Till; HKK: DM AHA, TIKSDAV. .IlILV JO. llir. n fob kf.vt Stores and Offices. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and. Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Buprlntndent' Office. Room 10. Office on 17th St. Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM , AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. lrlrte .fflC9 Vglttnr Room ' 180 Sq. Ft. $18.50 The Bee Building Office Room 103. WANTED TO BtJl SLIGHTLY used auto, tol Ave. Dorsey, 1813 rapl- Yale ouya everything aid Band. Web. 4904. OFFFlClfi furniture bought and Bold. J. C. Keed, 1M Farna .. Doug. 1144 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By young refined couple, no children, n suite of 2 or rooms, un furnished room in private famUy.walh Ing distance. Write L 722, care. Omaha Wee. REAL ESTATE FAR Jf A RANCH LASD FOR IALB Calitoraia. Live Oak Colonies uone better. W. . T. Smith Co., 913-14 City Nat. HK. P. ttls. lo HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALET Write' a good description of your land and send It to the Btoux City, la.. Journal, "lowa'a Moat Powerful Want Ad Me ' dlum.' Twenty-five word, every Friday evening. Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Bunday morning tor one month, giving sixteen ala " twelv different daya for 12; or W words, 4; or 76 worda. It. Largest circulation of any low new a paper, ftO,0ut readers dally In tour great states " Mlaata. 240 ACRKS 4o miles from Mlnneapolla. one mila from town; 1C0 acres under cultivation; balance use.-! for paature; . tun praotically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good set buildings, consisting at - room house, large barn, granary, corn ' cribs, wlndnillla. etc; the land will pro- duce 60 bushels of corn per acre; tele . phone In bouse; country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cow, balance 1 ' and 2 years old; six good horses; 25 hogs: ' chickens; one-half of this year's crop and -everything on farm goes at 1.0 per acre; haK cash. Sohwab Bros.. 102S Plymouth Bid.. Mlnneapolla. Minn. Mtsaoar. CKNTRAL Missouri farms. Send for list; 100 farms in Callaway county, Mls .nnri with full description and price for each; In Missouri's beat grain and blue grass county. Koonlx A. Palmer, Ful ton, Mo. Nebraska. FOR 8AU5 ftook. Implements and lease on good ranch. Aaaress box ii. uun nlng. Neb. FARM BARGAIN. Do you want a good east Nebraska Im- proved farm of 180 acres, one mile from county seat town of LOUO? Write owner ?or particulars and price. A bargain for . I a . 1 I 1. r - tJni. Cotton futures opened steady; October. 1 FARM for sale by owner. A fine 160-acre farm in Nebraska, good improvements. " Price right for quick sale. Address IT 114. Hee. : ONLY 12&. . , Buvs ISO acres, being slate school land, lease running" years, iooated In Ioup county. Neb. Thia M ould be a good place to run a button of cattle and a bargain for somebody. Write owner. I C. Cran .lall,' 1S44 Locust t, Doncoln. Neb FOR 8 A LB.. S30 ax res within miles of Hay Springs. Sheridan couaity, Nebraska: th E. Vi of ia--46; all Ullable. 13) per acre If talten soon.' tKiod investment. F. R. Clark, Ryan, la, FOR 8AL.R Best large body high-grade . medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley. Wol bach. Neb. FOR SALiF. 10 acrea of ood, black, level farm land, three miles from station on B. & M R. R. 1 miles from rildney. .Neb., good school. Rood neighborhood. Will ship S0, bushels of (Train from this station this year. Wheat mnkes twontv to forty bushels per acre. Price ;.J per acre. 11,000 cash, balanoe on time. Address J. W. Harper, Bktney, Neb. MO ACRHS In Kelto County, Neb., fenced; no other Improvements. Brings good rent for hav, and la O. K. for mixed farming and pasters. Incumbrance 13, mo, 3 years, at per cent. rice 116 per acre. Equity t'5.400. Want imple ments, harness or vehicle stocl; from lOOU to 17.000. 4W acres and school lse on 10 acres. All Improved. About S60 acrta In crop; balance hay and pasture. Fair set of buildings. Rents for 1.W each. Donated In Boone County, Neb,. Clear or Incum brance. Prioa 5,oOO. Want clnar city property, ' or smaller farm. Wnl carry back part at per cent IT aestred. Address, Box 1171. Nebraska t'lty. Neb. Moaiaaeu JUDITH BASIN LAND 20-TEAR TERMS. We reoently bought a large acreajre of state land at the sales held during May, 11S. and we are offering the same at II per acre profit. We bought only at minimum prices, at which the state had the land appraised. The state s tern at IS per cent down and the balance In twenty equal yearly payments at S per cent. You simply pay us the U per cent plus 11 psr acre and we assign tbs state contract to you. Cheaper than homesteadlng. Hllger Loan and Realty Co.. Dewiaton. Mont, REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOAN8, ( PER CENT TOLA N D A TKDMBULL. 443 Use rld 1100 TO 110,000 made promptly. D. Weed. Wead Rlilg.. Uth and Farnam Eta. CITY and lann loans, 5, per cent. J. II. Dumont A Co.. 411 State Bun. WANTfcD Uuotl lariu and city ;cns at lowirst rates. "PETliKS TRUST CO. 12S rarnain. WANTED City loana and wsrran's. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 10 riragia At. C1TT property. Large loans a sp.-Ulcy. W. U Thomaa. 2 State Rank lildg MONET on hand for city and farm ioa a. H. W. Binder. Ci'y National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KtiJfK RKAL RdTATfl CO.. 1CM Omaha National. Phone Douglas 3711 fc us first for farm loams Is eaatora Neb. Curted States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS, a O. Ca.-ibrg. tli'-13 Brand! Theater Bldg. WANTED City and farm loana; lowest rales. W. G. Templetun. 4 bee. T. tvA REAL ESTATE EXCTIAHGB 13-KOoM modern house, fur laud, acres or vacant Iota. What have yout Oivuc-r, I -ox 7!s. liQl of tl.-t.' lor sale In modern cut. tags; hunt 2 years; part oaah, balauce trade. W alnut 2460. REAL ESTATE KOKTH KID IS 5-Hoom Bungalow $00Cash, $22.50 ier Month. (lose to good school snd car Una. Four Mocks to Hory Angus' Parian. Prior, HASTlVIrt A HrYPflN 1114 Hs ley. 11' YoC ar looking for as excvptlonal baigaln in a 6-rooni house, with pantry, i f frlgrratcr room and reception hull, ate this loiin). ail modern ronvetiicnres; nelv varntrhed lunlile; painted outside. Ail fclondo. Pbona W b. LOi. UKAL ESTATE XOftTII SIDE 2-17 KLoNDO Tel. Web. S104. -rou s bath, pantry mt fc mom. reception hull, hot water hnt, gw a, newly var nished nlde. ncwlv painted, fl t-clee shape; shade trees and flowers See owner ( houm1 after t o clock for trm. Owner mill leave illy. LEA VINO city, sacrifice l-room, bath. newly painted: house at 17 Bloudo. Web. Slot. Kountse II., -r., well located, mod. home ir school: barln Owner, Web. IMS. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, vp.AR FONTH NF.IL!5 PAHK. JOR SALE OR TRADK. WF.BSTER t70l. EQl'ITT of 11.460 In ft-r. oot.. Win N. S6. for 1915 T. C. or varsnt !ot. IW2 lommct st. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Fine Lot Near Creighton College Northes, corner Ath Ave. and Web ster 4xl!V0 feet, room for two houses. Paving on both streets In and paid for. tot Is fenced with an Iron fence and la undouhde.ilv one of the best vacant lots In that district. Price 11. n and on very easy terms, or owner will take a little lean f,r ft I) cash. Uo out and look It over and mr-ke us a propoeltlon, as the owner la very anxious to dispose of It and will do business If your proposition Is at all fair Payne & Slater Co. 118 Omaha National Bank Hldg -ROOM bungalow In Dundee. A rare bargain. Seeing Is believing. Do'ig. Hint. J10 Underwood R large rma, oak, ma hogy, birch, si. norc'i, h. w. nest. P.74CS. WK8T FARNAM lot. WOO; all Improve ments In and paid for; good car serv ice; close to church and school. Tyler 7-ROOM bungalow In lundee. It should be seen to be appreciated. Wal. 1.S.W6. COTTAOE ft-room sjd bath. toiM Cass. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Daadee. Dundee Bungalow Owner Leaving City 4811 IVflfre St.. G ftno rooms, dandy poroh on front anil side of houae, large living room, q.mrter-aawed oak floors, modern plumbing, fine heating plant, built-in re frigerator Iced from back porch. House Is well built In every respect, metal weather strips on all windows fine large lot. 60x137V peved street, right on Far nam cer line. This property belongs to I'rof. Reed of the Omaha High Bohool who Is leavlnc August 1 for Tulsvllle. He has mnde a npecl.il low price of 11. MX) on this I'linyalow and will giant nasy terms. Go out today and look It ovnr. Opportunities like this are few. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Two-story, (-room house In Dundee, all modern, 13.260; make me an offer; 1600 down. Phone Douglas 4283. Floreute. C. L. NETHAWAT for trades. For..a. KKAL KTATK INVESTMENT! 80 Feet Walking Distance Owner says sell 80 feet on Dewey, at Kttri St., acroaa from Winona aparlniont house. The price wilt be more right If you want to buy. Go out and look It over, th-n eee us.. Payne & Slater Co. f.lf, Omaha National Bank Ttldg. OoOli Investment, two-story brick, con taining 1 stores and 1 six-room flats; rental, !W yearly. Tyler I63S. JOBBING alte, 64x132. corner lot with track see. within one-half block of 13th and Douglas streets. Prioe. 117.600. Tyler KUC. REAL ESTATE! MISCEIXANHOUB. D143 Dodge, naw part Dundee, double lot, g-r. bungalow, large living room. D. 7406. $500 Cabh; $32 Per Month Buys Two Good Homes One 5-room houae; rents for 113. One 7-room new house, finished in oak, all modern. occupied by owner, but would rent for 1 per month. Live In one and rent the other. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney. BIRTHS A.D UUATHi, Births Frank and Mary Sullivan, 2SM M, girl; Cortiio and Carmela Carlentlne, Gil Jicrcc, girl; Danlil and Letha Sny der, 192 North Kleventh, boy and girl; Martin and Minnie Thoiruwn, 4611 Hed ford avenuu, boy; J. J. and Mary Smith, 47oi! North Forty-first, boy; Matt and Marie Craig, 2818 Franklin, girl; Harrv V. and Laura Smith, ZKS Burt, boy; Leslie and Helen K nisei, 665 South Twenty-elxth. boy; ' Antonio and Rosa Scapellato. 135 South Thirteenth, girl; John J. and Maude K. Harry. 3Jbi Arbor, boy: Leo and Jennie Pa let to, JMH Pop- leton avenue, twin boye; John and layma J'om. 31ft7 T, hoy, :. H. and Ida Homstein, J3 North Twenty-fifth. South Bide, hoy. Drat he Mrs. Lydia Copp. 26. 75 Bt. Mary's avnue; Mabel A. Jones. 3U, u23 C4ark; Madeline R. Riley. 11, 3676 Cum ing; Alfred F. Smith. 14, 1X21 South Twenty-fifth; Theodore F. Brumbaugh, 61. U!0C North Twenty-eighth; William Glancy. b.3, 6310 North Twe.nty-seventh avenue; i;inlra n. Momar, 77, New Handlton; Hixabeth K. Uurden. 4. 1624 North Fortieth: Kdward Harvanek, 56, hospital. Champ Boy Walker Ditches Comrades James Hunt and Harold Lindsay are peeved. They staited to walk from New YorJt to 6n Frandeoo with Iwrence Bens, who -.as the title -t the champion boy walker of the world. Bens deserted them at Grtuid Mound, la., a week atto last Sunday telling them he was sl;k and wwuld have to g i home. They pm- ceodd alont. Then suddenly hey dis covered that Pent was really ahead of them, as a peper from Jefferson, la., told of hi having walked through there m Tuesday. That wsa 216 miles from where he left Ills compintons. It was scarcely two days from the time he left them. "How can ha make 211 miles im two days unless he rides, a (rain, Td Uke to know?" said Hunt when hs got to Omaha with l is nose sunburnt and his soul peeved. He. ahnply ditched us: that's what ha did. When ha got to Jef ferson he told the papers than that we were worn out and had turned back. . Ho bold us ha was worn out and would have to turn back. He Is to get t60v from tha flan Frxnclxr Athletic club for mak ing tha distance to the coast In a given tune. Wo were to get (6Uu apiece from him for keeping him company." BURGLAR MAKES SECOND VISIT; HASCL0SE CALL Sam and Lewis Mastos, 1711 Jackson street, lost t between tha two. when their room was visited by a burglar Saturday night. Sunday nlghtj the burglar court again while they were In and Sam cov ered him with a revolver. Wben lewis went to get an officer, the burglar's pal appeared, so Sam. thinking the odds too great, lot thesVaptured man go. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Fair Demand and Good Receipts on Omaha Matket and Wheat Ad vancti One Cent. OATS MARKET IS BEARISH OMAHA. July 19. IMS. Wheat and corn made small gains to day. The receipts were pretty good and there was a fair demand for all the cereals on the list Wheat advanced a cent, while com was quoted unchanged to a half higher. Ct ilei-llned thre-quartr to a cent. The receipta of this cereal were good, but there was only a fair uemand There will be a good demand for new wheat a soon as It la In condition for shipping and milling, and It la likely that fair prices will be paid for all merchant able grain. The com crop as a whole looks good, although It Is thought to be about three weeks late. The oats market may be called bearish. Oats are being out In many sections and the movement will be heavy and Is ex pected early. Clearsnces were: Wheat and flour eejual to 7S,0t) bushels: corn. 1K.0W bushel"; oats. '4..00 hishela Liverpool close: Wheat and com net reported Primary wheat receipts were 77 .000 bushels and shipments f4R,0tt bushels, sirs Inst receipts of M2.ono bushels and shipments of 2.377.000 huahela Isst year. Primary corn receipts war (Tl.OOO bush els and shipments S42,u0 buoheJa. against receipts cf H3MO0 bushels and shipments Of 3H.Ot)0 bushels last veer. Primary oats n-eipts were (tsl.OOD bush els snd shipments 446 0l0 bushels, against receipts of Mfi.OHO bushels and shipments of .S .OHO hrtshels Isst vear. CAR LOT RKOKIVTH. Wheat. Corn Oats 1ST. Chicago " Minneapolis -M) Duluth 13 Omaha 13 Kansas City M .St IxhiU 17 t l6S Winnipeg 17 These sales were reported today: Wheat No. I hard winter: 1 care. 11 1 No. 1 hsrd winter: 1 car. 11 40: ) car. 11 38, I tar, tl; 2-K car. II. X. No. I mixed: I cer. 1' . Sample: 1 oar toorn mixed), 11.37. Corn No. - white: 1 cr. 75Vc; I car, 7Rc. No. 3 white: 1 car. 7&0. No,1 1 white: x-ll car, 73Vo. No. 1 yellow. 1 car. 76Vko; cars. 7W,o. No. 1 yellow: car. TSVic: S-t car, 7nc. No. yellow: I car, 75c. No. 1 mixed: I car (near white). 75o: I oar (near yellow), 74V:; 1 car. 74Vc; 1 oar, 74c. No. 8 mixed: 1 csr. 744c; t cars. 74o; 1 oars. TSVic. No. 6 mixed: 1 cer. 74c: 1 car. 7Sc No. ( mixed: 1 car. 7o; 1 oars, 73 Ho. Sample: 1 csr, 7SVo; I csr, 73c: 1 car. 73c; 1 car. 7V; 1 car. 71Vo; i cars. 70c; 1 car, SDc: 1-5 car, Itte; 1 car. t!7c. Oats No. 3 white: I oars, 604c; 1 cars. Wo. No. 4 white: H cars, 4Wc; t car, 4Vtc Sample: 1 car, 4Mo: 11- ears. 4o; 1 car. 4Sc; 1 car, 48Hc Rye No. 3. i-h car. 90c. No. 4: 26 sacks, So. Barley Rejected: 11-5 cars. fiJc. Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat : No. i tur key. 1.41(81.42; No. 1 turkey. Il.4tttsj.4l; No. 3 hard, tl..-'1.40: No. 1 hard. 11. w 1.40. No. 4 hard. tl.SWl.M; No. 3 spring. 1.37'1.48. Corn: No. 2 white. No. 3 white, 741j'7e-; No. 4 white, 74-ff 74'vc; No, 6 whli., 73V4C74c; No. ti white. TS'WTHie; No. 1 yellow, 75.r7&W.; No. 1 yellow. 7687&t.e: No. 4 yellow. 744jilc; No. 5 yellow, 741700: No. yellow, 74Vj 4y7tc; No. 1 mixed, 74ifr74Vc; No. t mixed, 7'4tr74V1c; No. 4 mixed, TH4374c; No. i mixed, 'SVic; No. mixed, 7S3T34ilc. Oats- No. 1 white, BltfGlHc; standard, soeoe: No. 1 white, MKqtSfHio; No. 4 h ip. 4vih4'.c rsriey: Msinna. mw gltc; No. 1 feed. 4gK6c. Itys. No. 2, lc; No. 3, twfi0tv . i . - . CHICAGO r.RAI AND PROH!ONI Featares of tbe Trading; and C losing; Prices on Bnaral of Trade. ' CHICAGO, July 19. Waterlogged condi - inn In the harvest fields brought about higher priceg today for wheat. The mar-i Ponies. 64s. UK crate; Maopa Nevada ket closed unsettled, lHo to 2c sbove I standards S-VOQ crate. Saturday night's level. Corn finished Med VKOKTABLKft-Cabbage, home grown off to l'c tip and oats at decline land southern, lSkc lb.: hesd lettuce, 11.00 to e edvance. In provisions the out-Jdoxen- leaf lettuce, 20c dosen; peppers, come ranged from 6c loss ro gains of 12U 15110 basket; tomatoes, 11.00 crate. Onions: id'lRc. Icalifornla, white, 11 50 orate; Texas, yel- Its Ins that were general over a blgjiow. II crate; new, 16o doa. Celery, portion of the harvest belt lifted the 8.',0 dot.: rhubarb, lo to 4c lb.; ououmbera. wheat marxet as soon ss iraoing imn It was apparently Inevitable that delays to harvesting and moving the ne crop would be made worae by the downpours, especially In Nebraska, where much of the yield is still uncut, and owing to the soaked state of tha soil oannot be ap proached with machinery. In addition. railway reports said that aalde from the effect of incessant storms rural owners In Kansas and Oklahoma were holding ahlDmenta back for higher prices Signs that foreigners were on the buying side of wheat futures here tended to keep reactions In value from being of a lasting sort. Announcement was also made that SOO.000 bushels at the seaboard had been sold for export and thst rumors of other like transactions were current. In this connection a good deal of notice was taken of the fact that the United States' visible supply total had fallen off 1.425,000 bushels for the week, aa against an Increase of 1,487,000 bushels lust year, and Is now only 6.7H1.0OO bush els, the smallest In twenty-five years not one-third as muoli as at the corre sponding time a year ago. i Corn averaged higher, influenced chiefly by the st length of wheat. The market was also bulllshly affected by the opin ion of a leading expert that the proaiect for a reasonably full crop this sesson would have to be regarded as dmititful. Oats held within a narrow range. Stead iness resulted largely from wet weather delaying the harvest. faplors' huvinir rsllleA tkrvivlnlnns Al first the market had been week and lower In sympathy with hogs, Closing prices on options: Article! Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. I Sat'y. Wheat July. 1 16 1 17UJ 1 14V 1 let, 1 n Sept. 1 t 1 101 1 bj 1 Or 1 07T4 Corn III July. 77t,l 77ti! 7t!HI 7ii'il 77 Sept. 721 73'! 72V 71 72S Osts I I 1 ( July. 4V 50 49t 4s' 4i Sept. s 34l 3;V ITT, Pork ill Sept IS 15 K 14 K 15 24 15 15 ' Oct. . 16 16 16 40 15 Us j 16 36 It S7V Lard 1 Sept. ISO S35 120135 SS7H Oct.. 8 40 1 46 S KiVj 146 S 60 RIba I Sept. t 97V, tH 06 I 10 22' 1(1 07H Oct. i 10 00 I 10 271 10 00 j 10 27j 10 17 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, new, tl.2:4; No. 2 hard, new, Sl.toVi. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7'ft'7V.; No. 4 yellow, 7flc. Onts' No. 3 white. MtffiMe: standard, 66ii(65c. Rye: No. 2 nominal: No. 3. 11.00. Barley: 76&7c. Seeds: Timothy. 14.75W60; clover, W60&13 16. Pork: 114.36. lrd: 06,l5.17. RIba: Ss.MifjMO.O. Bl'TTERSteady; onamery. iHiVrXMc. EtXiS Steady : receipts. 13,787 cases: at mark, raaea Included. IWITV-: ordinary rirsts, lsstuMo-o; riraia, icswii1 . POTATtES-lower; receipts, 75 cars, barreled, fl 1541.26. POl LTRY Live, higher; fowls, 11c; springs, Ih4j21c. Kausaa t'llT Rrsla and I'rsvl.loni. KANSAS CITY. Mo . Julv lk WHEAT I 36; July. 11.174k; September, H flbS. De cember, 11 07 V. CORN No. 2 mixed, 7214c; No. 3 white. 7fi7Wo; No. 3 vellow, WWc: No. 1. 77v'7'c: J"'y. 67c; September, 7ScJ Decmber. 61-fcc. OATS No. 3 white. 5-'Hc; No. 2 mixed. 4trtl 4V5. Bl'TTEH i reamery. xicss rirsts, Xc; seconds, 13c; packing, 10c K,t HiS Firsts. I.e. seconds, 12c. POULTRY Hens, J2c; roosters, 8c; broilers, ITtllev Mlaara polls Grain Market. MINNELAPtlLlH. July 1 WHBAT- Juiy, SI 3k; September. 1 UV. No 1 hard. 11.61. No. 1 norttiera, 11414161; No. t northern, n AV1.4B. FliOC R Ctvhs nged. BARLBY-4(;2r. 'RYE 4wrV Ills). BRAN 21.60. CORN No. S yelloar, 7Ml77a, OATS No. 1 white, tMi6ac. FLA X-41 il.47. Vt19 Market. NEW YORK. July 11 -OOrFTCB-Ths market for coffee futurea opened steedy at an advance of I to 7 petals, with ac tive mouths selling about 4 to 7 pot-ils net higher dur.na the early trading on a little furtner local bull support In the absence of roniut sellers Tli steaul ei of the primaiv markets evidently reetrlcied offering pending further iim a frui.i lii ell s finao ing plana, but to- ward the close prices eed off sUs'.ith under realising rr a little selling by trsde Interests. The close ret un changed to T points higher. Sales, 7.: bass. Julv. 7 toe August, i. (. 8Htem- her, tVWn, October, ; November, ls'; IVmTtr. use; Januarv, 7.0"c: Febru arv. J.OHr; Mar,-h. 7.lV; April, 7 nV : May, i.AV; June. ..arc. Spot, quiet. lUo 7, 7Wc; Koiitoa 4s, Cost and Ireialit olfers were unchangVI to a few point higher with quotations ranstng from shout XfS40i for 8nntai 4a and around I.Ak: for Bio 7s Rio ex hangs on 1oti don was !-3d hbrher. Rio market un changed; Santos, r reis higher. NtCW TORK Ur.yKHAl. MtltKRT Qaotatloas of tke Par Varlees emmndlttea. NRW Tf-RK, .lulv W KlifL'R "teady; spring patents. 6cr7' winter patents, lj.50dK7S; winter straights, tuvui'.a). WlIRAT Spot, firm; No. 1 red. new, SI.2Wl.X4 New Tork weight and grades. Immediate shipment: No. I hard, new, ll.si c. . f. hlrw York export, first halt of August shipment: No 1 northern, Ini luth. J1.21-H c. I. f. Nw Tork export Sep tember shipment, and No, 1 norttwm, Manltol, nominal. Futures) were firm; September, 11.17. CORN-tini.t. steady: No. S yellow. Wc. p t 't shipment. OAT-Stst. steady; standard MV: No 1 white. Be; fancy clipped white. HAY Firm prima. 1 S2V No. 1. XI. W 1 27V.; No. a .-'Vt; No. 1, Mi, shlpi'lnH. lloo. HOPI Quke; state, common to choice, 1 11 4. lof)13o: 1(13, nomtna'; Pactflo coast, 1814. ll'iiHc; 113, HtflOc HIDKS-Steadv; Bogota. SotfWe; Cen tral America. 2"ic. LBATHKR-Plrrn; hemlock firsts. 32cl seconds. 30tjln. PROVISIONSPortt. quiet; mesa, 11A0O irKls.60, famllr, I.i2t00, stiort cWr, Sl!.0nt721.M. Beef, steady; mees, 110ifr 1IW; . lamlly HMyi W. lrd, weak; middle west, t0"Gi.lu. IUTTR I'nsettled. receipts. M4 tubs; creamery extras. Sr7M. ; firsts. NHtfc: seconds. 2S4Mc. CH r rJHIv Kasy : receipts, 760 boxes. state, whole, milk, flats and twins, oot- ored, specials. I'c; same, white, ttar; colored, average fancv. l4VHf14Sc; whl'e, averns-e fanoy. 144JH4WC FOOS-Steady; receipts, 11.479 cases; frvnh gatherel. extras. t47.26c; extra firwts, jmjJV; firsts, JorrSlo; seconds, IK Ittc l"01'LTR V -IJva. prices no settled. Dressed, steady; western roasting chick ens, froten. lSfirto; fowls, Iced, 13'ni7c; turkeys. Iced, IP4lc. On All 4 GBXRRAIi MARKET. P UTT K R No. 1. V1V cartons, tlo; No. I, gft-ib. tubs. SM. CHKKSK Imported "wlss. IJo; Amer ican Swiss. 10c: block Swiss. Uo; twins. UWo; daisies, 17o, triplets, 17Ho; Toung America, lie: blue label brick, lVj; II io sirger. k-lb.. K; New York white. Lie; Imported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout, 14c; large crapples, Hot halibut, 13c; channel catfish, 14c: herring, 1c; codrteh, 14c: mackerel. 15o: salmon, lie. 8WEHJT POTATUKB Kansas, 11 7 bbl. Wholesale prioes of beef cuts effective April iw are aa follows. BEB.F CUTS Ribs: No. 1, W: No. 1, ISVc: No. s, 17wO. Ilns: No. 1. Sc; No. i, 1IHc: No. ft, IXVic. Chucks: No 1, HHC No. i. Do; No. a 10Vc Rutuids: No. 1, 16c; No. 3. J; No. 3, 14.'. Plates: No: 1. e; No. 3, 8c; No. 3. 8aC Fruit and vkgetab-a prrces fuKnlshed by OUllnskl Fruit company: FRTITS-CallfornlB V'alenolas. 10i, IsSs. 3Wis, 324s. . 13.76 bwx : California Valencies. 160a, S4.a box; 1 ifornla Val- ! Wrt.l'e.'.mr.. '"" 1. 14.36 box;i"- r Hamilton six las. Ltls. us. 31ia. abos lemons: Ivxtra fancy Golden Bowl, Irioa. te. box: Sunklst V.00 box; Red Ball, Suos, . siHls, 14.50 Drx. le'lduous i fruits: IVuchei. Triumphs and Hnle a lEirly, 70c box; p'aches, St. Johns, yellow free stones, ST- box; prunes. Tragedy. ,, 1 11.40 crate; plums, Santa Rosa, Satsuma and W Ixons, II. crate; plums, i ilmat, Burhanks, Botans, Atmndance, Sno crate; I I Tl 1 . I .0 M ,.A f b,.-.., 2M crate. Blsckberrles. 112.00 crate. Bananas: Medium fruit, 12.00 lto 12.26 bunch; Jumbo fruit, Changulnola 'and Port Union. 4c lb. Cantaloupes: .:;& nasxei; wax ana green 1 ana, dsi basket: parsley. 36a dosen: rr "en peas. KOo basket ; radishes, Vo dos.: new beets, carrots and turnips, 4uo basket; new po tatoes, 76c bushel. N 1 'T8- No. 1 walnuts. lc lb.; filberts. 6c lb.; Br axils. 12V lb.; pecans, 124o lb.; , almonds. Ssc lb. w M ISC ELLA N KOI S Crackerjack, 11-50 esse, li case, 11.76: rornpoe, S3.26 case; iu case, 11.6.'.. Peanuts' No. 1 raw, ec lb.; No. 1 roasted. Sc lb.; Jumbo, raw. ! lb. Jumbo, roasted. lo lb.; salted, 11.36 can. Honey, 14.MI case. Limes, S2.0O bssket. Watermelons, Mc lb. Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. July 10 WH EAT Spot, dull; No. 1 northern Duluth. Us 7d; No. 1 hard winter, lis 7d: No. 2 Manitoba, lis DWd: No. 3 Manitoba, lis 74d." CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new. a 3d. FI.Ol'R Winter patsnls. 43s M. HOPS In London, Pacific coast, JC4f.. Rt. l.ouls f.raln Market. ST. lX)l1f. Mo.. July 1 WHEAT No. ? red Il.264f1.2fl; No. 2 hard, nominal; July. 11.15: September. ll.07ipl.7Vi. CORN No. 3. 7Ko; No. S white, 79j lotvj; July. TV": September, 7io. OATS- rso t. 153 V'; No. 2 white. 56c. Local gtoeks anal As. Qustattoaa furs labs br Burns. Brlnksr A Ce. 44V tlmsna insiiimisi p ifi.m.hB STLM'KA Avsry gmmos Bank of Ho lies t'snllnental ties 4 Else, ptl Dssrs Co. ratrawnt Cm smsry 7a p4 Hrrsid Hlflf. 4s pld Uusola Tracllos pM Lss Broom A Duster M Llsesla Tsl OB., essiHioa onsh A Co. Rlutts M. Rr. phi.. tiaunSsrs-KsSDXty B1J( pfd Sul.bT J" M;: Sloui tiT stx-k Tls prd (wsrt Wirusr Spssdomsur, rsB). t'pdIS Orsln. romnwB tales Stork TsrSs stsok BOKP14 ronilnsnul Oss A . la 14S7.. ll.im.r. Nsb., pundss. Nsh . Km. 5. 1 Iisnsr 'ltr Trs m Cm. Is, It Bid. Aske4. ' o mit HS, Si 4 17, M Ti 7 M I is" M ion n it 10 I MS ' It4 M 1K) 101 Tt IM M T Isavsr Trsm. Tsrso. ( Is. 1114 l 41 101 M 101 6 lot W f.4 loo Ml 101 41 tl 101 St w las Ijtiioln U.. Hssl m, rem U Kss. CUT. Mo.. Brk IMst. 4kjs. UM ISO U Mlnssspolli ka H I1 Ns Htsts Tslsptms Is. 10 Nsw Tork 4HS. MS 11 omsh Wstsr 4w. 1M1... lu Osiis blurts m. Rr. 6, it 4 Osnshs Hswsrs 4HS, W MM Rocky Ml. Fool Is. bonus salt Lske CUT Wat. 4 Hw. 4'4. 11M.1M f Bloux Cltr gtk. Yos. 4s, IWfl M jos, Ms , gnk. 414., 1M4 ino.U tinlvsrsttr PlaM. Nsb . 44, 1114 ... M Wtrklta i'alsn Stock T4i. is. 1M4.... ti t ettea Market. NEW YORK. Ally 11 COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands, S.2.V. Males, l.iO bales. Cotton futures opened steady; July, 134: October. 1.41c; December. .73o; l jsnuar. lsc t.otton futures cjosea oareiy Bieanv; t July. 176c: Oc.tober, s.ibo; i woeraor r, good buatneaa done: prtes steady: good middling. 6.67d; mldillng. S17d. low mld- dllng, 4. 81d; salts. lu.Osi bale Metal Market. NEW TORK. July ll.-M PTT A LH Cop per, dull: electrolytic, lis 7:!r On. Tin. quiet, 137.12'tiS7 flu. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern. tl4.SO431S.0O; No. 3, 14.4ls.T5: No. 1 southern, 114.004314 60; No. .. 1 764 14.25. At London: Copper, spot, 74 Mat; fu tures, 76 16s; electrolytic, 91. Tin, spot, 167 16s; futures. 162. Antimony, 125. Ragar Market. NEW YORK. July lt.-t7aArl-JUw', steady: centrifugal, 4fcSu4.so; snolsasea, 4 0iJ4 0c. Re fined, steady: out loaf, Tc; cruslied, 4c; mould A, 4.6Ao; cubes, 4) I6c; XX.XX. powdered. 4 V' ponsdsred, 4 Joe; fme granulated. iWc; dlnond A, 4 Wo; confectioners' A, an; No. I. s-s6c. Futures were quiet and steady early. At nova prioes were about unonangwd. ( ... Oil and stasia. SAVANNAH. Ga., luly lt.-TCRPKN-riNEflrm. .; ssles. Til barrxls: re ceapta. barrels; aldpnienls. 14 barrela. K SIN Firm; aeJos Luo4 bariels: ro cospts. 47 tar -le, shliKnents. I v. bwr reis. 4uoUttoua: A and B. KkiouRO. C and D. H.uO. E t:it1 . F. i.li'3 16; (. "I and I. '-.'. K. 13 M. 14 N, 16 tWi AV, wi, K'.iJ. ww. pirnt. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Good to Choice Cattle Steady and Other Lower Sheep Steady and Lambs Lower. HOGS MOSTLY TEN CENTS DOWN SOI TH OMAHA. J ily 1. 1MJ. rtecelpts were: Cattle. lings Sheep. Ksllnmte Monday 7 16."'" win day lsl week... 4.171 Same iloy, t ska. ago. 4 ,V fain dm 1 wks. ago. X77 ''ame day 4 w-Ks. ajru 4.0I& Sme dsv last year ... l.lSh 4,t: t.1M .NM .! 1is: 10 11. t The following taiiia shnwa ths recelDta of rattle, hose and sheep at the South Omaha live atork market for the year to date aa compared with last rear; W1K !! Inc. Cattle (Mi.ajv, .!. V 1'.7:. ItiKT" I.7M.HW 1.4;0,ll Sf. Sheep t.tSS.JUT l.!75.:i 7.001 The following table shows the average price for hogs at tha South Omaha live v" n" siocg market for tha last few days, w comparisons: Pate. m. tiu.im ;in iMi.uio.ii July July 1 July July 4. July I. July . July J. July 8 " I 1 S 711 i 121 l I TI T nwi i nr.. 7 ll I W I rN 1 n I 11' 7i t T f4Vj! l 1 111 I II' 7i T 9 0DV4I I XII l ! W .V I Ml 1 H J illy . g i ni i ;l 1 i 1 l 1 7 H7 July )0I kol 471 I 7t)l 7 ' "l! T Ti July u.i ml S 711 I v 171 t 4I July II MU : 74' 7 sVH l'j 1 7 July 13. MWj! 1 I 7 141 Ml I m 7 7 July 14. drV t Mi I rl J Ml S Ml 7 7i July 16. W 641 T IbF l l T St Juiy w. t oh! s m! s 7i 7 i5i i s a; 7 S3 Julv 17. 7 0sk 1 76 1 SJ 7 M I ! I T T4 'lv l I i s Jli g li 7 171 34. ( V'.i July 1 ' 7 V I isi 7 )l -I S 3b 7 7s I "Sunday. "JMlday. I Receipts and disposition of live stock 'at the 1'nluii Stock Yards. South Omaha, (for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock sieraa RKCEIPT8-C ARI.O A PS. C, M. A St. P in 7 Missouri Paolflc ... 10 Union Pacific 3 13 C. a N. W., east... Is A C. t N. W.. west... 63 SX C. Bt. P., M. O.. 17 It C, R. aV g., east... 10 C. B y ,. west... 34 31 C, R.' I. P., east. 7 4 C. H. 1. P.. west, a 1 Illinois Central .... 7 t 4'hlcsgo O. W 1 Total receipts ...II 101 11 m Mg 6S 1 IH4POSITION H KA D Cattle. Hogs 1leep. Morris Co. 460 7rt 1.3M1 Sw ift a Co. 1.12 1.6ft l.t.M I H6I 2.471 1 Cudahy Packing Co... 762 ?6 MS Armour Co BchwartB A Co J. W. Murphy... i . Ho. Omaha Packing Co.. Cudahy, from country.. W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A L. T. B. Iwls Huston A Co J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla L F. Huss Rosenstock Bros K. a. Kellogg 4 'rs 27 71 26 4 86 6 36 IW 21 3 3X M 10 30 3 24 1 S 1.4 7D M 33 443 i,m r-uiiivitn nnn Rothschild Mo. A Kan. Calf Co Hlgglns Huffman Koth Meyers Olsssherg Tsnner Bros John Harvey Cudahy, Kansas City... Dennis A Francis........ Klein Other buyers .-. 6.?S Totals 4.sWI g.llfl 15.R" CATTLE Receipts were quite libera this morning, be:ng the largest for a Monday for some time back and larger than a year ago by over 1,000 head. Good to choice beeves were atecdy with Isst week, well-flnlshud cat tlo selling from around to. AO dowie were very slow and dull on account of the unfavorable condition of the market for such rsttle St. other selling points. In the en cattle of that description sold Isrgw ly lOQ-ISc lower than lust week's low close. Buyers pinked out a few of the best cows st prices that did r.ot show much change, but aside from that the market was slow and the tendency downward on anything showing ki'sss. There was no great change In the feeder market, desirable kinds remaining about steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice yearlings, 19 0OW10 00; fair to good year lings, IH.OH'Jcu.uO; good to cholco heavy beeves. pt.b'uHiM). fair to good corrtfed beeves, St.utu4).6it: common to fair corn fed beeves. I7.764jps.60; good to choice heif ers, I7 00u4.75; good to choice red cows iti Mls hi- mwwI tr. chnle. srsss heifers If.. 60427. 26; good to choice grass cows, 16.00 Jjtt.78; fair to good cows, ft .nvgw.ou; com mon to fair cows. 14 .'.416.fp0. good to choice feeders. 17 WWfg .20: fair to good feeders, i.6iti7.6fl; common to fslr stockers, 16.6mfj4.60: st-ick heifers, S6.75iijf 7.00: stork cows, 16 rvnil.60: stock calves. te.tt(7.f; veal calves. IS.0f0. V6, . fat bells, stags, etc., 16.6037.60. Representative sales: UBKF I'l'WRl He. 14 . 1.. It.. 11.. II. . tl.. U.. tl.. At. rr. Ne. . . igci 1 w 11 ... rs t to r ... in I it is ... 17 I s 14 I S.I II... , ...tni io ...10li ii A. Fr. ..1117 140 ..lU I M ..111! I 14 . .ISM 141 ..144 4 14 . .1141 In . lUt 10 On BTKEHS ANi- HliiiFtRS IIN 14 II e V i" KI3 I W L'UWH. ...1014 I 74 1 1110 4 Tl ...1jo t to I lt0 7 os .... MO 4 IS 1 1110 7 00 H BIKERS. ....744 I 40 4 MO 1 M Bl'I.LR ....1070 I 71 1 1040 I SI CALVS. 1 1 144 IS STOCKF.Ra AND FEEDERS 10 Ml 4 71 II 4( T H 14 7 14 44 .......... 471 7 41 14 S44 T Is 141 M) I It HOGS Receipts were Just ordinary for a Monday, about luV cars, or 7.S1J0 head, showjng up. This is ,1.700 head larger than a week ago. but nearly 2,on4 head smaller than both two weeks ago and ths corresponding Miindav last year. Advices from other points Indicated a sharply lower tendency all along the line, and local trade oiened out bearish. Shippers bought their hogs at figures that were in most cases .wi'ic lower, aitnougn some ssles looked veiv neatly steady. Prices paid by outsiders ranged from I..16 to 17 66. several loads selling ss high as this latter nsure. wnicn was rop tor ins day, and a nickel under Saturday's high pries. Taking the general pacaer trane into consideration, it showed more d-vline then ths shipper market, packer buyers started out bv picking up awna mixed hogs, many of which were good enough for shlpiers at prices that were no more than souk' lower. Some heavies went over the scales on rt,e same ttaals. but before long the trade had settled down to a flat lOu lower level, snd sellers who still had weighty hogs sfter the first rounds thought values fully 10c lower snd wen more than thst In spots. Movenv at was very slow, and at a late hour several bunches were still in first hands. -Tha general trade wss un even, snd mostly loc lower, ainre the ranis has widened out It Is pretty hard to find a hulk, but most of the pa kar hogs sold at I .'.00 and under and the big vnd of all ths sales ranged around l.s(-& 7.15. with some hesvles down tu t 75. Representative sales: Ns. 41.. I.. t . II . . AT ..NT ..IM Hk. Pr. No 14 ., A . U,4 HS I'r. 7 it T l J 14 T It I to 1 M 1 4S 1 tt 7 4f I It 7 M 7 It ... til III IU ... IU SS t IS ... art la t It ... avr is It ....IM S Ik . ...ri too t st ... in at t st ... MS ... t tt ....W4 tat 7 M .. lit MS) 7 tt ... a lot t tt ... US 1st 7 tt M 111 40 .. M . 41.. 41 . IM. 70.. It . . Tt . .14 4t 4 St t ... .H4 ... 1ST t It til IM ... .lit ... tit m in H FFH l acetpts were very large this morning. flfty-Wght cars being reported In. They were the heaviest vt any nay since the bwginrlng of the range see. -a and were lamer than a rear sgtf at this time by over s,auo head As ususl the run ronstetsd very largwlv of laLmbs. tlisra being very few eld sha)v or s-s on sale. )inr to the very llgkt iffrlegs t.f aed stock tbe insiket Old nH show vr mw b rlianK- on tlial kind of stuff Wbst few ewes there were sold sll the wsy from tt Svi'i ib, figures that were nut enough different from 1nt week s prices to quote any change, there were s few little huiicr-es of yearling's St 1R IMtrt but not enourh to really try out the msrke. There were no old wethers, at l st hone nf any consequence. Western isnve lambs constituted the big bulk of the run snd aa advtcee from other selling points wore not encouraging the market Sere opened slow with buy ers bidding lower tnan last week's trade. Sellers worked hard to maintain values, which made the market late In getting started, so that the forenoon wse well advanced before any business of ton sequence hnd been transacted. in the end ths lambs sold lf4TC5c lower than last Friday. This means thst a large percentage of ths good ktllrs hrocght 17.76. aa agalnnst a top of 00 rn Friday. However, the general quality of the offerings today was hardly as good as last week. While the trade was a little alow and late In opening, aa noted above, there was a good demand and n spite of the heavy receipts pretty much everything had changed hands by mid day. Feeders were sleo In good demand, aa well aa killers At the same time re ceipts were larger than on moat davs. pnssthlv the largest of any day since the opening of the range season Prtoe- con tinued about Bteadv. good feeder lambs selling largely at and around 17.. snd on down on the commoner snd less desirable kinds. uiintatlon en sheer, and lambs: tsmfc. ! good to chob e, T 71.000, lambs, fair to 17 4n"7.i: lamoe. reeoers, . . tatr to enmee s. surra u; choice, 16 ewea, good to choice, 6.au' "i. ewes, fair to good. 14fr6 CHIC4fi 1.1 VK STOCK MANKKT tattle Raey. Hogs Weak, Sheep 4teay. CHICAGO, Julv l.-CATTLK-Rsielpti. K.UO0 head; market easy; native leef leers. W sulO 36; wealein aleera, 17.1MJ 1 ; cowa and helfeis. 13 .Iftyfl.; eelvea, 17 twvfi 10 00 HOOS-RecelpU, 44.0H0 head; market weak, 6ti,l6c lower; bulk of sales, 17.li 7 w; Itavht. r .5ffr In; mixed. ;.? heavv. M 7(Wr7 on; nmgh. M 704 pigs. 17.SM) 00 8HEKP AND LAM R Receipts, 12.000 hesd; market for sheep stesdv: lamhs. weak; sheep, S6.7MJM.7t.; Ismhs, ;.""' S.10. Kansas Itr Live Stack Market. KANFA( CITY. July 1 -CATTLK-Re- ! i-.lpts, aTtrt head; market higher; prime i fed steers. l.7:ft 10 10: dressed beef steers. I 13 fliwe 00; western steers S7.50tl.a); cows. 14 o Ik) heifers. V .WW : stockers and feeders. M 50fl 36; bulla, 16.764S41.W; calves. HOtlS- Relpts. V.W head: marleet lower; bulk of sales. 17 47 SO; heavy. n rnut SK- narkera and butchnra, v XO ,I7.70; light, S74.7.; plsw. 1. .36-'1 . .50. il HH EhiP AND I .A M PS-Receipt Jj. "ihead: market lower. Ismhs, ..; yearlings. M.ltri.is; wetnera, .i"tj-. .n . WM tli.604 .0. Rl. I.oals Live sleek Market. ST 1)1 IK. Julv 1D.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 4.700 head; market slpady; native, beef steers, 17.BiH).xu; yeaning sieers and heirers, la turn. 6; cows, 1 0iti.l6; gfockers and feeders. mt ; southern steers, 36.864)4. HI; native cslves, tu.otfU1 ,0rljios- Receipts, ,MJ0 'head: market lower; pigs and llchls. 17.26j7 : mixed, and butchers. r7.3rfjr7.0; good heaty. S7 S5 'HKP AND IM BH Receipts, l.fcfl hesd; market for sheep steady; lamlia. lower' clipped muttons, 16.001 iw: lamba, t7.lkko41.0O; clipped lamba, 17. nw7. 60. glows lllg l-lve fltoek Market. RlOlTC CITY. July 1 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.000 head; market steady, native steera, ln.5Si4) W; cows and heifers, 14 50 J4.75; Blockers and feeders. 15. 60477.40; calves. li..om4.on; bulls, stags, etc,, 16.00 HOO Reoetpte, 4,000 head; market 61 16c lower; heavy, r.lOfl-7 Ml mixed, H JO ti7.10; light, S 46C .; hulk of sales, Sl.0 ""silV-KP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,S00 head. Bt. Joseph Live Rtoek Market. T. JOWPH. July 1 CATTLRI Re ceipts 1,100 head; market, lower; ateerst 17 60if10.): cowa and helfera, S4.50W.60; calves, 14.004360. HCkJb Receipts 1.T00 head; market, shippers lowsr: packers, HflOc lower; top. r0; hulk, 17.1o6'7.M. : SHEEP AND I .A M TJa Receipt s 3,) head; market, slow; Ismbs. t7.snm.3S. I, lee Rloek la Right. Receipts of live snck at ths five prin cipal western msrkets: Csltlo Hnga Sheei. South Otnnha Sioux City ... Chliwgo KansHS tl.v Bt louls .. 4.600 .. S.Ooi ,.16,001) ... a.7 .. .7oo 7.) 15.riO 4.0i 44,000 i.Hofl Hiiii 1.500 12, run 6.600 l.Ukl Totals 3,300 47.500 31,100 Bank Clearings Bank clearings In ths t nlted Klatea for the week ending July 16. aa reporlsd lo Hradstreet's Journal. Nsw York, egfte- gate fl Ui.JMMh. against t3.S63,s4,0l last week and SS,Ib,141.oii In this week last year. Canadian clearings aggregate T.Hl,- OOH.WIO. as against ll.Sl.ssl.otiO last weea and l,w,ijuu in tnis weea ins -si. Following are the returns for tins wees with percsnlsges of change ghown this week aa compared with . tnlg k last year: ' CKJea. AxnouoL Ino. D44. New York .. ll.xWi,2'.'"0 11 Chlcaao I aq.lkio.oioi t.e Fhiiaoeipma ltat.iit.ut'l .1 i3.Ml, 3 4 Tk.MH.tkMH , , .1 2.1 S4.671.4K10I 30.0( 14.tHB,04) 1.2 Boston ! Bt. Louts Kansas City Mttalmrgh San Francisco 64.311.M ,6 34,561.000 I Haltlmors Minneapolis Detroit II 4 14. lB,174.l 33.044.unn Jmm '"': f.4U.0ila li,400.l ib,7r;,)i 17,34t,"0i M6 .. . ... 3S.7.. 'iro .. 14... Cincinnati Cleveland I .os Angelas 4 t OMAHA New Orleans Milwaukee Atlanta Loulstilis Seattle Buffslo Ht Paul Portland, Ore I nvcr '. .. Houston Richmond llllllBnHHIIS I rovidonoe knit Worth .4M6,0t4X. IJ.2341 ,l"'l I 14.4Ji.0oOI 25. is.jee.4xs i 13.74I.s I I3,s72,t."0j 111 Ml is s 10,1-,000 tkAflOOfH 7,0.s1,n)i 9.t:o.tkki 10 217.0V 4t.t 3.646.0i0i ).(ot)( 1,440.01 M 4.771, . IJW.OlJOl 7,6k7.0i l.ffc.K"! . S.170.sl. 4,637 .Ounj Wsshtngton, D. C Memphis 5,t. 111 St. Joseph Columbus . 1.4;. ii i Nashville 10.3 21.1 'lAS Albany Suit Ike City ... Toledo .700Jk" .. 6.110,(4) .. S.M.Oin tW.OHH.. 4 H34 .00O .. l.Ml.Oowl.. lies Moines Hartford Duluth v Rochester '.. Bavannah v Norfilli Rpokane Wichita Macon Oakland Scrnnt n Peoria New Hives ioux City Grand Kapida ... Syrecme Jacksonville, Fla. birmingham Austin Sprint, field, Mass. Worcester ChMltaiioogt Oktalxmia I lay ton I ltd.) Hot a Tacoma Lincoln Fremont .31 . I,sl.tlhj 1 au i: ',444. 00 t.. 2,2f).Oii'.. ,i,m:i,0iij'.. 3,'UI.OjO . . 4.1 ; .'! 2.7 :. 4.443.004' 1 o'l.uuui 1,5741.0x0,. 1.0 S ; 2 1 6 1 12.2 31.1 I l.Tm.VfM, I t(VI tlr I 1.7' .! t.iA4,ow; 3.O4S.00OI 2,b'ik.t)4 34 5. I. a'. 14 0 1 I 14 i. 2.4-.Oi S4Hk Ml. 1. f)S2,omn J.osi.ouoi I 2. ft . 14 4. Mi.OiOi I 18 0 t I l-l weak . Oatbi Mar Market. OMAHA, July Il.-PKAIRIB H AT OM hay: Choica utMand, tills); No. I, tilOOtr-sO; No. t. Hl o'WOO. No 1, tiOO trll.4t. Oiolce inldlsod, itofVfrtW; Su I !l4 4VtlU.Oo; No. t, llt.orkjjH W; Ho J, M Owyll ot. 'hw TowlamC tiiK-4J13 04. No. I. lUOOtpilw. No. 1, Stooileo, No I. t74Xg.OD. Nw hay: bol'-e In ltot bales, Ii 4 Ood U ; No. 1, lU 'Wii I4.w; Ne. t. 1 i0.s I l.uu: Ne. 3. P.f4 iu.(. IITRAM-None en the msrket. Choke wheal. t6aytu. ALFALFA-ous sr oa tha market. Ne 1 to lions old elfslfa. l4i'yi4. . 2 112 W"h14 '). No. I to rsiil i-w al (Llfa. I11.IjOv17.UIi; No. 2. Ilo.'isull (). So. i. Ootu'iO OS. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Materia Recessions in War Shares Feature! the Session. DECLINE IN CRUCIBLE STEEL NF.1V YORK. Julv 1.-Materlsl i-eces- slons In war shares, particularly those specialties which recently formed tlie center of unrestrained manipulation, con- stituten the most slsnlflcant and whole ome feature of today s active market. Re vers I Important factors entered Into this movement. Including labor unrest at ome of the large munition factories and the Orduna Incident, In which Wall street professed to see oossl'ollitles of further inierr latlnnsl tension. In the esse of C-irble steel, which made a decline of pXnti. with 3 for the Preferred the setback was plainly traceable to the statement Issued by one of Its officials In which olnted reference was made to the dubious dividend pros pects on ttie common stork. Other shares In this troup. especially Oenersl motors. New Yoik Airbrake. Baldwin Locomotive. Bethlehem Steel, Weatinjrhoiise and Gen eral Electric Inst t to over t points, later making slight recovery. 1'nlted States Steel, who underlying strength contributed appreciably ta last Bnturdav'a rtslns market, res ted I points. but In the main save a better account er Itself than any otl.er Important Industrial. Trading In Steel comprised almot r per cent of the day's dealings and with acme of the specialties n I ready mentioned made tip 76 per rent or tne whole. Inquiry lor tha representative railways, while light, denoted a genuine demand, the Improvement embracing every part of that division with marked strength to Southern PaCflo. Canadian Pacific and some of the eastern lines. Including the amnracltea Even secondary issues re cently under severe pressure made mod erate headway. Final dealings wens msrked by renewed selling of specialties, ptoduclng an Irregular close. Total ssles s mounted to 736.000 shares. Decline of demand sterling to 14.7 1-1. the lowest nuotstlons for this remittance In several weeks, and increostng strength In Pat Is evrhaiiKe reflected tentative de eIopments In connection with Impending llrtlleh and French credits here Future aslea of honds were on a dimin ishing scale at slight recessions. Total aales. per value, segregated ll.4lO,Ort). I nlted States bonds were unchanged on vail. evr Yor kMeeey Market. NR)W TOFK. July . MKRCXNT1LB PAI BR-VtS per cent. steki.ing BxniANOK-sixty-day bills, 14.72: demand 14.S2; rabies, 147 SlLVKR-Lar. CWc; Mexloan dollara. c. HONI UovemmNil, steady: railroad. CALI. MONHY-a,s,y; . high 1 per cent; low, 1 pef eent: ruling rate. 1 per cent, list loan, 1 per cent; closing hid, 1 per cent . offered at I per cent. Time loans, firmer; sixty data 1 per cant; ninety davs l per cent; sis month. 34Vs per cent. IV p ret. is. reg. .. 17 M. K. t. let 4e.. TM V. rsf. Is. senses 41 Ms. Pws. sv. Is.... M f n. Is. i I 0iiN. T. O. asb. ti....lMi ln rsuaos HwN T. Wr N"V 1'. g. 4s. r !' N. T. aista 4w. ..M4u V. R 4S, SIHIPOS....I14UJN. T . N. H. 4 N. Psssaia eeassB.-Msj sv. as 1M m RraslH- 4 . 1M No rscllr 4s mi A T 4 T. rr. 41 ll 4s s 41 Arwieu, 4 Co, 4's . 41V H). L rsf. 4s.... M Ati'hisoa ss. 4s ... !i fsr. T. 4 T. 4s....V Rsl, 4 Ohio 4s II Pons. osa. ki lot's cs rsolflf 1st e So 4hs 7 4 Ohls 4W V rtssdlns son 4 MS C H 4 W I. 4a.... 4 B I. 4 S T. r. 4k MS Cl M A R r g 4ls.. MtBO. Pr. . Is ! O. K 1 t. 4s 41 rsf. 44 r a rsf. 4U ... snkgo. Rsliwsr Is ' l 4 II tl rsf. .. f. i Bum rsrioo 4 U e. 4s lw it. rtrthsr le. ..Iit'k M I . R Rlssi Is KiiS II Wshssh 1st Is Hs Kris son. 4a . Klsdrli: Is... (II. Ns. lal 4W" III. rs. rr .. K. ". Hs. rsl. ts.. MMWM. I'slSB 4S4 I4 L N sal. It.,. flW'ssl. Rl . rv. 14. .104 Bid. ' ' l.oadea Rtaek Market. IAJNDON. July 11 Th4 stock market was practically dead. The only business wsa In the old war loan and a few oil sharea In tha general market, end In r nlted States bxeel and Canadian Pa cific In the American section. The la. ler finished dull, but steady. SILV E!tHai 21 S1id per ounce. ., ' MONTCY P per cent. lilBCOI'NT- RATES Shart bills and three months, iwr cent. , - Bank Clsarlatrs. OMAHA. July 1.-Bank clearings for Omaha today were a3.an.14S.71. and for the corresponding day last year S3.M2, 037. M. Postmaster Makes a Hit With School Teacher from Iowa Miss Annie Smith, scihool teacher. Cedar Rapids. la Is going forth from Omaha sounding tha praises f Postmas ter Wharton. She declares that when It comes to "doing tha honors'' he takes a lisrk seat for nobody and that he Is the real and genuine exponent of the art of hoepltalily. Miss mlth came In to the poslmas let's offk-e with, a letter of Introduction and the usual "anything you cap do for her will be appreciated'' from Post master Thomas D. Huston of Cedar Rapids. She wta bent on finding her brother In order to get his signature to Papers In connec tion with the settling up of her. father estate. She I hough t he might call at tha general delivery window. Judge Wharton didn't call a clerk and intrust th affair to him. No. He, him self, carried a cbalr Into the corridor and ensconced the young woman behind a pillar, where she could see, but not be seen. "At noon ws will provide samethtng to eat and drink," ha said. "The Omaha postoffne Is at your command." Luck was with Miss Smith. She had been on the lookout scarcely half an hour whan Friend Brother appeared and was "corraled." Into the postmaatertal pres ence tliev came. Thomas McKonna was telklng to the postmaster and was Just about to take Ms leave. Tha able H. E. (engineer of hospitality) pressed Mr. Mc Kenna Into the service and commandeered hla waiting automobile to take Miss smith and her brother to a real estate man's office, where she had business. With a smile and a genial wave of hla hand Mr. Wharton bads farewell to the smiling school mistress and long-lost brother aa they glided away in the auto mobile. Mlsi Smith declared tli&t Omaha Is the center of the hospitality belt and aa for 10 17 6 5 postmasters well, tney are just the grandest lot of men. !l I i COMPLIES WITH REQUEST . "' . THAT 5Hh bt LOCKED UP iVsry Doe, police 'haracter, who ap peared In police court" every ay last week aa a prisoner and xmlsf4 to hate town If relaaaed Saturday, has it-turned. Alary was srrested again and told the JucUe tht he had better luck her up for aho:it thirty daya. Th J'id-e decidtid that shs was rii,ht. DRESHER LETS CONTRACT TO ENLARGE HIS PLANT Ths contract for tha erection of the naw Dresner building to cost 130.0(0 hat been let to B. J. Johst, Tills la to giijoin th praosnt pl4t of tha Dresner Brother near Tm it y -coad and Farnam atroets. Th trueur Is to be of iwlnforcsd con rret. StalKi and thro stories l.igli. 17 hi nop lT ktvixa. .n,.i. .4 st7 Hs uttr Ulls mft :ss rt k.o Y vk S.e.k gs-ssss tor tsssl il m ii t ' W s rer a4 for sa j . vi k.ir m . M m -.. . s t .. , I i