Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tin-: n?:i:: mmaha. muxoav. .iu.y 12, vno.
past"" . ,m!immaZimimim!mmmmm
TRANSPORT LINER MINNEHAHA, which was found afire while 570 miles southeast of
Halifax, oa its way to JEurope with al5,G00ton cargo of war munitions for Great Britain.
The lintr left New York on Sunday, July 4, and was loading- for a week before it sailed.
Holt's remarks abont a liner being blown up on July 7 would indicate that he had placed
a bomb aboard such a liner.
- Charles- McDonald of North Platte
Preiented with Robert Carrell
Jordan Medal.
' i imwii m- urn
NORTH H.ATTK. Noli. .I-Jly ' -The ,
Oldest living MtMn In Nebraska. Charles L
MelVmald of North rinite, Hat'ir. '
nay sught presented with the Hnt.crt r
rrreH Jordan model.-Orand Custodial!
the me,! I upon Mr. Mt-Uonsld before u
meeting Of te TUtte Vrller lodje .
S. Ancient. Kree and Accepted Masnn-i, '
Mr. Mclonsld hee been a Mason sin'
JkSJ. He was a lifelong frlead of H. '.
Jordan, foi whom the medal was named.
Poring- pioneer days in' NebresHa Mr.
McDonald, helped te organise U Mawmh h.
led(.e In Omaha. He has- boon prom-
Inently Identified with the lodge aim " '
that time.
. Comn freiu Tmm. '.f
Mr. McDonald arrived at Tf.ble. Hock. U
Neb . In l from his h.iyhood home In '
. i enoessog. ne i u,it- t- v- i x -
active lot r oft In puWtc affairs .connected j
l ho thon thriving lorrllorv. IM
solved on the second. . IhlrJ and fourth
territorial legislatures.
Ja-January. 1M0. Mr. MrDonaW tamo
to Lincoln county and located at a spot
.known a Cottonwood Springe. For years
Ms ranch at that place m the center
of r.lvilliet Ion In- western Nebraesa. It
. ti iere that ha brought about the or
ganisation of ilatta Vulley lole No
?i. Ancient Free and Accepted Maawnr.
on January &, W- ' "w year later
this todge waa .movnd to Northi riatte,
where It Is now Joratcd
rVhn tha terrible Indian outbreak ol
AiHuat. I'M. occurred Mr. WcDonali
one 01 tne lew wmi nw" '..,. ...ffi-ian ..-nln Iwiiit clarinr
Motorwheel Officer Thrasher Sus
pended for Tilt with Joseph ,
, MeOovern- ,
Pollre .C'ommtaaloner Kugel'a r
, cnt edirt that motorlaU that have
I Missouri Valley Veterinarians' As
.AS! VF,"R.Y ' CtR AVE I Nation Starts- Three Days'
(Continued from Pae One.)
with a few ex-
. (beadllgbta.v coupled
; ht montt bundrada of , whua J tln Jncidpnti on th . Florence
a era murdered by tha, Indiana alon Uia 'boulevard ' rieitr ' Atnef avenue last
i'lutta river In Nebraaka. - The atrocltloa
ontlnued until tho malorrty of lha il
tlera althef killed or had fled from'
.the. Mr, MaOunaid aant hia wife
anl aon;Mt. but, remained ..hlmaelf to
help the few hardy ptoneera break th
way for tha aptondld rtviltln tha waa
to follow... Ha ta noW tha Weat raaldent
f .Uncoln. ounty. . I
(. AiUtouah a early M Mr. .McDonald taje
r aoilva UUrat li M banklnc buatnees,
.. w blthj ha aatbllahe4 to (forth Plaltu it jjiKhta undlmined.
j ;, ija to poaaaaaed pf U Ma lacuiuea
, aid haa ., ..wonderful mentoiy. He U
M-roowMecad a authority en early Ka-
,,brak-iUatory an4 haa been conaulU-d
maV Urow by rocMdinf everita
(f.UMA SUaa. '
night... furnldhed thrills (or a big
crowd, tad reaulted Ift th auapen
alon -from duty of Offlear I 8.
Thraaher of the motorwheel squad.
Thraaher waa at wont baaalng out
"goldtn rule" polka court aummonaea
to viola tore of the ordinance laat night
when, a machine driven by Joeeph Mo
Oovurn, dlatrtct aarant of tha Walea Ad4
la Machine tempany, drove by, head-
4 NTknt Aarldemla at riattaaawatk.
. . PUATXSMOVTIl. Nab., July 11. flpe-liUU-At
.noon. Saturday while ha waa
, attempUrur, to alight from the delivery
j, wagon of H. M. ..Poaankhaen; llcn(-y
SopertaoB, - tbe driver Jjeowme Involved
In a .runawayi . whluh ha endeavored to
, ato by puMing on-the break.' wMch flow
rvlf, .MtKMnC. and . aUnoat . Impaling him
on the lever, he hanging thera until
the team wa atopped The woi nda weVe
- . dreaaed by a aurgeon, but the young man 1
ta suffering greatly. ,
Hcrwian Welee, while rngaged In chop
, ping- kindling for tha kitchen fire made a
mlntroke. chopping 'off the middle flnifer
of hl left hand. - '-
- Frank Klotier, jr.,- while cranking up
H auto yeaterday,' preparatory te com
. , lng to town,- he living In the intry.
v caught lila arm between the crank, and
. the radiator of tha machine, vanning' a
fracture bla riirht fore arm.
.DnmeetWi Aak.a ftte JMiBaea.
AVOCA. v Neb -' July . U. iipeolal.1
Minnie Fay, . raaldent t Unidaluw haa
filed auk- against a tornter Mrauloyer
la which ahe-aaka fee top lnjurloa
from a gunahot weund reeetved -while In
aa amployr- The-aeeldeal fcxipsened'a
.year na at the home of Mrv ( art -.
man . wheat .a loaded wliotgun wlUi wn
. atandlng In the ornea- waa . luMM-'ked
1own by e. load ef wood .carried by the
Thraaher , presented a aummona, and
Mr. McQoveru, having but lately arrived
In Omaha from- Minneapolis, and being
unlamlllar with looal autr regulations,
enraged In a lively verbal tilt with the
. . Officer Drisi Weaaaa.
Thrasher' erderwd him to proceed to
headnuarters 1n the machine and eiplaia
to the captain irr -charge, and In tha
aa'rse of the command, drew Ms gun.
' XrOovem started foi" -the. station and
Thraaher -followed en his -whoel, but an
crKint -of the- enastwm - of I traffic
cwu-ted i,y the loud arg-ument,'' lost his
prteonur. Mf.' MoOovem arrived at tha
station, arcantpanled by ' aaveral - other
motorleta wIm had witnessed the ararur
ment. 1
tie acousM T'hraaher-ef assault, drunk
enness and 'Conduct unbecoming ait of
ficer, and demanded hie arrest: - Thrasher
meanwhlle notified headquarters that he
hau lost a -prlaoner and reported trlmself
of( duly and went -home, v
Many Wlaeaaea M MIi. "
Tlte iharsr. made against him by Mr.
MrOov,rn and which were substantiated
by T. J. liVnch. WIS Peer Park boulevard,
and Oeorge Donovan, RM8 ' Bout l-Be ven
ter nth,- were- eo stranr thst'- Acting- Chlct
Uempxev sont out for the officer an
rellet'vd hrm of hla' hailsx-, pending 'a'
hearing berore evmmiasloner Ktigel. '
.-When- Thraaher arrived at the- stalloh
he iebWotieH- waa not intoxicated-. Mb
admitted pulling hie gun n McUovern,'
but aald he did as to- save himself froih
being .rcitfihlp he died
r Mrv" Mciivrn's story of the affair la
ubUuitl0(l.4y ab leaat a-aeore of wit.
UaeHSes. ell ef whom doc late the -efflcoe
nlakttlff. the chassa-ajleriua 'her llinii.
Miaa Fey had been in Vhe-emrlcy of Me. dlaplayed- lender and acted
. 4ichwarttnasv for two. yoMa, prior -to thn
tSMuidwt aad claims, that, she
. porma neatly .Incapacitated aa a reult of
the iBjurUs reoelved.
.- V acbaota May. He CeaaulliLsted.
t.-. tA.WeON. Neb..., July . lU-tpeclal.)
rwaMV 4iaa ,litstalleaV tha.4welfia. grad
-..for. jMttl-jear,-,-, Thi will, jak.. five
tvslj'e-raee high hoola RUitardann
. county. Dawson will hava-arraat traln
i.tug, a"4 M, anaalng an effort ts.bava
n- vrrai ihboi1iig dlstrloU to . disband
thel, aohoola, and,, send la tewa,, , This
(aabaeax dune . with twe diatriota near
Jiumlwldt, owe, ner, &telU and one near
Falla, City, and baa proved the cheapest
,- and . wisest . plan, .particularly . where tha
, earcUmeut Is small, .Tha levy In some
: ef. these districts ts often aa low as I
Thraaher says he waa justified In every
thing he did.
TI.e hearing will he held In Mr. Kug'al's
office Xlunday morning.
- Bays sad Girls' eateats.
- ff &4A Jl, ' Neb.. Julv ll.-(Hnocil V-
. HfCjf.-ilve have entered In the -various
bow' nad r trie' contests 'holng conducted
In, -Jkivoardson eoonty by ne-eitate Agri
cultural college. . I .set year only ana was
, etUered la these contests., ..There are sew
. tf gardening. . corn and pig eluha-and
the eooklng. eenteet. Mr. and Mrs. .A. II.
I'arneltus. .cesldlrvg seutbweet ef Utolla,
t hava , thiee children -all .girls.v -Two of
, 4he gjrls.sre. enrolled la the sewing club
, aadne la the jsueklnf contest. .It was
j theut nether waa aeourud tAs auidsnrod
. adopted as. tbti State (lower of
' i , s i iiuia. . ...
. Culls fi;omthe;Wire .
a Mrs. Adrlliv M Mac.e-nnon. li. .mother
of i rnk f. Mai:l.emiaJi, eiltur. of the
. Tapeka.. kin.. Jvtirnal. (Ilea at Cascade,
t4 U a tuuuntsiii teeuru -riuoialilr ot
apoplexy, her Iwuy was. found by her
Son. kdward. floating In a pool of water.
A renew al of liquidation whi h has
iMea ta ixvMcreaa lit like, out lea. market
, fur the last to or three, dars. .rausni a
furtr brek of li b" r l4e la pnoee
In New fork. I labor contrai'ta sold
fur I 7b, or more thaa 'per biUe below
the prtoe of last and livsfc a hatei
uitder the eiuri cvoord of tne season.
Vtllttlea under jurisdiction of Kansas
, pi. till" uuIuiks A-anuot Aiaiontiriue aorvtur
, a Uiioiu. -4ouitl ot tits t-OMuulsi-lon, s
swrdlng to tn opIulvB by ta .Kansas
supreme ewurt in the, rua of the fuetal
Trleerai i!ipir-. ehw li recently lt
contlnued Us siaiion at r-') recuse, Kan.,
without permieelon of the comm'ssl'in. on
tle rruil tliut It hud beo n4inlig the
i elation ax an suiiu loss of liti (or the
lest five eurs. ,
& einatt paper-wrapped and coiton-
.added tnu-kaav m faund b', a p"Cce--iMn.uiivr
.the l't:Uiiklvrn.a . riiroad
li'dife st I'v r.oit. I'mW sxrnue and 1 ,1J"
. I.lur street, at fntiliooie On the wrap.
.per n aji-ln. "WM.e House, WaJihii.g
on. l. ".. ex.) U'Sive.". I'p.w umintlon
It pro ol u b- a csit-i-i-e !' t. al
Ib hce U.t i. aptsiemiv of k nd nd
U ,ibAit i. rutin. ionul tUe .eaitHdse
, wse wii-i1 s f-.iir tilainent of outn-r
f wire. Mw'oce l-live t to be t.i
Wcrk ef a crank or )ier.
r'Al.lKClTV.' Neb,,- Jnly tl. -B pedal. W
Mlsa Mara llutchlnalaughter ef Warren
liutcheneef this city, and I. K Xvon of
Usnaha. aottof tlt aad Mrs. I. JV. tosk
of, this ."luuMwerai united. dn-nuvrTiaera at
the home- of the. brlda'ai father at noon
today... Tbe Wedding was very -quiet
tfalrv only the lioinedlato.' relatives of
lha contrarMng psu ttea being present. The
bride la one of the favorites of the so
ciety set and a most rupable young
woman. Bho wat rarid near tfhuhcrt
cad rielvc- her education at the Young
ladles' aemlnarv at l.ltierty. Mo.. . and
Inter at Us I'rlvernlu tf Nebraska.
where she waa a member of the I'hl
Heta Phi sorority. Mi l.yon a row to
will maintain the dignity of the 1'ntted
Ktales and gtVb promise of obtaining some
satisfactory settlement of the dispute.
There was no denial In any quarter that
the general situation wss fraught with
grave possibilities This waa Indicated,
however. In the undertone of comment
rather than In any direct way.
On the law of the case the American
poattkm was held by offldsls to be abso
lutely Impregnable because It was
founded on the well-recognised principles
hy which natlona have long been guided.
A deadlock has been reached. It was de
clared, 'on tha legal Interpretations, re
spectively, held by Germany and the
t'nlted fltatoe on submarine warfare as
affecting the rights of neutrals.
Tha question seemed to most officials
now rather one of national policy Involv
ing the settlement of whether the con
tinued Insistence on - Americsn rights
wonld develop a situation menacing the
poafce of thS'lTtifted Btareg or whether s
passive acquiescence In the Oentian point
of view -would embarrass the American
government In Its relations with other
-'Look a tfca t'alteit States.
Many neutral natlona have lndketd In
formally to the'Unlted Btatea that they
looked to this country to uphold neutral
rights under International law and their
envoys here were alert tonight for In
formation concerning the probable course
of the Vnrled States so that their foreign
Officea might be promptly advised.
Anabals'of the unofficial text of the
note" 'confirmed Impressions given by
Amhiiasadir"0raid during the last few
days that practically none; of the Ameri
can demands -would be -heeded. Tha
American arrmassadot had reason to be
lieve that two weeka ago a favorable
answer might be cspr-cted, but within tha
lasj' week,- has cabled Washington re
peatedly not to expect a satisfactory an
swer. 'Just- what - was resptnslble for the
change -in the Situation and the final do
termination of the Oern an government
to -refuse the asked for In th-
American notes, cfflcluls here wonW not
say.' 'Many 'of them.'- however, did not
Itesttate to comment on the apparent
etmtlarlty in tha proposals made by Ger
many with views expressed by ormir
Secretary oC Btte Bryan. - Tlieie bavv
neon frequent.. Intimations, too, throiiKh
official sources hare thst since Owt reoig -nation
of Mr. Bryan, high Gorman offl-'
rials believed public sentiment In the
United eMstes waa divided and would not
continue unanimously to support the po
sition taken by. President Wilson.
-x-Ce-ataaeat ef tbe rrHis. ,
tdltoiisl comment by American news
papers waa read with . deep Interest by
officials and there was satisfaction when
It was learned that apparently the news
papers largely concurred with the offi
cial view here. rVr rotary leasing spent
the afternoon at horn at work on mem
oranda on the situation. ' Scnf-etary
Tumulty was in frequent communication
by telephone -with- President - Wilson.
The date of Mr.vlnaing'8' departure
for Oirnlsh with the official tett of thu
reply haa not been decided. -Only 'three
sections of tbe- five ht Which the note
was -eorreo: try Ambassador Oerard' has
reached hero late tonight. Tomorrow the
complete text will tc available and wll
be made public. -
-Secretary Lansing sard he had no real'
son to doubt the - correctness tf the
preae copy, which arrived here earlier
tweause it was not delayed In transmis
sion, but he could not take the quest leu
rermaily ' nnder consideration until
official text was In his hands.
'Veterinary ' surgeons from Missouri,
Kansas and the' Iakota began to arrive
la Omaha Punday for the annual conven
tion of the Missouri Valley Veterinary
association, which la to be held begin
ning today and running for three days,
July 12, U and 14. They gathered at the
Hotel Rome, which Is;uarters for
the delegates- Tbe convention sessions
are to he held at thti Hotel Rome.
The veterinarians are bringing: their
women with, them In manv cases. . The
women plan to do a lot of sight-seeing
while In Omaha and to make a few shop-
plng toura.
This morning the executive committee
la to meet at the hotel at 10:30. Then at
1 o'clock In the afternoon the convention
is to be called to order by President flhler
of Kansas City. '
Animal Baoltatlww.
Home Important papers on -diseases of
animals and their treatment are to be
heard from the various veterinarians.
Important matters of animal sanitation
are to be taken up. Veterinary adver
tising Is to lie a auhjeet discussed. Mis
takes made in hog cholera VarUinatlon
Is another point that Is to be discussed.
In fact, the whole field of veterinarian
activity is to he covered In the three
days' meeting.
Local nrranKementa have been made
by the 'arrangements committee and tha
entertainment committee, co-operating-
with th bureau of publicity of Omaha.
There ts to be a meeting of the live
stock se.nltary officers of the various
states at the hotel Wednesday forenoon,
t'lilfonn Interstate shipping rules are to
he taken up. A clinic will be held at the
I'nlon Stock -Tarda pavilion "Wednesday
forenoon. ,
TMa evening the delegates are ' to- be
entertained end Initiated at Ak-Sap-Ben
Head of Nebraska University Run
" Down' Child " While Boshing
Three Men to Hospital.
'(From a Staff Correspondent.) -
LINCOLN, July 11. (Special Tel-
errarn.) Chancellor Avery f'the,
rnlverslty of Nebraska accidentally,
.truck fc-.little'.lJ-'yeHr-old'gtrl 1th"
hl 'mrtfrmnbilf thlg evening, serl-1
ouitly Injuring heranuLshe now Ilea
1rt a hospital nnconactotig.
E. G. Maxwell. 11. O. Youhg and!
J. M. Hal!,' threw professorg at the'"
state, farm, were found by ' Frank
Wolf, a watchman on the farm. In '
jthe shower bath room unconscious'.
from the f times of a gas heater, 'which
In some way had become defective, j
He dragged them ont on the grasg
and called the-chancellor, who tal
at the farm with hla car. The two j
men placed the unconscious men Into' .
the car and atarted for a hospital.
Driving rapidly While crossing rine ;
street, drace Prown, -12 years of age, !.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Brown, :
ran out Into the street in front of the; .
cw. The chancellor endeavored to turn
Ms car and ran It across the street over
the curb and against the porch of a
bouse, but did hot entirely miss the girl,'
one of the fenders of the machlno etrlk-
IruT her and knocking her down. The
chancellor placed her In the Car and took
the four to a nearby horltal. t
' The men are recovering all right, but
the little girl appears to be quite seriously
Injured. ;Jj
Called to Rdarar.
NORTH PUATTK. Neb.. July n.-KSpe-clal.)
The Rev, J. C. Christie," pastor of
the local Presbyterian 'church, has re
reived a call from Edgar, Neb., and will
accept, lie with Mrs. fhilsUe leave next
week for nls new field.
nave Is Speed Boy.
Bv a stop watch test recently It was
shown that "lnve" Robertson is fftabf In
setting to first base than any player on
either the Ulante-or Braves.
(Correspondence of The Associated Press.
PRTROGRAD. July 1. The Russian j
medical council has) informed the Holy 1
By nod that there is no objection to lepers
marrying lepers, although the union of q :,
leper to a healthy mate should not b J
allowed. This Is the council's answer
to the question - raised by tho Russian :
church. ' j
Tbe Influence of the parents on thelt i
offspring In the spread of the disease IS
considered weak, since the percentage of
Infant leprosy la very small,' only about
5 per cent. 1 Fertility also decrease",
among lepers aa the disease advances.' I
Leprosy to pot believed to be a hereditary I
disease, but one due to contact.' For a
leprous mother to part with her Infant!
la painful, although necessary If the chllJ
la to be saved. - Bnt marriage bring at
least some happiness 'Into the tragedy of
disease-stricken lives.
CdoVrespondence of the' Arsoorated Press.lH
HAMBURG. July . Not Content with
i urging that back yards' and' tennis courts
be made to grow .vegetables, the rropo-M
nenta of what may be called "window-
box gardening" are now "hard at work. ,
It Is the exception rather than the rule
that a German city or country house ia
without Its window or Its balcony flower
box. It la urged that these boxes, ln-t)
stead of being used. fr flowers, .to de
voted to beans, hops,' er cucumbers. Tha
proponents of the new" plan outline care-
fully just, what kln'of vegetables can
be grown practloaljy in ' such limited
qwartera and just how they should be
tended, . . -
' The coolest hotel in New York.' Overlooking Central
Park. Within easy distance of alt theatres and shops.
- Your address known the world over while you stop
at The Plaza.
Special Dancing Features
Single Rooms with Bath, $3.50 up Double Hoops with Bath, $5.00 up
Te reserve raooss er l escara farther iaformatlea
ddms FRRU STliRBY. Msnsgiag Director
A M i S EM K ?f TS,
rleveral cabinet officer
were abeept
from the-city, but 1t Is probable that
Iktal hUI J . 1 - . . .
cation in this cltv. He is the owner of jmeetlng. l"oiri
a large ranch near Bunrtiirtee. ivjo., toll , .v., , .d,i. j. .a
. kl.. i.. ..u a.. ....... 1 so" Beiiistorff. the (lermsn am.
r ,nw -d,r- .y from his.
Muuimer reetaonco. would make no win
Mrs,- Unsa lllldernsaa.
KAI.I.H CITY. Neb.. July It.-tHpeclal -The
body ef Mrs. Alma HlWivrniaiu who
died at lsnver. Ores.-, was trmighr to this i
city today. The funeral waa heM-fromj
the-t'hriet e Jstttteran-vhutvh at 1 p. m. I
Mrs. IltUlrrman vas born tn falls-City.
July 11,-iskl; and was married In this J -
ciiy eevei-ai years ago. ana met time be- I
oauie a resident ai -ivansaa City. Sue waj
the 2ahtr of C. li. twllskln of Kansas
City, a former -eeetderft of this city.
ment. It . was 4aUcatd. , however, ta i
uorman oi-lomaUo circle that the replyM
was vlewid aa oiieulng the way to furi
iner rrienaiy reUtlona.
tbjstb flom Aim OMAHA
a aad a p. to. MalA or Bhina.
" After Jlrrsoa. ' '
Altliouuh the mnnaei u-nt of the R. ft,
iwn niomiahan'a first .-ffor
for H.uo. Koyvr Ul, hopes to he able to
make a trade for Uia great shortstop. - -
' -
f s-
3 M. K. Tralas 3
400 rerforaiera tOO
83 TISTS aj
e bancs a
' t3.00O.OO0 lavessea
Trataed Wild Animals
The CIRCUS Oi luie
'" Btimoa-aoUer otreet
Saratte 10 a- so. teds v.
maaa's Favorite Cir
one. , Downtowa ticket
' aseneyat Myers-SiUoa
Urusr Co-. S5o aad AOa
to ves evsrytulug. .
Today Game Called at 3 P. M.
Ladies' Day.
' Thi ' Mlsaxwtrt Vsulejr'a
Great Fartn Paper,
I" ' - "
' 110,000 Ccpltt Weekly
'TS.M rniikU 15$ mil a Osaaia
' 1 i
i J I
and you consume
much the same
food, in a different 1
form, as the cer
eals served onyour
breakfast table.
Both contain en-;
ergy producing
Physicians and
scientists are Urg
ing greater pre
caution to protect 1 :
the purity of such
a health-giving !
beverage as beer, i
i :
SchUtz Was the
to recognize this
necessity. Hence
tne Jprown tsottie,
which k e e p s
: Schlitz pure arid
wholesome frbin
the ' brewery to
your glass. Schlitz ;
' in Brbwn Bottles
costs no more
than light bottle
See that crown is branded "Schlitz"
Phone Doug. 1697
- Schlltx Bottled Beer Depot
723 8. 9th St., Omaha, Neb.
Phone ,24
Hy. Grber ;
, 101 & Main St., Council Bluff
J 'A
I (
TfiatC .iSdsMiluaisliee -Eamous.
. . .Wwatadeel - Awalrwllaaa Reeara.
Correaisuadeoce of Tue AaaoWated Hvesa.)
-MKLUOHNE.. Australia. July Aus
tralia has act a nunibar of rerorda tor
dislanvsv ineludlug the diapalcltea of
troops Ihouaanrda of miles to the. I ring
line and - the. extraordinary exploits . of
the submarine AK J In covering So.vgo
pities before Its loss at the DardauelUvs
Hundreds of wounded Australians n
also tu be brought back te the common
wealth from the huspltalai at Alexandria
aa coon as the heat of the Red Hea has
lessened. The Infhix' w-llt "begin next
tctober er November, but already steps
are being taken to rope with the altua-
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