FLOODS DRIVE MANY FROM THEIR HOMES Lsjffe Art in North Omaha Flooded by thfc Torrential Rain of LMt Night. DAMAGE ALL OVER THE " CITY Omthi vm visited by tbe hardest rainstorm in Home time Sunday night, ben considerable damage wm done, and In a section of tbe city several blocka square around Twenty-fourth and Clark streeeta people were driven from their homes and the police were called out to rescue some who were in dancer. The cause of this, the worst trou ble, waa tbe Inadequacy of the sew ers to carry oft the water, which amounted to almost a cloudburst. For several hours tbe rain fell In tor rents and the HKhtnlng flashed with Its accompanying peals of thunder, keeping a large part of Omaha awake. New streets were washed out. new cellars filled and patients In hospitals were greatly annoyed by the storm. B. Welner, J0J3 Clark street, bit lfe and daughter, and Harry Cohen and bis wife and three children were carried by policemen to the ambu lance through water waist high. A number of fires due to light ning were reported, but no serious damage was done. Ralafall .4 leches. Purine the rain lant night tha surpris ing amount ot IM Inches fell, and tha total raJn fall to-dsts from January 1 Is U.M Inchea. Thia la L71 inches in excea of tha normal. Weatherman Welsh ! porta that tha rain wm general between here aad Kanaaa City, aid east to the Mississippi. Caleb. Baal a Clogge. As soon as tha catch baain at Twentieth said Clark streets was opened, tha floods rapidly subsided. For an hour tha wr poured down through tha catch baaln and Into the main sewers with a roar that residents In tha vicinity likened to that ef the tornado that paaaed over the same action of the city, a year ago last Easter Sunday. Moat of tha lateral sewers within the territory bounded on the Vast by Twenty first, the north by Burdette and tha west by Twenty-fifth, the south by Clark street, were choked at the manholes by the debris that came In with the water. As a reeult the entire territory waa flooded to a depth of from a few Inches to a foot or so. . Many families In the flood od area be came frightened, expecting that their homes were going to be washed away. Women and children tn tnelr night clothes waded out of their homes and to the higher land weat of Twenty-fifth street, where they spent the balance of the night with people who took them in, providing shelter until morning. sidewalks CTr4 wltk Ma All through the flooded area the aide- walks are covered with mud to a. depth of several Inches and In the territory there probably Is not a basement or cellar that is not filled with water. That portion of the city where the flood was the worst ts densely populated and the o ot residents will be eon ' slderable. It coming largely by reason of foundations that will be weakened by the waters la the cellars and basements. Repairs to many foundations will 'have to be made and it is asserted that unler many of the houses the foundation walla will cave In when the water la iumpej out or seeps away. The skylight of tha Tostal Telegraph building on Fa mam street gave way under a torrent of water during the night Slight inconvenience waa ex perienced in tfce offices. Over Pasete Bridge. Farmers coming in from the West ' Xodr country say that the Little rap pin waa five feet above Its banks yeeter. day morning. ConttidorabU damage was done all over the city where excavations wets being made for new structures. The excava tion for the- new Plackstone hotel at Thirty-eixth and Farnam streets was about complete end numerous machines were in pla' putting In concrete piling. The rain raved In the banka and filled tbe place with water. , (.KVtEn rORMKI) BY TUB FLOOD Iowa Manbote Cover from tester epoata late Air. Residents in the neighborhood ot Twerv-ty-flrst and Burt were rudely awakened uwlsy nutUl during tha storm when the bi storm sewer under Hurt street filled up and blow a manhole cover high li.to tha air. The big piece ot metal struck the pavement a resounding Mow, start ing many of the sleepers In th neigh borhood, and then a gpyscr rushed from the opening, rwlng. says Cayet Taylor, to a height of twenty or twenty-five feet. The ruar was prodigious and the foun tain poured from the opening for some ' t'trte. Mrect sweaters have been, for some time past, in the habit of dumi4ng sweep Intra Into the opening along the line of thia big sewer, and it la pronabla that the refuse has not been flushed out prop erly. t WAXY CELLARS ARE FILLED PANAMA EXPO IN MINIATURE Bnrgeis-Nash Has Wonderful Dis play of the Marvelous Show at San Francisco- HERE FOR REST OF THE WEEK A clever miniature reproduction of the Ban Frnclco exposition Is being shown under the direction of It. A. Gstes on the fourth floor of the Birgea-Neah store. The exposition buildings are re produced In a setting showing dan Fran cisco bay and tha Oolden date. The show, which takes but fifteen minutes altogether. Is accompanied by a lecture which explains In detail the exposition grounds and buildings, which are shown ss If from sn aeroplane. Tha coloring Is faithful to the original and In the bay are shown ships sailing to and fro. The show Is meant to present the expo sition as It appears during twenty-four hours, and the cycle beglne and ends at noon. First In broad daylight the build ings are carefully pointed out and named, the various points of Interest In the background, such as Oakland and the Oolden Gate, are referred to. Then the carefully arranged lighting aystem goes Into plsy to duplicate as nesrly as possi ble the gorgeous sunset of the exposition city. The effect Is very realistic and the coloring Is extremely attractive. Then ("oiur Mabt. As the lights fade the buildings are Il luminated by tiny searchlights, which throw sparkling beams on the clusters of jewels with which the building are deo orated. The lights within ths buildings show through the . tiny panes and the glass domes glow ss the darkness out side gsthcrs. A lighthouse blinks at In tervals from sn Wand In the bny, and the towns si altered around the watet'a edge show their lines of lights.' When the exposition grounds are closed lor the night the lights ars shut off. and only the stars In the dsrk blue sky serve to light the closed buildings. The morn ing dawns and as the light shows up1 the waters of the bay a long line of bat tleships steams slowly In from the I'a clflc ocean, and the show Is over. The miniature was produced under the supervision of Edward J. Austin, ths well known artist who has produced so msny miniatures Of a similar nature, and who originated the ' remarkable "Creation," which was shown at the St Louis expo sition. The Meelng America First Produc tion company Is in rharge of the display. which is being shown at all of the promi nent cities in the country, hsvlng.been In Chicago before coming to Omaha. ' CROP REPORTS ' MOSTJPTIMISTIC Small Grain Only Slightly Injured by Continuous Raia and Corn it Coming Fine. EXPECT AVERAGE CORH CROP The Beo's Fund for Free Milk and Ice J Valaablr In Phllly. The American dnllnr Is, worth $1.02 In London, but ronnldTlng the manner In hlch the "funs" are remaining, away from tbe Athletics' ball park one would think that It Is worth sbout l.9s In 1'hlladelphla. . S Railroad officials In making their weekly crop and soil reports for the week ending last Saturday take a very optlsmlstle view of tbe situation, though everywhere It is asserted that there has been too much rain and that Nebraska farmers need con tinued dry and warm weather. In the South Platte country covered by the Burlington the harvest has been con siderably delayed by the heavy rains of but week. All through the south half of the state the small grain Is ripe and much of It has been cut. Ine prediction is made that the harvest will be practically fin ished this week. As to conditions at the end ef last week In the territory covered by Its lines offi cials of the Burlington make the follow ing estlmsts, basing the ealculatlone en a perfect crop that would be 100 per cent The estimate Is by divisions of the sys tem. Lincoln M Pet. . Pet wymere Omaha MMcCook 11 FaverabU for Wheat. In summarising tha Burlington's report Asserts thst the weather last week was most unfavorable for the wheat. As the grain ripened tha heads grew heavy and the stalks weak, with the result that when more rain came the stalks were so watery and rank that they fell over. This It Is contended will result In considerable loss, as the binders will not be able to pick up the down grain. In msny of the fields In the south half of the stats, the ground Is so wet that It Is next to Impossible for horses to haul the harvesting machinery through the grain. Cry Is tor Hat Weather. Throughout Northwestern territory, which Includes the east half of the state, conditions, according to the company of ficials' report, are much better than In the south. There has ben less rain, but still there has been too muoh and there Is a cry for hot and dry. Throught the north half of the state, harvest will be well under way this week, with Indications of better than an average crop of all klnda of small grain. The estimate ef 90 to 100 per cent of a perfect crop is made. Along the Elkhnrn valley considerable The milk and ioe problem ii always a hard one for the poor par ent with small children, especially when unexpected misfortune oyer takes the family. The hot weather little tot in inch a family ia the one that needs help Contributions from 10 cents to $5 re tolicited and will be acknowl edged in this column. Frwrlonsly aflknowledgsd BUS 00 To FAT Pooplo Material! winner 1M BB0WIJ9 KKDUTTIOir ABOUT MO P0VXD8. w will . A f.,11 tMVInwmtalf ith Mtm sed Sd or s iion m mm ina w,-ii m. - r r HOOK of AIt M B cnwK't or s tenor II .a b n rHn'-'i tli Tf-nt the? i rftoor ibmimkntmS 1 TO fAt PF.OP1.B.SII r In Pi I C'ol imiM baa rMultsd f rem ihm nverflAW of thla river and Its tributaries', but back I a fsw miles, small grain Is In prime con- dltion. j Corn Makes Rapid Grawth. Officials of both roads making report . agree on tbe corn situation. The cereal has been held back br continued wet weather, but since warmer weather has set In. is msklng a rapid growth, with every Indication that If the season Is rea- ' sonably long there will be at le'ast an average crop. On the lowlands consider able corn haa been flooded and washed out. On the tablelands where farmers , have been able to cultivate their fields , and keep head of the weeds ,the growth la about normal for thla date. As to po tatoes a bumper crop Is predicted every where. This prediction applies to every thing in the root crop line. Haying hss been delayed by tha rains, but the crop j that ia standing Is In excess of that of ; any forme year. i According to reports to the railroads ; the Nebraska precipitation during last 1 week ranged from one half to three Inches, the heaviest being up through the central part of the atate. n WTIPT poMTMKt. its ahsolwtrlr netllBrl mrawiii r'" alL PrM.BRCU6H.20t.a2d SI.. 12t. NeeTerk. (Xieinissd phyieun by Ihs Btatt oAe I ore.) A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand furniture into cash. OMAHA ELKS RECEIVE A MOST ROYAL WELCOME Word, hss been received from the Omaha Elks, enroute to the annual con vention at Loe Angeles. They left here on a special train ever the Union Pacific and . reached 8alt Lake City two hours ahead ef their schedule. The running time beet that of the Overland Limited i by a full hour. j nsnaina; wora nome. . me umini e.iks assert thst the attendance at the meeting In Los Angules Is the largest In the his tory of the organisation and thst every where they are receiving a royal welcome. "I-uppenhcinicr" and Hart, Schaffncr 6 T.larx SUITS Price R A Dollar Bottle of Lee's liquid Shampoo contains a full quart; just eight times as much as In the 25-cent bottles and, therefore, just one-hail the cost Cleans onlck dries oulek wares tha balr. which i JaevAa as aoao In right back Into lu old tratalnff. At dronfots Of delivered prepaid, 4m.23ci! lioc.50 ctaU os. $1.00. GEO. IL LES CO, Laboratorlea Oanba.Mabr. 0 ew Grades Are Washed Oat and Several Sewers Slopped l's. Many reports of storm damage were re- celvtd at the city hall. "(fend a man to pump the water out ot our cellar," was frequently heard oer tne telephune. . , Oa the cast side ot Thirty-seventh street, nortti of Dodge, ISO feet of side- walk .as vskhed away. On Lake atrvt. Thirty-third to Thirty-fourth streets. new grading was dsmaged. A sewer I backed up and caused damage In the vtt-lnlty of Fortv-fUth and Leavenworth and Marty streets. Many sewer Inlets wore sloped up by debris flowing Into these opcalnss. i'on!0rabl damage wss caused by the storm In Wilier park. Ths foot bridges! acrcea ths Usoun were washed out and Uru srtks of the grass covered with mud. Tennis courts were badly data- rL Over a foot of water Is above the artUn weli !ve. Pumre will be ap- l-l'.r-l to save further dajr.sge around the U i von. eirusa Wlads Kenralgta. i on t suffer, g't a itc buttle of Mihui'i J.lMir..-.-t. It penetrtlee to the gainful jr: at once. Kills ths pain. All dfu :i is. Ad. ertnmt lit. i -"Gains 22 Pounds in 23 Days" -", , i- "I raj. all run dorn to the very bottom, ' writob F. Gagrion. "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, thanks to Karpol, I look like a now man, I gained 22 pounds in 23 dnys." , . "Sartfol has put" just 10 pounds on me in 14 days," states W, D. Roberts. "It has made me sleep well, en joy what I ato and enabled me to work with interest and pleasure." "I weighed 132 pounds when I commenced taking Sargol. After taking 20 days I weighed 144 pounds. Sargol is the moist wonderful preparation for flesh building I have ever' Been," declares D. Martin, and J. Meier adds:-"For the past twenty years I have taken medicine every day for indigestion and got thin ner every year. I took Sargol for forty days and feel better than I have felt in twenty years. My weight has increased from 150 to 170 pounds." When hundreds of men and women and there are hundreds, with more coming every day living; in every nook and corner of thia broad land voluntarily testify to weight Increases ranging front 10 to 35 pounds given them by Sargol, you must admit. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Thin Reader, that there must be something in this Sargol method of flesh building after all. Hadn't you better look into It, Just as thousands of others have done? Many, thin folks say: "I'd give most anything to put on a little extra weight," but when someone suggests a way they exclaim, "Not a chance. Nothing will make me plomp. I'm built to stay thin." Until you have tried Sargol, you do not and can not know that thia Is true. Sargol has put pounds of healthy "stay there" fleeh on hun dreds who doubted, and In spite ot their doubts. You don't hav to believe In Sargol to grow plump from Its use. You Just take It and watch weight pile up, hollows vanish and your figure round out to pleasing normal proportions. You weigh yourself when you beglnand again when you finish and you let the scales tell the story. . 8argol la absolutely harmless. It Is a tiny concentrated tablet. You take one with every meal. It mixes with the food yon eat tor the purpose of separating all ot Us food producing ingredients.- It prepares these fat making elements In an easily as similated form, which the blood can readily absorb and carry all over your body. Plump, well-developed persons don't need Sargol to produoe this result. Their assimilative machinery per forms its functions without aid. But thin folks' assimilative . orgaaa do not Thla fatty portion of their food now goes to waate throngh their bodies like unburned coal through an open grate. A tew daye' test of Sargol In your case will surely prove whether or not thta Is true ot you. Isn't It worth trying! If you want a beautiful and well-rounded figure of symmetri cal proportions. If you want to gain some solid pounds ot healthy stay-there tleeh. If you want to Increase your weight to normal, weigh wnat you should weigh, go straight to your druggist today and get a package of Sargol and use Is aa directed. Bargol will either Increase your weight or It won't and the only way to know la to try It. A single package of Sargol easily enablea you to make this test. Sixty days use of Sargol, according to direc tions, Is absolutely guaranteed to Increase your weight to a sat isfactory degree or your druggist will refunjl all the money you have paid him for It. Sargol la sold by leading druggists every where and la Omaha and vicinity by &HfRlVIAJ Cl rvIcCOIVJPsJELL DRUG CO. An Easy Way to Get Fat and Be Strong The trouble with most thin folks who wisn to gain weight la that they Insist on drugging their stomach or stuffing It with greasy foods; rubbing on useless "flesh creams." or following some fool ish physical culture stunt, while the real cause ot thinness goes untouched. You rsnnot get fst until your digestive tract aestraflates the food you oat. Thanks to a remarkable new scientific dtsoovery. It Is now ponslblo to combine Into simple form the very elements need ed by the digestive organs to help them convert food into rich, tat-laden blood. Thla master-stroke of modern chemistry is called Sargol and haa been termx the greatest of flesh-builders. Rargol slms throurh Its regenerative powers to coax the ' stomach and Inteetlnes to literally soak up the fattening elements of your food) and paas them into the blood, wher they are carried to every starved, broken-down cell and tissue of your body. You can readily picture the result when this amaslng transformation has taken Flace and you notice how your cheeks III out, hollows about your neck, shoul ders and bust disappear and you take on from 10 to SO pounds of solid, healthy flesh. Bargol is absolutely harmless, in expensive, efficient. .All leading drug gists have It and will refund your money If you are not satisfied, en per the guar antee found in every package. CAUTION: While Sargol haa given ex. cellent results In overcoming nervous dvspnpia and general atomach troubles It should not be taken by those who do not wish to gain ten. pounds or more. How Thin People Can Put On Flesh A Ksw Slaoovery. Thin men anu women that big,, hearty., filling dinner you ate last night. What became of all the fat-producing nourish ment 1t contained T You haven't gained In .weight one ounce. That food passed from your body like unburned uoai through aft oven grate. The material waa there, but your food doesn't work and stick, and the plain trouth is you hardly get enough nourishment from yeur meals to pay for the cost of cook ing. This Is truo of thin folks the world over. Your nutdltive -organs, your func tions of assimilation, are sadly out of gear and need reconstruction. Cut out t'ie foolish foods and funny sawdust diets. , Omit the fleeh cream rub-ona t ut out - everything but the meals .you ars eating now snd eat with every one of theee a single Bargol tablet. In two weeks note the difference. Five to eight good solid pounds of healthy, "stay there" fat should be the net re sult. axgol. too, mixes with your food and preparee it for the blood In easily assimilated form. Thin people gain all the way from 10 to tt pounds a month while taking Bargol. and the new flreh ataya put. nargol tablets are a scientific combination of six ef the beet flesh producing elements known to ohmlstry. They eoroo eO tablets to a packsge, ara pleasant, harmless and Inexpensive. All eeelers sell them subject to an abeolute guarantee ot weight increase or money back. Thin People Can Increase Weight Thin man and women who would like to tnoresse their - weight with 10 to It pounds of healthy "stay there" fat should try sating a lHUs Bargol with their meals for a wlnis and note results. Here is a good test worth trying. First w:gh yourself and measure yourself. Then take targo4 one tailet with every meal for two weeks Thea weigh and measure again. It isn't a question of how you look or feel or what your friends say aad think. Tlie scales snd the tspe mea sure will tell their own story, s-nrt most any thin nun er woman ran easily add front five to eight pounds In the first fourteen daa by following thia simple direction. And best of all. ths new fleeh stars put. bargol does not of itself maka fat. b'lt Dilstng with your food, it truna the fata, suvars and starches of what yrni have eaten, lute rirr, rtpe fat producing pour tstiment for tfce tlaeuea and blood pre pares It la an easily assimilated form wktrh the Mood ean readllv accept. All thia nortahment mow passea from your bodv aa waste. Hut Harnol atooa th wsste and does It quH'kly snd makes ths tat producing consuls or the very sama meals )ou are eating now develop pounds snd peunis of healthy tleeh between your skin and bones. 8arsol Is safe, pleasant, efficient and Ineirxrutvs. All leading druggists sell It in large boxes forty tab ids to a package on a guarsntee of weight Increase or money tack. No Let Up to the tafgain Giving in July Clearance Sales Lawn Swings at Surprising Bargain Prices. Buy Your Porch and Lawn Furniture -Now. Domestic Room Tuesday's Clearance Sale Offers Remarkable Opportunities for Great Savings on Wash Goods, Towels, Sheets, Bed Spreads, Muslins, Etc 19c Voile, full pieces, 36-ln. wide, all pretty, desirable pat terns, now, yard 8 6c Apron Ginghams, fast color, blue and white checks, now, yard 3ttg 6 He unbleached 38-ln. Muslin, now, yard 4 64c Twilled Toweling, soft fin ish, now, yard 3 17c Bath Towels, large size anu heavy weight, now, each, 12ViC 60c Bed Sheets, 2x2 V yards, center seams, now, each . .32 $1.25 Bed Spreads, for full also beds, crochet make, now, each 92 12 He Pillow Cases, regular elses, hemmed, now, each 75 15c Amoskeag, 32-ln. fine Cham bray, now, yard 10 18c Windsor Crepe Pllsae, beau tiful styles, now, yard ..HV4 12 V4c Percales, yard wide, cut from the piece, noW, yd.,'7Hc 39c Table Damask, bleached or cream, now, yard 25J Tuesday's Silk Specials 20 pieces of yard wide Black Chiffon Dress taffeta, rich, deep black, in two qualities that will give satisfaction, 68 and 50 pieces All Silk Tub Silks and Silk Poplins, 36 inches wide, in a full line of new , colors, stylish colorings that launder perfectly, regular $1.00 values 68 88 25 pieces of All Silk Crepe de Chine, 40 inches wide, in street and evening shades, plenty white and pink, worth $1.25, at 88 Men's Straw Hats To $3.00 values, choice of our entire stock, " 4?fI5 Panamas excepted ..V Men's Panama Hats $4 to $8 qualities, newest styles, to slose in 3 lots--$2.95, $3.95, $4.95 $12.50 Men's Mohair Suits -Riglit when you want them for the hot weather just beginning. Your unrestricted choice of our regu lar $10 and $12.50 Suits,. in an elegant assortment of patterns, handsomely hail ored and in all sizes, both stouts and regulars. . Own a Splendid Hot Weather Suit at half worth. OUR JULY CLEARANCE SALE Of Men's Separate Trousers offers your choice of the finest stock of men's trousers you '11 -find in Omaha. Princess x make,' every pair guaranteed; to $(.00 vnlues S1.95, $2.95, $3.95 In the Busy Domestic Room Tuesday Women's 15o Quality Hose, plain black or split foot, per pair " - 8V& Children s Cotton Hose, black, white or tan, 4 pairs . .25 Men's Cotton Socks, 12 He qual ity, black or colors, at. pr., 8Vs Children's Waeh Hate, 86c and BOc values, at 15t Men's 10c Handkerchiefs, white pr colors, large elses. at, choice ' 5 BOc Underwear, 25 Ribbed, balbrlggan or mesh. In all sites, shirts and drawers. . 60c Work Shirts, 354 Light and dark blues, in all sites, 14 to 17, well made. White Mountain Refrigerators Our entire line being sacrificed at greatly reduced pricesTCome early and get first choice as the prices, will move them quickly. They give satisfaction. Ask your neighbor. Hundreds of eotisfied users in Omaha. Best since 1874. Grocery Specials for Tuesday 48-pound sacks best high s-rads Dia mond It flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or rakes, per sack. . .el.SO It pounds best Cans Granulate.1 auger for $1.00 lbs white or yellow corn Bieal..lTe T ll-a. best bulk launiiry starch. . Soe -IS bara Beat-'Ein-All. LMamond C or 1-sundry Queen white laundry soao for s 4 tall cana condensed milk So Taney Queen oMres In bulk. o.t...SBe 12-os. Jars Purs Kruit Preserves . See l-os cans fancy ripe Olivee 100 Advo Jell tor dessert, the Jell that whips, rr packase THo 4 lba hand-ploked Nary Beans... goo The best domestic Macaroni, spa ghetti, vermicelli or noodles, pkg.7We VV. O. C. or K rumbles, package o K. C. corn flakes, package So Tall cana Alaaka Salmon.. .I0o For Ice Tea try our Diamond l blend, per pound. . Oolden Kantoa coffee, per pound Oo Herahey's break f set Cocoa. lb....85o Tbe Batter Market for tbe reople. The best Creamery Butter, per lb. Soe Ths best Creamery Butter, bulk, per pound B8e No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per pound S7o Good Dairy Butter, per lb. ...... 85o MacLaren's Pesnut Butter, lb.. 18 We Kancy Full Cream, New York White, Vs isconsln Cream, or Young America cheese, per pound Soe Kancy Imported Hwlea Cheese, lb.400 Tbe Feple's Tstretable Market. IS pounds New Potatoes to Lhe peck for e bunches Oresn Onions Je New Peas, siuart ....Se C heada fresh Leaf lettuce. Je t large Green Peppers...... .Se Fancy Ripe Tomatoea. per lb Se I large Cucumbere fo I bunchee fresh Radlshee 4 bunches Beeta. Carrots or Turn ips for....... r 4 bunches Rhubsrb. . . . . . . aa JfaU Una of Staapberriee. Oooee berriss, X.oaiibsrrleB. Ckerrles, e0 Kt less tnaa wovwiMf "TRY H AY DSN'S FWST ,?n tin For Resulto Bcc Want Ads. fcOlCATIOIAL. KDl'CATIOXAL. BRO W INJ L L WALL, Omasa Webraska. ' Boarding and Dsy feVhool for Ulrls and Young Women. Certificate amlta to Bmith. Vutsr, Vellrley snd oilier collesea Preiisrutlon for Bryn Wiwf and fiadcltrt... ADT1SCEO COUmS XO gUOK aCaXOOb BaaSI houashold Arts, Muh- Ovmr.ssium ivamm bat scbooi, rom uma oraxB. For Catalogus address ths Pricclpal, M1M SBMIaU JOKjrgOX. OAXfcS.