BRIEF CITY NEWS ''sT.T. hM Trtm t Now Bmcm Ptmi Sleotrle fan, VT.SO. Burssfts-Orsndsn. , Patue tasaraaoe ASJurtsr Qsorss Bchrosdsr. sue. Ware Hock. Ksd . Tansy's Won rw' 'classified ssction looar. and appears In Tha Baa KXCLUflVKl.T. Find out what tka various mrnrtna; plcturt thatera offsr. Ssspital Bscslpts Superintendent 'Jus;el of the dersrtment of pllc and sanitation reported receipts of the Emer- arenejr hospital on Douglas street were l.WS.SS for April. May and Juno JTsw Far Torsraaa John l.ynn, format employe, of the South Omaha park department, confirmed 1 the icttjr council aa foreman In tho South Side park service, at M.fW a year. j Tot Keparlng- Allay The city council authorised setting Hldn tUi.Kt aa the 'eltya chare of the expense of repaying jtha alley between Parnam and !cuglae streets. Seventeenth to I'ltrhteeith. , To Await Grand Jury Harney Kern- merlin waived hearing before fnlted jftates Commiasloner Oaniel Monday and waa aent to Fremont to await the October 'eaalon of the grand jury. Hla bond waa made $1,000. Kemmerlln la charged with having thirty-five grain of morph'ne In hla possession without having pa!d the federal tax. Govs to Elks' CoBTantlon Mr. and 'Wrs. W. I. Klrrstead, who have been visiting the Panama fair for the last 'week, have moved so'Jtli to l.os Angeles. 'Mr. Kioratead writes that he wouiJ travel 'until hla feet got tired and would then i chango hla ahoes and i-tart out again. He will attend the lilks' convention at Los Angelea. He saya he la able to get The Bee, every day. And.rsoa with the lCUwioJts V. R Anderson, former l.'nlon Paclflo auditor of trelght accounts, retired on pension one year wo, haa gone to Chicago where 'ho hu accepted a position In the general : freight offices of the Milwaukee road. 'He goeo Into the freight auditing depart jment aa a clerk, but It Is expected that he will become the head of one of th .bureaus. His employment starts with July IS. Cannot Force the Reprinting of the f Telephone Book The Chicago Laundry company's peti tion for a writ of mandamus to compel the Nebraska Telephone company to re I Issue the June directory or place plain tiff's name on an addenda slip In each I book because the name of the laundry had beon Inadvertently omitted from It (was denied in district court. The court held that thla would work too great a jhardshlp on the defendant company and Instructed the plaintiff that Ita remedy i lies in a suit for damages. The plaintiff : will wait until the four months during j which this book is current have expired In order to calculate the damages to (which it ha been subjected by reason of the omission. Nebraska BRYAN MEN SEEM TO HAYETHE LEAD Choice of A. S. Tibbet for Tem porary Potmaiter Throws Big Scare. FIGHT LIKELY TO OPEN AGAIN (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. July It (Special. )-Hig chunks of harmony which have existed In the democratic party for the past year or so are again In evidence, caused by the appointment of A. 8. Tlhbets aa temporary postmaster of Lincoln pending the appointment of a permanent official to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Postmaster F. V. Brown. Followers of Senator Hitchcock look upon it as a move on the part of the Bryanltes to get a led pipe cinch on the Job so that when the time cornea to make the appointment Judge Tibbet s will have gained auch a foothold on the Job tt nobody will be able to get within strik ing distance of the place and he will remain until a republican successor Is named. Thla coming on top of the leak that Brother-in-law Tom Allen Is to have t'ne United States district attorneyship han not struck the Hltchcockltes aa being Just the thing needed to promote a brotherly feeling among the unterrifled followers of Thomas Jefferson and Is likey to open up sgaln a fight that many iiitd tried to think was near solution. Stork Boards to Meet. A meeting has been called of the live stock sanitary boards of ten western states to meet In Omaha on Monti y, August 2, at 1:80 for the purpose of dis cussing uniform shipping rules for the middle western states and other matters connected with the shipment of live stock and the needs of ssnltary lines in connection therewith. The states to be represented are: lov.'j, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, the Dakota, Wyo ming and Nebraska. .New Bank Formed. Articles of Incorporation of the Sidney Ftate bank have been filed with tne state banking board. The Incorporators are Jesse C. McNlsh, C. H. McNish and H. H. Oatenberg. The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice The Bee's free milk and ice fund is already being drawn upon, and not a cent is to go to pay anything but milk and ice bill. The generous list of contributions printed today is sent in from the Carleton hotel. Contributions from 10 cents to $3 are solicited and will be acknowl edged in this column. FreTionslr acknowledged . .S13S.00 Tarry Pullinsa 1 OO J.ok Basket! 1 OO Tarry Clayton V Satin, eo Mola.s Jim Jordan In Levy William XJnebnrfer Al O. Barker Iyor Bnrnett Itay Sttss . . . If. x. Cohen Oaorrs Orals At Komblatt Rarry Xggleaton Bart BTnbbaxd Benjamin Fraaklla W. X. Poolson OaU Xeins-old By Caldwell Sam MoOrom Clem J. ! Jake Hear, Calumot Taxi . A Friend Another Friend Friend Bum bar Thxes. Friend Bnmber Four.. Max Blotoky FhU Blotoky Charles B. Ball J. I. Sauls W, B. Kins; O. K. Tall F. Kon Sam Friedman B. A, Bore Fete Messln R, X. Oarmoa X. F, J. Wales John BhamMwd AlTin Carlsoa Fanl Oaffey Fat Connor in Williams Small Changs 1 00 1.00 . to so .50 .50 .SO .SO l0 . SO .so .60 .BO 60 .60 .50 .BO .BO .BO .BO .BO .SB . BB S9 .as .88 .as .as .83 .as .as as .en as .9" .as .8 ! .85 .8 .as .85 .IB .10 Nebraska Hastings to Secure Current from Loup HA8TIM58. Neb., Julv IS. (Special Tel egram 1 The city council last night gave the preliminary order fir three nillea of street pax log and appointed a commute to confer with the Oiamler of Commerce relative 'to accepting the proposition of tho Central Kiev trie company of Orend Island for supplying electric current to Hastings from the Hoelua water power plant on the Loup river. ALL S ECT fdNSOF K W A FREED FROM QUARANTINE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July IS. (Bpoclal.) All sec tions of Iowa. n far as shipments of live stock Into Nebraska la concerned have lie-en released from quarantine and ship pers cen now hlp to the Omaha stock ynrds without fear of trouble. At the meeting here yesterday the board raised the quarantine against the east ern portion of the state, leaving thej whole state free. The Colorado quarantine on Nebraska tattle has been ralaed, according to in structions received by the board here, ao far as cattle are Concerned where a cer tificate will show that they have been In the county from whence they am shipped for a period of thirty days. FIGURING COMPENSATION UNDER THE NEW STATE LAW Babst is New Head of Sugar Company An announcement of Interest to msny , Nebraska people is that just made of the election of Bart D. Babst of New York ,to be president and chief executive of ficer of the American Sugar , Refining company. Mr. Babst paid several visits to Omaha and Lincoln a few years ago as general counsel of the National Biscuit company when legislation affecting that concern was pending, and has also been prominently connected with the Alumni association of the University of Michi gan, of which he Is a graduate and which conferred on him an tionorary degree, lie was a classmate of Or. Le Roy Crunv mer and C. L. Thomas. Jitney Ordinance Has Been Withdrawn The city council suspended indefinitely the operation o the Jitney ordinances recently passed, and received for consid eration a new ordinance, which retains the regulation features of the former measures, without reference to liability Insurance or occupation taxes. Objecting to the liability and tax fea tures), ths Jitney men filed referendum petitions with nearly 3,000 names. City Solicitor Fleharty advised the council he examined the petitions and aald tht law requires the 'ouncll to re consider the ordinances cited in the peti tions or submit those ordinances at a apeciat or general election. iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 11 (Special. )-The Grand Island beet sugar factory has written Labor Commissioner Coffey, de siring to know the method to be used in computing compensation when the dis ability lasted twenty-nine days. In answer Commissioner Coffey hss In structed them as follows: The actual earning power loet bv rea son of an Injury suffered In the course of employment should be the basis of computing compensation. This computa tion would Include the whole of the day upon which the employe Buffered the In jury, and all dava actually lost by reason of the Injury. Fractional parts of days 8 should not enter into tne computation The law provldest hat compensation shall begin on the fifteenth day and that the Injured employe ahall be compensated at the rate of 50 per cent of the wagea IBlue River Water Rights Up to Board (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 13 (Ppeclal.)-The Ptate Board of Irrigation, which has been in session for a day or so, adjourned this noon, having not acompllshed very much except In a general way. Oeorge W. Stelnmeyer of Beatrice and C. O. Beardsley of IJncoln have conflict ing claims for water power sltea near Barneaton, In Gage county. The I nlon Pacific la objecting to botli, olalmlng that Its tracks are liable to be overflowed In case of high water. CHICAGO MAN ELECTED HASTINGS SCHOOL HEAD HASTING.", Neb., July 13 (8peclal Tel egram.) T. W. B. Kverhart of Chicago was elected superintendent of the Hast ings schools lost night at s salary of S2.5O0 a year. He haa had twenty-four years' experience aa a superintendent In knld, Okl.; Muscatine, la.; Paris. 1:1., and other placea. Membership In the Nebraska Schoolmasters' club was a fac tor In eliminating a number of candldatea. LOCAL PASSENGER TRAIN OFF TRACK AT.'HARBINE FAIRBCKY. Neb.. July ll-l9peclal Telegram.) Ixcal passenger train N. SM was derailed near Itarblne early today the loromotlve and ears leaving the rails. Conductor Henry Duval was in charge of the train. The passengers were badly shaken up. but escaped Irjurlos. This makej the fourth wreck In thla vicinity In tho last few weeks, due, railway offi cials assert, U soft track caused by rains. Trains mansged to get by the wreck late this afternoon and passenger and freight traffic was restored. New City Office is !, Hot Air Inspector A new position to be created by the city council will be hot air Inspector. His duties will be to Inspect hot air furnaces. John H. Huaele, spokesmsn for a dele gation of furnace men, appeared before the council and represented that during tho last year the city building dpartment lsaued permits for ano-it one-fourth of the actual number of hot air furnaces Installed, a condition due. he ssld. to lack of inspection. It. is proposed to mak" the new job self-sustaining through collection of fees. he received at the time of the Injury In computing compensation the first four teen davs are calendar davs, compensR tion startln.-r with the fifteenth dsy. If the disability continue fur eight weeks, or longer, the compensation shall be paid from the date of the Injury. The number of da: a rer week worked by the Injured employe at the time of the Injury would be the basia of determin ing the fractional parte of weeka. If an employe worked six days per week for a stipulated wage "per week," and suffered an Injun- in the course of his employ ment which continued for twenty-nine days, he would be entitled to comnensa tlon for two weeks and one-sixth, or thirteen diws. But If he worked seven days per wee'? for a certain sum "per wek" end Buffered an Injury that con tinued 'or twentv-nlne dsvs. he would be entitled to compenstlon for two weeks and one-seventh or fifteen daya. Wewa Votes tf Hebron. HEBBON, Neb.. July 13. (Special.) An Inch and forty-two hundredths of water fell laat night between.! and S o'clock. Thla makes three and twelve hundredths Inches this month. Wheat harvest Is going on under 'lf- flculties, but most of the grain Is mw In the shock. Some farmera worked all night. One. Charles Burkhols, west of town, put two bicycle lamps on his binder and went along as thought in daylight. The wheat is turning out well. A scheme is on foot at this writing to curb the business section of th city. The four blocks, one each way from tl-e center of town, a curb and gutter Is contemplated. This will be a great ;m provement to the city with but slight expense. The parking of autos on the streets of Hebron is being agitated and some means will aoon be devised a Ion th's line. The county commissioners will hsvs their hands full for sometime to -on:e In the replacing of the many brldues that have gone out or been damage 1 by the heavy wlnda and high waUr of the season. They contemplate buildins (ill of steel and concrete. Suing for Wages of a Minor Child Nelson M. Punches is suing Mr. snd Mrs. Charles Foley, in whose home his daughter. May Punches, 17 years old, has been employed since March, 1914. for Mil wsges In county court. The father al legea his daughter'a wages should be paid to him because she Is a minor child. Mr. and Mrs. Foley sssert that they have provided a home for the girl and have paid her tl a week wages, in ac cordance with an agreement with her. Their statement Is corroborated by Mias Punches, .... MARSHAL WARNER GETS THROUGH IN SPITE OF RAIN A note from I'nltrd States Marshal Warner tells of Mr. Warner'a arrival at Rice lake, near McGregor. Minn. Mr. Warner left here In his machine on ths 4th, going via Kloux city. The note, dated the "th, tells of his arrival that evening, having made the oWi miles in three dsys. The best day's run wss 2 miles. Ths roads were muddy, but not too bad to negotiats, and no delay waa experienced. Auto fpaela, Driver Injured. GENMVA. Neb.. July 18.-(8pecial.)-Alvln Newehaw of Carleton, Neb., is at the Gtlmore hotel here with a broken leg. He had been to Lincoln and bought a second-hand car and when near Fair mont one wheel gave way and the car turne dover, catching Newsham, who was an Inexperienced driver. Ha will be laid up for some time. LUTHERAN ASSEMBLY IN SESSION AT BEATRICE BEATRICE. Neb., July U.-Th south ern district assembly of the Oerraan Evangelical Lutheran church opened a (hree-day conference in Beatrlne today, which waa attended by ministers of that faith from all over southeastern Ne braska. Questions of paramount Issued to the church will be discussed at the sessions. Seventeen mtnUterg from oouiv ties sdjulnlug Gage arrived In the city yesterday to attend the ronferenc. Crew of Steamship Choctaw is Saved DETROIT, July IS. Tha crew of the steamer Choctaw, wrecked , Sunday night in Ike Huron, reached Port Huron safely aboard tha steamer Wahcondah, according tu word received here today. It 4s belleod the Choctaw and Wahcon dah collided, the former sinking. Reports received in Cleveland last night were that the eighteen members of ths Choo taw's crew had been drowned. The steamer belonged to the Cleveland Cliffs Iron company of Cleveland. Size of Postoffice Buildings Will Be Based On Real Needs WASHINGTON. July 13. -The TreaMirr department hereafter will construct poKtofrhca and other federal buildings In accordance with tho needs and Im portance of rlsas where they are lo cated Instead of spending all that con gress appropriate. In some instances expensive poslofflces tatva been built In towns wheiw the postal receipts were not miff ii lent to maintain them. Poslofflcea. Assistant Secretary New. ton announced today, will be considered in four classes: Those having receipts of more than IsOO.ono a year, those hav ing between WXOOo and VWO.OOO. those having from $15,000 to SWftm, ad thva below tl5,(XiO. By following the samn plsn in acquir ing altos, the department on 1 rurchaaea siient JoOrt.ono es than congress author ised. t - York Votes for Pavlagr. YORK. Neb.. July IS (Special Tele gram.) At a special election hold In tha city today to vote V&.WQ Intersection bonds the vote waa rra for and 107 against. New districts have already been stgneJ. for whloh will when complete cover eighty blocks or more than miles to be completed this season. Ynnth Drawn tn Resabltpaa. M'COOK. Neb.. July U-(rHeclaI Tele gram.) Tha Republican river took an other toll of life here this afternoon when IJiwrence Ralne. aoon of Wlllla.n Ratne, was drowned while bathing and boating, near the Republican river bridge south of MoCook. Tha lad was about 16 years old. No hard rubbing; No backache; No suds-steam through your house when J0 soap r does the hard part of does the hard part ( the work for you in cool or lukewarm water. Easy, pleasant, quick. Fris Co.. Philadelphia. 0 New Location 12th and Farnam Q Don't Haw m ftosnmrr Coaarb. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you won't catch cold. It kills th. cold germs, keeps you well. SOo. All dru glsts. Advertisement. MADE TO ORDER $21, $39, $S5 and up INCLOIlia Extra Pair Trousers GEORGE WASHINGTON Once threw a silver dol lar clear acrota the Po tomic river to tradi tion ayg, Of course a Dollar would go further then than it does now. We will make your Dol lar go very far this week by including An Extra Pair of Trousers with your suit order without extra cost. Your garments will be tailored in the satiafac tory Nicoll way-at our risk. NICOLL The Tailor WB Jerrems Sons 209-211 So. lBLh St. AYRES IS APPOINTED DEPUTY STATE AUDITOR (From a Btafr Correionaent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. July 13. (Special Tele gram.) Fred C. Ayres, editor of the Hol brook Observer. Is to be the new deputy atate auditor, the announcement being made today by Auditor Smith, lie fills the vacancy cauaed by the election of W. H. Kaatliam aa Insurance commis sioner. He was formerly an Inspector with the pure food department of the stats. Worker Robbed of Ills Savings. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July lt-pe- cial.) Julius Merewlck was robbed of his savings yesterday by two men who en tered his room whlls he waa at work and mads the! rescspe to Omaha. One man, Oeorge O. Merrl, Is under arrest for Implication in the robbery, but the other, George Frankleta, is still at large, ad Chasaberlaia's t elle. holers Diarrhoea Haaer. This Is a remedy that ayery family should be provided wlfi, and especially during tne summer months Think of ths pain and suffering that must be endured when medlcii.e must be sent for or ba- rors relief can be obtained. Tills remedy Is thoroighly reliable. Ask anyone who has used It. Ortslnabie srerywbers.- AavcrtuMmant. The Same Car Only Better! The Price Is IK jry. ? Great Price Reduction On the Enger Six-50 It's the Bame high-dans oar KXCKPT JNft that it is better. There have-been no radical change of de8in, model or mech anism it U the snme standard car which has given ncores of buyers absolute tiatis faction. And yet it is different; there ar many intprovements and added refine ments Httlo things here and there about 'the car, which moan much in added com fort, convenience and excellence. And if the Enger at $1,495 sold readily and made good, think what an excellent investment it 1 now. The sanio car, only refined and Improved! Itrally, it sounds too good to be true, but It is truel And there's a reason: In creased efficiency and output enabled the manu facturers to give added value at a reduced price. We have neveral cars in stock, on tha floor, ready for you to select from. Im mediate delivery can be made; you can choose u car and drive It home If you wish. 80 why delay longer. Why not get TOUR Enger now and use it? Answer the call of the great outdoors! General Western Distributers, FOSHIER-ENGER CO. 12TH AND FARNAM, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. The Shore Luncheon Out under the spreading canopy of blue, where the air is fresh and invigorating -by lake or 6ea, brook or river appetites are keenly sharpened. With all the frolic and glee, full contentment will be lacking if you fail to satisfy those exacting appetites. What could be more delightful than to have a special packer of 55fo GeanV of jMl Ice (Yearns; prepared, just before leaving for the day's outing? Nothing appeases the craving of hunger more than this universal food-dessert 1 THERE IS A GOOD DEALER NEAR YOUR HOME WHO WILL SERVE YOU j r 11 11 n iiiti so a rvm m. nil if fiJAJvyrti wi It IV iU 7 I War - -M VIS CSjMisffliwyiij!iwtjiSjiijy isianiimi in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 siiihiissiisBaaiifcMMiMttM 'ittinrtimiiti't?l!"",sj iiitllHUMIkjxlMWMHMa Moving Picture Camera Man Wanted at once for steady work on pictorial news film in and around Omaha. State experience, camera you are using and salary expected. Give address. No amateurs. Address G 705, Care Omaha Bee Tfisii aaaaiaasaaasssssssssaasassssssUi i Q .fvi