Web. 327. BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1H07 Cuming. Douglas 24fi7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, mjkes feather mattresses and down covers. BLUB PRINTING. HORNBT RLTTE PRINT CO., Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., J7th and Martha Sts. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON, 823 S. IM. Douglas 6d!0. Leaaard Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. Ifttt. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJl'M'TS Dr. J. C. tawrence. 1 Baird Bldg. O. S4fil. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. R0 Psx. Blk. Rel ihW. CONCRETE CONSTRICTION. Western representative of VELVETILB COMPOSITION floorinc. INVESTI GATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 173. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1S7L Summer rates now at Mackle's: private lessons daily. 181. Harney, itoug. w. DRESSMAKING. Terry Drcsamak'g college, 20th A Farnam Exp. dreeamaklng; home; out. Web. WIS. DVEHS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. 12th. Tt. 8072. DETECTIVES. JAMEB ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evl- pence aecureq in an t-ww. j j 1 DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldf Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. P. 1181. DRUGS. DRUS at cut prices; freight paid on 810 . . . . , Mr Mo orders; raiaiusuce i. ronneii irug -o.. w''i -"" ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nor. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC M.OTOH REPAIRING. CAII1LL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.P.ETO ELECTROLYSIS. tnoa Allender. S24 Bee Bldg. Red 8065. ' EVERYTHING FOK WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleatln Co.. 200 Dougiaa Block. D. 1936. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacriricea. g n. mm FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABER9TROH, 4026 Hamilton. -Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St D. 8000. 1 HENDERSON, 1M9 Famam. D. 1258. Member lonsi iriesraii am . HESS A SWOBODA. 14H Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 1612 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., 12J0 Harney St. Eat, lift FI RNITLRE BOUGHT AND BOLD. WILL aeli all my furniture at 60 per cent reduction. Call lt Leavenworth Mon day. o II AT CLEANING. Panamas cleaned. D. Eiaele. 1136 City Nat INSTRUCTION. English. French, Instruction. 805 Lyric Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE "PHONE WEBSTER 6918. General Offlee. 13th and Manderson Sts. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. L CLAIBORNE. 818 Paxton Blk. R. 7s.iL Notary Pus., deposition steno. C. W. BRITT. 801 Bsker block. 8.1 E STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTIRES, WIRING. riTTT?VIV Thomas. Douglas 2518. UU11XV1A j419 Cuming St. MOVING PICTIHK MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargalna. MOTORCYCLES. IIARLET-DAVIDSON MOTtRCTCT-ES. Bargalna In uaed machines. Victor Rooe, "The Motorcycle Men." 2oi Iaveuworth. NOTIONS. NOTIONS, new. Hgaxa. candy. 133 Park oi t Liars. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as yon can. Its McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSKPHINE ARMSTRONG. 618 Bee Bldg PATENTS. D. O. Barneil. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117 1L A. Sturgea, 438 Brandt-Is Theater Bldg. PAIITIXi AND PtPEBISO. HUGH M' MA NT'S, 417 V. 4'itti If. "? PLATING. D. B277. Acme Plating Co. Ill S. ISth Pt POSITIONS WANTEI. SEE U8 for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Frew service. Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 4011 PRINTING. WATERS-BARNliART Pt?.' Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 219M. 524 S. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 7i4 DOUGIAS Printing Co. Tel Douglas . HI BBtGK COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. This Is the man to call If you have any ashes or tin cans to haul. Phone Webster ftlilf'. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. fr A T7TTr Opened, repi Opened, repaired, comb. p changed. F. B. Daven- changed. K. K. Daven port, 14o8 Dodge. D. 181. SCALE KEPAIHING. Om. Standard Scale Co., EIS P. 12th. D.2911. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS , shce repair. 211 S. 14. SEWING MACHINES. TT7- rent, repair, sell needles and VV 1? parts for all eewlng machines "MJCKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Douglas Iwiu. SECOl-ll 4ND 4 1.0THES BOIUHT. Highest prlcea paid for clothes. D. 4714. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug 4R!2. STORE AND OFFICE F1.VTIREM. DESKS, safes, scales, iihowcaaes, shelv ing, etc. Wa buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co., 414-18-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL St PPL1ES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. t. KS. TAILORS. CHAP. C. LANDERYOr, 108 N. l.-ith Pt. THINKS AND SUITCASES. FRETTING ft STEIN LE. 106 Farnajn Pt. TYPEWRITER FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter 3 mo. for (4. Oliver Typewriter Asency, 19t Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, 318 S. IstU St. All makes for salo or rent. RENT a "Remington," not just a tvpe writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 1'st WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlatlansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. IS yr. exn. WEDDING STATIONERY, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ftg Co. WINES AND LldlORS. ' ALEX JETES. 2(11-3 S. ISth St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners 11 to 3. 10c. Hiw?RT P.'-9CK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RUPTURft cured In few daya without -fa'ti. Call or write Dr Wriy, S08 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established IK rzZ RHEUMATISM treated successfully re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 Bee Bldg. PILES, FISTUIA CURED. Dr. IT.. R Tarrv elira nil., f i - . .1 - . other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and nn money Dald until cnreit whi n. 1 1, on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. a. n. lAnn x , ztu juee Bldg. VOU RENT Houses aad Cottasjea. Sonth. K8T ? kep 1,OUBe on one floor; 1511 Park Ave.; a beautiful home, ( rooms, laundry, pantry, etc; strictly modern; gas stove; facing Hanscom Park. (30. Hare chance. 9-ROOM, modern liouse. 2407 Jones, $32 s) vt iii. mho j. j. tvemp. iJouiclaa DS7. ELEGANT strictly modern 5-room houses, 818 and 814 ner month nn Im. splendid location. G. Oruah. 2411 S. 2ith pt! Mlscellaaeona. 3066 Mason St., 8 rms., nl mod $40.00 taZ Mason St., 8 rms., all mod $.U0 2C4 MaiMe St., 7 rms., all mod (23.00 2211 California St.. 8 rms., all mod..l-'-'.W) 614 No. 22d St., 6 rms., all mod $.M.D0 2?m Chicago St, 4 rms., mod. ex. ht.(a).fii) X23 Emmet St., 7 rms., mod. ex. ht.$IS.ti0 1013 Pacific St., 4 rms., mod. ex. ht.d.VOU 2558 Sahler 4t.. 6 rms., mod. ex. ht. (15.00 BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bldg. Doug. 33. SEVEN rooira. strictly modern, full lot. on puved street 2'- bloc-ks from car line. Kent (.'W tier month. J. II DUMONT & CO., 416-1 State Bank Bldg. oouglas Wi. BUY your lot In Druid Hill. Big Snle. 0 H nil CPU Crelgh Sons ft Co., Bee bid. ixotibca 1b , partll of th e)ty SEE the Central Furniture Btorea. fHEH RENTAL LIST. ALL alses. ner month uo. 807 Paxton. Globe Van & Storage Stores, moves, packs ahlpa; t-horse van and 2 men, 8128 per nr.; storage 82 per tno. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 A Ty. 130. FIDELITY gtk FREE Phone Dougiaa 28S for complete Hat of vacant houses aad apartments; also for storage, moving. Uth and Jackson Bta. Gordon Van Co. $1 Mnvtng. sing. fctoisgs. Il N. Hth 8L Tel. D M or Web. U4. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, peeking A storage. 12U7 Farnam. ". '14 Maggard's ?;s; age ar sa- niov- ing, packing, anipping. 1713 Webster be. Dr uglaa 14)4. ABOUT 50 HOU8E8 IN ALL PARTS Or1 TUEi1TT- F - WU. U1 FAR- J A hi DT. Stares aad Offleea. KTI iHVK ia id itiVTm (2.60-4916 Sherman Ae., lixOO feet, sood $32.-22CJ Cuming St. J0x) feet. . full (;.00 707 8. Pith St.. 30x60 feet, full base ment ul u u rrl 1, .... (125.00-1611 Howard St.. 2ox60 feet, full uascmem. stesm neat. GEORGE A tXjMPANV. Phone D. 7.i. C City Nat. Bk. Bldg O Nice Cool Office With Vault Kear the Elevatoi uod Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. uperlnterjdent'a Of fir. Room JOJ. (Continued on Page Seventeen.) COLUMN OWD.X