1915. AdvJr.n to the iinemnlovefh Make vour "Situation Wanted" ad. a direct and sensible message to the man for whom von ought to work. He will get the message if it impresses him, you'll get the job. The Bee extends the use of its Situation Wanted colunn Free. THE BEE: OMAHA. L - I . If- WANT ADS Want ad received Hi any time, but to tsui e proper cllflcatlon mnt be P re nte before U o clock noon for evening rimon end T.M p m. for morning and luntay coition. Want ad a received f'r iich bour will be under th. heading. Too Late to Clasalfy." CASH RATFB. ' . BftMontiva timaa. 1 cent a worn rh Insertion. , .Thro. times wthln on. week, IV ctnU I word Hrb Insert Ion. 'On. tint, I cents a word. CHARGE RATES. hm consecutive Uidm, I canU a line Jack insertion. . - iThn times within OB. wek 10 cent, a I no mcK Insertion. On tin. 11 cant. a. lln.. Count alK average wo'd to a Ho- Minimum chart:.. cent. An advertisement lnert to b run Intll duorntlnued muat b. .topped by l ritten order. . All claim for nwi muat be rnafla Mihln fifteen day after th. laat Inaar ua ( th. advertisement i To ran place your want ad la Th. Bh U'f ELKPHONH TTLER 1000. hRATHS ASD FCHERAI. NOTICES BENNETT-Olenn V., July It, 1914. aed Funeral"" Wednesday at 4 p. m. from forest Un crmetery chapel. Llnlnger lasonio lodge service No flower a. froLLSTEDT Theophlla, aged 44, July 11 . Itinera! from Hoffmann Funeral lorn. Thursday. 7 20 a. mta lrnme-u-ite Conception churdh. Twenty-fourth nd Bancroft, at a. m. Interment, arman Calhollo cemetery. BIRTHS AND DBATIII. Blrtha-aeoT. and Theraaa. RiW uhr. ai Farkar. boy: John and. Kath rtn. Bwoboda, J4l Jaokjton. tlrli W. R Lnd Ua belle Vanoe, UI MliW n- na Ahbott. .l North Twr.ty-fort. lrli Joaaf and Marl Oiu-eJ, Wl Soulh hlrty-fourth, girl; VbMor and Varonlka Huda, Routh Thirty-third. South Bide oy, Arthur G. and Hilda Hanaen, 4417 'orth Tw.nty-v.nth, Blrl; William iu. ind Lena Kelley, rf04 Flnkney, boy; larry and Birah Lataru. Tw.niy-cond treet and Kt. Mary avenua, girl; Rloh ird D. aad Martha Moi.ra. JJ lliw horne tvrnue, girt; Clauan and Oueai. loot. HM Faciflo, boy. Death WUUnm 8ayer, Tt. 115 North irwenty-alKth, Houth Hde; Ttiomal I'eter on. 4, honplUI; C?harln 8. Neher, .7, 3 North Twenty-aeventh: Adelaide Ca.v y, 81, 514 I'ecatur; Nellie Nellaen, il, 010 Soulh Thlrt.-elghth avenue: V. O. 4iren, 29, !17 Churning: Marlon Anthony, 4 Thlrtv-fourth atreet and Meredith kevnua; Roheora Courtney, 68, 1VM North Twenty-fourth. MARRIAGE) LICKMiES. Fertnlt to wed hav. been laaued to th. lollowlng: Name and Realdence. Age. Ilarry V. Peahoullua. Couprll Bluff.. V Mary IJggtaa. council niuna,.... Yllllam J. McNIchol. O'Neill Lalla Weldon, Lesington a ohn Mathlaaen. Council Bluff. g agny Oebuhr, Omaha W Eeorge I rnia, omana j Uona Marl. T.rraii, umano. ohn I Bloomer. St. Anthony, Ida M Mary A. Klly. Omaha. BflLDIJCQ PERMIT!. Th. folowtrf buUdln Pmutl hav. teen Uued: Standard OU oompany, Twenty-fourth nd Q.. Bouth Side, fining atatton, 150; A. J. jenaen. jvm aMiin iiuonnm. frame dmelllng. ti.W: A. O. Jenaen, X(4 Kouth Tlilrty-flret, frame dwelling, I2.0IO; Kv. Farnam Bttilth aV Co.. 224 North fThlrty-alxth. South Bide, frame dwelling, l.ft; W. Karnam Smith Co., li Fouth. Twenty-fir, frame dweltng, ll.aw; Sv. Karnam Smith . t'-o., i Bouth Twenty-flrat, frame dwelling, 1,)0; i. V. Loohee, 721 Bmrth Twenty-arventh, altor ailona. I2.W; Mra. B. Bamateln, j Cum ing, addition, fcfrt: 1. O. Wataon. 4M0 North Twenty-flrat, frame dwelling. 12,1. Today' Movie Programs Lantern iide for tnorw. Bend your eopy to ua W. oan re produce photo, tr will pre par your eopy. We will color eg directed. Bet Photo Dept. 103 Be Bid. Uuwalewa. GRAND, 16TH BINNBT. (THEATER BEAUTIFUL.) Horn, cf Good Plctureg. Special engagement of Petti Nanaen. th. Royal Danleh aotreaa. m Anna Kar- atiena; U parts, una night only. I'lUNCKSS. 1317-18 DOUGLAS. Th. Broken Coin. 4th and latest chapter. The Arrow Maidra, thrilling We Urn dra. APPUed Horn nee, hlabrcla. comedy. lAteal Mutual Weekly, Current Event. Nertk). 16TII AND DOUGLAS. EMPRESS, VaudevUl. and Chart a Chaplin la V A WOMAN. tOTIIROP, SiTU AND LOTUUOI. (The Moonaton. In t shown In thle city. reel. First tlm teatk. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Th. Human Chain, Kalem. Th. Romano -f an AnaMican Ducheaa, t-r. Esaanay. Mr. mm oi twtiemia. viiagraih. BtSSE, 34TH AND N. In Danger' Path. Kalem. Rra loubl, tw'j-rcl Faaanay. Thetr Flrat guarrei. Vltaxraph. Writ. MONROE. 2565 FARNAM c. audit Bmitn lu The Builder of rT!-a. o-reei rnuoerr. feature. Vaa.erllle ORPHEUM, J4TH AND N. Her Shattered Idol, a Matterplec In Also a good comedy t ANNOCXCtCMENTS Cool Offices. For HOT DAYS Ha Comfortable Yourself anl Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrom by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent' Office Kosm lof uji Y.U.C.A. out g peja, muammt. AtTO.MOIlIIXS ,M riWAhli for suy mskoeto w as. repair ( imi iid Hvirfvr, L N.la I'lMt.NtlJ.t Al io tO. 2i i. i .Kf-fi r-i'Kii ints ; laiaitis la ii, ( -aiaiitrcd as ivprewbted. ijid ised AtTOMOniLES Whenever you ara considering selling or buying a uard car and you want full value for yr ur money or you want people aho are willing to pay for what they ara getting you will have no roa, ret If you buy or advtrtlae through the uaed car rolutnn of The Fee. Phone Tyler K4. adlllao ItfOj Ford U0 Maxwell I.VW Ford 1 ltexal li Truck 11 We buy. sell and exchange THE AITO CLEARING HOTTBB. !Jo Karnam St Tel. Don 1M. ONK slx-cyllnder Oakland. One slx-cyllnder Pole, fine four-ryiinder ("ronton-Keeton. One foiir-r.ylin'ler Chalmers. I'rlcea from i0 to $1 ."Co. If. PKI.ToN. Ii". Farnam St C. KLftASSER, exiert radiator and lajnp repair. Ty. 701. 2501 Ieavenworth. Overton e for leaky radiator. 10c, dealer. Want an auto C J. Canon, fttcCague bldf. induotrial iarae . Mth A Harney flta. NKHH.AKKA liulck Fai-nam Ht. l'hon rvle Hi at Ion Imuglaa T.'l 1914 M'W Ford auto delivery bodlea of all atylea, open or rloeej, atwaya on hand. Our Price a will aava ynu money. Hea J o h naon-l'-rti forth Co.. U2-n-3 N o. loin, JTOR BAI-E Handaova 18IB Wood Kleo trio. Almoat new. Call Harney S373. WIU, aell my allghtly uaed U14 Cadlllao phaeton very renaonably. Can b. aeen at WR4 Farnm 8t. 1!04 MODEL Kord tonrlnB car. llrhtly uaed; tool, tar preftn, radiator, rover, rhnlna. for caah. ITione JmiiKiae lift IMPERIAL TOI RIVa CAR. 1914 model, eleotrli- atarler and lluhtlnfr yatem; flrat claa condition: pn'e, ry). Albert H Blliler, ?oi Karnam Pt Motorr t'lra. 1W4 EXCF.!.SI(R motorcycl. cheap. Webter 47:5. 41u7 N. 2th St. CrSIXF.88 CIIANCE9 If your Bualneaa chance will atand tliild Inveatlgatlon and I Jut what It la advertieed, or If you are looking to .tart In bualneea for youraelf you will be per fectly aatlafled If vou tiae th Bualnea t hane column of The Be.. When buy ing or elllnc a bualneaa phone Tyler 1000. "1T FOR HALE, only variety tore. live vy live town, nig Dumnee. rTice, a?iin iiu u. ii a IV. Bloux City. flONH, ahow card, Clark A Son. D. 1371. BY OWNER, rement block factory with plenty of eand and gravel, doing good t'iia'ncn. Add. Box M7, Coon Hanld. lw FOR HAI.E tR LEASE My hoarding houee of 20 room, modern In every way, located rloae In to the Burlington depot at C'eaper, Wyoming, a dlvlalon point on the Burlington and Northwestern line. Call or write, 444 North Beech Bt., Caaper, ynmmiy, TO OET In or out of bualneaa call on OANOSTAD. 4X2 Bee Bldg. Doug. IMT7. Fdlt BAI.Il or trade. Htrh'tly modern 24-rootn hotel with furniture. In proa peroii Nehraaka town. Only hotel In town. Alao have 677 acre land. T (10, Be.. HEAL, eatate Bualneaa Jlacea aupplled of handled: all atatea. F. V. Knlaat Omaha. THEATEKH Buy, leaae or aell your the ater, machine and auppllea through Theater Exchange Co., 14i4 Farnam UL DouHlaa 1807. WHAT hav. you to trade for eligible Denver Income? Colo, or Mo. farm owner. Addreea F 704. Bee. OWNKRH-Uet your prorty with W. W. William. MO Neville Blk. D. 4407. W FOR SALE: Ex duel ve grocery good Iowa town; annual ale oj. f.wk ii Ada nu urmv SIOtTX C1TT. TO BE LI, or buy a bualneaa, call on Buach Borgholf. Frenxer Blk. Tt. Ut. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Div School. Klrht School, eomolata bualneaa course, complete ahorthand or vtenotyp. couiae, complete telvgrapny course, civil evrvlee branche and Eng- nsn. Htuaonta admitted at any tlra Writ, rhon or call for 1 HIS ratalogua, lJIL,r;t1 CM tlA i r.l t to, II. B. BOTLES. Prealdent. Tel. P. IN. Hoylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR aale. the following icholarahlpa In a lint oiaai umaiia Bualnea. Collage: One unlimited combination bualneaa and snort nand oourae. One unlimited atenographlo coura.. On three months' bualneaa or atano arauhlo courae. Will be aold at a discount at th. offlo. or Tb. Omaha Bee. VOH HALE FOR SALE Her I a classification that I of th utmoat Importance to vry rmuer, mm inn vuiunm oner IDIM XOp- uonai opporiunitie. every aay and a mall want ad will aall your article at It iuii vaiue. i notie tyier uui, araltare, Hoaaehold t.uodi. Beta. ,"IWI Farnam et. D. UK WAHIM1N8 IN FURNITURE AND IIABimAKE. !;( N. MTll. WKn. 1UT. H.reoa aad Veatleiea. )i0 buy a well broke, neck rrln aaddle norae. gl llarrlaon St. Phone Ho. i2t. GOOD buggy and harness for sal. In quire u uoagm. x-non. iHjugiaa xuu. Maltal lastraBata. lightly uaed high grade piano. D. 1011 TCREOTTPIU metric make' th. best aad cheapest lining for poultry houaea They ar. l.xl inches, stronger aud mora durable than tarred felt and practically iirvprooi, toe a nuntirea as i n. 9m omoa Binall wheat. 100 lb. If K. Wagner, Ml N. 11 Tatvrlteraw TYPEWHITIlRS .old. rented, repaired Central Typewriter Kio. ua Hanian. MONARCH No. I: bargain. 23a t Bldg. MleeellaaeoawB. FOH RALU-Naw and second-hand and pocket billiard table, and bowling alley, and aocaseurie; bar nature, of aU ktoda; easy payment. Th. atruaswlc balke-Collwndar to.. 40?- aV IJth Dl. TMtt COMIC song hit, "Mama'a th. Man at Our House. sample free, roeiaae. Jr." g Vupily Co., 7j0 Kelly ft.. Fortiand. BIG sale on trunka, baga and suite Friedman, ll'll Iougla 81.- 3.20 S Golden West Whlakoy, 4 fuU rt Dotiiea in uona. pre paid, caraiey Kroa. cmaha CM. Columbia, 4-aprUig graiuphoii for ale; ran be bought chrap l( bought petur Monday, sua corny fl! TOO 1-3. hovel, pick, laoka.rew. win dow glass. I carpsnter bncliee II each; is match luachluoa sue each. 1 hot water boiler complete. j0; combination electn. fixtures S6o each; Iron beds ooiuplete. U; good horse, Uii Larue a, fit); good press waguo. (.. J. C. 1 811. Tel. Harney ! mt a. list Ave. MOToHtTCUli: epeedoiiieter, ntake, Cor- bin lirown. kit of too la. leg ahlelds, gogglea. one International harveater 11 1. engine. Adores . C. 12)1, bee. New KU-haiid motor, dyoaiuua. magnetos, tc. m'hnlcal reuMlra. la iiroa Iljb.' I tr vv orxa.lix-jo B. Uih Bt. HELP WANTED FKMAI.E Clerical aad Office. HOOKKKKPF.R and CARRIER, aalai AduIv at onoe. 131-X W.wwl n. . . I vvorm. "l-f-KT KTKMKJHAI'HtH, QOOD l-HjKKtUl'LJt, OOOU 1U XXrKllTlVE IIKFERFINCB CO KMft-l IfV NATIONAL H AX K Bl.laTl HUUKkKl'.'hll :....ib&. HKiKKHChH AND BTKNO V ) r - -imv r.i- rivtt AM) TVFIHT fci l"-' AN" AOK.N'CY. IMl HfcB Itl.lM) (TfcN(i. and I'u-t. Opr I i-iriiographer lj ".no r-ri co. KlS--U x!(and.. Tb. MOVIES A FEATURES Tf TODAY r QnAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. Anna Karenena. parte, featuring Bottle Naneen. a Royal Dnlah actreea. MONROK. 2BS5 FARNAM. C. Aubry f.mlth In The Builder of Brldarea, i-rel Bhiihert f-eture. ORPilELM, 24TH AND N. Her Shattered Idol, a maater-ptctur. h lour reeia. IIKLP WANTED FEIALR Aareate 4 Kaleawamea. WANTKT-Oood aaleawoman for dnif doiiartment; muat know perfume and toilet art"lei; referenoea. Adurea. A Hi, care Oiiiaha Ree. WANTKUTwo yount ladlea. II to , to call on bualnea men. Halary 111 a week. Mra. W. J. t urtla. Nevlll. Hotel. WANTEI kod aaleawoman for dru dept.. muat know perfume and toiiet art Idea. Reference. Addreea A TO, care Omaha Baa. Factory Tr.ea. OIRI to learn halrdreaaln;. OrP"nhelm. ll 1 . a h w mmA llnmelita. tAe Pervant Olrl Trohlem Hotvad. Th. Hea mill run a Servant Olrl wanted o FREE until vou t tin dealred raault. Thl appllea to realdenta of Omaha. Houth Omaha and Council Bluff. Bring ad to he Bee office or telephone Tyr 10i). WANTED A competent girl for general houeeork. good home, beat wage, t lna m liy. S30 H .Soth Ave. WANTEK A good girl or mlddl ael woman for general houa. work; DO ob jection to good colored: no oooklngi prl- ate family. J12J Caaa St. WANTED Oood girl for real light houae- work; good horn to a deaernng gin; th. very heat of treatment. Teiephoo. Harney 4?W or Harney WANTED Experienced girl for general nouaeworK; two in family; good Mm to right party. Phono V abater . UlUI wanted fot general housework. mall ptivatn family, lftn Capitol Ave. GOOD, sturdy girl for general house work. 1020 8. 85th Ave., Fhon. Harney SOI WANTP;l Olrl for general housework; Herman preferred. Walnut 4. WANTEI) Woman for general home work: small famllv: modern houaA. ten niocK nortu or Krug parx, vn p.vi road; no objection to woman with amall lxy. Fhono Hcnaon Ml-J. Allacellaiie'oae, TOTTNO womsn coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit tne Young Women'a Christian aaaoolntlon building at Kt Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to aultabl. boarding place er otherwise aaalated. Look for our traveiera' guMe at tTnlon elation. WANTRD Middle aged woman to wait on bed ridden woman, no housework out- Bide woman room; rooking, etc.. don. by othcra; If woman ha son or huabejid who understand farm work can glv. him employment. Addrea. O. A. Clajr- ooi, jearney, rseo. DBLP WANTED MALE Clerical and Off.. FOOKKEKPF.R and Cashier W0.00 Hteno and Collector IAO.00 fflc. Clerk, good penman 170 no AJUrilNKJ MEN'S RKFKRENCB ABSN Uls-iw Woodmen of World. WANTED AT ONCE OFFICE! CLBHtKl muvt he good Denman and mnk ,,(.m1. lent figure. W will pay ) to 170 to th. right man. Adrca M bee. HUl'AKU I'aiS IN RLHIARB imi.ld ' We find a position that flta von. CO-01'KRATI H Rk-FERKNCIC Oft 101f.-Hl CITY NATIONAL BANK BLIX1. SALESMAN Nb. ter. Muat glv. bond. bteno 170) Billing tm a boy, good future a Ref. Co., KW-40-42 Brandele Thea. Offlc. Watt H KiH-QHA I E commercial Doaltl oaitlona. WEST REFERENCE A BOND ABSN. ' REFERENCt 761 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. NEW location. 640 Paxton Blk. W. hav. several poaltlona open. Roger Ref. Co. Ageata, galea ad tolleltar. CITY SALESMAN-EsUbllahed trade. ataple line: I'.O salary. Annlv at onoav 13:-sj Woodmen of World Bldg. Very bearable 8pac for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor aerYlca frag. Cheap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. Supertnt.ndent'g Office. Room 101. WANTED Twenty aainamen for Otnaba and vicinity; 16 per dity and un. One ugeiits averayed 1.U per hour profit her. mi wee, nve proor. Kxparieno. un nereaaary. Intarvtew Mr. Young, 631 H. t4th ft.. T to I evenings only. KAl.KSMr.N of energy and tao( to aell aavertietng wirvices or rew York houee; permanent; If ngage't on. of pur field men will icll In your preaenc. and In itru t you. Commlaalon bast. only. N. advance aeeker need apply. Address L-7i. Hb HK1II vraAi. men wanted to pceeent proixialllon to better ola of retailers; none but high grade men need apply. Addreea, S-ill, Bea. EXPERIENCED Mllcltor wanted for tea and cof to. Call between and 1L Union Paclflo Tea Co. WE bava a good pla for a live lusur a no man. Mutual Benefit Health A Ac. cldxit Awn, 4J City Nat. Bank Bldg. STOCK BALKHMKN Ton corporation toek aaleamen. Muat haw aund nnird and sitow that they ran produo. reault. our proiouion I clean cut and barked by the chamber of Commerce. Largo u- u to aell. Wlil mak. vary lavoral'l con tract a with men who ran ouailfv. A A. drea Manager of lialeai 111 Hl:n Bldg . 1V Molnea, la. Psalorf atatal 1 raaea. Drug tor nps; job. Knelat. Be. Bldg. Free Tuition for a ahort tlm. WESTERN BARBER COIJ.ro K. 114 Dod 8t WK need men; bad to turn dowa twe Kb per week lateJy. Uet In. Leant by our method. Oot one of thea. Job. Catalogue D. B. tree. Nebraska Auto n.tbilo Hrhool. HIT Hodge 81 A ANTEl Man for furniture stock room. on who unaoroiaoaa aetting up fur nitur. and getting out order. Hefer- rnce. Adtlivaa M 70. car Omaha Be. pvaitlon Nowf Op. AMERICAN AUTO Fna Catalogue. COLLEOB OMAHA, N EB. F: Farnam t , MOLEU BAR HER COLLEGE Special summer rate Catalogue Oraalia. maiied free. 110 aio. I4tb 81, UiARN BAHBEIt TRXhi: Wage paid Tool given. Positions giiaraiiired. Call or writ for Information. Tri-c'lty Culleg. lli Douglas Oinha. B4 leeellaHewaa. MEN wanted: govornment toka: tDO per month. CJiuab examliiatlona Bvpt. IS. Sample quonloni fie. Kri nklln Inatl lute m-il r.'l F. Ho,hclrr. N. Y. WAN! l-.D 10.4) mn lg eat l.aiu and ete. be toltr Jubu. Htn and Cap tul HELP WANTED MAIM M lacellaaeaae. WANTED Man to go on the road In the tale of Iowa. Muat he a live wire with good ri'erenea Applv Hluff Cltv Olas and Mirror Worka, OMinl Hluff. la. rt'A NTFJD- Name of yourg men want ing co be Hallway Mall Clrika. 175 nonth. Anawer Immediately. Y. eM, Bee. WANTKI f hyali Ian reltcred In Iowa, a good "caae takjt ' and one fnmlllxr Ith X-fty, high frequency, electmlyjl and electrical treatment. Address, Y Pee COOK wanted for cafe. Addre Box r. Walthlll. Neb. BITfATIONs WANTED FFRFKCT washing. expert Ironing. Wehater 4OT POSITION wanted by truatworthy and energi'tlc voting man. Heat of refer- encea furnlehed and not afraid of work. Fbnne Dnuglaa 4f'.l. SITUATION wanted by experienced middle-aged woman as housekeeper. Ad drees M. W,. Iiee. OOOD man want position taking care of an apartment houee or flat: can furnish the beat of reference. Call Webter 710. 114 N. 17th Bt. KKePtXTAHLB lady would like houae work position: can cook well. AddreJ J-TOfl, Bee I.ADY wnia dny work. Call Web. 6434 UNOTYPI8T eek employment; appli cant temperate, steady, reliable; etate particular In first. 1 O, 2'l 7 Leaven worth Hi. COLORED lady want Bee. place as cook. Addrees K-7C7, YOl'NO msn want position: Call Walnut 4X1. anything. UUNii man would like to exchange ervloea for to learn butcher trade; has good experience from old country. Call Douglas 762 and ask for Joe. WANTED Position In meat market by young man with a family who know th. meat bualnea; no booser; willing to show what b. can do: want atsady em ployment. Addreea L. ear. D. A. Oood rioh. Belle-rue, Nel fcX.lJh.KLV lady dealrea place, care of onlldren or horn. Addreea P 694, Hee. WANTED Position by colored lady. doing housework or cooking. Call U. m-9. Al PA NTH MAK.BR want ponltlon; cut. make, treen. all making only; good work. Harney 4714. 112 8. 14th St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Bobolink bracelet, linked together, 11 links. Return to Hee offlc. for re ward. OMAHA COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraon having lost om. article would do well to call up th. offlc. of th. Omaha 4 Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th. atreet cara. Many article each day ar. turned In and th. oompany la anxlou to reatora them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. Loat or Found ad in Omaha Loat and Found medium mean th immediate re turn of that article If advertised In Tb. Bee, th. Lost and Found paper. LOST Oold automobile watch fob. En graved on back L. O. Thompson, He turn Henshaw hotel. Reward. LOST Leather puree containing bill. Liberal reward, and phone South hK9. iS FONTENELLB Park or on street car. r)1d pin. Inscribed P. C. of H., Degree Honor. Reward. Phone Benson liW. Lost Cameo pin betwen 14th and Har ney and S4th and Leavenworth. Return to XH City National Bank Bldg. Liberal reward. $5 HBWAICD illue Waverly bicycle, now tire, and back wheel, taken from Saun ders school Thursday, June IS. If re turned to 1&30 Douglas St In good order no question asked. PERSOW.vL TOUNO women coming to Omaha a. stranger ar. Invited to vialt the Young Women' Chrlatlan association building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary's Ave., w lie re they will b. directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial horn, so licit your old doming, furniture, niaga- xtnee. We collect. W. distribute. Phon. Douglas 413K and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom., lUO-illi- 1114 Dodge Kt ffapORTANT- Wherea ooute of Thoma Edward Collin: other paper plea. copy. Addreaa hi slater. Marguerite Lew la, Altoona, la. BABY bov for adoption, I month old. Addreea 8. Kt7. Bee GORDON, th. Magaxlna Man. Pbone Dotutlaa TltSv BWAPPKR8' OOLtTMN Wanted to Swan. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get sometning you really need It coats you nothing to join th. Swapper' Club, and you will find It lot of fun swapping thing. Writ. Room 104, Bee mag., or pnone i yi.r hiw. AUTOMOBILES For other aut.omol.ll bargain tea th. "Automobile'' classifi cation. CUFFS, UOLO. DAQOER, ETC. Hand cuffs, on. bo to (relic), thro dagger. Ivory handl. dagger, complete rainproof auit and hat. What hav. you? Addreaa 8. C. 1196. Bee CANDY OUTFIT Road candy outfit Hamburger counter complete. Knife, spindle. What hav. youT Addrea. 8. C. lt. Be.. FIRST-CLASS 4-room maaaage parlor, beat dvwn-town location In city; doing good bualneaa; ateam heat, elevator erv foe; will take lot or diamond. Addraaa S. C. 11M. Be. DIAMOND atlck pin to trada for ahotgun. Address 8. C. lUO. Bee. DIAMONIk-Tiffany diamond ring, valued at H6. Will swap for motorcycle, or what have youT Addreaa 8. C. 1UJ. Be. HAKLEY-DAVIDMON motorcycle, 111 model, iugl. cylinder, 4 horsepower machine. In A-l condition; will swap for diamond or anything 1 can us. Address o C. 11M. Bee. HAVE a new standard piano. Will ex change for a lata model Ford. Address . C. 119, Bee. HAVE pen of atx blark Minorca, prlat winning stork, value 1. Wha t hav. youT Aildres 8. C. 1191, Bee office. FIRST CLA8S painter luat finished spring work, will tk grocerlea. dental work or tailor made ciothe In exchange (or painting. Adore 8. C. ia4. Bee. MATCH MAI 11 1 N EM Five match ma- chine, all placed; 1 76-foot aeina. two Jointed fish pole and reel, one Jeweler a bench with Purr. Aiareae 8. C. UX)1, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Motorcycle pump, tall light on emery wheel, three pair Ice skaiea. one fish pear, on door check, on. auto Klaxon. v hat hav. your Ad drese 8. C. liwt. Be. PIANO Uood upright piano to ap for cement work, carpenter work or painting and paperhanglng. 8.C. 11K. Bee. PI ANt .Manufactured by Booth Broa. almost new, first-class condition: prefer diamond or lot. Addiese 8. ('. I1S9, Br REVOLVERS, ETC. Now Butter cup cutters. io auio sine lamps, one 11. R. U revolver, on. flash light, on. tent lop, ax Hi. nie near iroin you. Ad Rl-'FHlciKK-l' lt In good condition, valvie about 110. What hav. vou to traoe Aiioreaa n. c. uu. itee. aEWlNO MAC II INK Singer; goo4 com'.l tlon; drop-head. Will exchange. What have you 7 Aijra c-. lim. u. SMITH-PREMIER NO. 4. Address 8. C. Hal. Be. Want offer. SHOT Gl.'N-Colt a. It la Coat I1J6. W ill awap for cheaper gun or diamond. This fun is in un. nmaiiiun. Aaares 0. c. Irt, Be. TRAP dremmers outfit. Leedy Xylo phone. als Taylor d-um imnk. Thia lit 1 H Is In flrat rlaaa condition. Wtiat av yoa to trade? Addrrsa 8. C. 1M. 8WAPPEIW COLUMN TfOIJI. shovrla, plrka Jackairewa. win dow glaea. combination gis and electrlo flxturca. Mr; I Iron b-d complete. II; fine hand-made expreaa wagon and harneaa, good horae. HO for co'iiplc'e outfit turn new electric pianos, l?50 each; or will trade all the above for one up-to-date touring i ar and a Muht truck. For fur ther Information addrees S. C. 1197, care Omaha Bee. I'NDKRWtMiD TYI'BWRITEM, with perfect allxnmcnt; lolillng typeTlter rteak, with three draviers, large, comfort able Btenographer'a chair; wa.nut haili rM or cupboard; student' an.a 1 deak; law student text booka Will trade for dlsmond, blnoculsr field glaaa, ahoLgun or portable typewriter, or nnythlng I can use. Addreea fl. C12l lice. VIOljN, OLTS'S, ETC. Chuch-a-lAick cloth, 11 ft. long; genuine Ptradlvarlus Tlolln, Winchester and Remington pump guns, with iuather tin Addreea 8. C lJ0,Bee. WANT to swap Victor record for oth er; alho a nuner of 10c records; oil In good shape. Addreea H. C. l.ttt. le. Wt.'I'LIi exchange 110-pound. almost new refrlgi-rator for roller top deek or Underwood typewriter. Addrca B. C. II no, Hee. WILL trade a clasey looking raceahout for a fore-door five or even-paaaenger car. Addrea 8. C. 1204, Bee. Ton RENT Apartment aad Flata. The For Rent advertisement appearing Iti th. For Rent column of The Hee dally cannot be beat for variety that will tlenae and fill the needa of any on. de rlrtnr t" reit. Phone Tyler Iftoo. Apartmenta, modern, cool, clean, close I n , $18 and upward. O. P. Ptehblna. VKRY oholre 4 or 5-room, eteam heated apartment on Weat Farnam St. JOHN W. ROB BINS. 1WI FARNAM ST. Angelu Apt., I nd 4-room pt. H. Wi4.- 6-ROOM apartment, fit. Oeorgw, Ul N. list Are, Phono. Tyler MM; evening, Web. 174. S20R NICHOLAS 4-r. flat. atel rang. ga. atove, kitohan cabinet, water paid, til. . N. t4th, -r. flat, mod. ex. beat, tl&SO. RASP BROS., Douglas) 10. Board mmm Howms. Fitrnlahed Rooms that offer .vary mod ern convenlenoo and comfort In private famllle. jr boarding house, of th. high eat clam will bet be found in th. Fur niched Rooma column of Tb. Bee. Phon Tyler 140. 2 IARJE southeast room, with or with out hoard. Call Hamey bKAUTlFUL room, with two exception ally large closet. In a Weat Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Hamey 411. If you do net ee anything"' that suit you In th. way of FurnUhed Room, you can call at Room 104 Bee Bids., and " for the Flee Furnished Room bureau and we will gladly refer vou to a high claaa rooming or boarding house In any part of the city. Housekeeping; koomi, 17 NEWLY furnished, nice neighborhood; reaaonabl. rent 800 N. 2ith St. Har ney J21. 2Ju FARNAM, nice, clean, modern house keeping and aleeping rooma, reasonable. Karnlahed Hwaeehiwaiiis; Booaaa. 423 DODO B Modern light housekeeping; reaaonabl. lloaaea Cottagrea. North. ALL modern 4-room tiouee, on car Una, In Florence, largo yard. Florence SOS. 100 Main St. T-R., .11 modern, Heinle Park. H. 2049. homth. For Rent South half of double brlok bouae 7 room, 4 bedroom, all modern, at 1511 South 29th St. near Park school, on. block east of Hanacom park. Tel. Harney Uuft, EASY to keep house on on. floor; 1611 Park Ave.; a beautiful home, 4 rooms, laundry, pantry, eto. ; strictly modern; ga stove; facing Hanacom Park, U0. Rare chance. Woal. ALL MODERN g-room houe, !eplnij porch. S6T5 Ijeuvenworth. Hamey 2991. Miscellaneous. ALL lxe. IS per month up. 607 Paxton. Globe Van & Storage Btnre. move, pack, ahlp; S-hore van nd I men. 11 per hr.: atoraa. 13 per ir.o. Batlafactlon guar. D. 4.13S A Ty. iJO. FIDELITY iUntal FRKE Mkm rtoua-laa 2SS for comDlete list of vacant houaea and apartments; also for storage, moving. 14th and Jackson Bta. 6KR the Central Furniture Biorea. FREE RENTAL LIBT. ITrmcAU Crlgh Bon A Co., Be Bldg. lo all I part of th city. Gordon Van Co. Moving. Parsing, htoiage. Ml N, Ilth Bt Tel. D sM or Web. 1SSI l.l. rt PPfl packing i. moving, f lacking A Storage 107 Farnam. D. M44. - - Maggard's Van and rito.aae Co. Call us for es timates for mov ing, Packing, shipping. 17U WbUr St DcugU 14M. Stores anal Offlee. Office on 17th St Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. I'rlvat. ntfic Wultrng Room 180 Sq. Ft. tl8.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stain Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Offlc. Room 101. WANTED TO HTJ HAMtlJ-4 au-incn tliiuer a aouaring hear in good coiulitlin. casn deaL 1. lla.ui, uuniap, 1. Tal buy everything in. I band. Web. 4jo4 OFFF1CE furniture bought and aolj. C. Keed. 11 Farnam. Ioug. alet WANTED TO BORROW I i'AN ofl'or you collateral a gHd a a farm mortgage on a kan of tl.iuft for on. year at I pr cent net; no commis sion. Addreaa, E 49, Be. REAL ESTATE FARM at HC1I LANDS FOR S4.I.M C alllurala. Live Oak Colonic none better. W. T. emilb. Co.. U-lt City Nat Bk. P. Ready Reference Directory Tlie following firms offer will pleafe the most critical: A nTR ACTS OF TITLE. RFED ABSTRACT CO. oldeat abstract ofrir In Nebraska. ?0X Brandeta The, AMATKIR KiaiSHlUQ. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Crft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg lept. D. ARCIIIT1CCTS. Everett B Todda, n7paxton Blk. P. ft. ARTIFICIAL BTONn SIDEWALKS. PIDTrWALKS. drive, floor, walls, step. coplnga: anvthlng In guaranteed con Crete tr , ice t t . . . , 6W) Pon. D SSIS. O R Or.nt Mer W.aooa ATTRACTIONS, FRKSHMRNTS. WRITE HANSOOM Pk" ATTORNEYS. C. T. DIMnaon. Kit Paxton Blk. D. JS04. AlCTIUKBEKI. Dowd Auction Co., U16-14 W. O. W. R. J2S5. Nafl Pale Auction Co.. IS27 W. O. W. AUTO IXIIRANCB, AFSMr?0Ru INSURANCE AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. Vm Far. D m. BAKERIES, Z. H. REEDER. ivm n ttth- Web, swt BLUB PRINTING. IIORNBT BLUB PRINT CO n w NaUonal Bank Bldg Omaha BRASS AUD IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell CoTtTth and Martha Sta CAHPK.VTKRt AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVEN8QN. la 8. 230. Douglas 6610. Lea sard A Bon. 1904 Cap. Av.. T. 181 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'AVTS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. I Balrd Bldg. D. S441. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Burford, 62IJ Pax. Blk. Bad iRgJ. CLEAN feet AND DYERS. CONCRETE lONMTatUCTlON; CU.'S Western representative of VELVETILB UiMl'llKI l flo..rlim. 1NVI.HTI. OATE Ml-13 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1671 COSTUME AND LODUU SUPl'LiUkS. MFO. of lodg. reualia and costumes. Theo. Lleben A Sou, 1614 Howard. D. 4114. DANC1NU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. O. 1STL Summer rates now at Maokle's; private lessons oaliy. W16 Harney. Doug. 644. DttaiM AavlN is. Terry Dreasmak'g college, 8th A Farnam. Uikiti aJ1 CLslAAslUI. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 130 N. Uth. D. 60T1 Dafi'l'alCTlVfeiS. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Nevlll. Block. Evl- denco rocurta in an cases. yr iw. USmA 119 4.. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes. TH City Nat. Bank. Taf. Dental Rooms, U17 Douglas. P. 2144. URlul. DRUGS at eut price; freight paid on , $! order; catalogue I roe. nwrnim - Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neo. ULKCTKIO PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 11 N. Uth. Terms. ELECTRIC MOTOR RKPAIHI.NU. CA H I I.L ELECTRIC CO. Bee Bldg D.4874 kLkbikuliltli. Uloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red Kfi. KVUUVTUINU rOK WOMsilK. ACCORDION, aide. knlf.. unburjU box Die Aims covorfu wwiwj, - atylea; Pleating co. BW 4UuUIia Dtvu ev MM NEW TORK aample .tore. Mu.t yaoata. building comma . raaaea aacriticeJ. h N. loth at. FUR" At us ami Tinwoaa. H ABERSTROH, 4024 Hamilton. Wal. OTL FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. I Farnam 8l D. KM. U HENDERSON. 1M Farnam. D. U Meml-er Florlt Telegraph D.L A, a HK88 gWOBODA. 14U Farnam 8L A. tvJ Ar.HUE. 1471 Harney. Doug. 1001. (iHOCKRIUS. Ji'I.irB NEWMAN. 1437 Park Ave. Har. J ik I Dellverle. In liansootn Park dl.trlct. MAT tminLNU. Panama, cleaned. D. Elsele, U City Nat PANAM AS cleaned and blocked. 1830 Her. "UOLU AM alLVaUR PLATIt. WE replete everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1230 Harney Bt. Eat. 1HS. It S3. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE Oooeral Office. PHOa-'U WEBSTER MIS. Ilth and Manderson Sta. JUSTICES OK 111 PBAtaS. H. H. CLAIBORNE, ill Paxton rug. . 70L notary pud., aawiuvu w... C. W. BR1TT. SOI Baker block. V. C. HABCALU 420 Paxton Blk. P. 110. LIVE; IIUtK COMMlkSIOM. MARTIN CROW. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. Llbii'llM SiAIUstava, VlUlJta. ni TT?Tv 1 N Thomas. Dougls. !. 40l.ti Pit! t Ha MAClllAKS. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and flint bargain. MoTOHL"V tLKI. HARLET-DA VIDPON MOTORCTCT.F.8. Bargain In used machine. Victor Root, The Moton ycle Man." ?;a teavfcwworth. OIL Bl'R-NEHS. IF YOIT don't wont to shovel any mora coal, put a Blevert or a Jol.naun A l-ee ""Hi Burner In your furnace. N11QKASKA OIU AND Kl RNACS CO, 1UI Clly Nat Bank Bldg . Omaha. Neb. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 414 Be. Bid. 04JI LISTS. Fyee examined. gl..e fitted, pay . yoa can Dra McCai ty. UU W. O. W. Bldg quality and' expert service that rLATHO. t. K77. Arm Plating Co . Ill 8. 16th Pt.-it PAIMllNU AMD PAPERINU. HUGH M'MANIT8, 417 V. 40th. H. 67?SL FATE.TI. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TL Red TUT. A. Pturre. t? Brr.ndels Theater Bldg. H. POSITIONS WANTED. PEE T'S for for a Pteno. or bookkeeper. Free aerl"e. Co-Op. Ref. Co., Doug. 4ml. rulMlnli. WATFRS-FAP.NHART Pt. Co.. quality printing. TcL Icug. ilW). 424 8. 14th 8t CENTRAL PRINTING CC. DOUG. S754, DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 444. Ralph Printing Co., al 8. Wh. Doug. 1744, RLUBAGU COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUHBAGE CO. This la th man to call If you have any ashes or tin can to haul. Phon Web. 5819. SAfr'B An B TIME) bvCK iHAPKaiTS. rt A TTfl Opei Opened, repaired, comb. Oir changed. V. E. Daven- cnanped r . E. Daven port, lcal Dodge. D. 1WL ' rinn SCALhl AtEPAlHIMU. Om. Standard cal. Co.. CU 8, Wth. D.Wlt SCHivUN DOOHS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 41 HOB HUPAIH1KO. FRIEDMAN EJtOa. .hoe repair. All B, 14. HaVley Bhoe Rgp'r Co.. WT4 Farn'm. R.I444 SBWIMU MACHINES. TIT.-, rent .repair. Mil needles and pxti YY C all sewing machines. "MICKEL'S." NEBRASKA CYCLE 00. 1 1661 mh and Harney. Doug. ITEKii CUIAUNUS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, no B. 14. VOHBl AMU UFrlCis KUTUHsH.' l'O W SliPPLlKS. OMAHA Towel Supply. Kff B. 11th. TK la, lAiLuaa, CHAB. C. LANDERTOU. J08 N. 15th Bt TUINKI AAD SUITCASES. FRELINQ tk BTEINLB. W4 Farnam St. TIPISWUUtHI 'OK HUNT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, lev Farnam. Butt Typewriter Exchange, 111 a Uth SU Ail make, for sal, or rent. RENT a "Remington," not Just a type writer, low rent. Oall Douglas lii4. WATCA1 SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. d f. Paxton Bay, yr. exp. WtBDlAU STAXIOMISBY. Wedding aimounoament. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINES AMD a,i4UORh. ALEX JETTDS, jm-s B. I8th St. Wlnea. liquor, cigar plat, dinner. 11 to 4, 10c BENRT POtiOCK LIQUOR HQTJSEV 14th and Capitol At Ten-oent lunoh. MEDIOAIi PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. IC Tarry cure, piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial.. DR. IE. K. TAKRX. MO Be Bldg. RUPTURE curedTn few dayg without pain. Call or writ. Dr. Wray, 304 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Eatabliahed lXfi. o RHEUMATISM treated auccesaf ully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowaer, 414 Bea Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Iowa, have tou A Farm for balet Write a good deecrlptlon of your land end aend It to the Kloux City, la., Journal, "Iowa. Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-flv word every Friday evening, Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening and Sunday morning or one month, giving alxteen ala oa waive different days fof 2; or w wards, 14: or 74 words. K, Largt circulation of any Iowa news paper, i0,0u4 reader daily In four 41 tat HUansia. 240 ACRES 46 miles from Minneapolis, one mil. from towm 160 acre under cultivation: balance used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated: huvv sol); good set buildings, consisting of 4- room bouse, large barn, arranarv. corn cribs, windmills, etc.; the land will pro duce 40 bushels of corn per acre; tale- pnone in nouse; country thickly settled ; complete sot of machinery: 17 head of stock, constating of 11 cowfl. balance 1 and I year old; alx good horses; 25 hogs; cnicaene; one-hair of thla vear a croD and everything on farm goo at 150 per acre; nair tun. benwao tiroa., W-H fiymouui Bldg.. MlnneaDollH, Minn. Nrliraaks, A PHETLPS COUNTT BARGAIN On section, all grass land, 11 mile, from Kearney, 11 miles from Funk. Phelps county. Neb., XO acres smooth land ready for (he breaking plow, and is th very beet land for corn, wheat and alfalfa. Balance good hay and paatur. land. Fenced and crosa fenced, well and wind mill. 1! feet to water. Price IS per acre, reasonable terms. A Nelson, Box . Holdrfge, Neb. W yonulMg. LOT Have a lot in Caaper, Wyoming; none but Omaha buyers In thl. addi tion; will trad tor I'nderwood type writer, new or In flral-claaa condition, or what have you? Address t O lis Bee. Mlehlgasu Good Farm Lands In the Swlgart Tract of western Michi gan's clover and fruit belt. These are new land, well adapted for general farming, stock, dairying, poultry and fruits. Ill to M per acre and a large selection of choice lands at I is to l-'u. Terms, 10 t gVi down and to to 111) a month (an 4i acres, or annual payment Near town schools, rallmad and market. Uood road and iuick trunxportatlon by boat or rail to Chicago. lx trult. Orand Rapid. Write for 73-i'Bge tok and map free. Join our excursion Tuesday. July 30, leaving my Chicago office, at 11 a. m. Entire exense from Chicago and return, including railroad fare, board, berth, etc., VSbO. George W. Swigart OWNER. G-HS0 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Chlcago.- i'AVTICTTn fiKI D i C Er TO IJ V k 1 v " v.f. COLUMN ONE.)