Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 8-A, Image 8

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Price Reduction Announced that
Are Startling to the Motor
in; Public.
Br mnnounclnii for W a sereiv-paaeen-aer,
forty horw power four at RW and a
seven-paseens-er. fifty horsepower sis at
ll.flCO, Btudebaker has once mora startled
the motorlnc public
And one mora Btudebaker haa prored
that quantity production, sclentlflo man
ufacturing method and a wealth of man
ufacturing experience ran reduce prices
and yet maintain hifh standard of qual
ity. '
That these are hlrh grade ears In every
essential will be evident from the most
superficial examination and the specifi
cations as alven by the engineering de
partment at tbe Petrolt factory Indicate
that the quality Is even higher than
with last rear's csrs. They show that
finer steels have been used; that the
upholstery Is of ths highest grade of
leather the market affords; that the fin
ishing operations hare "been Increased to
twenty-fire In number, while numerous
other details of manufacture are still
further Indicative of quality.
Tat despite all these Improvements and
Chang's the price) have been radically
reduoed In comparison with thoee of last
year. No four of this slsa and power has
ever been offered at anywhere near th
price of fwt. No seven-passenger fifty
horsepower sis ever came within hun
dreds of dollars of ths new price of ll.OTA
The new cars Illustrate more conclus
ively than ever th accepted Btudebaker
policy of dignity In design. The Btude
baker has never gone In for unusual lines,
believing that the public does not care
for cars that follow the fads of style
that each new season sees.
Accordingly, In this year's cars Btude
baker has adhered to Its customary lines,
simply Improving them In some slight
details that add to effect. The Una of
the hood melts into the cowl and the
cowl Itself ha been made longer. The
crown fenders are of a deeper design than
ever and cling mora closely to the curves
of the wheels and the lines of the entire
car flow In unbroken curvee from th
rsdiator bark to th tall-lamp. Orac I
the dominant note of the whole design,
and while th new cars are larger than
ever and more massive In looks, they are
among the handsomest ear that have
ver been produced.
Now atlas; He.
On of th notable feature of th can
a th new unique arrangement of th
eat. Th driver- Mat, for example. Is
shaped so that both th driver and th
passenger riding with him have separate
teat. This 1 a change that owner who
driv their own ear will greatly appre
ciate. The tonneau la rocmler than aver,
and th auxiliary eata are of entirely
new design, developed by Studebaker
within th last year. Instead of folding
back against th aide of th ear or up
against th back of th seat, they sink
down Into recesses In th floor, com
pletely disappearing whan not la use.
Aril thus extra room and eaee of entrance
and exit from th tonneau la provided.
Exceptional car has been paid to th
upholstery of th new ear. Th leather
used 1 th finest trad of genuine, hand
buffed leather on tha market. It U to
Ptudebaker claim that no batter leather
can be bought at any price. It la a
atralght-graln, semi-bright finish, and la
tufted with a high grado of curled hair.
Ieeper colled springs give more resil
iency. The principal feature and that of deep
est conoern to motorist la th greatly
Increased power of the new Studebaker
motor. Hill and rutted road will have
no further terror for th proud pos
sessor of a, new Studebaker. Drake testa
on the four have developed 41-35, and
on th tlx, M.I horsepower.
This added power haa teen secured In
on way by enlarging th bore of th
motor to throe and seven-eighths Inches.
For another, th carburetor ha been
tranaferred to th left aide of the motor,
lessening the dlstano for the gas to
travel and giving It freer passage, A
separata ititak manifold U another lm
portant factor In securing a wider rang
of ability for tha motor.
Packard "Twin Six"
to Be Here Monday
Horace Orr of th Orr Motor Galea
company, srnt th latter part of th
week In feloux City with the Packard
"Twin Blx" advance demonstrator.
In accordance with th Packard sole
extension policy for th com In year,
Mr. Orr wtll open a permanent branch
of lils company In Sioux City. This xlll
Include, In addition to tha Bales o'fice,
a complete technical service branch of
the Packnrd company.
The factory "Twin Btx" will arrlv In
Omaha, lorday, July IS, for a two-d.iy
(xhiNtlun and demonstration. -
Along the
Automobile Row
W. II. Head of the Lining Implement
company In lamenting the fart that th
Oakland Blx did not reach Omaha on
July Ui as was expected. The demon
strate will be here late this week, how
ever, and the factory assure represen
tative of quantity production by Au
gust 1. Icaler from all part of tiMs
territory are crying for cars and Mr.
Head say they could easily sell 600 car
In thirty days.
I F. I. Itudlsell, branch manager of the
Firestone Tire and Kubber company,
starts this week upon a tour through
the west lor tne purpose of Inspecting
the branches umlfr his supervision. The
prinripnl towns along his route will be
Sioux City, Ja.; Hlmix Fnlls, 8. V.i Ksthrr
vllle, la..;. Carroll, la.; Pen ver, Colo.;
Cheyenne, Wyo. ; Lincoln, Neb.; Hastings,
Neb., and Colorado Springs, Colo.
Pave Sherman of the Omaha Metal and
Iron Works bought a new Paige -M from
the Murphy-O'llrlen Auto company,
which had th banner week in retail
ales, having sold Dodge Bros.' car to
the following: O. D. Sliukert, Dwlght
Williams, Charles McDonald, B. 9
Howell, A, B. Steven, Pr. Nicholas and
M. M. Foote.
J. M. Upper, formerly connected with
the Maxwell branch as district man
ager. Is bark on Auto Row with his faith
pinned to the Ileo. Mr. Opper with Mr.
Van Vteet opened th Kissel and Krlt
agi'nry, which It now handle by th
Noyea Auto company. Mr. Opper hag
Just left the Studebaker corporation to
oin force with A. II. Jonea of Hast
ings, Neb., In pushing the Roo. The new
firm will be known as the Jones-upper
Fred Q. Bharr, direct supervisor of
service for the Omaha branch of the
Studebaker corporation, recently re
turned from Detroit and Is very en
thuslaatio regarding tha 11 models. Pur
Hg the time Miv Sharr wa In Detroit
the Raid mountain try-out waa given th
new cars. Hold mountain Is th final try
out In Michigan. If a car can go through
the deep sands then It I branded a
success, Mr. Bharr claims that th new
Btudebaker went through wtthout a
A. B. Bturtevant, Pa lire agent at Tol
edo, O., drove on of th new Paige
t-U cars through to Fremont last week.
Th trip waa mad through heavy roads.
Th car carried Mr. and Mr. Gehrln of
Fremont, who cam through with Mr.
and Mr. Bturtevant Th only repair
needed on arriving at Omaha wa a new
fan belt Mr. Bturtevant Is highly elated
over th oar performance and antici
pate an enormous business In his terri
tory th coming year.
Fred Wuhbendorf, 1230 'South Tenth
street, purohased a new Paige ( from
th Murphy-O'llrlen Auto company last
week. J. F. Porter of the Forbes Tea
company 1 enjoying th luxury of a nevr
Paige M8.
Dr. J. J. Foster of Millard purohased
a new m Dodge Bros. Roadster from
the Murphy-O'Brien Auto company
This overwhelming victory of the
Valve-In-Head principle doesn't prove
.... - i .
V vL. mCS
Mr. Blxby accepted a position a dis
trict manager for the Briaco Motor
company of Jackson, Mich., for th ter
ritory of Iowa, Nebraska, South Dae
kota, Colorado and Wyoming, with head
quarter at Omaha.
anything for the plain and simple reason
that Valve-ln-Head superiority was
proven Past all shadow of doubt long
before the Indianapolis race wa even
dreamed of.
Twenty-three of the twenty-four car
entered In the TruUanapolis Speedway
race this year had Valve-ln-Head motors
which doesn't prove a single, solitary
Adding two and two give four as a
result but It doesn't prove anything
r.ot at thin late day. AH th "proof"
Involved in that process waa established
by the Arabian mathematician centuries
Little rain drop hold no terror for
R. E. Davla and "Th Chandler." Mr.
Davis say "for th sake of the farmers
I hone for better weather, but ao far as
my business la concerned, I have no
C. IT. Judd, California ranchman, drove
through Omaha last Wednesday on his
r ay from Loa Angeles to New Tork. Ilia
car, In addition to a party of five people,
pulled a trailer loaded with camping out
lit, eto. Th car wa equipped with over
all Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tire.
M. F. McMahon of the Westlnghouse
Klectrlo and Manufacturing company
spent several days last week with the
Powell Supply company. He Instructed!
the local service men on the Installation
of the Westlnghouse starting and lighting
system for Ford car.
C. B. Haney, prominent Commercial
club man of Olenwood, la., Is a strong
booster for Le puncture-proof pneumatlo
tires. He recently sent the Powell Sup
ply company one of these tire which he
stated had run between 10,000 and ll.noo
mile without ever being taken off the
A. K. Chambers of the Powell Supply
company Journeyed to Creston, la., last
Monday and placed the agency for Lee
puncture-proof pneumatic tire with Her
bert L. Jones, who has just opened up a
garage and supply store there.
W. B. Livingston, manager of the Mas
tor Sale company, reports a marked In
crease In sales last week. He said: "I
guess they have given up waiting for dry
weather and are coming ahead regardless
of the rain."
On July S Mrs. J. J. Parrott of 2956 Har
ris street drove her new Hupmobil to
Lincoln, and notwithstanding that th
rain of th day before made the roads
between here and Ashland almost im
passable, yet, without the use of chains,
the trip waa accomplished In a wonder
fully short time, to the satisfaction of all
At 7:30 o'clock Sunday morning, July
11, V. O. Ooodfellow, Hupmobile dealer
at Bruce, S. D., with his customer, drove
out two Hupmobile from Omaha. The
rain of two day preceding had made the
roads in such shape that by actual count
eleven car were found along the route
hopelessly floundered, and one of thoee
oar had been since Saturday noon and
had only gotten forty miles north of Mis
souri Valley. Mr. Ooodfellow report that
tooth hi car arrived In good condition
In Bkmx Falls at exactly 7:80 p. m., a dls
tano of something over 200 mile.
Relief front Acute HhrimatUm,
John H. Oronx, Winchester, N. H
writes: "I suffer from acute rheuma
tism and Sloan's Liniment always help
quickly. 26c. All druggist. Advertisement
A Perfect Fit
There are no wrinkle in it be
cause the cloth In shaped to
fit the frames and the frames
made to accommodate the cloth.
There's nothing catches Ute
utomoblllHt's admiring eye
quicker than a beautiful fit
ting top. We never turn out
an untidy Job even If we don't
get high prices.
Come in and let us show you
what we ran do even if you
don't buy Just now.
Western Auto Top Go,
Phone Douglas 3338
1015-23 Harney Btreet.
Some Idea of th tremendous amount
of manufacturing detail Involved In th
making of motor oar part caa be
gaiiteal from th following figure ob-
U hied at the big Detroit plant of Dodg j
tfrothrra. Th cylinder block casting
undergoes 160 separate operation; trens-
nm.k.n case, fifty operations; speedo
itr drive gear la transmission, thirty-one
operations; and tbe drKe-gear, oil
put and tak thirty-seven, twenty-el
ht and twenty -three operations, re
spectively. This work Include all opera
tious from th tint tfa cor I mad
la th foundry until th completely ma
chined and gauged part is ready for as
sembly la U motor car.
The new Btudctaker fttx arrived this
week and E. R. WUsoa haa been busy
showing It II asya it will do woodrr
i ii Invites everyone to rid la It. la
ci'rr words, be Is t wtillng to prov
I' at it valu I not excelled tn th mar
I l tod i .
1916 MONITOR, $750
One Strong
on Each
Th Foundation Beneath
10-horse power motor, cast en bloo.
High-tension magneto Ignition.
Leather upholstering.
I-bearlng crankshaft.
Thermo-syphon cooling.
ITnderslung rear aprlnga.
Itxttt Urea, non-skid la rear,
demountable rlma. with on extra.
Multiple diso clutch ,
Klectrlc sturtin and lighting system.
IlradMsht and dlmmera.
Kain-vlslon. ventilating type, bullt-ln wind
shield. Instrument board on cowl dash.
Left-hand drive, center control.
One-man top, luald curtain and top cover.
Speedometer. .
tiaa filler on Instrument board.
AH rert Oaaraataed for Oa Tea.
. Gives
7H for,,.
J1" JUlk
s! dence
MR, DEALER: You can't swim against the stream of popu
larityand why should you try. The motoring public is demanding
service, low upkeep and stylo at a reasonable price. Why not give
it to them? $750 is the popular price for 1916 look around and see
what splendid cars are being offered at this price.
If you are in an open territory, let me outline the MONITOR
proposition to you. Sales are convincing facts; and wo have a num
ber of such facts to our credit.
E. M. REYNOLDS & CO., Distributers
2105 F&rnam Street, Omaha Long Distance Phone, Douglas 3100
mim car
It was our expectation, from the first, that this car
would play a large part in determining motor
car values.
We said as much in our advertisements almost a
year ago.
We expected it to set up in the public mind a model
and a pattern of what a car of moderate price
should be.
We expected that it would encourage buyers to
judge motor cars by the standard of quality ;
not by price.
Surely the results have more than realized our
Surely you can see that the car is considered a
criterion of what constitutes real worth.
Once a man has driven the car, even for a few
miles, nothing can distract his mind from its
performance and its quality.
He thinks of the price only in relation to the re
markable value it buys.
That is why the first 20,000 fell so far short of sup
plying the demand.
That is why the second 20,000 are being absorbed
with equal eagerness.
Dodge Brothers. Detroit
The price of the car
complete it $785
f.o.b. Detroit
Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co.
Farnam at Nineteenth St.
Dug. Bowie, Mgr.
Tl (Cv
.Reduction in Prices
One Quality Only The Best
Cef Reduced Price
Nebraska Auto Filling Company,
218-20 South 19th Street, Omaha.
Telephone Douglas 7390.
Make swaps for profit. Look into the
"Swapper's Column"