Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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To Be Made Chief of the Depart
ment, with Others at His
John A. Bruce, resident of Dundee
and member of a local engineering
firm, hag been engaged by City Com
miasioner Jardine ot the public im
provement department as chief city
engineer at a salary of $3,000 a
No Trouble from
Big Muddy Looked
For atThis Point
Although Kansas City I aanln bln tjr hlnh water. Omaha la en
tirely trrt from any clanper from tho
rlvrr, nn-orOing to Korw-sjitrr Welsh.
The MUnurl now ahowa 12. 1 frrt at tho
ft l : va I )ia mi.Apvtmakn I- . . .. .
i - i ' mtiT-, i tifmj vrk. IIIU T.
j Welsh announce that this stage In about
nramai irr in'i moiun. in ciflfr to tut
come darpproua vcn to the sniallet ex
tent the river must ripe seven feet mor.
and continuous excessive raina for sev
eral daya at leaat would be nece weary tu
brtra; the water to the flood stage ot
i.lneteen feet.
At Sioux City the river ihowed a ralae
...,, ul j,vvu ai nioux my me river snowed a rarne
year, effective August 1. Mr. Bruce's!of s feet ,n 'he twenty-four hours end-
name mill be sent to the city council
next luesday for confirmation.
Watson Townsend la the present city
engineer, Herman Deal, former city en
gineer of South Omaha, will be made as
sistant entfneer. ir. Beal haa been
working;. In this department for a month.
Commissioner JarOu-.e atatea r.e Is not
ready to announce hi reorganisation, but It H understood that tho en
gineering work will be divided between
Tho addition of the. consolidated tor- j
rttory has Increased the engineering and
publlo Improvement work considerably.
Mr. Jardine explains. Mr. Beal will give
particular attention to South Side ter
ritory, with which he la familiar.
Mr. Bruce waa at one time employed
a field engineer and later was assistant
engineer under the late Andrew Roee-water.
Bolter Hurls Iron
Bolt Through Pane
Lightning Struck
Thnimdiv mlaht u'lnrlnw In th Ant.
tor'a office at pollen headquarter was
Ing at T o'clock Saturday morning, but
this will not noticeably effect the river
hero because of the 116 mile run to
Mi. Welsh tellx of tho flood of 1S81.
whfn the river reached the 23.8 foot
stage, the highest recorded by the Omaha
station, when It waa possible to go from
North Seventeenth street to Council
Blutfs tiy boat The only known time
whin the water waa hlsher was In 1X44,
when the river left debrla high In the
trees fur from shore. The stage of the
river at that time was not recorded, be
cause of the fact that there waa no ela
tion at Omaha then, but the old station
at Fort leavrnworth irtlll has a mark
ahowlng the height of the unprecedented
Place Large Bet on
Game, Now Look for
Chap Who Held Coin
How would you like to bet t0 on each
ball game of a double-header, break
even, and then call for your cash, only
to find that the atakjnolder had wafted
hence as down on the summer oreec.
xora omce at ponce neamciuanera was ot oourga everybody knows vou nave
shattered by a thunderbolt, and Friday j not BOt tnat mucn money, but how would
afternoon a new Dane wan nut In. only .... .. . w.i
- ----- - - - - - i you una lb yuu
to be emltten again by a bolt Thla time Q Remg-0idi who t
It waa an Iron bolt.
David Bolter of filoux .City drinks, and
after bolt In i; a few liquid shots Friday
evening ho waa amltten with the. charms
of an Iron bolt which he saw gleaming
In an aMey. In the course of his mean
dering he approached central station.
Pausing before the Inspiring structure,
he remembered many hours spent on
the cool, fragrant flagstones of the cell
room, and as a token of daya gone by,
hurled the iron bolt through the new
pane. It struck a rising young physician
on the head and fell In fragments to the
Officer Harry Buford, who waa present
at the time, sensed the meaning of the
attack and hurried without, Juat In time
to see Bolter bolting down the street.
Harry is some bolter himself and soon
captured Bolter and bolted him once
again amongst the cool, fragrant flag
stones of the cellroom.
Coal Mines Close '
During Funeral of
.Dr. J. A, Holmes
WASHINGTON. July lT.-Pr. 3. A.
Holmes, late director of the bureau of
mines, waa burled here today. All over
the country the mining Industry, by sus
pending operations and oloalng ml""
joined in a "tnal tribute to th father of
the mine eafety movement.
Secretaries Daniels, Lane and Wilson,
Surgeon General William C. Gorges of
the army, R. 8. Woodward, president of
the Carnegie Institute, Samuel R. Rogers
of the cenaua. Charles M. Galloway, civil
service commissioner; Peter Wilson
and chief clerk of the senate acted aa hon
orary pallbearers. .
The chiefs of the divisions of bureau of
mlnea. who worked under Dr. Holmes,
were the active pallbearers.
PITTSBURGH. Pa.. July 17.-Many
mlnea in western Pennaylvania and West
Virginia were elected during the funeral
today In Waahlngton of Dr. Joseph A.
Holmes, former director of the United
States bureau or mines.
Health Commissioner Connell con
demned a carload of blarfcberriea which
was being prepared for distribution to
the retail trade. The berries were soft.
"I told the parties In charge of the
car that they could not sell these berries
to peddlers or to the stores, but I al
lowed them to go over the shipment and
have the ealvae relnspected," said the
Two hours later Inspector Pegg of the
welghta and measures department re
ported: "I noticed some peddlers around
town with spoiled blackberries. They
said they were selling the berries lor
use In making wine."
W. J. Fove. Dr. H. C. Sumney. Jack
Hughes and Sam Reynolds left Thursday
fnr Cleveland to represent the Omaha
Country dub In the Western Golf tour
nament that opens Monday on the May-
field links ot that city. Ralph Peters, who
has been In the east on business this
week, will meet the other Omaha players
In Cleveland and Albert cann is also ex
neoted to stop over there for the tourna
ment on his way back from the eaat. In
cidentally the Omaha men will boost for
the Country club for the western meet
of tfl and have hopes of securing It.
City Solicitor Fleharty has the distinc
tion of sitting before the most expensive
desk in the city hall. Thla desk has Just
been brought from the South. Side city
hall, where It was uaed by the former
legal department of South Omaha. The
deek Is of golden oak and cost $75 and
was purchased at a time when Mr. Fle
harty waa a member of the Bouth. Omaha
legal department.
nn Retinoid, who conducts a barber
shop In the Carleton hotel building, says
he has experienced the sensation, and
wouldn't recommend It for anybody In
hot weather.
Relngold asserts that he gave the atakes
l. lnhn Mhenherd. nlsrht clerk of the
Carleton hotel, to put In the safe pend
ing the outcome of Thursday s aoume
header between Omaha and Wichita. He
bet that Omaha would win the first game
and lose tle second. Omaha won them
both, so the beta were a draw.
Gall says he called for his money later,
but Shepherd had decamped, and the
day clerk knowing nothing or me ira.n-
ctlon could not help lilm any.
Pnim officials are Investigating, but
have learned nothing that will aerve to
clear up the matter. Relngolds friend
with whom he made the bet la also de
sirous for assistance.
Wheat Take3 a Leap
on Omaha Market
Wheat on the Omaha market shot up
m. . mrket. solnc Itt to 4 cents per
bushel above the prices ot Friday and
soiling at $l.37S'1.38. There was nouiing
In crop Conditions or demand to Justify
the advance. It was due to the fact tnat
aome of the tradera had sold short and
to fill the orders had to have the wheat.
ardiess of price. Receipts for the
day were light, there being but four car
loads on the market.
Corn was strong to Vi cent higher, with
twentv-one carloads reoetved. Prices
were 74 to 78Vi cents per bushel.
Oats were unchanged, selling at 6ia
S cents per bushel. There were but six
carloads on the market.
Frank Johnaon is expected to arrive
In Omaha Monday to become superinten
dent of the Fourteenth division of the
railway mall service. C. M Reed, the
present superintendent. Is beins trsns
ferred to fit. Paul. Mr. Johnson was as
sistant superintendent of thla division
thr-se years ago an has been la Boston
sine then.
Alan McDonald, who nas been taking
a graduate course in architecture at Har
vard for two vears. received last montn
ffrom that university the degree of mas
ter In architecture and was awarded Dy
the American Institute of Architects Its
medal given to the student having the
best average standing In his entire course
of study in architecture. One of theee
medals Is awarded In each school of
architecture. One of these medals is
awarded In each school of architecture,
but this Is the first year, so Mr. Mc
Donald Is the first Harvard student to
receive It. Mr. McDonald is the son of
John McDonald, the well known archi
tect, of this city.
Corporation Counsel Lambert, who has
charge of the II gas caso which is on
Its way to the supreme court at Wash
ington, explains that the gas company'!
voluntary reduction announced Friday
need have no effect on the prosecution
of this suit, although he admits that he
can oe wherein there may be a dispo
sition to drop the litigation.
"Acceptance of this 41 rate now of
fered would not abridge rny of the rlKhts
of the city as maintained by the legal
department since the passage of the (1
gas ordinance four years ao." stated
Mr. Lambert.
In a claim for $117.16 damages against
the city, account of baokwater from a
sewer faodlng their cellar. Antonio lo
Bue Co.. iaa Capitol avenue, stale one
case of Italian Caponato Dl Melane and
ten nui of SDercvlatelll were damaged.
Two hundred pounde of Imported cheese
also were rendered unfit for use.
Rev. W. W. Lucas. Meridian. Miss., as
sistant general secretary of the Ep
worth league of the Methodist church.
Hill speak at Grove Methodist church.
Twenty-second and Seward streets, st 11
a. m. Sunday and at Zlon Baptist church.
Twenty-sixth snd Franklin streets, at
i.DO p. ra.
Mary Denton, sentenced to six months'
Imprisonment for white slavery, has lad
her sentence commuted st the end of five
months by President Wilson on the
recommendation of Dr. Sauldlng. who
suggested her release because of the fact
that she was a consumptive. She was
released front the county Jail where she
baa been held,
Sunday, July 18, 1915.
-Phone Douglas 137.
Today's First Word Is of Our Semi - Annual
Half Price and One-Fourth Sale of
Panama-Pacific Exposition
Reproduced in Miniature But in De
tail on Our Fourth Floor.
ALL Omaha couldn't go to the Pan
Francisco Pair, bo we have brought
the Fair to Omaha.
A arenographlc panorama, reproducing the
Rxponltlon arrording to seals and color
irheine. Is being presented dally on our
Fourth Floor.
The background of San Francisco Bay, the
."iohlen Oate and Krt Alratrax n deplete.!
with -lose regard for detail. Ini'luding even
the movement of the harbor craft.
The Kxpoaltlon buildings In the Immediate
foreground are closely modeled aovonllng t
the specification of Jules (luerln. The light
ing system, which, more than anything else,
has made the lttlS Kxposltlnn remarkable. Is
well Imitate;) In miniature panorama.
But come and see It for yourself. You'll
enjoy It. It's KHK.R. lectures given every
half hour from 10 a. in. to 4 p. m.
Including Several Thousand Garments Ranging in Price From $5.95 to
$25.00 and Offered Monday at $2.97 to $12.50
"Meet Me in the
WHERE we can enjoy iti cool refreshing
reatfulness. It's certainly a pleasant
retreat thene hot afternoon. The light
lunches as well aa the soft drinks in the
Cricket Room are par excellence, and the ser
vice la moat pleasing.
McVlttiea famously good "La Zeus" Ice
Mullane'a Cincinnati Taffies.
"La Zeus" Chocolates.
Borgess-ITaeSi Co. Mala Tloor.
IN this great assortment of fine
blouses, you will bo ablo to supply
your every need. There ia a great variety of
styles and all the new materials are repre
sented. Including hand embroidered lingerie,
QeorKtttte crepes, laooa, neta and chiffons,
etc., etc.
8 org ass-If salt Oo. toond rioor.
YOU will find nil s'iwh iroin to
44, Mid the rang' of Rmlection is
Indeed a most attractive one. Extra polling
spare has been given over for 'this sale and
we asaure prompt service to ewry one. It
Is unituestionably THE blouse buying oppor
tunity of the season.
Burgess-Mash Co. aeooad Tlooi
Big Price Reductions on
. UI sssl. ...r . g ., .m a
') IP i MV,
mm,- i p
1 ipf M
REDUCTIONS that averago
better than one-half tho
regular selling price, and thu
styles and materials are tho
very sort you want now for
"goini? away," you'll find a
splendid selection, too.
$25.00 Suits, now $12.50
$30.00 Suits, now $14.75
$35.00 Suits, now $17.60
$40.00 Suits, now $19.75
$50.00 Suits, now $25.00
WnaVi Dresses
Special Sale Groups
Our sales ara wonder
ful value-giving occa
sions, affording oppor
tunity to purchase ap
parel of the highest or
der at reductions of one
fourth to one-half the
usual prices.
$7.00 Dresses ......$3.95
$10.00 Dresses $5.95
$15.00 Dresses $7.95
$25.00 Dresses ....$10.95
White Coats
For present wear, Including
white chinchilla anL the new
Yuma cloth, at f7.05Xo $10.50
Wash Skirts
Golflne Cord at $5.05.
New Pique, f2.0 and $3.95.
Bargsss-sTaab Co. aooad rioof.
Dress Pattern Length Wash Goods
Worth to $2.50, Monday, Basement, 95c
MATERIALS in this lot are all most desirable In weave and color,
the flnept 40-lnch embroidered and woven tissues and flaxons,
beach and auto suitings, mixed silk and cotton crepes, silk chiffon and
fancy crepes, all full dress patterns, very special for Monday QC
l 10c Fancy Cotton Crepes, 3ic
Fancy floral and plain colored crepes for making cool summer
dresses, usually 10c yard. July Clearing Sale price, yard, 8c.
Burgsss-sTash Co. Bassmsat.
In Basement Salesroom for Monday
FULL 9-4 width bleached Puritan Sheeting, the best 32c sheet-p J
lng to be had; clearing sale price for Monday, yard sfcsJl
Clearing Hlieeta and Illlow Cases
Site 81x9S Utica Sheets, $1.10 values at, each 'V:
Slr.e 8U90 Burnasco Sheets, $1.00 values at, each ouc
Sise 7 2x99 llurnasco Sheets: 00c values at, each Bc
Size 42x30 ani 4 5x36 Hemstitched American Beauty Pillow Cases,
worth 16c and lHc, July Clearing sale price, each lc
50c Pillow Cases, Monday 2tc
Initial and Scalloped Pillow Cases, slightly mussed from hand- OQ
ling;; regular price 50c, In the July Clearing Bale, each dJ
I nlon Jack Cambric at Hic
SG-lnch Union Jack Cambric, limit of 20 yards, at. yard Hc
l.l ..... II. L
36-lnch full standard bleached, yard wide muslin, the famous
Red, White and Hhie brand, limit of 20 yards, at, yard
i nl. L...luulvr VniiiiuiU 1l Yai'ils. Kl.lll
40-lnch Knickerbocker Nainsook, usually $1.75. our July
Clearing Sale price Monday, bov of 10 yards
.MuMin at a iuKiiar i-rire
Odd lengths and slightly soiled ends of bolts from our muslin and
sheeting department will be sold at one-half the regular price.
Barrsss-sTash Co Bassmsat.
Clearing of Pillow
Tops and Backs, 15c
WITH sufficient Bedouin
cloth for bands, ticking'
back, and crochet cotton for cro
cheting band, printed Instruc
tions, at 13c.
Stamped Gowns, 2i)c
Full length, special quality
French nainsook, with 3 skeins
of colored flose for working. Spe
cial, each, itOc.
Craah Hcarfs, 50c
For library. Dark linen, tinted
and stamped for working, with
12 skeins of floss, very attractive
floral and conventional designs.
Size 22x64 Inches. Special, each,
Crochet. Poll lew, fki
Odds and ends of crochet doll
ies, all hand-made. Special at,
each, Oo.
Borrsss-STaah Co. Third moor.
Clearing 35c LACES
Monday, at, Yard 10c
SILK chantllly, shadow and
oriental laces, bands and
edges, big selection. Including
values to 25c, at 10c yard.
10c Laces, at Bo
French and German vale, edges
and Insertions to match, linen or
cotton cluny.
Embroideries, 5c
Embroidery edges, headings and
edges combined, Including values
to lOo, at 5c a yard.
I'lounclugs, 2Hc
Embroidery flounclngs of flno
Swiss, organdy and batiste; also
allovera and baby flounclngs, 18
and 27 ins. wide, at 25c yard.
FloruiolnRs, 5O0 to 08c
37 and 40-tn. organdy, batiste
and voile flounclngs; also colored.
embroidery flounclngs. v
Bnrfsae-Vsah Co Mala moor.
Clearaway of New WASH GOODS
Were 25c to 50c, Monday at 18c Yd.
A REMARKABLE collection of the moet wanted materials ust the
kind In greatest demand and the price has been most severely
clipped; you'll find Included:
40-inch Striped Voiles, ln
black and white.
40-lnch Voiles. In stripes,
checks and dots.
44-Inch Silk Mulls, with self
tone dots.
32-lnch French Ginghams,
pretty new styles,
.Were 25cf 27 'n p11" ' Rnd
42-Inch Plain Colored Cree
36-lnch Seed Voiles, tnnew
38-lnch Ratine, In. stripes
and mixtures.
to 50c,
Wteeh Uooda to75c, at :Uc
Including Dresden silk, chiffon tissue) flowered crepe id chine,
plain voiles and crepes, extremely lacRe range of selection.
Bnrrass.M'ash Co. Mala rioor.
A Sale of Sample Trunks at About
One-Fourth Under Usual Selling Price
omen s
Lisle HOSE, 50c
BLACK and white In regular or
outslzes, high spliced heel,
double sole and garter tops. Bur
nasco quality. .
75c Gauze Vests, 50c
Low neck and sleeveless, white
lisle, very sheer, 76c kind for 50c
Burgess-Bask Co. Main Floor.
AN opportune offering Just at a time when most everyone Is plan
ning their vacation trip.
The trunks are samples from ona of the largest manufacturers.
Every one a good one, heavy canvas covered with weather proof oil
finish painting. Some fitted with heavy leather straps and extra tray,
braas locks, heavy brassed i corners, linen and fancy pattern linings.
Three groups:
Bample Trunks, all slses Monday for $4.05
Hample Trunks, all siww Monday for.
Sample Trunks, all Monday for 8.05
Sample wardrobe trunks, high grade, at $6.50 to $10.00 under
the regular price.
Bargess-Vaeh Oo JFoorth rioor.
e I $2- I hfr Jr j
MUSLIN or nainsook with single or double flounce of embroidery,
lace finished underlay, several pretty styles "for selection.
Knvelope ChMnls at 5c
Nainsook with lsce or embroidery Insertion and edged with ribbon
Bnrrsea-B'asjB Oo. esooatt rioor.
Japanese Bronze Bamboo Baskets,
Usually $1 to $1.50, Monday at 25c
THERE Is a limited quantity of these baskets, and In most cases there
are only two or three of a stylo the earlier you get here In the
morning the better variety and the greater values you will find.
I'ruit ltaskets, HnUvlch Ilaskrta, Jardlnier-e, Waste llusketa,
Flower IUakets, Vases, Wall llaakeU, Etc., Etc. .
, So many odd shapes so many attractive baskets, that almost
every one of the number would have to be described Individually to
give a fair Idea of tha assortment Included. The usual $1 to $1.50
values at 25c.
Bturfsea-sTash Co.. Basement.
The July Clearance Sale of SEWING MACHINES
Affords Some Remarkable Values Here for Monday
MACHINES of almost every description are represented vibrating
shuttle lock stitch, rotary shuttle, oscillating movement, ver
tlcal hook construction and lock and chain stitch machines. In thla
lot will be found the world's best known sewing machines more of
. 1. 1 .. i . n ,Viam Kiit nlantv nt mnv fm ar1v rnmnri fCvAfV
HUUin aiuub umii wi.w.ct, w - - -
machine Is absolutely In perfect sewing condition, fully guaranteed for
ten years. Some of them have been used as department samples. Oth
ers have been returned from rental. All are slightly scirffed from
handling, otherwise perfect. We cannot promise to fill mail or phone
orders. Come and make your choice qu'.ckly. Hera is a small list of
the many bargains
Easy Terms $1.00 a Week
8TNGBR, oak case, used ....
NEW HOME, automatic drop
WHITE, big bargain, used
STANDARD, sample
ARROW, brand new ....
PARAGON, marred
NEW HOME, slightly used
THE FREE, drop head ..
WIZARD, drop head
Machine needles for all makes
of machines, dozen, 12c.
Aat's. rrloe
60. 00
Stainless machine oil. 15o bot
tles for lOc.
i . . .
Oar . Fries
Ju7 Bala 1
Machine belts. 20c kind, at 15c.
Barrsss-Vaak Oo Third noor.
We Develop
your films free of
charge when order
Is left for printing.
I J A I I fJVi v - IW1 I fff 111 1
11 lirteJ H 11 viru
Swat the My
Everything here to
help destroy the
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