Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    VVWY. WV.W: OMAHA. irilSDAV. .ITI.V 1::. 1-u:,
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Wins from Hastings Reds by Heavy
Hitting and Good Work by
' Shaner.
PAIRnVUY. Neb., July II-1 Special
Telegram.) Fail bury took Its thlnl con
secutive game from Hastings today,
shutting out the visitors, 3 to 0. Minniyr
Fhaner held the nioinit for the locals,
and the visitors re-ulsters d only four well
scattered hits. lleay clouting won the
game. Lnmb 9 vi red a three-bagger In
the eighth frame. Score:
PnimB, lb. . 4 1
Jtirn'ram. 4
TVeldsl, ef... I
Bennatt, rf.. I
(Uku, lb.... 4
lr.ln, p t
JVilrv. p 2
FulllTatL M. I 0 t S nltlMbrnd. lb 4 2 11 4 0
Cibt. 6 I Oil GLmb. ab.... 4 S 0 0 1
McCaha. If.. 4 1 0 0 OUmiUu. 3b... 4 I I I v
o (i vam-. rr. . i
0 0 IHitm. rt 4 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 OTtwlaaltn. If 4 0 0 0
110 OPavten. ...! 0 1 1 "
0 4 1 OBuHithe. o. . . I I 1
0 1 OShaner j .. . . 3 0 0 11 0
Totalu SJ 10 27 16 1
Totals II 417 MO
Hastings 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O--0
1'alrburv 1 0 0 0 t 1 0 1 - -3
Two-basv hit-. Iirumnv, Iamt, Conboy,
Klley. nme-linsf hit: l.amb. Stolen
bases: C'orbov, ltnothn, liennctL Hn.'D
'n balls: Off Shanw, 4. Hits: Off
Minner, 4: off Irvtn. l'i. Struck out: Hy
Hhaner, 6; by Irvln, 8 Time: 1:45. Um
pire: Monroe-.
Dentrtce and York Divide.
BKATKICE. Nob., July .-(Special
Telegram ) In a double-header here to
day Beatrice vnm the first game, 11 to .
and York won the second, 6 to 8. The
first game was a satfet, with Brown
and S'eff both hitting for four bases.
'ato pitched loth names for Beatrice,
end In the second the visitors hit him for
ton safe blows. loor fielding on the part
of Beatrice wa also In evidence. Score,
firBt same:
AU H O.A.B. tB.H
Ulce. 4
-arr1. rf .. 4
Wetwl, If. .. 4
!Murphy. rf.. 4
TMtan. lb... 4
KilnM. 0 ... I
Bokf-itl. lb 4
J'larca, 2b ... 1
Haley, tb..., I
&kjrock. p... I
OFIIImao'. 2b 1
ft 1 4
1 14 1
I 1 0
1 1 0
1 6 0
1 I 0 27 16 0
OUrown, lb..
0 Civnf, It...
Omar, rf...
0 Butter, o...,
ISrtf cf
0 Whit, m ....
0 nrannan. 8b.
Ol'ata. p
IS 6 14 I 1
01000Q01" J
4 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 U
Buster, Black, White.
CarriK. Home runs:
TXeff. Brown. Sacrifice hits: Flllmann,
, 1'nyne. Stolen bases Ullmann (3), Payne,
Bate Bases on balls: Off Sv,vock, f;
off Pate. 1. Struck out: By bKock, 5;
,lv Pate, 5. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Greene.
Score, second game.
x ork
Two-base hits
Three-lwise hit:
ff'.Ice. m 4
r-irrls. rf... 4
Wettsl. lt...
5. urphy. of . . 4
fatten, lb... 4
Qtalnes. c. . . 4
Hokewltr, lb I 0 10
Valor. 2b.... Ill
yraiiklln, p. 0
1 0
I 1
1 1
l a
1 4
0 1
Onilmftll-. 2b 4 1 1
I 10
0 0
0 Brown, lb
1 Payne, if....
0 Black rf...,
OBustor. 0...,
CNeft. of.
OWIiltB. M
OBrannan, lb.
Opate, p
McDonnell .
11 1') 21 T 1
TtttaJa 25 I 11 10 4
1 y 1 U U S 1
, Totals..
Torlt 1 1 0 0
ifeeatrlce 0 0 0 0 0 08
1 Two4)U9 Wt: Carrlg. Kioe, Brown,
"White. Hv-oe-baee hits: Wetael. Vtnes.
'Home run: Wetsel. Sacrlfloe hit: Bus
ter. Stolen txutea: Wetot, Murphy.
i)aes on ballsi Off F ranklln, V: 6ff I"ato
,1. Struck out: By Ianklln, 4; by Pat,
li WtM trttoht Franklin. Hit with
'pitched boll; By Franklin (NeffTr Time:
I:R5. Umpire: Oneene.
'Hussane Now Wants
To Take Chance on
! Stecher's Scissors
' FInoe Joe Btoaher, Webraska'd plrenom
jrial wrestllnff ohajnp, csvtd In the ribs
'of one Charles Cutler and talk has been
current resT&rdtnff a match between
'etecher and Frank Ootoh, Vouslff Hus
sane, the well known Turko-Bulg-arlan.
lias heaved hi lid Into the arena and
quite boastfully and lustily howls that he
will meet Steoher for SB.000 or any part
,of It. Husoane cut loose with this chat
ter In Chicago and eclared that he had
challenged the Dodg-e wonder. Hussane
has written J. M. EUwood of this city,
esklnu him to arrange the match If pos
sible. While the sentiments of Mr.
IKtecher are not known, It Is probabJo
that the Turk can be accommodated,
jand It U a pretty safe gamble that he
can find a place for his money, up In
Dodge county If not In Omaha.
Ness Ties World's
, Batting Record
SAN FRANCIPCO, Cal.. July 12. Jack
.Vns, captain and first baseman of the
Oakland club of the Pacific Coast league,
who yesterday tied the world's record for
consecutive hitting, will be given a tes
timonial at a "Ness day" on the Oakland
field next Thursday. Manager Harold
Elliott announced today that the club
'would present Ness with a diamond ring
and that the base ball enthusiasts would
donate a money purse in recognition of
Ills feat.
Ness hit safely la both games with San
Francisco yesterday, making a total of
forty consecutive safeties since May SI.
He shares the record which Ty Cobb of
the Detroit Americans made In 1911.
Arkansas Racing
Act Declared Void
LITTLE ROCK. Ark., July 12. Finally
and ultimately disposing of the questions
at Issue In the Hawyer racing bill the su
preme court this morning declared the
act passed by the legislature which would
have permitted racing under a state com
mission and pari mutual betting, not a
law. The supreme court upheld the de
cision of the circuit court, which ruled
that Governor O. . Hayes had vetoed
the bill.
BEA TRICK, Neb.. July IS. (Special.)
T'T. O. H. Brash, one of the directors of
the Beatrice Base Ball association, stated
Saturday evening that the State Base
Kail league would no doubt close some
day this week, probably Thursday. York,
It It understood. Intends to quit this
week, and the other towns are also mak
ing plans to do likewise. The dropping
of Grand Island and Norfolk and the
prolonged wet weather are given as rea
sons for the league going out of business.
I .
FX. C. Red Kx Win Again.
WATHRTOWN, S. I ., July 12. (Special
Telegram.) I ne iina. ity ita Bo
strain defeated the Vaiertown team wln-
rilng today's KSine. 6 to S l.Uton's pitch
ing and Braminell h hitting featured. The
lied Hox bhut o. t Watertuwn yesierdiy,
t to 0 Batteries tclv: aierlown.
KHefson and Nelson; Bed Sm, L,ttonnd
Dr. Ilrll'a l'lne-Tar-llone.
ease yo'ir cc.ih. Ioo-ns the mucou
strengthens the Iuiiks. The first dose
l.elps. Get a bottle today, only 20o. All
druggists. Advertisemcii
Gotch Writes that
He is Willing to
Meet Joe Steelier
Frank tWi'h hss written Gene Milady,
promoter, that he Is wiling to make a
match for l al'or day in Otnalia with Joe
flteoher. He says that the time Is short
and that if something Is to be done it
should be done right away. He says he
will come to Omaha at once If agreeable,
to arrange the match.
Joe Hetmanck, manager for ttcher.,
was here Sunday and left Sunday nluht
tor les Moines, In response to a call
from the les Moines fair management, to
have Stecher put on a match there dur
ing the state fair, tm his return he will
have a conference with Mclady and they
will then answer Gotch.
NORTH riATTK. Neb., July 12-t9pe-clal
Telegram.) Central City was again
shut out here today, 6 to 0. by the Nortn
Ilatte Boosters In the last of a series
Errors by the visitors accounted In part
for the score. The Boosters playi d im
errorless game. Score: 11.11.1".
Central Cltv.. 000 00000 o 2 1
North Matte. .3 0 1 0 0 1 0 -. i v
IT-...... V.xf4li CUttn 9 Tlir,....
bnsm hit: Holiaday. Knses on balls: Off!
writs ht, 2. Two-base hits: Gettmnn, Hoi
laday. Struck out: Bv Wright. 11; by
I.uby, 7. 'asad lo.Us: Grant, 1. Bat
teries. Central City, Wright ajid Grant;
North ristte, I.vibv slid Holladny. Tims:
1:45. Umpire: Tllcy. .orer: Krndall.
Head of Million
Dollar Corporation
Held in St. Lonis
ST. UlUlS. July 12 -George It. Mont
gcnietv. s!me fitter In a local fsctorr and
president of a firm Incorporated in South
Dakota at $i.inm.(.in. s arrested by
federal authorities here today on a charge
of promoting a scheme to defraud Mont
gomery said the main office of the
Montgomery Shoe Company of America.
Mis "million-dollar corporal km," was In
III rooming house here.
Montgomery Indicted during the
last session of tre federal grand Jury.
Government officials say the total nssets
of Ills company are represented bv a
valuation of JiUm.Odi fer the trade mark
"Open Kye brand shoe" and M'VtM for
Montgomery's services.
The company's literature, according to
federal officials, said the capital stock
was fully paid up at 110 a share for IW.Oivi
shares. Montgomery was Jailed In lieu
of S2.5O0 bond.
Franklin Johnaon was yesterday rorvel
with notice by Pa Roiirkc that his serv
ices as, a member of the Omnha hurling
staff are no longer desired. Johnson
gave considerable promise In the sirlux,
but has failed to live up to expectations
St. Kdmard Defeats llelarnde.
ST. EDWARD, Neb.. July 12. (Special )
St. Kdwanl, without effort, defeated
Belgrade on their grounds, 10 to 4. SVore:
Pt. Fdward..4 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 ftV ) 2
Belgrade 0110000 0 2 496
Batteries: St. Kdward, Flory and
Fisher; Belgrade, Martin, Murphy and
St. Kdward plays Petersburg on the
home grounds July 17.
Head of Christian
Endeavor Union
is Critically 111
CHICAGO, July 12 - Concludlng sessions
of the fifth world's convention of th
Christian Endeavor societies, wore held
today. Tonight a "big purpose meeting"
will wind up the convention.
The 16.000 delegates attending the meet
ing will express the purpose they desire
to carry out during the two years before
the next convention In New York City.
The condition of F. E. (.Mark, head of
the Christian Endeavor Union, whom an
attack of typhoid fever kept from attend
ing the convention, .s grave, according
to a telegram received here today from
Mrs. Clark.
The telegram was dated Sagamore
Baaoh, Mass., and was addressed to H.
H. Van Meter of this city.
"Mr. Clark, when the fever subsided,
gained for a few days," the telegram
said, "and wo are very hopeful, but a
serious complication has put him back
so much that we are very anxious. A
slight improvement today over yesterday
gives us courage, but hlj condition Is very
serious still."
SAGAMORE BEACH, Mass., July 12
Rev. Francis E. Clark, head of the
(Chrfstian Endeavor movement, who Is
ill with typhoid fever at his borne nere, is
improving, according to a statement by
his wife today.
John R. Lawson
Denied New Trial;
Given Life Sentence
TBlvmAIi. Colo.. July 12. John R.
labor leader, convicted of mur
der In connection with strike disorders,
was denied a new trial by Judge GramDy
HUlyer In district court here today.
Tjiwaon was sentenced to spend the re
mainder of his life at hard labor In tho
state iiemtentiary
when nked bv the. court If he had
any statement to make before Judgment
was pronounced, lawson rose and read
a lengthy statement In which he maJn
tnineH hiiu Innocence, charged that he had
been ruado the victim of a corporation
controlled prosecution and alleged that
the trial through whlrh he pa sea naa
been a "travesty on Justice." During the
n,iin rr this statement Law son was
vtdbly affected and faltered more than
otvee. With a few remarks to the de
fendant, Jurge Hlllyer rronounced sen
Aitomev V. W. Clark. representing
Iawsn, asked for and was granted eiity
days tu file a bill of exceptions and
thirty days stay of execution.
Austrians Making a
Fierce Drive at Italy
UNDINE, Italy. July 12.-(Vla Parish
According to reports from the front the
Austrians are making desperate efforts
to penetrate Italy through the ("anile
Alps. They are relying (hleflv upon i supplied onlv Ihiounh Innsbruck
night attacks, which so fsr have Inva-. After having Konilmided Platrwlcfo and seetlon.t. one provided nil a armored
rlably failed. The lallajis have re-1 the newly terraced I'ert ljindio the most ssements for long range cannon and the
doubled their efforts against all the forts Important of the svsteni of fortifications other with nia. hlne guns for near de-
protectlng the Pusterla valley at the " ,h K"' '"'"" "d leading fense. All have steel cupolas,
in.... i,... . to Austria, the Italians are now Kleins- -
their attention to the forts forming the
are nil armored and each is divided Into earn thnt !t.Vin sniflrv Tlie latest sver-
age show that lie s slamnilng the pellet
at .Six.
River I 'rave, ss with the occupation of
i i,n i it-n ,'i iiiiMAi ii, imi uini rn it alio
on the railway lines. Trent could be re-, ,Unk "-t'"n of that highway.
I rla Csrslng Salary.
"Trls" Speaker, who early In the sea
son batted around 14. Is beulntilnir to
In t'luht l.anafnril.
lai k Thompson, a new Imp-,, dlsr-n erei?
In Colorado. Is to flwht Sam lngforil
In Denver Thompson seems to be on
hope who is willing to takn a chance
with the Boston tar bnhy.
Army Transports
Kept in Commission
GALVESTON, Tex., July 12. The United
States army transports Kllpatrlck. Mc
Clelland and Buford. which It was an
nounced had been ordered placed out of
commission, will be retained here for
an Indefinite term, it was learned from
army sources today. While the crews will
be dismissed, the captain and other of
ficers and the steward of each vessel will
remain on board. The transports are hsld
In the Gulf, It Is said. In connection with
the Mexican situation.
JOPliIN, Mo., July 12. A strike of
nearly 5,000 lead and sine miners, which
began here two weeks ago, ended today
when every line mine in the district re
sumed opeiations. There was no settle
ment. The men went back to the in I lie i
and asked f.-.r their places at the old
wage scale. The miners have not asked
recognition for their new formed union.
BOISE, Idho, July 11 Twenty thou
tand people saw the Liberty Bell here be
tween T and o'clock this morning. Th4
ling'.ng of church bells announced Its
coming and departure. Governor Alexan
der met the upeclal train at the Utah line
and will accompany the bell to WeUer,
U last stop la the state.
Look Down on 1
. from tho eagle's home and see
below you peaks a-dazzle and
cool green valleys, in
The Canadian Rockies
Mountain climbing, with real
Swiss guides, is one of many
recreations offered at the Can
adian Pacific hotels at Ban If,
Lake Louise, Glacier and Field.
Reached only by the
Canadian Pacific
Natart'a Exposition Rout
to t A California Expvition
Liberal stopovers no extra fare.
Call or write for Booklet No. 296.
Aak for the service of our expert ticks
man on all routes.
G.A.P. U., Canadian Pacific Ry,
224 South Clark 6trect
Opp. Post Omca. Chicago, UL
- .11 i i mull -.!
,Vt V
I.v. 4aalui ,3cOO p. tm.
l, Kaamt Clrjr ,i,,
Ar. Patlilo Sita p. na.
At. H like ctT .1 iSO a, m.
Ar. Baa Kranelae . . ,5i3 p. na.
Send for our handsome fold
er on California's Expositions
and the way there on The
Scenic ItaHeed.
T. r. GODFREY, '
G. A. r. IX, Omaha, Neb.
Hart, Schaffner
& Marx
y2 Price
rt"H7ZHn7T" "
11 11 ' ' i - - , , - , , B I . . I I i i , , ,
K 1 V ,i Si kVnasa4IY ii'V riflniJ r.afc. SaWT-il Wi -S
.; -Hr.'it4bi
. ', fr-
Estes Fairk n dPsie Worth WMle
Over 50,000 Tourists Last Year Visited Estes Park
and Rocky Mountain National Park
Omah vacationists can, in the Estes Park
able than airiyweTious vacation. The cost
For amusement in the Park there is every sort
of outdoor sport. The Park is 7,500 feet above
the sea level. Golfing on any of the courses is a
revelation to the player who has never before
pursued this recrcaftrton in the exhilarating clear
air of thii afcknde. Mountain climbing is the
bc6t on the continent if not in the world. Long's
Peak (14,271 feet) is considered the seventh
most difficult of ascent of the mountains of
the world, but with experienced guides it is
now8urmounfced by even women and children.
The fisherman who goes to Estes Park will
find delightful opportunities for the pursuit of
gamey trout. The BigThompson River and its
tributaries are stocked each year with thousands
of fish from the park hatchery.
There are good tennis courts for those who
prefer this 6ort of amusement.
Horseback riding over the beautiful mountain
trails is participated in by everyone and motor
ing is enjoyed to the fullest extent.
region, spend two weeks that will be more profit
is slight in comparison with the benefit derived.
Accommodations may be had in half million
dollar hotels, in ranch cottages and in tent
cities, these combining to suit the pocketbooks
of all travelers to the Park.
Visitors from Omaha may now reach the Park
in one day, leaving here on the Colorado
Special which departs from the Union Station
at 12:30 a. m. (midnight). Standard sleeper
on this train is set out at the station for oc
cupancy at 9:30 p. m. Passengers arrive at
Fort Collins at 2:45 p. m. where they are
met by automobiles for Estes Park village,
arriving there at 5 : 50 p. m. same day. Return
ing, automobiles leave Estes Park at 8 a. m.
making train connection enabling passengers
to arrive at Omaha 7 a. m. following day.
Round trip fare to Denver, or Colorado
Springs $17.50; to Estes Park and return
$24.50, includes both rail and auto.
Resolve now to visit Estes Park this summer
and be sure your round trip ticket reeds via
Direct Route to Both Expositions
The only railroad double tracked and protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals
all the way to Colorado.
Two other splendidly equipped daily trains to Colorado.
Denver Special Colorado Express
Lv. Omaha . 7:35 A. M. Lv. Omaha 4:20 P. M.
Ar. Denver . 9:30 P. M. Ar. Denver 7:30 A. M.
Stopovers in Coiorado allowed on reduced fare Exposition tickets.
Plan your Colorado trip now by sending for booklet, "Colorado for th Tourist,"
containing 64 pages of interesting and money-saving information about Colorado
and the attractions of Estes Park and Rocky Mountain Nadonal Park. This booklet,
as well as detailed train service information, may be had free upon application to
1324 Ftumara Street, Omnha Phase Douglas 334
Visit the California Expositions if pos
sible, but by all means see Colorado,
y5j rf
4aaW m . C mmmW
a"'" ' JJ JJ(l aPT
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0&mmfHt L.t X lyary y-.o t-mi, . -..aaatfer.