THE RKK: OMAHA', FIJI DAY, JULY ltf, Ipid. By IIELLIFICIA. T HKSK ar busy days at the Thlf Is the unpretentious name given to the m(tnlflcnt Harbor Point borne of Miss Katherine Darker,, the IJO.000,000 helreaa, who ! to become the bride of Mr. Howard H. 8paulliog, Ut of Chicago on Saturday, July SI. MIm Barker Is well known to Omaha society, baring served aa brides maid at the recent wedding of Miss Marie Stewart of Council Bluffs and Donald McFerron. This bride-to-be Is Immersed In the detail of trousseau Just now like all other bride elects, and, unlike others, she has Imperative demands made on her time by the Interests of the huge estate to which she lsttsle heir. Wedding presents are pouring in thick and fast at Barker Cottage these days and the bride-to-be Is making accommodations for 400 gueata, who will oome by special trains for the event, and the hotels of Harbor Point will be weighed in the balance. TBrs. Donald McFerron. now of Hoopston, 111., is to be the matron of honor, and cereral members of the Stewart family will be present. At Happy Hollow Clnb. Mum Uladys Robertson and MIm Ruth Anderson entertained at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club In honor of MIm Clare rtlenon of New York. A large basket of pink snap dravooa and Klllarney roses was used a the table centerpiece and twenty guest were en tertalned. Mra C W. Gotten entertained very In formally today at luncheon at Happy Hollow dub Mrs. C. W, Russell rare a prettily ap pointed luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club, complimentary to her daughters, the Misses Ann and Florence (Russell. A large mound of KUlarney rweee decorated the table and the guests Included) Marion Known, Kdltu Hamilton, Gertrude Htout, Ruth McCoy, Ruth MtaaeraM, Merrlette Hemes, Harriett" I 'Inning, Helen 1'earie, F.leannr McGlltorv F.lmnor Auatln, Irene Carter, Kether Carter. Mirlon Coad. will entertain at the Happy Hollow XOulee White, Irene Carter, . Bth Carter. Erelyn Ledwtrh. Marfaret HuMln, Mr)r1e Mcintosh, Ruth Planeush, Urere MatMiueh, Adelaide Kunk- houser, Oertrude A Ik In. Allot Duval, Iorls Clarke. Mies Ines Bloom luncheon Friday at club. At Seymour lake Clnb. Mrs. C. C Bhlmer entertained at a bridge luncheon today at Seymour Lake Country club. Four tables of players were entertained. Mrs. W. T. Adklns gars a luncheon of seven covers today at the Seymour Lake Country rub and Mies Ida Keley had five guests. The Centurion club will give a dinner this evening- at Bnymour Ike Country club. The dinner will be served at 10 o'clock p. m. and will te preceded and followed by dancing. - Wedding Announcement. The wedding of Mies Alma. Woods of Benson and Mr. Frederick Rense was OBJECTS TO HAN'S RULE;ASKSDIYORCE Mrs. Harrison Says Her Husband Has Not Allowed Her Any Lib erty or Eights. ALSO ASSS FOE ALIMONY Troubles of a pretty wife who holds the modern view of equality of women, married to a man who de sires to rule her, are detailed in a divorce petition filed by Mrs. Ella Warn Harrison, in which William a Harrison, a salesman. Is defendant The home which Mr. and Mrs. Harri son made when they were married five years ago has bee wrecked as a result of their quarrels and Mr. Harrison la now living at a hotel, aooordlnf to his wires petttk.iv. Mrs. Harrison la asking ruatody of her -year -old daughter, Wini fred, and permanent alimony of Sag a month. Ths Harrison residence Is at t3 Wool worth avenue. Tries ( HaaaClUte Her. A stubborn and vicious disposition on the part of Mr. Harrison and repeated acta Intended to humiliate her. are aU leged by Mrs. Harrison ln support of her charge of cruelty. Blnos ths first day after their mar riage, Mrs. Harrison asserts, her hus band "has uut allowed her any liberty or rights; ha never allowed the plaintiff te jo visiting or have other privileges, bit. always has forced her to do things contrary u her will, merely out of cun trarineea. stuUbornees, meanness, vtcioue ncss end perversenrss." Mrs. Harrison alleges that she has been dutiful, obedient and savins- wr. ., a has been , good housewife. Fight Leads Two Into Police Court Irene Hoffman, color white, jot so charged she wlahod to fight Nora Melee, darksome hue, same condition, wlahed so. too. Yet the fray had hardly started when ths plr waa rudely parted by ths famous "itaa In blue." Copper Carney, brave and true. To ths booby each was toaaed. and among the erring hosts, faced Ills Wor stilp. Justice Urtlt. who. with mercy not a whit, plastered each with ens and coots. COMMISSIONERS LOOK OVER NEW DUMP SITE The city commissioners yesterday visited four proposed sites for dumping grounds. Ths loceitotis will not be made public until negotiations now pending have been concluded. It Is stated slds tracks will be aaceeaaor. Conunlsalutier Jarduie, who has taken the lead In this matter, asked ths r ti ro d companies for bids on the sxpenae of hauling tte refuse of the city to these duutfrtag places. Mr. Jardlne has three other planes in view. Kewt lettlons snd a law suit sgalnst dumping place st Ohio street an t rwar Thirty-first and Cuming streets. stlrrvd the commission re to art on this nuttier. ( the kllS a Ceasrh, It'a Serleos. t rup and whooping rough are chtl aiu's aliments. Ir. King's New IMscov rry U what lou fceed It kills the cold All durfit-AderlUM!niut. T Thursday, July 15, 1915. Barker Cottage." 'celebrated quietly Wednesday afternoon at the pareonags of the Barred Heart church. Rev. P. Judge officiated. Mies Grace Oilbert of the Methodist hospital and Mrs. Burton Btratt were the only attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Rer.Se will be at home In Omaha after July la. At the Country Clnb. lr. and Mrs. J. K. Bummers entertain at dinner Saturday evening at the Coun try club. Mr. Herbert J. Connell will have twen-ty-etsht gueeta at dinner Saturday at the Country cllub and Mr. C. W. Hamil ton will entertain twenty. Stork Special. A son, Thomas R. Hay ward M, was born to Mr. snd Mrs. Thomas R. Hay ward of rittsburgh Tuesday. Mrs. Hay ward waa formerly Miss Margaret Busch of Omaha. At the Field Club. Mrs. H. A. Cameron entertained four guests at luncheon today at the Field club. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. Edward M. Martin waa tastes at a bridge luncheon given yeeterday at her home In Falracres. The guests were seated at small tables and each was deco rated wtlh KUlarney rosea. Covers were placed for sixteen. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mlas Margaret Oerow of Kearney, who was the gueet of Miss George Trimble for several weeks, left Tuesday for her home. Personal Mention. Miss Flale Nelson of Colon, Neb., Is a gueet st the home of Mrs. James Trim ble, Mr. and Mrs. John Madden and chil dren will leave August I for Lake Oca-jus. N. Y., for the remainder of the summer. PICNIC AT LOUIS NASH HOME Four Hundred and Fifty Employes of Burfeis-Naih Store to Hare Big Outing. STORE WILL CLOSE EABIY The seoond annual plcnlo given by ths nurgees-Naah company will be held at N tin h wood, the country home of tioula C. Nash, ncsr Calhoun, next Tuesday after noon. The 4BO employes of the company will be the guests, and everything pos sible will bs done to make the outing enjoyable. The day of ths plcnlo the Burgess Nash stores will close at o'olook In the after noon. Immediately the employes and officers of ths company wlU board spe otal street cars In front of the store and will proceed to ths Webster street sta tion, where a special train cvsr ths Omaha road will be provided. The run te Calhoun will be made in twenty min utes. From there the picnickers will go to Naahwood. where they will own every thing on the farm until o'clock In the evening, when the plcnlo will break up and on a special train the party will re turn to Omaha. For the plonle everybody connected with the Nash company, from presi dent to cash boy. has been Invited. The company provides Individual lunches, each lunch being- in a carton, and whila each carton will contain but one lunch, that lunch will be about enough for two persons. Pletaro of Naakweei. Bach msmber of the party will be pro vided with an Individual eup, and each person will wear a badge, fastened to the coat or gown, by a souvenir on which will be a picture of ths Naahwood home. The amusement card Is filled with eventa There are twelve numbers given w.r 10 races, jumping and tests of sirengtru on the lawn there will be dancing for those who enjoy It. an or cheatra made up from among ths store ppie urrusnmg the tnuslo. Bealdee this mere win be a Vaudeville entertainment, store talent doiag the stunts. There will he Ice cream and ceka and lemonade. jid sverythlng will be furnished the store employes without cost to them. PAPPAND0PUL0S TAKD1 T0 T"E PENITENTIARY George Psppsndopulos. convicted of assaulting his sister. Mrs. Hien Arhanllls with Intent to kilt her. was taken to the penitentiary st Lincoln, handcuffed to Paul Btelnwlndcr, a guard. Hs waa ae- oompanled by Larry Flynn, deputy sheriff. rappendofMilos was convicted In anlt of. evidence , Introduced by the defense thst he was suffering from paranoia, a mmta! disease. He declared he had re ceived divine Inspiration to .Knot -m. sister In a dream. A recent escape of Basil Blxter, an In sane patient, who Jumped from the win dow of a train while being taken to Norfolk, has Oauaed the sheriffs office te increase precautions taker with prts nera. Ptxler has been recaptured. Vlllees Attacks. When you have a bullous attack your liver falls to perform Its function y,u become constipated. The food you eat ferments In your stomach and causes nausea, vowltln, and a terrible hesd ache. Take Chamberlain's Tablets. The) will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach snd you will soon be ss well as ever. They only coat a quarter. Obuia ttle everyw here. Advert scment I YOUNG WOMEN LEAMTO PLAY Examinations Are Conducted by Snperriior English for. Pity Supervisors. SOME A&E TO BE NAMED TODAY Twenty-four young women teach ing games to each other afforded considerable Interest for a group of boys and girls in Hanacom park. Superintendent English of the public recreation department was conduct ing examinations of applicants for positions as play supervisors. These demonstrations were part of the examinations. are we going to have these kind of games in the parky asked a little girl, holding a largs doll upslds down. Ths little girt went away and returned with other girls and boys. Finally there was quite a gathering of youngaters. Ths Recreation board Friday afternoon will pses upon the appointment of some of these applicants, who will begin their work next Mondsy morning. These supervisors will direct the chil dren In their play activities and will teach them new and Interesting games. The youngaters will be divided into groups. If the older folks want to play, they will be cared for, too," explained Mr. English. The examinations held by ths play superintendent Included written state ments on the theory of plsy. S.K. Hush is to Be Suggested for the Federal Judgeship Friends of Sylvester R. Rush, speotal agent of the Department of Justice, are Planning to prevent his name as a possi ble successor of W. H. Hunger, federal Judge, who Is to retire October L Mr. Rush has been for some time past active In government work, having rep recented the government In many impor tant esses, among them being the case asainst the real estats firms who sold sections of ths Kverglsdes, In Florida, to gullible buyers. He Is now engaged in government work In California, where he will remain for some time. Ths appointment of district judge Is foe life, and the position pays a salary of 14.000 a year. State Suffragists to Talk Convention The sUts board of ths Nebraska Suf frags association will hold an all-day seaalon today at the Toung Women's Christian association. Ths data and placs. together with other plans for ths state convention, to be held In ths fall, will be the principal matter of business This will be the last board meeting be fore the convention. The constitution committee will meet with the stats board this time to discuss revision of the constitution. Mra II. H. Wheeler, Mrs. W. a Bark ley, Mra T.' J. Doyls and Mra Herbert Avery of Lincoln will come down to at tend ths meeting. IxcaJ members of the hoard and constitution committee are Mrs. Draper Bmlth, stats president; Miss Daisy Doane, Mra Oeorge Copper of South Omaha and Mra Q. W. CovelL Johnson is Now Entirelyldentified When City Commissioner Jsrdlns's clerk announces, "Mr. Johnson wishes to speak with you over ths wire," or "Mr, John son wishes to see you," those statements mean nothing. They must be amplified. yeeterday morning the clerk entered the inner office and proclaimed that a man named Johnson was on ths wire. Mr. Jardlne was busy at ths time on impor tant matters. "Which Johnson is itr hs asked. " After a pause the clerk returned and Informed. "He says It Is ths Johnson you used te play poker with." "Put him up, I must talk to thai man,' waa ths reply. DR. CLARK SAYS MILLER PARK LINKS WILL REMAIN Z. D. Clark, member of the Recreation board, upon tils return from Clear Lake stated that residents near Miller park need not fear leat the links will be abolished. "I believe the boulevard Intersections In this park create an unsafe situation. out I reel sure conditions mar ha remedied without taking out the links," said Mr. Clark. r IlllllllllllllliP535! TOILET DATIjllJ Hawaiian Instrument IVmonatreAioai by an Expert Friday and Saturday, Jaly 18-IT. ah utmar ana aianaonn rang are Invited to hear this Hawaiian Instrument, which is the talk of the muaical nubllo. FIRST OMAHA DEMONSTRATION By Mr. D. E. Langl&nds at A. HOSPE'S. 1513 Douglas Street I " ' -r The Beo's Fund for Free Milk and Ice The Bee's free milk and ice fond is already working; to relieye the wants of the little ones for whom it is intended. ' Today's list represents contribu tions in the Loch cafe, in the State bank building. Contributions from 10 cents to $9 are solicited and will be acknowl edged in this column. Vrevlouslr ackaowUdg-sd ...tieo.SS sCrs. reter X-och 6 OO Iete X.oeh BOO Joe Olyaa 1 .OO SL . Wymote 1.09 B. A. Keel 1.00 W. roeey 1 OO O. B. Hyde... 1.00 Joe Loch 1.00 (ens Tylse 1 OO T. W. M Tred Smith BO Jaok Jones , .BO T. O. Moore .BO John X. Xelpta B0 O. Q. Alesender BO WASHES WINDOWS ON WAY McKenney, Globe Trotter, Stops Oyer in Omaha and Puts In a Few Days at Work. IS OUT SEEING THE WORLD Found! One globetrotter, who Is a working man Instead of a moocher. Ia. E. McKenney has trotted the globe for twenty years, has washed l&O.OOO win dows, has chucked a little money Into each and every one of dosens of postal savings banks from coast to coast, snd has money In ths horns bank In Boston. McKenney U washing windows In Omaha today. Hs Is on his way to San Fran cisco to ses the fair. 'There," said McKenney, when he had finished washing three windows In ths offlcs of Dr. Harry A. Foster. "I have made my expenses for ell day, and I still havs part of the forenoon and all the afternoon ahead of me.." "You don't mean that you live on 15 cents a dayT" was asked. "No, but this Is not ths first office I have worked in this morning." At work McKenney Is a marvel of speed and agility. Four feet and eleven Inches tall, spider-like In build, he popped the windows tip, crawled out on the ledge, clung to a nail or tack, polished the win. dows and when hs hsd occasion to use both hands to change position he slammed his mop rag Into his teeth snd went about his business. "Ton never use the strap and belt to seoure yourself In climbing out on the ledge, do your' he was asked. "Not unless I get over five stories high. I don't mind falling a mere five storiea I hsd many a spill on the build ings In Nsw York." Don't "ell Post Cards. "Do I sell post cards T 1 should say not. I work for my llvlne. ami t u.i the whole world. When 1 go In to eat 1 1 flip out the coin, and they all treat me ! right. "Post csrdsT Say. men. I sold a bool: j el the road once and rsrried post card I picture of myself. I asked an old Dutch- ! man in I'ennsylvanla to buy one. Hs said Tat do devU Z vant dat for- when ha looked at my mug. I looked In the irises and then at the picture, and I concluded the old man had sised ths situation up right. What the devil would anybody warn my picture forT So I have worked a day or two In a town ever since and itito lectures, xooay i make a dollar or two over expenses and tomor row morning I'll be on the hike toward Denver." in winter McKenney hikes Into a niv dty, washes windows and tends furnaces ror a few days, establishes headquarters in a little room, installs a telephone and soon has two doe en furnaces to tend and a score or more of rooms to sweep and oust every morning. "I oleaned up. 11.800 that way in two years onoe when I stuck two years in Chicago straight." he said. "Then I went on ths hike again, for I don't like to wash the same windows every day; there isn't excitement enough. Married T I should say not No trou bles at all. Goodbye." MRS. CRUM PACKER IS NOW ORGANIZING THE ANTIS "ktre. J. W. Crumpacker. who renr ssntad ths National Associstlon Opposed to Woman Suffrage In Nebraska durlns Ik. MllfM-. . - .. wniiin ias ran, is or ganising anU-suffrasists at Atlantlo City mis summer, eoco ruing to word received by Omaha friends. Mrs. Crumpacker waa In charge of antl-euffrage headquarters tn the Bee building and organized many societies opposed to suffrage throughout toe state. new MAHY OFFENDERS FACE POLICE JUDGE Some Orow Facetious and Are Sent to Jail for Various Peri- ods of Time. HILL ON ICE CREAM SODA Rum or other alcoholic beveruM ). taken li.temally in copious quantities, has a tendency, arrnnllnar n - Ir. C. B. Polts. to intoxicate. . Judge Brltt waa firmly convinced of this dls- overy wh"n twenty-two followers of ths demon were lm bxfore him. Hers are a few harrowing details brought about by the sinful not heeding B. Sunday's cslls thenlc gosprl gyrations. H. Devls of IVs Moines crept weaklv to the bar of justice and awaited his turn. "Ah been awful sick lately Jedae. and In powaliful pooh spirit." vouchsafed H. Powerful poor spirts Is right. Ten day," quoth the magistrate. Nest camo Julius 8. Cooper of the South Fide, who was still decidedly cheer ful. "fay, lullus. haven't you got anything '" m gaggg'" 'Hi ii i sMsisaMsiiiasi.rt...swvT iHlnUB "il 11 ,M-,.mmwmmimmmJMnm.wum9m.u.j.s,iMMMn Semi-Annual July Clearance Positively the Greatest Sale of Pianos and Player Pianos Ever Eecorded in the West. The store that offers the Biggest Values always gots the Biggest Business, and this is why we have grown to bo one of the very largest Piano Houses in America, Av e aro Manufacturers, AVholesalers and Retailers. AYe have conducted many July Clearance Sales, but nevor before have we made such sweeping price reductions on AVorld-Famed Pianos such as Stcger & Sons, Emerson, Hard man, MoPhaiL Lmdeman & Sons, and Schmoller & Mueller. Many other high-grade in struments, including Player Pianos of fame. REMARKABLE flOO Kmornon, Square $250 Kimball, Upright :iOO Arlon, rprlcht . . 300 HchmoUer A Mueller, Upright row nieuittay, ipngut 400 Htoget- A Sons, Upright - itiueuer, iprigbt $0O Emerson, Upright I soEar.iOLLEn & mium 1311-13 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, Exclusive Representatives for Steinway, Weber, Also Of dainty das, In 14-K with velvet snd sstin in Tl ll l , . w.uimi uiunit u moat attr vr th. toilet food. In department stores, also in lewelry snd drug Moi and ths foremost woman's specialty shops. The price u $5. Shown by good dealers everywhere fir full fmrtuultrt semi MilmJf DflUti CillmH 4 iti ut, mritt mi dirtct GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS to do but snoot the csnr1 questioned ths prosecutor. Why, yes, sir: I've got some work this mornlna-, if v0u II turn me loose," re plied Cooper. What kind of work," Interrogated Judge Brltt. "Why. riling the holes I shot In the can." hilariously replied Julius. After many others had passed, P Q. Brown tripped lightly before the magis trate. "Why, goodness gracious judge, I never In all my life touched anything stronger than Penine,': burbled Z. Q. "I had just consumed two chocolsts tee cream sodas when the big burly bruts arrested me." "Ice cream sodas," ferocioosly gritted Brltt through his mustache, and hastily dropping a paperweight while he clutched on his hand, discharged Brownie snd hsstened from the room to set sn Ice cream soda himself. CIVIL WAR VETERAN DIES FROM THE HEAT David C. Collins, aged It years, con federate vetersn. died Wednesday even ing at his home. K3S Chicago street, of heart failure brought on by the heat He had lived in Omaha three years and Is surbvlved by his widow. This is the first heat victim of the present summer that has so far been reported. VALUES REMARKABLE TERMS 25 125 I I'-,' "r: i 8145 8150 8500 m 3275 25 BRAND (IE17 PIANOS Worth $325, -five makes to select from, will be sold at AEOLIAN together with a Bench, Scarf and of music, for 395 We have made the "Ways and Means" very simple; a small Initial payment and $1.60 a week is all you need. peemlfor Women IN a sleeveless evening gown or in sports clothes the modern woman as a matter of good groom ing sees to it that her under-1 arm is as smooth as her face And she doesn't use the more or less harmful and unsatisfactory depilatories. Her demand for a Gillette adapted to her own has led to this new model Milady Deoollefe' IrerMrw She finds she need use ironly , occasionally and she knows by experience that its use docs not in any way roughen the skin or coarsen the hair. -K gold plate, enclosed in French Irory case, Kaed in Purple. Old Ross, Green or Old Gold Miladr , mV , - ttv t . i II be found JAMES BUZBEE LOCATED BY UNCLE AT COLUMBUS James Bushee, the lad who started on a long hike for home, leaving word that he woull rrturn In a month, was met by an uncle at Columbus, who took htm In hsnd. Vow is the Time to Oet Bid of "These ugly spots. There's no longer the slightest need ef feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength i'romi Sherman at MoConneH or any druggist and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon ses that even the worst freckles nave begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It Is seldom thst more than an ounce Is needed to com pletely clear ths skin and gain a beauti ful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne ss this is sold under guarantee of money back if It falls to remove freckles. 300 Ivere & rond. Upright 81 OO 300 Camp A Co., Upright Z H0O Chickering & Sons, Grand fc2(M. $900 A. B. Chase, Grand ...Statin "r. . u . 5o lauwiai isuuiet 1 lay or ....,..,... 500 Mahogany Player Piano 2i 58 8350 PLAYER PIANO beautiful selection This is worth very serious consideration. If you wish to make your home a musical home, this is your chance. piano go. NEB. Aeolian Pianola Piano; use mt jes 4e-r 4