TIIK OMAHA MTN1AY V.K-. .UI.V 11. 1!M. TO TRY AUTO POLO OH HEW TRACK Big Grandstand for Fair Association Near Krug Park is Nearly Completed. TWO NEW BASE BALL DIAMONDS NEW PRESIDENT OF THE STUDE BAKER CORPORATION When In th vicinity of Kms psrk rlanow eastward antl yoi will tn-hoM a larira enclosed tract tit lnnrt to i.tllliNI by the Douglas County Agriculture so ciety for home racing; motorcycle rac ing, automobile rarlns, bae bill and foot ball. According to the director their half-mile track will bo one of the finest In the west. A. large grandstand patterned afUr the one at Rourke park la now un ler con struction, and will be completed by next Sunday. It will be 4.V5 feet lont?, forty feet wide and seventeen Feats hlzh. The seating capacity will be R.000 and be sides, arrangements will be made for approximately forty boxes. InslcU- of the race track, two base ball diamond:', have been installed and already several wiwfl have been played on these diamonds. Races of some description will be on the blll-of-fara commencing next Sat urday, July 17, and every Bunday there after until the expiration of the sea son. From September 20 until September So, lnolualve, the Douglas county fair will ha held in this enclosure. Already the committee hag put up 3,000 In prizes for the horse racing events. With such large prizes the committee will have no trouble in securing the best talent available in thle part of the oountry. To date the directors have not definitely decided what the price of admission will be, hut the amount will not exceed BQ cents per person. The initial program is. billed for next Saturday, July 17, and will consist of auto polo, motorcycle racing and base ball. The auto polo pents . are now performing In Dtnve Nothing of this kind has ever been demonstrated In Omaha before, eonse Auently it should prove a stellar attrac tion. The gam will bo participated in by six men in automobiles, instead of on horses, and will bo played identically the same as if on horses. Many times the automobiles have been known to turn a complete sumertault and the only hesi tation la that another machine and some ! times a new performer enters the arena. The polo gents will be on deck for two t Another feature Will be a twenty-ve- , rolie auiomoDiie rmw. mw races 'are on the program, which wllVbe ' open for amateurs, as well as professionals One race for five miles, another for ten and another for fifteen miles. Six care have already been entered in the automo bile raoe and anybody wishing to enter ' the race will be given an opportunity If they call or write Chris Lyck at Wal nut 12S. or address him in care Krug park. Buooess Is practically assured, according to the directors of the Douglas County Agriculture society, they basing their claim on the- fact that their soctety con sists of 70 members, scattered through Douglas county. Th majority of the members are real live wires that are capable of doing a good, deal of Indi vidual boosting. Frank Quigley has been appointed, official press agent Beaaty Ooateat Wlaaere. The Btudebaker agency at Ijos Angeles has tendered ths use of ten seven-passenger six-cylinder Studebakere to the party of sixty young women winners in a national beauty contest for touring that city. The contest was conducted by ' the Universal Film company, the reward being a trip to the exposition. 7 Its Mr Albert K rkin Albert Russel Ersklne has been elected president of the 8tudebaker corporation. ' This announcement reveals one of the great stories of American opportunity. Mr. Ersklne became treasurer of the Btudebaker corporation in If 11 and in 1P18 at the request of Frederick S. Fish, president, with whom he was intimately associated, Mr. Ersklne was elected first vice president and treasurer. C. C. Hatch, formerly of the Nordyke A Marmon com pany of Indianapolis, and prominent la the National Automobile Chamber of Corrtmeroe,' who has been connected with the Btudebaker ccrrtiration since last March, became treasurer. APPERSON BROS. ESTABLISH FACTORY BRANCH IN OMAHA July 1 marked the establishment in Omaha of a direct factory branch of the Apperson Brothers Automobile company of Kokomo, Ind. The new branch will be known as the Apperson Motor company of Omaha and all territory In Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota will be hnndled under the direction of the Omaha office. Joe O. Roberts, who has recently corhe to Omaha from the Apperson factory, will be branch manager. J. H. le Jong as salts manager will now devoto his entire time if the isles end of ths work. Ar rangements are being made for the main tenance of a traveling foroe of eight men. It Is asserted that the Omaha branch Is now the largest of the Apperson Brothers Automobile company, and plans are now being made for rearranging and enlarging the present quarters. J i 1 lW 212 American Trucks Play Part in War '. P. 1W1 Oaylor, who has been for ths last year in Europe as general representative of the Kissel Kar, has returned to this country "with many interesting sidelights on the big war, Mr. Oaylor says that American motor trucks, as a rule, have been giving very satisfactory service in the. field, although the work is, of course, of a very grilling character. 'Mr.' Gaylor is convinced that the war will be a long one. LIFE INSURANCE IS TAKEN EMPLOYES Under sn arrangement In effect with one of the largest and strongest risk companies the Btudebaker corporation has placed Ufo Insurance for a substan tial sum upon each one of Its employes. This does not Include office men, but re fers only to thoee In the work-shops of the different plants. The amount of in surance placed for each individual is suf ficient to provide for sickness and fu neral expenses, and still leave a com fortable balance for other Immediate needs of the beneflolaries. Positive Experts on All Self-Starters. Strahle & Anderson Red 4473. 2059 Faraam. . & 0" jgjiygyr" . "V The World's Best Buy "VALVE IN HEAD MOTOR" One-Man Top Full Floating Ax Jiffy Curtains Electric Starter Electric Light Electric Horn True Cantilever Spring. It U Absolutely Poor Judgment on Anyone's Part Not to Look This Wonderful Car Over if at All Interested. Tel. Douglas 8602. v W. T. WILSON AUTO CO., 1910 Faraam St., Omaha "W AIT Don't even talk about a 1916 Automobile until you have seen the 1916 Oakland Six $795 "The Sensation for the Coming Season," Factorj' advises us that our demonstrator will be here about July 15, and we -want you to Bee the car. "IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES ON OUR FLOOR NOW Model 33, $1,050.00, Fcty. Lininger Implement Co. K n Jr? rF hid r ojglL rr1" yfttyy W ( i a. '". "T -y "WieSarzdcrdof Phue and Quality A.. ; h YdMi cam aaw ky a FAIGE s ami eld 66 Sk46 " for $1295 A GREATER CAR a finer cara more luxuri ous car and a reduction of one hundred dollars in price. Here in a nutshell is the most important auto mobile announcement of this seaaon. You all know this car. You know of its instantaneous success at the auto mobile 6hows last January. You know that everywhere it has been welcomed and praised as the year's greatest single achievement in the motor car industry. You know that in six short months it has set the standard by which all light Sixes must be judged. You know that it has been conceded to be the most beautiful, the most distinctiveand the most widely copied car produced by any manufacturer. And, now, the price haa not only been reduced to the amazing figure of $1295. But We offer you MORE distinction MORE luxury MORE beauty than you wert dbl to purchase at tht higher prict. Such is the latest and greatest achievement of the Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company. Such is the announcement which thousands of motorists have been eagerly waiting to hear. Now indeed comes your opportunity to satisfy that longstanding desire and cum the finest of all light sixes a Paige "Fairfield Six-46," New Features in the "Fairfield Slx-46" When we say that the new "Fairfield" is a greater and jiner Sin we mean precisely what the words imply. . The only changes which have been made in this car are distinct and obvious improvtmenti. You will find for instance, that the top is now made of genuine Pantasote instead of Mohair. Inside the car, the upholstery has been changed to the finest French Glaze hand-buffed leather. No amount of money can buy a finer quality of leather, hair or springs for upholstering. Scrupulous care has been given to the finish of the "Six-46," and you will now find a "paint job" which cannot be bettered in America. It requires twenty-four days to finish the long graceful body in its Paige Richelieu blue and the running gear has been effectively set off with a warm red. At every point you will find better workmanship finer material Xamfoomr appointments. We have deliberately set out to make the "Fairfield" the Vist word in six cylinder elegance and luxury. We have spared neither pains nor money to accomplish our purpose. When you actually see the wonderful improvements which have been made, you will find it difficult to reconcile so much real value with the greatly decreased price. And, now, let us say a word about "price." This has been a strenuous season in the motor car field an especially strenuous season in the light six division. Prices have been slashed right and left. Bold, in temperate "claims" have been made and it has, perhaps, been difficult for the public to separate the wheat from the chaff. But no matter what the "claims" may be the public is concerned first and last with Quality 6at'c quality fundamental quality. So, this is the year of all years when you must inves tigate and analyze before you finally decide to make your invest ment in an automobile. Only too often a cut in price means a proportionate cut in quality. A car, you must remember, can be refined" to the point where all of the goodness is taken out of it. Therefore, make it a point first of all to critically invettigate the car which you propose to buy. Pay attention to the little details quite as well as the big ones. Actually tatitfy yourself that price reduction has not meant quality reduction. It is on this basis that we want you to consider the Taige. In plain terms, ask the Paige Dealer to prove to you that the "Six-46" is all that it ever was and a great deal more. Or better still, look up a friend who drives a "Fair field." Take him to the Paige Agency and let him point out the new improvements quite as well as the old basic quality. Let him tell you in his own words why this car is the greatest value for the money ever offered to the American public. Proceed in the 6ame way with any other light sixes that you have in mind. See if they will stand the test of such a critical investigation. Then, form your own conclusions. That's all we ask. Thm Fmtf FtirfuU svo first smiwsh fast Jmimary. JZne Ihml tim Ars km mr fessj a sfaf tohmm (As fmct-ry cU b$U hP sP Us rra. Dpits mmr symtfy Urmmd mtmmm. factoring fmeilUUs mnj doublmd production, fasrs Is momry indication that ths ovrnklming dmmmud fvr Iks "SU'48" wiB Nputti Ws mrngftt. fhmrafara, thai yam met quickly tm pining yornr ardor. Hollywood Model "Six-36" $1095 Murphy-O'Brien Auto Co. Farnam at Nineteenth Omaha, Neb. DUG. BOWIE, Manager j Tel. Tyler 123 9 A SI X H o if- O n d! City Salesroom, 2200 Farnam. OMAHA. owe-