T7TH BEE: OMAHA, JULY 1915 iniiimnu mi ri i imxi i w i ui ii t ixi iMiMiiiiowifiiiiiinriiiimmirnriii jxmxi-iI rrjtnin ivniy n tiidngniiarw wimhhh will wwr" ; 15?TTTTT T a TS i7 T Buy a lot with that nest egg money and get a foot hold on this good old earth of ours A1J5 'LljLiTLWlTiJUI JoWMu;ZsoWLr; 10 WANT ADS Want ad received at any Urn, but to Incur proper classification must ! Pre sented before 12 o clock noon for evening edition and 7. a) P m. for morning ;nd 8unday edition. Want ads received after such hour will b under the heading. To Lata to Claealfy." CA8H RAT&8. . Seven consecutive time. 1 eant a word earn Insertion. , Two or mora consecutive time 1H cent la word. , Ona time, I canta a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven oonecutlv time, S cent Iln leach Insertion. . Three consecutive time. 19 cenU a lino aarh Insertion. On tlma. 12 cent a Una. fount lx vereg worda to a line. Mimlmum charge. "': , v. . An advertisement Inearted to be n j .until dlscnntlnusd mut ba stopped ny I w ritten order. .,- made All clalma for error rnuat ba made .within fifteen daT. after tha last lnser tlon of tha advertlaement. '' Tovi can place your want ad In Tha "xELEntONE TYLER 10TO. 'DEATHfl AXO FLNERAL HOT.CKS !K"7L..m.ndJ. Thirtieth avanua. In her eightieth year. Mra. kalth wa formerly I'nn "i iFalmiont and I.lnooln, ise.n. 'n'r'""" L. -.w-,h o.mrv. Chii aao. r uneral n m from Doddur'a chApel. Twenty-third and Cumln BIHTtla JISD DBATHa. Blrtha-OooTga and Wamla Hmmnnd U North Tliirteej.th. boy; Jamea and Hertha Hart. U Fowler '"' ' T it. .nrf Inn iUwk'Ky. liUl 8o5h Klarwith, boy ; J and Mlna ,rt ?io llouth Twenty-ith ave- ,lrt 'J 6. and Katyn fP.t Sl J! Ilrl; Jowh ar-1 Allae Fernan a. a North Hlxteenth, boy; J- A. and nua. lOraoa. Ideaee, a norm nmnmim - TltaVolf, 4I Grand avenu. boy; Ga )L; and Aru Vax.antl. 1M North H.v- eVithi-flt Anderaon, fil. h0")"'; ,E H. and Itertha Hunt, 51 North Thir teenth. Houth S.de. nri; t'h'rte. BhWAjj l7, KH North Nineteenth. fr"th Bide. Nlleola Boloveo. I4 d: Bby Kurc. 1. 123 Routh Twelfth; Jamea If. " harin. 7 n6l Harney; Hannah J. Brown. M, ill Wirt. M4RRIAGB LICKK. Th followlne couploa hava aacured llcenaea to wed i Nania and Kenldence. Aa. l. a T.u.t omaha over l Ella Florcnca Feteraon. Beneon 1 Joeeph Bi Mabey, Omaha. J Tulia E. Johneon, Oinah n...in ir wffnr Cooa RauiOa. la. 71 Evelyn Clemmer. Coon lUplda. la.... Alfred Te Hewitt. Bouth OmJ . i n tibI1 Houth Omaha, A 1 i ' ' 'i n.ij.w t nvnnaii Viuth Omaha. .over 21 ui.-J.k Himth tjmaha over 18 Jooef I'erlna, Clarkaon Bmrni Koetenaky. Oarfcaon Warren X Barney. South Omaha Mary M. BJIrl, South Omaha Calvin HH. Perry, la.-. Kllen A. Demlnf, Omaha David P. Purrlna-ton. rrenear la. Carrio Ualllghar, Bpencar, la Jamea F. Stout, Omaha 21 18 , 47 , M , n . 21 . tl . U Paarl B. WmM, uma no. Albert Mwrdook. Danlaon. Ia.. Mra. Knott. Uttla rll-mx. Ia.. BUILDING PERMIT!. Tetwork Cahn, 3l ltlnney. frame Owellln. UauO; ttnma A. Shlnhoefar, VX4 fmth Twanty-nlnth, repalra to dwelllnii, ti.W. Omaha Cold Btorana comiany. n Farnain. platform and aubway, U.OOu; Katlaman & Haworeffan. Lv?"r worth, brick atora. $S.0w: J. Zangren, J1 Chrlea. frame dwelllmt. 2.f; Jofh Polck. 1M Mouth Thirtieth. Bocth Side. ,frame addition. 1500: B. F. I'Jjnlaon. W North Korty-flfth, frama dwelling. W.000; .Tovaa UroMvlo. U R, frama dwelling-, Today's Movie Programs LANTERN slide for movie. Bend your copy to ua W can reproduo photo r wlU prspar your copy. Wa will color at directed. Be Photo Dept. lot Bm Bid. Dswstswa 16TH AND DOUGLAS. EMPRESS, Midnight at Maxima, 4-roai Kalem. , drotuho Billy Well Reiald. Essanay. IHearat-bt'llg News Ploturial No. 7. toellg. i rtlNCtbO. 113-1 UUlUbAa IX aureamltuT I-r. Keystone comedy "When Ambroe Dared Walrua," wtln Chester C.onklin. 'The Ainvrkanu, thrilling Vr. Mexican dr. alt and Hee. an unusual drama Nona. GRAND, SIXTEENTH B INN BY. THEATER BEAUTIFUL HOME OF GOOD PICTUKEa. The liead-Lltier, C-reel draiua. 'Wallack'a Wallet, comedy. "Tracked Through the Knuw, drama. The Melody ot tha tioul Rponae. lulls. APOLLO, tilt LEAVENWORTH. Mr. J err and tha CapUv Maiden. VRa- grapn. Irejudlce, I-reel Kalem. West. MONROE. 1565 FARNAM Cecil Srjooner in Ttie LMinuer and The King Blaney feature, in reels. BES3B. I4TII AND N. 'Francis X. Dushrnan, 4 reelav The latest rumanna or Maine, la reels, and the new nanunomv-nuq comedy In on reel. ORPHEUM, 2TH AND N The Diamond From the fiky, chapter 10. n nun euiau 11 te, s-rem 1 nan Crania, The Ash Can. Ma), comedy. AirxocNciorEvrs Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Pe Comfortable yourself an Furnih Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Room 10s. JITNEY THAN SIT CO. Good car lowest rate. Phone Doug. 4611 Vt HAVE rudded M.UuO buiidings etu l.. and never bad one atru a. w .guarantee every ..b. AJjl.lilOAN 'l.HiHTMNQ R() Co.. i. tnth tl. Vuig ria, auuuuar. ANXorf'KIK.NTS C ITT OF ATKIMflN, Net).. July 1.-.. 8peclIlatlon for blda on the followms Item : M ainale lUht electrolier. fl (tlohea. with 1" watt Mad lampa, with necea Hry anchor India to tie IS Inche lotia, pole to lie between 11 and 11 fret over all. to weltih tx'twetn M and .1') poiinUa, with 2 cms of paint. t.7:0 feet of eteej tap cable, t wtrea, No. conductora 1 a ltrhloard and irenerator of 10 K. W. capacity, direct current 110 volta pul ley drive. lil'U to rover all or aeparate itoma ln atalled and oherwlRe. all prl'-ea to be K. O. B. Atkln-ion, Neb (Ity council re aervea the rlnht to reject any or all blda. Plda mut all le accomrnled bv a certified cheok for All lildn to be In the handa of the f'lty Clerk not Ister than the Id of Auruat, 1 1 J .'. at o'clock p. m. C. W. WIC"K8. Cltv Clerk. Atklnaon, Neb. AUTOMOnilJM Whenever you are i-onaiaanna- aellln or bnvlnff a uaed cr and ton want fn n 1 ull I value for ycur money or you want people j ,r " a iw ior wnai inuT ere buy or odvertlne through the ued car column of The Bee. phone Tyler KOu. BOME RF.Afi BAROA1NS IS LJUHT CA Its. One 1J1S demonatrator. A-l condition, With aoare wheel and tire; any reaaon able offer takea It. Two lulft run, allnlitly lined for demonetrntlnie: 27n; mill KUe uual new car cuaratitce on these two enre. one KMi. p. Stanley Hteamer. 4-pa., excelcnt condition; at your own price. CASSKI.IRnMUNDB CO., Ario Motor Cars. 14S Howard St Phone Doug. 44.T0 nullllac t:,o Ford I 40 Hupp, Roadster. 2v) Truck 1I4 Parry Roadster. SuO Maxwell Via Se buy, sell and exchange. Till-: Al.TO ( LEAHlNa HOUBR, ttU Fsrnam Ht Douglaa 1310. One six-cylinder Cole. One four-cylinder Croxton-Keeton. One four-ovlm.ler Chalmera I'rlcei from tV to 1,0 PKIroN. 22-5 Kamam St. JNThNKI.LIi Ai;TO CO.. lit H. lKth t. Expert repairing; bargalna In used . repreaented. ,nI'lr ,A,nl, f2r ,.ny waean t repair ohs tepd Rsysdorfer. 10 N.IK. o C. lvLAAHHcK, expert rsd.alor and laino repairs 1y. 7M. a.j l-eavenworth Overton a for leaky radiator. 80c. deaiera" Want an auto, c J.1111.1,. Aiut-aaue uium induntil.il lnrng . yiii . . lMroy Hti7 NKBilAKKA Kainam St liulck Service Htatlun, Ull I'niine Ixiuglaa Til N I0W Ford auto delivery bodies of styles, open or closed, alwaya on hand. Close aava vur prices win aava you ma Johnaon-Pfnforth Co., U2ft-l-a money. Bee NO. loth. F1KEHTONE Columbus. 1460. .. OAU1LLAC CO. OF OMAHA, H"4 Farnam Ht. Doug 4228. BALIv Handsome 1UU Wood elec trie, almost new. Call Harney H7.i u- .!i1'N(.',J.JlUVlt TRUCK TO TRAI.I-; TVI.KR i('llKAT1Na PLANT. PlIONa Motorryrlva. Bargalna In uacd motorcycle. 130 ud .PLiiBCHEU MOTORCYCLE CO. nrsiNEss CHANCES tf VOUr mtlaltlaaBia rf-iaa(rtaa aaulll s.a m rljtld Invoatlgailon and la lust what It Is advert lead, or If you are looking to atart In business for yourself you will ba per lectly aatlsfled If vou use the Business Chance column of The Has. Wheu buy Ing or selling a business phone Tyler lofo. KOH SALW Complete picture show out fit. Include rhalra. uliim enuina rrator, picture machine, etc.: almost new: wui atand rigid Investigation. For price u lunnar particulars addresa T til J, Uee. FOR aala or exrhang fur land t,l,.i,i ahow In cllv or iMin in. ..i . liowa. beats 4fV0: doliw i.u.in... week. Rest proposition In state. Addr.. Y-2I. Be. " W'ILL rent one-half of new cigar ator heat and llaht hU, ...,,-'"l . ""'" 'i..'.1'""1 trauafr point, I'hona v WJ. IWlfl, FOR SALE Restaurant, alu to Dee Moines, doing nice business. Look it over. Address Y Ml. Be. HOTEL man wanted tn 1.... a ateam-heated bulldlna- on 11,. nn.-. . corner 16th and Webstar 8t.. for hotel; muat have capital to furnish about 76 roonta aajd office. Will rernodul to aulL '!. aioon on to uorner. iddrMa r.. 11a, tie. LKA INti Norfolk. Neb., must sell ,liy cigar and billiard parlors, known as 1 1 , Rest Haven, thla U an up-to-date W K. Miller. I'rop.. Norfolk. N.h riu.'NM, enow ,-srds. C' ark A sin tl itt h V TC 1 i ER bHOP for Mtle. lat-clasa Dlaoa in grocery storei sell imuni ..f 1,-1,1. Call at N. lth ur uhona W.h im' t bual UI.I. OANOSTAD. 412 itee call on iHiug. 1477. HEAL estate liiislnras pla.es supplied or isndled; all si ales. F. V. knli.t Omaha. THEATERS iiuy, leas or aell your the aier. macniu and auppiUa through Theater Exchange Co., 14m Farnam bt uo'igia in;. wNT.R,MUt Jour Property with W. iiiisMia, jv cevi.ie hid. 4107, TO SELL oe buv k.i.-i...... 11 - Busch A Borghoff. Ftensr Blk l. J3! lavesimvsiia. Our Nsbraika farm mcrt- fatea ar not affected by European war or par.les. 7 Amounu 40v to 110.004. W roueci ail interest and lirtncloal free nf eharv. m Kf" !B fibrka farm luan field KLOKR INVPSTUruT r-nuo.uw " m t. mm our rerora 1 Omana Nat. Rank Ulda.. Jmh' EDUCATION L Boyles College PIV Bcnonl IVIirht Dh.1 business course, com Diets ahortlmn.i m ww,vi? t-m niuin, complete IsicaruDhv course, civil service branchaa and u,... llsh. Students a-imlttml at any time. I'iivov ,r caii ior catalugush BOYLKS COLLEGE. . H. B, BOYLES. I-realdsnt. ti. i u-ir. itr,yi,a Bldg . onaha. Neb. OH sale the fullowlng scholarshlpa In a first class Outalia Business College: UM Ulltlllllteil comll li.tl.in I.I..I.... On unlimited stenographic Course. On thl 6 mouths' bualnvea ,.p mlnn- graphla course. .-il? diacount at th office f Tb Omaha Be. FOR BALE FOR SALE Her t a classification tria ls of tlie utuioat liupoi lauc to ver reader, a thl column offer some xcp tloi.nl eppoi tunltie every day and a email ut ad wld soli your article at ll iuii vaiue. r none i yiar luoi). fsrsllsre, lsataa.li (,im4i, let. DESKS ht and ar.ld. J. C Heed. BARGAIN; IN FURNITURE AN U HARDWAWF N TtTH WER hi7. guLK rucking chair, on leather couch. cue uonuy in Die, one Alaska rerrWera tor for aale chesp. Cill Harney llja. OAS ateve. comparatively new. Wal. Inl. Hrae mm eaie.ee. m buy a well broke, neck rein sadd! horse. Si2 HurrUon St Phone So. Jn.-s. M astral tllshtiy 1. U.iraw.Mls. se4i nlgtt situs ptaook D I01T 1 rpeerrller. TVIKWHIlUtS sold, rented repaired unirkl lypewnter Kie -sei Kaenam jioNAalCM No. biaaln.Us Bee bid MOVIES A FEATURES TODAY CO HESSE, The Cactua FrancU X. 24TH AND N. reeJa. featuring Trail. 4 Bimhman. LOTHROP, 2 4TI1 AND LOTHIOP. Throiwrh Turbulent Walera, 4-reel Edlaon drama, featuring Gertrude McCoy. MONROE. 2556 FAPvNAM. Ceoll Ppooner In "The Iancer and ttie Klna;." Blaney feature. In S reela ORPHEL'M, 24TH AND N. The Diamond From the Bky. chapter 10. von SALR iaaii,. a.aaa asi4 aaivstt. ea 6TEREOTTPK matrlct make tha beat and cheapest lining for poultry houses. 1 They are IikH Inchee, stronger and mora I durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof . hiimlre.i st Tin tiee orrice Till-. kKs uu sell make the prollt In the iiultry bustneas. Welch ! wonder ful While Indian Runner Ducks lay mora 'large w hlte -shelled, good eating eggs than Miens. My flock averaged over 'a egga teach for 1 year. Hatching eggs, II. W for 12; H per l". J. J. Welch, cnerryoroii, ( iimha. Neb. Bonbon 1. 2 Brnall wheat. 1 O lb. I? 2&. Wagner. MT1 N. ft. H iieellsseoss, FOR BALE N w and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all ktnda; eaay payments. The Uninawlck- Bslke-Coliender Co.. 407-4OI B. 10th Ht. ELECTltlC MOTOKS 1-H. P., 120 volta, I phase, new x-ll. r.. Xiu voiie, onase, new I-H. P., 220 volta. 1 phase, new a-H. p., 220 volts, 8 phsse, new 49 M 7 UTNAHUS. I K. W 110 volta, K. C, new I Tl lK. W., 110 volts, P. C, naw 104 Vi-K. W., 1-W-tH volta, new SO 1 11. P., gasoline engine M t It. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor 104 LB BKON ELECTRICAL. WORKS, IK B. 12th Ht FOR BALK One oil wagon with tank holding 100 gallons; also sulphur tank holding 600 gnllona. Cheap for oaah, William Crawford, Nevada, la. BIO sale on trunks, bags and suite Friedman. 1211 !oiiglae Bt TOOIJJ, ahovela, plcka. lackscrews, win dow glaaa. 2 carpenter benchea, 11 each; 10 match machines. 60c each. 1 hot water boiler complete, 110; combination clectrto flxturea 2c each; Iron beda complete, 12; good horse. Mi; nameaa, iv, guoa presa wagon. 7. & Tel. Harney tl 701 B. tlat Ava OO Or Oolden West Whiskey, 4 full Jts "S I quarts bottled In bond, pre yJ.LuJ p(lld ccai,,,- Bro.. Omaha. IIEL11 WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Offloe. Bookkeeper and ateno V Bookkeeper and typlat I'M H'enographer, must be good at figure M5 Hlenngrapher, railroad office H6 Typist, Implement concern t.to eitenographer, bright beginner Ofll e clerk, must be neat $2S BC81NKHS MKN 8 Rfc.r KRBNCB ASSN. u;-2t Woodmen of World. HTHNOURAPHElta W can place I or I good alenographera In temporary positions right away. Heferenr required. WUKTEK. KEK. 1U)NII AHii'N, INC, 762 Omaha National Bank Uldg. BTENO. and dK't. opr., out of town A-l, advancement lor right party.. ITS STENOGRAPHER f6 STKNtVlHAPHER V DK'TAl'IKiNE OPR We need temporary tenograpnera. WATTS RKF. CO., 8.1S-40-4I Brandels The. CLKTtK -Very bright, neat appearing lndv for Dosttlon of stock clerk young and aselslant to office manager. . Oood.BOY 1 yeara of aae desires itinn .1 penman, gulck atflgurea I'refer ex-1 I'riiring an iimm. ... . v. .v quiren WtiSTERiN RKF. A BOND ASS'N, INC., "52 CUnaiia National nan mog. QIRI. to learn halrdresslng. Oppenhelm. Ileiaaekreprra wad Dosaestlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a Servant uin wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired results. Tills appliaa to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Be office or teleohon Ty 1000. WANTED Experienced cook; good wagea. Call Mrs. G. Stors, I7ns raniam. GIRL for general housework. 1329 8. 81st. EXPERIENCED girl to do second work. I'l 1 Hsrney 74. WANTED A good girl for general houae- work. No washing or cooaing. au tau- fornlaPt. GIRL for Keneral housework. Apply mornliMi. Mrs llsdra, 1 B.th bt, YOUNG girl to aaslst with housework. t3M Walnut St. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; must be good cook; wa-ah-Ing renulred. II. 741. WANTED A middle aged woman for 80. housework. Call 10th St. In person. 618 A MAID for general hou nwork. Apply Mrs.U H. Korty. Ml V. Ave. EXPERIENCED wbUe girl for gweml hoou w oi k : no waaning. Mra. A. X. Smith, 3910 Dewey Ave. Harney 2Sog. COMPETENT cook for private family no washing. Tel. iKiuglaa 4814. YOUNO woman coining to Omaha aa strntirs are Invited to visit to Young Women Christian association building at St Marv'a Ave. and 17th bt, where thy will b directed to suitable boarding places ar otherwis asalstsd. Look for ur Uaveiera' guide at Union station. UKI.P WANTED MALR lerirat ss wfliee. &AIJ0SMAN Nebraska, territory; give bond. SALESMAN, drug contract; must exper- icnceu: aauary oeiwnaa SALESMAN, city, aalary depanda, STENOGRAPHER, &. WATTS REF. CX)., K18-40-4J Brandel Th. 8ALF.SMAN High grade specially man. Only man of proven ability and good ales record considered. Raferen-'es re quired. Salary to fit ability. Retail clerk, 2-tS-year-uld man of good apiarance. habit and ability. ITefer ex perienced anelf hardware man. acquainted with local trade; aalary to suit ability. WKSTEKN KEF. BOND ASS'N.. INC, 7i oma lana nit 1 Bank lllrtj. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE ItOLEd. Wa find a poaltleu that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE RsiFERE-NVB CO. vli-i City Nat. Bank Bldg. )FF1CEI CLERK, must be good penman anu inase kwjii rigurea. . salary Apply !- Woodmen of Y.'orM. HIGH-GllADR commercial positlona WEST, RFFERfcNCE BOND ASSN. Vl Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. NEW location, UO Paxton Blk. We have several positions open. Rogers Ref. Co. A . Sales ssa mmt Solleltera. Very Desirable 8pac for Printing Office Ujht. water tod Janitor servlc rro. Cbetp rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintended. Otrice. Room 10S- HKI.r WAXTKI) MALI: Aaeata, laleemea and Knllcltora. LIVK agents wantid everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men's specialty on Ihe market today; patented heatleea trousers' pre. Write Immediately for territory and proposition. The Allen Co., Orand Island. Neb, Hox V.;. o WW. hiv. e .iviii t.liifa fnr live Insur ance man. Alutusl "enefit H alth Ac- j Client Awn, 4J ily Nut. ;Hnk Ming Fart.try euit Imilri. Drug store snaps; ohs. KneHt. He B rig Free Tuition for a ahort time. WESTERN UAREER COLI.EOK. 1404 Iodee Bt. WE need men: had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Oet In. Learn ty our method. Oet one of thesj lobs. Cstalogue D. R. free. Nebraska Auto mobile Rchool 1417 Iodg St 1 , WANTKD Two A-l first-class sheet metal workers: must lie able tn lav out their own patterns If necessary; nis i ! must be hustlers; booxers. don t apply; I must be able to do both In and outside 1 work, if you can fill thla bill will be glad to hear from you. Addresa T 619. Hi WAN1KD Drug clerk, state SHlnry, reference, mnxrlcd or single. Apply at once. H. C. Lester. Druggist. 1 -a ramie, Wyo. MOLER BATiiiER COLLEGE Ppeclal summer tnaVed free. 110 80. rates Catalogue Uth Ht.. Omaha. PoKltlnna Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO MK Farnam ft.. Free Catu'ogua COLLI OMA HA. OE VEB. LEARN BAKBEIt TRADE Wages rtslri Tnnli vlv.n I'nrltlnna guart meed. Call or write for information. Trl-City College. 1124 liouglan. Omaha. Mlscellaneons. MEN wanted: government Job; t90 per month; Omaha examinations Sept. 15. ample question free. Frrnklln Intl tute. Dept 221 V. Rochester. N. V. WANTED Exirlenied laundryman and lady to run mv laundrv fnr mn: inunt tw. able to do all parte of the work, a thla I a mal Neb, town. Address Y 33, Bee. COOK wanted for cafe. 111. Walthill. Neb. Address Box WANTED Name of men, II or over, wishing government Jobs. 66 month. No pull necessary. Address Y 61, Uee. SITUATION'S WANTED PERFECT washing, Webster 4'JS3. expert Ironing. l-OfllTION wanted by trustwoithy and energetic young man. Uot nf refer ence furnlohed and not afraid of work. I phone Douglaa MM. A GOOD draughtsman with technical elu cation, both aa a civil and mechanical engineer, wishes a position. Addres K-1116 Bee. YOUNli MAN. 18 OF Good EDCCA TION AND EXCELLENT PENMAN SHIP DESIRES PLACE AS OFFICE CLERIC ADDRESS B 71.9. BKE. . L . colored girl want to aaslst with housework; ran give references; I s" nuine nmnts. neii pinj.i. ANTE1D Position by young marrieit man; good appearance, honest and not afraid of work: some knowledge of book keeping and offloe work; shipping room and checker; will consider anything. Ad dress L 75, Bee. KkidiiL'rv.-1J eJ?' rf " P'ace " "" ! mlafsa fllll ftKarua will l -I lli ' Mttvuvr ior rvnnea iB.ri.v ir nirttM 1 Or Will I take practical nursing. "is ihii wiaaava )Ti Will UTJ K I TtJIl AUdresS M 77, line. WANTED By experienced young ladv. osltlon 1 housemaid; wages, fid or iii per month. Phone Douglaa 73M. AHIaJB man of 50 desires position of trust a Janitor or watchman. Beat refer ences. Addr P liee. YOUNG man. 20 year "old, wanta any kind of woik; have had two yeara' ex perience a chauffeur In private family and some experience on farm; can help about house; best of references. Al dre.is, Michael Goodman, care W. J. Broatch. Florence, Neb. Tel. fnorence anything offering an energetlo young i mari a iiiiure. nono ivea am4. POSITION wanted as housekeeper: age 2it; city or country; want rercctHhla place only; good plain cook. Aidrea C 76 . Bee. WINDOW TRIMMER wlrhea to make a change; will consider anything In or within lu) miles of Omaha. Address P1 7T-. Hee. YOUNG MAN wanta work of any kind. trail Waiter McCalanahan. 4222 liiimcv Ht. Tel. Walnut 411: YOUNG MAN 28. wlahe poaltlon: have bad 12 years business axperlenca Best refei-ences. Red 7434. WANTBIV-Situation to run an elevator Itinka .nV,lvrvA,?l!;" ' A' Bankson, tleneral leilvery, city. tuuiitcp gin, in yeura or age, want Place to assist w Hit housework or cam . hll ,..ll W-K..- SO.. COLORED couple want work, man will do any kind of work and wife want housework. Tel. Douglas 8643. C. M. K Wllllama. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA As COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loit soma article would de well to call up th office ot tha Omaha Jk Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether thev lei I ,t In th street cais. Many articles eacn day ar turned In and tha company la anxious to restore them to the rightful ownor. Call Doug. 48. Lost or Found ad in Omaha s Lost and Found medium means the Inamedlate re turn of that article If advertised tn Tb Be, th Ixst and Found pauer. LOST Bobolink bracelet, 10 llnka, be tween 10th and lth and Farnam. Finder cull WtLsier lull and receive re ward I.OST A. T. O. fraternity pin, shape of maltese cross; black pin; gurnets and pearls around edge. Name on back. A. C. Kennedy ir.. o Flrai Natl l.al Bank Bldg. Douglaa 721 LOST A pair of new gray shuej on Far nam car, going east. Return to tb Kllpatrlck atore. reward. STOLEN From Claua r-UlUcs, cn team of mule. On brown, weUht ikiu lb.; I yeara old, cut on right front knee, whit none cm black mule. I'X) lb.; 4 Inches taller than brown mule. Wl Chas. Hotter, sheriff Sarpy county, lli" reward for return of property and convktlon of thief. PERSONAL YOUNO women coming to omaha aa atranger ar Invited to visit th Young Women' Chrl.-lian aasoclailun building at 17th St. and at. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding placea or otherwise assisted. Look for our trave'ers aid at the Union atatlon. THE Sa.vation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga tluea. W collect W dlatribut. Phon Douglaa 4131 and our wagon will call. Call and tnspacl our new bom. 11 10-11 il 1114 Dodge St. QORIK1N Doualas th Tit alacaaiu Alau. Pbou SWAPPERS' IULTMN Wanted tc Swap. TTny not advertla omethlng that you no longer have any um for and gel aomethlng you really need? It ct-ste you nothing to Join th Swappers' Club, and you will find It lot of fun swapping things. Writ Roou) li4. Bee HIdg.. or rhoue Tyler low A LA KGB Drucker 4-tray trunk, tent fly. I-A Eastman kodak, set De Maupajs saut (17 vol.). I. C. 8. Mechanical tu glneerlng (Ii vols); want double type writer desk, or what hav you? 8. C. U41. Bee. Al'Tii FR TRADK--asseiiger auto; want dumoml. moiurcycia side car, pUk.vtr piano. What hav you? Addrva K I 1" C. itii, Bv. i SWAPPKItS tt)IAMV HKH'K to niitoiiMil 1I1' Iradi' lor ii or 7-pnsenger Mdrcsx f C. l!."-4. Hee. At'Tt V'H n-odl Macn touring car, and also tr:ck On!)'; want to swap fur rat tle ir mules, or whul have you? S. ?. 71-5. Uej ANSi'O Pocket. Koiiuk, eir.i 3x4; n iko new Hlg Pen alarm clock; ludy'a new wrist watch, Sw'sa innke, cott I 5l. What have yuii. Addiees r. 1. tare Hee. lAI'TO i A."t..;S ant to deal for four 'S4 clincher auto cKlnk's. not quick de I tacbnl'le". AiUlr.cn s C. 1237. l!ce J Al'TolluliiLKS-Kor other autoiuuhlie I iMtrsulu fee the "Automobile ' claaslfi- Ll'JL'J? A I TfV-lKll Model Overland; body In fair condition, wuuld make a good truck enj-lne; Just overhauled. Will trade for anything 1 can uve. Address S. C. 1243, Uee. 1P.1O Two-ecu ted, rut ber tire rig to swan groceries, etc. What have you; 1 for Andres 8. C. 123, Bee. Hl'LI.l HJO Have an English bulldog, about 2 years old, to trade. What have you 7 Address C. 1231. Bee. f CAM ERA 6x7 s.xe, plates, fine lense an.l i,rk shutter, all In A I condlt.on, with U extra plute holders. Have many other axes In other camera. What have you? Pn fer diamond. Address S. C. 1240, Uee. CARPENTER WORK Jood upright pi ano to swap for cement work, carpenter woi k or painting and puperhangitig. Ad dles fi. C. Il. Hee. CAHI'ENTER work, painting and deco- rating furnished by competent workmen I for a:i automohlle In perfect condition. Address S. C. UUK. Uee. DIA.MOM) TIKany diamond ring, valued at $66. Wl;l swap for motorcycle, or what have you? Add resg S. C. lift Uee. DIAMOND Uily ring, a dandv, two--filrda carat, price 1110. Will trade for flood motorcycle, oven up. Or. what iave you to offer? Addrep 3. C. W-i. Uee. FOR TRADE Htock In one of Omaha' best manufacturing concern for auto mobile. Address S. C. IVin, Bee. GOOD high-grade plajer piano, used only six months; would trade for Ford car or other light car. Will s1'e an excep tional good trade. There I 15 roll of music goes with thl player. Address 8. C. 128, Pee. HAVE pen of six Black Minorca, prize winning stock, value J3S. What have you? Address, 8. C. 1232, Bee office. KITCHEN range In A-l condition. What have you? Address B. C. 1221. Bee. KODAKS No. I Eastman kodsk for No. I Eastman kodak or small plat camera. Address 8. C. 12, Bea. LOT Have a lot In Casper, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyers In this addi tion; will trade for Underwood type writer, new or In flrt-clas condition. ! or what have you? Adiress S. C. Iltl, Uee. MARLIN pump gun. Will trad V., 1245, lie. for diamond pin. 8. MOTOR boat. Pirate 2d, for ale or trade. Address K 741, Bee. llun lt;VCi.E Harley-Davldaon motor cycle, 4-h.. p.; equipped with horn, car rier and mirror; machine In Al condition; will swap for dU'jnnnd or anything X cau use. Addrcae S. 1239, Bee. PIANO A good Franklin uprlgnt piano Would trade thla piano on Address ft. C. 1227, Uee. Ford car. PRINTING PRESSMust trade 1110 pencil printing press within 8 daya; complete drying rack, etc., ready to tlnlHh HdvertiPlntr pencils. Partv with some capital can realize 300 per cent on 1 me investment in three months. Ad dress, B. C. 116J, care Bee. REFRIGDRATOR-Would exchange 100- . i "UII'1 H I II It'll t 11 T W rCI Tl KTHlUr for ..lln. .n -Lr - TT-. HV,Ul.. a,i,k. h m u. PRI.P. pen lli Buff Orpington; also 80 chicks, to trade for sewing machine, household furniture, or what have you? AddreHB S. C. 1219. Bee 11F7FRIGERATOR In good condition value about 10. What have you to trade? Address S. C. 1211, Bee. SEWING MACHINE Singer; good condi tion; drop-head. Will exchange. What have you? Addreaa 8. C. 1210, Uee. SEPARATOR -Auton.atlo cream aepa rator. slightly used, almost new, to trade for cow or Font chaaala. S. C. 1159, care The Uue. ! TOOLS- .hest of erond-hand carpenter tools for trade. Address, a O. 1244. Bee. 2-SEATKD carriage. swap for Vlctrola. rare Hee. nearly new, will Address S. C, 122), SEWING MACHINrS Standard Diop Head, good as new, will trade for rugs. Arid res. 8. C. 122. Bee. 7-YEAR-OIJ) mare and diamond valued at P'1 to swap for motorcycle. Address B. C. 1242, Bee. THEATERS Buy. lease or aell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 1X Farnam 8t. D. 1887. J.Vm VIOLIN; aan give references aa to value of violin. To awap for diamond. I Address B. C.. 1223. Bee. iSMALL bass, sliver plated, fin. condition. t i.-.i,,,.. .p,i.a t ,.i. 1 Israel s hand. stromDurg. iNen 1 Trr;vrTVJ ,j ..1 Iiwiiin-niin r-jm-oio violin; also bow and case; best of shape: to trado. ' What ha vo vou? Address B. C. 1169, Bee. WANT light roadater. touring car, lot or j piano, or. wiiet have you for 6 shares common sioca in 01a esiaonsnea vimana company? Par at 1100 per share. Address B. C. VW. ve. WANTED to trade painting and paper hanging for a used auto that I ran con vert Into a light truck. Address S. C. 12.10, Bee. FOR RENT Apartsaeats ssd Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column ot The Uoe dally cannot U Lx-at for variety that will ease and fill the needs of any on de llrinir to rent. Phone Tyler IOiO I ROOMS. OOOD LOCATION. Nicely papered, mod. ex. heat, good plumUn: water paid; reasonable rent. 112 .S) and 116 HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1814 Harney St. I-ROOM apartment, ot. George. Ill N. Slat Ave. Phone Tyler ltM. even ags. Web. Iii74. MODERN steam heated; hot water free. tl upwards. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Angelua Apt., 1 and 4-room art H J".'4. o 4 ROOMS-112.50. 1.0 EMMET ST. Kounts Place, all mod., good yard. A-L Sea tills at once. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1R14 Harney St, SEVEN-ROOM double dwelling, with or without garage. 62J park Ave. Call Frank Carey, Harney 7'W7: WAYNE. 1 ll.)OM3. Looated at tMh and Dewey Ave., th moat complete and convenient apartment of It alxe In the el'y. t-3 to tJo; has ROOF GARl'EN. Will rent furnished for a extra. Be ua ior particulate, or ca-l us ior an Slllivirii inciiv. cuui.i iwn, uinTiv.u ui.-viii. sj n.m.v Bt - - ' - - VFRY cholc. 4 or 6-rom. ateam-heated a imi rt me nt on Wet Farnam atreet. JOHN W. ROB BINS, IM FARNAM ST. Fwral,h4 tsarimrsts SPLENDID NEW FURNISHED i PA ITMENT fur rent n tb New Traverton FIREPR(XK. 4TH AND LAN DON COURT. Cater ng to people of ref In d taatea Apartment U completely axiulpped for housekeeping; up-locale and comfort able. TR AVER UIIOS.. Tet Pouglaa Utl. 'nnaha Nat. Bank. Board sal sVwwma. Furnished Room that offer every mod ern eoavenlenco and comfort In private famllie .r boarding be uses of th hWb est class will best be found la th Fur nished Rooms ouuinn of lb Be. Phone Tyler ! (CoaUnued oa Col. T, This Page) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that wjll please the most critical: ABSTRACTS F TITLK. REFD offl.-e ARSTRACT CO., In Nebraska. iii oldest abstract Brandels Thea. A M ATKl H KI.MSHIMI. FILMS developed free If purehaaed from Photo Craft Bhop, 41 Ree Pldg. Dept. D. ACCOl MTA.HTI, E. A. DWORAK ACCOUNTS AI'DITED Rook ."'por.ed and closed. Cost hstoni insta.led lt me call on vou to explain the advantages cf mv audit cervl u stem. Ad'r ss 4.3 417 Ramye Hide; Phone. Doug. 740H. ARtiirrc.ii s. FA-erett S. Dodds, 12 Paxton Blk. D. 291 A R T I Fit I L 8TO E JiUE WALKS SIDEWALKS, drives, floors, walla, step. Copings; anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. lt3. John Orant Paving Co., SI Paxton. D.S.11S. O.B.Orsnt Mgr. W.6U2S. ATTH At TIO.MS. PICNIC PARTTI.. DESIrtlXO UK- KRKSHMKNTS PIIOVF ll N'OM P ' ' ' : ATTORKYS. C T. Diklnson. Ml Paxton R'.k. D. IS04. At CTIO.NF.EHS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-W W.O.W. R. 325. Xafl "-nl St Auction Co.. 1127 W. O W. AtTO IVSIllAMK. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.. Douglas 2S19. AVTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co., 80! Far. n.Wl. BKl:HIL9. H. RKFDER, 150 N. ISth. Web. S27. BF.DDIMO. 0' MAHA PII.I)W CO.. 157 Cuming. Douglaa 247. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kinds, iii.ikiu feather mattresses and down covers. IILIE 1MIITIMG. IIORN-RY RLI-B PRINT CO., 302 Omaha isatinnni Bank HIdg. BRASS AMU IRON KOC.NDHIKS. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 77th and Marth Sts. CARPF.TERS A.D CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON", 823 S. :2d. Douglas 6S. Lesssrd Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1!.12. CIIIROI'R ACTIC SPINAL ADJl'M'TI Dr. J. C. Tiwrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. 1"). R4L CIIIROHODIST. Carrie J. Purford n Pax. Blk. Tte-1 4.SS7. C ONt IlETE ( OXSTHl'CTION. Western representative of VELVKTTT.E COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTl OATE. 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 172. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy. claMlo. D. 1S71. Summer rate now at Markle's: private leasons dally. 1S16 Harney. Doug. B44A DHESbMAKINU. Terry Dressmak'g college, 20th 6c Farnam DYHH8 AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co.. 120 N, 12th. D. 50T2. DETECTIVES. JAMEH ALLAN, S12 Neville Block. Evi dence secured In all cases. lyier iij'k DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bld Pyorrhea. Dr. Ficke. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 117 Douglaa P. 8180. , DRUGS. DRt'GB at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman dc Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. 15th. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOK REPAIRING. CAIIILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg D IiTTI 'electrolysis. I'loa AUender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3055. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN. a norm n WIN. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered Duuona, an sixes ana style; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating CO., uu uougias eioca. u. ism. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coining down; cioaks, suits and dress-en sactlficed. W N. ldth St. I-I RN ACES AND 'IINrtOllK. HABERSTROH, f'L'6 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. t LoHIVI's. BATH'S, florists, ls.4 Farnam St. D. SOOO. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1251 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. HES3 at SWOBODA. HIS Farnam St. A. PONAQHCE, 161 '' Hiirney Doug 1001. Ft HMI'tUU UDlUhl' AND tuLU, I BUY and sell furniture reas., 2-d-hand bods, etc. liH-5 Leavtnworth. COLD AND SILVER PLATING. WK replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. l.'JU llaincy St Eat. 1M. It AT 1LKV.NING. Panamas cleaned. D. F.laele, 11J-1 City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and Hocked, r-20 Har. INt'lltl t i ION. French, instruction. 306 Lyric P. 1.1 English. 1C E. Lakeside Ice Co FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 691. General Office, ISth and Mamlerson sts. I JCMI'J)t l-' 'fat; i..4 K. : r w c . .in..,...,. i- - III. IL CLAIBOI.M.. 113 Paxton IS.k. 7suL Notaiy 1 u ue.ioul.iou Uuu. C. W. BRITT. 1 1.. k. r hlock. LIVE UIU (UUU1MIU.V, MARTIN BROS. A CO , Exchange Pldg. LIOHI INU 1X1 t Ufea, WlUlNu. nTTIfL'IV Tboniiis. Dous'a 2&1. ULiilM.x J4I., cmnB 8t. MOVING PICTIUK MACtll.NEM. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14ih and Doug. Motion Idcture machine and lllitl bargains. MOTORCYCLES. II ARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In used machines Victor R o. 'Tfej Moiorvycle Man." 2cU L avenwortn. NO I IONS. NOTIONS, new, cigar, candy. 133 Park Ave. H. 2ta3. Ol I LISTS. Eye examined, glaaae fitted, pay as yoa I can. Dra McCaxty. Ull W. O. W. Bldg. 4I9TF.OPATIIIC PHYSICIANS. josrpmxr. Armstrong. is Pe Pldg I A TENT 8. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Plk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Sturges, rcr, Rrsndels Theater Bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANCS. 417 N. th. H. S7M 1'LATINU. D. 5277. Acme Tilting Co. Ill S. 15th St.- POSITIONS WANTED. SEE t"S for a Steno. or bookkeeper, service. ( p-pp, Bpf. Co. Doug. Free 4,!m. I'RINTINU. WATFRS-PARNIIART Ttg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2i:J. 621 8. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3701 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dotiffla (141. HIBB4KK COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RT'RltAGE CO. This 1 the mnn to call if you have nnv ashes or tin enns to haul. Phone Webster f!. SAFK A N II TIME LOC K EXPERTS. O A TITO Opmed. repaired, cornti. Onr XLw chmgod. F. E. Davon w port, 14.K-. Todge. D. 11. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co.. 611 3. 12th. D 2P11. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN RROsTalioe repair. 211 8. It. SEWING MACHINES. TTT rent, repair, sell needle and VV P parts for all Kewlng nutchlnes. 'MICKKlS," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harneiy. Douglas 1U. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest prices paid for clothes. D. 4714. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 S. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co , Doug. AGn. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safes, s rales, showcase, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. P. t'-'S. TAILORS. CHAS. C LANDER YOU, lOg N. lith Pt. THINKS AND SUITCASES. KRELING & STEIN LE, 1W Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR BENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter S mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, SIS 8. lStol St. All makes for sale or rent, RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer. Low rent Call Douglas 12t4 WATCH SPECI V LISTS. Christiansen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. tp WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcx-menta, Doug. Ptg. Co, WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. JSth St Wines, liquors, cigar. Plate dinner U to S, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU8E. 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARItY. 240 Be Bldg. ; nnnusn iio.-n ireaiea successruiiy, re- suits gmranted. Dr. Bowser. 314 He Bldg. RUPTURE. Rupture treated successfully by all afe, scinllflc methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. We hav irea'.ea many uunureos ot men. women and children. Tim cost is deter mined alter examination, and time re quired to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank I H. Wray, Suite u. Bee Bid.. Omaha. nen, o ixm REXT Board aad Huumi. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally larg closets. In a West Farnarn home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred Harny 4U81. If you do not see anything that suits you In tr.e way of Furnished Room you can call at Room lot. tie Bldg., and k Ior th Fite Furnished Room bureau and w will gladly refer you to a high clasa rooming or ocarding bouse In any part of i he cit y. Furnished Honnis, SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, ISth A Farnam. HOTEL HA RLE V. .Oth A Farnam MODERN form private family. .hed room fur r.ni In M3 8. 22d 8L Inlaral.srd He T710 DA i.Puli'f-o-rooms. modem. 111 month. 312 N. 27t.i Ave. 4 rooms, part liloeii ru, VI) month. rsri.lie .1 uun.rKr, sij liowsa. 1423 DOLGE Modern Uabt bouaepuigi leaaonutoe. Mvuar and Totlasea. Korla. ALL mooern C-rooin boose, on car line. In Florence, large yard. Fiurenc tut Mrt'n t Moat. EASY to keep house on one floor; 1511 Park Ave.; a beautiful home, I rooms, laundry, pantry, etc ; strictly modern; g'ts stove, facing Hanscora Park, Uu. Knre chance. T-fc-rm. iniHicrn home, julO L-er Park Blvd., near "o. t" h rt. ; best location In 8. part of illy; reasonable rent to right KV rHil- V .!. '. en I V.II.V. i-lvcaj.M. lui-ati it iius.-. iui Jones, 4M pr inontli J I. Kemp. Douglaa l7. (CONTINUED ONTpAQB ELEVEN, COLUMN ONE.)